St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral A parish of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America Weekly Bulletin 3256 Warren Road Cleveland, Ohio 44111 Phone: (216) 941-5550 Office - Fax: (216) 941-3068 E-mail: - Very Rev. Dr. Remus Grama, Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Ionel Satnoianu, Assistant Priest Rev. Fr. Florin Bica, Attached; Rev. Deacon Nick Neagoe Bulletin Sponsor: Virginia Galbincea in memory of my beloved husband Patrick, for our anniversary. Always in my heart! February 15th, 2015 VOLUME 57 NO. 7 SPIRITUAL CALENDAR: Sunday of the Last Judgment. Farewell to Meat Apostle of the Seventy Onesimus;Martyr Major; Ven. Eusebius of Syria 8:30 A.M. Matins (Utrenia); Tone 3, Matins Gospel 3; 9:30 A.M. Divine Liturgy (Sf. Liturghie) Epistle: 1 Corinthians 8:8-13; Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46 Crasnic Ovidiu Vatamanu Head Altar Boy Zachary Davis Be Your Brother’s Keeper When you find out that one of our brothers or sisters in the faith are sick or in hospital we ask you to please call our office. This way you are helping us to be thoughtful in our ministry toward our members. Let us all be Good Samaritans and Brother’s Keepers, as God wants us to be! Do you remember how God asked Cain where his brother Abel is? (Gen. 4, 9). Saint James reinforces the same duty we have about the sick: “Is there anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of the prayer of the faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven”. (James 5, 14-15) Meatfare Sunday Are you serious about your upcoming fasting? Beginning this Sunday, February 15, enter the gradual preparation for Lent. Stop eating meats. Next week, train your body for the fasting, cutting off meats and using: fish, cheese and oil. This way, by February 23 rd you will be ready for the first week of Great Lent! Altar Boys Antoniu Ilias, Nicholas Andrei, Nicholas Spanu, Andrew George Popa Fii Pazitor al Fratelui Tau Atunci cand aflam ca vreunul dintre fratii sau surorile noastre in credinta sunt bolnavi sau in spital, va rugam sa dati un telefon la biroul parohiei. Astfel, ne ajutati sa fim folositori celor ce au trebuinta de rugaciune sau atentie pastorala. Asadar, haideti sa devenim mai buni Samarineni sau pazitori ai fratelui nostru asa cum doreste Dumnezeu. Va aduceti aminte cum Domnul i-a cerut socoteala lui Cain despre fratele sau Abel? (Facere 4,9) Sfantul Iacob intareste aceasi indatorire a noastra astfel: “ Este vreunul dintre voi bolnav? Să-i cheme pe bătrânii bisericii, ei să se roage pentru el şi să-l ungă cu untdelemn în Numele Domnului. Rugăciunea făcută cu credinţă îl va face bine pe cel bolnav, şi Domnul îl va însănătoşi, iar dacă a săvârşit păcat, va fi iertat.” (5,14-15) Duminica Lasatului Sec de Carne Esti serios cu privire la postul ce se apropie? Incepe inca din saptamana lui 15 februarie si fa o intrare gradata. Renunta la carnuri. In aceasta saptamana pregateste-ti trupul pentru post consumand peste, oua si branza. Astfel, in 23 februarie vei fi gata sa incepi un post adevarat. THIS WEEK ALTAR BREAD – PRESCURA SUN., Feb 15th: 8:30 am Matins; 9:30 am Divine Liturgy; Farewell to meat Wed., Feb 18th: 7 pm Parish Council Meeting. Fri., Feb. 20th: 5 pm – 8 pm Fish Fry Sat., Feb. 21st: 2 pm Baptism Nedelcu; 3:30 pm Rehearsal for children’s choir & catechism class for parents; 5 pm Vespers & Confessions SUN., Feb 22th: 8:30 am Matins; 9:30 am Divine Liturgy; Farewell to dairy; Mon., Feb. 23rd : Great Lent Begins 6 pm Great Canon (part 1) Tue., Feb. 24th : 6 pm Great Canon (part 2) Wed., Feb. 25th : 6 pm Great Canon (part 3) Lecture in church; no supper Thu., Feb. 26th : 6 pm Great Canon (part 4) Fri., Feb. 27th : 6 pm Great Compline 5-8 pm Fish Fry Sat., Feb. 28th : St. Theodore (Sambata Mortilor); 9 am Div. Liturgy & General Parastas; 3:30 pm Rehearsal for children’s choir & catechism class for parents; 5 pm Vespers & Confessions Nursing Home Manor Care Wellington Place Royal Oak Bath Manor Special Care Center (Akron) Eliza Jennings Lakewood Pleasant View Villa (7260 Ridge Road, Cleveland, OH 44129) Assisted Living Helene Sillia East Park Betty Ghidiu