WEDNESDAY NIGHT Adult Bible Study & Prayer 6:30 PM - Led by ‘Pastor Jimmy’ “Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount verse by verse” Bible Fellowship Groups are Small Groups that: - Study God's Word Kidz@HHBC Nu rs Bir Avail ery th - abl 3y e rs. old PRESCHOOL VOLUNTEERS COORDINATOR: Barbara Loftis TODAY - FEBRUARY 15 AM: Carol & Morgan Norris PM: Leah Simmons BIBLE FELLOWSHIP GROUPS (BFG) SUNDAY, 9:30 AM for Birth - 5th fully staffed for your child to learn God’s word. Plus “KidZ in the Word” (Children’s Church) K4-3rd grade may follow our Children’s WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 18 PM: NEED VOLUNTEERS Ministry Director, Clay Simmons AFTER THE SPECIAL MUSIC NEXT SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 22 - Pray AM: David & Dale Wade - Grow as believers PM: Leah Simmons - Help and encourage others - Learn to apply the teachings of the Bible to their lives THE BOY’S HOME Tuesdays @ FLC 7 - 9 PM - Reach others for Jesus - Make friends - Enjoy Christian Fellowship - Belong Sunday mornings at 9:30, come be a part. K4 - 5th Grade Wednesdays @ 6:30 - 7:15 pm Sunday Evenings @ 5:30 - 7 pm Hope to see all the clubbers there! SNACKS FOR FEBRUARY: OPEN DOOR CLASS Married Single 70’s up 60’s 50’s 40’s Guest of ______________________ Grade ________ Zip ___________ 30’s 25-29 Hampton Heights Student Ministry needs volunteers to serve in Crossover youth Wednesday evenings. If you are interested in serving in this area please contact Bryce at HOSPITAL VISITATION Mat Hunt Robin Duffie 18-24 7:00 PM EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT Men’s Bible Study Come eat with us at 6pm Contact Barry Phillips (982-8200) or Allen Black (915-1464) Wednesday Nights @ 6:30 PM Doors Open @ 6:00 PM Youth Center / Chapel 11-17 6:00 PM “Experiencing Ephesians Six Victory” WHEN IS YOUR ARMOR ON? Adult Class Led by Pastor Jimmy Education Bldg. - Room by the walkway The Church Office will be closed in observance of President’s Day! COUNTERS #3 Raymond Fowler Brian King Dennis Boehm Age: 5-10 “AWANA CLUBS” & STUDENT MINISTRY SMALL GROUPS CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED Monday, February 16 State ___________ SUNDAY EVENINGS 5:30 PM We express our deepest sympathy to the Clark family in the unexpected death of Sarah Clark. City _____________________ Today: Special Called Business Meeting: There will be a special called business meeting of the Church this morning, February 15th, to receive a recommendation of the Pastor Search and Finance committees. DEEPEST SYMPATHY… Change in Contact Information We express our deepest sympathy to Fran Westmoreland in the unexpected death of her sister. USHERS #3 Dennis Boehm Dwight Garner Jeremy Kilby Tommy Waldrep Don Whitehead Member DEEPEST SYMPATHY… STUDENT BIBLE FELLOWSHIP GROUP (BFG) Sundays @ 9:30 AM Regular Attender PLEASE LEAVE THE CONNECT CARD IN YOUR CHAIR OR TAKE IT BY THE “INFORMATION CENTER” IN THE FOYER AND YOU WILL RECEIVE A GIFT FROM HHBC. SUN., FEBRUARY 15, 2015 CO We are delighted that you have chosen to worship with us today. CONNECT CARD Postponed until further notice 2nd time guest Mondays, 10 - 11:30 AM (Room across from the Church Office) Please print clearly / One per person HAPPY HEARTS Tuesday, February 24 @ 11 AM in the Family Life Center (FLC) Come listen to some beautiful gospel music by “Learning to Lean” duet group, Butch & Shirley Holliday. Meal: Please bring your favorite dish! 1st time guest (SENIOR MINISTRY) ANNOUNCEMENTS INVOCATION PRAYER GREETING PRAISE MUSIC MEDLEY OFFERTORY PRAYER SPECIAL MUSIC ~ Sing to the King ~ Celebration Choir K4 thru 3rd grade children may leave for “KidZ in the Word” (Children’s Church). MESSAGE ~ Reverend Christopher Hayes HYMN OF INVITATION BENEDICTION PRAYER THANK YOU FOR REGISTERING YOUR ATTENDANCE IN THE WORSHIP OF THE LORD ON THE CONNECT CARD. Date: ____________________ (Men & Women) FEBRUARY 15, 2015 ~ 10:30 AM Name Mr./Mrs./Ms. ________________________________________________________________________ Phone: home/cell (circle one) __________________________ Email ______________________________________________________ Mailing Address _______________________________________________ Apt. __________ Date of Birth ___ /___ /___ M F Prayer & Bible Study MORNING WORSHIP ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ COMMENTS / PRAYER REQUESTS There is nothing more important to us than for you to connect to God through Jesus Christ. At the close of the worship service please check how you “connected” with God ! Please leave this Connect Card in your chair or at the Information Center. CONNECTING WITH GOD… THIS WEEK… SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 9:30 AM Bible Fellowship Groups (BFG) 10:30 AM Morning Worship & Children’s Church 5:30 PM AWANA CLUBS & HHSM Student Ministry 6:00 