Short Breaks newsletter - February Half Term 2015

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Short Breaks for
Disabled Children
February half-term 2015
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What is a Short
Welcome to the February Half Term Short Breaks Newsletter! Hopefully,
you will find plenty of activities and services to suit you and your
children! Here’s to a good half term!
The Short Breaks Team
Parents Forum
Dates For The
The Parents
Forum gives you
an opportunity
to meet with
other parent/
carers of disabled children and to discuss
issues surrounding SEN with them and
professionals. The meeting is always
attended by the Short Breaks team and
gives us the opportunity to talk about
our plans for the programme and to take
feedback about Short Breaks activity. The
Chair is another parent/carer like yourself.
It gives you the opportunity to help shape
how the programme develops and to
ensure that your voice is heard! Come and
join us!
– please read
This newsletter has been sent out to families on Wednesday 28 January and families
will be able to book Short Breaks as from the week commencing 2 February as below.
No bookings will take place before Wednesday 4 February.
Wednesday 4 February .........................Pathway
Thursday 5 February .............................Pathways
(with UIN)
✓ ✓
(without UIN)
Friday 6 February ..................................Pathways
(with UIN)
Monday 9 February ...............................Pathway
✓ ✓
(without UIN)
Tuesday 10 February .............................Pathway
(with UIN)
Weds. 11 February and thereafter ......Pathway
✓ ✓
(without UIN)
✓ ✓
If you have any questions or are unsure which pathway your child meets, please do
not hesitate to contact the Short Breaks Team on 020 8583 3636.
Unique Identification Number!! (UIN)
If you have not already registered for your
UIN, please do call the Short Breaks team
on 020 8583 3636. It is important that
you do this as you will need a UIN to book
onto any of the Short Breaks programme.
All our Short Breaks providers (Hounslow
Play team, Brentford Sports, Kids Cookery,
Feltham Bees, Richmond Music Trust, Three
Wings, Watermans, Griffin Park Learning
Zone, Park Lane Stables, Hounslow Extra
Club, Core Assets, Kids) will all be using the
UIN process as well as the services provided
directly by Short Breaks eg. the trips to the
theme parks in the summer, the Christmas
parties and Decisions R Us.
Short breaks provide opportunities for
disabled children and young people to
spend time away from their primary carers.
They aim to provide parents and carers a
necessary and valuable break away from
their caring responsibilities in order to
recharge their batteries.
They enable disabled children and young
people to have the chance to develop new
friendships, take part in new experiences
and to have fun doing positive activities
like sports, music therapy, youth clubs and
much more.
Location: Da Spot, Balfour Road, Hounslow
Times: 1000 – 1200 hours
Diary Dates for 2014 –
A short break may include a few hours, a
day, evening, overnight stay, weekend or
sometimes longer. It could take place in the
family home, at another home or out in the
wider community.
• 26 February 2015 • 21 May 2015
• 19 March 2015
• 25 June 2015
• 23 April 2015
• 16 July 2015
If you need crèche support to attend these
meetings, please call the Short Breaks team
on 020 8583 3636.
Hounslow Short Breaks team also
endeavour to provide short breaks for the
whole family in an environment that is
sympathetic to the disabled child or young
person, for example, theatre shows and
cinema screenings.
If your child or young person needs
help to access short breaks, support
is available! Please do call the Short
Breaks team on 020 8583 3636.
If you have any queries, please do call the
Short Breaks team on 020 8583 3636.
Our Barn @ Osterley
This scheme allows
London residents with
a mobility impairment
which prevents them
from using buses or trains to travel in
contracted licensed radio taxis – black cabs
or private hire vehicles at subsidised rates.
For further information, please call
020 7934 9791 or visit
Our Barn Youth Club (see the Redlees section of
the newsletter) is starting a weekly gardening
project in the Kitchen Gardens at Osterley Park.
Starting Friday 6 March 2015, the project will
run initially for twelve weeks only. Suitable
for 16-25 year olds with learning difficulties
or other disabilities. Some charges may apply
depending on care and support needs.
Enquiries to ‘’
Parent Partnership
and Helping HANDZ are
changing to SEND IASS
This is also an opportunity to move the
additional services that Helping HANDZ
provides into one easily identifiable and
accessible service. For new applications
to the disabled children’s register, or to
register to receives the SEND IASS email
bulletins contact Steve Devlin on 020 8583
2607 or email
In line with the new Special Educational
Needs Code of Practice, Parent Partnership
Services will now form part of the
Special Educational Needs and Disability
Information, Advice and Support Service –
or the SEND IASS for short.
