BULSTRODES AUCTIONEERS & VALUERS OF QUALITY ANTIQUES SINCE 1919 AUCTION OF ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES, NEW TOOLS, MODERN FURNITURE & COLLECTABLES th Wednesday 18 February 2015 STARTING AT 10.00 AM VIEWING: Tuesday 17th February 2015 9.00 am – 5.00 pm BUYERS PREMIUM 20% INC VAT 10% Buyers Premium on vehicles _______________________ 13 STOUR ROAD CHRISTCHURCH DORSET BH23 1PL E.MAIL OFFICE@BULSTRODES.CO.UK www.bulstrodes.co.uk TEL: 01202 482244 ALL ELECTRICAL ITEMS ARE SAFETY TESTED, CLIENTS ARE GIVEN 24 HOURS FOLLOWING SALE TO RETURN FAULTY GOODS, THEY MUST HAVE A SALE VALUE OF OVER £25.00; THIS RETURNS POLICY DOES NOT COVER GOODS ‘SOLD AS SEEN’ BUYERS ARE EXPECTED TO VIEW THE GOODS ON SALE AND TO RELY ON THEIR OWN KNOWLEDGE OR THAT OF THEIR OWN ADVISERS BEFORE PROCEEDING. THE AUCTIONEERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DEFECTS IN THE GOODS UNLESS THE BUYER HAS BEEN MISLED AS TO THE CONDITION OF THE GOODS BY ANY DELIBERATE OR NEGLIGENT ACT BY THE AUCTIONEERS. BUYERS SHOULD NOTE THAT CERTAIN GOODS SOLD AT AUCTION ARE SUITABLE ONLY FOR SPARE PARTS OR AS SCRAP. BUYERS SHOULD CHECK THE SAFETY AND COMPLETENESS OF ANY MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL OR TECHNICAL ITEMS PURCHASED BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO USE THEM AND SHOULD TAKE ADVICE FROM AN ENGINEER, ELECTRICIAN OR OTHER QUALIFIED TECHNICAL EXPERT AS TO THE FITNESS OF GOODS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE AUCTIONEERS CANNOT ACCEPT LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE SUSTAINED DUE TO DISREGARD OF THIS WARNING, EXCEPT FOR LIABILITY FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE AUCTIONEERS. ITEMS IN THE AUCTION HAVE BEEN APPLIANCE SAFETY TESTED ONLY. POTENTIAL PURCHASERS OF VEHICLES PLEASE NOTE £200 NON- RETURNABLE DEPOSIT TO BE PAID AT FALL OF THE HAMMER. VEHICLES MUST BE PAID FOR IN FULL BY 12 NOON ON THE FRIDAY FOLLOWING SALE OR VEHICLE WILL BE SOLD TO UNDER BIDDER. 10% BUYERS PREMIUM APPLIES TO VEHICLES. 18th Feb General Sale Starting at 10.00am. 1 19" Alba LCD TV - working but without remote control 2 Small white Panasonic microwave oven 3 Husqvarna Viking sewing machine 4 New tilting TV wall bracket for 25" - 45" screens 7 Bloomberg 3 section fridge freezer 8 Hotpoint half and half fridge freezer in a silver case 9 Small Fridge Freezer 13 Carlton hard suitcase 14 Vespa Piaggio imported motor scooter, 1982, model PX150E, Vespa Club dating certificate and key in office 15 Zanussi worktop height fridge 16 Quantity of new storage boxes etc 17 Black and Decker Workmate folding bench 18 Modern porcelain doll in box 19 Kenwood chef food mixer 20 Pair of 30" heavy duty bolt cutters 21 3m extendable wash brush 22 New garden mattock 23 Heavy duty staple and nail gun complete with staples etc. 24 New Woodmans axe 25 New saw with sheaf 26 Pair of new 400w halogen floodlights with motion sensors 27 New lightweight revolving clothes line with 50m cable 28 Childs wooden cycle 29 Clothes rail, window blind and a rug 30 Three various dvd players 31 2 new heavy duty dust sheets 32 2 new toolboxes 33 Set of four new fancy 14" wheel trims in black 34 Russell Hobbs coffee maker 35 2 bags of various toys 36 Three childrens litebrix building games 37 New 6 way individually switched extension lead 38 10 new paintbrushes 39 Heavy duty security chain with cover and padlock 40 Pair of new binoculars 10x50 41 New 10L gerry can 42 12 piece new combination spanner set with rack 43 2 new concealed shackle padlocks 44 Large stainless steel tea kettle 45 Old TBL Milli Volt Meter in box 46 5 HP recycler petrol lawnmower 47 Haverhill 3kva diesel 110/240 v generator on wheels 52 Hotpoint electric dishwasher in silver cabinet - needs attention 53 Large qty of assorted new and second hand sundry items in boxes 54 Set of four heavy bricklayers, bolsters and chisels 55 3 assorted long nose pliers 56 Set of heavy duty 3m jump leads 57 12 pairs of work gloves 