A visual tour of what to expect while attending the Mountain Plover

A visual tour of what to expect while attending the
Mountain Plover Festival…
Photos from the 2014 Festival Photo Contest
What is the Mountain Plover?
The Mountain Plover is a bird that begins arriving
Who should come to the Karval Mountain
Plover Festival?
to Colorado’s Eastern Plains in early April.
Plover Lovers. Learn how landowners and biol-
Plovers find the short grass prairie and fallow
ogists work together to study and preserve the
fields in the area to be excellent nesting grounds.
nesting grounds of this elusive species.
What is the Karval Mountain Plover Festival?
Wildlife Enthusiasts. Far away from the hustle
The Karval Mountain Plover Festival began when
Karval community members were looking at
economic opportunities for this small community.
and bustle of the city, attendees enjoy watching many species of prairie wildlife in their
natural habitat.
We decided to “bring the bird lovers to the bird”.
History Lovers. Talk with third generation
This is a weekend full of Bird Watching, Wildlife
ranchers, the sons and daughters of home-
Viewing Tours, Entertainment, History, Arts and
steaders. Walk the spring hunting grounds of
Crafts, Antiques, and LOTS OF GOOD FOOD!
the Native Americans. Visit a prairie school
Along with bird watching, here are some of the
other things you will enjoy:
Nature Lovers. Vistas that go on for miles with-
►You’ll get the chance to mingle with farmers
out a sign of man’s footprint. Visit playas, tree
and ranchers who choose to live in the local
groves, man-made lakes, natural springs, and
community and learn about their lifestyle.
fallow fields.
►Eat home-style food at every meal. Most meals
Event Highlights:
are prepared by the community non-profit
►Two day tours and one night tour.
►Tours on private land.
►Saturday evening includes a Chuck Wagon
►Country hospitality with all meals included
dinner with authentic western entertainment.
from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch.
►Learn about conservation practices and history
►Photography Contest.
of the area.
Where to stay?
►Tour Private Land that would normally not be
►Home stays with local families. Stay with
working farmers and ranchers.
►Make new friends!
►Electric hookups for motors homes are available.
►Primitive camping sites available.
Please call (719) 446-5354 or visit our
website www.karval.org for more information!
2015 Price Structure and Registration
Conserving and Enjoying
Colorado State
Wildlife Areas
Karval State Wildlife Enjoy 229 acres of
hunting, stocked warm
water fishing, camping,
and wildlife viewing. Hunting opportunities
include deer, rabbit, scaled quail, dove,
and waterfowl. Restrooms and shade shelters are available. To get to Karval Reservoir, head 10 miles south from the junction of State Highways 94 and 109. From
downtown Karval, the reservoir entrance is
only 2 miles east and 1 mile south.
Several Karval area ranchers have opened their
choice habitats to birdwatchers on the Colorado
Birding Trail as part of the Eastern Plains Kingbird
Trail. These rolling grasslands and treeless horizons
are home to coyotes, badgers, Swift Foxes, Pronghorns, Golden Eagles, Mountain Plovers, and Kingbirds—three species that fiercely defend territories
along this trail. The trail is full of fresh air from start
to finish!
Hugo State Wildlife Area is Lincoln County’s largest State Wildlife Area with 1,941
acres. Warm water fishing, stocked with
trout in the spring. Deer, antelope, rabbit,
dove, and waterfowl hunting are popular.
The area is also great for camping, hiking,
and wildlife viewing. From Hugo, go 14
miles south on CR 109 and then 2.25
miles east on CR 2G.
No. in party_________Camping space needed_______
Telephone number ( )__________________________
From the Intersection of Hwy 94 & Hwy 71, take Hwy 71
of Karval.
Friday April 24, 2015
6:00—7:30 pm Registration, Sandwiches,
Karval Reservoir
96 Species were seen at the
Or, bring a friend and both attend for $350.00! This includes a
$20.00 discount for registering for all events and $90.00 off if
you are bringing a friend for the weekend.
►The Mountain Plover Registration form can also be found on
our website—www.karval.org. Please fill out this registration and
return via e-mail or US Postal Service. Email and telephone
information are listed below. Registrations should be mailed to:
Mountain Plover Festival Registration
P.O. Box 37
Karval, Colorado, 80823.
and Ice Cream Social
Cancellations will be refunded in full if notified 1 week in advance. Late cancellations will receive half of paid fees.
7:00pm-Dark~ Dusk Wildlife Tour
►Closest motels are in Limon, Colorado—45 miles northwest
Saturday April 25, 2015
of Karval. Local accommodations can be found on the website.
Please call listed contacts to make arrangements for rooms.
5:30—8:30 am Breakfast
►ala carte fees: $50 includes all Friday events and activities or
2 attendees for $80 $150 includes all Saturday events and
activities or 2 attendees for $270
6:15 am Early Risers Tour
Mountain Plover
12:00—1:00pm Lunch
Ferruginous Hawk
1:00—6:00 Afternoon Tour
Eastern Screech Owl
4:00—7:00 pm Entertainment
Golden Eagle
►$200.00 registration fee includes all events and activities.
►Registrations will be accepted on a space available basis
South 7 miles to County Rd T, follow the black top to the town
2014 Plover Festival, including:
Hugo State Wildlife Area
Colorado Birding Trail
Kinney Lake
Hunting, fishing, wildlife observation,
camping, and photography can all be enjoyed at Kinney Lake. The area boasts 354
acres for hunting, small game, water-fowl,
antelope, and deer. In warmer months, the
lake is stocked with trout. Campsites are
also available. From Hugo, go 14 miles
south on CR 109 to CR 2G. Then drive 2.5
miles east to CR 2J and one more mile
east to get to the area entrance.
Information—Register Today!!
Karval boasts the scenic, open landscapes of the
Eastern Plains of Colorado. The area is enjoyed by
fishermen, hunters, birdwatchers, photographers,
campers, and hikers. For those who enjoy broad,
open expanses of land and clear, blue skies—Karval
is a true haven. Stay up late or rise early to take
advantage dark-sky stargazing around Karval.
6:00 pm Chuckwagon Dinner
Ruby Crowned Kinglet
Sunday April 26, 2015
Green-tailed Towhee
7:00—9:00am Breakfast
A full list is available at www.karval.org
All meals served at the Karval Community Building
All schedule times/events are subject to change.
For additional information,
please contact:
Carl and Cherry Stogsdill
(719) 446-5354 Ranch
(719) 892-0020 or 0021 Cell
Visit the Karval Alliance Website