St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Ascot Vale Newsletter 74 Roseberry Street Ascot Vale VIC 3032 ------ST MARY’S P: 03 9370 1194 CELEBRATES ONE HUNDRED AND ONE F: 03 9370 1068 YEARS E: 13th February 2015 W: Parish Priest: Fr Justin Ford 123 St Leonards Road Ascot Vale VIC 3032 P: 03 9370 6688 F: 03 9370 9112 E: Upcoming Events 2015 Wondering what these figures on the fence are for? A family discussion? TONIGHT FRIDAY 13th February Welcome to 2015 Picnic in the School Yard (BYO EVERYTHING) SUNDAY, 15th Feb To all in our School Community, Week Three was a week that reminded us the 2015 School Year has definitely recommenced, with many diverse activities throughout the five days, culminating with our Welcome Picnic in the School yard this evening (and what “surprises” will the weather bring). On Monday our Community Booklet was sent home. For those families who did not receive a copy, it is available on the school website through the following link. The response to date has been very pleasing, with many parents volunteering to participate in the various groups that are part of our school life here at St Mary’s. Thus we are very appreciative of this positive support for our school and the willingness of so many to be involved in the diverse opportunities that allow all to participate in community happenings, whether it be fundraising, - assisting in the classroom learning, - as a class representative or supporting those in the community in need. As we all know, children like to see their parents keenly participating in what the children so quickly define as “their school.” Tuesday and Wednesday evening were Information Nights for our Year Five and Six Level and our Foundation Level. This was an initiative of the staff as an alternative to the Learning Conversations that our Year One – Four classes have next Monday and Tuesday. Both Information Evenings were well attended, with positive feedback being received. Presented at this evening was the document, “Procedures Manual to enhance Learning.” Unfortunately there is an error in the Booklet (p22) where it states that it is a Concert Year. As we all know our next School Concert is not until 2016. The correct booklet is on the school website Wednesday morning and over fifty children gathered at the Essendon baths to participate in the trials for the 2015 Swimming Team. In congratulating all who participated, we acknowledge especially the contribution of Andrew Hook and Michael Dwyer for their commitment to giving the children of St Mary’s this opportunity to enjoy being part of a competitive swimming team. Each year we seem to have more and more children wanting to represent St Mary’s as the District Swimming Carnival. Thursday’s Mass was the Opening of the School Year Mass. Unfortunately I was absent in Rotorua (NZ) attending a funeral, but from discussions with children, staff and Father Justin, the Mass was one that reflected the importance of our faith.. Prepared by Teresa Mercuri and 5NT this Mass was significant for asking God to bless this year. As Joshua said in the Mass introduction, “We praise God and give thanks for all the wonderful gifts that He gives to us. We know that nothing can be without Him. We ask Jesus to be with us and to guide us always.” This Sunday is the first of our Sunday Family Masses. At this Mass our student leaders will be presented to the Parish Community. We look forward to an equally celebratory occasion. I look forward to seeing many of you at tonight’s Welcome Picnic. Best wishes Enjoy St Valentine’s Day Graham Parish Mass student leaders and the school choir. 10 30 a.m. MONDAY, 16th Feb Year Six Incursion Learning Conversations (Year One, Two, Three, Four) 4.00 – 7.00 p.m. TUESDAY, 17th Feb Learning Conversations (Year One, Two, Three, Four) 4.00 – 7.00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, 18th Feb ASH WEDNESDAY MASS (11.45 A.M.) Parents and Friends (7.00 p.m.) THURSDAY, 19th Feb Fathers’ Association Bowling Evening. MOONEE PONDS Bowling Club 97.00 P.M.) WEDNESDAY, 25th Feb District Swimming Carnival. Queens Park Swimming Pool MONDAY, 2ND March Year Two Incursion TUESDAY, 3rd March School Improvement Committee (7.00 p.m.) Swimming Team 2015 Last Wednesday, over 50 students trialled for the St. Mary's Swim Team at Queen’s Park Pool with everyone swimming extremely well. It was so pleasing to see so many students attempting the different strokes. Thank you to all who kindly assisted on the morning. Congratulations and good luck to the following students who qualified for the team and will now compete at the District Swim Competition at Queen’s Park Pool on Wednesday, 25th February. 