BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 BRITISH FORCES GERMANY SHEF MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Table of contents Revision summary ............................................................................................................................................. 2 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 3 AIM..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 BFG SHEF MANUAL......................................................................................................................................... 3 Authority of and duty to comply with the BFG SHEF Manual ..................................................................... 3 Structure of the BFG SHEF Manual............................................................................................................ 3 Contents ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 POLICY.............................................................................................................................................................. 4 Secretary of State’s policy statement.......................................................................................................... 4 Comd BFG SHEF and Sustainable Development (SD) statements ........................................................... 4 GOC 1st(UK) Division SHEF Statement ...................................................................................................... 4 Provision of SHEF support by HQ BFG to HQ 1st (UK) Division and OPCOM units................................... 5 GOC Force Troops Command SHEF and SD Statement........................................................................... 5 Provision of SHEF support by HQ BFG to units OPCOM Theatre Troops and JHC.................................. 5 Commander Westfalen Garrison SHEF Statement .................................................................................... 5 Formation commanders Health and Safety and SD responsibilities........................................................... 5 SHEF and SD responsibility and governance of the BFG Command Group ............................................. 6 Commanding officers’ SHEF responsibilities .............................................................................................. 6 SHEF arrangements within service or working level agreements .............................................................. 6 Legal guidance............................................................................................................................................ 7 Health and Safety Executive intervention in UK ......................................................................................... 8 ORGANISATION AND ARRANGEMENTS ....................................................................................................... 8 BFG SHEF organisation and arrangements ............................................................................................... 8 Garrison SHEF management systems ....................................................................................................... 8 Garrison SHEF committees ........................................................................................................................ 8 Brigade SHEF management systems......................................................................................................... 9 European Support Group SHEF management system............................................................................... 9 BFG Health Service SHEF management system ....................................................................................... 9 Unit SHEF management systems............................................................................................................. 10 Compliance with other SHEF management systems................................................................................ 10 Personal accountability, the duty of care and responsibility for others ..................................................... 10 Visitors and contractors............................................................................................................................. 10 Co-operation and co-ordination - garrison HQ responsibilities ................................................................. 11 Co-operation and co-ordination – unit responsibilities.............................................................................. 11 Lead unit, lodger unit, parent and parented units - responsibilities .......................................................... 11 Official visits by German Government H&S officials to construction works on BFG installations ............ 11 SHEF training ............................................................................................................................................ 11 SHEF communication ............................................................................................................................... 12 Range safety – compliance with Defence Training Estate (Germany) (DTE(G)) direction ...................... 13 SHEF arrangements for rear operations groups....................................................................................... 