Page 2 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 Executive Board Delegates Meeting January 5, 2015 December 9, 2014 Second Vice President Sheila Goodman called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. A quorum was established. The minutes of the December 2014 meeting were accepted as published in the Reporter. Treasurer’s Report: Lynn Roberts reported. The cash and CD balances at December 31, 2015 were: CD – $40,232.79 and Checking $34,879.69, for a total of $75,112.48. Community Affairs Committee: Stanley Siegel reported. (1) The Yellow Dot program is waiting for more literature and decals. (2) Possible changes coming to our neighborhood: Thomas Farms on Clint Moore at 441 selling off for development; a new entrance with traffic light at the Sports Authority shopping center; another entrance, but no traffic light, at the Target center; Denny’s to be replaced by Benihana. M&O Committee: Stanley Siegel reported. (1) Jay Brussels of DSL reported new software has been installed. Upgrades are continuing. There are approximately 1,800 users in the Village. (2) Delinquent collections for November were approximately $116,000. (3) Parking lot upgrade is just about complete. The parking lot now meets all code and insurance requirements. (4) The proposed Academy bus contract was received, rewritten by counsel for CenWest, reviewed and additional changes made by counsel for COBRUA, and sent back to Academy’s legal people. Schedules will be considered when contract is finalized. (5) Tennis courts at New England will be refurbished after season and 12 additional parking spaces will be added. Four pickle ball courts will also be added with potential for more parking spaces at a later date. (6) The first Welcome Meeting for new residents received a poor turnout. (7) The fishing Club requested posted signs for the Village fish-and-release rule. (8) Revalidation of ID cards began. If a resident is unable to revalidate on the Association’s scheduled dates, there will be additional opportunity at a later date. The schedule is printed in the Reporter and also available at the Information Desk. (9) The first floor restrooms will be refurbished and brought to Code after season. (10) The COP program will be allowed to refuel prior to the four scheduled Monday holidays. Old Business: (1) The Elevator Committee will have a report in the near future. (2) The Management Search Committee was asked to consider including in the contract janitorial responsibility to empty A/C drip pans and emergency service to close roof doors after hours. New Business: (1) There were complaints about poor service from Solid Waste at 4-story buildings. (2) A request was made for side-loader dumpsters at garden apartments when CenWest renews its contract. (3) Comcast has increased the cost for upgrades. (4) The Veterans Administration will be sponsored by COBRUA for a one-time presentation in the Party Room and thereafter their representative will join the elected representatives and vendor organizations in Room A the second Monday of each month. Good and Welfare: None There being no further business, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted, s/Sydney L. Schwartz Recording Secretary SUPPORT COBRUA Cobrua Reporter Subscriptions We will no longer be mailing papers to residents. If you have already paid for a subscription, we will continue to mail your paper until the subscription expires. You may now read the paper online at www. REPORTER 9045 La Fontana Blvd.Suite 229 Boca Raton, FL 33434 OFFICE HOURS: MON - FRI 9:30AM - 1:30PM PHONE: 561-487-0222 (3) FAX: 561-487-9819 EMAIL: Managing Editor Emeritus Production Senior Contributors Al Horowitz Sylvia Black Lee Chanin, Sid Shapiro, Stan Slater, Paul Thorner Advertising information is available from COBRUA office, 487-0222. Copies of the Reporter are available at the COBRUA office. Our Fax Number is 487-9819; Our EMAIL is EDITORCOBRUA@AOL.COM Contributions to the Reporter are welcome, subject to editing. Contributions will be returned only if a stamped self-addressed envelope is included with copy submitted. Copy must be typed, DOUBLE SPACED, point size 12, letter form. Do not type in all caps. We will not accept copy with sexual content or profanity. We will not print letters or articles containing rumor, gossip, personal attacks or potential slander. Copy must contain the contributor’s signature, residence and phone number. Single spaced articles will NOT BE USED. Century of Boca Raton Umbrella Association, aka COBRUA, a corporation, its officers, directors, editors, staff, and committee people, are not responsible for typographical errors or misrepresentations in any advertisement or article. They are not responsible, and assume no liability for the content of, or any opinions expressed in, any contributed articles which represent the author’s own opinion and not necessarily the opinion of COBRUA. Acceptance of advertising for products or services in no way constitutes an official endorsement of the product. 2014 COBRUA OFFICERS President Mike Limongelli Alan Weinstein 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Sheila Goodman Lynn Roberts Treasurer Budget Director Ted Spar Financial Secretary Henri Borstel Sydney Schwartz Recording Secretary Sergeant-at-Arms Stan Slater PAST PRESIDENTS *Eli Reiskin, *Bernie Bauman *Leonard Sheinfeld, *Julius Gilman, *Leon Scheinine *Philip Loeb, *Harvey Rosenthal, *Janet Shapiro, Roz Rothman *Bob Pally, Henri Borstel, Nat Hymoff, *Ricki Golden, *Oscar Larson, *Ted Forman, Marvin Manning, *Bernard Cohen, Stanley Siegel, Lynn Roberts *Deceased The Delegates were called to order by President Mike Limongelli at 10:00 a.m. A quorum was established. The minutes of the October meeting were approved as published in the Reporter. Treasurer’s Report: Lynn Roberts reported. The cash and CD balance on November 30, 2014 was: Checking - $35,515 and CD - $40,232 for a total of $75,747. Security: Security Supervisor Joe Tucker reported. (1) The speed bump at the south end of the Clubhouse will be replaced after paving project is complete. (2) Residents are warned shorts are not allowed in the theater. Residents violating this policy will be asked to leave. Election Committee: Sharon Lustgarten reported. Election for three positions on the M&O will be held March 10, 2015. Three letters of intent to run have been received – Stanley Siegel, Lynn Roberts, and Adelle Pastman. At the February 10, 2015 Delegates Meeting, nominations will be taken from the floor. To be eligible to run, a candidate must be a permanent resident of the Village (9 months in the preceding calendar year), either a member of the Executive Board of COBRUA or a Director of a member Association. Candidates may submit summaries for inclusion in the March edition of the Reporter. Community Affairs Committee: Stanley Siegel reported. (1) The Associations will organize a petition to the County to budget funds to alleviate the heavy traffic on Lyons, Glades and other local roads. (2) The Yellow Dot safety program is on hold until funds are allocated by Tallahassee. (3) Our elected legislators will be asked to again submit legislation to increase the amount banks will be required to reimburse condo Associations at the end of a foreclosure proceeding. M&O Committee: Stanley Siegel reported. (1) Glow Cleaning reported on changes that had been requested. (2) Joe Tucker advised that Jason Henderson was appointed second in command. (3) Clubhouse furniture is being reupholstered. Furniture will be removed one-third at a time. Some pieces will be getting more backing to accommodate shorter residents. (4) Approximately $151,000 was collected from delinquent owners last month. (5) The new tennis pro is Ed Duffy. He comes to us with excellent credentials. (6) On December 11th the first orientation program for new residents will be held in the Party Room from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. (7) Projects completed are the new chairs in the Billiard Room, the new tiki hut, and adjustment of the barbeque. (8) Parking lot paving should be completed in December. (9) Some of the tables in the card rooms will be converted to Mah Jongg tables. (10) Approval was given to fly the POW-MIA flag under the United States flag on all our flag poles on the same days they will be flown on all Federal buildings: Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, and the third Friday in September. Old Business: (1) A date for completion of new road lighting was requested. (2) Wi-Fi reception is an ongoing issue. New Business: None Good and Welfare: (1) There should be a special area of the Party Room designated for residents who are not part of a private party being held in the Party Room. (2) The prior month’s minutes should reflect that only one person asked for music at the pools. (3) There are ongoing problems with the telephone companies supplying service to Village residents. (4) Multiple issues with bus schedules and routes were raised. (5) The Associations should be getting competitive bids for insurance. (6) Wi-Fi is an ongoing problem. (7) The COP program needs a solution for fueling on holiday weekends. (8) There should be a designated collection point for recycling batteries. (9) The sauna in the men’s locker room needs adjustment. (10) Feedback on issues raised at Delegates Meeting was requested. (11) The no-soap policy in the locker room showers should be deleted. (12) A better schedule is requested for the new bus contract. (13) What happened to the free exchange program for WiFi repeaters? (14) Security did not follow through on a request to tag a car. (15) Thanks for the new road at Brighton. (16) More benches are needs along the walking paths. (17) A sidewalk is needed from bus stop at Brighton E. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11: 15 a.m. Respectfully submitted, s/ Sydney L. Schwartz Recording Secretary NOTICE REPRESENTATIVES FROM Congressman Ted Deutch State Senator Joe Abruzzo State Rep. Kevin Rader Commissioner Mary Lou Berger County Tax Appraiser Gary Nikolits Property Tax Collector Anne Gannon Amplified Telephones Comcast DSL/Wi-Fi WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS OR HEAR YOUR PROBLEMS MONDAY, February 9TH 10 AM-12 PM CLUBHOUSE ROOM A February 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 3 The Berger Banner Palm Beach County Vice Mayor Mary Lou Berger, District 5 L to R: Laura Kallas & Connie Berry of Caridad, Vice Mayor Berger with Anne and Norman Jacobson of the JFS Food Pantry The New Year is off to an amazing start! In addition to being elected Vice Mayor of Palm Beach County (PBC) I have been placed on the Value Adjustment Board. Currently I am the Vice Chair of the Solid Waste Authority and board member of the Cultural Council, Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Water Resources Task Force. I find these meetings to be worthwhile and fascinating. Along with my participation in Florida Association of Counties and National Association of Counties, I am humbled to serve on these boards not only as your District Commissioner but as a representative of all PBC residents to improve your quality of life. I am proud to report that my second Holiday Open House & Food Drive (click for photos) was a huge success. Almost 100 pounds of food and $550 in Publix gift cards were split between the benefit Caridad Center and Jewish Family Services Jacobson Family Food Pantry. It is wonderful to see the community come together to help those residing within its limits. I thank everyone who took the time to attend and contribute, particularly the PBC Firefighters, who donated the bulk of the gift cards. I look forward to growing this event for the remainder of my time in office serving the residents of District 5. As promised, I raised the complicated and controversial issue of panhandling to my fellow Commissioners. I have asked the County Attorney to draft an ordinance prohibiting anyone and everyone from collecting money in the medians. This effort is to address the growing public safety concern we have, particularly in West Boca. My recent efforts should not be seen as an attack on the homeless or anyone in need. I sincerely hope that this action may help our homeless population perhaps even driving them to the many resources that are available to help them county-wide. PBC has a Homeless Services Program within the Human Services Division of our Department of Community Services. Their purpose is to serve individuals who are homeless through a continuum of care, emergency shelter, intake and assessment, transitional housing and support services, with the goal of gaining or regaining economic selfsufficiency. One of the most effective means used to get our programs and services to those that need them are conducted by a group known as the Homeless Outreach Team also known as HOT. Human Services has three teams whose members go to places throughout the county where homeless people are known to congregate. The friendly, nonthreatening discussions build trust and rapport, enabling members to complete comprehensive intake and assessment. Then, if the subjects are willing, arrangements are made with the Homeless Assessment Center or for medical treatment, crisis stabilization or emergency shelter. As always, I invite your comments on any issue of interest to you. As your Commissioner I am here to help you. You may write me at 301 N. Olive Ave., West Palm Beach, 33401 or at You can call me or my staff at 276-1310 or toll free at 877-930-2205. Please visit me on the web at Dear Friends, The 2015 Legislative Session will officially begin on March 3, 2015, but we have already begun holding Committee meetings in Tallahassee. This is a necessary part of the Legislative Process to ensure that every piece of legislative is vetted and reviewed before it makes it to the Floor for passage. Each term we are assigned to new committees, this year I have five committees. Below I have listed each with a brief description: Appropriations CommitteeResponsible for the creation of the House’s Proposed Budget. The committee also provides oversight on the implementation of the budget. Local and Federal Affairs Committee-Considers matters related to local governments, Florida’s Veterans, the FL National Guard, and the military. The committee also deals with the matters related to state/federal relations to ensure that federal policy does not negatively affect the state’s economy or taxpayers. Local Government Affairs Subcommittee-Examines a variety of issues related to local government and is primarily responsible for the local bill process. Business and Professions Subcommittee (Democratic Rank- Calling all Veterans or Veteran Widows Commissioner Mary Lou Berger WANTS YOU to know what benefits you may be entitled to WHAT: Notice Regarding Dinner Bus The dinner bus runs every Wednesday at 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. There ing Member)-Oversees the state’s regulation and licensing of business and professional entities, consumer regulatory programs and the regulation of Alcohol and Tobacco. Also responsible for the oversight of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation and the consumer service activities of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Government Operations Subcommittee-Responsible for matters related to State Agency governance. Also responsible for the oversight of the Agency for Enterprise Information Technology, the Department of Management Services, the Department of the Lottery, the State Board of Administration, the Division of Elections, and the FL Elections Commission. Stay informed and engaged during the 2015 legislative process. Proposed legislation, committee meetings, and other useful information can be easily found at www. I love hearing your thoughts on legislation and ways we can improve Florida! Please continue to call, send emails, and stop by the office to share your thoughts. I am here to serve you! Best Regards, Kevin Rader Veterans Outreach Event *refreshments provided WHERE: Village Clubhouse WHEN: is a minimum of ten (10) passengers. Reservations are imperative. If you plan on going, you must call the staff office between Monday and Wednesday to reserve your time. 451-1221. February 12, 2015. From 10am to Noon and 1 pm to 4 pm Each session begins with the Pledge of Allegiance, welcome remarks from Vice Mayor Berger and introductory briefing by Veterans Service Officer, Andy Reese IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN: Guidelines for Contributors Deadline 10th of Month Articles must be double spaced and (preferably) emailed to Cobrua. Single spaced articles will not be accepted. Do not type in all caps or bold. Submit in letter form. Keep your articles short - preferably 1 or 2 pages. Thank You Learning more about Disability, Home Loan & Pension Information Filing a new claim Asking questions about a Current Claim *please bring all relevant paperwork Avoiding scams by learning more about current predators facing Veterans and their widows WE HOPE TO SEE YOU AT THIS WORTHWHILE EVENT Page 4 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 Property Matters Anne M. Gannon Palm Beach County Constitutional Tax Collector Dear Friend, The weather is magnificent and love is in the air here in Palm Beach County! If you visit an office, you may notice an employee taking photos of new drivers. That’s how we help them celebrate getting their first license. Photos are posted to our Twitter page @TAXPBC. For Valentine’s Day, we take photos of newlyweds who come to an office for driver license or state ID card name changes. I invite you to join in on the fun! Property Tax Payments February is your last chance to receive a discount on 2014 property taxes. Payments received in our office by Monday, March 2nd receive a 1% discount. Payments received after March 31st are delinquent. Delinquent taxes include a late fee and interest. Our online payment center is always open at www. Do you want quarterly payments for 2015 property taxes instead of one lump sum? Then our Installment Payment Plan is your chance to catch a break. It’s easy. Just complete a brief online application at by April 30th. If you are already enrolled, you do not need to reapply. Homestead Exemption Speaking of 2015 property taxes, there’s another deadline you need to know about if you recently purchased a home. If you want a Homestead Exemption, you must submit the Homestead Exemption Application to the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser by 5:00 p.m. on March 1st. You can e-file directly on the Property Appraiser’s website at or download and mail an application. In the Driver’s Seat Issuing driver licenses is one of our most popular services. We recently updated our free mobile app, “In the Driver’s Seat.” Features include: Quick access to Florida’s driving laws and recent changes Easy online driver license appointments Tools for first time drivers, including updated study materials, the official practice test, and driving logs Calendar of important dates and deadlines Whether you’re preparing for your first license or you’ve been driving for decades, In the Driver’s Seat is a helpful tool. It’s available for Apple and Android smart devices and can be downloaded in the Apple App Store, Google Play, and Amazon. Are You Renting? Whether it’s an apartment, a single family home, or even a room in your home, property owners renting or leasing a unit for six months or less must pay Tourist Development Tax. The Palm Beach County Commission has increased this tax rate to 6% beginning this month. Revenue is used to promote tourism, convention centers, and sporting facilities and fund cultural arts and beach restoration. Knowingly evading taxes is a felony in Florida. If you have been renting and were not aware of this responsibility, contact us as at (561) 355-3547 or We will work with you to bring your property into compliance. Want to Learn More? Did you know that our office is not funded through property tax dollars? Or that we distribute unexpended revenue from collected fees to local taxing authorities like public schools and cities? If you want to learn more about the services we provide… our community outreach program is a great resource! We can provide a speaker for your civic organization, homeowner’s association, or professional organization. Simply email your request to Sincerely, Anne Anne M. Gannon Constitutional Tax Collector Dear Friends, The federal tax credits established by the Affordable Care Act to help Americans buy health insurance have proven enormously successful in Florida, where consumers are using the online Marketplace at to shop for coverage. Indeed, more than 90 percent of the Floridians who bought a Marketplace plan for 2014 received some form of financial help made available by the law. Yet few Americans are aware that a case currently pending before the Supreme Court, King v. Burwell, could eliminate this financial assistance for consumers in the 36 states - including Florida - that opted to use a federally-run marketplace on instead of create their own system. The Affordable Care Act’s tax credits help middle-income Americans earning up to $95,400 for a family of four afford coverage, but, with a negative ruling in King v. Burwell, these tax credits would be unavailable to consumers in states like Florida. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, a Supreme Court decision eliminating assistance for consumers in these 36 states could jeopardize up to $65 billion in combined tax relief for more than 13 million Americans across the country. The loss of financial assistance to help keep health premiums low would be especially devastating in Florida. A recent report from the House Energy and Commerce Committee revealed that by 2016, more than 2.5 million Floridians could lose a staggering $12.2 billion in financial assistance toward their health insurance should the Supreme Court rule against the Administration in King v. Burwell. In Florida’s 21st district alone, nearly 116,000 consumers could lose the tax credits that put affordable coverage within their research. The tax credits established to help Americans everywhere find affordable health coverage are a cornerstone of the 2010 health care reform law. Should the Supreme Court issue another partisan, 5-4 ruling against the Affordable Care Act, millions of families across the country may find health insurance once again out of reach. As we await the Supreme Court’s decision in King v. Burwell, please know that I will continue to support solutions that improve, rather than weaken, how the Affordable Care Act works for the people of Florida. Kind regards, Ted Deutch Want To Be Among Century Village’s Finest? Be our community’s & By joining the COP Program right here in Century Village, and volunteering just 3 or more hours a week, you too can be one of our heroes! Call Capt. Jay Levy (561) 218-4419 and Sign Up Today! Cobrua Reporter Letters to the Editor Guidelines for Publication 1. Letters must be original to the writer. 2. Letters must be typewritten in 12 point type and double spaced. Do not use all caps. 3. Letters must include name, CVW address, and telephone number of writer. 4. Letters must be under 200 words. 5. Letters must be based on issues relating to CVW. 6. Letters will be subject to editing to assure accuracy. No rumor, gossip, personal attack, potential slander, or similar letters will be printed. 7. To promote diversity, letters from the same writer will not be published more often than every other month. 8. Letters must be EMAILED TO: by the 10th of the month for publication in the following issue. 9. Receipt of letters will not be acknowledged. 