Pullman House, The Sidings, Boundary Lane Saltney, CHESTER, CH4 8RD Tel: 01244 681311 Fax: 01244 681650 e-mail: auctions@byrnesauctioneers.co.uk byrne’s Auctioneers & Valuers E-CATALOGUE COLLECTORS & GENERAL (Estimates are not checked in time to publish them in the E-Catalogue. Such estimates that have been provided for vendors are available in the Saleroom-Catalogue which is available once we start viewing on Tuesday) Wednesday 18th March 2015 at 10am Catalogue £2.00 Viewing: Tuesday 17th March (Strictly) 2pm – 7pm Morning of sale: 9am FORTHCOMING SALES General & Collectors’ Sale – 1st April General & Collectors’ Sale – 15th April General & Collectors’ Sale – 29th April IMPORTANT NOTICES: Buyer’s Premium is 21% incl VAT. Your attention is drawn to our Conditions of Sale at the back of the catalogue. We would like to point out to all our visiting clients that the saleroom can be a hazardous place to visit. Glass and ceramics in boxes can become fragile during viewing so please be careful when delving into boxes. Furniture is arranged as carefully as it can be in the space available but it is stacked and can therefore pose a risk. Please be careful when moving amongst the furniture. On sale day there is a café at the rear of the saleroom. Please have consideration to other visitors who may be carrying hot drinks. 16 Three trays of decorative glassware including carnival glass dish, Caithness 'Congratulations' paperweight, Victorian hand painted vases, comport, cut glass vases, decanter etc 17 Eastern style parquetry cigarette box, match box toy truck, two matryoshka dolls 18 Tray of assorted of silver plated and other cutlery including boxed Kings pattern knives 19 Carltonware seafood dish, Coalport heart form trinket box and miniature collectors plates 20 R Wellington, framed oil on board, forest clearing and a framed canvas mountain landscape, indistinctly signed, also framed oil on canvas, woodland scene, indistinctly signed (3) 21 Booths Lowestoft border pattern tea wares (1 tray) 22 2 trays of decorative figures and miscellany including carved wooden figures, novelty mouse and cheese salt and pepper pot, twenty four Missile Regiment Royal Artillery plaque, clock, barometer etc 23 Norman Thelwell, framed limited edition signed sporting print, framed Euro Fighter Typhoon print, signed Don Thomas, Chris Yeo, Peter Gorme?, framed Birkenhead advertiser print and a framed still life print (4) 24 Copeland Spode Bradford pattern blue and white dinner wares 25 Silver handled spoon, assorted silver plated and other cutlery, three pint tankards, ebony glove stretchers, cigarette case etc 26 Boxed Pelham puppet, further puppet and a model canon 27 R.W. Gray, gilt framed pastel, cottage by the beech, gilt framed fashion engraving, portraits of ladies of the Count of St James, 1841, framed Rene Mackintosh print, brass framed convex wall mirror and Eastern brass tray (5) 28 Claude Monticce framed oil on canvas, Parisian street scene 29 Assorted silver plate and metal wares including Victorian muffin dish, candlesticks, water jugs etc (1 tray) 30 Three cut glass decanters, pair of condiments, pair of glass candlesticks (7) 31 Decorative ceramics and tea wares including Colclough Ivy Leaf pattern tea service, Art Deco jugs, Carltonware jug, Limoges tea wares, Portmeirion vases etc (4 trays) 32 Kodak EK160-EF Polaroid camera with case 33 Three gilt framed floral watercolours A Argent, three gilt framed watercolour of Royal Navy vessels in dock, also a gilt framed watercolour of a coastal landscape and a gilt framed watercolour of a merchant ship in harbour (8) 34 Two Peruvian style terracotta dishes VIEWING IN THE GRESLEY ROOM LOTS 1 - 172 1 Retro J & G Meakin, Maidstone, stoneware tea and dinner wares 2 Pair of Japanese Satsuma vases, Royal Doulton Bunnykins christening wares (1 tray) 3 Olympus Trip 35mm camera, box camera, cased Russian binoculars and a further pair of binoculars (4) 4 Pair of oval gilt brass framed portraits 5 Gilt framed landscape oil painting and a further gilt framed oil painting, both unsigned 6 Decorative brassware including pair of 19th Century candlesticks and pewter vase 7 Continental cherubic figure and assorted floral china decorations (1 tray) 8 Books about flora and fauna including 'Choice Ferns for Amateurs', 'The Fauna of North Wales' and 'Flora of Anglesey and Caernarvon', and Reverend C A John's 'Flowers of the Field' (7 volumes) 9 Ruth Tittley, gilt framed floral watercolour and three other by the same artist (4) 10 Lancastria Stratnoid compact, cigar case, One inch counter (3) 11 Assorted decorative ceramics including Art Deco Falcon ware vase, Wedgwood jasper ware pin dish and oriental ceramics (2 trays) 12 Coalport Batwing teapot, Royal Worcester Evesham pattern cups and saucers, Barker Bros Coral Vine pattern coffee wares, Tams dinner wares, other tea wares and decorative ceramics (3 trays) 13 Assorted silver plate and metal ware including cruet set, toast rack, condiment sets, assorted cutlery, some boxed 14 Angela Argent gilt framed watercolours, Royal Albert Dock Liverpool, 'View from the Bridge', Chester, also Ann Lloyd framed watercolour, 'Northgate Lock' and a further gilt framed watercolour (4) 15 Framed Japanese portrait on silk and a further Japanese floral silk (2) 35 Silver handled caked slice and assorted silver plated and other cutlery, silver plated sugar bowl and milk jug, and other silver plated wares (1 tray) 56 Quantity of decorative glassware including dressing table sets, royal commemorative wares, rectangular vase, also vanity brushes, decorative ornaments 36 Oak framed portrait print of a gentleman in country attire John D King (?), signed limited edition woodcut print 'Oak Field' numbered 33/110, also a framed pastel canine portrait (3) 57 Royal Albert Summer Garland pattern tea service, fruit bowls and dinner plates 58 Two trays of boxed and unboxed model cars and trucks, also a vintage lighter 59 Aynsley Cottage Garden pattern tea and trinket wares, also and Edinburgh Crystal cut glass vase, Wedgwood paperweight, Wedgwood vases, silver plated forks (2 trays) 60 Cased Bootsamica camera with box, Yashika Umatic G and other cameras and accessories 61 Silver plated three piece tea service, tankards, cutlery and other silver plated wares (1 tray) 62 Collection of dragon ornaments and others including Piggin (1 tray) 63 19th Century porcelain candlestick, Camden dish, Staffordshire flatback figure 'Fred Archer', Gouda style jug and other decorative ceramics (2 trays) 37 Display box containing miscellany including pharmacy bottle, trinket boxes, pill boxes, display stands etc 38 George VI and Elizabeth Coronation souvenir handkerchief, pressed brass HRH Albert Edward Prince of Wales pin dish, cased binoculars, box camera, slipware bowl, military patch 39 Wolverhampton Wanderers 1884 team photograph, further framed photograph of a Wolverhampton Wanderers 1884 player, framed Royal Army Medical Corps embroidery, framed golf watercolour, framed Victorian photograph (5) 40 Nao figure of a girl and her dog 41 Resin bust of Charlie Chaplin 42 Soho Ltd, London, bakelite