13 PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION............................................................................................................. 13 BFG annual SHEF and Sustainable Development Plan........................................................................... 13 Unit annual SHEF and Sustainable Development Plan............................................................................ 13 Resource management............................................................................................................................. 13 Risk management ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Disaster and emergency planning ............................................................................................................ 15 Sustainable development.......................................................................................................................... 15 MEASURING AND REVIEWING PERFORMANCE ................................................................................. 15 ANNEXES........................................................................................................................................................ 17 Annex A - Secretary of State's SHEF Policy Statement (English Text).................................................... 18 Annex B - Secretary of State's SHEF Policy Statement (German Text)................................................... 20 Annex C - Comd BFG SHEF Statement (English Text) …………………………...…………………………20 Annex D - Comd BFG SHEF Statement (German Text) .......................................................................... 23 Annex E - Organisation and governance schematic of SHEF in BFG...................................................... 25 Revision date 2 Apr 15 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 1 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 Annex F – HQ BFG SHEF Mission and Task Organisation...................................................................... 26 Annex G - BFG SHEF Committee - Terms of Reference ......................................................................... 27 Appendix 1 – BFG SHEF Committee-Standing Agenda........................................................................... 29 Appendix 2 – SHEF Committee Meeting - Process Map.......................................................................... 30 Annex H – 1 (UK) Div Force Protection Committee - Terms of Reference .............................................. 31 Appendix 1 (Annex H) - 1 (UK) DivForce Protection Committee - Organisation ...................................... 33 Annex I – BFG German Safety Expert Working Group - Terms of Reference ......................................... 34 Annex J – SHEF Risk and Issue Proforma ............................................................................................... 36 Revision summary The only authoritative version of the document is that published on the HQ BFG SHEF Website All other copies and any printed versions are defined as uncontrolled. For ease of reference the most recent changes within the text are shown in blue. All revisions prior to 1 Apr 12 have been incorporated in black text and the version of the manual as at 31 Mar 12 has been archived. Minor editorial changes or corrections as well as any deletions are not shown. Any changes are to be submitted through fmn HQ or garrison SHEF focal points to SO1 G3 Ops Sp SHEF HQ BFG. Subject heading (Ctrl+click) Garrison SHEF Management Systems Garrison SHEF Committees Brigade SHEF Management Systems European Support Group SHEF Management System BFG Health Service SHEF Management System Co-operation and co-ordination- garrison HQ responsibilities Garrison annual SHEF and Sustainable Development Plan Resource management SHEF Communication Annex C - GOC BFG SHEF Statement (English Text) Annex D - GOC BFG SHEF Statement (German Text) Annex E - GOC 1st(UK) Armd Div SHEF Statement Annex F - Commander Germany Garrisons SHEF Statement (English Text) Annex G - Commander Germany Garrisons SHEF Statement (German Text) Annex H – Organisation of SHEF in Germany Annex J – BFG SHEF Focal Point Committee Terms of Reference Annex M – Generic SHEF risk Management Plan Format Annex G - Germany Garrisons Deputy Commanders SHEF Statements Health and Safety Executive intervention in UK Annex A - Secretary of State's SHEF Policy Statement (English Text) Annex B - Secretary of State's SHEF Policy Statement (German Text) Annex C - GOC BFG SHEF Statement (English Text) Annex D - GOC BFG SHEF Statement (German Text) Annex F - Commander Westfalen Garrison SHEF Statement (English Text) Annex G - Commander Westfalen Garrison SHEF Statement (German Text) Annex J - BFG SHEF Committee mtg Annex L - BFG German Safety Expert Working Group - Terms of Reference Annex A - Secretary of State's SHEF Policy Statement (English Text) Annex J – BFG SHEF Committee - membership Removal of ‘Armd’ from HQ 1(UK) Armd Div Removal of GOC 1 (UK) Div & Comd WG SHEF statements &re-designation of Annexes Change GOC to Comd BFG and replace HQ Army (LF) with Sp comd Revision date 2 Apr 15 Part 1- Chapter 1 Revision date 1 Apr 12 1 Apr 12 1 Apr 12; 24 May13 1 Apr 12 1 Apr 12; 24 May 13 1 Apr 12 1 Apr 12 1 Apr 12 1 Apr 12 1 Apr 12; 24 Aug 12 1 Apr 12; 24 Aug 12 1 Apr 12; 7 Nov 12 1 Apr 12; 1 Apr 13 1 Apr 12; 1 Apr 13 1 Apr 12 1 Apr 12; 25 Apr 13 1 Apr 12 24 May 13 24 May 13 22 Aug 13 22 Aug 13 21 May 14 21 May 14 8 May 14 8 May 14 17 Feb 14 19 Feb 14 29 Aug 14 9 Sep 14 6 Oct 14 9 Oct 14 2 Apr 15 Page 2 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 BRITISH FORCES GERMANY SHEF MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INTRODUCTION 11001. SHEF is the acronym for Health and Safety at Work, Environmental Protection and Fire Safety; essentially it is Force Protection (FP). MOD defines 1 FP as ‘the means by which operational effectiveness is maintained through countering the threats of adversary, natural and human hazards, including fratricide, in order to ensure security and freedom of manoeuvre’. 