58 3 various pairs of mole grips 59 LED electric lead lamp with battery connectors (12v) 60 New 3' trailer light board 61 100 amp digital clamp on test meter 62 5 pairs of assorted pliers 63 15' ratchet tie down straps 64 Set of 6 m long heavy duty jump leads 65 10 9" stone cutting discs 66 Riveter and rivets 67 200' coils of heavy duty rope 68 200' coils of 3/8ths inch rope 69 10m rubber air hose 70 12 small LED torches 71 2 glass soda siphons 72 Painted iron Coca Cola money box 73 Four piece adjustable precision spanner set 74 170 piece twist drill set in metal case 75 23 piece socket set 76 45watt mains electric spray gun 77 Garden fork shaped Victorian style boot scraper 78 Dozen pairs of gripper gloves 79 38 piece impact socket set 80 Rubber entrance mat 81 Rubber entrance mat 82 Stone effect outside wall bracket 83 300 pairs of disposable vinyl gloves 84 Magnifying hobby desk lamp 85 94 piece heavy duty socket set 86 5 tonne hydraulic car jack 87 Qty of long bungee straps 88 Heavy duty tow or lifting chain with hooks in case 89 2 tonne hydraulic trolley jack 90 2 iron Mitchelin man figures 91 8 wire cup brushes 92 1000 cable ties 93 8 solar powered stainless steel garden lights 94 Two 37 piece driver bit sets 95 180 piece power tool kit comprising drills and screwdriver bits 96 Set of 6 various sized carpenters wood chisels 97 5 brass effect padlocks 98 2 new BB guns 99 Four discus type padlocks 100 12 piece set of drain rods 101 4 quick change Stanley type knives 102 3 iron spiders 103 Iron stag head coat hook 104 Half inch ratchet and socket strip 105 Set of four dome type closed circuit security camera replicas 106 5 25 piece Allen Key sets 107 3 various heavy duty security padlocks 108 3/8th inch ratchet and socket strip 109 Yorkshireman iron railway sign 110 6" stainless steel vernier gauge 111 Set of number and letter stamps 112 32 piece spanner set 113 Extra long heavy duty chain and padlock 114 29 piece drill bit set 115 25 piece drill bit set 116 Vintage style railway lamp 117 36" pushbike security chain and lock 118 Iron railway level crossing sign 119 Set of 12 wood carving chisels 120 3 various sized lightweight spirit levels 121 Long Regents Street sign 122 Long Wembley sign 123 Manchester City football sign 124 Large qty of assorted drinking glasses 125 Pictures, aerials, organisers, CD, speakers etc. 126 Invalid walking aid with seat and shopping trolley 127 Tall Fridgidaire freezer 128 Qty of assorted TV remotes, demonstration ipads etc. 129 Qty of Scalectrix racing track 130 Trek cycle for attaching to adult bicycle 131 Yamaha keyboard, Scalectrix etc. 132 2m lightweight builders level 133 Large metal advertising sign 134 Large metal advertising sign 135 Large metal advertising sign 136 Large metal advertising sign 137 Large metal advertising sign 138 Large metal advertising sign 139 Gents Carrera mountain bike with Shimano gears and disc brakes 140 Boys BMX style cycle 141 Small girls cycle with stabilisers 146 Yamaha electric keyboard 147 Koi pond fish spawning brush 148 Carpenters bench vice 149 Wall sign, Christmas decoration and a quantity of mobile phones 150 Post hole digger 151 Large tin railway sign 152 Large English Breakfast advertising sign 153 6 various tin signs 154 Small tin advertising sign 155 Small tin advertising sign 156 Small tin advertising sign 157 Small tin advertising sign 158 Small tin advertising sign 159 Small tin advertising sign 160 Sony Playstation and an Xbox - faulty 161 Xbox 360 - working order 162 Small safe with key 163 Small childs bicycle with stabilisers 164 Butane gas picnic stove with cylinders and a skate board 165 four various tarpaulin sheets 166 Blue tarpaulin sheet, 24' x 18' 167 Eight 8m long rolls of insulation 168 Eight 8m long rolls of insulation 169 Eight 8m long rolls of insulation 170 Eight 8m long rolls of insulation 171 Eight 8m long rolls of insulation 172 Arched window style outdoor mirror 173 Electric heater and a chrome towel rail 