folding camera with case, also a Brownie Model 1 box camera (2) 64 Case of assorted cameras including Canon TLb 35mm camera and accessories 43 Silver plated teapot, muffin dish, cased cutlery and a brass cigarette box 65 Tray of assorted glassware including Venetian style decanter, assorted jugs, also silver plated coffee pot 44 Silver mounted vases, silver plated butter dish, Crown Ming tea wares etc (1 tray) 66 45 Japanese tea and dinner wares, Chinese famille rose teapot, sugar bowl and milk jug, jardiniere, Chokin wares (3 trays) H.J. Woods Indian Tree pattern jardiniere, Majolica dish, Belisha cannon form novelty teapot and other decorative ceramics (2 trays) 67 Four Coalport Paddington Bear figures, two with boxes 68 Assorted silver plated wares including cruet set, eastern tea for two service and silver plated cutlery (1 tray) 46 Zenith 10 x 50 binoculars 47 Eno's 'Fruit Salt' illustrated export map 48 Blue and white meat plate, glass comports and other dinner wares 69 Blue and white china tea wares, blue and white meat plates and Abbey pattern hot water jug 49 Unipart 1998 calendar, Matia, mounted watercolour and ink drawing and assorted prints 70 Assorted royal commemorative china 71 50 Assorted cameras, silver plated ware, cased Lebanese novelty cutlery 51 Royal Albert floral china tea wares Quality mallet form decanter, carnival glass bowl, silver plated spoons and pickle fork, Portmeirion carafe, decorative glassware, butter dish and other decorative ceramics (2 trays) 52 Swedish Art Pottery dish, Caithness Splashdown paperweight, Edwardian china tea wares, Aynsley Cottage Garden jug (1 tray) 72 Two blue and white meat plates and framed golfing cigarette cards 73 Webb Corbett cut glass tumblers 53 Two silver souvenir spoons and a silver fork, also assorted silver plated cutlery (1 tray) 54 Large gilt framed print of a hilltop castle, also a gilt framed portrait of a girl and a framed print of Mrs Robinson as 'Perdita' after George Romney (3) 55 Three trays of decorative ceramics including Wedgwood jasper ware, trinket wares, Carltonware dishes, Art Deco Myott Son & Co vase, Chinese blue and white prunus jar, tea wares etc 73A Blue and white plates, teapot and assorted collectors plates 74 Assorted silver plated ware including three piece tea service, trophies, cutlery etc 75 Royal Copenhagen Onion pattern coffee service, French stoneware jug etc (1 tray) 76 Assorted glass paperweights, Murano style duck figures, Murano style fish figure and assorted glassware (1 tray) 77 Assorted played with model cars 78 Cash tin with original drawers and World War Two commemorative embroidery 102 Victorian painted glass vase, Burslem Ellgreave pattern three piece tea service 79 Assorted drawing equipment including leather pouch containing architects tools, slide rule etc 103 80 Two mantel clocks, carnival glass dish, assorted figurines (8) Mabel Lucy Attwell bathroom sign, The Prince of Nursery Playmates book, Ricordo Di Venezia booklet (3) 104 Framed map of Cornwall by William Darton & Son 105 Large plate glass wall mirror 106 Three boxes of assorted books mainly war related 107 Wooden cuckoo clock, boxed photograph albums, Singer sewing machine accessories, DVD player and box of assorted household china 108 Two cased typewriters and large glass vivarium 109 EXA.1A cased camera, assorted camera accessories and cased binoculars 110 Assorted 45 rpm records 111 Eight boxes of assorted greetings cards 112 Kestral Random orbital sander 113 Three boxes of miscellany including oil lamp, ice skates, irons, light fittings, mantel clock etc 81 Cut glass biscuit barrel with silver plated top, carnival glass bowl, Murano style clown and fish paperweights etc (1 tray) 82 Ruby overlay cut glass pedestal glassware (1 tray) 83 Decorative ceramics including Staffordshire flat back figures, pair of Staffordshire spaniels, decorative mantel clock etc (2 trays) 84 Henry Cooper, 1879, framed map of The English and Welsh regions, also framed engraving Chester Cathedral stained glass windows (2) 85 Charles T Cox, The Rickyard, Welford on Avon, signed watercolour 86 S. Dennis, 1909, oil on canvas, yacht and lighthouse 87 Gilt framed convex wall mirror 88 Stuart Crystal pedestal glasses, Webb crystal liqueur glasses, Tudor crystal wine glasses and assorted cut glass drinking glasses 114 Assorted LP records 115 Hanging light fitting and two needlepoint embroideries Art Deco Gay Rainbow pattern tea wares, Royal Cauldon Victoria pattern soup bowls, assorted blue and white jugs (2 trays) 116 Victorian parquetry box and assorted other wooden boxes (1 box) 117 Natural History of Man by H. Fleure and other books mainly on natural history (4 boxes) 118 Assorted Beano annuals 119 Cased bowls 120 German porcelain doll 121 Assorted greetings cards (4 boxes, 1 case) 122 Collectors plates and a box of household glassware 123 Auction catalogues and books on antiques including Bonham's Goodwill Festival of Speed sale catalogue, also assorted magazines 124 Assorted jewellery and other boxes 125 Two dolls 89 90 Assorted Denby stoneware Reflections pattern tea and dinner wares, Spode china tea wares and Burleigh ware Windsor pattern dinner wares 91 Minton Hadden Hall pattern tea and dinner wares 92 Royal Doulton Camelot pattern dinner wares 93 Three Pirelli calendars, 1974, 1989 and 1993 94 Assorted decorative glassware including Frank Thrower grapefruit dish by Dartington, Festival of Britain press moulded pin dish, Victorian press moulded glassware and assorted decorative cut glass 95 Terence Cuneo, gilt framed limited edition portrait print, Queen Elizabeth II, 'The Coronation Study', with certificate, numbered 256-850 126 Box of assorted modern dolls Collectable whisky flagons and decanters, Portmeirion hen on nest basket, royal commemorative wares and other decorative ceramics (4 trays) 127 Two boxes of toys and games 128 Two scientific scales and set of postal scales 97 Celia Benavent, pair of oil on board beach scenes 129 Assorted pictures and prints 98 Victorian framed needlework sampler by Bessie Pasker of The New Orphan House, Bristol, 1881 130 Box of household glassware, china and other miscellany (4 boxes) 99 Framed embroidery, possibly 19th Century, also an oval gilt framed bevelled glass wall mirror 131 Four boxes of books, LPs and 45 rpm records 100 Silver plated cigarette case, assorted silver plated hot water jugs, toast rack, condiment sets etc (1 tray) 132 Assorted motoring manuals and maps 133 Boxed bowls 101 Assorted horse brasses and decorative brass ware including Islamic brass plate 134 Assorted holdalls and ladies' purses, also jewellery boxes (2 boxes) 96 135 Churchill Steelite and porcelain dinner wares (4 boxes) 160 Assorted pictures and prints 136 Alan Bayren (?) framed painting, 'Parking Place', also three framed prints 161 Box of table linens 162 DVDs, LPs and 45 rpm records (2 boxes) 137 Victorian/Edwardian china tea service, gaudy welsh jug, assorted tea wares and plates (2 trays) 163 Three boxes of mixed books 138 Johnson Bros. Eternal Beau pattern tea and dinner wares (1 box) 164 Six framed prints 165 Assorted LPs, 