Over the coming weeks you will see a
change to publicity and other local services
will start to refer to the Parent Partnership
Service as the SEND IASS. This change will
also mean the service will expand its remit
to provide the same professional quality of
impartial information for parents of children
and young people of 0-25 on Education,
and Health and Social Care that relates to
special educational needs and disability.
You will still be able to reach the SEND IASS
by phone and email, and arrange to meet
in person to seek information across the
range. The service will also be recruiting a
part-time position, developing volunteer
Independent Supporters and delivering a
range of workshops.
with EHC Plans. This workshop will also
explain in detail the transfer review process
which determine if a young person with a
statement of SEN will require conversion to
an Education Health and Care Plan.
The SEND IASS workshops are a great
opportunity for parent carers, or young
people over 16 with SEND, to find out more
about SEND legislation and procedures.
Covering a range of topics they include
talks from local SEND professionals as well
as tried and tested strategies. There are
plenty of opportunities to ask questions.
Tuesday 7 April
10am – 12pm – SEN Workshop Transition: Preparing for Adulthood
and Post-16 Options
Senior members of teams who work with
young people who will be transitioning into
adulthood will discuss their services. This
workshop will explore options for education
and training, and Social Care.
Tuesday 3 February
10am – 12pm – SEN Workshop Statutory Assessment and Education
Health and Care Plans
Contact: Steve Devlin, SEND IASS
Co-ordinator – 020 8583 3626
SEND IASS Coordinator Steve Devlin
explains the new statutory assessment
process and explains Education Health
and Care Plans. A great introduction for
parents and/or young people going through
statutory assessment.
Tuesday 3 March
10am – 12pm – SEN Workshop Annual Reviews of Statements and
Education Health and Care Plans;
and the Transfer Review process for
converting Statements into EHC Plans
SEND IASS Coordinator Steve Devlin
and members of the SEND Reforms
Implementation Team explain the annual
review process for both children and
young people with statements of SEN, and
Hounslow Additional Needs
and Disabilities Zone
R Us
Bid for up to £500 for a short break
or activity!!
You will see the table which describes the pathways of need overleaf, on pages 8-9.
Below, we have explained how to assess your child’s needs in relation to the pathways.
The Decisions R Us panel is:
Last year (to March 2014), young people
in Hounslow were given the opportunity to
apply for funding for their own short break
or activity. These included horse riding,
swimming lessons, gymnastic classes and
even a residential weekend at an activity
• about disabled children and young
people being actively engaged and
participating in the whole decision
making process on activities and
projects they would like to do
• is about encouraging and allowing
children and young people to shape,
develop and deliver activities for
themselves and other children aged
5 - up to 18 years old
Once again, funds have been allocated to
young people, aged 5- up to 18, living in
Hounslow who are looking for help with
a short break or activity. This can include
equipment that will help them access a
short break! Young people can bid for up
to £500 (or £1000 for a group activity) to
fund their own short breaks.
The youth panel is managed and supported
by the staff at the Westbrook Short
Break Unit. The last meeting date for this
financial year is 4 March 2015 (deadline for
applications 24 February 2015).
The application form is available from the
Short Breaks team which ideally the young
person will then need to complete (where
possible) or with help from an adult. Young
people can attach a picture, film, photo
or other media to the application form if
required to express or support their idea.
Applications will be then presented to a
panel made up of young people, councillors
and senior management from the Council
who will make a decision about individual
If you are interested in applying, please
call the Short Breaks team on 020 8583
3636 who will be happy to send you an
application form. The application form can
also be found online under the Short Breaks
section of the Hounslow website,
If you are interested in applying, please call
the Short Breaks team on 020 8583 3636.
Step 1:
Have a look at Band A and see where your child’s disability sits in each
Step 2:
Have a look at Bands B and C if they apply. Think about the four dimensions
– Communication, Personal Care, Safety and Supervision, Behaviour and
Social Integration. If your child meets one or more of the descriptions in
either Band B and C, then they are likely to meet the respective pathway.
If you are unsure or if you see that they sit in multiple pathways, please do give the Short
Breaks team a call and we will go through it with you on 020 8583 3636.
Things to think about:
Pathway 1: The child will most likely attend a mainstream school and can access most
mainstream activities with minimal support.