Lutheran Home Sylvia Cantor Harbor Court John & Virginia Gib Emeritus at Brookside Estates Cornelia Sumpter Arden Courts (Chagrin Falls) John W. & Victoria A. Morin Sandhill Gardens ALF, FL Stefan Toma John Gib Maria Hilcu Filoftia Minzat IM sotului meu Vasile Minzat. Angela Voiculescu IMO family members. Mihaela Popescu IMO my parents Iuliana-Olga & Nedelcu. Rest in peace in the light! May God rest them in peace! Dumnezeu sa-i odihnească! Elena Biliboaca for the good health of the family. Elena & John Stefanescu pt. sanatate si liniste la intreaga familie. Alex & Florica Cotrau pentru sanatatea familiei. NEXT WEEK Betty Galbincea Irene Chirila Radu Petrescu Ana Pravitchi Angela Netcu Maria Radu Iona Stefanescu Simona IM tatalui meu Ioan si a tuturor celor decedati din familie. Hospitalized Fairview Released (Southwest) Released ALTAR CANDLES – SANCTUARY Mihaela Popescu IMO my parents Iuliana-Olga & Nedelcu. Filoftia Minzat IM sotului meu Vasile Minzat & family members.(2) Fam. Inoan IM celor decedati din familie. May God rest them in peace! Dumnezeu sa-i odihnească! Marinela Turc for the good health of Adrian Turc; special intentions for Mirela & Dan – help in life & profession. (2) Theodora Buzatu for the good health of Razvan, Teofana & family. Alex & Florica Cotrau for the good health of the family. 7 DAY VIGIL LIGHTS – NARTHEX Saveta Rosu IM sotului meu drag Dimitrie Rosu. Cornelia Bicescu in memory of Ovidius Bicescu. Ana Popa IM sotului meu Traian Popa. Rozalia Buta IM sotului meu drag, Toma, si a neuitatilor parinti Toma, Eva, Iosif, Maria. Dumnezeu sa-i ierte! Afrodita, Irina, Magdalena & Sophia IM parintilor Victor şi Paula Constantinidis. Cristina Hemsoth & family IMO parents & grandparents “Grigore & Greta Butoi”. Simona IM tatalui meu Ioan si a tuturor celor decedati din familie. Antoniu IMO Emilia Ilias; Arhimandrit Teofil Paraian. May God rest them in peace! Dumnezeu sa-i odihnească! Marcel & Eleonora Alexandru, pentru sanatatea noastra, a copiilor si a nepotilor Ștefania & Denis. Irina Oster pt. sanatatea familiei si prietenilor si multumiri lui Dumnezeu. Angela Voiculescu – please God look over my daughter Sonia, protect & bless her. Eleonora, Marcel & George Alexandru in honor of son & brother Calin for his birthday. Viorel Oancea in onoarea mamei Maria – La multi ani! Eleonora, George, Calin si familia pt. sanatatea lui Marcel Alexandru cu ocazia zilei de nastere. La multi ani! Gloria Haak in honor of my dear husband Al Haak for his birthday with all my love & the Lord’s blessing. Lucica Fogoros pt. sanatate si ajutor de la Dumnezeu noua si famililei noastre din Romania. Dumitru & Paraschiva Vasu- fam. for the good health of our family & God’s blessings. Next Week Altar Boys (Feb. 22): Daniel Contiu, Marcus Durlesteanu, Gabriel Ciobanu, Radu & Andrei Mocanu Teofana Cristoloveanu for the good health of family & friends. Anca Sandu pt. sanatatea copiilor si a familiei; ajutor pt. facultate si scoala pt. Tudor & Cristina. Corul Copiilor și Cateheze pentru Părinţi Repetiţiile pentru corul copiilor au loc în Sala Blazoanelor în fiecare sâmbătă, începând din între 3:30 și 5:00 pm. Pe durata repetiţiei, vom oferi Cateheze pentru adulţi, în Sala AROY. Bulletin Sponsors, 2015 If you would like to sponsor the weekly bulletin, please call the office at 216941-5550 or e-mail us You can do that in honor or in memory of a loved one, for the good health, or for any other reason, for a $40 donation (Holy Pascha $80). Available dates: March 8, 29; April 5, 26; May 3, 10, 17; July 12, 19; August 2, 9, 30; September 6, 13, 20, 27; November15, 22. OUR PARISH DIRECTORY De aceea, îi invităm acum pe toţi părinţii să-şi aducă copiii. Sperăm să beneficiem de ajutorul Clubului Părinţilor, pe care îi rugăm să ne ajute cu băuturi răcoritoare pentru copii. Cu ajutorul lui Dumnezeu, în primăvară dorim ca acest grup coral compus din copii să poată oferi răspunsurile la Sfânta Liturghie. Newly Baptized Congratulations to: -Charles & Diana Naro on the baptism of their son Landon Charles Naro on February 7, 2015. Nasii: Cecilia & Jon Deemes The new parish directory (booklet format) is now available. Members are entitled