PM Adult Class - Led by ‘Pastor Jimmy’ - Room by walkway Hebrews 12:23 will build my church...” Matthew 16:18 “…the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven …” I chose to “be added” to this CHURCH to build HIS CHURCH worldwide. C Jesus: “I the water…” Matthew 3:16 Jesus: “And Jesus, when He had been baptized, came up… from Jesus: “...baptize them...” Matthew 28:19 Jesus: “ sheep ...follow Me.” John 10:27 Luke: “Then those who gladly received His word were baptized; … and that day were added to them.” Acts 2:41 I “believed” and want to be BAPTIZED like Jesus was, and as He commanded. B “ commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness...” Acts 17:30-31 Jesus: “...unless you repent, you will perish.” Luke 13:5 “...godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, …” II Corinthians 7:10 Jesus: “...fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28 Jesus: “whoever believes (trusts) in Jesus will not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 TODAY: I ACCEPTED Jesus’ invitation today to repent (lit., turn the mind) to God in sorrow and fear, trusting in Jesus as my Savior and Lord. A SAVE THE DATE: MARCH 26, 2015 AT 6:45 PM MISSION PROJECT ! TUESDAY, MARCH 10 - FMG will be serving a meal at the Ronald McDonald House. For more information contact Robin Duffie: 201-3969 BANQUET FOR LIFE TD CONVENTION CENTER REGISTER ONLINE: CALL: Piedmont Women’s Center at (864) 244-1434 PLACE: TD Convention Center, One Exposition Drive Tuesday, March 10th 10:00 AM - Women’s Missionary Union MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 (WMU #3) Meets across from Office CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED IN OBSERVANCE OF PRESIDENT’S DAY 5:00 PM - Women On Mission (WOM) Meets in the Ministry Center 6:30 PM - Friendship Mission Group 9:00 AM “Still Going” Exercise Class @ Family Life Center (FLC) 10:00 AM Postponed until further notice - Prayer & Bible Study (meet across from the Church Office) (FMG) Meet at La parrilla (Market pt. dr., off woodruff) Bailey & Morgan’s “Crafts for Kids” Service Project! TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Boy’s Home @ Family Life Center (FLC) Men’s Bible Study WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 9:00 AM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM Used Glasses: If you have a pair of used glasses that you are not using, would you please drop them off in the dropbox at the Information Center for Don Whitehead’s Used Glasses. 6:30 PM 7:00 PM “Still Going” Exercise Class @ Family Life Center (FLC) Wednesday Adult Bible Study/Prayer - Education Building Choir Rehearsal Student’s “CROSSOVER” HHSM Kidz@HHBC - TEAMKID Finance Committee Meeting Dear HHBC family, Thank you so much for the sweet drop-in you gave me last Sunday. I felt so special to be honored in such a thoughtful way. Thank you for all the cards and gifts but especially all the hugs and sweet words of encouragement. HHBC will always hold a special place in my heart because of all the commitment and faithfulness that you've shown me and my family through the years. I love you all!! Teresa Crumley Bailey Phillips, “Teen Miss Greer”, and Morgan Norris, “Young Miss Teen Prosperity”, are collecting items to donate to the young patients at Palmetto Health Children's Hospital in Columbia, SC! There will be big tubs in the sanctuary and near the office glass doors of the church to drop your donations until Easter Sunday, April 5! Thank you for your help with Bailey & Morgan’s Community Service Project! Items needed are… Scrapbooking Kits Individually packaged Arts and Crafts Kits Coloring Books Crayola Crayons (Crayola is latex free) Crayola Markers Colored Pencils Word Search Books Small Scissors Glue Sticks Crossword Puzzle Books FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 9:00 AM “Still Going” Exercise Class @ Family Life Center (FLC) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 6:00 PM Meet at the church for Young Couples Date Night SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 9:30 AM Bible Fellowship Groups (BFG) 10:30 AM Morning Worship & Children’s Church 4:30 PM Deacon’s Meeting 5:30 PM AWANA CLUBS & HHSM Student Ministry 6:00 PM Adult Class - Led by ‘Pastor Jimmy’ - Room by walkway OFFERING 2/08/15 RECEIVED: $ 5911.00 WORSHIP ATTENDANCE: 131 BFG ATTENDANCE: 123 Staff Dr. Jimmy Robinson - Transitional Pastor Clay Simmons - Children’s Director Bryce Staggs - Youth Director Nancy Standish - Office Administrator ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES ARE LOCATED AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE WORSHIP CENTER. Hampton Heights Baptist Church 2511 Wade Hampton Blvd, Greenville, SC 29615 phone: (864)244-1385, website: Dr. Jimmy Robinson - Transitional Pastor
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