Pathway 2: The child will either attend a mainstream school (with specialist support) or
attend a specialist (special) school and will need some additional support to
access short breaks. They may have a Statement of Special Educational Need
or an Education, Health and Care Plan.
Pathway 3: The child will most likely attend a specialist (special) school and require
specialist support to access short breaks. They will most likely have a
Statement of Special Educational Need or an Education, Health and Care
Plan. They will most likely be known to the Social Work team for Children
with Disabilities.
The pathway for the child or young person may change at different times
throughout their lives as their needs may change.
PS. Don’t forget you can apply for a Merlin
Please remember that bids for IT equipment
will not be considered.
Pathways of Need
Band C
Band B
Band A
Pathway 1
Pathway 2
Pathway 3
Level of Need
Level of Need
Level of Need
Able to walk unassisted, but with difficulty or poor coordination.
Walks, but only with aids or assistance. May use a
wheelchair sometimes.
Full time wheelchair user and/or Mobility severely restricted
without special provision.
Severe or profound problem with one eye. Less than half
visual field loss. Able to function independently.
Able to read print with simple aids or assistance. Defect
Unable to read large print without intensive educational
of at least half visual field. May be eligible for registration assistance or sophisticated aids. Registered.
as partially sighted.
Severe or profound hearing loss in one ear. Hearing loss
20-40 dB
Hearing loss 41-70 dB
Hearing loss >71 dB
Functioning and
Learning ability
Overall functioning slightly below expected level for age.
May have a mild or moderate learning disability
Overall functioning around half expected level for age.
Has a moderate learning disability
Overall functions significantly below expected level for age.
Have a severe learning disability or a moderate learning
disability and diagnosed ASD.
Known health condition, which is under control but
occasionally interferes with everyday activities in a minor
Health condition that limits normal activities, including
self-care and personal hygiene, access to services.
May interfere with opportunities for development or
Diagnosed health condition, which is severe and potentially
life threatening, and results in frequent hospital admissions
that limits accessing developmental or educational activities.
May be in receipt of Continuing Care or palliative care from
Health Services.
Delayed language development only.
Delayed/ disorganised verbal communication
causing difficulty. Speech supplemented by alternate
communication method.
Uses communication other than words, e.g. symbols,
makaton, BSL.
Personal care
Child requires minimal support beyond that of their peers
Child requires practical support beyond that of their
Child requires assistance beyond that of their peers with
with everyday care needs; this will include toileting, washing peers with everyday care needs; this will include toileting, all everyday care needs; this will include toileting, washing
and dressing.
washing and dressing.
and dressing and can be problematic and need skilled
Safety and
Requires occasional supervision beyond that expected for
their age. Poor sense of danger or risk of excitability.
Behaviour and Social Some mild, transient or frequent behaviour difficulties.
Able to use local non-specialist universal services. Able to
sustain limited peer relationships and social integration with
support. Child requires support to access services.
Needs supervision to perform daily activities significantly
greater than that expected for developmental age.
Limited perception of danger to self or others.
Needs constant supervision during the day and night. Would
place themselves or others at risk without supervision.
Behaviour problems severe or frequent enough to require
some specialist advice or provision. Significant support
required to achieve social integration. Only able to
sustain peer relationships with support. Child requires
services to prevent or alleviate stress in the family.
Long-term behaviour difficulties make it difficult for the child
to function appropriately most of the time, and maybe of risk
to the child or carers without special provision. Dependence
upon carer for social integration. Limited awareness of
impact of behaviour upon others. Services required to
prevent high risk of accommodation for the child.
Children and young people who meet one or more of the criteria within Band A are likely to meet that Pathway. Children and young people who meet one or more of the criteria within both Bands B
and C are likely to meet that Pathway. For more information please discuss your son/daughters needs with the short break provider or Aiming High on 020 8583 3636.
Redlees Play Centre
Redlees Throughout The Year....
Worton Road, Isleworth TW7 6DW
Redlees Sunday
Drop-Ins –
Alternates with Reflections every other
Sunday throughout the year.
1 + 15 February 2015
1, 15 + 29 March 2015
Transitions Youth Club – Our Barn
A youth club for young people aged
between 16-25 from 3-6 pm every Sunday.
Lots of activities and entertainment,
providing a positive, fun and supportive
place to hang out. Transport is available.
Snack foods will be provided.