45 rpm records and prints (2 boxes) 139 Assorted silver plated cutlery, some cased / boxed 166 140 Five Royal Doulton character jugs, pint tankard, scotch whisky jug and world cup glasses Vintage roller skates, ice skates, leather carrying case and two leather jackets, ladies gloves (2 boxes) 167 Books principally on Formula One, comedy DVDs and two prints 168 Assorted prints and engravings, also Chinese style brass tray 169 Box of curtains 170 Coulliere, framed watercolour, continental street scene, framed watercolour, red rocks, indistinctly signed and four prints and embroideries 171 Three boxes of assorted table linens and soft toys 172 Two boxes of household kitchenalia and decorative ceramics 141 142 143 Decorative metal wares including horse brasses, wick scissors, harvest measures and graduated miniature copper cream pails Assorted silver plated ware and stainless steel including muffin dish, serving dish and spoon, cutlery, serving dishes etc (2 trays) Two trays of decorative glassware including silver plated tantalus with spirit labels, ships decanter, further decanters etc 144 Disney figures and child's Art Deco tea service 145 Autumn Leaves pattern tea wares, dinner wares and kitchenalia, also further tea and dinner wares 146 Libra scale and graduated weights 147 Metal ware and ceramics including vanity sets, goblets etc (1 tray) 148 Masons Chantilly pattern ironstone including ginger jar, jugs, dish, Bell china tea wares, Prinknash wares and four German steins etc (2 trays) 149 Two trays of assorted glassware including Babycham glasses and carnival glass 150 Assorted silver plate including goblets, trophies etc 151 Miscellany including embroidered purses, snuff box, vesta case, costume jewellery, silver plate, 19th Century brass candlesticks (1 tray) 152 Assorted Guinness and other breweriana including tea towels 153 Scientific interest, Chinese microscope, slides and equipment also 'things of science' experiments 154 Royal Doulton Berkshire pattern tea and dinner wares including tureens 155 Assorted dolls furniture including bath, sink, toilet etc 156 Silver plated serving dish, Victorian silver plated teapot, metal fighting cocks, assorted silver plated ware and ebony vanity set 157 Silver topped cut glass jar, travelling bottle in silver plated case, assorted treen and decorative ceramics 158 159 VIEWING IN THE BRUNEL ROOM AND BEING SOLD STRAIGHT AFTER THE GRESLEY ROOM LOTS 173 - 785 Please Note: All items of upholstered furniture included in this sale are sold as works of art. The items may not comply with the Furniture and Furnishings (Fire Safety) Regulations 1988 and for this reason they should not be used in a private dwelling without being first appraised and if necessary, reupholstered by a competent person. 173 Assorted played with diecast toys including Corgi (2 boxes) 174 Mixed ceramics and glassware including old bottles, Royal Doulton Series ware jug, carnival glass dish etc 175 Pair of brass open barleytwist candlesticks, Victorian silver plated egg stand, other miscellany including badges in a wooden box 176 Moulded glass dressing table set, other mixed glassware and decorative ceramics including Carltonware dishes, floral decorated dishes etc 177 Aynsley floral decorated china tea service, other tea wares and decorative ceramics 178 Three cameras, binoculars, clock and vintage flour sifter 179 David Shepherd limited edition coloured reprographic print 'The Masai', signed in pencil and numbered 43/850 Cottage ornaments and other decorative ceramics 180 Goebel Great Spotted Woodpecker figure, Royal Copenhagen pin dish and other decorative ceramics (1 tray) Alan M Hunt, 'Lion and Lioness', signed limited edition coloured reprographic print, numbered 31/950 181 Gilt framed oil on canvas, A Country Ride, in the style of Doris Zinkeisen 182 Antonio Canella (1849-1922), The travelling entertainer, watercolour, signed 209 Edwardian inlaid mahogany balloon shaped mantel clock and a further mantel clock (2) 183 Blue and white meat plates, other blue and white ware, fruit decorated jug and floral decorated condiments, jugs etc 210 Victorian ironstone china pedestal bowl and Staffordshire jelly mould (2) 211 184 Quantity of glassware, mostly cut pedestal glasses Staffordshire flat back chimney ornament, ink stand, tea cups and saucers 185 Silver plated wares including entree dishes 212 186 Meccano conversion sets and other Meccano accessories Royal Worcester June Garland pattern dinner and coffee wares 213 Paragon Elegance pattern china tea wares, also Paragon Contessa pattern china tea wares Paragon Belinda pattern china coffee wares and tea wares 214 Lladro figure 'The Lamp Lighter' 215 Lladro figure group 'Mother and Child with Donkey' 187 188 Assorted cut crystal glassware including Edinburgh Crystal oil and vinegar bottles 216 Figural Barolo mirror and small Barolo mirror (2) 189 Richard Robjent, kingfisher, signed watercolour and gouache 217 Capodimonte limited edition cock pheasant figure, numbered 771/1000 190 J. Milner, Egyptian river views, pair of signed watercolours 218 Quality cut glass bowl on stand, pair of trumpet vases and cut glass trifle bowl (4) 191 Two boxes of mixed glassware 219 Ming style blue and white footed bowl 192 Assorted household items including pasta machine, kitchenalia, place mats, boxes etc 220 Amphora large vase, modelled with boys climbing a large basket 193 Household table linens, ceramics, glass and miscellany (2 boxes) 221 Country Artists figure of a hobby and three collectable owl figures (4) 194 Box of stoneware storage jars, hot water bottle, dated jug and Staffordshire tureen and cover 222 Four Border Fine Arts figures 195 Box of Victorian and later books including pocket editions of Shakespeare 223 Border Fine Arts Figure, 'Red Stag' and another 'Red Hind and Calf' (2) 196 Decorative pottery toilet jugs and bowls 224 Border Fine Arts figure group, 'Black Faced Ewe and Collie' and another 'First Lesson' 197 Framed watercolour of the interior of a church, D Y Cameron, etching of Arran, two further etchings and framed Paul Henry print (5) 225 Border Fine Arts figure group, 'Collecting the Hounds', limited edition number 432/950 198 Suite of late Victorian cut glass ware comprising twelve scotch glasses, wines and ports (48) 226 Border Fine Arts figure group, 'You Can Lead a Horse to Water', limited edition, numbered 226/1500 and another 'No Foot No Oss' (2) 199 Nursery wares, mixed china tea wares, Clarice Cliff strawberry dish etc 227 Border fine Arts figure group, 'The Haywain', limited edition numbered 56/1500 200 Mixed ceramics including Wedgwood, Maling, Minton etc 228 201 Boxed cutlery, other plated wares, tie press etc Border Fine Arts figure 'Shedding', limited edition numbered 950-1250, also 'Spring Pastures' and 'Spring Lambing' (3) 202 Two biscuit barrels, two Edwardian etched glass claret jugs and other plated wares 229 Signed Venetian ruby and white Latticino glass tazze 230 Moorcroft blue ground small vase 203 Pair of Victorian cast brass vases, pair of brass candlesticks, dressing table set, Indian carved wooden box etc 231 Three