February 15, 2015 ♦ 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time ! :ĞƐƵŝƚ WĂƐƚŽƌĂůĞŶƚĞƌ ! ! ! ! WĂƌŝƐŚŽĨ ƚŚĞƌĐŚĚŝŽĐĞƐĞ ŽĨDŝůǁĂƵŬĞĞ ! R"#$%&' M&** S,-".$%"! ! ^ƵŶĚĂLJDĂƐƐ^ĐŚĞĚƵůĞ ;hƉƉĞƌŚƵƌĐŚͿ ! Saturday Ancipated: 4:30 p.m. ^ƵŶĚĂLJ͗ ϳ͗ϯϬ͕ϵ͗ϬϬ͕ϭϭ͗ϯϬĂ͘ŵ͕͘ ϰ͗ϬϬ͕ϲ͗ϬϬƉ͘ŵ͘ (4:00 Mass only when Marquee hŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJŝƐŝŶƐĞƐƐŝŽŶ͘Ϳ ! ĂŝůLJDĂƐƐ^ĐŚĞĚƵůĞ ;>ŽǁĞƌŚƵƌĐŚͿ ! DŽŶĚĂLJͲ&ƌŝĚĂLJ͗ ϲ͗ϭϱ͕ϳ͗ϬϬĂ͘ŵ͕͘ϭϮ͗Ϭϱ͕ϱ͗ϯϬƉ͘ŵ͘ ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ͗ ϲ͗ϭϱĂ͘ŵ͕͘ϭϮ͗ϬϱƉ͘ŵ͘ ! ŽŶĨĞƐƐŝŽŶƐ!! ;>ŽǁĞƌŚƵƌĐŚͿ ! DŽŶĚĂLJͲ&ƌŝĚĂLJ͗ ϭϭ͗ϯϬͲϭϮ͗ϬϱƉ͘ŵ͘ ĂŶĚϰ͗ϰϱͲϱ͗ϯϬƉ͘ŵ͘ !"#$"%&'(()"%(#"%#*"+,#-.,(#/#*"+)0.,(1! ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ͗ ϭϭ͗ϯϬͲϭϮ͗ϬϱƉ͘ŵ͘ ĂŶĚϯ͗ϯϬͲϱ͗ϬϬƉ͘ŵ͘ !"#$"%&'(()"%(#"%#*"+,#-.,(#/#*"+)0.,(1! ϭϮϭϬt͘DŝĐŚŝŐĂŶ^ƚ͘W͘K͘ŽdžϰϵϱDŝůǁĂƵŬĞĞ͕t/ϱϯϮϬϭ WĂƌŝƐŚĞŶƚĞƌ͗;ϰϭϰͿϮϴϴͲϳϭϬϭ ͲDĂŝů͗ŐĞƐƵƉĂƌŝƐŚΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ!tĞď^ŝƚĞ͗ǁǁǁ͘ŐĞƐƵƉĂƌŝƐŚ͘ŽƌŐͬ&Ădž͗;ϰϭϰͿϮϴϴͲϱϯϯϵ ůůůĞǀĞůƐŽĨƚŚĞĐŚƵƌĐŚĂƌĞŚĂŶĚŝĐĂƉĂĐĐĞƐƐŝďůĞƚŚƌŽƵŐŚƚŚĞǁĞƐƚĐůŽĐŬƚŽǁĞƌĞŶƚƌĂŶĐĞ͘ A Reflection from Fr. John I n today’s readings the focus is on leprosy. In the ancient Near East, the disease of leprosy carried a social stigma that impacted both the individual and the community. Dating back to the days of Moses, lepers were excommunicated from the community, considered “unclean,” and therefore in a state of sin before God and the entire community. In the Gospel reading, we hear how a leper begged Jesus to heal him of his sickness. And indeed, Jesus did just that. In this opening chapter in Mark, this is the third isolated miracle: the first was the driving out of the evil spirit, last week it was healing Peter’s mother-in-law, and today the cleansing of the leper. In each case it was an opportunity for Jesus to display his healing powers as a gift, a surprise, from a loving God on a particular person in a particular circumstance. This is how Jesus approaches each of us in our own present/unique situation. Pope Francis, reflecting on these healings, notes that “they did not understand that God is a God of surprises; that God is always new; He never contradicts himself; He always surprise us.” Is that not our situation as well? I often wonder what still lies around the corner for me/us as we continue to surface the many dimensions of the risen Jesus’ personality. Somehow Jesus never fits snugly into the boxes we have created. The risen Jesus is filled with surprises. As the French author Francois Mauriac notes: “After the Resurrection, we are apt to encounter the Risen Lord when and where we least expect.” And speaking of surprises, let me share my most recent experience. In mid-January I had several medical procedures resulting in the determination that I have an advanced form of pancreatic cancer. It is inoperable at this time because of the size of the tumor and its proximity to a major artery. While I am contemplating a treatment of chemotherapy and radiation, I am also contemplating a non-invasive approach and just letting things take their course. I recall Thomas ! Kempis Merciful God, writing, “If you are unwilling to suffer, how will you be a friend of Jesus?” You gave Father Arrupe your deep love Like him, I believe suffering is a part of the Christian story. But I also agree with Which he shared with everyone his life touched. Theresa of Avila’s observation that “pain is not permanent.” If it is your will, glorify him on earth So that many will be Persons for Others sharing your love. That others will lovingly accept Your divine plan. I ask you to hear this prayer, Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. My intention is to live as normal a life as possible and continue to be active in the parish and meet my sacramental obligations. I have grown very fond of our parish community. You have been generous in your welcome and supportive to my ideas and aspirations for