10. All decisions of the Committee are final. COMMITTEE Sydney Schwartz, Chairman Lynn Roberts February 2015 The Good In People By Gregory Fusillo Now that the holidays are over and we are getting down to the business of retirement and enjoying our golden years, there are many people who continue to work for us. Have eye issues, can’t hear as well as you used to, want someone to talk to, want to go to the Miami Seaquarium, need a walker, need a ride to the doctor, want to share a joke or two? This only scratches the surface of what is available to our residents, and is all accomplished by our residents. These residents are your volunteers…..the people who do not get paid and help to make Century Village a “great place to live”. Many functions are taken for granted as we go about our daily routines and we do not realize how much work and effort goes into making sure that our residents are kept happy and enjoy their retirement. I do not think that there is any other retirement community that has so many clubs, classes and activities offered to its residents than you will find in Century Village. One only has to go to the front Information Desk and pick up a Club List with 52 clubs listed for your choosing. What is any club made up of? Usually it is a group of people who for some reason are not satisfied with sitting at home and complaining about everything under the sun. People like my dearly departed friend Jerry Ortzman, who asked my wife Debbie and I almost six years ago to help organize a club called the 60’s Generation. Since then, with his wife Susan at the helm, the club has grown to over 350 members and is geared to seeing that people enjoy themselves. One would only have to guess that most of these people are taken for granted, such as the volunteers who run bingo night on Wednesdays, or the volunteers who help people in We Care. Think you can sing or act? Most people think they can, including yours truly. Well, come and join the Repertory Club and perform on stage. Whether you are playing tennis, fishing, golfing, eating, walking, reading or just plain old talking, there is something or more importantly someone out there in Century Village to help you. It would be blasphemy if I did not mention the work that your community leaders perform to help run this small city. Those are the directors, delegates, COP and COBRUA officers that good, bad or indifferent to what we think, step up to the plate for us. Now if we could only get our cable and WiFi service working properly we would have so much less to talk about and more time to enjoy ourselves. On behalf of all the residents of CVW, I want to give a big shout out to all those who volunteer….. THANKS!!! (If you know of someone that you would like to be acknowledge as a Good Person, please call me at 561400-2573) NOTE TO LWH: Please be sure his bold, italics & caps are kept in. Letter to the Editor To the Editor: I was shocked to read Stanley Siegel’s latest “Community Affairs” column in the January Cobrua Reporter. In it he asks “citizens” to write to “Vice Mayor Mary Lou Berger” requesting road repairs, widening and better traffic flow. As a regular user of District 5’s roads I cannot understand what he is complaining about. I find the condition of the roads to be in good to excellent shape with no potholes and excellent lane markings and signaling. As for traffic this season, it is busy, what with the snowbirds, holiday visits, the recovering South Florida economy and falling gas prices, none of which is the making of our County Commissioner. Regarding heavy traffic on I-95: this is an interstate highway that is controlled by the Federal Government, not County Commissioner Berger. Considering how instrumental Commissioner Berger›s office was in getting the turn lane restored at our Southgate entrance in 2013 and now helping to increase the green time at Northgate, I feel that Community Affairs Chairman Siegel owes her an apology. After all, it›s not like Century Village Boca Raton has been neglected by Commissioner Mary Lou Berger, who deserves the full support of villagers when she runs for her second and final term (under term limits) in 2016. Fred Hadley We Care in the Village Needs Volunteers Do you have a few hours to volunteer to help your neighbors? Do you have a few hours to help take someone to a doctor’s appointment? Do you have time to call or visit homebound Century Village residents? We Care of Century Village West Needs You! We Need • Drivers • Office Staff and Clerks • Friendly Visitors • Telephone Reassurance Hours: Monday – Friday 9 – 11:30am and 1-3:30pm For information call 487-2827 COBRUA REPORTER Page 5 Community Affairs By Stanley Siegel, Chairman; Mike Limongelli, Marvin Manning Fire Rescue has been contacted to supply us with additional Yellow Dot pamphlets. I will also be in touch with the West Boca Community Council who is also a sponsor of the program. Some of the happenings in the community are: -Thomas Farms wants to relocate their packing facility on 441 and Clint Moore. They are working on a plan for limited housing and upscale restaurants and stores. This is in the preliminary stages. -There will be a relocation of the entrance and exit areas on 441 where Sports Authority is located. A traffic light will be installed. This will allow for a smoother flow of traffic and less congestion in attempting to get to the Home Depot/Publix shopping center. -There will be an additional fourth entrance in the Target mall to relieve the congestion of entering that area. Unfortunately, county DOT regulations do not allow for another traffic light. -The area that Denny’s vacated will be replaced with a Benihana. As these and other issues progress, we will keep you informed. An invitation from the office of SENATOR JOSEPH ABRUZZO Florida Senate, District 25 We are here to serve you! If you are unable to reach us at your location, please do not hesitate to contact our District Office at (561)791-4774. We will be more than happy to set up a personal meeting to address any matter you wish to bring to our attention. District Office: Wellington City Hall 12300 W. Forest Hill Blvd, Suite 200 Wellington, FL 33414 (561)-791-4774 CENTURY VILLAGE OFFICE HOURS Government Day 2nd Monday of Every Month Clubhouse 10:00 AM- 12:00 NOON ~ Constituent Services 4th Wednesday of Every Month Temple Beth Shalom 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM Patronize our Advertisers. Tell them You Saw Their Ad Here and Thank Them For Supporting our Community. FESTIVAL FLEA MARKET BUS THE BUS MAKES THE TRIP EVERY OTHER THURSDAY ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: February 12th, 16th THE $3.00 ROUND TRIP TICKET CAN BE PURCHASED THE THURSDAY MORNING OF THE TRIP AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE INFORMATION DESK IN THE CLUBHOUSE. THE BUS LEAVES OUR CLUBHOUSE AT 10:00 AM AND LEAVES THE FLEA MARKET FOR THE RETURN TRIP HOME AT 2:00 PM SLOW DOWN THIS IS A RETIREMENT COMMUNITY SPEEDING PUTS ALL OUR LIVES AT RISK RESIDENTS & VISITORS COMPLY WITH OUR SPEED LIMITS, CROSSWALK CAUTION & ALL SIGNAGE. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN FURTHER RESTRICTIONS & ENFORCEMENT RESIDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE TO CROSS THE ROAD WITHOUT FEAR OF A SPEEDING CAR THIS IS A SAFETY MESSAGE FROM SECURITY AND COBRUA –PLEASE COMPLY– Page 6 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 From A RabbiRabbi ’s D esk Dr. Chaim Shapiro Rabbi Emeritus - Congregation Torah Ohr My wife Sheila and I recently had a special event in our family. We attended a beautiful program of two grandsons becoming ordained as rabbis! We were thrilled to be able to partake in this special occasion. I was pleased to see a man who I perceive to be an obnoxious person receive some well-deserved treatment. Reverend Al Sharpton was told to leave the premises of a family that was mourning the loss of their son. Sharpton, who has often visited with President Obama at the White House, was told to leave the home of that family because they felt he was only trying to OBEY THE C.V.W. SPEED LIMITS garner some publicity for himself. There was another terrible occurrence that took place in a synagogue in Israel. The headlines there related how Palestinian terrorists came to the synagogue and murdered some well-known rabbis. One of those rabbis was the grandson of one of the three rabbis who had ordained me. When the Israeli police located these terrorists and killed them, the Arab press called these murderer’s noble victims who would go up to Palestinian heaven. A final thought for this time… Israel is preparing to have an election for the next Israeli government leaders. According to most predictions, Prime Minister Netanyahu will win the election and be able to form a new government more acceptable to his agenda. My wife Sheila joins me in extending our best wishes to our Century Village friends and neighbors, Free Movies In February THE HUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY - Helen Mirren, Om Puri, Manish Dayal, Charlotte Le Bon The story of a feud between two adjacent restaurants, one operated by a recently relocated family from India and the other managed by a 5-star French chef. Produced by Steven Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey, this film was directed by Lasse Hallstrom. PG;122 Min. Kaitlyn Dever, Jennifer Garner, Adam Sandler, Emma Thompson. A group of high school teenagers and their parents attempt to navigate the many ways the Internet has changed their relationships, their communication, their self-image, and their love lives. Directed by Jason Reitman. R; 119 Mins. Rated R for Adult Situations. *02/01Sun *02/01Sun 02/02Mon 02/03Tue 02/06Fri *02/13Fri *02/15Sun 02/15Sun 02/16Mon 02/20Fri 2PM 8PM 8PM 2PM 8PM BEFORE I GO TO SLEEP - Nicole Kidman, Colin Firth, Mark Strong A woman wakes up every day, remembering nothing from the day before, as a result of a traumatic accident in her past. One day, new terrifying truths force her to question everyone around her. Directed by Rowan Joffe. R; 92 Min. Rated R for Adult Situations. *02/08Sun *02/08Sun 02/09Mon 02/10Tue 02/10Tue 2PM 8PM 8PM 2PM 8PM men, women & children - 8PM 2PM 8PM 8PM 8PM PRIDE - Bill Nighy, Imelda Staunton, Dominic West *Pride* is an extraordinary true story. In the summer of 1984, Margaret Thatcher is in power and the National Union of Mineworkers is on strike, prompting a group of gay and lesbian activists to raise money to support the strikers’ families. As the strike drags on, the two groups discover that standing together makes for the strongest union of all. Directed by Matthew Warchus. R; 120 Min. Rated R for Adult Situations. *02/22Sun *02/22Sun 02/23Mon 02/24Tue 02/27Fri 2PM 8PM 8PM 2PM 8PM IT’S NOT AL WAYS EASY ALW BUT IT P AYS PA It is not always easy... to apologize. to begin again. to take advice. to be unselfish. to admit error to face a sneer. to be charitable. to be considerate. to show appreciation. It is often difficult... to be broad minded. to forgive and forget. to profit by mistake. to think before you act. to keep out of a rut. to make the best of little. to shoulder deserved blame. to maintain a high standard. to see the silver lining. BUT IT P AYS! PA Village Speed Limit L A W O F F I C E S 20 Please The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. Main office in Boca Raton. Drive Safely February 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 7 Understanding Your AMR Transportation Coverage THE FOLLOWING IS INFORMATION FOR ALL RESIDENTS OF CENTURY VILLAGE REGARDING YOUR COVERAGE FOR MEDICAL AND NONMEDICAL TRANSPORTATION WITH AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE Rescue Paramedic will call AMR directly, and AMR will respond and transport you. • Your AMR contract allows us to bill your insurance, so you may be contacted for additional insurance information and copay information. ALL EMERGENCY TRANSPORTS ARE COMPLETELY COVERED BY YOUR AMR CONTRACT ONCE YOU PROVIDE AMR WITH ALL YOUR INSURANCE INFORMATION. 911 Medical Transportation • IN ANY AND ALL MEDICAL EMERGENCIES, YOU MUST CALL 911! This is the Medical Emergency Network of all Palm Beach County and Fire Rescue will respond appropriately. • Once transported, you will receive a billing statement from the Fire Department. Contact them directly to discuss additional billing information they may need or to make co-payments depending on your insurance. AMR will not pay for transports nor is it a covered service, when transported by Fire Rescue. • If, at time of transport, you are medically stable, but still should go to the hospital, the County Additional Ambulance Services It is important to notify anyone arranging ambulance or non-medical transportation, that you have a contract with AMR. Some examples of Ambulance Transports are: • Ambulance transportation will be provided from Hospital to Hospital, as ordered by your physician, for approved medical necessity and higher level of care. • Hospital discharges to skilled and rehab facilities or home, if medically necessary. • Skilled or Rehab facilities to medical appointments, if medically necessary • Skilled or Rehab to hospital ER By Sarah Kirkwood Account Manager AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE • Skilled or Rehab to home if medically necessary • A L L T R A N S P O RTAT I O N WILL REQUIRE THE RESIDENT TO SHOW THEIR CENTURY VILLAGE ID CARD. FOR ANY AMBULANCE TRIP THAT IS NOT A COVERED SERVICE, YOU MAY BE BILLED AT 40% OFF OF AMR’S PUBLISHED RATES. Non-Medical Transportation Services (CABULANCE) • Non-Medical services shall be available to all full-time and part-time residents who permanently or temporarily are in need of wheelchair service. Services provided are within Palm Beach County. Any out-of-county trips are reviewed on a case by case basis. • Non-Medical services are for medical appointments only and the service is not to be used as a taxi service. • All Hospital transports can be s• All home transports or Facility arranged transports must be scheduled with AMR 24 hours prior to appointment. • AMR will provide a wheelchair if the resident does not have their own. • All transportation will require the resident to show their ID card and provide AMR with any and all insurance information YOUR AMR CONTRACT APPLIES TO RESIDENTS OF CENTURY VILLAGE. IF AN OWNER OR RENTER CHANGES PERMANENT RESIDENCE TO A NURSING HOME OR ASSISTED LIVING HOME, HE/ SHE IS NO LONGER COVERED UNDER THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT. MOST IMPORTANTLY… ANY AND ALL COMMUNICATIONS FROM AMR TO YOU, WHICH ASKS FOR PAYMENT, SHOULD BE TURNED OVER IMMEDIATELY TO THE COBRUA OFFICE FOR PROCESSING. DO NOT PAY AMR FOR ANY TRANSPORTATION WITHOUT CONSULTING THE COBRUA OFFICE ATTENTION SNOWBIRDS TOTAL CONDO CARE WILL PROVIDE This Newspaper is brought to you by our Advertisers. Please tell them You Saw Their Ad Here and Thank Them For Supporting the Community. IT'S REVALIDATION TIME!!!! BUILDINGS Ainslie, Brighton and Cornwall Dorset and Exeter Fanshaw Guildford, Hythe and Lincoln Mansfield Newcastle and Preston Rexford and Suffolk Wolverton and Yarmouth DATE January 5th - 9th January 12th - 16th January 19th - 23rd January 26th - 30th February 2nd - 6th February 9th - 13th February 16th - 20th February 23rd - 27th Please come into the Century Village ID Office one day during your week *(see above) to revalidate between the hours of 9:00a.m. - 4:30p.m. *Make-up revalidations will be scheduled beginning March 2nd, 2015. All ID's NOT revalidated by March 27th, 2015, will be subject to forfeiture. v v v v v v v v WEEKLY INSPECTION MONTHLY PEST SPRAYING PROMPT FOLLOW-UP AFTER WEATHER DISASTER SUPERVISE DELIVERIES AND SERVICE CALLS MONTHLY E-MAIL COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS AS REQUIRED ALL INSPECTIONS AND ACTIVITIES ARE RECORDED BONDED AND INSURED AIRPORT PICK UP AND DRIVING SERVICES PROFESSIONAL CLEANING, PAINTING AND RENOVATION SERVICES 561-314-9889 We will take care of your condo as our own. WE CARE Visually Impaired Persons Support Group Meets the First Wednesday of each month except August Next Meeting: Feb 4th • 10:30 AM in Music Room ALL WELCOME •INFORMATION ON THE LATEST EQUIPMENT & TREATMENT AVAILABLE •NOTED DOCTORS AND COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES •SUPPORT AND HELP EACH OTHER AS WE ADAPT TO VISION LOSS If you need help or wish to speak to Robert, please call the We Care office at 487-2827 and he will get in touch with you. Page 8 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 IMPROVING HEALTH, ONE LIFE AT A TIME DOCTORS THAT CARE FOR THEIR PATIENTS Something you can always count on. At MCCI, we provide medical services of the highest quality. Our focus is on improving our patients’ lives by enhancing their personal health and treating them with the respect they deserve. We offer convenience without compromise. Our Medical Centers are built upon our medical expertise and around the healthcare needs of our patients. OUR OUTSTANDING SERVICES: • Personalized Medical Attention • Physician Specialists • Courtesy Transportation for • Diagnostic Tests Medical Visits Call us today to receive an informational package listing our services and to schedule a private tour of your nearest MCCI location. • Extended Hours • Home Medical Visits • Pharmacy 1-855-350-MCCI (6224) YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD MCCI MEDICAL CENTER: Boca Raton 9080 Kimberly Blvd. Suite 1 Boca Raton, Florida 33434 1-855-350-MCCI (6224) ACTIVITY CENTER SUNDAY MONDAY 1 Sit & Fit 10:00am TUESDAY 2 Tai Chi - 1:00pm 8 Sit & Fit 10:00am 9 Tai Chi - 1:00pm 15 Sit & Fit 10:00am 16 Tai Chi - 1:00pm 22 Sit & Fit 10:00am Tai Chi - 1:00pm 23 WEDNESDAY Strength & Balance - 10:00am Chair Yoga - 11:15am Rummi Kub - 2:00pm 3 10 Strength & Balance - 10:00am Chair Yoga - 11:15am Games - 2:00pm 17 Strength & Balance - 10:00am Chair Yoga - 11:15am Rummi Kub - 2:00pm 24 Strength & Balance - 10am Chair Yoga - 11:15am Games - 2:00pm Qigong / TaiChi DVD - 10:00am THURSDAY 4 Bingo - 2:00pm Qigong / TaiChi DVD - 10:00am 11 VALENTINE’S DANCE 2:00PM 18 Hearing Screenings 9am - 11am Bingo - 2:00pm Cardio & Strength 10:00am Chair Yoga - 11:30am Coping with Stress Lecture - 2pm 5 12 Cardio & Strength 10:00am Chair Yoga - 11:30am Scrabble - 2:00pm 19 Cardio & Strength 10:00am Chair Yoga - 11:30am BIRTHDAY PARTY 2:00PM Bingo - 2:00pm Qigong / TaiChi DVD - 10:00am FRIDAY 25 26 Cardio & Strength 10:00am Chair Yoga - 11:30am Scrabble - 2:00pm SATURDAY 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 Strength & Balance - 10:00am Wii Bowling - 2:00pm Strength & Balance 10:30am Movie - 2:00pm Strength & Balance - 10:00am Spanish for Beginners 2:00pm Strength & Balance 10:30am Movie - 2:00pm RSVP 1-855-350-MCCI February 2015 YOUR DENTAL HEALTH COBRUA REPORTER Page 9 Dr. Alan Wishneff, The Experience, Caring and Quality Behind Your Smile “Dental procedures may not vary much, but patients do – it’s the personal attention that makes all the difference . . .” Dr. Alan Wishneff No one likes to be treated like just another cog in a wheel. In an age of assembly lines, standardization of products, and ‘high tech’ mentality, most of us have just about had it being treated like we’re in a factory. Particularly when it comes to dental care. “Everyone’s an individual, and deserves to be treated like one,” says longtime favorite Boca Raton dentist, Dr. Alan Wishneff, whose offices are on the second floor of the Plaza at Boca Hamptons. “Although many dental procedures appear alike, their individualized attention can make all the difference between a satisfied patient and an unsatisfied one.” He notes that from the outset, a key element in patient satisfaction is listening carefully to the patient. “The way a patient chooses to explain his or her needs is as important as the substance of their explanation.” he notes. “We often deal with patients who express varying degrees of anxiety or fear, and that colors their expectations. I instruct my staff to be sensitive to this and try to allay the anxiety. It may mean spending extra time with the patient in order to listen and educate.” Individualized patient care starts outside the office Dr. Wishneff’s staff recognizes that patient care often takes place outside the office. “When a patient calls with a toothache or other problem, we know they want to be treated right away, not two weeks from now,” observes Ilene Leventhal, office manager. “We’re dealing with people who need attention and can’t afford to wait.” Preventive or routine care needs individualized attention as well But the patient-centered philosophy also extends to patients who are not in pain. Our dental hygienist spends all her professional time cleaning teeth and teaching patients how to avoid dental crises. But each dental cleaning (called a ‘prophy’ – short for ‘prophylaxis’) is as different as the individual patient she treats. “Some mouths are more sensitive than others to prophies, so we have to adapt procedures to accommodate individual patient needs,” she points out. Preventive care mandates that patients be well-informed about periodontal (gum) disease so as to avoid costly, time-consuming and sometimes uncomfortable conditions from occurring. According to Ingrid, our hygienist, “Each person’s life-style differs also, and that may have different implications for their dental hygiene.” Eating habits, diets, brushing, flossing regimes, whether the patient wears dentures, takes certain medications, all affect things like mouth odor, tooth color, puffiness or bleeding of gums. Accommodating patient needs Even the follow-up scheduling of patients for recall appointments should take into consideration their individual needs. Sometimes patients need to return every 3 months, sometimes every 6 months, sometimes only once a year. The individualized attention given patients at Dr. Wishneff’s assures a dental health program tailored just for them. A tradition of experienced, dedicated and up-to-date care. “I’ve always been a ‘people person,’ the kind who finds other people interesting and derives enjoyment from working with and helping others. When I started practicing dentistry in 1980, I found that I really liked this part of being a dentist. Today, more than 25 years later, this is still what motivates me to come to work each day and give my best. I get a charge out of being with people and meeting them, learning about them, interacting with them and playing a role in their oral health and ability to smile proudly. And it’s a natural part of this process to want to provide not just dentistry but excellent care, from offering quality clinical services to being personally dedicated. The reward for me is providing great results to a real person. My satisfaction only comes when you’re satisfied, and for that I strive to keep my skills sharp and my capabilities current with the latest and most effective methods.” DENTURE LAB ON PREMISES Most repairs done while you wait It is not uncommon for denture wearers to experience discomfort from damaged or broken dentures. Dr. Wishneff’s office strives to offer swift turnaround service for such walk-in patients, whose repairs can usually be completed same day or while you wait. Dr. Wishneff’s office is conveniently located on the 2nd floor of the Plaza at the Boca Hamptons Call Ilene at 488-3111 Also . . . Dr. Wishneff, a double graduate of Emory University takes pride in providing comprehensive dental care. His office features the following dental services. Advanced training... Advanced Training: Cosmetic dentistry, including porcelain veneers; advanced cosmetic bonding techniques; oral surgery; advanced crown and bridge; advanced TMJ; implant dentistry; endodontics — root canals; utilization of most advanced materials and the finest sterilization technology. “We are here to make your dental visit as pleasant