glass paperweights including Caithness, Mdina and Wedgwood 204 Assorted china tea wares including 1930s Standard china tea set, Royal Albert Crown china, Colclough etc 232 Max Verboeket art glass vase 233 Unusual Venetian signed seahorse goblet 205 De Vinci crystal boxed glassware 234 Royal Doulton terrier HN1032 206 Quantity of greetings cards (3 boxes) 235 Royal Worcester blue tit 207 Suitcase of assorted bags, ruck sacks etc 236 Branham art pottery vase 208 Quantity of framed prints 237 Victorian porcelain mantel clock 238 Troika lamp base 268 Six Royal Doulton small character jugs including 'The Lumberjack', 'The Trapper', 'Viking', 'The Mikado', 'Gondolier' and 'Gladiator', also a Charlton standard catalogue of Royal Doulton jugs, 7th Edition (7) 269 Troika cylinder vase 270 George III hobnail cut spirit decanter and cut glass table salt (2) 271 Japanese hand worked pottery model of a Shi-shi dog 272 Eight Royal Character jugs including 'John Barleycorn', 'Mr Micawber', 'Robin Hood', 'Captain Cuttle', 'Beefeaters', 'Falstaff', 'Sam Johnson' and 'John Peel' 273 Victorian gaudy welsh china tea service 274 Cut glass triple ring neck mallet decanter and pickle jars on silver plated stand (2) Three Goebel Friar jugs 275 Royal Doulton figure 'Top O The Hill' 249 Three Royal Doulton small character jugs including 'The Gardener', 'Old Salt' and 'Long John Silver' 276 Troika cylinder vase 277 Amethyst press moulded cloud bowl 250 Royal Doulton figure 'Lights Out', another Royal Doulton figure 'Jill' and two further pottery figures (4) 278 Pair of quality cut glass decanters, similar smaller bottle and trumpet shaped vase (4) 251 Snowman money bank, also Clown money bank and a further money bank (3) 279 French Verrier leaf moulded glass studio vase 252 Child's nursery rhyme tea set 280 Six Chinese Famille Rose Celadon plates, small Chinese blue and white lidded vase and ginger jar (8) 253 Japanese Imari wares comprising two bottle vases, miniature vases, plates and bowls, also an ironstone plate in the Imari pallet (10) 281 Six Royal Doulton small character jugs including 'Captain Hook', 'Punch and Judy Man', 'Pied Piper', 'Gulliver', 'Long John Silver' and 'Mad Hatter' 254 Eight Royal Doulton small character jugs including 'Treasure Chest Old Salt', 'Town Crier', 'Mine Host', 'The Lawyer', 'Bacchus', 'The Walrus and Carpenter', 'Gone Away' and 'Regency Beau' (8) 282 Three George Jones Crescent trio's 283 Portuguese crustaceans plate in the manner of Palissy 284 Six Royal Doulton small character jugs including 'Fat Boy', 'Farmer John', 'Mr Pickwick', 'Sairey Gamp', 'Sam Weller' and 'Paddy' 239 Six Royal Doulton small character jugs including 'Drake', 'Sarg 'Buzfus', 'Toby Weller', 'Old King Cole', 'Toby Philpot' and 'Old Charlie' 240 Royal Doulton figure 'Victorian Lady' 241 Nao porcelain figure of a ballerina 242 Moorcroft Andalucia vase 243 Royal Crown Derby frog paperweight and Royal Crown Derby kitten paperweight (2) 244 King George VI coronation tankard designed by Dame Laura Knight 245 Wedgwood black basalt jardiniere 246 Lladro figure 'Children in an Aeroplane' 247 Pair of pottery piggy money banks 248 255 Swarovski fabulous creatures annual figure, 1997 'The Dragon', boxed with certificate 256 Sylvac puppy and silver mounted crested china teapot 285 257 Beswick palomino foal, Beswick brown foal and a further brown foal (3) Set of eight quality cut glass pedestal champagne glasses 286 Two Persian Safavid tinned copper plates, 19th Century or earlier, inscribed with Islamic calligraphy, also a Persian tinned copper shallow bowl (3) 287 Persian Safavid tinned copper bowl, 19th Century or earlier 288 Persian Qajar tinned copper bowl, 19th Century or earlier 289 Cross hilted sword with leather scabbard and a further sword (2) 290 Japanese carved bamboo walking cane 291 American Legends limited edition sculpture 'Sacajawea', numbered 237/2500, with certificate 292 George V mahogany cased presentation mantel time piece 258 Royal Doulton stone ware tyg in the Art Nouveau style by Maud Bowden 259 Beswick Beatrix Potter figure 'Lady Mouse', also Bunnykins figures (3) 260 Small cut glass mushroom shaped table lamp 261 Dresden garniture comprising flower posy bowl and two figural candlesticks 262 Smoked glass cylinder vase, probably Dartington 263 Royal Doulton figure 'Southern Belle' and 'Hannah' 264 Worcester Zigzag Fence pattern saucer and a Worcester Fisherman and cormorant pattern saucer (2) 265 Clarice Cliff My Garden jug 266 French moulded pink glass mermaid soap dish 293 Reproduction full round vernier brass ship's sextant 267 Waterford cut crystal table lamp and Waterford cut crystal oval fruit bowl (2) 294 Pair of George III brass bisectional candlesticks 295 French brass striking carriage clock 323 English School (mid 19th Century), Portrait miniature of a peasant in a wide brimmed hat and open jacket, on ivory 324 Brass anniversary clock 325 Silver cigarette case and an 833 standard white metal cigarette case (2) James Heeley & Sons, patent double lever corkscrew, The A1, boxed 326 Pair of small silver scalloped table salts and two cranberry tinted glass rouge pots (4) 301 Carved Irish bog oak walking cane handle in the form of a hound 327 Chinese white metal ruyi sceptre and a Chinese white metal dragon and phoenix bar (2) 302 Schuco clockwork mouse toy 328 303 Peter Parley, 'Tales About Animals', published 1838 and two small engineer's tables books (3) Beatles Fan Club Christmas record and The Great Blue Singer EP (2) 329 The Lead child's cased sewing machine 304 Cold painted bronze figure of pheasants, also novelty brass nut crackers (2) 330 Second World War period helmet 305 London and Birmingham railway centenary medal, issued 1938, presented to His Worship, The Mayor of St Pancreas, together with an accompanying photograph of The Mayor 331 Islamic style painted calligraphic wooden panel 332 Kitmaster restaurant car, hobby kits BSA Lightening Rocket and Triang TT3 scale rolling stock and track 333 Interesting album of photographs celebrating the 50th Anniversary of The Rootes Group, featuring many black and white stills of vintage motorcars, circa 1946 334 Chromed motoring badge bar with AA badge 335 J Casartelli, Manchester, brass circumferentor ring, also a William Broadbent brass mounted ebony spirit level and brass draughtsman's rule (3) 336 Silver plated four piece tea service 337 Small Eastern white metal model of a junk 338 Eastern white metal engraved bowl 339 Silver footed bowl with gilt interior 340 Joseph Sankey & Sons, secessionist plated drinks serving tray 341 Edwardian silver twin handled bowl 342 Walker & Hall silver plated sugar bowl and shovel, designed by Dr. Christopher Dresser, circa 1890-1900 343 Small silver presentation monteith and small silver cup (2) 344 George V silver comport, Sheffield 1916 345 Silver specimen vase, silver pepperette and silver mustard pot (3) 346 Silver plated folding toast rack 347 Pair of continental 800 standard silver spoons 348 Nickel cased Goliath pocket watch in a silver fronted dressing table case 349 Silver cigarette case and another (2) 