The Gesu. We pray well together! Jesuit Pedro Arrupe captures my present disposition when he writes: “More than ever I find myself in the hands of God; that is what I have wanted all of my life. But now there is a difference: the initiative is entirely with God. It is indeed a profound spiritual experience to know and feel myself so totally in God’s hands.” I rely on your prayers that my life, until the end, may praise and glorify God. Please pray for me using the prayer for Pedro Arrupe’s canonization. Who knows, I may be the miracle he needs to be made a saint, so we could still have many more years together! ASH WEDNESDAY – FEBRUARY 18 HE IS WAITING Blessing and distribution of ashes will take place at each Mass: 6:15 and 7:00 a.m. (Lower Church). 11:00 a.m., 12:05 and 5:30 p.m. (Upper Church). LENTEN EVENINGS OF PRAYER AND CONFESSION Ash Wednesday Masses sponsored by MU Campus Ministry: 12 noon - Chapel of the Holy Family. 9:00 p.m. - Gesu Parish Abstinence: All who have celebrated their 14th birthday are required to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and on all Fridays of Lent. Fasting: All who have celebrated their 18th birthday and have not yet celebrated their 59th birthday are required to consume only one full meal on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Two smaller meals are also permitted, but no food should be eaten in between meals. LENTEN MORNING OF REFLECTION Saturday, February 21 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Our director will be Fr. Roc O’Connor, S.J. No cost to attend - free-will offerings accepted. Lunch included. Please register by Tuesday, February 17. PALMS TO ASHES Do you have blessed palms left from last Palm Sunday? You can drop them off in church and we will burn them to make more ashes for next year’s Ash Wednesday. During Lent, Gesu will host He Is Waiting, an archdiocesan-wide Lenten initiative to offer the sacrament of reconciliation. The doors to the Lower Church will be open the first five Tuesday nights of Lent from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The first of these evenings is Tuesday February 24. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Every Friday of Lent at 4:00 p.m. in the Upper Church. Please use either the east transept door or the elevator entrance. ! R W! Sunday: Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/1 Cor 10:31--11:1/Mk 1:40-45 Monday: Gn 4:1-15, 25/Mk 8:11-13 Tuesday: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10/Mk 8:14-21 Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18/2 Cor 5:20--6:2/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Dt 30:15-20/Lk 9:22-25 Friday: Is 58:1-9a/Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14/Lk 5:27-32 Next Sunday: Gn 9:8-15/1 Pt 3:18-22/Mk 1:12-15 P !♦F 15, 2015 ♦6 S O T ♦G P, M GESU PASTORAL COUNCIL A RETURN TO THE SACRED SOURCES “This is important: to get to know people, listen, expand the circle of ideas.” – Pope Francis, 1 October 2013. The Church of the Gesu needs you to listen to Pope Francis’ call and to consider nominating one of your fellow parishioners or yourself to serve on our Pastoral Council. This week our study will focus on Article Six of the Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy, which deals with the nature of the liturgy and its importance in the Church’s life. As you read this article ask yourself: Questions for reflection: • What words, phrases, or images stand out to you. What does the text say? • What does this article say about the meaning of liturgy and liturgical participation? Link: http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ iivatican_council/documents/vatii_const_19631204_sacrosanctum-concilium_en.html Discuss & leave comments on Facebook.com: Return to the Sources https://www.facebook.com/ returntothesources There are three vacancies opening on the Council for three