to receive one free copy. This may be received from the epitropi or from the parish office. -Ionut Catalin & Nastasia Vintila on the baptism of their son Alexandru Vintila on February 7, 2015. Nasii: Oxana Kovalchuk & Virgil Tudorancea. CARTEA DE TELEFON A MEMBRILOR -Gheorghe & Mihaela Popa on the baptism of their son Alexander John on February 7, 2015. Nasii: Sebastian & Aurelia Petre. Noua carte de telefon a membrilor bisericii (in format de buzunar) este disponibila. Membrii bisericii vor primi gratuit un exemplar. Acesta poate fi ridicat de la epitropi sau din biroul parohiei. PARISH ANNUAL REPORTS The annual Reports for the year 2014 are now available in the office. If you did not attend the Parish Assembly and wish to obtain your own copy, please, call our office or simply stop by and get your own copy. -Sebastian & Alina Pascu on the baptism of their daughter Roxana Nicole on February 8, 2015. Nasii: Cristian & Adina Crisan. SÂMBETELE MORȚILOR 28 februarie - Sf. Teodor Tiron 9 am Sf. Liturghie și Parastas 4 aprilie - Sf. Lazăr 9 am Sf. Liturghie și Parastas AVEM NEVOIE DE VOLUNTARI Biserica cauta voluntari pentru urmatoarele lucrari: Pre-Lent Home-made Pastry Sale - vopsirea unor spatii din complexul bisericii - instalare ceramica (gresie, faianta) -lucrari electrice de intretinere Va rugam sa-l sunati pe noul presedinte al consiliului parohial, Vasile Peicu la 216240-3299 When: Sunday, Feb. 15 & Sunday, Feb. 22, after Divine Liturgy Where: Social Hall Please, support our Ladies Auxiliary delicious project! Thank You! WE NEED VOLUNTEERS The parish is looking for volunteers for the following tasks: - Painting of some walls in our complex -Ceramic installation (tiles) - Maintenance work on the electrical system Please call our new parish council president, Vasile Peicu at 216-240-3299 HOLY PASCHA 2015 Cumparati prajituri de casa Cand: Duminica 15 si 22 februarie dupa terminarea slujbei Unde: In Sala Sociala Va rugam sa sprijiniti acest proiect delicios al Reuniunii Femeilor! Va multumim! SPECIAL CHURCH NEEDS: Item Paschal Flowers (pots) Liturgical Wine Incense Charcoal (altar) Needed Cost $ 6 cases 10 boxes 5 boxes 18 ea 98 ea 40 ea 40 ea PASCHAL RECEPTIONS NEEDS Cozonac, wine and boiled eggs for Paschal Reception - Any $______ donation accepted (midnight & morning) Children’s treats approx. 250 Paper Products, cups and spoons 100 all Martisoare realizate manual Daca doriti sa oferiti martisoare celor dragi cu ocazia zilei de 1 martie, puteti sa le achizitionati duminica dupa slujba de la doamna Maria Bartan sau le puteti comanda la 216-267-6474 (in timpul zilei) sau 440-230-0172 (seara). Martisoare (trinket worn in honor of March 1) handmade - sold every Sunday. For orders, contact Maria Bartan at 216-2676474 (day time) or 440-230-0172 (evening) GREAT LENT SERVICES SLUJBELE DIN POSTUL MARE REGULAR LENTEN SERVICES: FORGIVENESS SUNDAY: February 22nd The last Sunday before Lent begins is called the Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, after the Divine Liturgy we should ask forgiveness from one another in order to enter the spiritual journey of fasting in peace. FIRST WEEK OF GREAT LENT In the first four evenings of the Great Lent we will recite the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete from 6 PM. On Wednesday evening of this first week of lent (Feb. 25), after the service there will be a presentation and discussions in the Cultural Hall. No meal will be served. THE PRE-SANCTIFIED LITURGY Our series of Pre-Sanctified Liturgies will begin on the second Wednesday of Great Lent. Strict fast (from noon to the time of Liturgy!) is required from those who plan to partake. The services are followed by a Lenten supper, lecture and discussions. WEDNESDAY LECTURES: Temele cuvintelor de învățătură de miercurea Every Wednesday of the Great Lent, following the Presanctified Liturgy, we will have a light Lenten meal and the following lectures: February 25: Orthodox Christian Fasting -Postul Crestin Ortodox (no meal) March 4: Repentance- Pocainta March 11: The Eucharist - Euharistia March 18: The Orthodox Christian Family - Familia Crestina Ortodoxa April 1: The Church, the Body of Christ Biserica - Trupul Lui Hristos We need volunteers to prepare the meals for these days. If interested, please, call our office. Every Wednesday (except the first week and the 5th week): 6 P.M. Pre-Sanctified Liturgy, Supper & Lecture in the Cultural Hall Friday: 6 P.M. Great Compline 7 P.M. Confessions Saturday: 5 P.M. Great Vespers Followed by Confessions Sunday: 8:30 A.M. Matins 9:30 A.M. Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great SLUJBELE DIN POSTUL MARE: În fiecare Miercuri (Exceptând prima şi a 5-a săptămână) 6 PM Liturghia Darurilor mai înainte Sfinţite, agapă de post şi prezentare în Sala Culturală. Vineri: 6 PM Pavecernita Mare 7 PM Spovedanii Sâmbătă: 5 PM Vecernia urmată de spovedanii Duminică: 8:30 AM Utrenia sau Rugăciunea de dimineaţă 9:30 AM Dumnezeiasca Liturghie a Sf. Vasile cel Mare. NO PARTIES DURING GREAT LENT The teachings and the Holy Tradition of the Orthodox Church urge us to get spiritually renewed during Great Lent. Individual faithful and parish organizations are asked to avoid organizing parties and secular celebrations of any kind during this sacred time. Să nu organizăm petreceri în post! Din învăţăturile Sfantei Tradiţii a Bisericii Ortodoxe înţelegem că timpul acesta al Postului Mare, este un timp pe care trebuie să-l folosim pentru curăţirea noastră spirituală şi pentru o schimbare decisivă a vieţii noastre. De aceea se cere fiecărui credincios în parte şi organizaţiilor parohiale să nu organizeze nici o petrecere sau alte sărbătoriri pe perioada postului. The Greater Cleveland Council of Orthodox Clergy Dear Friends, The Orthodox Christian community of Greater Cleveland and Lorain will soon honor the Sunday of Orthodoxy. A celebration will take place on Sunday, March 1, 5:00 PM at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, 6822 Broadview Rd., Parma, OH 44134. His Grace Paul, Bishop of Chicago and Midwest will preside and preach the homily. The Greater Cleveland Council of Orthodox Clergy has assumed the responsibility of soliciting donations to underwrite the celebration and to support the Orthodox ministries that serve our area. We ask you to contribute to this effort by making a donation to the GCCOC. In return you will be listed as a “Patron” in the handout at the Pan Orthodox Vespers, and the donations collected will be used to support local Orthodox charities. Please make your check payable to the Greater Cleveland Council of Orthodox Clergy or “GCCOC” and return it to your priest or to the address below no later than February 23, 2015. Yours truly, Fr. Stephen J. Callos Fr. Stephen J. Callos Treasurer, Greater Cleveland Council of Orthodox Clergy SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY 2015 – PATRON DONATION Name ____________________________________ Address___________________________________ __________________________________________ E-mail address _____________________________ Parish Name _______________________________ Amount _____________ GCCOC, c/o Sts. Constantine & Helen Cathedral, 3352 Mayfield Road, Cleveland Hts., OH 44118-1330 Ladies Auxiliary Officers, 2015 We would like to thank the officers from the previous years for their dedication and work for the church and we would like to welcome the new officers of the Ladies Auxiliary Organization: President: Mariana Miron Vice President 1: Valentina Cristescu Vice President 2: Maria Tent Secretary: Maria Bartan Treasurer: Livia Dinu Auditors: Angela Voiculescu, Mihaela Popescu ARFORA Delegates: Dorina Riscutta, Maria Bartan; Alternate Delegate: Angela Voiculescu Members at large: Sunshine Committee: Judy Khoury Pomana and other events: Nicolina Klein, Jean Dobrea, Florica Cotrau, Camelia Manolache, Elena Muntean, Floarea Petre, Lucretia Ludu, Elena Biliboaca, Filoftia Minzat, Ana Huluta, Corina Bica What Must I Do To Be A Member of the Ladies Auxiliary? All women are regarded as members of the Ladies Auxiliary. All of them participate, more or less, in the up-keeping of our parish. But, to be regarded as a voting member of the auxiliary, one must pay $20/year ($10 for those over 70). Please, see Mrs. Livia Dinu, treasurer. Our auxiliary is a part of the ARFORA national