174 four speed cramps 175 2 pairs of mini pliers and water pump pliers 176 Four heavy duty G cramps 177 3 F cramps 178 Flat wood bit set and a 5 piece auger set 179 Three various length stainless steel tape measures 180 Set of 14" Eclipse tin snips 181 20 bow shaped shackles 182 Catapault 183 9 piece knife set in bag 184 9 piece knife set in bag 185 Woodmans axe and a log splitting axe with unbreakable handles 186 No Spitting cast iron railway sign 187 Stop Look and Listen railway sign 188 Wood auger bit set 189 LED headlamp set 190 40 piece tap and die set 191 Cased 40 piece power tool set 192 2 British Forces pocket knives 193 12 piece tungston router bit set 194 20 small steel cutting discs 195 Mini sledge hammer, small axe and a lump hammer 196 six assorted hammers 197 Set of loppers, shears and secateurs 198 12 piece air coupling set 199 2 metal football plaques, Manchester United and Chelsea 200 Air spray gun 201 Small iron doorbell 202 Set of Spear and Jackson Anville loppers 203 Painted Cockerel doorbell 204 Painted tractor doorbell 205 Iron 'Welcome' doorbell 206 Machete and a bill hook 207 Garden rake coat hook 208 5 assorted hand saws 209 Wire trailer winch 210 Stainless steel hand trowel and fork 211 Caravan or trailer jockey wheel 212 Three sets of old iron keys 213 Polished aluminium key hanger 214 Polished aluminium coat hook 215 12 cans of spray penetrating oil 216 Iron bootscraper 217 Iron Retriever dog ornament 218 Key door knocker and an anchor door knocker 219 Set of dog tail coat hooks 220 Compressed air tyre inflator 221 Computer tool kit and a magnifier 222 Michelin tyre sign 223 2 small Shell petrol signs 224 Painted 7 Dwarves iron coat hook 225 Iron Michelin man on a motorbike 226 18 6" spring clips 227 Iron bell and a set of keys 228 Iron HMV dog with gramophone ornament 229 Smiling Sam iron money box 230 Brass bulb taxi horn 231 Iron Somerset and Dorset railway sign 232 Large 15" high Michelin man figure 233 9 piece kitchen knife set in case 234 2 painted iron Landrover signs 235 Iron Beware of the Dog sign 236 3' long iron railway sign 237 Shell petrol sign and a Michelin tyre sign 238 Painted iron Coronation street sign 239 Large rusty iron Mr Ratty garden ornament 240 Reproduction painted iron letter box 241 20 fit bit flex wireless wristbands 242 20 fit bit flex wireless wristbands 243 20 fit bit flex wireless wristbands 244 20 fit bit flex wireless wristbands 245 20 fit bit flex wireless wristbands 246 Wicker flower vase 247 Rusty cast iron garden ornament of a hare 248 Ray ban sunglasses 249 Quantity of mobile phones to include touchscreen 250 Samsung Galaxy 4 phone 251 Large quantity of meccano 252 Comanche underwater speed gun with harpoon 253 Long sodden and metal ended garden bench 254 Electrolux glider bagless vacuum cleaner 255 long gilt framed mirror and an ironing board 256 Multi purpose ladder 257 Four rung step ladder with handrail 258 Vax Rapide hard floor washer 259 Creda spindryer 260 Digital music system 261 Electone electronic keyboard 262 Video 7 computer monitor 263 Fly fishing rod and reel 264 quarter sized snooker table 265 Panasonic music system on thee tier stand with speakers and remote control 266 John Deere GSX75 ride on petrol engine motor mower 267 Swing mirror, curtain poles, garden planter etc 268 New footstool with storage 269 12 litre halogen oven 270 Ultra vac cylinder vacuum cleaner 271 Quantity of new blankets and fleeces etc 272 Power 8 workshop multi tool set 273 Small petrol chiansaw 274 Four way cutting capacity mitre saw 275 De Longhi dehumidifier 276 3' divan set 277 Log burner style electric fire 278 Pro 18v cordless drill with spare battery and charger 279 3 sky digi boxes, pc cables etc 280 3 boxes of mainly new bicycle parts, inner tubes pedals etc 281 De longhi breadmaker 282 Toshiba DVD player, digibox 283 2 boxes of china, silver plate and tea ware etc 284 Pioneer stacking music system with 2 speakers 285 Old cameras and old camera accessories