as possible.” – Dr. Alan Wishneff Page 10 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 February 2015 Community Services Come to Century Village on February 12th By Robert Goodman, MSW On February 12th you will be able to renew your driver’s license, apply for or renew your Florida ID card, apply for homestead exemptions and visit with representatives of state and county agencies. All this is taking place at the 4th Annual Community Services Expo and Health Fair to be held at Temple Beth Shalom from 9:00 AM-12 Noon in cooperation with Temple Beth Shalom, We Care, and Congregation Torah Ohr. Driver’s Licenses/Non-Driver’s ID Cards: Florida has new documentation requirements for residents renewing or obtaining a new driver license or identification card. You must bring original documents that prove your identity, Social Security number and residential address. Required documents include a birth certificate or passport, Social Security card, mortgage statement or voter or vehicle registration, For a detailed list log onto www.gath- 12 or call 850- 617-2000. Register to Vote: To vote you must be a legal Florida resident. To register you must present a current valid photo ID or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck or other government documents that shows your name and address. If you wish to vote by mail you must submit, with your ballot, the same documentation stated above. Property Tax Exemption There are many property tax exemptions available for seniors, people with disabilities, and veterans. Bring proof of age, disability, or veteran status to check your eligibility for these additional exemptions. For more information visit Screenings Check your cholesterol, PSA, glucose, blood pressure, hearing and balance while visiting the health fair. For information contact Robert Goodman, 561.465-2224. HEART HEALTHY EXERCISE TIPS BY CINDY GOLDBERG ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Happy Valentine’s Day to all and what better time to talk about your heart! Your heart works hard, keeping a constant beat every minute of your life, so keeping it healthy with exercise is important. Although everyone’s exercise needs differ, there are a few tips about heart healthy workouts that apply across the board. There are so many benefits to physical activity regardless of your age or current fitness level, but always check with your physician if you have any cardiovascular or other conditions, before beginning a fitness routine. To ensure good heart health, the American Heart Association recommends thirty minutes of moderate to vigorous activity, 5 days a week. The exercise doesn’t have to be intense or leave you panting for breath. Some of the many options include walking, dancing, biking and swimming. You can participate in any of the varied classes we offer here in the clubhouse, or try using our cardiovascular equipment in the fitness center. We have treadmills, el- lipticals, recumbent bicycles, rowers and the very popular Nustep seated elliptical. Don’t overdo it when you first get going, you can increase your efforts in small increments. Begin with 5 minutes and work up to 30 over time. Try using stairs rather than elevators and escalators and get in the habit of parking your car further from the store. You’ll probably have fewer dings in the car doors as well! Use this simple technique to assess the intensity of your workouts. During moderate aerobic exercise, you should breathe deeper and perhaps break a sweat, but still be able to talk without gasping for air. Exercise can also improve your mental health by elevating your mood and encouraging healthier eating habits. Aerobic exercise can also help relieve some symptoms of depression and anxiety. On that note I will leave you with my favorite fitness joke: I have just been to the gym and there is a great new machine there. I used it for one hour and then I started to feel sick, but it’s great! It’s got Kit Kats, M&Ms, Three Musketeers and Snickers! FREE Admission FREE Health Scre enings FREE Refreshme nts Giveaways and P rizes! RY FEBRUA SAVE TH! E DATE COBRUA REPORTER Page 11 FLORIDA NAVIGATOR Your Roadmap to Health & Social Services in Florida In Cooperation With Temple Beth Shalom, We Care, West Boca Medical Center and Boca Raton Regional Hospital COMMUNITY SERVICES EXPO & HEALTH FAIR Thursday, February 12, 2015 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Temple Beth Shalom - Century Village 19140 Lyons Road Boca Raton Learn About and Senior and Community Services Speak with Government Agency Representatives From Consumer Affairs, Property Appraiser, and Parks and Recreation, and More! Apply For & Renew Drivers License & ID Cards Register to Vote or Update Voting Records Dispose of Expired Prescription Medication Free Health Screenings (Hearing, PSA, Glucose, Cholesterol) and More! YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS EVENT! Hospice by the Sea INC. Now serving the community together as For More Information Contact: Robert Goodman 954.465.2224 Page 12 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 Y L I R E M NT A F CE T O FO Todd N. Pinsky, DPM Board Certified Podiatrist “feel the soft touch of a specialist” Graduate of Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine Residency Training at: • VA Medical Center Miami • Jackson Memorial • Homestead Airforce Base VISIT OUR STATE OF THE ART OFFICE • In Office Digital X-Ray • In Office Vascular Testing • Whirlpool Included With Routine Care • Successful Treatment For All Diabetic And Regular Ulcers/Open Wounds • Participate In Medicare Diabetic Shoe Program • Surgically Trained To Treat All Foot Deformities Visit our web page at New patients are always welcome! Serving Boca Raton Since 1991 “Oh yeah by the way” Expert Care for all Heel P ain, Bunions Hammertoes , , Nail Proble ms, Adult and Pediatric Flat Feet, Fra ctures, Foot and Ank le Sprains 561-488-4848 West Boca Medical Center Campus 9980 Central Park Blvd., N. Suite 208, Boca Raton, FL 33428 Caregivers ALERT You are not alone. by Barry Rock, Bereaved Caregiver Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregiver’s Help is Available at the Clubhouse Providing full-time care for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia related issues is a 24/7 thankless job. You can quickly become overwhelmed even when you have an aide available to assist. Sometimes more is needed. That’s where we enter the picture. The Century Village Caregiver’s Group is available to assist you. We meet on the first and third Wednesday of the month from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Room D in the Clubhouse. If you need help between meetings feel free to contact the Social Worker who leads our group, Danielle Cohen, 1(561) 477-1467. One of the issues that can arise is your loved one may become disoriented or confused and not recognize other people or their location or surroundings and wander off. You could be shopping and turn to pick up a product. When you turn back around your loved one is gone. Did they go to the bathroom? Did they leave the store or are they just in another isle? Another situation could arise when you are both sitting in the clubhouse lobby and you go to the bathroom. When you return your loved one is gone. Sounds absurd, but Alzheimer’s experts estimate that between 60-70% of people with Alzheimer’s will wander off at least once during their illness. It can happen at any point and become more frequent. The bottom line is how a family caregiver can keep their loved ones safe at home and deal with wandering. Here are a few tips to help put your mind at ease. Timely Tips for Handling Wanderers 1. Make sure your loved one wears a medical ID. If your loved one does wander, a bracelet, necklace or other form of ID can help others get them home safely. At a minimum the ID should include Services provided to over 100,000 patients in the South Florida region since 2007 Medicare and most major insurances accepted Discounted Self Pay pricing available Serving Palm Beach, Broward, Martin and St. Lucie counties Contact Apex or your healthcare provider to learn more about our services and to see if your home visit qualifies as “Medically Necessary” OUR WAITING ROOM IS YOUR LIVING ROOM Research has shown that 70 to 80 percent of medical decisions are based on laboratory results. Apex Laboratory’s Home Visit Services allows patients to have their health monitored without leaving their home. Crucial lab tests are no longer delayed due to the burdens of traveling or finding transportation to and from the lab or physician’s office for a simple blood draw. SATURDAY FREE DANCES Dancing To The Live 40's, 50's AND 60's Sounds! Sat., FEB. 7 - SOUND RELatIONS Sat., FEB. 14 - BILL DeRENZO Sat., FEB. 21 - RUtH DaVIS Sat., FEB. 28 - BARRIE BLYTH ALL DANCES BEGIN AT 7:45PM Cups & Ice Are On The House February 2015 their full name, address and telephone number. 2. Make your home safe. Safety gates, door alarms and other modifications are available to keep your loved one safe and secure. 3. Notify your neighbors. Be sure to tell your neighbors about your loved one’s Alzheimer’s and/or dementia. Ask them to contact you if they see your loved one alone and wandering. 4. Hire an in-home care professional. In-home care providers can help supervise and care for your loved one and provide you with a much needed break in order to recharge. Wandering often occurs COBRUA REPORTER Page 13 when routines are disrupted by memory loss. Boredom and inactivity may also lead to instances of wandering. Whether it is a full or part-time aide they can be very helpful for both your loved one and you. Yes, YOU! The best way to take care of your loved one includes taking care of yourself. If you had an accident or became seriously ill and required hospitalization or therapy your loved one could not get the care and attention they needed. The Century Village Caregiver’s Group wants to be of service to you and your loved one. We are there to be of help. Drop by the Clubhouse at any of our meetings and give us a try. SUPPORT COBRUA Advertisers A Beautiful Ceiling........................ 31 A Good Handyman........................ 36 Ability Jalousies............................ 46 Affordable Car Care...................... 42 Alongside Home Health................ 43 American Auto Transport............ 39 American Friends of Hebrew U.... 49 AMR............................................... 20 Angela’s Bennington Carpets....... 47 Antellis, Eugene MD..................... 19 Apex Lab........................................ 13 Bath Fitters........................... Inserts Boca Raton Funeral Home........... 36 Boca Regional Urgent Care.......... 18 Boca’s Second Hand Rose............. 45 Boynton Beach Home Care.......... 43 Broward Factory Service.............. 20 Budget Electrical........................... 35 Can-Cope Construction................ 43 Century Village Real Estate......... 48 China House.................................. 15 Chinese New Year......................... 34 Compassionate Companions......... 33 Congregation Torah Ohr........ 36, 46 Corporate Coaches........................ 21 Delray Beach Play House............. 18 Dr. Howard Bueller....................... 31 Dr. Alan M. Fischer....................... 30 Dr. Stephen Pitcoff........................ 32 Dr. Jeffrey Savran......................... 35 Dr. Barry Susman......................... 37 Dr. Alan Wishneff............................ 9 Dry Clean Super Save................... 36 E-Bay............................................. 43 Elaine Goodman............................ 42 Eye Associates............................... 43 First Service.................................. 16 Florida First Senior Home Care... 29 Gary Drucker, Atty.......................... 6 Gentle Dental................................ 39 Gusman Physical Therapy........... 40 Health Fair.................................... 11 Hear X............................................ 19 Horizon Club................................. 32 Humana......................................... 52 Innovative Plumbing.................... 47 Jay Kresh....................................... 30 J & R Restoration......................... 40 Jensen Eye Care............................ 15 Joseph Renert Dentistry............... 19 Kin Care........................................ 15 Larry’s Easy Computer................. 43 Leanne Kopystynsky..................... 41 Life Signal 911.............................. 19 LiFoot Spa..................................... 22 Linda Gonzalez Jewelry................ 44 Majestic Palms Realty................... 50 Martin Zevin, Atty........................ 30 M&S Pest Control......................... 39 MCCI Medical Group...................... 8 Michael Poretsky Acctg................ 14 Morse Life...................................... 10 National Transmission................. 39 P&R Accounting............................ 36 Palm Beach Auction...................... 23 Palm Home Improvements ......... 51 Proficient Painting........................ 49 RCI................................................. 33 Richard A. Schwartz, Atty............ 43 Rio Nail & Hair............................. 22 Regents Park................................. 31 Stock Market Justice.................... 44 Temple Beth Shalom..................... 44 The Atrium.................................... 42 The Construction Guys................. 45 The Renaissance........................... 32 Todd Pinsky, DPM........................ 12 Total Appliance............................. 37 Total Condo Care............................ 7 Total Health & Rehab................... 28 Tropical Cleaning.......................... 49 Utopia Bagels................................ 33 Valerie Bambace, Realtor............. 45 Van For Sale.................................. 36 Veranda Club................................. 34 Vespera Life................................... 35 Walgreens...................................... 14 Weiss Skin Institute...................... 17 West Boca Hearing Center........... 47 Whitsyms....................................... 39 SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Page 14 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 Your 2014 tax returns … Prepared at your convenience … By appointment only. Michael A. Poretsky, MBA, EA Enrolled Agent Licensed by the Internal Revenue Service Fellow, National Tax Practice Institute Member, National Association of Enrolled Agents 917 922-1421 Federal and all state income taxes. Representation before the Internal Revenue Service. (Rates based on the complexity of your return.) Enrolled agents (EAs) are America's Tax Experts. EAs are the only federally licensed tax practitioners who specialize in taxation and also have unlimited rights to represent taxpayers before the IRS. Fishing Lines I can’t say too many negative things about the fishing in CVW lake system over the last couple of months. Each time I have ventured out to the shoreline, I have felt the tug of fish. However there has been a complaint or two from residents that they are not catching any fish. Their next question is to ask if the lakes are being stocked. To this I say “yes,” but the effects of stocking a lake system does not necessarily mean that you will catch more fish immediately. I can remember living in Pennsylvania, the fisherman would try to find out where the lakes were being stocked because when you introduce a large number of smaller fish, the larger fish will converge to eat, therefore that would be a good spot to fish. I cannot say for sure where the stocking will take place or for that matter when it will be performed. Our latest information is late January and the second part of the The corner of Happy and Healthy Zostavax (Shingles), Pneumonia and Flu Shots – ARE NOW AVAILABLE – Appointments Are Recommended W NO ING R E F OF Gregory Fusillo FREE DELIVERY (Minimum order $20) From our Hampton Plaza Location 9060 Kimberly Blvd., Boca Raton FL 33434 Tel. No. (561) 451-1448 All ORDERS should be called in before 2:00 PM for next day delivery. We can deliver the following items: •Incontinence •Photo Orders •Grocery Items •Vitamins & Supplements •OTC Products •Paper Goods •Water & Drinks •Diabetic Supplies •All bulky items •Laundry & Cleaning Supplies •Nutritional Drinks * FREE DELIVERY ON PRESCRIPTION ORDERS MONDAY TO FRIDAY BETWEEN 10AM AND NOON • WE DO PASSPORT PHOTOS fish stocking will be completed in the spring. With rod in hand I ventured over to the dock with my botherin-law Norman to see if indeed there was a fish problem or perhaps a fishing technique problem. If a man/women tells you they know how to fish that is one thing; however, if a man/women tells you they know how to catch a fish, listen to them. The usual suspects were on the dock fishing….Tom, Sharon, Cora, Felix and Allen (The dock is scheduled to be expanded and this writer hopes sooner than later). Together, they caught five fish on that day and I believe it was an effort that cost them just under a pound of hot dogs. Their catch included largemouth bass, catfish and a rather large tilapia. For those of you who have not mastered the art of fishing for largemouth bass, try a one-inch piece of hot dog on your hook with a small 1/8 ounce sinker, cast and let it sit on bottom. Check your bait every ten or fifteen minutes. Let me know how this lazy way of fishing for bass/catfish turns out. Remember that a catch and release policy will ensure that recreational fishing in our lake system will be enjoyed for generations to come. All our kids have gone home and you can keep those memories tucked in the back of your brain or you can pass them on to your children as I will when I send this article to my Grandson, Anthony B., hauling them in two at a time out on the ocean. If you would like to submit a picture of your loved ones enjoying Florida fishing or you would like to join in the fun, please call me at 400-2573. The fishing club meets the first Tuesday of the month in the party room. Happy fish tales to all!!! February 2015 BINGO REPERTORY THEATRE GROUP By Noma Zapen Phyllis Kinsler, President of Repertory Theatre Group opened the January meeting at 9:45 AM. Carol Lieberman led the National Anthem. A moment of silence was held for long-time member and friend, Larry Mintz. She then asked for reports from chairpersons, all of which were of a positive nature. Many of our members are rehearsing for the Annual Resident Show so we have been holding-off on workshops but Phyllis encouraged the other members to get busy. Our Annual Installation Luncheon with the theme of Spring Is In The Air, will be held on February 25, 2015 at Temple Beth Shalom. Our special Guest Installing Officer CENTURY VILLAGE will be New York cabaret artist, Jeff Harnar. The meeting was then adjourned. Repertory Theatre Group Meetings occur twelve months of the year. If you like theatre enough to want to get on the stage, join us on the 2nd Friday of each month at 9:30 a.m. and become a member of Repertory. There is always something going on. Come join if you want to sing, act, direct and stay busy. Call President Phyllis Kinsler at 483-3129 and/ or Membership Chairman Pamela Goldman at 235-1821 and come to visit and join our group if you are interested in participating in theatre. Noma Zapen 319 Preston H 561-483-8134 Sponsored by: Cobrua Every Wednesday Night!!! Doors will be open at 4:30 PM. Bingo play begins at 7:30-9:30 PM. Minimum pay out ........... $ TBD based on attendance Jackpot winner............... $ TBD based on attendance • • • • • • • • • • GAMES: Regular-Vertical-Diagonal-Horizontal SpecialX Regular SpecialL-OneWay Regular Specialsmallframe—NoB&O Regular SpecialTOneWay Regular Jackpotwinner $ TBD – Based on attendance RESTAURANT On Any Single Item Limit one per customer. Cannot be combined with any other promotion or discount. Coupon expires 2/28/15. Void where prohibited. Must present coupon at time of purchase. Excludes Medicare items, Lift Chairs, Power Chairs and Scooters. Any Lift Chair, Power Chair or Scooter with this coupon Offer expires 2/28/15 Must present coupon at time of purchase. Void where prohibited. Cannot be combined with any other promotion or discount. Bingo Volunteers Pauline Martineli Elliott Friedman CHINA HOUSE 20% Discount with this coupon $150 OFF COBRUA REPORTER Page 15 Boca Raton: (561) 477-2507 Delray Beach: (561) 495-7901 Delray Beach West Boca FREE Early Bird Specials 1 OFF $ 00 EGG ROLL OR PINT OF WON-TON SOUP WITH ORDER OF $15 OR MORE (before sales tax) CASH ONLY - TAKE OUT ONLY DINNER ONLY OFFER GOOD FOR DINNER • Every Day (Except Holidays) • No Sharing • Cash Only. Eat In Only Hours: Mon. - Sat. 11:30 AM to 10 PM • Sun. - 1 PM to 9:30 PM 9060 Kimberly Blvd. #28 In the Boca Hamptons Shopping Plaza Lyons Road, 1 mile north of Glades 14852 S. Military Trail In the Bed Bath and Beyond Plaza On the SE corner of Military and Atlantic 9050 Kimberly Blvd, Boca Hampton Plaza, Next to Bank United 477-0041 Jensen Eye Care Drs. Andrew Jensen and Katherine Brauss Optometric Physicians SERVICES OFFERED Dry Eye Management Treatment of glaucoma Diabetic retinopathy Cataract evaluation Red Eyes Comprehensive Eye Exams Contact Lens Fittings BUY ONE COMPLETE PAIR * THE OF GLASSES AND GET SECOND FRAME FREE! *Some restrictions apply. Please see store for details. EXPIRES 2-28-15 9080 Kimberly Boulevard, Suite 11 Boca Hamptons Shopping Center Boca Raton, Florida 33434 561-488-6200 Hours: Monday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Tuesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Wednesday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Thursday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am to 12:30 pm Accepting New Patients! You can now schedule your appointment on any weekday! MEDICARE and many other insurances accepted! Come See Our Optical For: Glasses • Contacts • Sunglasses Fit Overs • Accessories Low Vision Services Low vision exams Prescriptions for low vision devices to match the best device to your needs Low vision products in our office to try before you buy EYEGLASSES SALE $100 OFF ANY COMPLETE PAIR OF EYEGLASSES *Some restrictions apply. Please see store for details. EXPIRES 2-28-15 THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS A RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT, OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT THAT IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE, DISCOUNTED FEE, OR REDUCED SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT. Page 16 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 All About Stamps By Sig Migden The unsinkable ship that became one of the greatest disasters in maritime history has left a treasure of postal material. Several seemingly insignificant postal artifacts were found in the basement of a Masonic Temple in Baltimore, Maryland, 86 years later. While cleaning the basement and organizing files, some personal effects of Oscar Scott Woody were found. Mr. Woody was a U.S. Postal clerk who served aboard the Titanic. He was a railway mail clerk for fifteen years when he received the following letter dated April 1, 1912: “You are hereby instructed to proceed from New York as a clerk in the sea post office on the SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, sailing April 2nd; and upon arriving in Plymouth, you will disembark and travel to Southampton; whence you will return to New York as a clerk in the sea post office on the SS Ti- tanic, sailing from Southampton on April 10th.” On Board the Titanic were three American and two British clerks. None survived. The material found consisted of four facing slips (a facing slip is a slip of paper tied to a bundle of mail going to a single destination.) Also, his letter of appointment, his mail bag keys, pocket watch, watch chain and fob. All these items were to be auctioned off in Baltimore by Matthew Bennett Co., which gave the following estimated value to the items: 1) Four facing slips valued between $2,500 and $5,000 each. 2) Letter from the Post Office Department - $10-$15,000. 