organization. Romanian Dances for Children Rev. Dn. Nicole Neagoe invites all parents to bring their children (age 10 and over) to church every other Friday, from 6 pm to 8 pm for dance practice, starting on February 20th. The practice will take place in the Cultural Hall. The class is FREE. Instructors: Dn. Nicolae Neagoe & Ovidiu Ghioda Dansuri Populare pentru copii Părintele diacon Nicolae îi invită pe toți copiii de 10 ani si mai sus să participe la repetițiile pentru pentru dansuri populare românești. Acestea vor avea loc din 2 în doua săptămâni, vinerea între 6 pm și 8 pm în Sala Culturala a parohiei, începând din 20 februarie. Clasele sunt GRATUITE. Instructori: Diacon Nicolae Neagoe, şi Ovidiu Ghioda EPISCOPATE CLERGY CONFERENCE Last week, our parish clergy attended the Episcopate Clergy Conference in Phoenix, AZ. The three day conference included presentations on scriptural interpretation (Hermineutics), on the life of Fr. Arsenie Boca – a Romanian confessor of the faith, the need for clergy continuing education, church policies, internet pastoral challenges and the need for moral education. The conference was presided by His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel, assisted by His Grace Bishop Irineu. Over 50 clergy from the USA and Canada attended. The experience of the desert was enhanced by a visit to St. Anthony monastery, the Divine Liturgy and the veneration of a relic of the Holy Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, brought from Greece. The peace of the retreat center, the sweetness of the tangerines and oranges we picked came to a sudden end when we landed back in Cleveland’s winter. National AROY Board Meets Cleveland’s Youth Thank You, Karoly and Maria! The abundant snow of this year kept Karol and Maria more than busy. Seeing their hard work for all of us, we thank them for their loving care for our church! May God bless both of them! Getting Involved in Church Life The Cleveland AROY, presided by Alina Iancu hosted last weekend a meeting of the National AROY organization. Sunday, our visitors attend Divine Liturgy. Sunday School is for All God’s Children Don’t let the winter stop you from coming to church. Bring your children to Sunday School! This is the time when some give in and fall out of their good habit of coming to church. Remember this is the middle of the year; help us push it a bit more to get ready for the Holy Pascha! Time of Repentance The parable of the Prodigal Son reminds each and every one of us to return to the pristine condition in which God wants us to be. Father is available for Confessions every Saturday evening! The life of the local church is made more beautiful by each one of us. Like a flower garden, the parish is the sum of all our talents and God given gifts. For this reason, we invite you to put your talent to work for the benefit of your soul and for the good of the parish. If like to sing, come to the choir! If you are a child or a teen, come to School and AROY! All young people are now meeting every Saturday and learn the melodies of the Divine Liturgy. All parents take religion classes at the same time (3:30-5:00 pm). If you like to volunteer, we need your help at Fish Fry every Friday evening from 4 to 8 pm. If you like to take pictures, please help us talking photos of our events. Images help us in our mission. Express yourself! Come, let us praise God according to the gifts he imparted each and everyone of us! Sing to the Lord a new song! The Sweet, Great Lent Again WOMEN, HAPPY IN THE LORD The experience of the Faith could be very hard for anyone in isolation and away from the church. God Himself is understood as communion of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one Trinity who calls us to also experience the joy of communion. The communion with one another that we achieve in the local church is grounded in our communion with God. He is mystically present in the spiritual warmth of our Orthodox services. In His presence, the hardest endeavors become possible. So is the case with Great Lent as well. The women of our parish had their annual election meeting last Sunday. They chose new officers and