etc 286 Mac Cat petrol chainsaw 287 2500 electric table top double hotplate 288 New modern mixer tap and three small pictures 289 Module 4 ring gas hob 289A Quantity of kettles, table lamps and a stool etc 290 Aiwa mini music system with 2 speakers 290A Dell computer monitor, keyboard & dell PC speakers 291 Aiwa speaker system 291A 2 play station 2 consoles in carry case 292 Quantity of Charlies Angels vintage dolls, jigsaw puzzles etc 293 Digital camera, Trivial Pursuit game, curlers etc 293A Large quantity of metpost fence post fixings 294 Sam 4s cash register - working but without interior cash drawer 294A Salter blender 295 Set of scales with weights 296 Mini pool table, shut the box game, models games atc 297 Three suitcases 298 Vorwerk German quality vacuum cleaner Break for lunch – sale recommences at 1.30 pm. 301 3' figured walnut drinks cabinet with cupboard under standing on cabriole legs 302 Cantonese style jardiniere with stand 303 Large oil painting on canvas after Van Gogh - Irises 304 1920's 2'6 oak open bookcase 305 Singer hand sewing machine 306 19th century coloured print depicting 3 youths playing blind man's buff, circular mount within a square oak frame, and 2 other cherub prints 307 Victorian pine chest of two short and three long drawers 308 Large painted model of Alsatian dog and a record collection 309 Small pine open bookcase with decorative pilasters 310 Elvis wall plaque 311 Bakelite cased Smiths mantel clock 312 Two Bells royal commemorative whisky decanters - still full 313 Oval Harley Davison wall panel 314 Reproduction mahogany coffee table with carved to 315 Small quantity of Staffordshire dinner and tea ware 316 Collection of vintage novelty drinks miniatures 317 Modern German framed wall clock 318 Middle esatern wool rug, Chinese ditto and a smaller runner 319 Modern office table 320 Circular Victorian gilt framed footstool 321 Silver plated punch bowl and a copper rose bowl 322 Collection of china, brass & other items including a copper kettle 323 Small mahogany and inlaid sideboard fitted drawers and cupboards 324 Two painted toilet plaques 325 titanic wooden plaque 326 Murano art glass fruit bowl with shaped edge and a mauve tinted glass vase 327 Case of butterflies 328 Case of butterflies 329 White painted pine chest of 3 drawers 330 pair of pine cream painted bedside chests 331 teak coffee table of 3 drawers with elephants etc carved to the top 332 Edwardian American shelf clock 333 Walking stick with Pool ball handle 334 10 porcelain trinket boxes 335 Modern mahogany circular jardiniere stand with marble top in the Empire style 336 1930's oak cased wall clock with silvered face 337 Large phrenology head 338 Modern mahogany cased mantel clock with swan pediment 339 Case of insects 340 Set of 7 old brass weights 341 Oil painting of a Dutch snow scene in a gilt frrame 342 Victorian stained and painted pine wall hanging cabinet with interior to the Antiques Sale on Thursday – illustrated catalogue online at thesaleroom.com 343 9 piece knife set in case 344 Nest of G Plan teak coffee tables 345 Adderley bone china tea set decorated with flowers 346 Painted shabby chic occasional table and a woolwork firescreen 347 Large glass bubble ball paperweight/doorstop 348 Large clear glass and orange bubble doorstop 349 Gilt framed wall mirror, mahogany mirror and a coloured print 350 Two framed black and white vintage photos 351 Edwardian light oak and inlaid mantel clock 352 American mahogany shelf clock with mercury pendulum and key 353 Pine tall chest of 2 narrow and 5 long drawers 354 American mahogany cased shelf clock with mercury pendulum 355 Oak pembroke table 356 Three cased sets of cutlery 357 Three claret jugs, ships decanter and a vase 358 Large wall hanging rams head 359 1920's oak wardrobe with mirrored front 360 Pair of gilt framed black and white prints of Windsor Castle by I Kip 361 Pair of large mahogany framed rectangular box type wall mirrors 362 Art deco light