3) Mailbag keys - $2-$3,000 each. All About Stamps Page 2 4) Watch, chain and fob - $3$4000 each. 5) Canvas bag - $500-$1,000. Oscar Woody’s body was found by the cable ship Mackay-Bennett on April 17 and given the number 167. He was buried at sea. His heirs donated the canvas bag and contents to the Masonic Lodge (no date given) many years ago because he had been an active Mason. According to the Masonic Lodge spokesman, the proceeds of the artifacts would be used for philanthropic purposes. The auction was held on Nov. 15, 1998 at the New Seasons Hotel in NY City. Prior to the auction a value was placed on each item as noted above, with numbers for each item. The results were unexpected. 1) Four facing slips were sold for a staggering sum of $68,000 (for four pieces of paper). 2) Letter was sold for $35,750. 3) Mailbag keys sold for $35,750. 4) Watch, chain and fob sold for $35,750. 5) Canvas mailbag sold for $38,500. The total selling price was $194,500, plus a 10% buyer’s premium, bringing the total to $213,950, against an estimate of $23,500 to $35,500. The buyer of most of the items lent them for a traveling exhibit to be shown first in Australia in 1999, then on to England. The philatelic and collectible world was later stunned to learn that a postcard from the Titanic surfaced at an auction house. The question on everybody’s mind was how this postcard survived and how did the auction house get it? Postmark on the card was dated April 10, 1912. No mention was made as to the value of the card and when it would be auctioned. There has been speculation that the card was a fraud and postmark was placed on it. Only time would tell its value when it finally went on the block. VETERAN SERVICES LOCAL Florida Department of Veterans Affairs........... 800 827-1000 West Palm Beach VA Medical Center 7305 N. Military Trail, West Palm Beach......... 561 422-8262 Making a Difference. Every Day. VA Outpatient Medical Clinics Boca Raton - 901 Meadows Rd., Boca Raton............... 561 416-8995 As Florida’s residential property management leader, we know what it takes to create great communities that residents are proud to call home. We start by putting the right teams in place – local property experts who deliver genuinely helpful service. Then we back them up with the tools and resources that only the leading property management company can provide – full-service solutions and exceptional customer service that enhance the value of every property and the lifestyle of every resident we serve. That’s how we make a difference, every day, for great communities like yours. Delray Beach - 4800 Linton Blvd., Ste. E300, Delray Beach...............561 495-1973 NATIONAL Debt Management .........................800 827-0648 Education Benefits .........................888 442-4551 Health Benefits .........................877 222-8387 Health Eligibility Center ....................... 800 929-8387 Proudly serving the residents of Century Village West since 1988! Management Office 561.826.1684 Life Insurance ....................... 800 669-8477 VA Benefits .........................800 827-1000 FSRS-728 FP B&W Ad for Cobrua Reporter.indd 1 12/4/14 2:06 PM DERMATOLOGY February 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 17 Stefan C Weiss, MD FAAD Board Certified Dermatologist Dermatologic Surgeon Clinical Instructor University of Miami School of Medicine Skin Cancer Screening Psoriasis Mohs Surgery Mole evaluation and treatment Light Therapy 561.372.7546 9980 Central Park Blvd North Suite 124 Boca Raton Next to the West Boca Medical Center Same Day Appointments Available Accepting Medicare and Most Major Insurance Plans BA: Yale University MD: Duke University Dermatology: Stanford University Fellowship: National Institutes of Health Page 18 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 Support Groups By Robert Goodman, MSW Geriatric Social Worker 68th Season Best live theatre value in South Florida! Main Stage Plays Other People’s Money Jan 31 - Feb 15 They’re Playing Our Song Mar 28 - Apr 12 Barefoot in the Park May 23 - June 7 Musical Memories, hosted by Randolph DelLago Give My Regards to Broadway Feb 9-12, 16-19 Making a Memory April 6-8, 13-15 Hey, Look Us Over! June 1-3, 8-10 All Individual Tickets $30/person | special rates groups 20+ Box Office: 561.272.1281 ext 4 | Mon - Fri 10am to 4pm 950 NW 9th Street, Delray Beach FL 33444 FREE PARKING Are you struggling with the loss of a loved one? Are you trying to cope with caring for a person with Alzheimer’s or other illness? Do you need someone to talk to? Well there is help out there for you. It is not healthy to keep your feelings bottled up. Support Groups provide an opportunity for you to share your feelings, concerns, and ideas with others who are struggling with the same issues as you are. In a support group, members provide each other with various types of help. The help may take the form of providing and evaluating relevant information, relating personal experiences, listening to and accepting others’ experiences, providing sympathetic understanding and establishing social networks. A support group may also work to inform the public or engage in advocacy. Support groups help you realize that you are not alone in struggling with an issue or loss. If you have successfully coped with a challenge in your life, support groups provide you with an opportunity to share your story with others so that they might learn from you. There are several support groups that meet in Century Village. These include: Alzheimer’s Support Group, meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1PM. The Faulk Center for Counseling 483-5300 sponsors Sharing and Caring support group every Thursday at 2PM in Room E. We Care (487-2827) sponsors a support groups for persons with visual. Watch Channel 63 for contact information on other groups. Several community organizations offer counseling and sponsor support groups. These include: Ruth Rales Jewish Family Services — 561- 852-3333 Morse Life Neighbors 2 Neighbors — 561-531-9844 Alzheimer’s Association — 800272-3900 American Parkinson’s Disease Association — 954-786-2305 Arthritis Foundation — 561-8331133 Mental Health Association — 561712-0584. MS Society for South Florida — 800-344-4867 If you are interested in forming a support group on an issue of concern to you, contact Robert Goodman at We Care 487-2827. EMERGENCY POOL PHONES Anita J. Pearce, Vice-President Cen-West Management We have recently installed red, 911 emergency phones at each pool, right next to the black phones. Please note the following: Black Phones: Use the black phone to speak with a security guard related to a nonemergency situation. Use of this phone routes your call directly to a security guard. Red Phones: Use the red phone for emergency situations only. Use of this phone routes your call directly to the Palm Beach 911 Emergency Call Center, and connects you with a 911 Operator. There is a large, red sign over each red phone which provides the address location of that pool. Please refer to this sign when asked by the 911 Operator for the address you are calling from. All pool phones are checked by a security officer once a week, and the entire 911 system is automatically checked by the DSL Express Network Operations Center every 60 seconds to ensure they are operational. PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO CHECK THE RED PHONES YOURSELF since that will trigger a response from the closest Palm Beach County 911 emergency team. February 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 19 EUGENE ANTELIS, M.D. F.A.C.P. Internal Medicine • Geriatric Medicine Certified, American Board of Internal Medicine Fellow, American College of Physicians Now Offering Pulmonary Function Testing, Ear Lavage Graduate of CORNELL UNIVERSITY MEDICAL COLLEGE Hospital Affiliation • West Boca Medical center • Boca raton regional Hospital RENERT DENTISTRY oFFice HoUrs: Monday-Friday, 9 a.M. to 5 p.M. Dr. Joseph Renert Practicing in South Florida since 1973 Please call for same day appointment Graduate of Tufts Dental School Former assistant professor at Nova Southeastern Dental School Offering general dentistry procedures: • Crowns • Bridges • Dentures and Partial Dentures ~ Same day denture repair • Fillings • Cleaning (Prophylaxis) • Cosmetic whitening • Extractions • Simple Root Canal Treatment (561) 477-7761 in the Boca HaMpton Mall 9080 Kimberly Blvd. • Suite #6 • Boca Raton, FL 33434 FAX: (561) 477-7462 We accept most dental insurances including many HMO’s 488-0770 neW patients WelcoMe ALL MAJOR INSURANCES ACCEPTED Located across the street in the Boca Hamptons Plaza For people with hearing loss who have been waiting for revolutionary hearing technology. INTRODUCING... The world’s First and Only hearing aid Clinically Proven* to provide Better Than Normal Hearing.. Industry Leading 5-Year Protection Plan • FREE 5-Year Protection • FREE Unlimited Reprogramming • FREE Unlimited Office Visits • FREE Hearing Aid Batteries Hearing Aids Exclusively from HearUSA $1,500 Value Only available through HearUSA! Clinically Proven* to Provide Better Than Normal Hearing Hear better in noisy situations than someone without Ultra Hearing Aids. They automatically turn background noise down while focusing on the sounds you want to hear. That’s something a person with normal hearing simply cannot do! Ultra Amazing! Ultra Effective! Ultra Smart! Experience better than normal hearing in noisy restaurants — clinically proven!* Enjoy 360 degrees of hearing. There is no more need to turn toward whomever is speaking. Take total control of your hearing aids with our app on your smartphone. FREE! Demonstration of the new Ultra Hearing Aids! Hear the difference between traditional hearing aids and the amazing “Ultra Hearing Experience.” FREE! Hearing Screening Call for details. In the Westwinds of Boca Shopping Center on the Southeast corner of 441 and Glades Road, 2 doors to the right of Publix. 9858 Glades Road, D-2, Boca Raton Call Toll Free: 855.222.1907 Now open in our new location! * Studies conducted at University of Northern Colorado (2014) and Oldenburg Horzentrum (2013) showed that Speech Reception Thresholds (SRT) in cocktail-party situations improved up to 2.9dB for wearers with mild to moderate hearing loss using the latest BestSound™ Technology with Narrow Directionality, compared to people with normal hearing. This corresponds to over 25% improvement in speech understanding. © 2014 HearUSA, All Rights Reserved. 150201 HearUSA Ultra Ad_Cobrua Reporter_10x8_to run 2-1_01.indd 1 1/9/15 3:35 PM Page 20 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 SERVICE CONTRACT FOR CENTURY VILLAGE Have your major appliances and air conditioning equipment repaired for one low annual fee!!! SPECIAL FOR CENTURY VILLAGE 199. $ A/C up to 3 Ton HEATING WALL THERMOSTAT COMPRESSOR OVEN and RANGE Including SELF CLEAN 00 “40 Years Satisfying Customers” Package Includes: REFRIGERATOR ICE MAKER Water Heater 30 gallon Door Seals and Gaskets Plumbing and Electrical Visit us at CALL 1-888-237-8480 Broward Factory Service BFS is Licensed and Insured CAC056774 • CAC057400 • CFC056867 • CAC056778 • ES0000336 February 2015 Reflections of Life By Rabbi Benjamin S. Yasgur Congregation Torah Ohr I sat in my Florida Room one sunny, early afternoon watching a large gathering of ducks. I was accustomed to seeing three to five ducks visit my section of the lake. But this time there was a convention; almost thirty-five ducks chose to rally behind my condo. As I watched, I realized this was a prized location. Most of the ducks were content, or maybe just resolved, to share the calm water of the lake. Three ducks, however, perched themselves on the small floating pipe which marks the beginning of the line feeding water to the sprinkler system. They basked in the sun, nodded to each other and made the limited space work for them with no quarrels. I glanced to my left, viewing the walking path. Two individuals, traveling in opposite directions were enjoying a stroll. As far as I could observe, they passed each other without any form of communication. I thought of a walk I took with my oldest child when she was in kindergarten. It was a Shabbat morning and my daughter, a tender five years old, was accompanying me to synagogue. It was a beautiful spring morning; the sun was shining, the temperature delightful. As we walked, we approached a man, hose in hand, watering his modest sized, front lawn. I said “Good morning.” He answered similarly. As we continued to walk my daughter asked “Abba (Hebrew for father), do you know that man?” I told her I did not. “In school”, she continued, “they told us never to speak to a stranger”. Wow! That was a challenge to resolve with my young child. Especially in light of a Jewish teaching recorded in Ethics of the Fathers (4:20) “Initiate a greeting to every person”. Rabbi Matya instructed not only is it proper to exchange greetings, but try to be the one who opens with greetings. I shared this teaching with a teenage nephew during a trip to Israel. We had the privilege to welcome the Sabbath through prayer at the holy Western Wall, the Kotel, in Jerusalem. During our two mile walk back to our residence, we encountered several other walkers; in aggregate, they formed a very divergent group of people. With each encounter, I extended the greeting of Shabbat Shalom. My nephew was amazed that strangers responded to me. Then he tried it too. He turned to me with excitement and a big smile. One would think he was the winner of prized concert tickets Sid’s Slant By Sidney Shapiro Many years ago President Theodore Roosevelt stated “walk softly but carry a big stick.” The clock is ticking as Iran rushes to complete a nuclear bomb with its first target, which is simply to slaughter and destroy Israel. For years Iran has stalled while keeping major nations from closing down its nuclear program. The time is coming when it will be too late and Iran will have a nuclear bomb and use it. They will complete the slaughter that Hitler started. At this point the so-called civilized world will do nothing but condemn Iran and weep for all the dead Israelis. Benjamin Netanyahu realizes all this and knows he can’t wait much longer. The problem is that Israel can’t do it alone. They need the combined military might of the United States, Britain, France and others to jointly destroy Iran. Israel alone can do massive damage to Iran’s military and civilian structure but it might not do enough. Iran has a massive and modern military with a potent army, air force, ground to air defenses and a host of other available defenses. Israel will suffer massive losses and destruction if it goes on the attack alone. But, under these circumstances they could have no choice. As much as Israel will suffer they can also make Iran pay heavily for its misadventure, ending up with substantial destruction. If Israel survives, it will send a message to its enemies: don’t mess with us because we are capable and can prevail over any threat. Israel has its battle cry: “Never again, Never again”. A VALENTINE KISS For the loved ones in this world of ours, I send joy to share through all their powers, To give of themselves to all creation, Mankind and creatures in every nation. Give to your spouse, your child, your pet. Remember the poor, and the homeless yet. To my own dear ones, I offer this… My love and a sweet Valentine kiss. Lee Chanin COBRUA REPORTER Page 21 or the like. The walk home became a very uplifting experience for us both. We do live in a world which is, at times, not as welcoming or as comforting as we would prefer. Let’s continue to build the strength of our small world here in Century Village with the generous use of Hello, Good Morning and other greetings. I look forward to greeting you on the path! CAR-WISE • Always lock the doors and take the keys when you leave the car, even if you’ll be gone for “just a minute.” As many as one in five stolen cars has the keys in its ignition. • Keep your car in good running order and keep the gas tank at least half full. • Make sure someone knows where you’re going and when you plan to be back. • Approach the car with your door key already in hand. If anyone nearby makes you nervous, leave and get help. • Lock up the doors as you buckle your safety belt. Keep windows rolled up. • Is someone following you? If you think so, head for the nearest busy, brightly lighted area. Write down the license number and make and model of the car. Call 911 (or your local emergency number) on your cell phone if you have one, or ask convenience store or gas station personnel to help you. • Car disabled? Pull over to the side of the road, put on your flashers, and put out flares or reflective markers if you have them. Tie a light-colored cloth to your antenna or door handle. Stay with the car. Use a cell phone if you have one to call for help. If a stranger offers to help, ask him or her to call police to assist you. Page 22 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 GRAND OPENING SPA PEDICURE BLOW DRY 5 OFF $ 5 OFF $ 00 00 WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON ONLY 14 $ 99 Offer Expires 4-1-15 NAIL & HAIR 9136 GLADES ROAD BOCA RATON, FL 33404 (SW Corner Glades & Lyons) ONLY 18 $ 99 Offer Expires 4-1-15 SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY Next to Ross 561-852-9000 WWW.RIONAIL.COM Li FOOT Spa $10 OFF $ 99 1 Hour ONLY 29 WITH COUPON Across From SUPER Gift Certificates NOW AVAILABLE 1/2 hour for $19.99 | 1 hour $29.99 with Coupon Please Call for Appointment (954) 596-0345 LIFOOTSPA 3448 W. Hillsboro Blvd., Deerfield Beach 33442 SE Corner of Hillsboro and Powerline, Next to 7 Eleven February 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 23 Page 24 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 Clubhouse Entertainment Century Village 2014-2015 Season Coming Soon... The Doo Wop Project Tuesday, February 3 The Doo Wop Project traces the evolution of doo wop from the classic sound of five guys singing tight harmonies on a street corner to the biggest hits on the radio today. The incredible show is a journey from the foundational tunes of groups like The Crests and Flamingos through the sounds of Smokey Robinson, The Temptations and all the way to Michael Jackson. At time of press, specific performers are not verified but all will be current and former stars of Broadway’s smash hits Jersey Boys, Beautiful, and/or Motown: The Musical. Bob Eubanks - The Not So Newlywed Game Thursday, February 5 Multi-Emmy Award winner Bob Eubanks brings one of television’s most iconic shows to Century Village. The multi-media performance includes Eubanks narrating humorous clips from the original show and then hosting a half-hour live version using eight married couples from the audience in two different games. It’s called the Not So Newlywed Game, because it doesn’t matter how long you have been married. The questions are funny, the couples are funny. It’s an evening of games, small prizes and laughter that you will never forget. At Your Request - The Edwards Twins Saturday, February 7 Returning by popular demand is the number one identical twin impersonation show in the world, the amazing Edwards Twins! With a repertoire of more than 100 stars— including Elton John, Billy Joel, Ray Charles, Andrea Bocelli, Tom Jones, Rod Stewart and Tina Turner to name a few—these brothers are one of the hottest acts in Vegas. People Magazine says they’re “better than the real thing.” One Singular Sensation! A Celebration Of Marvin Hamlish Thursday, February 12 Experience an unforgettable evening of music by a man who is ONE of only 12 people to win an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar and a Tony, ONE of 10 people to win three or more Oscars in one night and ONE of only two people to have won those four prizes plus a Pulitzer Prize. The late Marvin Hamlisch was indeed One Singular Sensation! Join our Broadway stars, who have performed leading roles on Broadway in Les Misérables, Evita, and Phantom of the Opera in an evening full of amazing music from ground breaking shows like A Chorus Line and Seesaw. This show also features some of the biggest smash hits from the silver screen, including The Way We and Nobody Does it Better as well as unforgettable movie themes for The Sting, Sophie's Choice and Ice Castles. Canada’s Vivace Saturday, February 14 They were a sensation in their hometown of Vancouver during the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. Since that time, this powerful and stirring vocal quartet has toured extensively throughout the U.S. and Canada. They are a modern and thrilling combination of four unique and exceptional pop and classical singers. Each singer, experienced and bursting with passion and talent, brings a particular element to the group. Combined, they turn out a rich and colorful blend of sound that is exclusively their own with a deep repertoire ranging from pop, to arias, to their own self-written material. Live From Nashville! Tuesday, February 17 Direct from Music City comes a troupe of singers, dancers, a bona fide band of Nashville musicians, dazzling staging and rhinestone-bedecked costumes—all designed to celebrate a century of celebrities and treasured songs. This incredible theatrical production brings phenomenal fiddling, fancy footwork and top-flight vocals to the theater in a trip through some of country’s greatest music—songs brought to life by Patsy Cline, Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton and more. February 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 25 Clubhouse Entertainment Century Village 2014-2015 Season Coming Soon... Jack Jones In Concert Thursday, February 19 A double Grammy Award winner, Jack Jones performs around the globe to sold-out audiences in venues ranging from intimate jazz clubs to the London Palladium. The New York Times raves, “he is arguably the most technically accomplished male pop singer.” Jones sings the songs that made him famous—Wives and Lovers, Lollipops and Roses, The Impossible Dream, The Love Boat Theme and much more—in a concert not to be missed. Motor City Magic A Tribute To The Music Of The Temps & Tops Saturday, February 21 Grammy Award winners and former lead singers for The Temptations and the Four Tops, Barrington Henderson and Theo Peoples, weave their way through the greatest hits of these two legendary groups. Backed by musicians and rounded out by other male vocalists with tight harmonies and choreographed dance steps, songs like My Girl, Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me), Papa Was A Rolling Stone, I Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch) and other great Motown hits, never sounded better. Darrell Joyce Laugh Out Loud Starring Darrell Joyce And Jeff Burghart Tuesday, February 24 Jeff Burghart These men will tickle your funny bone! Darrell Joyce’s hilarious and fast-paced style of comedy whips audiences into a frenzy. His quick wit and social commentary are always a hit. Jeff Burghart is a master impressionist and comedian who makes the house roar with laughter upon hearing his zany stories. After you hear Burghart as Tom Jones, you’ll never think of Jones in the same way again! The Cab Calloway Orchestra Featuring Alice Tan Ridley Thursday, February 26 The Calloway family has been dazzling audiences since the 1920s. Cab’s own grandson, Calloway Brooks, leads the orchestra in authentic sounds of both hot