11002. It is a fundamental tenet of BFG SHEF policy that there are no short cuts to successful health and safety management, to environmental protection or any matters concerning fire safety. As Force Protection, SHEF cannot be sidelined and it must not be delegated out of sight. 11003. The clearest lesson from practical experience is that the starting point is the genuine and thoughtful commitment of senior commanders, permeated and sustained through proactive engagement and thoughtful leadership at all levels of command. Within the Army this commitment is defined through the clear direction for the management of safety given in LFSO 3216 - The Organisation and Arrangements for the Management of Health and Safety in Land Forces. 11004. Safety management is an OPCOM responsibility with expert support, advice and audit being provided through the Firm Base. Army policy 2 requires overseas commanders. in so far as is reasonably practicable, to agree and publish a single cohesive command level SHEF management system that draws together UK and Host Nation requirements for compliance by all employees of the command, irrespective of their TLB or budgetary status. Within British Forces Germany this requirement is met through publication of this BFG SHEF Manual as a Firm Base output of HQ British Forces Germany. AIM 11005. The aim of this Manual is to provide commanders 3 with the BFG SHEF Management System in order to assist their compliance with SHEF legislation and governance to meet Host Nation standards, and the policy and direction of MOD and the army. BFG SHEF MANUAL Authority of and duty to comply with the BFG SHEF Manual 11006. The BFG SHEF Manual is published under the authority of SO BF(G) 4400. It is to be complied with by all units, organisations, agencies and establishments within BFG and personnel of all Force Elements under ADMINCON HQ BFG, irrespective of their parent Service, TLB or Agency. Failure to comply with this SO BF(G) may lead to disciplinary and/or administrative action for those subject to military law. Structure of the BFG SHEF Manual 11007. HSG 65, Successful Health and Safety Management, published by the Health and Safety Executive, (IGS required) is considered to be best practise for the structure of any Health and Safety Management System and has been adopted by MOD and the army. In so far as is reasonably practicable the BFG SHEF Manual complies with the format set out by HSG 65 shown in Figure 1 below. All SHEF Management systems in BFG should comply with this format. 11 JSP 375 Volume 1. LFSO 3216 paragraph 13 3 For the purposes of this Manual the expression ‘Commander’ is used to include all levels of Commanders and includes Commanders at all levels, Commanding Officers, Heads of Organisations and Agencies, Officers Commanding and others with delegated line or command management responsibilities for SHEF. 2 Revision date 2 Apr 15 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 3 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 Figure 1- HSG 65 Schematic Contents 11008. The contents of the BFG SHEF Manual are: a. Part 1 – SHEF Management Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 BFG SHEF Management System. SHEF Performance Review and Audit. Unit SHEF Management. Health and Safety for Directly Employed Labour. SHEF Training. SHEF Arrangements within Service Level Agreements. b. Part 2 - Health and Safety The Management of Health and Safety Health and Safety Leaflets c. Part 3 – Environmental Protection Policy, Organisation and Arrangements. Chapter 1 Planning and Implementation. Chapter 2 Monitoring. Chapter 3 d. Part 4 - Fire Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Policy, Organisation and Arrangements. Planning and Implementation. POLICY Secretary of State’s policy statement 11009. The sole departmental Policy Statement is that of the Secretary of State for Defence at Annex A in English and at Annex B in German. Part 1 of these Statements is always to be displayed on notice boards alongside that of the commanding officer. No other statements are to be displayed. Comd BFG SHEF and Sustainable Development (SD) statements 11010. Comd BFG Statements on the Management of SHEF and SD in BFG, in both English and German, are respectively at Annex C and Annex D of this Chapter. These statements are promulgated through this manual to all levels of command within BFG. The statements are not to be displayed on notice boards. GOC 1st (UK) Division SHEF Statement 11011. GOC 1st (UK) Division SHEF Statement can be found at this link. He requires all Commanders, COs and personnel within 1st (UK) Division to comply with the BFG SHEF