4JK Mia Bishop Shaye Caddy Suzie D’Agostini Amelie Gibson Max Marinelli Ben McCarthy Georgia Miles Matteo Parissi Ryan Truong 4AR Joshua Scerri Zach Van Hees 5NT Lily Bateman Olivia Hug Lily Lock 5AA Joseph Lynch Ryder Rousch Sebastian Isolani 6JM Lucy Bray Lucas Edmonds Angus Hug Chloe Perrett Chloe Sturzaker Grace Van Hees 6SG Hannah Byrne Archer Hoban Daniel Melican Olivia Miles Zac Overman 2 District Swimming Carnival – Wednesday 25th February @ Queens Park Pool PLEASE NOTE FOUNDATION 2016. For those families wishing to enrol for Foundation year 2016, please read the St Mary’s Enrolment Policy available on the School Website and if you meet the criteria, download an enrolment form. At present places are only available for children who have been baptised Catholic and reside in St Mary’s Parish. Other applications are placed on a waiting list. Please note for future planning that the NAPLAN Dates for 2015 are at the conclusion of the 2015 Term One Diary. STAFF ABSENCE Judy Keenan Graham Spence Term One Term One, Week Five Recuperating University 2015 TERM ONE – WEEK FOUR Monday, 16th February 8.55 a.m. 4.00 – 7.00 p.m. Tuesday, 17th February 3.45 p.m. 4.00 – 7.00 p.m. th Wednesday, 18 February 11 45 a.m. 3.45 p.m. 7.00 p.m. Thursday,19th February Friday 20th February School Assembly Year Six Incursion Learning Conversations for Year One, Two Three and Four Professional Development - Staff Meeting Learning Conversations for Year One, Two Three and Four FOUNDATION CHILDREN REST DAY ASH WEDNESDAY MASS (5AA) Professional Development - Staff Meeting Parents and Friends 7.00 p.m. No School Mass Fathers’ Association Bowls Night at the Moonee Ponds Bowling Club 3.00 p.m. School Assembly (5NT) 2015 TERM ONE – WEEK FIVE Monday, 23rd February 8.55 a.m. School Assembly Tuesday, 24th February 3.45 p.m. Professional Development - Staff Meeting 3.45 p.m. District Swimming Carnival (Queens Park Outdoor Pool) FOUNDATION CHILDREN REST DAY Professional Development - Staff Meeting Thursday, 26 February 9.00 a.m. School Mass (6JM) Friday 27th February 3.00 p.m. School Assembly (4AR) th Wednesday, 25 February th 2015 TERM ONE – WEEK SIX FOUNDATION YEAR COMMENCE FULL TIME nd Monday, 2 March 8.55 a.m. School Assembly Year Two Incursion Tuesday, 3 March 3.45 p.m. 7.00 p.m. Professional Development - Staff Meeting School Improvement Committee Wednesday, 4th March 3.45 p.m. Professional Development - Staff Meeting Thursday, 5th March 9.00 a.m. School Mass (6SG) Friday, 6th March 3.00 p.m. rd th Monday, 9 March School Assembly (3HW) LABOUR DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY 3 EDUCATION IN FAITH SPHERE Education in Faith Sphere As the newly appointed Religious Education Leader, I am honoured and privileged to be in this leadership position here at St. Mary’s Primary School, Ascot Vale, in 2015. I look forward to working in partnership with all the staff – and your good selves – to nurture the faith development of our beautiful children. You can contact me at: Kind Regards, Teresa Mercuri Dear God, We pray for balance and exchange. Balance us like trees. As the roots of a tree shall equal its branches, so must the inner life be equal to the outer life. And as the leaves shall nourish the roots, so shall the roots give nourishment to the leaves. Without equality and exchange of nourishment, there can be no growth and no love. Amen. (From ‘A Common Prayer’ by Michael Leunig – Australian prophet and cartoonist) 4 LEADERSHIP SPHERE WE CONGRATULATE THE FOLLOWING STUDENT LEADERS FOR 2015 SCHOOL CAPTAINS Angus Hug CAPTAIN Sachi Debski CAPTAIN Alex Scott VICE CAPTAIN Lucy Bray VICE CAPTAIN Liam Bui VICE CAPTAIN Matilda Appleby VICE CAPTAIN Adam Bainbridge VICE CAPTAIN Olivia Miles VICE CAPTAIN STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL Owen Harris, Sebastian McKerrow, Jake Muir, Timothy Nguyen GREEN CAPTAINS VICE CAPTAINS Chloe Sturzaker Daniel Melican Olivia Johnson Archer Hoban GOLD CAPTAINS VICE CAPTAINS Hannah Byrne Liam Filippidis Isabel Grundy Harry Myers BLUE CAPTAINS VICE CAPTAINS Grace Van Hees Zac Overman Sam Doyle Nick Giarrizzo RED CAPTAINS VICE CAPTAINS Chloe Perrett Will Havers Sara Catania