jazz and cool big band swing. Joining the band is America’s Got Talent finalist Alice Tan Ridley, a woman described by AGT judges as “the embodiment of soul.” With a voice reminiscent of Aretha Franklin and Whitney Houston, Ridley electrifies the evening with hits by some of the world’s most famous divas. SWINGTIME - Featuring The Jive Aces With Special Guests The Tinseltown Jitterbugs Saturday, February 28 The U.K.’s number one jive and swing band and Britain’s Got Talent stars, The Jive Aces, are renowned for their high-energy music and spectacular stage show. The band’s repertoire stretches from the timeless tunes of the swing era to the glitz of the Rat Pack, with a dash of rhythm & blues, swing and jazz. They feature songs made famous by such greats as Louis Prima, Benny Goodman, Bobby Darin, Louis Armstrong and more, along with a selection of superb originals from their own albums. Simon Cowell calls them “absolutely brilliant.” Joining the Jive Aces on stage will be the Tinseltown Jitterbugs, comprised of local swing dance couples - swingin’, jumpin’, and jivin’ to the hottest swing band in the country! Page 26 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 Clubhouse Entertainment Century Village 2014-2015 Season Coming Soon... At Your Request - Stayin’ Alive A Tribute To The Bee Gees Tuesday, March 3 You demanded and we listened—the world’s number one tribute to the Bee Gees returns! This amazing Canadian band is also a favorite at Disney World returning to multiple engagements year after year in Epcot. The New York Times describes the trio as “amazing” while the Chicago Tribune calls them “fantastic”—our crowds just cry “bring ’em back!” Larry Marshak’s Tribute To The Platters Thursday, March 5 To truly appreciate the success of this incredible group, take a look at just some of their hit songs—Only You, My Prayer, Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, One In A Million, It’s Magic, The Great Pretender, Enchanted—the list is seemingly endless. This performance presents the best of the best… by the best. A Midsummer Night’s Dream Saturday, March 7 Presented by Dance Alive National Ballet, this bright and beautiful ballet performed in the classical style shows how true love never runs smoothly. On a dreamy midsummer night’s eve, the worlds of fairies, humans, dukes and donkeys all collide under the magic spell of Cupid’s arrow. As the mischievous Puck proclaims, “Lord what fools these mortals be!” The McCartney Years Thursday, March 12 This show celebrates the genius of Paul McCartney at the height of his career. Praised by original Beatles promoter Sid Bernstein as “the best on the scene today,” The McCartney Years is a note-for-note faithful recreation of a mid-1970s McCartney concert. With a full band led by perfectionist Yuri Pool as Sir Paul, the show is period-true, technically stunning and a blast to watch and listen to. Just close your eyes, you’ll think you’re listening to McCartney himself! Michael Bublé Tribute Saturday, March 14 With backing by the outstanding Paul Vesco Orchestra, acclaimed performer and entertainer Clark Barrios pays tribute to the Canadian sensation, Michael Bublé. Just some of the hit songs to be heard are Haven’t Met You Yet, Everything, Feeling Good, Home, Save The Last Dance For Me, Lost and much more. February 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 27 Clubhouse Entertainment Century Village 2014-2015 Season Coming Soon... The Duprees Tuesday, March 17 “See the pyramids along the Nile…” as you take in the beautiful sounds of this legendary foursome returning to Century Village for the first time in years. You Belong To Me is just one of scores of hits for The Duprees. My Own True Love, Take Me As I Am, Have You Heard, It’s No Sin, Why Don’t You Believe Me and It Isn’t Fair are just some of the gems to be treasured from this group. Along with their unique sound and outstanding vocal harmonies, The Duprees perform with a showmanship that is second to none. Laugh Out Loud Starring Sarge Saturday, March 21 Sarge is a one-of-a-kind comedian and musical savant. He delivers one of the most entertaining and hilarious performances ever to hit the stage. His rapid-fire, off-the-cuff style of observational comedy takes aim at anyone and everyone! Sarge also does spot-on singing impressions of well-known performers such as Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie and Harry Connick, Jr. and his skills at the piano are equally prodigious. Needless to say, no two of his shows are ever alike. Cirquesco Sunday, March 22 Combining the magical artistry of a European circus with the flirtatious camp of burlesque, Cirquesco is an intimate and tasteful evening of song, dance, humor and mind-blowing acrobatics. Featuring gorgeous costuming, an electrifying score and sizzling choreography, Cirquesco is a treat for all of the senses. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Thursday, March 26 Going courtin’ has never been so much fun! This rip-roaring stage version of the popular MGM movie tells the story of a young bride living in the 1850s Oregon wilderness and her plan to marry off her six rowdy brothers-in-law. Bursting with the rambunctious energy of the original film, this theatrical production contains all the boisterous fun and romance that brings back memories of the glory days of the movie musical. At Your Request Earl Turner’s Box Of 45s Saturday, March 28 Never let it be said that Century Village audiences don’t have great taste! This man is a CV favorite and he’s also a favorite in prestigious venues throughout the world. The Las Vegas Review Journal named Earl Turner “Male Vocalist of the Year.” Turner returns in a new show featuring some of the best pop, standards and R&B classics ever sung. Page 28 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 Neck & Back Pain Relief • Chronic Pain and New Injuries • Medicare Accepted • Be Seen Today • Personal One On One Treatment • Complimentary gourmet coffee, tea, and dark chocolates Dr. Ben Galin, Doctor of Physical Therapy • Michael Minett, D.C. Introducing Dr. Conrad Winiarski, certified in the revolutionary back pain relieving technique - Mckenzie Method Physical & Massage Therapy – Gentle Chiropractic - Acupuncture Medicare pays pays for Medicare for your yourcare! care! Come See Us & FEEL BETTER! TOTAL HEALTH and REHAB Located at the NE corner of Glades & Lyons Rd., in the Somerset Shoppes, between Michaels Crafts and Lenscrafters Please call our office to find out more! 561-482-7575 February 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 29 Looking for HIGH QUALITY HOME HEALTH CARE SERVICES? “Call my Grandson!” at 561-266-3558 Open 24-hours per-day, 7-days a week. Accepting all forms of long term care insurance and private pay. Brad Jaffe Owner of Florida First Senior Home Care #1 Caregivers #1 Customer Service Proudly Serving Century Village Residents We Offer: • Alzheimer/Dementia Care •Transferring/Bathing/Toileting/Cooking • Personal care/Housekeeping • Errands & transportation • Live-In/Hourly Care • Veteran’s assistance/Respite · Hospice • Post-rehab or hospital care · • Short term or long term · And much more! 561-266-3558 35% Discount on any Home Health Care Service (New Clients Only) For Century Village Residents Mention this ad License #: 30211672 Page 30 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 Thorner’s Corner TALK TO A LAWYER... BE SMART LAW OFFICES of MARTIN ZEVIN, P.A. By Paul Thorner MARTIN ZEVIN HAS BEEN PRACTICING IN FLORIDA SINCE 1973 FREE CONSULTATION Personal Injury Wills Trusts Estates 3275 W. Hillsboro Blvd., Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 954-569-4878 954-569-HURT You may obtain free written information regarding the specifications and experience of this law firm by writing or calling during regular business hours. I CAN HELP YOU LEARN THE COMPUTER & WEB TV Get All The Information You Want Right In Your Own Home. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? DO IT NOW!! Specially for beginners, senior and new computer owners; Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, iPad software installation, downloads, printing, internet, Web surfing, E-mail; Also set-up & installation on DSL, CABLE & all computers. Easy Private Instructions In Your Home, Day or Evening. REASONABLE! JAY 954-974-9614 SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR CENTURY VILLAGE RESIDENTS Suspenders You will never guess what I did for the first time in my life at the age of 92! No, I didn’t jump out of a plane. No, I didn’t race in the Indianapolis 500-Mile Speedway. No, I didn’t take out a 22-year-old beauty queen for a night on the town. P.S. That’s when I’m 93. What I did do was buy a pair of suspenders. Why? For the past six months I noticed my pants were hanging low and when I took them off at night I saw that the bottom of the pants legs in the back were damaged. How could it be? They were the same pants I’ve worn on and off for the past twelve years. Did they wear out from ordinary use? Did I get shorter? I checked the pencil markings on the door frame where I keep a record of my height over the years. Yes, it was so. I was getting shorter and never noticed it. In 2001 I was 5’ 6” tall. In 2008 I was 5’ 5”. Last week it was 5’ 4”. My height loss of two inches dropped my pants in the back enough to scrape the ground. What to do? Who do I ask? My friend Al the Barber, who wears suspenders, wasn’t around. I remembered in the movies I saw all the farmers wore suspenders. I called up the Belle Glade Farmers’ Cooperative and made an appointment to see Henry Johnson, Executive Director. On the trip there I passed a herd of cows, avoided a few chickens crossing the road, saw three farmers talking at a fence, all wearing suspenders. I knew I was in the right territory. I almost stopped to join in the conversation, but I didn’t want to miss my appointment. Mr. Johnson welcomed me. Yes, he was wearing suspenders. I told him my problem. His advice was brief. He suggested I buy a pair of black suspenders with clip attachments. I told him I didn’t know there was any other kind. He showed me his, which were the button and button-hole style. He thought those were more stylish, but as a beginner the clips would be okay for me. Did I have to buy them in rural Belle Glade, I asked, or could I find them in fancy Boca Raton? He said I could. I bought a pair at Macy’s Men’s Shop. I met Al the Barber at the clubhouse last night. He was surprised to see me with my new suspenders. We talked about the price of pork rinds, what a bushel of corn was selling for, what crops he planned on planting on his patio next season. If you see us at the clubhouse, come over and say “hello”. We’ll be glad to discuss important current farm topics. And we’ll tell you about the next barn-raising, barbeque and hoedown. Al is the short handsome guy with the big round belly. I’m the taller handsome guy with a smaller round belly. You’ll know us - we’re the ones wearing black suspenders. We’re setting a new fashion style in Century Village. I know it’s catching on. I saw a few guys with suspenders holding up their tennis shorts and bathing trunks. I’ll admit it wasn’t a pretty sight. What next? Bikinis with suspenders and no tops? Now, that would make a pretty sight. DERMATOLOGY It’s Your Skin. It’s Our Mission. • We’re here to help solve ALL of your skin problems • We screen and treat patients for skin cancer • MOHS’ Micrographic Surgery • Emergency appointments available • Medicare and many insurances accepted • All patients treated by the Doctor New patients welcome. Come and experience the care and personal attention you deserve Dr. Alan Fischer, MD, PA Member of the American Academy of Dermatology Dermatology and Surgery of the Skin Call for an appointment (561) 488-2900 West Boca Medical Center, Professional Building, Suite 320 9980 Central Park Blvd., Boca Raton, FL 33428 February 2015 Remembrances of the Past By Lee Chanin I often reminisce about family memories, both happy and sad. One in particular that is appropriate for this time of year, is a Valentine’s Day memory. I remember when I was a teenager, walking with Papa on Pitkin Avenue, noticing all the beautifully decorated shop windows offering everything related to remembering one’s sweetheart on Valentine’s Day. Is your Dome Ceiling not looking as bright as it should? Changing your plastic panels is the secret to your Dome continually looking brand new. All plastic materials “yellow” with age. When this happens as little as 10% of the source light will pass through. Residential Dome Ceilings Panel Replacement Senior Citizen Discount We replace the yellow plastic panels and the old fluorescent bulbs Call today for a free estimate. Serving all Broward, Palm Beach & Miami-Dade 561-826-7214 I turned to Papa and asked him, “Why don’t you surprise Mama with a box of candy?” He looked at me in surprise and answered, “Mama doesn’t need candy.” My heart sank. Papa had no sentiment in him. I knew that if he made even the smallest gesture, Mama would have loved it. She had often expressed to me that she longed for Papa to show her some attentiveness. I always felt so sad for her, but as we got older, we children made it up to her with gifts and greeting cards for every occasion. My late husband Arthur, of blessed memory, delighted me with gifts and more gifts for every occasion from the time we started dating. I remember he surprised me one Valentine’s Day with an elaborate mirrored box containing drawers filled with chocolates and the next day another mirrored box filled with chocolates. He was always bringing me surprises and Mama “qvelled”. Now, Tom, my wonderful boyfriend of ten years, is very sentimental and has bought me beautiful gifts of jewelry, fine chocolates and taken me on exciting trips to distant lands. How lucky can a girl get! TO ALL CENTURY VILLAGE WOMEN You are invited to a monthly luncheon! 12:30pm in the Party Room Bring your own lunch and come join us for some lively conversation. Meet new people and have some fun. Check with the front desk for dates COBRUA REPORTER Page 31 Memories that we cherish stay with us and this poem expresses that sentiment: RAINBOWS OF MEMORY Every memory is a ribbon in my rainbow, Another ribbon of color that I get to know. The many strands of these vivid colors I collect, Come together and they begin to connect, They combine to form a story of my compelling past Of promising dreams that had failed to last, From the times when I was a small sad child, Through the years, I’ve had some terrors wild. Of times that were a sad disappointment, Of many tears that on lost dreams were spent. A new color appears in my memory’s rainbow, Another ribbon of color that I get to know. And so I follow that rainbow as I continue to live, To review the memories of hurts I can now forgive. To recall the good times and share them with those Whom I love and also those whom I chose. Now the new colors that appear in my rainbow Are many more ribbons on which I may grow To flourish in the years of my ensuing age, And I’ll start a book of memories and turn a new page. Village Speed Limit 20 Howard A. Bueller, M.D., F.A.A.D. Diplomate, American Academy of Dermatology Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology With Svetlana Reyblat, P.A.-C., M.P.H. Certified Physician Assistant, Master’s Degree in Public Health Говорю по русски Medical and Surgical Dermatology Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Warts, Itching Skin Cancer Detection and Treatment Cosmetic Skin Rejuvenation Mohs Micrographic Surgery PUVA and UVB Phototherapy Botox® Cosmetic, Juvéderm Ultra™ Medicare and Many Insurance Plans Accepted. New Patient Appointments Available. 5258 Linton Boulevard, Suite 306 Delray Beach, FL 33484 (Next to Delray Medical Center) No Waiting! Phone: (561) 498-2911 Fax: (561) 496-0282 Website: Page 32 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 DR. STEPHEN L. PITCOFF, PODIATRIST HOUSE CALL SERVICES FOOT CARE RENDERED TO YOU BY A BOARD CERTIFIED PODIATRIST IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME (561) 336-3499 for appointment MEDICARE ASSIGNMENT ACCEPTED A Five Star Independent and Assisted Living Community With multi-million dollar renovations underway, there’s an even more spectacular Horizon Club on the horizon! Everything is fresh and new – including lush tropical courtyards, patio makeovers and a relaxing new Tiki hut with fire pit. Our chefs are busy at work creating signature dishes that redefine the senior dining experience. And with meals, maintenance and housekeeping taken care of, you’ll have more time to enjoy all of the exciting changes. Schedule your tour today! Up to $500 move-in bonus Guess Who’s Getting a Facelift? 1208 South Military Trail Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 954-481-2304 Assisted Living Facility #5422 February 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 33 utopia bagels Call Us Before You Need Home Health Care Our Special Companions Are Warm, friendly, mature adults Many are educated, all are experienced Reliable & caring, just like friends & family Retired Professionals We are now introducing a more extensive cooking service, custom prepared according to your needs. Your recipes or ours, your home or ours. Healthy, fresh and delicious. Food is Medicine for the Soul. 954-370-7273 =W • Open for Breakfast and Lunch • Organization Discounts • Catering and Box Lunches • Holiday Platters What We Do For You We discourage use of cell phones & television. Our time with you is all about you. 482-2904 We do light housekeeping, laundry, healthy meal preparation and driving to appointments or social activities. Boca Lyons Plaza • 9188 Glades Rd. (SW corner of Glades & Lyons Rd.) Open Daily at 6:30 am WOW! 12 BAgELS We can assist in shopping, medication reminders, and be there with you when you shower. Serving South Florida since 1990. We must be doing something right! Lic. # HCS 5657 Miami/Dade, Broward & S. Palm Beach Counties 305-519-8600 =C 954-533-6361=F With coupon only. Cannot Combine offers. One special per customer. • Exp. 2/28/15 2 Eggs with Potatoes, Bagel And Plain Cream Cheese, 8oz Coffee 4oz Juice 4 $ 59Plus Tax With coupon. Cannot Combine offers. One per customer. Exp. 2/28/15 4 oz. Nova, 6 Bagels, 5 oz. Plain Cream Cheese 13 $ 99 Plus Tax With coupon. Cannot Combine offers. One per customer. Exp. 2/28/15 7 $ 99 1 Bagel / Sliced Nova Plain Cream Cheese Lettuce/Tomato/Onion 8oz. Coffee / 4oz. Juice 8 $ 99 Plus Tax With coupon. Cannot Combine offers. One per customer. Exp. 2/28/15 Painting & Waterproofing Exterior Painting, Waterproofing, Deck Texture Painting, Power Washing Having proudly served: Ainslie, Brighton, Cornwall, Dorset, Exeter, Fanshaw, Guildford, Hythe, Lincoln Mansfield, Newcastle, Preston, Rexford, Suffolk, Wolverton, Yarmouth Licensed * Bonded * Insured (Broward County Lic. # 91-6607-PU-R) (Martin County Lic. # MCPTG5743) (Palm Beach County Lic. # U-16498) Marcel Rosen (Owner) Office: 561-737-3566 Fax: 561-737-3561 630 Industrial Avenue • Suite 1 • Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Also check us out on the web at: Page 34 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 Service Ads Al’s Fix-It Handyman Services, 30 yrs. Exp. Home Services & Window Screen Repairs. Licensed Locksmith. 7 DAY SERVICE. 477-2987, 477-5935 --RUDY’S HANDYMAN SERVICEServing Century Village 33 Yrs. With Home Improvement Repairs & WINDOW CLEANING Too. 7 DAYS A WEEK. Call 482-7058. --DEBRA’S CLEANING – 20 Yrs. In Business. Licensed, Refs Avail. We work to your specifications! BEST RATES! 929-9945. --Cleaning Service – In Business 15 Yrs., Experienced. 561-482-5435. --BUDGET ELECTRICAL SERVICE LICENSED BONDED INSURED SAME DAY SERVICE EC13004082 561-637-2366 --COMPUTER TUTOR & TROUBLESHOOTER by Fred, President 372-1772. --- Classifieds SHLOMO & TOMER LLC HANDYMAN SERVICES – Licensed Locksmith & Window Treatments. 9291014. No Saturdays. --WANTED! OLD MAH JONGG SETS. Call Wendy 561-477-6171, 703-3585 --ISABELLA TAILORS & DRY CLEAN - PROFESIONAL ALTERATIONS FOR MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN. HEM SLACKS $10.00, DRY CLEAN $ 3.99 LAUNDER SHIRTS $1.99. Rug Cleaning. NEXT TO DORIS MARKET. 561-405-6872 --CNA-HHA LOW RATES. HOSP. EXPERIENCE. CARE FOR SICK & ELDERLY FULL/PART TIME. LOIS 954-247-8516. --DRIVER WANTED - 13 Hrs. Per Week. Days Flexible. Replenish product in stores. Palm Beach County. Man/ Woman, Must have car and be reliable. Call 561-504-1991. Cash Buyer looking to purchase your apt. immediately. Save time & money instead of dealing with agents and having property listed with no results. Call Harold 561-302-6618. --Annual Rentals – 2 BR. All Newly & Completely Renovated kitchens, bathrooms, tile flooring, granite, crown molding, new appliances, lake views. From $1,200-$1,300/mo. Call Harold 302-6618 for current availability. --- Seasonal Rental Wanted – Dec 2015 – Mar 2016. 1 or 2 BR, Hi Rise. Larry 732-598-4390. --Looking To Buy 1BR/1.5BA, 2nd or 3rd floor with screened porch. Cash! Don 561-482-5322 Meadows Marketplace - Please patronize our Partners SUPPORT COBRUA PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS THEY MAKE THIS PUBLICATION POSSIBLE 20 MPH VILLAGE SPEED LIMITS FOR SALE PRIVATE SUITES 2006 Kia Sedona with Harmar heavy duty rear power lift. Keychain remote. Power wheelchair included at no additional charge. 