discussed ways and means to make our parish more functional and happier in the Lord. They invite ALL ladies to become a part of their sorority. The list of officers of the Ladies Auxiliary is published in this issue of our bulletin. When practiced in isolation, fasting is a mere deprivation of foods, or merely a diet. Even this becomes easier when one has a support system (tapes, trainer etc.). The Orthodox Lent is certainly more than a physical exercise, or a simple diet. It is a transformative experience and a challenge of our entire being: mind, soul and body. The journey from the fear of it to its acceptance and then sweet enjoying begins with the change of mind. The mind must be first convinced that Lent is what God expects from us. In this regard, let’s remember that Jesus does not say: “if you fast”, but “when you fast”. So fast is a given for Him. Abstinence was ordered first to Adam in paradise. It was practiced in the Old Testament (Remember Jonah?). Jesus himself practiced it (for 40 days!). Fasting is meant to sharpen our senses, lighten up our dependency on material food and increase our appetite for the “heavenly bread” or the “Word” of God. Jesus, the sweet Jesus, is the Word. The more we unite ourselves with Him, the more we commune with Him. Christ makes our yoke light and sweet. In the ambiance of the church, we always find a spiritual guide, a structured calendar, spiritual support in services, biblical readings and the fellowship of people who harbor the same creed and aspirations. They pray the same prayers and find comfort in the same joys. Thus, together, in the communion of God and His Church, fasting becomes a sweet and nurturing experience. It is here that, like Moses, Jesus Christ turns any bitterness of fasting into the sweet waters of Marra. And Jesus is the “living water.” Come, therefore: sanctify your mind, subdue your body and let your soul gain wings in the prayer which makes darkness light, the impossible possible. It’s Great Lent again, Follow the Lord and your bitterness will be changed into sweetness! Father Remus Grama WHAT’S GOING ON IN MY CHURCH? The new council, under the presidency of Vasile Peicu will meet next week to get organized. Father Remus Grama and Father Ionel just returned from the clergy conference. Mariana Miron is the new President of the Ladies Auxiliary. We have a water infiltration in the Vestry. The replacement of the ceiling and painting of the Social Hall will begin soon. We are seeking volunteers to help. Please call Vasile Peicu if you wish to help. On February 20th we begin our Fish Fry. Will YOU come and help? Every Saturday afternoon, at 3:30 pm our Children’s Choir learns the responses to the Divine Liturgy. Are you bringing your child? Learn your Faith! Every Saturday, at 3:30 pm, in the AROY Room: Catechism! Come, enjoy! His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel has sent us the following appeal: The Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) is in the process of forming and sending several short-term Mission Teams throughout the world to serve in various capacities. All missionaries must raise their own funds to participate. One of the missionaries (Teresa A. Duro) going to Orhei, Moldova, has appealed for help to meet the costs of her service in Moldova from April 29 - May 8, 2015. The Mission Team will plan and lead spiritual retreats for clergy wives, women lay leaders and a women's group. Teresa has raised $925 so far, but she still needs at least $2,000 more to cover plane fare and other expenses. She must raise the total amount by the end of February 2015 in order to participate. HERE IS THE LINK WHERE ONE CAN MAKE A DONATION FOR TERESA: Scroll down to “Moldova” and click the “SUPPORT” button after Teresa A. Duro’s name. STRANGE NEWS: A CHURCH WITHOUT NEEDS Just recently, I heard the news that a new Romanian Orthodox parish was uncanonically established in our city by a so called Priest of the Episcopate. When I asked the Archbishop, I was told this is not true. The buzz word has it that this is a church “without dues, without needs and especially that “doesn’t ask for any money.” First thing I said was