National Childminders Association
Stay & Play
Weekly drop-in stay and play sessions for
childminders providing care for children
with additional needs, Thursdays,
9.30–11.30 during term times.
For further information or to book a
place, please call Karen Adams or Judith
Sheppard on 0300 777 3390 or email
Our Barn @ Osterley Gardening
Our Barn Youth Club is starting a weekly
gardening project in the Kitchen Gardens
at Osterley Park. Starting Friday 6 March
2015, the project will run initially for twelve
weeks only.
PiT Stops
PiT Stops deliver
information and
Parents in Touch
support on a face-toface basis every Tuesday between 10am
and 12.30pm during school term times.
Parents can make an appointment for
complex matters such as the Disability
Living Allowance applications or advice on
Statements of Special Educational Needs.
Suitable for 16-25 year olds with learning
difficulties or other disabilities.
Contact: 0300 777 3390,
Some charges may apply depending on care
and support needs.
SEND IASS Monthly Surgery
Running the first Tuesday of every month
during term time – a one-stop drop for
families with a disabled child or SEN
including workshops from the SEN team
and other professionals along with the
opportunity to talk to representatives from
multiple agencies including SEND IASS,
Short Breaks, SEN, Social Care, Health
Visitor and other voluntary groups.
Contact: Short Breaks on 020 8583 3636
Enquiries to ‘’
Free Sunday drop-ins alternating with
Reflections. Opening times are from 10am
to 2pm. ‘Drop-in’ sessions for children
and young people with special needs and
their families. Come and enjoy the sensory
room, soft play area, the wheelchair
accessible tree house and other playground
equipment in the walled garden of Redlees.
One O’Clock Club
An inclusive range of indoor and outdoor
play activities for children under 5 years,
as well as a social centre for parents and
carers and a place to find out about other
services in Hounslow.
Contact: Gary Conisbee
– 020 8583 2922
2 07983
3 154871
1 only:
Contact: Gary Conisbee – 020 8583 2922,
✓ Up
2 to 18
Contact: Steve Devlin, SEND IASS
Co-ordinator – 020 8583 3626
Text only: 07983 154871
February half-term
holiday activities
Key to services
Throughout the following pages, we have
used symbols to help abbreviate information
about the Pathway, referral route, age and
level of supervision for individual services.
✓ be✓
The Pathway, will always
1, 2 or 3 or a
Referral route
✓ ✓
Self referral
The referral route is either via self referral
or referral by a professional who knows
the child/young person, e.g. social worker,
teacher, health professional.
Parent supervision required
No supervision required
✓ These
✓ symbols indicate whether supervision
is required or if a child can attend a service
on their own. Both symbols may appear if
you need to speak to the provider about this.
✓ 11✓up to 18
If you are interested in this exciting
activity, please call Chris Barrett or
Ghausia Amin on 020 8758 0523 or
email: or
Riverside Vineyard Church
513 Browells Lane, Feltham
TW13 7EQ
St Michael and All Angels Church
Bath Road, Chiswick W4 1TT
Timings: From 10am to 2pm,
Monday – Friday
Unfortunately, the stables do not have a
hoist so this activity will not be suitable for
wheelchair users. However, we are doing
our best to organise this for the future.
Core Assets (who run the Glee Club) like to
organise home visits so that they can meet
with the family and understand the needs
of their child.
Dates: 16, 17, 18 and 19 of February
from 1pm until 4pm.
Age is simply given as a range
of numbers.
Come and meet the
horses at Park Lane
Stables for a session
that will give the
young people a chance
to meet the horses,
learn about grooming
the animals and a
chance to have a ride. There are 12 sessions
with 4 young people in each session. So
that we can be as fair as possible, only one
session per child can be booked. Please
note that there is a weight limit of 14
stones. These sessions are for the disabled
child. In exceptional circumstances, siblings
may be included if there are spaces on the
The young people will be having fun
with trips, interviews, ipads, games
and energisers. They will get involved
in producing a newsletter which will
either be printed and sent to all our
Short Breaks families or it will be
available online. GPLZ are based at
Brentford Football Club.
Referral by professional
Horse Riding with
Park Lane Stables
Over the half term, the club will consist of
song writing, dance, drama and performing
arts! Popular songs from the charts, from
television and from film will be used as
a starting point in each group. Young
people will have a chance to perform and
learn vocal, drama and dance skills and
techniques which will be put into practice in
each session, with the help of trained staff
to support your child.