350 Three silver capped bottles, four silver capped jars and a silver mounted powder jar (8) 351 Sterling silver cake slice, boxed 352 Silver mounted cut glass pepper mill, also two silver napkin rings and silver collar (4) 296 Reproduction brass lantern clock 297 Early 18th Century brass bisectional candlestick 298 Elliott mahogany cased mantel clock 299 Buck & Hickman Ltd, nickel cased air speed indicator, number 26395, with carrying case 300 306 Bead work evening bags 307 Envoy cased wide angle camera and Swift telescope 308 Pelham Donald Duck puppet, boxed 309 Mahogany and moulded glass inkstand with nautical flavour 310 Two bottles of Bass royal commemorative ale, a further bottle of Bass and three further Bass bottles 311 Two African carved ebony figures 312 Victorian ebony octant 313 Copper campagna wine cooler 314 Pair of Chinese small brass vases with cast character marks, also a Chinese brass chiselled plate 315 Pair of Queen of Diamonds brass candlesticks 316 Silver plated cocktail set 317 Silver plated cocktail shaker and Mappin and Webb silver plated double scalloped dish 318 Old Sheffield plated wine funnel 319 Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte, 1985, Pauillac, 1965, Chateau Clos Des Jacobins, 1982, Fonseca Quinta Do Panascal, vintage port 1986, Taylors 10 year old tawny port, 1987 LBV port (7) 320 Janneau Grand Armagnac VSOP, also Johnny Walker Black Label, 12YO Scotch, Chivas Royal Salute, 21YO Scotch, Hendrick's Gin and 1981 Tokaji (5) 321 German trench art vesta cover, also plated vesta case and cast aluminium fox mask ashtray (3) 322 Cantonese carved ivory calling card case, Indian carved sandalwood card case and two further Indian card cases (4) 353 Harrods silver plated sandwich box, also a miniature silver faced photograph frame 354 Silver backed five piece dressing table set 355 Silver Monteith style footed bowl, Chester hallmarks 356 Two silver photograph frames 357 George V silver six piece condiment, by Walker & Hall, comprising two pepper pots, two wet mustard jars, two salt cellars, two mustard spoons, two salt spoons, all cased 388 George III silver table spoon by Peter, Ann and William Bateman, also two Chester hallmarked silver caviar shovels, Georgian silver butter knife and silver sauce ladle (5) 389 Silver pepperette, white metal candle snuffer and decorative plated flatware 390 Silver Fiddle table spoon, silver strainer, cased silver teaspoon, a further teaspoon and cocktail spoon (5) 391 Silver and mother of pearl handled fruit knife, mother of pearl paper knife, a further mother of pearl paper knife a further mother of pearl folding knife and small quantity of nibs 358 Cased set of silver hobnail teaspoons, silver handled glove stretchers, silver handled shoe horn and button hook 392 Silver backed brush 359 Cased set of Victorian silver salt cellars by Charles Stewart Harris, London 1890 393 Pearlescent guilloche enamelled silver circular compact 360 Five piece silver backed dressing table set and two further silver backed brushes (7) 394 Silver vesta case 361 Cased set of four silver salts 395 Engraved silver cigarette holder case 362 Silver photograph frame 396 Silver vesta case 363 Motoring badges including vintage AA badge 397 Three silver decanter labels, whisky and gin x 2 364 Torch form twin branch wall light 398 Silver sifting spoon 365 Silver mounted glass jar, Victorian silver plated teapot and silver plated condiment on tray 399 Silver stamp envelope, silver shield fob and miniature button hook (3) 366 Edwardian knives by Joseph Rogers & Sons, Sheffield 400 Painted papier mache circular snuff box and miniature papier mache snuff box painted with hunting scenes 367 Arthur Price, canteen of silver plated Kings pattern cutlery 401 9ct gold mounted Meerschaum cigar holder and agate set stick pin 368 Edwardian silver plated rectangular serving tray 402 Hamilton aviator's nickel cased pocket watch 369 Celtic inspired silver plated serving tray 403 Middle Eastern painted bone and white metal bracelet 370 Wedgwood Parian bust of James Watt, sculpted by Wyon 404 Small assortment of 9ct gold and other jewellery including rings, crucifix pendant necklace, earrings etc 371 Small number of books including The Second Volume of Captain James Cooke, other topical graphical volumes, two atlas's 405 Late Victorian or Edwardian 18ct gold lady's fob watch 406 Lady's 9ct gold cased open faced crownwind fob watch, also a 9ct gold heart form bar brooch with safety chain (2) 407 George V silver half hunter side crownwind pocket watch with Swiss 15 jewel movement 408 Silver and enamelled butterfly brooch and an enamelled pendant marked 'Sterling' (2) 409 Silver open faced crownwind pocket watch 410 Chester hallmarked silver cased open faced keywind pocket watch 411 Diamond two stone ring in 14ct gold, set with two old brilliant cut diamonds, set in white gold in an unusual leaf form yellow gold setting 412 Engraved gold coloured oval picture locket 413 9ct gold bangle set with tiny rose diamonds and garnets, also a 9ct gold crossover bangle (2) 414 9ct gold cabochon garnet signet ring and a 9ct gold heart shaped picture locket on a 9ct gold chain necklace 372 Vintage BOAC flight bag 380 Mid 19th Century Austro-Hungarian white metal folding spoon and fork, Austro-Hungarian white metal ladle, continental 800 standard silver gilt spoon and fork and matching knife (6) 381 Victorian silver bladed fish knives 382 Five Georgian silver dessert knives with crested silver blades 383 Victorian silver Fiddle pattern caddy spoon 384 Silver teaspoons and salt spoons, Georgian and later (9) 385 Five George III silver crested teaspoons 386 Pair of William IV Scottish silver sugar tongs, pair of Victorian Chester hallmarked silver sugar tongs and William IV silver preserve spoon (3) 387 Five Victorian Scottish silver Fiddle pattern teaspoons 415 May's patent revolution counter 444 Decorative blue stone and marcasite dress ring 416 Lady's 800 standard silver open face crownwind fob watch and another Continental lady's fob watch (2) 445 Attractive graduated cultured pearl necklace with 9ct gold clasp and a another pearl necklace (2) 417 Silver cased crownwind open face pocket watch and a silver cased keywind hunter pocket watch (2) 446 418 Lady's 9ct gold cased wristwatch on a 9ct gold expandable bracelet 9ct gold peridot pendant necklace, also a peridot and seed pearl bar brooch and two Wedgwood jasper pendants (4) 447 Ruby and pearl gypsy ring in 15ct gold 419 Pair of 9ct gold engine turned cufflinks and a 9ct gold initialled signet ring 448 Diamond and opal bar brooch, also a 15ct gold and pearl stick pin and a decorative flowerhead brooch (3) 420 9ct gold chain link necklace and four gold coloured necklaces (5) 449 Silver and Scottish agates dirk brooch, also two marcasite dress rings and a purple stone dress ring (4) 421 Yellow metal bracelet, testing as 18ct gold, also a pendant chain necklace, agate brooch and damaged cameo etc 450 Vintage Omega gent's 9ct gold cased wristwatch with manual 15 jewel movement, signed 451 422 Yellow metal curb link bracelet testing as 8ct gold 