year terms beginning this summer. We are asking you to consider and pray deeply as we seek people to help the Council work with our priests and the pastoral staff to help our parish grow and develop its efforts in our daily and weekly worship, in faith formation, in improving our ministries to our fellow parishioners in need, in stewardship, and in building our parish into a stronger community of faith and friendship. Nomination forms are available in the parish office, in the back of the church, and on our Parish website. If you are interested in serving, you know someone who would be, or if you have any other questions, please email Fr. John Schlegel, S.J. AGENDA PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING February 16, 2015; 6:15 p.m. • Opening prayer • Commission collaboration - Human Concerns. • Update on elections. • Pastor’s Forum. • Closing prayer. THE FRANCIS EFFECT Please join us today, Sunday, February 15th from 10:10 to 11:10 a.m. in Cudahy Hall Auditorium to view The Francis Effect. “From the moment he appeared on the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis won the hearts of the people. With characteristic humility, simplicity and closeness to the poor, he has initiated a fundamental reform of the Vatican’s government, challenged a “globalization of indifference” and become the most talked about person in the world.” View this critical and in-depth presentation on how one man has quickly changed the face of Catholicism. Learn what he sees as the first order of the church and what is most important to him. Have you ever fallen asleep or been distracted when praying? Well you have something in common with Pope Francis. He is challenging, hopeful and full of surprises. T W G! Monday, February 16 Pastoral Council 6:00 p.m. (Fr. Herian Hall) Tuesday, February 17 Investment Cmte. 10:00 a.m. Saturday, February 21 Soup & Sandwich 5:30 p.m. (Fr. Herian Hall) WHAT'S THE BOOK CLUB READING? March 14: Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger. Meetings are held in the parish center the second Saturday of the month, 10:00 to approx. 11:30 a.m. ITEMS NEEDED FOR SVDP BUNDLE SUNDAY The St. Vincent de Paul Society will hold their Bundle Sunday collection of items (housewares, furniture, clothing, sporting goods, etc…) at Gesu on March 21 and 22. On that weekend, a SVDP truck will be in the parking lot (MU Lot J) adjacent to the Parish Center. Watch for a flyer in the bulletin and posted on the website regarding what items are accepted and drop-off times. In the meantime, if you are Spring cleaning and recycling gently-used items at your home, please consider saving them for the Bundle Sunday drive. Thank you! EASTER MEMORIAL ENVELOPES Easter memorial envelopes are available on the tables near the doorways in church. Please consider a memorial for a deceased loved one by helping to provide plants and flowers during the Easter season. A list of those remembered will be printed in the worship booklet for the Easter season. The deadline for submitting names to be printed in the booklet is Monday, March 16. Your generosity is appreciated. F S U! FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP UPDATE JULY 1ST THROUGH FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Summary Contributions: Budget to Date Contributions: Actual to Date Difference/Shortage $453,600 $469,068 $15,468 “May there never again be wars, but always the desire and commitment to peace, and fraternity among peoples. Prayer is at the root of peace.” +++ Pope Francis (January 4, 2015) P ϯ♦F 15, 2015 ♦6 S O T ♦G P, M MICAH INVITES YOU... MEN OF CHRIST CONFERENCE “LIVING BLACK HISTORY MOMENT TO MOMENT” CHANGE YOUR LIFE Please join us for our Annual Prayer Breakfast & Black History Celebration on Saturday, February 21. Providence Baptist Church, 3865 N. 82nd St. Keynote speaker: Pastor Walter Lanier. Tickets are $10 in advance