Elijah Gomes SOCIAL JUSTICE CAPTAINS 2015 Isabella Waid, Sara Regan, Akot Akot, Georgia Cariaga ASSEMBLY CAPTAINS 2015 Tully Caddy, David Giurdanella, Lucas Edmonds, Lorena Mosbey, Isaac Abrham, Alyssa Denness, Angela Vo ENVIRONMENTAL CAPTAINS 2015 Melina Palamara, Alex Hamilton, Madeleine Piscopo. LIBRARY CAPTAINS 2015 Mia Cattanach, Tien Nguyen, Stanley Nguyen CHURCH CAPTAINS 2015 Patrick Hewat, Teresa Pham, Tara Failla, Bianca Palamara ICT CAPTAINS 2015 Xavier Hughes, Jackson Lowrie, Kaelan Grainger, Ernest Chan, Christian Ketsakidis MUSIC CAPTAINS 2015 Isabella Waid, Anthony Tran 5 LEADERSHIP SPHERE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT This week I attended a professional learning day at the Catholic Leadership Centre on the updates of the processes in student services for 2015. Attendees were given a new publication of the CECV Intervention Framework and a booklet of the new referral process for 2015. The new 2015 referral booklet was unpacked, with reference to the CECV Intervention Framework and intervention process, privacy policy, access to referral services, factors impacting on the referral process, referral service provision, and educational needs assessments for students in out of home care. Sandra Lind LEARNING AND TEACHING SPHERE CLASS FCC FAV 1JD 1VM 2MB 2KC 3RL 3HW 4JK 4AR 5AA 5NT 6JM 6SG HEALTH & P.E P.E Classes don’t begin until Week 6 Hayley E Samuel B Xavier F Gisele P Jasmine D Thomas C Ryan T Julia R Phoebe B Ned R No Award due to Year 6 Camp ITALIAN Oakley B Louis I Alexander S Ava D Xavier F Eliza L Lachlan G Jessica P Matthew P Vion T Antonio P Joshua C Performing Arts Seth F Sara R Jessica V Cameron M Leroy R Vincent P Oscar P Sophia R Ava C Bridget S Monique B Ryder R Katelyn S Tien N Alyssa D Lorena M Library No Class No Class Erica D Alexandra W Heidi M Kiara V Arek A Christian K Georgia M Riley F Harper H Jamie N Sara C Isaac A CHOIR GIG Looking forward to seeing all members of the choir this Sunday at 10.30a.m. Mass for our first gig. Choir members will need to arrive a few minutes before Mass to prepare for singing. See you there, a voce piena, Faye Nardella STUDENT WELLBEING SPHERE BOUNCE BACK CORE VALUES Week 4 This fortnight’s core value: Friendliness Being friendly and socially responsible, and including others in games and conversations. Being friendly means being kind and welcoming to others. This means looking in their eyes and smiling, saying hello and talking to them, finding something funny to laugh about together, being kind to them and inviting them to join in games and conversations. ATTENTION PLEASE! FOUNDATION PARENTS Have you ANY questions to ask?! Meet us in the staffroom from 9 – 10 a.m. on any Friday in February! Enjoy a coffee and “KICK START” your school year with confidence! Graham Spence, Sandra lind and dot crowley 6 Help your kids manage their asthma Checklist for Parents Does your child have an up to date Asthma Action Plan (Asthma Care Plan)? The Asthma Care/Action Plan tells the school how to manage your child’s asthma and what to do if their asthma gets worse. This should be updated & signed by the doctor on an annual basis. Does your child carry their reliever puffer and spacer with them at all times? Or is it readily available to their Carers? Medication needs to be available wherever your child may be (school, child care, sporting field, home) Are you and your child aware of their asthma triggers? Do you take steps to avoid these triggers? Are the Teachers aware of these triggers? Do you listen to what your child says? They will be aware of their asthma symptoms and should be able to tell you when they need their medication. Does your child take their asthma medication correctly? Good technique allows more medication to get into the lungs where it is needed. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you would like to check your device technique. Healthy Children Learn Better Healthy eating The food your child eats at school can have a major influence on their eating habits, growth, energy, concentration levels and ability to learn. When schools and parents work together to promote healthy eating habits, it can have a life-long positive impact on children’s growth, development and health. What parents can do Breakfast is important Food in the morning helps your child to stay active and concentrate at school. Be a role model and let your child see you eat breakfast too. A bowl of cereal with milk and fresh or stewed fruit is a great starter for the whole family. School lunches: foods and drinks to include A packed lunch from home is a great way for your child to learn about healthy food. Stick to fresh, unprocessed foods as much as possible, and water or a tetra pack of milk (frozen in the warmer months). For a healthy lunchbox, include something from each of the five food groups, such as: • fresh fruit • washed and cut up raw vegetables • milk, yoghurt or cheese or alternatives like calcium-fortified soy milk • meat or a meat alternative like chicken strips, a boiled egg or hummus dip • a grain or cereal food like bread, a roll, fl at bread, fruit bread or crackers (wholegrain or wholemeal choices are best) • tap water. School lunches – foods and drinks to limit Highly processed, sugary, fatty and salty foods or drinks should only make up a very small part of your child’s diet. Avoid confectionery (including chocolate), crisps and sweet drinks in school lunches. Many supermarkets have products that seem conveniently packed and are marketed for school lunches, but sweet drinks, biscuits, fruit straps, chips and other products can be high in sugar, salt and fat. Check the labels carefully as the products are often packaged to appear ‘healthy’. Finding out more • search Healthy eating – school lunches and Lunch boxes recipes at • search School Food Services Policy at • go to for info on the Achievement Program • go to for info on the Healthy Eating Advice 7 COMMUNITY ATTENTION YEAR FIVE AND SIX GIRLS You may or may not be aware that for the last few years there has been a group personal training session taking place on Monday’s, straight after school. Our trainer Campbell, is obviously a qualified PT and has completed all the working with children checks as per school policy. The sessions are lots of fun and the girls learn about how important exercise is. Details: Monday’s after school 3.30 – 4.10 (40 mins) $10 per child per week paid up front for the term (non-refundable if you miss a week). Looking to start Monday the 16th of February (so Term 1 will be 6 weeks - $60) If you would like to enrol your child or have any further information please contact Maryanne Poursanidis on 0425 759 295 or at SCHOOL FEES 2015. Accounts for 2015 will be sent out next week. If you wish to have your fees deducted on a regular basis either by Credit Card or from your Bank Account, please complete the relevant form at the school office. These forms have to be filled out every year. Ideally regular plans start in February and finish by November, but this can be varied. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to ask the office staff. Thank you. CANTEEN NEWS To Staff, Parents & Students, We hope everyone is enjoying the hot weather as we definitely know the students are in the amount of icy poles being sold. We now have the Canteen Roster up on our Canteen door so please come and put your name down as we still have a lot of Monday’s and Wednesday’s available. Now available for sale in the Canteen are the Sticky Beaks Reusable lunch bags. They come in blue and pink for $6.50. Menu for the Week: Pasta of the Week: Available Monday and Friday Spiral Pasta with a Napoli Sauce served with Parmesan Cheese Monday: Pasta Chicken Schnitzel Roll/Wrap Wednesday: Chicken rice Paper Rolls Chicken/Beef Mamee Noodle Cups Chicken Schnitzel Roll/Wrap Friday: Pasta Canteen Helpers: Monday No One Wednesday No One Friday Ann Marie Hammon Please check the School’s website for an updated Canteen Menu. Have a great week, try and keep cool. Tracey and Maryanne. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND Invest in your most precious asset......Your Marriage! Forget life’s tensions and interruptions and rekindle the closeness, intimacy, love and romance that brought you together. Recharge your relationship batteries and explore the precious nature of your marriage, allowing you both to share your feelings, hopes and dreams with each other in ways that normal, daily living tends to inhibit. There is no group sharing. Couples and a priest present the weekend. It is based around Catholic values but couples of all faiths are welcome. 