423 Diamond and sapphire cluster ring in 18ct gold Victorian Golden Jubilee silver commemorative brooch, further Victorian silver brooch, Egyptian pendant necklace, silver bangle, another bar brooch, mother of pearl fruit knife (6) 424 Victorian half sovereign, 1900 452 425 Silver cased open faced keywind pocket watch and another keywind open faced pocket watch (2) Decorative jewellery including marcasite, white metal oval picture locket on chain, chain mail evening purse, brooches etc 426 Lady's Rotary 9ct gold cased bracelet wristwatch 453 427 Lady's Art Deco 9ct white gold wristwatch Diamond three stone ring in 18ct gold and platinum, also a diamond cluster ring (2) 428 Five Maria Theresia thalers 454 Enamelled tulip brooch, cultured pearl necklace, another necklace, earrings, bracelet etc 429 9ct gold cameo ring, also a 9ct gold red stone set ring, a paste set dress ring and a stone set shirt stud (4) 455 Vintage Swatch wristwatches, gold plated open faced pocket watch, other wristwatches 430 Opal five stone dress ring 456 Quantity of brass spade guinea tokens 431 9ct gold seed pearl and tourmaline dress ring 457 Small selection of coins including some Victorian silver 432 Great war medal group of two awarded to W.Z.1720. G.B. Evans L.Sig. R.N.V.R. comprising Great War medal and Victory medal, also a George VI War medal with Palestine bar 1945-48 awarded to Capt. G.R.P. Willan. R.E.M.E (3) 458 Jewellery box containing costume jewellery, assorted wristwatches 459 Tin of mixed British and foreign coinage 460 Jewellery box containing assorted costume jewellery, 9ct gold cross on chain, Wedgwood jasper cameo brooch, beaded necklaces etc and assorted loose costume jewellery including marcasite, silver, Bucherer watch necklace etc 461 Pens, wristwatch, bangles and coins 462 Mixed British and foreign coins including royal and other commemoratives 463 Assorted wristwatches and costume jewellery, contained within two small boxes 464 Jewellery box containing assorted costume jewellery, 9ct gold swivel fob on chain, silver vesta case, silver hinged bangle, mother of pearl paper knife etc 465 Mixed wristwatches, papier mache snuff box, small amount of costume jewellery 466 Presto tap and die set 467 Mixed coinage including George III threepence 1763, some electro-types, Roman lead weight etc 468 Small amount of mixed coinage including some royal commemoratives, decimal coins etc 433 Two united seed pearl bowed cloak pins linked by a chain 434 Lady's vintage stainless steel Seiko wristwatch, also a lady's Exactus wristwatch (2) 435 18ct gold and coral gypsy ring (1 stone missing) 436 Cultured pearl dress ring, also a 9ct gold cufflink, turquoise stick pin and a 9ct gold swivel fob (4) 437 Two ladies' 9ct gold cased wristwatches on expandable bracelets 438 Three 9ct gold bar brooches, gem set stick pin, cameo brooch and a double sided picture locket (6) 439 Silver charm bracelet 440 9ct gold cased lighter 441 18ct gold pendant necklace and a 9ct gold and opal bar brooch (2) 442 Silver cased open faced keywind pocket watch and another pocket watch (2) 443 Two pearl set swallow brooches conjoined with a chain 496 Mahogany glazed hanging corner cupboard, late 19th Century 497 Silk and needlework tapestry, early 19th Century, featuring a biblical scene 498 Albert Proctor, Cottage on the side of a lake, signed watercolour, also Misty Morning, lakeside, watercolour, signed by the same hand (2) 499 Limed oak hall stand 500 Boats on tranquil waters, indistinctly signed watercolour 501 Scandinavian James Bond Festival poster 502 Moris, Revelling Cavalier, signed oil on zinc panel 503 Donald Kendall, Lake District landscape, signed oil painting, also a small signed watercolour and framed print of a girl at prayer, signed in pencil Small postcard album 504 Childhood stamp collection and a number of first day covers Dukan Faine, winter landscape with figures outside a cottage signed oil painting 505 Traders display case with miscellaneous jewellery and other decorative contents Continental signed coloured etchings and other framed prints, also a framed map of Devonshire 506 Camphorwood blanket box 480 Kensitas flowers silks cigarette card album 507 Teak table and modern beech folding chair 481 Cigarette card album, mostly sporting stars 508 482 Picture postcards, cigarette and tea card albums Oak two tier tea trolley, folding needlework fire screen and framed map 483 Tea card albums, loose stamps etc 509 Indian pietra dura octagonal table top, inlaid with coloured hard stones 484 Panatela tank story card collection, framed 510 Gilt framed print, Millais Bubbles print 485 Household ceramics and glassware 511 Victorian pine commode chest 486 Late Victorian walnut cased Vienna wall clock and an American chiming thirty hour wall clock by E N Welch of Connecticut 512 Victorian walnut cased wall clock 513 Gilt framed wall mirror 514 Mahogany free standing bow front two door cabinet 515 Cased manual Singer sewing machine with instruction booklet 516 George V oak barleytwist demi-lune hall stand 517 Late George III mahogany commode chest 518 Attractive simulated walnut oval bevelled glass wall mirror 469 Quantity of costume jewellery including silver, amber pendant necklace, numerous rings, chains, earrings etc 470 Vintage Tissot automatic Seastar 7 wristwatch, three further wristwatches 471 Mixed costume jewellery including bracelets, bangles, brooches etc 472 Mixed coins and bank notes including 1983 proof coin set, number of foreign bank notes etc 473 Assorted costume jewellery, compacts, fan etc 474 Mixed British and foreign coinage, aluminium dog tag to 3383 H E Belfield RE etc 475 Stamp collection including albums, George V and later, loose stamps, some first day covers 476 Wills cigarette card album 477 478 479 487 Ron Whittenbury, Old town houses, Low Countries, oil on canvas board 488 Kevin Jameson, pair of framed watercolours, Snowdonia landscapes, Elizabeth Clarke, signed mounted print 489 James R Richardson, Mousehole Harbour side, signed oil painting, also another oil painting by the same artist and a gilt framed Cumbrian landscape oil painting (3) 490 L Jones, 1909, gilt framed oil on board, harbour storm 519 Gilt triptych dressing table mirror 491 American drop trunk wall clock by The Ansonia Clock Company, New York 520 Dark stained oak linenfold court cupboard 521 492 Late Victorian school, pastoral landscape with children outside a cottage, watercolour, also a framed portrait of Old Salt (2) Modern pine two door wardrobe and oak finish occasional table (2) 522 Modern beech finish display cabinet on cabinet base 523 Oak tallboy and magazine rack (2) 524 David Weston, signed limited edition steam print, 'A Portrait of Power', and two further steam locomotive prints (3) 525 Framed Lowry print 526 Two bevelled glass wall mirrors 493 Early Victorian mahogany commode, circa 1840 494 Indistinctly signed gilt framed oil on canvas in the style of Theodore Gericault's 'Rearing Horse (Cheval Cabre)' 495 English School (mid 19th Century), Paddle steamer on Lake Windermere, oil on canvas 527 Framed print, Christ and his Disciples 