Griffin Park
Learning Zone
(GPLZ) are, once
again, teaming
up with LBH
Short Breaks
to offer young
people a chance
to take part in a
fun filled few days over half term.
The symbols are as follows:
Glee Club
Digital Fun
with Brentford
Football Club
Dates: Tuesday 17 February and
Thursday 19 February
To book into these exciting sessions
NOW, please call Heather or Folu on
2 8661
3 7088.
Times: 2pm – 4pm
Address: Park Lane Stables, Park Lane,
Teddington, Middlesex TW11 0HY
✓ ✓
3 2 As3 above
To book a session, please call Short Breaks
2 02038583 3636.
✓ 5 up
✓ 18
2 to 3
February half-term
holiday activities
Sunday ‘Drop In’
LBH Play Team
The LBH Play Team are running these
schemes over the February half term:
Monday 16 February at 11am
ASD Play Scheme for 11+ years
ASD Play Scheme for 5-11 years
If you have any further queries regarding
referrals or for further information
regarding the play schemes, please contact
Gary Conisbee or Sharon Smith on
2 8583
3 2922/20.
8 + 22 February 2015
8 + 22 March 2015
‘Reflections’ c/o Hounslow Urban Farm,
Faggs Road, Feltham TW14 0LZ.
Tel: 020 8893 2429
For ‘drop in’ sessions for children and
young people with special needs and their
families. There is a relaxing, white room, a
ball pool, soft play area and garden for you
to enjoy.
✓ 0 up
✓ 18
2 to 3
Join veteran Krazy Kat performer Kinny
Gardner in imaginative silliness with
inventive puppetry, sign language, tunes
from Rossini’s opera and even an aria. But
who will get to be the clock and what’s all
this about nappies…?
For all four to eight year olds, and grownups too, this witty work features fully
integrated Sign Language and is suitable
for ‘Relaxed Performances’
Watermans Studios
40 High Street, Brentford TW8 0DS
To book a place for the theatre show or
the film screening, please call the Short
Breaks team on 020 8583 3636 or email:
Once upon
a time there
was a much
put upon
who was left
holding a
rather leaky
baby, and who
liked telling a
certain fairy
To book a place or to find out more
information please ring the Play Team on
Tel: 020 8583 2922/20 or
fax: 020 583 4027 or text 07983 154871
or e-mail:
Penguins of Madagascar
Kowalski, Rico
and Private
join forces with
The North
Wind to stop
the villainous
Dr. Octavius
Brine from
destroying the
world as we
know it.
“Cinder Ella”
Wednesday 18 February at 3pm.
Parents and carers have responsibility for
their children at all times.
✓ see
✓ above
Opening times are from 10am until 2pm.
It is free to come in!
3 1
Whilst tidying toys away, he creates a world
of story fantasy as he begins to tell the
child his favorite tale of Cinderella. With
dolls, puppets, magic tricks and an old
pram, he even gets to sing…
✓ 0 up
✓ 18
2 to 3
February half-term
holiday activities
Brentford Sports
Feltham Bees
Feltham Bees will be running a Soccer/Arts
+ Crafts Camp in the February half term at
Feltham Community College, Browells Lane,
Feltham TW13 7EF.
Swimming lessons
Hanworth Air Park Leisure Centre
Uxbridge Road, Hanworth, Middlesex
TW13 5EG
Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre
658 Chiswick High Road, Brentford
Deaf Specific Football coaching
(alongside BFCCST football camp)
Chiswick School Sports Centre
Staveley Road, Chiswick W4 3UN
Monday 16 February
Tuesday 17 February
Tuesday 17 February (10am to 3pm)
9.30 to 10.30 and
10.30 to 11.30am
2 – 3pm
(for beginners)
Ages: 6 – 16 years
Wednesday 18 February
9.30 to 10.30 and
10.30 to 11.30am
3 – 4pm
(for intermediate swimmers able to swim
10 metres on their own)
Ages: 5 – up to 18
Thursday 19 February
2 – 3pm
(for beginners)
3 – 4pm
(for intermediate swimmers able to swim
10 metres on their own)
Ages: 5 – up to 18
Dates: Wednesday 18 to Friday 20 February
All budding Jermain Defoe’s are welcome football coaching will be undertaken by FA
qualified staff. Alongside the soccer camp,
Feltham Bees are also running an Arts &
Crafts session.