30,000 miles. $12,500 Includes Kitchenette SEMI-PRIVATES FR 1,99500 OM $ OM $ FR *PER MONTH 1,69500 * PER MONTH 561-613-1257 Lic. AL#08697 Approved: _________________________ Come celebrate To Advertise contact Fred Foreman (954) 480-8863 2014 Chinese New Year! Date:_____________________________ Featuring: 2014: A year of change I was sure I’d lose my independence when I moved to a retirement community, but I was tired of cooking, cleaning and home maintenance. My daughter was worried about me living alone. I wasn’t eating right and frankly, I was lonely. I found everything I wanted at Veranda Club. My daughter still worries because I’m never home. But frankly ... I’m having the time of my life! Call today and find out how you can make the change for the time of your life. Coming Soon! Our New Assisted Living Building…. Reserve Your Apartment Today! VERANDA CLUB Glades Rd 6061 Palmetto Circle N. Boca Raton, FL 33433 tel 561-368-2122 Palmetto Cr W. Palmetto Park Rd W. Hillsboro Blvd S. Military Trl Powerline Rd Floridas Turnpike 95 N FAC. #:11989 VCAD2014AYearofChangeR1 4.915x7BW1002-mm.indd 1 11/5/14 11:29 AM Dragon & Lion Dance Chinese Folk Dance Kid’s Songs Taiko Drums Martial Arts Authentic Chinese Food And Many Fun Games for kids Feb. 8th, 2014 at Olympic Heights High School Show starts at 4:00 pm; Dinner afterwards For more info: Call 561-445-0608 Email: February 2015 Boca Century Art Club By Nachama Weisenberg The Wine and Cheese event held January 29 th in the Party Room lived up to its past standards of excellence and originality. This year’s theme was Landscapes. A lot of people made the party the success that it was. We pay tribute first to Rochelle (Shelly) Rubinstein who, for over 30 years, has been the guiding force behind the Wine and Cheese Party. She approves and coordinates the art to be exhibited. We are grateful also to Bernie Hoffman and Roz Ross-Hoffman for organizing the refreshments and raffle and door prizes and to Rita Steinmauer for setting up the Kosher Table. Our guest speaker Blake Patterson delighted us with samples of his unique art form. He demonstrated how he creates unique wooden bowls of varying sizes and geometric designs out of recycled wood chips using commonly known woods (i.e., walnut ) and exotic wood (i.e.,, zebrawood), referring to the process as the use of segmented wood. At the January meeting, members voted for Abstracts to be the theme for the Wine and Cheese event for 2016. We are looking forward to our Annual Art Exhibit that will be held two days in the party room on February 26th and 27th from 9 a.m-3 p.m. In order to exhibit their art work all participants will first have to fill out an application form. These forms will be available at the registration the club house Only four pieces per person will be allowed, The art is to be brought on February 25th from 1-3pm. We have been assured that the art pieces will be safely locked up. Reservations are quickly filling up for the forthcoming Bonnet House Trip on March 5th. See Social Whirl for date, time and contact information. License # EC 13004082 1-888-738-5195 Wow, I didn’t know I could sell my life insurance policy for cash! Are you or a family member 74 or older? You could receive a cash payout, if you no longer need or want your life insurance policy. • No medical exam or medical records required • Free assessment • To qualify, the life policy must be between $50,000 and $500,000 FIND OUT HOW IT WORKS CALL: 1-888-738-5195 Or visit us at We buy existing life insurance policies for cash. The process is free and there is no obligation to sell the policy once an offer is expressed. The Life Policy Payout program is administered by Vespera Life, a licensed life (viatical) settlement provider, by the State of Florida. Don’t let a painful foot, ankle or leg condition keep you from enjoying an active lifestyle! If you experience pain in your legs after walking a short distance, you may have a condition known as Peripheral Arterial Disease, or PAD. We offer non-invasive vascular testing in our office. DIABETICS: You may be eligible for shoes and custom inserts through the Medicare Shoe Program. Call today for a consultation. “All Calls Answered Live” Dr. Savran, a Board Certified Podiatrist and his caring staff specialize in the treatment of the following conditions: • • • • Heel Pain Plantar Fasciitis Heel Spurs Leg Cramps • • • • Infections Ingrown Toenails Arthritis Gout • Burning, Tingling or Numbness in your feet or legs FOOT OR ANKLE INJURY? • Pain or Discomfort due to Bunions, We have on site x-rays and treat foot and Hammertoes or other foot deformitories ankle sprains and fractures. We offer therapy for the treatment of foot and ankle injuries • Foot or Leg Wounds and/or other Diabetic Ulcers and conditions. Do your legs feel tired and achy? Do you have back pain? Ask about Custom Orthotics. Medicare Assignment Accepted. 24 /7 Emergency Service • Troubleshooting • Installations • Repairs • No Power • Flickering Lights • Tripping Breaker • Burning Smell COBRUA REPORTER Page 35 HOME CALLS AVAILABLE Don’t wait to make an appointment. Painful foot conditions won’t cure themselves! Call Today. Dr. Jeffrey Savran Board Certified, American Board of Podiatric Medicine Our office is conveniently located in the Publix/Home Depot Center on the S.E. corner of Glades and 441 852-8950 9858 Glades Road, #D5 • Boca Raton, FL – Century Village Bus Comes To This Mall – Page 36 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 Tennis Times By Bob and Judy Cantor Let us start this issue on a gastronomical note and a report on the wonderful Welcome Back Brunch that was held by our tennis club on Sunday, December 14. The event was hosted by Rita & Marty Kalter (see photo) who, working with their committee, provided an excellent array of goodies from Too Jay’s restaurant which included bagels , cream cheese , lox, cake & coffee. Club President Richard Gell introduced the entertainer for the event, Stanley Preiser, who (from his keyboard) provided the audience with a musical history of some of the great songs from Broadway and Hollywood in times gone by. His performing technique involved a good deal of audience participation by conducting what amounted to a musical trivia game. An interesting example was one of the first songs he played which was titled Embraceable You. He asked the audience to name the composer and lyricist and where the song was originally introduced. The answer was that it was written by George and Ira Gershwin and introduced in the 1930’s Broadway musical, Girl Crazy, which starred Ginger Rogers and introduced a young performer by the name of Ethel Merman. Moreover, on the opening night of the show the orchestra was conducted by George Gershwin himself who led from the pit such jazz musicians as Gene Krupa, Benny Goodman, Glen Miller and Jimmy Dorsey. Oh, to have been there on such a night ! Now changing subjects, let’s go back in time a week or so and describe an innovative new program created by the Tennis Club to give everyone in CVW an opportunity to enjoy the wonderful game of tennis. It’s BCTC’s presentation of intra- mural tennis. It began on Tuesday, December 2 and it will run throughout the season ending March 24. Its A Good Handyman Rita Kalter and helpers set up for the Welcome Back Brunch. Reliable, Dependable and Affordable No job too big or small !!! Home Repairs •QualityWork•ReasonableRates•PromptService Call for FREE estimates STEVE: 561-722-6087 2 1 CEN TU RY VILLAGE CONNECTS Invites You To a Pre-‐PURIM Nosh On Us! a Brief Purim Exploration Includes with Rabbi Yasgur Funded By H AM LOWEST PRICES IN BOCA •Any Garment Dry Cleaned (Except Fancy & Long Dresses) $ 3.25* $ •Laundered Shirts 1.70 •Comforters (Laundered Only) $9.99* •Laundry 75¢p/lb Tailor on Premises All Alterations 15% OFF Slacks Hemmed $7.50 19785 Hampton Dr. • Boca Raton (On Kimberly Between Lyons and 441) 451.4428 AND CREMATION SERVICES Serving Palm Beach County since 1992 because peace of mind should be within everyone’s price range Family Owned & Operated Tel 561.852.4332 fax 561.852.7088 F R EE A NTA SHEN DRYCLEAN SUPER SAVE BOCA RATON FUNERAL HOME Under the Portico E FRE E FL R AF F Sp all eci als Over 25 Years Professional Tax Services Reasonable Rates – Free Pick Up & Delivery Ron Barnett / Pam Barnett Office 561.965.4623 Cellular 561.542.4112 10:30 am – 12:00 pm (In front of Torah Ohr) discuss the sensitive issue of arguments and animosities on the courts. Complete Preparation Personal & Corporate Returns Wednesday, Feb. 25th I purpose is to provide those CVW tennis players who do not already have a regular game, and even those who do, a chance to play matches in a competitive setting and meet fellow tennis players to sign up for additional off program tennis matches. After only one week of the announcement more than 38 players had signed up and a great time is being had by all who come. Let’s give a shout out of appreciation for the very hard work done by BCTC club members Robert Reach and Moe Ackerman who run the program. It is not an easy task to prepare and coordinate an event like this and all tennis players in CVW thank them. (see photo) Now as Bugs Bunny used to say (or was it Porky Pig), That’s all folks..but stay tuned for next month’s article which will get a little serious and could be titled Tennis Life – Tennis Strife because it will P&R ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICES, INC Enjoy Delicious Refreshments! Connect With Your Neighbors! Robert Reach and Moe Ackerman get ready for intramural tennis. Garrett Jacobs Owner, Funeral Director ~ NEW LOCATION NOW OPEN ~ 19785 Hampton Dr. Boca Raton, FL 33434 The Art of Negotiations February 2015 COBRUA REPORTER Page 37 Talk to Someone Who Can Help • Bereavement Bereavement • Loneliness Loneliness • Family Problems Problems • Anxiety & Stress By Arlene Coleman The recent event with Cuba and the U.S. was an interesting and monumental change of events which can change history in the future for many. What have we learned from this? Well in any negotiation, the players are the main factors. Their skills behind the doors lay the groundwork for future events which can affect many. As some of you who are familiar with the very popular TV show Shark Tank know, nothing is more important than the negotiations made between the billionaire sharks and the person looking to make a deal with them. Skills are needed to make the best deal possible so that both the shark and the contestant are getting what they want and need to benefit their future investment. All of these scenarios are important to the outcome of deals and the importance of negotiations but nothing (yes, I said nothing) compares to the backdoor deals made between Milton Bienstock, Court 1, across from Mansfield and Arlene Coleman, Court 2, across from Mansfield. Both are fiercely competitive and try to get the best deal for their players on Court 1 and Court 2. Where do these highly, secretive meetings take place you ask? Dunkin Donuts has been the spot where they have been discovered trading and compromising behind closed doors (not really closed doors, as they are eating outside) while dining on a donut (cinnamon for Arlene and roll for Milton) and coffee. Who eats a roll at Dunkin Donuts? We are ever mindful of the players and their ultimate goal of trying to be fair to accommodate their regulars. It is important for others at Century Village to know that Milton and Arlene do not organize games for people who can›t find them, but try to make fun for those who are regulars in their games. How did we arrive at who are regulars? Milton and Arlene›s group play year round with the same people (3 1/2 years now) and literally had to tell people «we just don›t have any more room». We know there is a need for drifters. We would love to see these people get in games, but Milton and Arlene are not in that business. We do hope that these people are able to find games. The bottom line is we try our best to be fair with our regulars and hope they enjoy the game as much as we do! By the time Milton and Arlene are done trading players and finishing their donuts and coffee we shake hands and say “We did our best negotiating so everyone in our groups can be happy”. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!! WANTED Canasta Player Call Dee 487-0924 No Snowbirds Please Licensed Psychologist 7777 Glades Rd., Suite 100, Boca Raton Web: (561) 376376-4299 Medicare Welcome PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition Page 38 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 Called For Jury Duty? Serve And Support Our Justice System CarFit Safety Program Returns to Century Village in Boca on February 18th With the goal of keeping seniors safe on the roads, the CarFit program will return to Century Village on February 18th. CarFit is a safety program designed to help seniors find out how the “fit” of their personal vehicle affects their driving. Older adult drivers have their cars inspected by trained volunteers. Each year, over 30 seniors benefit from this program. CarFit is an educational program whose goals are to help older drivers improve the “fit” of their vehicles for Friendly Neighbors By Stan Slater Switzerland, a country that has been as neutral as any throughout the years, is bordered by four countries. Can you name all of them? Answer: Italy, France, Germany, and Austria. Did the last named keep you from getting a perfect score? safety and comfort and link adults with relevant, local resources that can help ensure they drive safely longer. CarFit uses a trained team of volunteers, including an occupational therapist, to assist senior drivers with items such as a clear line of sight over the steering wheel, adequate space between the front airbag/steering wheel and the driver’s breastbone, properly adjusted head restraints, proper positioning on gas and brake pedals, proper safety belt use and fit, and safe positioning of mirrors to minimize blind spots. CarFit will take place in the parking lot of Congregation Torah Ohr, north of the bus parking area, from 8:40am – 1PM. Volunteers are needed to help check cars and drivers. To volunteer to help check for safety or to make an appointment to have your car checked call Robert Goodman at 561.465.2224. There is no charge. To learn more about CarFit visit By Sharon R. Bock Clerk & Comptroller Palm Beach County Jurors provide crucial public service in Palm Beach County A juror has the power to transform a person’s life. Serving as a juror is one of the most important responsibilities that any citizen can make to serve their community, the justice system and their country. Jury duty should be approached with honor and served with dignity. The importance of jury duty has come to the forefront recently due to some highprofile court cases in Palm Beach County and throughout Florida. Those cases get an extraordinary amount of attention, but are relatively rare. Most jurors’ experience with jury duty will entail a single day at the courthouse. The Clerk & Comptroller’s office manages Palm Beach County’s jury system, summonsing more than 155,000 potential jurors each year who are randomly selected from the state driver license database. Understanding that jury duty may impact your daily routine, many conveniences are offered to make serving easier. Providing complimentary parking, movies in the juror waiting area, free Wi-Fi in the courthouse and computer access in the juror room are among the ways jury duty Auto Transporters You Can TRUST Reliable Auto Transportation SAVE MONEY BY SHIPPING YOUR CAR. Whether your car needs to be shipped just a few hundred miles or across the nation, a car shipping or vehicle transport company can save you money. safely! There are plenty of different options available when it comes to car transportation. Each car that is transported can have different needs and parameters when being shipped. Call us to get a free quote and learn more. Convenient Save Time Save Money Get your car back Avoid Unnecessary Mileage Reduce the Risk of Vehicle Damage Call us now gift card to get a $100 Dining Dollars Gift Card 877-238-4718 $100 Dining Dollars Gift Card Choose from more than 70,000 participating restaurants located new customers only throughout the U.S. and Canada. You will find a wide range of popular brand names the whole family will love like TGI Friday’s, Macaroni Grill, Ruby Tuesday’s, Ruth’s Chris Steak House, Friendly’s, and Pizzeria Uno’s. is made enjoyable. Jurors may also bring laptops or smartphones to work while waiting to be called. Rescheduling jury duty is simple if you’re unable to report when scheduled. To learn more about jury duty and what to expect, visit the Jury Duty page on the Clerk & Comptroller’s website at www. Serving on a jury, you quickly realize the weight of this responsibility. As your Clerk & Comptroller, I thank those who receive a summons in the mail, recognize the importance of the call to duty, and respectfully do their part to protect a fundamental right guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution —the right to a trial by our peers. Best regards, A Vacant Row by Paul Thorner A long vacant row nine empty seats when I stand to touch the Torah as it passes by on Saturday mornings in the synagogue I see that the row on the opposite side of the aisle is vacant, the seats are empty the prayer books in the rack are waiting to be opened yes the row is vacant now but I remember when the seats were filled with life I can see small Cedric from London, who drove onto Juno Beach in a British tank on D-Day, June 6, 1944 - who became an artist I can see Esther, who continued her conversations with her friends through the rabbi›s plea of «May I have your attention, please.» - became a poet Edna, a high school teacher mother of three Miriam, in her colorful widebrimmed hats, who as an eight-yearold child saw a picture of women dressed in their Easter Sunday finery and found a fashion style - and became a designer Sylvia and Morris, holocaust survivors, who were always seen holding hands - fine dancers Fred, who ran a printing plant - a good tennis player David, the accountant - a writer Sidney, who survived three concentration camps, came to America at age 17, became a university physics professor - chess champ I remember meeting them in the past in the clubhouse, on the tennis courts, in the pools, in the exercise room, at club meetings, at dances, on walk paths, at Publix supermarket, at Town Center Mall, in restaurants But I can still see them now across the aisle on Saturday mornings. I see them reaching out to touch the Torah as it is carried by and to shake the rabbi›s hand. A Vacant Row by Paul Thorner Page 2 of 2 I see them at the Kiddush after services standing at their familiar places talking to their friends everyone telling of the lives and accomplishments of their children and grandchildren and even greatgrandchildren I know they aren›t there, so why do I see them? Do my eyes fool me? Do I want to see them and my mind conjures them up? I don›t know. But it›s a warm feeling to see these old friends. I hope I see them again next Saturday. February 2015 M & S PEST CONTROL NATIONAL TRANSMISSIONS NATIONALTRANSMISSIONS & COMPLETE AUTO CARE CENTERS & COMPLETE AUTO CARE CENTERS Century Village Special Seasonal You Go $75 6 mos. contract $15 Pay(noAscontract) $132 COBRUA REPORTER Page 39 Yearly Contract Serving our Community Since 1983 Serving our Community Since 1983 Pest Control For All That Bugs You! Box 811961, Boca Raton, Fl 33481-1961 Fully Insured • License No. JB116719 FREE VEHICLEPICK-UP PICK-UPAND AND DELIVERY FREE VEHICLE DELIVERY FROM HOMEOR OROFFICE OFFICE FROM HOME 561-852-9734 1-888-739-1042 15% 15%OFF OFFLABOR LABORFOR FORALL ALLCENTURY CENTURYVILLAGE VILLAGERESIDENTS RESIDENTS 24 Month 24,000 Mile Warranty on Every Repair**** $14.95* $14.95* Oil, Filter Change, Tire $49.95** $49.95** Rotation & 27 Point Oil, Filter Change, Tire Vehicle Safety Inspection Rotation & 27 Point Vehicle Safety Inspection Leanne Kopystynsky - LUTCF (561) 806-9929 Serving the Insurance Needs of the 55+ Community. A/C Or A/C Or Cooling Cooling System System Tune-up Special Tune-up FREE FREE DIAGNOSTICS DIAGNOSTICS $99.95*** $99.95*** Brake Special Brake Special Special FREE Tire Mount and Balance. Tire Disposal & State Tax Fees Extra We are your local AAA Aproved Repair Facility for all your automotive needs: Oil changes, Extended Warranty, A/C, Tires, Alignment, Brakes, Engines, Starters, Tune-Ups, Alternators, Timing Belts, Water Pumps, Transmissions, Differentials, Struts & Shocks and MUCH MORE. MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 - 5:00 PM SATURDAY 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM 3030 S. Congress Ave. #3 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 561-737-6073 502 NE 3rd Street Boynton Beach, FL 33435 561-737-7551 WWW.NATIONALTRANSMISSIONS.COM *UP TO 7 QUARTS OF CONVENTIONAL OIL ONLY. $15 off Synthetic Oil Change, NORMALLY $59.95 **Includes 1 gallon of anti-freeze, 2 pound of freon and labor. Shop supplies and disposal fees extra. *** Includes Install new Pads or Shoes, inspect complete brake system & repact wheel bearings ****At Our existing locations only. New Year - New You! StartAThe New Year Off With A Smile nice smile can help you look and feel younger and more attractive! Let Gentle Dental help you look and feel your best. You Deserve it! ADULT NEW PATIENT PACKAGE lComprehensive Exam (D0150) lFull Series 18 X-Rays (D0210) lOral Hygiene Instruction (D1330) lFirst Teeth Cleaning (Healthy D1110 or Debridement D4355) lOral Cancer Screening 69 (VELscope® Technology in select offices) $ Only * New Patients Only A SAVINGS OF OVER $300 DENTURE SPECIALS IMPLANT & CROWN PACKAGE Gold Package Complete Denture 695 * Platinum Package Complete Denture Only Upper (D5110) or Lower (D5120) - (Porcelain or Cosmetic Teeth) $ Only UPGRADED 895 * NO PROBLEM!! Dental Implants by a Specialist (D6010) lImplant Abutment (Prefabricated) (D6056) lPorcelain Fused to Metal Crown (D6066) STANDARD COMPLETE Only NO DENTAL INSURANCE? lSurgical Placement of Upper (D5110) or Lower (D5120) - (Resin Teeth) $ VIP DISCOUNT PROGRAM $ 1999 Per Unit Complete ALL GENERAL, SPECIALTY AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY IN ONE PLACE! Caring, sensitive staff who will provide a comfortable experience Join the GENTLE DENTAL VIP DISCOUNT PROGRAM and SAVE UP TO 65% OFF our normal low fees on all General, Specialty and Cosmetic Dentistry in our South Florida offices. * 35% OFF Including Dentures, Bridges, Crowns and Fillings! Patient Financing Available. Even With Poor Credit History!