560 528 Oak three tier occasional table, mahogany and inlaid occasional table, mahogany bow fronted cabinet and Art Deco display cabinet (4) Quantity of tools, work bench, aluminium step ladders, G-clamps, wood saws etc 561 Set of four beech lath back dining chairs in the Victorian style and three further Victorian style chairs (7) 562 Two electric strimmers and a garden vac 563 Servis electric trouser press 564 Vintage Qualcast Panther push mower 565 Atco petrol mower, also a Black & Decker electric lawnmower and a Fisons seed drill (3) 529 Vintage formica topped kitchen cupboard and painted pine food safe (2) 530 Vintage formica topped oak kitchen cabinet and painted vintage kitchen cabinet with tambour front 531 Modern gilt framed hall mirror in the Rococo style 532 Italian inlaid pedestal tripod table 533 Reynold, Galleons in a harbour, signed oil painting 566 ROK exercise bicycle 534 Pair of pine three drawer bedside chests 567 Invalid's walking aid 535 Oak barleytwist circular occasional table and a mahogany and inlaid drop leaf coffee table and an oak hall table (3) 568 Modern beech kitchen table and six hoop back kitchen chairs 569 Art Nouveau style leaded glass ceiling light 536 Modern pine chest of drawers 570 537 Pair of Stag bedside tables 538 Modern pine chest of drawers and a pine three drawer bedside chest (2) Two modern beech effect bedside cabinets, a pine three drawer bedside chest and two further bedside chests (5) 571 Cut glass chandelier 539 Two pine three drawer bedside chests 572 540 Old painted rocking chair and three red painted side chairs Pair of leaded glass three branch ceiling lights and three pottery table lamps (5) 573 Plate glass topped and metal framed coffee table and a similar square occasional table (2) 574 Brass and black painted fender 575 Victorian painted pine blanket box 576 Two pine single bed ends and one other (5) 577 Child's billiard table 578 Modern lounge unit 579 Victorian work bench, assorted wooden handled gardening tools, boot maker's last, old golf clubs, cricket bats, tennis racquets etc 541 Modern pine wardrobe 542 Fireman's shovel (?) and assorted other wooden handled gardening tools 543 Pair of rush conservatory tub chairs and an upholstered tub chair (3) 544 Pine bed ends 545 Two potted trees and a potted bush (3) 546 Pair of modern beech finish three drawer bedroom chests 547 Pair of beech finish six drawer pillar chests and a similar three drawer chest (3) 580 Bosch electric garden shredder, power washer and a garden strimmer (3) 548 Electric lawnmower 581 Decorative moulded gilt framed convex wall mirror 549 Hoover automatic washing machine 582 Regency style gilt framed convex wall mirror 550 Metal filing cabinet, ceiling lights, patterned rug 583 551 Three formica topped tables and an aluminium catering trolley Satinwood Austin suite comprising two tambour fronted wardrobes, kneehole dressing table, and two similar bedside chests 552 Two Lloyd Loom basket chairs and a Lloyd Loom ottoman (3) 584 Folding wheelchair 585 Electric fire with copper hood and a Lloyd Loom style ottoman (2) 586 Hand crafted and hand decorated Carrom board 587 Bamboo conservatory furniture, garden parasols, glass topped metal hall table 588 Modern drop leaf kitchen table and four spindle back kitchen chairs (5) 553 Stainless steel electric cooker 554 Stainless steel microwave oven 555 Matsui upright fridge freezer 556 White Knight automatic tumble dryer 557 Whirlpool automatic washing machine 558 Zanussi automatic washing machine 589 Pair of Robert Burns lithographic engravings 559 Twin handled wood saw 590 Boxed Avery scales 591 Tool box and contents 625 Modern pine nursery wardrobe 592 Modern large gilt framed bevelled glass wall mirror 626 Two pine bedside cabinets 593 Victorian painted dressing chest and a Victorian painted kneehole washstand (2) 627 Dolls house and a wicker basket (2) 628 Modern pine computer table 594 Stained beech wheelback armchair and a Victorian style balloon back side chair (2) 629 Oak trestle style coffee table 595 George V oak wardrobe 630 Two vintage leather suitcases 596 Limed finish bedroom suite comprising two wardrobes, kneehole dressing table, double bed, pot cupboard, dressing stool (6) 631 Glazed bookcase 632 Modern pine low bedside chest 633 Modern pine wardrobe 634 Italian musical jewellery box, also a gondola musical box and a mahogany box (3) 597 Modern small wardrobe 598 Mahogany wall shelves and two further wall shelves (3) 599 Two Lloyd Loom style bedside cabinets 635 Dark oak cottage dresser 600 Modern pine chest of drawers 636 Pair of Oriental twin handled vases 601 Modern mahogany music cabinet 637 602 Modern mahogany coffee table Edwardian mahogany and inlaid dressing chest and a similar Edwardian marble topped washstand (2) 603 Modern oak kitchen table and a set of four Prince of Wales feathers hoop back dining chairs (5) 638 Copper warming dishes, copper pan and a bed warmer (4) 604 Victorian burr walnut writing box 639 Victorian brass strap fender and two rail fenders (3) 605 Pair of Victorian carved walnut armchairs in the French style 640 Indian mahogany and brass inlaid jewellery box 641 Victorian mahogany campaign writing box 606 Victorian rosewood jewellery box, a Victorian walnut jewellery box and a Victorian family Bible (3) 642 Dark oak drop leaf breakfast table and four wheelback chairs (5) 607 Victorian family Bible, 1847 643 Dutch Tippa Triumph portable typewriter 608 Modern turned mahogany standard lamp 644 Mahogany free standing corner display cabinet 609 Model of a sailing ship 645 Oak sewing box 610 Art Deco walnut book table 646 611 1960s dressing table and matching chest of drawers Victorian walnut marble top washstand and matching dressing chest (2) 612 Fluted mahogany standard lamp 647 Mahogany cased chiming mantel clock 613 Oak tea trolley and a folding bridge table (2) 648 Pokerwork adjustable book stand, small wicker basket and a copper coal bin (3) 614 Oak barleytwist two door cabinet 649 Stove enamelled fire grate 615 White painted chest of drawers 650 Small mahogany chest of drawers 616 Oak barleytwist occasional table, modern gilt framed hall mirror and an oak drop leaf tea trolley (3) 651 Pair of walnut and mahogany two tier tables 617 Modern pine chest of drawers 652 Encore student's acoustic guitar 618 Modern pine press wardrobe 653 Oak concave fronted sideboard 619 Art Deco oak bedroom suite comprising wardrobe, smaller robe and dressing table 654 Stained pine single drawer side table 655 Student's three quarter sized violin, cased 656 Edwardian inlaid mahogany chest of drawers 657 Pine towel rail, magazine rack, corner whatnot, bridge table, open bookcase 658 Youngers Toledo elm sideboard 659 Oak hall seat 660 1960s child's cone rocking chair 661 Oak glazed small cabinet and a square occasional table with a single drawer (2) 620 Old Avery potato scales and oak cased chiming mantel clock (2) 621 Lloyd Loom style basket chair and box stool (2) 622 Lloyd Loom white painted basket chair, Lloyd Loom style basket chair and two white painted triptych dressing table mirrors (4) 623 Stripped pine