Manual and with any further SHEF direction that may be published. The statement has been published and promulgated separately; it is not to be displayed on notice boards. Revision date 2 Apr 15 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 4 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 Provision of SHEF support by HQ BFG to HQ 1st (UK) Division and OPCOM units 11012. HQ BFG will provide HQ 1st (UK) Division and OPCOM units with expert SHEF advice, support and audit in order to assist commanders to comply with SHEF legislation and army plans in Germany. GOC Force Troops Command SHEF and SD Statement 11013. GOC Force Troops Command SHEF and SD Statement, directs that all units and organisations under his OPCOM in Germany are to comply with the BFG SHEF Manual. Provision of SHEF support by HQ BFG to units OPCOM Theatre Troops and JHC 11014. HQ BFG will provide units in Germany that are OPCOM HQ Theatre Troops or JHC with expert SHEF advice and audit and a cohesive SHEF management system in order to assist commanders to comply with SHEF legislation and army plans in Germany. Commander Westfalen Garrison SHEF Statement 11015. Commander Westfalen Garrison Statement on the Management of SHEF is at this link. Formation commanders Health and Safety and SD responsibilities 11016. It is LAND Forces Policy 4 that Health and Safety (H&S) objectives are to be regarded in the same way as other mainstream objectives and led by Formation Commanders. This is not to say that soldiers are to be wrapped in cotton wool. It is more related to maximising resource by preventing avoidable harm and injury, while at the same time delivering forces at readiness. Strong and active leadership in H&S is expected from Formation Commanders who are to: a. Appoint a Safety Champion and a Sustainable Development Champion 5 to the Formation Management/Command Board. b. Publish a signed and dated statement of organisation and arrangements. This SHEF Manual, published under the authority of SO BF(G) 4400 as directed in LFSO 3216, constitutes the command wide detailed organisation and arrangements for BFG and for 1st (UK) Armd Div and Th Tps units based in Germany, as directed in statements by their commanders. c. Ensure that safety performance and SD measurement and review are conducted in detail at safety and SD committee level where appropriate, and regularly at main management/command board level. d. Ensure that a positive safety and SD culture is fostered and developed in their commands. e. Ensure that all accidents, incidents, near misses and equipment failures are reported to the Army Incident Notification Cell (AINC) in accordance with prevailing service instructions. f. Ensure that all accidents, incidents and near misses are investigated either by Service Enquiry, by 6 Land Accident Investigation Team (LAIT), or by Learning Account , g. Ensure the safe operation of equipment, based on safe performance envelopes and associated operating/maintenance instructions provided by Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S). h. Ensure that equipment is not used outside DE&S defined safe performance envelopes and associated operating/maintenance instructions without a 2* dispensation, in accordance with JSP 375, Volume 2, Leaflet 11, which is to be supported by a risk assessment and is only to be used in circumstances which are directly related to operations. 4 32 LFSO 16, para 9. Sustainable development champions are not mandated by LFSO 1125 for field army HQs who are to ensure that they support FB formations work and LFSOs, policies and directives 6 LFSO 3207 5 Revision date 2 Apr 15 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 5 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 i. Eliminate fatalities arising from H&S failings, and reduce injuries in accordance with targets set out in the Defence and Army Plans from time to time and the BFG SHEF and Sustainable Development Action Plan. j. Report safety and sustainable development performance as directed. k. Ensure that subordinate formations and units are audited for SHEF and SD compliance under arrangements made in the Firm Base chain of command and agreed with relevant HQs l. Pursue a discipline and rewards policy that takes disciplinary or administrative action over very poor safety practices, but rewards good safety practice by means of Formation Commanders’ commendations and other reward or official recognition mechanisms. 11018. A formal review of the formations safety Organisation and Arrangements (O & A) is to be conducted at least annually and after any serious incident which casts doubt on their effectiveness. To ensure maximum value, views and opinions across a broad section of the organisation should be sought. At HQ BFG level this is through consultation with Army HQ, peer formations, garrisons and brigades, BFG HS and ESG and other agencies and establishments. SHEF and SD responsibility and governance of the BFG Command Group 11019. SHEF and sustainable development governance for BFG is a duty of the Command Group (BFG CG), chaired by Comd BFG. Through publication of its SHEF governance duties in this BFG SHEF Manual 7 the BFG CG complies with Army safety policy and: a. Accepts formally and publicly its collective role in providing SHEF leadership. b. Always tables SHEF as a standing agenda item at each external