** Most Dental Insurance Accepted Our Boca Raton offices are just minutes from Century Village Gentle Dental of W. Boca Raton 9874 Yamato Rd., Suite 116 Boca Raton, FL 33434 CALL TODAY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT Gentle Dental of Boca Raton 1200 Yamato Rd., Suite #A4 Boca Raton, FL 33431 877-910-4332 *MUST MENTION SPECIAL PRIOR TO SERVICE. DISCOUNTS ARE NOT COMBINABLE WITH VIP DISCOUNT PROGRAM, INSURANCE OR OTHER OFFERS OR PROGRAMS. THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS A RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT OR BE REIMBURSED FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT WHICH IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THIS FREE, DISCOUNTED FEE OR REDUCED FEE SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT. MINIMUM FEES ONLY. DR. NEAL ZIEGLER DN 6483 **WITH APPROVED CREDIT. Page 40 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 PHYSICAL THERAPY You deserve the best in care. Not all rehab is equal. The high level of expertise and personalized attention given at Gusman Physical Therapy is a key element for your success. For the past 25 years I have treated conditions using the latest technologies with Innovative Programs proven to be the most effective to Enhance Healing, Control Pain and Restore you to a Safe and Active Lifestyle. Suffering from • Neck, Back and Knee Pain? • Shoulder Rotator Cuff Injuries? • Total Joint Replacements? • Arthritis, Stenosis, Sciatica? • Muscle Weakness, Balance Problems? • Parkinson’s, Stroke? Are you starting an exercise program but not sure what’s right or wrong? We can help with a designed Wellness Program just for you! If you are not receiving advanced State of Art Rehab Modalities like the Vivatek back system and Tetrax Computer balance testing and training equipment, then its time you should! With limits being put on your insurance benefits, it’s time that you make the most of your healthcare dollars. Start by calling today where personal hands-on care leads to positive results. Take a Proactive Role in your Physical Therapy. Do not be led to your Physicians Therapy when you have the right to choose your Licensed Physical Therapist. I look forward to helping you get better! CALL 561-482-7474 STANLEY GUSMAN CCI, RPT, PA FREE COMPUTERIZED BALANCE TEST Credentialed Clinical Instructor, Registered Physical Therapist Member of American Physical Therapy Association Florida Chapter and FPTA Government Advocacy Committee An Independent Physical Therapy Practice Serving The Residents of Century Village Since 1986. AUTO ACCIDENTS & WORKMANS COMP MEDICARE, HUMANA, GHI, UNITED HEALTH CARE, B/C B/S AND MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED Conveniently Located In The Boca Hampton Plaza 9060 Kimberly Blvd., #44, Boca Raton, Fl. 33434 February 2015 Immediate Response Experts in Water Damage COBRUA REPORTER Page 41 You Pay *We Bill Insurance Directly • Moisture Detection • Structural Drying • Mold Control • Condo Multi-Unit Experts • Leak Detection • Full Plumbing Services COMPLETE RESTORATION SERVICES • Mold Remediation • Mold Testing Without High Costs • Clearance Certificates • Full Remediation & Rebuild • Moisture Detection • Water Removal • Water Damage • Dehumidification • Complete Structure Drying • Fire & Smoke Damage FREE VISUAL INSPECTION IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Page 42 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 Musical Notes By Max Deutsch Ben Selvin Dean of Recorded Music Born in 1898 of Russian Jewish parents, Ben Selvin left his mark on the recorded music industry in many ways. He recorded over 13,000 different songs on 78rpm records. He was in the development of Mazak in the 1930’s (elevator music) and worked with 3M in developing tape recordings that were an alternative to vinyl recordings on LP’s and 45’s. At 15 he played the violin and in his early 20’s headed his own orchestras. His biggest hit was Dardanella which sold millions of copies. The number of 78rpm records sold in 1927 was 100 million. In 1932, the number dropped to 6 million and that caused record companies to combine or go out of business. Ben Selvin recorded songs on up to 125 different record labels. He would produce discounted records that were sold by Sears, Kresge, and Woolworth. The same recording would appear with different labels. For example, a recording of My Sweet Tooth says I Wanna appeared on a Columbia House Band record label which says Vocal Female Duet. The same recording with a different label says the vocal is the Picken Sisters. If you bought the record in Sears on a discount label, it might be the exact same recording as the national recognized recording. Some of the orchestra names he used were Ben Selvin’s Moulin Rouge Orchestra, Knickerbocker Orchestra, Broadway Nitelites, and Novelty Orchestra. When he was president of Columbia Records, he was overseeing the production of Doris Day, Frank Sinatra, and Buddy Clark.. Some of the songs he recorded include Margie, You’re the Cream in my Coffee and The Original Charleston. Before the market crashed in 1929, Yellen and Ager wrote Happy Days are Here Again. That song was used by FDR in his presidential campaign of 1932. Selvin recorded Happy Days. Selvin’s recordings from 1917 to 1934 are listed in Brian Rust’s The American Dance Band Discography and only took 46 pages. A song he recorded from the Broadway show Everybody’s Welcome made it big twelve years later in the Movie Casablanca. Now you know why he is known as Dean of Recorded Music. LADY BUYER WILL PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR • COSTUME JEWELRY • GOLD • STERLING SILVER • FIGURINES • CHINA • PAINTINGS • PRINTS • LAMPS • PERFUME BOTTLES • OLD EVENING PURSES • RUGS • SCONCES • MEN’S OLD WATCHES • AND MORE! CALL 561-865-2009 AFFORDABLE CAR CARE & TIRE CENTER B A CLINT MOORE N W E S SPANISH ISLES LYONS ROAD 441 Pick-Up and Drop Off Service Available For All Century Village Residents (Oil Changes Excluded) YAMATO ROAD All Major Tire Brands Available Servicing Domestic And Foreign Cars • FREE WIFI Open Mon. - Fri. 9am. - 5pm. • Sat. 9am. - 2pm. LOCATED IN BOCA COMMERCE PARK • SHUTTLE SERVICE 10026 Spanish Isles Blvd #B2 & B28 • FAMILY FRIENDLY 561-470-6200 • FLEET ACCOUNTS WELCOME • MOST EXTENDED WARRANTIES ACCEPTED 4 Wheel Lube, Oil & T u n e - Up Balance & Filter Change Tire Rotation 4 Cyl. $39.95 $ $ 19.95 Plus $1.75 disposal • Most cars!! • Up to 5 quarts of 10W-30 • Top off fluids & safety inspection Expires 2/28/15 $ 19.95 • Rotate And Balance Your Vehicle’s Tires And Bring Them All Up To Recommended Pressure • Extra Charge For Wheels 18” and Up) Expires 2/28/15 6 Cyl. 49.95 8 Cyl. $59.95 Call Ray For Your Appointment Today Radiator Cooling System Maintenance Most cars $ 29.99 Brake Special $ 69.95 • Front or rear Plus $2.00 disposal fee • Most cars • Most Cars!! • Trucks Fill Cooling System • Includes pads and labor and vans slightly higher • Drain• &Includes Up To • Does not include • Does not include 1 Gallon Coolant resurfaced rotors • Inspection Of Belts & Hoses platinum plugs! Expires 2/28/15 Expires 2/28/15 Expires 2/28/15 2 Windshield Wiper Blades Installed $ 12.00 Most cars Up To 24” Includes Washer Fluid Top Off Expires 2/28/15 IMPORTANT!! Please tell our advertisers that you saw their ad in the COBRUA Reporter February 2015 CAN–COPE CONSTRUCTION, INC. SUPPORT COBRUA Complete Interior Remodeling and Handyman Services Eye Associates of Boca Raton, P.A. ___________________ Surgical & Medical Eye Care __________________ COMPLIMENTARY VISION SCREENING (Mention this ad when calling) 561-391-8300 • 950 NW 13th St. Boca Raton COMPUTER & SMARTPHONE HELP FOR SENIORS & BEGINNERS NO PRESSURE! Learn at Your Own Pace. Learn how to use the INTERNET, EMAIL, GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, SKYPE, Download/Print PHOTOS of your Grandchildren and MORE! TEXT and EMAIL from your SMARTPHONE! NEW EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION We will set up your new COMPUTER, Easy PRINTER, ROUTER (wifi), etc. Computer Special ALREADY USING A COMPUTER? Only $3500* NEED REPAIR? for one hour Is your computer running too slow? Tell us your problem SAVE $5 WITH THIS AD* Free Phone Consultation Regular Fee is $3500 If we can’t fix it there’s Century Village Residents - $3000 NO CHARGE! Don’t Get Frustrated! Call Us: Call: 561-445-1139 References available upon request. WE SELL YOUR “STUFF” ON E-BAY • Have “stuff” laying around unused? • Moving and need to downsize? • Don’t throw away or give away that “stuff” • Sell it on e-bay! We come to you, photograph your “Stuff” and post it on E-Bay. You name the price, we pack and ship it and you get paid. (We take a commission only when merchandise is sold). Questions? Call Lori: (310) 461-6633 “In-Home Care for SENIORS” First 3 hours FREE!!! Call us today! 1-800-712-4266 • Hourly & live-in caregivers • Light housekeeping and prepare meals • Accompany to appointments, errands COBRUA REPORTER Page 43 • Bathing, dressing and assistance with daily living • And more... Kitchen and Bathrooms • Tub Conversions Painting • Tiles • Ceiling • Drywall Mold Testing and Remediations Kitchen Panel Replacement LICENSED GENERAL CONTRACTOR CGC 1517468 954-461-7093 Boynton Beach Home Care We Bring Health Care To Your Home FREE initial assessment & a customized plan of care to meet your needs Lidija Paskova, RN Hourly or Live-In Care Personal Care by HHA / CNA Bathing / Dressing / Toileting / Transportation Meal Preparation / Dr. Appointments “Proudly serving Companion Services Palm Beach County since 2003” Laundry / Errands / Light Housekeeping We Accept All Long Term Care Insurance (561) 742-2532 License No. NR30211165 RICHARD A. SCHWARTZ ATTORNEY AT LAW RETIRED MIAMI DADE COUNTY COURT JUDGE * Wills * Living Trusts (avoid probate) * Power of Attorney * Medicaid Planning * Healthcare Surrogate * Quit Claim Deeds (avoid probate) * PROBATE & TRUST ADMINISTRATION HOME VISITS 561-988-1099 Schwartz & Wider, P.A. 10843 White Aspen Lane Boca Raton, FL. 33428 Page 44 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 Social Whirl FEBRUARY 4 - CORNWALL SOCIAL CLUB – Gulfstream Park, Racing, Shopping, Casino, Lunch, Bus. Call Gladys 482-3657, Celia 477-9820. 9 - BOCA LIGHTS - Fashon Show & Catered Lunch. 12 Noon, Party Room. Raffles. Call Carol 483-7823. 22 - CORNWALL SOCIAL CLUB – Florida Follies, Olympic Hts. High School. Call Gladys 482-3657, Celia 477-9820. MARCH 5 - BOCA CENTURY ART CLUB – Bonnet House. Bus leaves 10:15am. Includes lunch Aruba Beach Café, museum docent tour. Call Susan 451-9110. 10 - SISTERHOOD CONG. TORAH OHR – Boutique Social Hall. 11:30am-1:30pm. Call Lee 718-290-4315. 18 - SISTERHOOD CONG. TORAH OHR – Mah Jongg & Card Party, Social Hall. 11:30am-3pm. Call Marcia 561-482-6373. MAY 3 - CORNWALL SOCIAL CLUB – Brunch Clubhouse 11:30am. Call Celia 477-9820, Gladys 482-3657. TEMPLE BETH SHALOM OF BOCA RATON A Conservative Egalitarian Temple Located On The Grounds Of Century Village Welcomes All Our Neighbors To Worship With Us In Our Beautiful Temple Let us turn your costume jewelry, collectibles, and antiques into CASH!!!! We pay TOP DOLLAR and COME TO YOU! Please call Linda today at 561-294-6341 Don’t be a victim - recover your investment losses EVENTS OF THE MONTH Tues, Feb 3rd, 10am Adult EducationClass: Guest Speraker Rose Gaetens. Topic - How The Holocaust Led To The Human Rights Movement Wed, Feb 4th, 6pm Tu B’Shevat Dinner Thurs, Feb 5th, 2pm Morse Life Lecture Sun, Feb 8th, 2pm Concert “The Best Concert Ever” Thurs, Feb 12th 9am-12noon Health Fair Sun, Feb 15th, 9:30 am Congregation Meeting Thurs, Feb 19th, 1pm Sisterhood Book Club “The Innocents” by Francesca Segal Tues, Feb 24th, 10am Adult Educatiopn Class - Guest Speaker Ira Epstein. Topic - The Fabulous Jack Benny! Thurs, Mar 5th Sun, Mar 22nd SAVE THESE DATES Purim Dinner Sisterhood Card Party VISIT OUR JUDAICA GIFT SHOP Open Daily 9am - 11:30am For Membership Information Call (561) 483-5557 Everyone knows it’s not uncommon to lose money in the stock market either through bad investment advice, unforeseen market fluctuations, or for a number of other reasons. However, what most investors don’t know, and what has often been described as Wall Street’s ‘dirty little secret’ is that often times, an investor’s losses can be recovered from the broker, investment advisor and/or the brokerage firm itself if it turns out the investor’s losses were caused by the negligence or fraud of those entrusted to safeguard and invest your hard-earned capital. This may be true even if losses were caused by an unforeseen decline in the market. Stock Market Justice, LLC is a company formed and run exclusively by securities professionals who possess many years of experience in detecting and going after broker malfeasance, often recovering all or a substantial portion of their clients’ losses from brokers and/or brokerage firms found guilty of putting their own financial needs ahead of the needs of their clients to whom they owe a duty to protect. Call us for a FREE consultation: 954-871-2103 1-800-404-9607 Email: February 2015 Under the Garment By Scott Cunningham The central character in the Torah portion VaYeshev is Joseph, Jacob’s youngest son. In this portion Jacob sits in the land of Canaan. Joseph’s gift of prophetic dreaming emerges. If Joseph is able to dream into the future then I too can do this. This portion like all of the Torah happens within me and everything is possible with the Torah. VaYeshev is about the correction of my soul. How do I do this? Joseph being sold into slavery is my own ego making me a slave because of my own selfish desires to receive for self-alone. This I don’t even recognize. I am in itself, in bondage because of my own egocentric desires. What am I in bondage to? And what do I do? “Return, Oh Israel unto Yahweh Elohim” (Hosea 14:2). This is what I need to achieve to bring myself back to the value of sharing by striving to become like the Creator with my giving. Letting go of my own egocentrically based desires by sharing with others. As Joseph does by becoming second in command of Egypt, I too can take control over my own physical reality and triumph, thereby freeing my soul. VaYeshev means ‘and Jacob sat.’ Jacob dwells in the land of Canaan. Even though Joseph is the main character in this portion there is a main truth to this portion of its principal. Jacob waits, he’s like a statue, he does not move. So what am I waiting for? How do I fix myself though this Torah study potion as it’s happening to me? The correction is for my soul. But aren’t all corrections for my soul? Spiritualism is metaphysical. All outwardly corrections of myself ultimately effect the correction of me on a higher level of consciousness. This is all that I am trying to achieve from this higher consciousness. I can strive to go to even higher levels too. Allowing myself to obtain many extra metaphysical senses along my way to make this possible as I climb up this ladder. The Zohar says there are over a ninety senses that humans have an ability to use. I know I have more than my physical five senses. Using them is what I want to do. Correction for my soul ultimately helps me while I live my reality in my physical world. Kabbalah teaches me that everything that happens to me starts at the soul level. My life begins not in this world but in an Upper World of spiritual density. It could be contiguous to me but I cannot see it. It’s in another dimension. All of this is born into me at birth into my physical form of what I think could be my physical reality. What is my reality? Is this the soul and the body becoming one? I essentially I have two realities it would seem. I have a physical reality and a spiritual reality, which are actually homologous so they are one. My physical reality began in the spiritual reality. So then does my physical reality exist? All my correction is for my soul. My soul reincarnates many times according to the Zohar, the commentary for the Torah. I am striving to get back to my metaphysical roots. This is where I came from in the beginning. Therefore this physical world is metaphysical too like the Oneness of the Creator who created all of these truths. I am part of this endlessness of infinity’s circle of life. The ultimate correction that dwells in VaYeshev is anticipating love by sharing love. The more I love the more I get back from the Creator. I learn to depend on the Creator for my needs. More love and goodness will come to me through others around me into this seeming physical world I live in. In a dimension of its own. COBRUA REPORTER Page 45 --- FOR SALE --BRAND NEW UNIT IN GUILDFORD B • 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom • First Floor Large Corner Unit • Beautiful Water Views • Redone From The Walls To The Floors • New Kitchen Cabinets W/Granite Counters • Brand New Baths, New Granite Vanities • New Tile In Baths And Kitchen • Wood Floors Throughout Living Area • Pristine Condition • Just Move In CALL VALERIE R. BAMBACE, REALTOR • 954-815-4425 Antiques, Furniture & Decorative Objects All Periods From 18th Century to Today! ABOUT ANTIQUES & UNIQUES We Make House Calls We Specialize In Estate Liquidation Thank You The Cobrua Reporter would like to thank Paul Thorner, Jack Weinberg and Rena Pollak for their past help in the production of the Cobrua Reporter. •Paintings •Sterling •Lamps •Mid-Century •Bronzes •Chandeliers •Decorative Furniture •Porcelain •Pottery •Jewelry •Art Pottery •Lucite •Art Glass •Clocks (561) 756-6596 • (561) 756-6595 Page 46 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 OBEY THE C.V.W. SPEED LIMITS The Fine Art of Golf By Art Citron ABILITY Jalousie Doors Corp. Ventilate Your Apartment Convert Your Existing Solid Door to a Jalousie Door • Jalousie Doors • Window Cranks • Window Screens • Patio Screens • Window and Door Security Guards LICENSED AND INSURED 954-973-1370 1350D Martin Luther King Blvd Pompano Beach, FL 33069 I cannot think of a better place to be than South Florida, with its beautiful weather, lovely beaches and great golf courses. It sure beats what is happening, with the weather up north. The fairways are lush and the plush greens are just waiting for us golfers to fulfill our dreams of birdies and pars. So let’s get started with some timely golf tips. Want to lower your scores from the tee box to the green? If your answer is no read no further, if it’s yes, then read on and reap the benefits of the easy ways to better scores. Driving: To drive the ball well, focus on a slow takeaway and on completing your backswing before starting your downswing. Your backswing is completed when your left side is behind the ball, or close to it. This is crucial to setting up a good transition from backswing to downswing. Remember, you cannot turn back slow enough. Iron Play: If you tend to hit the ball high, that can mean trouble on windy days and we have lots of those. On Luncheon & Presentation “Crossing the Line: Rising Anti-‐Semitism on the College Campus” ” Guest Speaker Matt Weissbaum Managing D irector, Jerusalem U “Israel and Judaism T hrough a Fresh Lens” Date: Monday, March 16, 2015 Time: 12:15 p.m. Place: Social Hall in Torah Ohr Cost: $3.00** in advance; $7.00 at the door For additional info/questions please call: (561) 488-3700 or (561) 479-4049 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -‐TEAR OFF HERE-‐ Reservations must be made by March 9, 2015 Name (s) ________________________ Phone ________________ Address ______________________ Email _________________ # of Reservations ________ Amount Enclosed: $___________ Make check payable to: "CV Connects-Torah Ohr" Please place your check in an envelope marked: "CVC- Torah Ohr" Drop off or mail your envelope to: CVC c/o Torah Ohr 19146 Lyons Road, Boca Raton, FL 33434 ** Subsidized by those days take more clubs and hit knockdown shots. It’s a great way to hit the ball more solidly and to control your ball flight. To hit this stroke saver shot take one more club than normal and play the ball back of center in your stance, make a three quarter backswing and remember it’s not a punch shot so finish your swing. Pitching: Keep your pitch shot as simple as possible. It’s very important that you make the same swing every time. Use very little wrist hinge with the pitch shot. If you need to alter the height or the distance of the shot, change to a higher or lower lofted club and play the ball up or back in your stance. Do not change your swing to ensure consistent results. Chipping: Play chip shots out of the rough as if the ball was in a bunker. Open the face of the club and swing out to in. This will help those of you who struggle with this shot because you decelerate in fear of hitting the ball too far. Acceleration is the key to a successful chip. Set up with your feet aligned open, swing along your foot line, cutting across the ball. Swing hard because the stance and the swing path will create a high, soft landing shot. Putting: Keep your mechanics simple so you can focus on your line and the speed of your putt. Remember the left arm is the left side of the triangle created by the shoulders and the right arm. Your goal is to keep that triangle intact as the putter goes back and then through. You accomplish this by moving the triangle with your left arm. This will help to prevent you from making a handsy stroke and will keep the putter face square to your target. It’s very important to remember that the only thing that moves during your putting stroke is your shoulders. Confidence in your game is very important, good play takes care of itself, so confidence is what you should focus on. THOUGHT OF THE MONTH: They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then it takes an entire lifetime to forget them. Till Next Time Art COBRUA says... STOP! DON’T BE A VICTIM When pumping or paying for Gas: • Remove your keys from the ignition • H i d e p u r s e s & valuables • Close all windows • Lock all doors February 2015 The Sheriff’s COBRUA REPORTER Page 47 report By Ric Bradshaw Substance abuse isn’t just a problem for young people. People in their golden years similarly turn to abusing alcohol, prescription pills and other drugs to cope with loneliness, grief, anxiety, and/or pain. Their use of drugs is also tied in with psychiatric disorders or medical conditions such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the number of older substance abusers is on the rise, due to the aging of the baby boomers, a group that was more likely than previous generations to have used illicit drugs in their youth. Studies show that roughly one out of five senior citizens struggles with substance abuse. Many of them are abusing prescription medications, including painkillers and depressants, which can be especially harmful for older adults because of how their bodies and brains handle these substances. As people get older, it is more difficult for them to absorb and break down medications and drugs. Abuse of prescription medication is even more dangerous when it is mixed in with using alcohol. That can cause serious consequences including accidental overdose death. In Palm Beac h Co u nt y a nd across Florida, there were many deaths associated with drug overdoses in early- to mid-2000s, during the proliferation of pain clinics, or “pill mills,” that prescribed large quantities of pain pills with little medical justification. Thankfully, my deputies and our law enforcement, health administration, and state and local legislative partners helped drive away most of these clinics and bring to justice the unscrupulous owners, pharma- cists and physicians who ran these clinics and hurt so many people in our community. Today, the rate of drug overdoses has declined due to the legal and enforcement actions that were taken. For older adults, substance abuse is preventable, but many adults do not get the help they need because they – as well as their caregivers, family members, and friends – overlook warning signs of drug abuse. Those signs include: Changes in sleep patterns and/ or appetite. Increased falling. Frequently changing physicians or “doctor shopping” to get multiple prescriptions. Onsets of irritability or agitation. Empty liquor bottles in the garbage. There are many treatment options. For some, treatment may be as simple as a few counseling sessions and encouragement from a physician and family. This is particularly the case if the drug habit started later in life, if there’s family and social support in place, and if there are no related mental illnesses. Seniors with more serious addictions may need to go through detoxification as well as rehabilitation programs. Hardly anyone, young or old, ever admits to an addiction voluntarily. So it’s up to friends, family members and caregivers to spot signs of trouble before it becomes too late. When confronting an older abuser, don’t engage in blame, be kind but firm, and remember this important fact: drug addiction is a disease, not a moral weakness. WATER HEATER $649 Century Village Special Installed Extended Wear Hearing Aid Breakthrough Totally Invisible No Batteries to Change FDA Approved Can be worn while sleeping, showering and talking on the phone. YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR A RISK FREE 30 DAY TRIAL *Requires ear exam and medical questions. THE CONTACT LENS FOR YOUR EAR As seen on As seen on We also install: Sinks, Faucets, Garbage Disposals, Toilets Call (954) 397-0958 Innovative Plumbing Solutions is there for you! License: CFS1429164 Featured in BENNINGTON CARPET & TILE ’s a l e ng A ” ER2009, N 2011, 2013, 2014!! N I W “ Best of Boca Best Carpet Store t$ .99 e p r Ca 1 From MIN. 20 YDS. ~Stock Colors Only~ Angela Sq. Ft. RE MADE IN U.S.A. ST OF S R T LO ANTS RE ETCH N PA IRS ING REM 23074 Sandalfoot Plaza Dr. West Boca (next to Western Beef) Sandalfoot Plaza • All Major Credit Cards Accepted M-F 10:30-6 • Sat 10:30-3:30 488-1333 WEST BOCA HEARING CENTER Boca Lyons Plaza 9178 Glades Road Boca Raton, FL 33434 561-488-2207 Page 48 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 Century Village® Real Estate, Inc. Boca Raton, FL More NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL advertising than any other Century Village® Broker. Toll-Free 800.443.9097 -or- 561.852.7006 67,5+(@:(>,,2^^^*LU[\Y`=PSSHNLJVT *Listings available at time of publication Ben G. Schachter, Licensed Real Estate Broker YARMOUTH B – 2/2 Deluxe – Lake View! Furnished, walk to houses of worship .........................................................................$109,900 REXFORD A – 2/2 – Beautiful lake view – enclosed tiled Florida room .........................................................................................$79,900 SUFFOLK E – 1/1.5 – near clubhouse, Great unit.......................................................................................................................$42,900 LINCOLN A – 1/1.5 – Pristine, tiled to bedroom, new A/C.........................................................................................................$49,900 CORNWALL A – 1/1.5 – main floor, water view! .......................................................................................................................