Feltham Multi Sports (including
Climbing, Tennis, Badminton,
Basketball, Adapted sports etc)
Feltham Community Sports Centre
Browells Lane, Feltham TW13 7EF
Mon 16 February (10am–2pm)
Fri 20 February (10am–2pm)
Young people should bring a packed lunch
and a drink/s.
For further information and to book
your place, contact Ray Coleman on
2 8831
3 3032.
Ages: 6 – up to 18
Please note Rhythmic Gymnastics,
Indoor Rowing and Cricket may also be
available from 12.30 to 2.00pm. Please
ask Chris about exact sports when
To book a place or to find out more
information, please ring Peter Shears,
Disabilities Programme Manager –
Brentford FCCST, tel: 020 8326 7047; or
✓ ✓ to 18
2 1 3 2 6 up
February half-term
holiday activities
The Kids Cookery
The Kids Cookery School,
a registered charity, will
be delivering a fun and
practical cookery session
during the holidays for children and their
siblings! With a focus on healthy eating,
they will show you how to make nutrition
fun, accessible, cost effective and simple.
Details are as follows:
During half term for ages 5 – 12:
Monday 16 February and
Thursday 19 February
Saturday Sessions for ages 5 – 12
unless otherwise specified:
The student will not need to bring any
materials. We supply all materials and
ingredients, including take away containers
and aprons etc.
Fountain Leisure
We will be taking bookings for 12 students
for each session. No more than two
sessions per child.
An exclusive Short
Breaks swimming
session has been
booked for Wednesday 18 February
between 9am – 11.30am at the Fountain
Leisure Centre in Brentford. Please
remember that all children under 8 will
need to be accompanied by an adult in
the pool. For older children, parents are
required to supervise at pool side (if they
are not in the pool themselves!!). Please
note there are no crèche facilities.
Venue: The Kids Cookery School, 107
Gunnersbury Lane, Acton, London W3 8HQ
To book a place or to find out more
information please ring the Kids Cookery
School on 020 8992 8882.
Email: info@thekidscookery
7 February 2015
3 1
✓ 5✓
3 to 12
To book a place or
to find out more
information please
ring the Short Breaks
team on 020 8583
3636 or e-mail:
21 February 2015
7 March 2015
14 March 2015
(Teenage Session – from age 13 +)
21 March 2015
Times: 10am–12pm
To book a place or to find out more
information please ring the Short Breaks
team on 020 8583 3636 or e-mail:
✓ 0✓
up to 18
✓ 0✓
up to 18
Venue: Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre,
658 Chiswick High Road, Brentford
Venue: Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre,
658 Chiswick High Road, Brentford
14 February 2015
28 March 2015
(Teenage Session – from age 13 +)
Pool Party
Come and join us for a dip and a dance!
A pool party has been organised for Friday,
20 February between 5–7pm. Please
remember that all children under 8 will
need to be accompanied by an adult in the
pool. For older children, parent/carers are
required to supervise at pool side (if they
are not in the pool themselves!!) Creche
facilities will not be provided.
February half-term
holiday activities
Services throughout
the year
The club has access to minibuses and
drivers for outings but parents are expected
to bring and collect the young people.
Hounslow Extra
This club is a holiday
club for young,
disabled people
aged 11–18 years which provides all day
holiday care and activities. Fun, creative and
educational activities as well as outings.
The Short Breaks Service has funded up
to 5 taster sessions at HEC for young
people that have not accessed the service
previously. After this, the cost will be £20 a
To book a place or to find out more
information please ring the scheme
manager, Lorna on 07940 288 598 or
2 8572
3 8842 (office hours please).
The club meets at Hounslow Youth Centre
between 8.30am – 5.30pm.
Parents are expected to provide a packed 1
lunch or money for lunch if the group are
eating out, activity appropriate clothing and
a small contribution to the cost of outings
(£5 per week).
3 1
✓ 11✓up to 18
find information about the music therapy
service on:
Music Therapy –
Richmond Music
Each young person will receive 10
consecutive sessions (each being 40mins)
through term time. Families must be
committed to attend the 10 sessions to
ensure the young person is receiving the
most out of the therapy. If sessions are not
being attended we will contact the family
and review the provision.
1:1 Music Therapy
All human
beings are
Everyone naturally responds to music.
Music can express feelings which cannot be
put into words.
@ Da Spot
33 Lampton Road, Hounslow TW3 1JG
Music is a powerful medium for expression
and touches everyone deeply. Making music
can be a moving experience, enhancing a
sense of identity, connection and belonging.