oak bureau fitted three drawers 363 Tiffany style electric table lamp with coloured shade 364 Pine overmantel mirror 365 Large Bo Concept modern black ash coffee table 366 Brass fender 367 Collection of art deco and other jugs vases etc including Crown Devon 368 Vienna style wall clock in a mahogany case 369 White painted kitchen stool/chair, Lloyd loom style laundry basket and a similar bedroom chair 370 Three white bedside cabinets 371 Set of four leatherette dining chairs 372 Gilt framed overmantel mirror with shell and leaf motif 373 Vienna style wall clock with lion mask decoration 374 Rectangular mahogany wall mirror and a coloured Monet print 375 Chrome framed black office elbow chair 376 Two white bedroom chairs and two oak dining chairs 377 Set of 6 pale walnut framed dining chairs 378 Set of 4 oak dining chairs 379 Large polished metal twin handled champagne cooler 380 Heavy polished metal 4 bottle wine cooler 381 Nest of three mahogany coffee tables with leather tops 382 pair of large decorative table lamps with shades 383 1920's 3' oak dressing table and matching chest of drawers 384 Pair of glass decanters, wine glasses, cocktail shaker etc 385 Pair of binoculars, Chinon camera and small pictures 386 Assorted Kings pattern and other plated cutlery, spoons etc 387 Square brass framed coffee table with glass top 388 Four piece silver plated tea and coffee set, coffee pot and two tea trays 389 Large modern mahogany coffee table with drawers each side 390 2'6 modern light beech finished computer table 391 Moorcroft style fruit decorated vase 10" tall 392 Large Chinese twin handled vsae 393 Italian clear glass claret jug with plated mounts 394 Penguin silver plated cocktail shaker 395 15" telescope 396 large magnifying glass 397 Cast metal boxing ring money box 398 Miniature of an elderly gentleman 399 Georgian style miniature in a black frame 400 Set of small magnifying glasses 401 Oriental copper and silver decorated dish and a small Newlyn copper dish 402 Four various collectable corkscrews 403 Three various stoneware jars and two blue and white tiles 404 Silver plated spirit kettle on stand with burner, 405 Silver plated condiments, sugar bowl etc 406 bronze effect figural table lamp 407 Three modern Clarice Cliff plates, jug and other items to include a teapot 408 Regency style black and gilt picture frame 409 8 branch cream painted hanging light fitting with glass droplets 410 Various silver plated trophy cups, sugar bowl, gents wristwatches etc 411 Small bird in a cage novelty clock 412 Bronze figure walking stick handle and similar dog head handle 413 Titanic motto pocket compass 414 Brass marching compass 415 Small bronze effect buddha 416 Small brass compass with magnifying glass 417 Kevin & Hughes brass compass 418 Collectable's to include leather purse, corkscrew, watch, trinkets etc 419 Silver plated cocktail shaker 420 Jumbo glass ball table clock 421 Long green jade bead necklace 422 Masons style pocket watch 423 2 magnifying glasses 424 Sundial compass in box 425 Small brass sextant 426 Death plaque 427 Oak occasional table 428 5' rustic style dining table with glass top 429 Various tea ware mugs, plated tray, camera etc 429A Black marble clock 430 Aynsley plates, coffee pot, brandy and wine glasses, plates and a ginger jar etc 431 Georgian mahogany dining chair and a rush seated bedroom chair 432 Decorative iron framed patio or dining table with plate glass top 433 Japanese eggshell china teaset, chamber pot, insulated deco teapot etc 434 Wine glasses vases, Worcester teacups and saucers, candleabra etc 435 5' light beech dining table with inset glass top & 4 similar dining chairs 436 Green and floral decorated bone chine tea and dinner service 437 Violin with bow in case 438 Quantity of assorted plated gilt metal items, teaware etc 439 Large canteen of cutlery 440 Floral decorated toilet jug and bowl 441 Walking stick with plated horse head handle 442 Various glass decanters, rose bowls, water