$59,900 PRESTON E – 2/1.5 –First floor corner, lake view! Updated kitchen ............................................................................................ $64,900 REXFORD B – 2/2 – Priced to sell – 1st fl. Beautiful lake view! .....................................................................................................$72,900 LINCOLN B – 2/2 – 2nd floor – updated kitchen - never ending lake view! ..................................................................................$74,900 EXETER D – 2/1.5 – very nice unit, water view .......................................................................................................................... $82,500 GUILDFORD B – 2/1.5 – 1st floor – newer kitchen with great water view .....................................................................................$67,500 REXFORD C – 2/2 – Most desirable Rexford section – very clean ............................................................................................... $88,900 CORNWALL E – 1/1.5– 1st floor – central A/C – water view..................................................................................................... $49,500 GUILDFORD A – 2/1.5 – priced to sell – new H/W heater. Storm shutters, water view ................................................................ $54,900 DORSET I – 2/1.5 – 3rd floor Corner – updated kitchen, newer appliances. ................................................................................ $58,900 NEWCASTLE A – 2/2 – Tiled thru-out – enclosed patio with great water view! ............................................................................ $69,000 AINSLIE C – 2/2 – completely redone – walk to houses of worship ........................................................................................... $164,000 FANSHAW I – 2/1.5 – Light and bright Corner – beautiful view ................................................................................................. $58,500 LINCOLN B – 2/2– ground floor – completely remodeled ......................................................................................................... $79,000 LINCOLN C – 2/2 – Fully tiled – great location – across from pool – lake view ............................................................................ $82,500 CORNWALL E – 1/1.5 – Brand new A/C, steps from elevator and laundry, Wide lake view ..........................................................$62,900 CORNWALL D – 1/1.5 – ground floor unit, magnificent lake view – clean and neat .................................................................... $59,500 PRESTON C – 2/1.5 – inside corner, walk to clubhouse and houses of worship ............................................................................ $58,900 PRESTON C – 2/1.5 – main floor corner, spectacular lake view! Conveniently located .................................................................. $54,980 FANSHAW K – 2/1.5 – bright Corner, newer appliances........................................................................................................... $48,500 CORNWALL E – 2/1.5 – Panoramic lake view, enclosed patio.....................................................................................................$74,900 FANSHAW F – 2/1.5 – Modern Appliances, updated bathroom, tiled patio with Lake view! ..........................................................$69,900 HYTHE B – 2/2 – Spectacular sunset and lake view! Updated cabinets & granite countertops...................................................... $160,000 PRESTON B – 2/1.5 – main floor – bright corner on Lake! ..........................................................................................................$59,900 EXETER B – 2/2 – first floor Corner – excellent condition – updated! .........................................................................................$159,900 MANSFIELD E – 2/1.5 Very bright Corner condo! .................................................................................................................... $48,900 FANSHAW H – 2/1.5 – Corner! Remodeled master bath – panoramic lake view! .........................................................................$69,900 GUILDFORD E – 2/1.5 – Tiled to bedrooms. Brand new A/C 2013............................................................................................. $67,900 MANSFIELD C – 1/1 – Move in condition – updated kitchen, tiled to bedrooms............................................................................$37,000 SUFFOLK G – 2/1.5 – Corner – top floor, newer kitchen cabinets ............................................................................................... $68,000 WOLVERTON D – 2/2 – Tiled patio with shutters – great water view! Renovated kitchen..............................................................$149,900 YARMOUTH D –1/1.5 – Very clean, near front gate and clubhouse ........................................................................................... $64,900 REXFORD C – 2/2 – ground fl. – tiled kitchen – glass top stove, enclosed patio with water view ................................................... $79,000 February 2015 Bridge In Our Century By Stan Slater North S K83 H9 D AKQJ52 C AKQ West East S A1042 S J97 H AQ105 H KJ763 D 9 D 84 C10532 C J76 South S Q65 H 842 D 10763 C 984 Both Vulnerable N E S W 2Cp 2Dp 3Dp 4Dp 5D ppp Opening Lead: Heart ace Playing ‘Weak Two Bids,’ a twoclub opener denotes a powerhouse. If it is a no-trump type hand, then the bid shows a strong 22 point hand or more. This is predicated on the fact than an opening 2NT shows 20 to a modest 22 points. However, in a suit type hand, a two-club opener should not be based on a fixed number of points. Instead, consider the number of winners in the hand, with nine being a reasonable minimum. What is often overlooked is that the hand should have winner(s) in three suits, not two. The minimum number of high card points is 17, but that would rarely be the case. In today’s hand, we can count 9 ½ tricks, so two-clubs is the correct opening bid. The 2D response is an artificial waiting bid that indicates nothing about that suit but which leaves partner the maximum room to start describing his hand. When North bid 3D, a bid that is absolutely forcing, South chose to raise that suit instead of looking for 3NT. North raised to game, and West chose to lead the ace of hearts which brought the hand to the moment of truth. Whom would you bet on in a strong duplicate bridge game? Should West cash his spade ace, underlead a spade, or make a neu- tral lead in another suit? Cashing the spade ace would work only if declarer was very short in the black suits, perhaps holding one spade and two clubs or two spades and one club, in which case the spade loser(s) would be pitched on dummy’s clubs. This is an unlikely situation because it requires declarer to hold at least ten red cards. Underleading the spade ace might work in the case where East held the spade queen and South the spade jack and declarer misguesses the situation. Finally, a neutral shift at trick two would leave South in a position to have to break the spade suit himself, which in this case would result in his losing two spade tricks and going down in his contract. COBRUA REPORTER Page 49 So what happened? West, a nonexpert, laid down the spade ace which left declarer with only one spade loser, thereby fulfilling his contract. WATCH FOR PEDESTRIANS PROFICIENT PAINTING INC. Village Speed Limit • ALL YOUR PAINTING NEEDS • REMOVAL OF ALL TEXTURES TO SMOOTH CEILINGS • DRYWALL / PLASTER REPAIR • KNOCKDOWN / POPCORN & REPAIRS • CARPENTRY / CROWN MOLDING / BASEBOARD 20 • REASONABLY PRICED FOR TODAY’S ECONOMY (FREE ESTIMATES) LIC / BONDED / INS. U-11924 561-392-9195 Lifetime Income for Retirement. And an even greater outcome for Israel, science and education. "CARPET CLEANING" $ 55 AND UP INCLUDES: Living and Dining Area and 1 Bedroom (Berber Slightly Higher) Double Process and Some Furniture Moved! Tropical Cleaning Service 561-368-8837 BOCA RATON "The Owner Does The Work" JERRY TURNER Learn why Ruth chose her plan. See a video profile: Sample AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuity Single-Life Rates Age 67 70 75 80 85 90 Rate 6.2% 6.5% 7.1% 8.0% 9.5% 11.3% Rates are calculated based on a single life. Cash contributions produce partially tax-free annuity income. CALL OR EMAIL NOW. THE RETURNS ARE GENEROUS. THE CAUSE IS PRICELESS. For information on AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuities, please call AFHU Executive Director, Southeast Region, Monica Loebl at (561) 750-8585 or email: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Research engine for the world. Engine of growth for a nation. 100 West Cypress Creek Road, Suite 865 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 • 800-899-AFHU (2348) Page 50 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 Your Century Village Real Estate Expert DEBBIE WILSON AINSLIE D Please Call – 561-883-9578 MY MOTTO IS “JUST SOLD!” 2/1.5, 3rd floor, lake view, totally renovated, brand new kitchen with wooden cabinets, granite, cabinets extend into dining room, new stainless appliances, double sink, new hot water heater, new A/C, freshly painted, updated bathrooms, stall shower, tile in living area, new carpet in bedrooms, screened patio, walk to houses of worship, shopping & clubhouse.....................................................................$124,500 BRIGHTON B 2/1.5, 1st floor, inside corner, updated kitchen, stone floors, freshly painted, walk to houses of worship & shopping ....................................................................................................................$79,000 CORNWALL D 2/1.5, Yearly Rental, 2nd floor, lake view, furnished, tile in living area, stall shower, immaculate ................$1100/Monthly EXETER D 2/1.5, Yearly Rental, 4th floor, can be rented furnished, partial or unfurnished. Light & bright, shows well, tile in living area, lake view ..........................................................................................................$950/Monthly EXETER D 2/1.5, 4th floor, beautiful lake view, updated kitchen & appliances, brand new hot water heater, updated bathrooms, stall shower, new high toilet in master bath, tile in living area, enclosed patio with new tile overlooking breathtaking lake view, view of pool from front door..............................................................$94,900 FANSHAW E 2/1.5, 3rd floor, inside corner, wood floor in kitchen & dining area, screened patio ...............................................$45,000 GUILDFORD B 2/1.5, 2nd floor, lake view, brand new A/C, newer hot water heater, tiled kitchen & dining area, screened patio, furnished, shows well .....................................................................................................................$61,500 GUILDFORD C 2/2, 2nd floor, corner, eat-in kitchen, lake views all around apt., windows on patio, shows well .........................$175,000 MANSFIELD C 1/1.5, 3rd floor, central air, light & bright, screened patio with pull downs, unfurnished ........................................$32,900 MANSFIELD L 2/1.5, 3rd floor, corner, tile in kitchen & dining area, screened patio, furnished, shows well .................................$52,900 PRESTON A 2/1.5, 2nd floor, lake view, totally renovated, updated kitchen w/newer appliances, new tile in kitchen & dining area, new carpet, new vanities in both bathrooms, stall shower, new A/C, freshly painted, opposite Wolverton, walk to houses of worship, screened patio w/pull downs .....................................................$79,900 REXFORD B 2/2, 1st floor, gorgeous lake view, brand new extended kitchen, custom wood cabinets, new stainless appliances, freshly painted, new carpet, ceramic tile .....................................................................$115,000 SUFFOLK A 2/1.5, 3rd floor, corner, tile in kitchen, screened patio with pull downs, new hot water heater, walk to houses of worship & clubhouse. .................................................................................................................$65,000 WOLVERTON A 2/2, 2nd floor, lake view, tile in living area, screened patio, furnished, walk to houses of worship ......................$105,000 WOLVERTON A 2/2, 2nd floor, corner, updated kitchen, tile in living area, furnished, enclosed patio, walk to houses of worship ..........$184,500 WOLVERTON C 2/2, 3rd floor,lake view, tile in living area, just painted, screened patio with pull downs, unfurnished, shows well. .......$89,500 WOLVERTON C 2/2, Yearly Rental, 3rd floor, renovated kitchen & bathrooms, tile in living area, screened patio, lake view, unfurnished .........................................................................................................$1150/Monthly WOLVERTON E 2/2, 1st floor, corner updated kitchen, tile in kitchen, the rest is carpet, newer A/C, walk to clubhouse & houses of worship. ...............................................................................................................$198,500 WOLVERTON E 1/1.5, 1st floor, lake view, close to parking spot, walk to houses of worship ..........................................................$69,000 YARMOUTH A 2/2, 4th floor, Luxury, totally renovated, gorgeous lake view, brand new A/C, new custom open high tech extended kitchen, custom wood cabinets, new stainless appliances, two sinks in kitchen, two dishwashers, hand carved custom wash sink in dining area, new porcelain tile & new carpet, new bath vanities, walk to houses of worship ......................................................................................................................................$185,000 “THINKING OF SELLING?” CALL ME – MY LISTINGS ARE MOVING FAST. MAJESTIC PALMS REALTY SALES - RENTALS • 561-883-9578 February 2015 Club Dates AMERICAN LEGION POST 245 meets 2nd Thursday of month at South County Regional Park, 7 p.m. Call Cmdr. Jerry Blumberg, 488-5061, cell 213-2799. CORNWALL SOCIAL CLUB meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the Party Room. All are welcome. Call Gladys, 482-3657; Ceil, 477-9820. AMERICAN RED MOGEN DAVID FOR ISRAEL meetings are 4th Sunday of the month, Sept.-May, 1:00 p.m., Temple Beth Shalom, entertainment and collation included. For info call Sylvia, 487-7477 or Gerry, 482-5762. CVW SHUFFLEBOARD CLUB meetings are held the 4th Sunday of each month in the MUSIC room at 10:00 a.m. New members always welcome. Call Larry at 487-3874. Club plays daily from 8:30 to noon. ART APPRECIATION CLUB meets 1:30 p.m., 2nd & 4th Friday of the month, MEDIA Room. Significant artists are featured. Free Admission. Call Elmer, 215-350-0496; Fred, 482-9096; Sylvia, 479-2503. DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS CHAPTER 133 meets 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at Boca Community Center, 201 W. Palmetto Pk. Rd. “B-HYTHES’’ meet the first Sunday of each month, at 10:00 a.m. poolside. BILLIARD CLUB OF CVW meets 2nd Tuesday of each month, 2:30 pm, Room F. Call Marvin 465-9781, Harold 715-8009, Abie 845-807-6895 for info. BIOGRAPHY CLUB - Lecture and discussion on the lives of famous, infamous and little-known people who had interesting and exciting lives. We meet at 10:30 a.m. the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month in Room B, Clubhouse. Free admission. Everyone welcome. Any questions call Paul Thorner, 482-6784. BOCA CENTURY ART CLUB meets every Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Art Room at Clubhouse. Patti, 724-549-3911. BOCA CENTURY CANCER RESEARCH meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month in Temple Beth Shalom at 10 a.m. Louise, 483-4612. BOCA CENTURY TENNIS CLUB meets the last Friday of every month at 12:45 p.m. in the Clubhouse, Rm. A. President: Len Lechtner, 487-0384. BOOK DISCUS SION GROUP meets 2nd Tuesday of every month, 1pm, Room G, Clubhouse. For info call Pat, 400-2162, Carol, 465-5425. BROOKLYN/CONNECTICUT SOCIAL CLUB & FRIENDS — meets first Tuesday of month until May, 12:30 p.m., Party Room. Entertainment & refreshments. New members welcome. Call Gladys, 487-8979. BROTHERHOOD-TEMPLE BETH SHALOM breakfast is held on the last Sunday of each month in the Temple auditorium. Dues are $18 per year. 483-5557. CANADIAN CLUB meets 2nd Tuesday Dec.-Mar. We welcome new members, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Party Room - refreshments. Call Noreen for info. 482-3233. CENTURY BOCA FISHING CLUB meets 1st Tuesday of each month, 10am in Clubhouse Party Room. Fishing trips, contests, prizes, speakers. Bagels & coffee for members. Gregory 400-2573. COMPUTER CLUB meets the 1st Thursday of the month, 1:30 p.m. in the Media Room. All skill levels invited. Free! For info call Fred Hadley, 372-1772. DORSET ASSN. MONTHLY MEETING – 3rd Friday of the month, Music Room, 10AM. DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB ACBL sanctioned games held Tues. & Thurs. 6:45 p.m., Room A. Board Mtgs. 1st Friday each month, 10 a.m. Club meetings, 2nd Saturday of each month, 10 a.m., Party Room. FRENCH CONVERSATION & MUSIC CLUB meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of month, 2:30 p.m., Room D2 of Clubhouse. Must speak French. Call Hetty for info., 487-7326. FRIENDS OF HABILITATION ENTER meet the 1st Monday of the month at Utopia Bagels. Call Harriette 487-0617 for info. GUILDFORD SOCIAL CLUB meets 10:30 a.m., 2nd Wednesday of each month, October thru April, Party Room. HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS CLUB meets 2nd Sunday Oct.-May at 5:30 p.m. in Room A Clubhouse. Stanley, 852-4817. HYTHE-A meets 2nd Sunday of each month, poolside at 10:00 a.m. ITALIAN-AMERICAN CLUB meetings held Sept.-April 3rd Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Clubhouse Party Room. Refreshments will be served. Nancy, 483-4716. JEWISH WAR VETERANS, SNY DER-TOKSON POST 459 & LADIES AUXILIARY will meet 2nd Sunday of the month, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Veteran’s Park Palmetto Parkway. Breakfast will be served and there will be a program. For info about the Post, please contact Recruiter Ralph L. Shear, 482-4032. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS LODGE #206 meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 7:30 at Firehouse on Hagen Ranch Rd., Delray Beach. We welcome all Pythians as a dual transfer or reinstated members. Contact Norman 482-4751 LATINOS & FRIENDS meets 3rd Friday of each month, 6 p.m., Party Room. Contact Ricardo 754-245-4163. LINCOLN SOCIAL CLUB meets 1st Sunday of the month in party room. Call Ruth for info, 488-1588. MA’ARIV MASADA CHAPTER meets 3rd Wednesday of month, 12:00 Noon, Temple Beth Shalom. Call Pauline 487-1305 NA’AMAT USA meets 2nd Thursday of each month, 1PM, Party Room.. Call Marlene, (561) 470-2208 or Doris, (561) 961-4912. NEW CVW GOLF CLUB — meets 4th Monday of each month, 10 a.m., Room H, clubhouse. Contact Steve, 487-3004. NEW FRIENDS OF CVW meets December thru March. Call for more information. Harriett, 483-8910; Claire, 483-3150. NEW MANSFIELD SOCIAL CLUB meets 4th Sunday of every month at 11 a.m. in the party room of clubhouse. Program following meeting. Call Nettie for info. 470-1499. PHILADELPHIA CLUB — Meets 3rd Sunday of each month at Clubhouse Party Room. Entertainment & Brunch. Call Jordan 477-7501, 215669-3914. POETRY CLUB meets 1 st & 3 rd Monday of each month (except major holidays) Room H, 2pm. Some of us write poetry, others just appreciate it. Sue, 561-886-8258. REPERTORY THEATRE GROUP of Century Village West, meets the 2nd Friday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the Party Room at Clubhouse. Phyllis, 483-3129. COBRUA REPORTER Page 51 SISTERHOOD TEMPLE BETH SHAL OM CVBRW - Sisterhood meeting is on the 4th Monday in the Temple at 9:30 a.m. Continental breakfast and entertainment. All are welcome. Call 477-4955 for more info. TEMPLE BETH SHALOM meets 3rd Sunday of the month, 9:30 a.m. in the Temple. Continental breakfast & entertainment. All are welcome. Call 483-5557 for more info. UFT/RETIRED TEACHERS CHAPTER - Meets 2nd Tuesday each month Dec.-April, Temple Anshei Shalom, Delray Beach. USA FRIENDS OF BEIT HALO CHEM - Call Milton for meeting information, 487-3947. VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS POST #10556 meets 1st Wednesday of every month, 7 p.m., Veterans Park, Palmetto Park Rd., between Lyons & 441. Call Cmdr. Jim Foye, 483-3175. WOLVERTON “C” SOCIAL CLUB — Meets 2nd Sunday of month, 10 a.m., poolside. WOODCARVING CLUB meets weekly. Call for day, times and location. Bernie, 483-0377. YARMOUTH ASSOCIATION meets every 4th Wednesday, 10 a.m. at the Clubhouse. SCRABBLE CLUB meets every Friday, 1-4 p.m. Room G. Call Brenda, 705-5592. YARMOUTH C, meets every 2nd Sunday, 10:00 a.m., Clubhouse. SENIOR BOWLERS CLUB meets each Wednesday, 12-3 p.m. Contact Stan, 852-6193. YIDDISH CONVERSATION CLUB — meets every Tuesday, 1:00 p.m., Clubhouse Room H. For info call Morris, 488-9331. PALM HOME IMPROVEMENT KITCHEN & BATHS FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL ONE COMPANY, ONE CONTRACTOR FREE IN HOME DESIGN SERVICES KITCHEN AND BATH REMODELING / TUB TO SHOWER CONVERSIONS / FRAMING / DRYWALL / TRIM & CROWN MOLDING / PAINTING / WOOD FLOORING / KNOCKDOWN TEXTURE / FLAT CEILINGS / COUNTERTOPS / BACKSPLASHES AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! http:// WWW.PALMHOMEIMPROVEMENT.COM LICENSED INSURED SATISFACTION GUARANTEED (561) 204-5528 / (954) 559-5959 CGC1512017 Page 52 COBRUA REPORTER February 2015 Can I change my Medicare Advantage plan? The Medicare Annual Election Period may be over, but you could be eligible for a special enrollment period. Humana can help. To learn more, call one of our licensed sales agents today for information about plans available in Palm Beach. You may still have the opportunity to choose or change your Medicare plan if you: • Are approaching age 65 • Have just moved into a different service area • Receive Medicaid assistance • Are losing your retiree health coverage • Qualify for extra help with the cost of your prescription medicines You may also be able to enroll in a Special Needs Plan (SNP) if you: • Have diabetes • Have cardiovascular disorders or chronic heart failure Knowing if you qualify for a Medicare Special Enrollment Period can seem confusing. Humana’s local licensed sales agents are happy to talk with you on the phone or in the comfort and privacy of your own home. They’ll listen to what you want from your health plan and help you choose a Humana plan that’s right for you. It’s that simple! Call today to learn more about your options: 1-888-530-2645 (TTY: 711) Call a licensed sales agent 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Monday – Friday Español? 1-844-681-0981 Humana is a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in a Humana plan depends on contract renewal. Humana Dual-Eligible Special Needs Plans are available to anyone who has both Medical Assistance from the state and Medicare. Humana Chronic SNP plans are available to individuals with certain chronic diseases. To qualify for a Chronic Disease Special Needs Plan, physician diagnosis of the disease must be verified. Enrollees who do not have the condition will be disenrolled. A sales person will be present with information and applications. For accommodation of persons with special needs at sales meetings call 1-888-530-2645 (TTY: 711), 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Monday – Friday. Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-Star rating system. Star Ratings are calculated each year and may change from one year to the next. Applicable to Humana Gold Plus® (HMO) H1036-062. Y0040_GHHJ4H6ENTE Approved PB 2/15
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