Doors open at 7:30 a.m. Tickets can be purchased at the MICAH office Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Please contact 414-264-0805 or office@micahempowers.org with any questions. March 14. Milwaukee Theatre. Hear religious and lay speakers throughout the day. Includes sessions for grade school and school young men. Optional Mass at 7:00 a.m. Official start: 9:00 a.m. Lunch included. Confessions heard throughout the day. Closing Mass at 4:00 p.m. with Archbishop Listecki. Early bird, group, and student rates available. Parking at MacArthur Square: 841 N. James Lovell St. (7th St.) Visit menofchrist.net for more information and to register. THE DE CHANTAL SOCIETY U.S. CENSUS BUREAU FIELD REPRESENTATIVE JOBS AVAILABLE Flexible hours. Call for test scheduling: 1-800-865-6384, Ext. 15. Visit www.census.gov/regions/chicago/www/jobs Fr. Larry’s Column Fr. Larry was so busy last week that he wasn’t able to brainstorm an idea for his article! He asked for a reprieve! YOU'RE INVITED: DATE NIGHT FOR MARRIED COUPLES! Married and engaged couples are invited to attend “Date Night” on Friday, February 27, featuring Gina and Joe Loehr, who will speak on “Two Words That Will Change Your Life: A Simple Strategy for Domestic Bliss.” The event will take place at St. Anne Parish (9091 Prairie Ridge Blvd., Pleasant Prairie just off Hwy. 50 in Kenosha). The evening will begin with Mass at 6 p.m. followed by dinner and talk. Free babysitting will be available. Cost: $26 per person. Registration is first-come, first-served basis. Additional information: www.saint-anne.org/marriage-matters or (262) 942-8300. Ladies, we invite you to take a short respite that promises silence, prayer and spiritual formation…time for YOU. The de Chantal Society is a group of women who are passionate about supporting vocations, families and their own spirituality. We gather a few times per year in the peace of Saint Francis de Sales Seminary for Eucharistic adoration, formation and benediction. Please join us at whichever time works best for you: Wednesday, February 25, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Thursday, February 26, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Gatherings are held at the seminary, 3257 S. Lake Dr. RSVP: newheartnewspirit@sfs.edu or 414.747.6463. FIRST COMMUNICANTS ENTER DRAWING & ESSAY CONTEST! Two winners will be chosen - one boy and one girl. The winners will crown our Lady’s statue at the May Crowning at the Marian Shrine on 68th and Stevenson St. in Milwaukee at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 10th (Mother's Day) and will have their entry and their photograph included in the Roses for Our Lady newsletter. Each First Communicant who attends the May Crowning in their First Communion attire will receive a rosary blessed by Roses for Our Lady’s Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Tim Kitzke. To enter: Draw and color a picture of Our Blessed Mother and include a sentence or two about why you love Our Lady. Entries must be received by March 7th, 2015. Winners will be chosen by the Roses for Our Lady board at our meeting following the March 8th holy hour. Send your entry to: Anne Bender, OPB President, Roses for Our Lady 1908 S. 75th St. West Allis, WI 53219 P"#$%& S)"**! J S , S.J.: P! !!ϰϭϰͲϮϴϴͲϳϮϰϭ͘ john.schlegel@marquee.edu K H, S.J.: A P! ! B M*: C"/F ! J O: F/S&"*! !!ϰϭϰͲϮϴϴͲϱϰϰϵ͘ !!ϰϭϰͲϮϴϴͲϲϴϱϭ͘ M H: L ! barbara.macpherson@marquee.edu jane.ore@marquee.edu D D: M M! !!ϰϭϰͲϮϴϴͲϲϯϬϴ͘ !!ϰϭϰͲϮϴϴͲϱϮϴϵ͘ J O’B: K T: M! margaret.horner@marquee.edu daniel.domrois@marquee.edu !!ϰϭϰͲϮϴϴͲϱϰϱϰ͘ P A"! ! M I&": kurt.thomas@marquee.edu !! ϰϭϰͲϮϴϴͲϭϱϲϱ͘ P F: H C! ! P N! john.f.obrien@marquee.edu !!ϰϭϰͲϮϴϴͲϳϯϴϳ͘ M W, S.J.: !!ϰϭϰͲϮϴϴͲϱϮϴϴ͘ margaret.flahive@marquee.edu A P R O’C, S.J.: marcia.isherwood@marquee.edu !!ϰϭϰͲϮϴϴͲϳϯϮϱ͘ A P M H: Y/A" ! V L": S! mahew.walsh@marquee.edu! ϰϭϰͲϮϴϴͲϭϳϱϮ͘ !!