that this would be the most perfect church I ever heard of. But, to get serious, it is certainly strange news because we never heard of a church without needs. When they heard about such a great “sale” and fabulous “discount,” many savvy shoppers for a true spiritual life stormed it. Isn’t it just natural for a materialistic society?! Of course it is! But there is one problem only. When any offer looks too good, watch out for trouble! Here are a few of the concerns. A church cannot serve a Liturgy without the blessing and an antimension from a Bishop. A “priest” cannot just plant himself as he wishes in other parishes. Without this, his services are un-canonical (illegal) and literally misleading. If the Lord obeyed the Heavenly Father to His Death on the Cross, a Priest is also expected to obey his Hierarch. Without this there are no checks and balances on what one does or teaches. In other words, as our former Bishop Policarp used to say “that a priest without a Bishop is like an unplugged vacuum.” Once again, we are cautioning our faithful about this schismatic action in Cleveland. The sacramental actions of that disobeying servant are rendered useless and deceptive to the faithful. Would you go to a doctor who is not recognized by the medical boards? Because we care about the salvation of our faithful, we are raising this flag of alarm for those who wish to act in good faith. We ask those who have any Orthodox Christian consciousness to help us put an end to any attempt of anarchy and division promoted by petty interests. Let’s face it: all churches have needs and there is no church without a form or another of material support. This is how the church and dioceses are being kept. Our own church has many needs and they are always covered with efforts of our loving people, who understand that life is real. May the Lord be merciful on those who attempt to break the peace of His Church! Father Remus Grama Vă Invităm la o seară de Muzică Românească, dans și mâncare ca la mama acasă DUMINICA, 22 FEBRUARIE, ORA 4 PM Sala Sociala a Catedralei Sf. Maria, Cleveland Irina Loghin, Maria Dragomiroiu, Gheorghe Gheorghiu, Raoul Realizator: Bebe Mihu; Pret: $35 Rezervari si informatii: Nelu Belu 216-402-1642 sau Aurelian Radulescu 216-509-5701 Meniul zilei: pește cu garnitură, langoși, prăjituri, bar asortat (Mâncarea nu este inclusă în prețul biletului de intrare) AVEM NEVOIE DE VOLUNTARI WANTED! FISH FRY WORKERS LA SALA SOCIALA PENTRU SERILE DE PESTE PRAJIT THE CHURCH WILL BE HOSTING ITS ANNUAL FISH FRY EVENTS FOR 7 WEEKS (Feb. 20- Apr. 3) STARTING ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 PAROHIA NOASTRA VA SERVI PESTE PRAJIT IN FIECARE VINERI INCEPAND CU DATA DE 20 FEBRUARIE, TIMP DE 7 SAPTAMANI (20 februarie – 3 aprilie) Volunteers Are Needed On: Avem mare nevoie de voluntari: Thursdays from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm for Fish Cleaning, Set-up, Baking, Sauce Making & Cabbage & Noodles - Joia intre 10 am – 3:00 pm pentru curatarea pestelui, aranjarea meselor, gatitul pestelui si pregatirea sosurilor si a garniturii. - Fridays from 3:30 pm to 8:00 pm for Fryer Cooks Fridays from 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm for Hosts or Hostesses, Waiters or Waitresses, Coffee Servers, Bread Servers, Kitchen Servers, Parking Lot, Dessert Table, Ticket Sellers, Bartenders Fridays from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm for Dining Room Clean-up -Vinerea intre 3:30 pm - 8 pm pentru prajitul pestelui -Vinerea intre 4:30 pm - 8 pm avem nevoie de voluntari pentru primirea oaspetilor, servirea mancarii, serivirea cafelei, supravegherea parcarii, vanzarea biletelor si servirea bauturilor la bar -Vinerea intre 8 pm - 10 pm pentru curatenie. IF YOU CAN HELP FOR ANY OF THESE ASSIGNMENTS, PLEASE CONTACT: DACA DORITI SA AJUTATI, VA RUGAM SA SUNATI LA BIROUL PAROHIAL LA 216-941-5550 THE CHURCH OFFICE at 216-941-5550 OR E-MAIL at SAU TRIMITETI UN E-MAIL LA AT LEAST 40 PEOPLE ARE NEEDED FOR EACH WEEK, SO PLEASE SIGN-UP AS AN INDIVIDUAL OR AS A FAMILY. AVEM NEVOIE DE CEL PUTIN 40 DE PERSOANE IN FIECARE SAPTAMANA
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