jugs etc 443 Various plated depicting WWII air craft with certificates etc 444 Three piece plated tea set, spoons, sugar scuttles etc 445 Quantity of assorted cut and wine glasses 446 Edwardian toilet set and other china items 447 Various pictures 448 Large dark wood farmhouse style drawer leaf dining table together with 8 similar ladderback chairs with rush seats 449 Pair of Ekornes swivel reclining chairs in red leather with one stool 450 Pair of large two seater settees with pouffe gold loose covers and cushions and 451 Ergonomic stool 452 Tubular framed red office chair 453 Green painted American rocking chair with recently re-upholstered seat and back 454 Electrically reclining easy chair in green figured dralon 455 Ladder back chair and an Edwardian hall chair 456 Carver chair with cane seat and back and a corner bobbin framed chair 457 2 seater settee in corded material 458 electrically operated reclining easy chair in fawn figured covering 459 Pair of modern two seater settees in brown covering with loose cushions 460 Modern two seater settee in antique brown leather with loose brown cushions 461 Good quality 5' zip and link drawer divan set, can be split & used s 2 singles 462 pair of cream painted pine 3 drawer bedside cabinets 463 3' white painted 2 door wardrobe with drawer under 464 Modern light beech 3 drawer office cabinet 465 Modern light beech 3 drawer office cabinet 466 Pocket watch, pound coin, cigarette lighter, war Budget books etc 467 Collection of British coins 468 Jewellery, mother of pearl cigarette case, lighter etc 469 2 large and four smaller brushed steel effect poster cases 470 Small Victorian gilt framed overmantel mirror 471 Art deco style silver finished figure on black base 472 Pewter tankard, jug, ,plates and a vase 473 Commemorative plates, mug, urn etc 474 Japanese teaware, a plate and a pair of glass vases 475 Sam brown belt, military buttons, ladies evening gloves and other collectables 476 Pair of large Japanese satsuma vases 477 Blackamoor figure bon-bon dish 478 Small Edwardian banjo barometer 479 Collection of framed and unframed maps and 3 Venetian prints framed and glazed 480 Pair of coloured sepia prints after Bartolozzi depicting cherubs in square gilt frames, 16.5 inches square 481 Oak and plated biscuit barrel and a spaniel dog ashtray 482 3 spode floral decorated plates and a pair of Aynsley plates 483 Royal Worcester jubilee fruit bowl, Worcester dish, large floral bowl and a plate 484 Masons ginger jar with cover, Poole pottery dish and two large fruit bowls 485 Assorted silver plated cutlery by Elkington 486 Large gilt casket in the antique style 487 Singer electric sewing machine in case 488 Fruit decorated Wedgwood tea set and patterned Doulton teaware etc 489 Set of 4 directors style garden chairs 489A 6' reproduction mahogany bookcase/display cabinet 490 Pair of high kitchen stools and a folding card table 490A Large square pine coffee table, painted pine occasional table and a footstool 491 3' Edwardian satin walnut wardrobe with mirrored door 491A Grey metal three drawer office cabinet 492 Grey metal six drawer office index cabinet 492A Mahogany finish open bookcase 493 Modern teak glazed corner display cabinet, (one glazed panel missing) 493A Four various picture frames 494 Vienna style wall clock in glazed mahogany case 494A Victorian style gilt framed picture of a golfer and another of a snow scene 494B 1930's figured walnut cocktail cabinet 495 Royal Doulton Harlow pattern dinner and tea service 496 Mixed Royal Doulton china etc. 496A 3'6 D shaped china display cabinet on claw and ball feet 496B Modern pine desk or dressing table 497 Black spelter Marly horse figure 497A Cabriole leg bureau 497B teak bookcase unit 498 Assorted china and glass plates etc 499 Office cabinet fitted 3 drawers 499A X framed large coffee table 500 Assorted goods to include Royal commemoratives, china glass etc soft toys
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