ϰϭϰͲϮϴϴͲϳϰϭϮ͘ !!ϰϭϰͲϮϴϴͲϳϭϬϭ͘ robert.oconnor@marquee.edu michael.heimbach@marquee.edu victoria.laudenbach@marquee.edu !! P ϰ♦F 15, 2015 ♦6 S O T ♦G P, M !C"#$%&$'( F+#,'&$+( ! H"#$%& M)*)+%,-! BEING THANKFUL IS HEALTHY! Sunday, February 15th*: Being thankful is healthy. That’s what the research continues to show. Repeatedly, studies indicate that people who are thankful are happier and healthier. Should we be surprised? No, not if we pay attention to what God has to tell us. Here are a few of the scriptures that instruct us to have a thankful heart and attitude: · K3/K4 Class, 10:10-11:20 a.m. St. Anne Room · K5 – 8th grade, 10:10-11:20 a.m. Cudahy Hall *Parents please join us in Cudahy Hall auditorium for The Francis Effect DVD and find out more about our Pope who is found to be challenging, hopeful and full of surprises. “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 “And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:20 “And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7 “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” Psalm 118:1 Among the discoveries of living a life of gratitude include: • • • • • • Improving psychological, emotional and physical well-being. Counting our blessings can actually make us feel better. Gratitude is a complex emotion that requires self-reflection, willingness to admit dependency on God and others, and the humility to realize our own limitations. Using negative and critical words in your conversations can darken your mood. Journaling helps. There’s an iPad application for gratitude journaling. The real benefit comes from changing the way you experience the world (and God). Peace, health & gratitude in Christ, Marcia Isherwood, Gesu Parish Nurse, in partnership with Aurora Health Care Sunday, February 22th: · K3/K4 Class, 10:10-11:20 a.m. St. Anne Room · K5 – 8th grade, 10:10-11:20 a.m. Cudahy Hall In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus instructs the disciples to “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all…teaching them,” this is exactly what our awesome Gesu parishioners Catherine Palchak and Jennifer Moen are doing in 7th and 8th grade Christian Formation. The class started in the first half of the fall semester with Karen Meador, a 3rd year catechist who needed an unexpected hiatus. Jennifer, a regular substitute for a number of years and parent of one of the students in the class and 2 others in the program, stepped up and has been an excellent permanent substitute. Catherine shares some of what’s been going on: he 7th and 8thgrade students bring lots of energy and enthusiasm! Each formation class is centered on themes from the Sunday Gospel and the students get the opportunity to connect Jesus’ teachings to their modern-day encounters. T With the dawn of the New Year, the students were introduced to the Gospel of Mark and symbols of Baptism. We often talk with the students about where they can find Jesus in their lives and discuss when do they choose to follow Jesus. As catechists, we try to reinforce what God is calling us to do amongst much chaos in our daily lives. Thank you for bringing your children to Gesu Christian Formation, and we look forward to the remainder of the semester! Enthusiasm! P C! A MARDI GRAS CELEBRATION! Please come down to the Gathering Space in the Lower Church to celebrate “Mardi Gras Hospitality Sunday” today, Sunday, Feb. 15, after the 7:30 and 9:00 a.m. Masses. You might also want to try a piece of Fr. Ken’s birthday cake - he’ll be 91 on February 20th! J S , S.J. ! ! J C ! ! B F ! ! L K ! ! D L ! ! A M M MD Forma&on Liaison! ! K O !" #! ! C S District Representave! J ! U" $! ! E Y" % ! ! S Y% & #! ! P !