2015 Melbourne weekend dates : 17-19 Apr, 19-21 June, 21-23 August and 23-25 Oct Starts 7 p.m. on Friday. Ends 5 p.m. Sunday. Accommodation and all meals provided. Information/Bookings: PH: Marianne & Marcel (03) 9733 0997 Email: 8 St Mary’s Playgroup We are a small group of mums/dads and bubs who get together for a play and a cuppa in the school hall every second Friday. It is very casual, social and friendly and we welcome any new mums/dads or carers and their little ones, who would like to join us. Next Playgroup date for 2015 – Friday 27th February. Who: When: Any children pre kinder Fridays Fortnightly 9.00 a.m. – 10.45 a.m. Where: School Hall (enter through school reception after gates are locked) What to bring: small healthy snack to share Contact: Jacquie 0439824778 ST BERNARD’S COLLEGE 41 Rosehill Road, Essendon, 3040. ENROLMENT APPLICATION YEAR 7, 2017 ENROLMENT APPLICATION MEETINGS FAMILY SURNAMES A – L (New and Current Families) TUESDAY, 17 MARCH 2015 FAMILY SURNAMES M – Z (New and Current Families) WEDNESDAY, 18 MARCH 2015 At 7.30 P.M. in COLLEGE AUDITORIUM Application Forms are distributed at these meetings and need to be returned to the College by Wednesday, 15 April 2015. Application Forms requested after these meetings may be classed as a Late Application The meeting is for Parents/Guardians only. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION : Refer to COLLEGE WEB SITE: or Telephone: John Nocci on 9289 1103 ST BERNARD’S COLLEGE SCHOOL TOURS of the College for 2015 are as follows: • Monday, 9 February Tuesday, 10 February • Monday, 16 February Thursday, 19 February • Monday, 23 February Tuesday, 24 February • Wednesday, 4 March Tuesday, 10 March • Monday, 16 March Tuesday, 24 March • Monday, 13 April Wednesday, 15 April • Thursday, 30 April Friday, 1 May • Wednesday, 6 May Friday, 15 May • Tuesday, 19 May Wednesday, 27 May • Tuesday, 2 June Wednesday, 3 June • Wednesday, 10 June Monday, 15 June • Tuesday, 21 July Wednesday, 22 July • Wednesday, 29 July Each tour commences at 9.00 a.m. Bookings essential - telephone 9289 1103. For further information please contact the Registrar on 9289 1103. Kindest Regards John Nocci (College Registrar) 9 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL ST. MARY’S DADS! St Mary’s has a very successful Fathers’ Association that has been established to support the school with various activities and fund raising events. If you do not currently receive any correspondence from the St Mary's Fathers Association (SMFASS) sign up now! You will receive invitations to social events, information about activities at the school, volunteer activities and other school information/fund raising activities held throughout the year. By attending the social and fund raising events, you will meet new St Mary’s Dads, develop great friendships and raise much needed money for St Mary’s. It’s very easy to sign up – just click the link below. Phil Poursanidis – SMFASS President On behalf of the St Mary’s Fathers Association Committee St Mary’s Fathers’ Association SMFASS Annual Barefoot Bowls Night Come along and catch up with the Dads at St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School. New Dads are particularly welcome and expected to show up, therefore tell the better half it is compulsory WHEN: Thursday 19th February 2015 TIME: 7.00 to 10.30 p.m. Barefoot Bowls Includes a BBQ (Sausage Sizzle) Cold Drinks at Bar prices Moonee Ponds Bowling Club (Mt Alexander Rd, Queens Park Moonee Ponds - opp. Park Street). WHERE: COST: $20 per person Includes Sausage Sizzle, Bowls Fee and $10 Donation RSVP: can email SMFASS at To Register : :- 10 COMMUNITY ADVERTISEMENTS St. Bernard's Auskick 2015 The registrations for the 2015 St Bernard’s Auskick Season is now open. If you are looking to participate in Auskick this year we would encourage you to get online and register. By registering prior to the 20/4/15 you are eligible to receive a family pass to the football for free. Please take note of the following key points: • To register and pay on-line please go to the following website • The cost is $86 (no raffles or additional fundraisers!). • Registrations and payment can only be done online. No CASH PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED • Auskick packs will be mailed directly to each participant • St Bernard’s Auskick season will kick off on 18/4/15 and finish on 15/8/15 Looking forward to another great year in Auskick. Damian Bellino| St Bernards Auskick Co-ordinator For further details please contact me at or on 0403 498 600 11 12 13
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