chest of drawers 624 Victorian style pine drop leaf dining table 697 Art Nouveau style penwork two tier oval occasional table 698 African made hardwood elephant table 699 Modern pine kitchen station 700 Quantity of framed watercolours and prints (quantity) 701 Gilt framed hall mirror and small circular mirror (2) 702 Modern Gothic arched pine framed wall mirror 703 Two modern pine framed rectangular wall mirrors, silvered framed hall mirror and three unframed paintings (6) Mahogany dressing chest and a small oak chest of drawers (2) 704 Large unsigned oil painting of a North East landmark in a white painted frame 671 Copper coal bin, milk churn style stick stand and a copper coal bucket (3) 705 Quantity of framed pictures and prints including watercolours 672 Pair of white painted bedside chests in the French style 706 Teak finish stereo table 673 1940s oak sideboard 707 Six framed watercolours, signed J M Smith 674 Mahogany small bowfront chest of drawers 708 675 Dark oak linenfold hall robe Two oak glazed library bookcases with up and over doors 676 Brexton picnic hamper 709 Yamaha PSR73 electronic keyboard 677 Modern pine small cottage dresser and teak bookcase (2) 710 Modern mahogany octagonal topped coffee table 711 Italian Dallape Stradella piano accordion 678 Pine dresser base 712 Small mahogany tambour top stationery box 679 Walnut shaped oval tray 713 Mahogany demi-lune hall table 680 George V walnut breakfront side cabinet 714 Belouch woollen rug 681 Small Victorian copper watering can and carriage lamp (2) 715 Victorian burr walnut side table 682 Unusually small oak welsh dresser with plate rack 716 Edwardian mahogany and stained beech writing table 683 Late Georgian rosewood and brass inlaid writing box 717 Nest of three leather topped occasional tables 684 Burr walnut part bedroom suite comprising kneehole dressing table, dressing stool, two bedside tables, tallboy chest and headboard (6) 718 Modern upholstered electric rise and recline armchair 719 Three Chinese sculpted woollen rugs 720 Mahogany dresser in the Jacobean style 721 Leather finish CD storage towers and a similar magazine rack 662 Pine kitchen shelves with spice drawers 663 Jacobean style oak bureau 664 Two brass fenders, two chrome fenders (4) 665 Mahogany open bookcase 666 Mahogany side table fitted with two drawers 667 Indian Gabeh woollen rug 668 Mahogany fretwork wall shelves 669 Unusual brass and glass electric standard lamp and a pottery table lamp and a wicker basket (3) 670 685 Boosey & Hawkes 400 plated trumpet, cased 686 Continental style oak cylinder fronted bureau 687 Rose carved and shaped two tier occasional table 722 688 Cream painted pine topped side cabinet in the French taste Victorian walnut rocking chair and a bentwood side chair (2) 723 Dark oak box stool and teak sewing box and contents (2) Gilt framed watercolour of Conwy Castle, indistinctly signed 724 Old mangle 690 Mintons secessionist toilet jug and bowl 725 Box of assorted electrical and other tools 691 Olivetti Lettera 22 portable typewriter 726 692 Oak gateleg table Victorian white painted metal single bed and a Victorian grate front (2) 693 Victorian mahogany Pembroke table 727 Revolving metal greetings card display stands and three white painted tiered display shelves etc 694 Grimwades Ming pattern toilet set 728 695 Mahogany dining room suite comprising twin pedestal extending dining table, six dining chairs, frames only and serpentine fronted sideboard (8) Modern pine chest of drawers and two matching bedside chests 729 Two pine bedside chests 689 696 Vox Valvetronix guitar amplifier 730 Modern pine chest of drawers and two matching bedside chests (3) 762 Six George III mahogany stick back dining chairs and a similar Georgian mahogany carver chair (7) 731 Modern rocking chair and a book stand (2) 763 Set of five mahogany and inlaid high back dining chairs 732 Four decorative wall mirrors 764 733 Six pine framed wall mirrors Late Victorian mahogany and inlaid open armchair in the Sheraton Revival style 734 Pine wardrobe with a single drawer 765 Set of six early Victorian mahogany balloon back dining chairs, circa 1840-60 735 Modern pine wardrobe with a single drawer 766 Set of four Victorian oak dining chairs 736 Mahogany free standing flat front corner display cabinet, also a circular jardiniere stand, a tripod table and a TV cabinet (4) 767 Bidjar woollen rug 768 Carved oak monk's bench 737 Victorian walnut and inlaid oval table 769 Yewood serpentine front small chest of drawers 738 Modern beech drop leaf pedestal table 770 Edwardian inlaid mahogany washstand 739 Terrarium 771 Carved mahogany demi-lune hall table 740 Nest of glass topped tables and two further glass topped occasional tables 772 Kashan woollen rug 773 Regency mahogany tilt top table, circa 1820 741 Painted and glass topped pedestal breakfast table and four stick back chairs (5) 774 Large mahogany nine drawer kneehole desk 742 Patterned woollen rug 775 Victorian mahogany pedestal card table, circa 1845 743 Late Victorian haberdasher's needle cabinet with drawers and a similar needle cabinet for Morris & Yeomans needles (2) 776 Reproduction mahogany small bachelor's chest with folding top 777 Mahogany Westminster chiming granddaughter clock 744 Arts and Crafts period oak sideboard 778 Victorian carved walnut overmantel mirror 745 Masons blue and white ironstone slop pail 779 746 Danish designed brown leather upholstered swivel chair and matching foot stool Edwardian mahogany breakfront bookcase, in the Georgian style 780 Reproduction brass rail fender 781 Small mahogany serpentine front chest of drawers 782 George V oak three piece bedroom suite comprising wardrobe, dressing chest and chest of drawers 783 1930s oak bureau display cabinet 784 Victorian mahogany library bookcase, circa 1870 785 Quality oak free standing corner cupboard with fielded panel doors 747 Scandinavian designed dark brown leather upholstered swivel chair and matching foot stool 748 French style marble topped circular table with brass mounts, and a mahogany and inlaid nursing chair (2) 749 Retro style teak glass topped two tier occasional table 750 Stylish 1950s glazed and mirrored cocktail cabinet 751 Hamadan woollen rug 752 Dated oak joined coffer, circa 1699 753 Victorian brass fender in the Art Nouveau style 754 Victorian red fabric upholstered drop end settee 755 Oak framed print and a suitcase of old books 756 Indian damascene brass table top 757 Pair of modern red fabric upholstered wing armchairs in the Victorian style 758 Scandinavian designed green leather upholstered swivel armchair and matching footstool 759 Scandinavian designed green leather upholstered swivel armchair and matching footstool 760 Traditional style turner's corner chair, also a Lloyd Loom style basket chair (2) 761 Bentwood armchair End of sale E&OE Conditions of Sale Byrne’s (Chester) Ltd carries on business with bidders, buyers and all those present in the auction room prior to or in connection with a sale on the following General Conditions and on such other terms, conditions 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