♦!F 15, 2015 ♦!6 S O T ♦!G P, M ! ROMAN ELECTRIC Apartments Available Immediately Sovereign Apartments #1 Choice of Graduate Students Residential Work Family Owned & Operated Since 1896 Located across from the Dental School Call Carlos at 414-412-5611 1810 W. Wisconsin Ave. 640 S. 70th St. 414-471-8565 Patrick, Kyle & William Feerick Help prevent child abuse and neglect. Five Generations Of Comfort & Integrity 2025 E. Capitol Dr. www.feerickfuneralhome.com 414-962-8383 PUB N GRILL capfund.org (262) 781-1111 1900 W. St. Paul 1601 W. Wells 262-792-1710 18000 Sarah Lane, Suite 100, Brookfield, WI www.muhs.edu Elizabeth Residence Luxurious Senior Apartments Specialized Services Available Attorneys at Law SCOTT J. GRADY 262-347-2097 sjg@ghnlawyers.com • www.ghnlawyers.com Catholic School K3-8 3001 N. 68th Street Milwaukee 414-442-7600 ext. 118 9279 N. Port Washington Rd. • Bayside, WI Please Call For Tour (414) 351-1213 www.elizabethresidence.com Family Owned and Operated Community PAUL CONRADSON Agent James P. Dunn Managing Director - Investments, PIM Portfolio Manager 20800 Swenson Drive, Suite 200 • Waukesha, WI 53186 Call (262) 798-3739 for an appointment james.dunn@wfadvisors.com State Farm Insurance Companies Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, member New York Stock Exchange and SIPC. Industry Leaders in Oriental Rug Cleaning and Carpet Cleaning W Join us March 19 St. Joseph’s Day ESTWAY AUTO BODY INC. GUARANTEED QUALITY REPAIRS MICHAEL MALONEY 1412 S. 62nd St. 414-259-1119 www.westwayautobodyinc.com Mass 5:30 p.m. 414-344-4380 www.magikistrugcleaning.com Joseph Bowls Supper 6:30 p.m. !"##$%#&'()*#+(,(-./0(1/+(2(Details at www.sssf.org DISCOUNT DRY CLEANING $5.00 OFF Order of $20 or more A RATING Limit one coupon per order (GESU14) WENDY M. PIETZ, D.D.S., S.C. Oral Facial & Implant Surgery Extractions,Wisdom Teeth & Dental Implants 4600 West Loomis Road, Suite 220 414.281.1881 www.oralsurgerymke.com PROUD SERVICE PROVIDER TO GESU Diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Parish Member 830 N. 19th St., Milwaukee, WI 53233 Serving seniors for 100 years 1913-2013 414-271-0900 811 N 16th • (414) 344-8268 www.marquettelaundry.com OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK (262) 784-2828 MUHS Alumnus • Gesu Parishioner Auto • Home • Health • Life Business • Financial Services www.paulconradson.com of Wells Fargo Advisors Continuing Care Community www.milmission.org 414-224-9700 Serving Milwaukee’s hurting neighbors for over 121 years ATTORNEY PATRICIA M. CAVEY 414-744-4581 Parish Member/National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys Serving Seniors and Their Families ** Asset Preservation Power of Attorney, Guardianship, Title 19, Trusts, Wills, Hospital Discharge & Nursing Home Planning LGTB medical, partner & life-planning documents Offices in Downtown Milwaukee, Bayview, & Glendale Grades K4-12 (414) 264-5440 | messmerschools.org Buck Bradley’s Saloon and Eatery 1019 N. Old World 3rd St. Open 9:00 AM Sat & Sun for Breakfast 414-224-8500 !"#$%&'()&'*"#+,&#-,./+',0*+1/+,'",2/+3,4"5,, '1/+/,6#/,7"#'%&7'"8+,&#-,93+*#/++/+,, '1&',:&8;*7*:&'/-,*#,'1/,8/#"<&'*"#,:8"=/7', Contact Jim Braun to place an ad today! JBraun@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 E-Mail: jmueller@4LPi.com for more information Established 1893 • SLATE • TILE • COPPER (414) 371-8850 | www.millenroofing.com HOLTON BROS. INC. Building Restoration Contractors Tuckpointing • Chimney Repair Caulking • Waterproofing Peace Of Mind AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE AUTO PARTS Funeral and Cremation Services Over 35 Years in Business 1002 11th Ave., Grafton GREITENS AUTO SERVICE 5804 W. Bluemound Rd. • Milwaukee, WI 53213 (414) 352-8088 Phone: (414)258-5744 • Fax: (414) 258-1315 FOR AD INFO CALL Jim Braun 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM Sarah M. Herbert, Funeral Director , Parish Member 414.453.1562 GESU, MILWAUKEE 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. A 4C 01-0100 02-04-2015 11:13:14
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