2015 MENTORING SUMMER RESEARCH INTERNSHIP PROGRAM (MSRIP) APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION MSRIP Goal The MSRIP goal is to increase the number of outstanding undergraduates from diverse backgrounds who pursue the Ph.D. by strengthening their academic and professional development for admission to University of California campuses and UC Riverside, in particular, as well as other prestigious colleges and universities across the nation. Now in its twenty-fifth year, the program has attracted students from across the country at universities such as Princeton, Yale, Harvard, Xavier University, Howard University, Hampton College, CUNY, Morehouse, Clark Atlanta, Berkeley, and Stanford, to name a few. Students with socioeconomic or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply. Program Term: June 22 through August 15, 2015 - Eight Weeks Research Areas Available UCR provides internships in all areas of the university ranging from the physical, biological and agricultural sciences, chemical/environmental and electrical engineering and computer science, to the social sciences, humanities and education (disciplines available in any particular year vary based upon faculty availability). Please see mentor information for the faculty and research projects available in 2015 on our website http://graduate.ucr.edu/msrip.html Program Activities • • • • • Program Provisions Eight-week research internship GRE Preparation Workshops concentrating on verbal skills Seminars and graduate application workshops Preparation of research abstract Formal research presentation • • • • Stipend ($3,000) Room and board (where appropriate) Out-of-state transportation Cultural and social activities (may be included) Eligibility Students must be: U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Currently in their sophomore or junior year at a 4-year institution. Interested in pursuing a graduate degree (masters or doctorate). Those interested in professional degrees (i.e. J.D. or M.D.) should not apply. Students in good standing with a minimum 3.0 GPA. From a background of socioeconomic hardship, first-generation college students, committed to diversity, etc. Enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student at a four-year university or college in Fall 2014. Application Procedures 1) 2) 3) 4) Complete and sign summer program application. Submit unofficial college transcript(s), including Fall 2014 grades. Ask two faculty to provide confidential letters of recommendation (forms attached). Submit a financial aid award summary from your institution. Application Deadline: All documents must be postmarked by February 13, 2015 Award Notification: By no later than March 27, 2015 This application is available on UCR's website at: http://www.graduate.ucr.edu/msrip.html. Please complete the application, print it out and mail it to the address provided below. You can also print out the complete application, scan it and send it to us electronically to maria.franco@ucr.edu Mail application materials, along with transcript(s) to: UCR Graduate Division - 045 Academic Preparation and Outreach University Office Building Riverside, CA 92521-0208 For any additional information please consult the Frequently Asked Questions on the website, or contact Maria Franco-Aguilar (951-827-3680). If you prefer, you may fax your application to (951) 827-2238. 2015 MENTORING SUMMER RESEARCH INTERNSHIP PROGRAM APPLICATION FORM Name (First/Middle/Last) Date of Birth ___ ___ ___ Age:____ Gender: Male Female UCR ID No: Fax E-mail Address Current Address Until (Date) Current Address: Permanent Address: Number/Street Number/Street City/State/Zip City/State/Zip Telephone # Telephone # U.S. Citizen: Birthplace Yes No Permanent Resident: Yes City/State/Country University/College Information: University/College Expected BA/BS Major Major GPA Date Double Major: GPA GPA Units completed Cumulative GPA (through Fall 2014) Status during Spring 2013: Sophomore Junior Senior Recommendations: List names, addresses and phone #s of two faculty references. Name and address Phone # Name and address Phone # UCR Faculty Mentor Request: (Please consult the 2015 List of Faculty Research Projects.) First Choice Faculty Mentor: Second Choice Faculty Mentor: Office Use Only M-1 M-2 S R Y/N Y/N Complete A / R / WL No Family Information: Marital Status: single married divorced Number of Siblings: Number of dependents: Are you the first in your immediate family to attend a 4-year college? Yes No Did you attend an inner-city or impoverished high school? Yes No Name/Location of high school: Primary language spoken in your home: Father/Guardian Information: Mother/Guardian Information: Father's Name (in full) Mother's Name (in full) Highest education level completed Highest education level completed Father's Occupation Mother's occupation Ethnicity: (optional request) Chinese American Latino/Other Other Multi-Ethnic Filipino Polynesian/Micronesian East Indian/Pakistani Korean American Other Asian African American Japanese American Native American Chicano/Mexican American Caucasian Financial Information: Are you currently receiving financial aid? Yes No Have you been employed during the academic year? Yes No Approximately how many hours per week did you work? Are you a scholar in one of the following research programs? MARC MBRS McNAIR Other If so, will your stipend continue during the summer months? Yes No Phone # Program Director's Name Additional Education Information: Coursework taken, relevant to your major (please list): Course Taken 1. Quarter/ Semester Grade Received Course Taken 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. Graduate program of interest: Grade Received 6. 2. Do you plan to apply to a graduate degree program: Quarter/ Semester Yes No Degree Objective: MA/MS PhD Standardized Tests: Which standardized tests do you plan to take? GRE MCAT LSAT DAT Other Which standardized tests have you taken? GRE MCAT LSAT DAT Other When did you take the above test(s)? Research Experience: Have you participated in any of the following research-related programs? (check each box, where appropriate) Summer research at your institution Academic-year research at your institution Senior Honors research project Summer research at another institution Summer research in industry Summer research at government agency Other (specify) List your research experience(s) 1. Program/School Dates: Research project topic: Research supervisor: 2. Program/School Department Dates: Research project topic: Research supervisor: 3. Program/School Department Dates: Research project topic: Research supervisor: Department Additional Information: How did you learn about UCR's Mentoring Summer Research Internship Program? (check where applicable) UCR Your Institution Student Services Office Career Center College/Department Office Research Program Office Graduate Recruitment/Outreach Office Academic Department Graduate Division website Independent visit to your school by UCR staff Campus workshops Internet search Other Outreach Events/Research Conferences Graduate Information Day MARC/MBRS, SACNAS, McNair Research Symposiums Other STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Please describe your research experience, educational goals, and career objectives. You may type it here or attach it, but please do not exceed one, single-spaced page. I certify that I have considered each question and that my statements are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Further, I understand that participation in MSRIP may be denied if any information is found to be incomplete or inaccurate. Applicant Signature Date____________________ LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION Please return to: UCR Graduate Division, Graduate Recruitment/Outreach, Riverside, CA 92521-0208. Instructions for applicant: Complete this section within the box. Give this form and a self-addressed envelope to your recommender. The recommender should return the completed form to the UC Riverside Graduate Division by February 13, 2015. Applicant's Name (Last) (First) (Middle initial) I agree that the UC Riverside will hold this recommendation in confidence and I waive my right to access this recommendation. Applicant Signature Date Recommender This applicant is in consideration for a position with UCR's comprehensive eight-week Mentoring Summer Research Internship Program. I have known this applicant for This applicant was my year(s) and/or undergraduate month(s). research assistant other (specify) Recommender's Name (please print) University Title Phone/email: Department Date Signature Please rate the student on the following: RATING SCALE: Excellent 10 good 8-9 fair 5-7 poor 0-4 No basis for judgment Academic performance Breadth of general knowledge Intellectual potential for career in research Reliability, responsibility Independence of judgment Writing ability Ability in oral expression Ability to work with others Motivation for graduate study Maturity and self-confidence Potential for conducting research and making an oral presentation Please state your overall recommendation for this student for our summer research program and provide any additional comments about qualifications and potential for research and graduate studies. You may attach additional sheets or use the back of this page.
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