Music Therapists are skilled in enabling
anyone to make music by supporting
unique forms of expression and unlocking
Times: Saturdays, term-times, for available
vacancies please contact Richmond Music
@ Richmond Music Trust
7 Briar Road, Twickenham TW2 6RB
Taking part in music therapy helps support
positive change and enables people to
reach their full potential. It builds up
confidence and encourages physical,
emotional, mental and social wellbeing. 1
Times: Monday – Friday, for available
vacancies please contact Richmond Music
Richmond Music Trust are based in
Twickenham and have been commissioned
again this year to provide music therapy
sessions for children and young people with
disabilities who live in Hounslow. You can
✓ and✓discuss ✓
To make a referral
the service
please contact Andreas Rosenboom, Head
of Music Therapy, Tel: 020 8744 8097
3 1
✓ 5✓
3 to 18
Services throughout
the year
Heathrow Gym
Dimensions (OWL)
Travel Training
Please note parents
are required to fill in
a registration sheet at
Heathrow Gym which will
ask for basic information
about their disabled child, including their
disability. Short Breaks will only pay for the
disabled child – any siblings or friends will
need to be paid for by the parent/carer.
If you are aged between 14–17, our 1:1
support will help you to learn how to travel
using public transport. There is no cost to
you or your family as all young disabled
people are eligible for free travel. If you, or
someone you know, could benefit from this
project, please give us a call.
To find out more about this service or to
discuss a referral, please call the Short
2 on
3 020 8583 3636.
Please note new age and height
The sessions are open to children with a
disability up to 7 years old or 130cm (4
feet, 2 inches). Brothers1and sisters
3 also
welcome to attend but will need to be paid
for by the family. 1 hour sessions. Monday –✓ ✓
Friday opening times from 10am-4 pm, last
entry at 3pm. Please note opening hours for
Saturdays – the soft play area is only open
from 9–11am, these sessions are available
in one hour blocks, ie. starting at 9am and
starting at 10am. Sundays, the soft play
area is closed.
Heathrow Gymnastics Club, Green Lane,
Hounslow, Middlesex, TW4 6DH
To find out more information, please ring
the Short Breaks team: 020 8583 3636 or
✓ 14✓up to 18
The Short Breaks Service will pay for an
introductory 24 hours childminding for a
child with additional needs from 0-8 years at
a registered Hounslow childminder of your
choice!! This will provide an opportunity for
both the parents and the childminder to start
building a long-term supportive relationship for
the child.
What is a Registered Childminder?
A registered childminder is a person who:
• Looks after children under the age of 8
• For more than 2 hours in any one day
• On domestic premises (usually the
childminder’s own home)
• Meets the requirements of the childcare
What can Childminders offer to parents
of children with additional needs?
Childminders can offer:
Short breaks
Non-institutional care
Support for young parents
Emergency care
Community based care
Overnight care, on request
Registered childminders are found on the
Hounslow Family Services Directory. You
can search by location, by experience and
availability. Once you have found someone who
meets your needs, call the Short Breaks team
who will organize payment of the first 24 hours
with the childminder.
To search for a childminder: – this will take
you to the home page of the Family Services 1
• Click on the ‘Childcare’ icon
✓ up✓to 7
Childminding – 24 Hours Free
Childminding Service
• You will see several options on the left
hand side of your screen (under ‘Narrow By
Category’) including ‘Childminders’ – click on
• This will take you to the listing of
childminders in the borough of Hounslow
who have registered on the Family Services
Directory. On the left hand side of the
screen, you will see that you can search via
postal location, languages spoken and their
experience with a particular kind of disability.
• Once you have found a childminder who
may be suitable, it is up to you to contact
them, arrange to meet etc. Once you have
found a childminder you are happy with,
call Short Breaks on 020 8583 3636. We
will then organise with the childminder for
them to invoice us for the first 24 hours of
childminding. Once the 24 hours introductory
offer is over, it will be the responsibility of the
family to continue with the funding of the
For more information or to discuss organizing
your childminding, please call the Short Breaks
2 on 3020 8583 3636.
3 1
0 3up to 8
London Borough of Hounslow
Civic Centre, Lampton Road
Hounslow TW3 4DN
Telephone: 020 8583 3636
Should you require this Newsletter in a
format other than English please contact
the Short Breaks team on 020 8583 3636
or email:
January 2015