quarterly BFG CG meeting in order to evaluate and give direction on safety, environmental protection sustainable development performance and risk. c. Ensures that each member of the BFG CG accepts their individual role in providing safety, environmental protection and sustainable development leadership for their organisation. d. Ensures that all its decisions reflect its safety and environmental protection intentions, as articulated in the Secretary of State’s safety, health and environmental protection and sustainable development policy statement. e. Recognises its role in engaging the active participation of staff in improving safety and environmental protection and sustainable development performance. f. Ensures that it is kept informed of and alerted to relevant safety, environmental protection and sustainable development risk management issues. g. Appoints AD Log, HQ BFG to be the safety ‘champion’ and the sustainable development ‘champion’ whose role as such is to ensure that the above issues are properly addressed by the board. SO1 SHEF HQ BFG is appointed as the safety and sustainable development focal point. Commanding officers’ SHEF responsibilities 11020. The SHEF responsibilities of commanding officers are published in this manual at Part 1 Chapter 3 which includes all the relevant direction from LFSO 3216. All Commanding Officers in BFG, irrespective of their OPCOM formation, are required to discharge these responsibilities as published in this manual. SHEF arrangements within service or working level agreements 11021. SHEF direction given through service or working level agreements to certain agencies and organisations within BFG are contained in Chapter 6 of this part of the BFG SHEF Manual. 7 LFSO 3216 Revision date 2 Apr 15 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 6 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 Legal guidance 8 11022. The way in which British Forces in Germany (BFG) operates is regulated by two linked but separate international legally binding treaties, namely the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) and its Supplementary Agreement (SA). The land which is occupied and used by BFG is made available by the Federal Government for defence associated purposes. It is to be emphasised that although SOFA and the SA give BFG certain rights in relation to that land, the real estate, including that comprising enclosed camps, remains sovereign German territory. 11023. In addition to giving rights to BFG in the treaties, SA also imposes obligations such as the duty to comply with German Law, which includes German health and safety law in respect of activities undertaken on their land (Article 53. 1 SA). This general obligation is subject to certain exemptions, namely where an activity affects only the members or property of BFG or where an exception is contained in the SA itself or in other international agreements. In practice, the scope for relying on these apparent exceptions is very limited, and whenever a question arises as to whether an exemption from German health and safety law can apply, advice should be sought from the Directorate of Legal Services (Germany) at HQ BFG. 11024. Furthermore, BFG is specifically obliged to apply German health and safety standards to locally recruited staff other than dependants, i. e. Directly Employed Labour (DEL) in the same way as they apply to civilian employees of the Federal Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) (Article 56. 1 SA). Agencies of the Federal Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) are responsible for inspecting the health and safety management systems put in place by BFG in respect of DEL. These agencies will wish to ensure that any accident prevention directives issues by BFG are comparable to those acceptable to German law. 11025. Copies of this BFG SHEF Manual, which contains BFG Accident Prevention Directives, have been provided to the competent German authorities. They have reported that this Manual is compliant with accident prevention regulations under German Law and is thus compliant with our SA to SOFA obligations 11026. The obligations mentioned above are underpinned in the Policy Statement issued by the Secretary of State for Defence which states: “Overseas, we will apply UK standards where reasonably practicable and in addition respond to ‘host nations’ relevant HS&EP expectations.” This policy statement instructs BFG to comply with German health and safety standards (in line with the SA) and only to apply a different UK standard where it is reasonably practicable to do so. Reasonably practicable means where there is a measurable reduction of risk in the level of safety in proportion to the difficulty and cost of taking the measure. 11027. Despite BFG’s primary obligation to comply with German health and safety standards, it is important to ensure that safety measures taken in BFG which could affect the military, civilian and dependant members of BFG are not inferior in principle to those which would be applied in the UK, so that they are provided, in so far as is reasonably practicable, with the same degree of SHEF support, training and protection that would be afforded to them in the UK. 11028. The attention of Commanding Officers and Heads of Establishment employing DEL is drawn to Part 1 Chapter 4 of this manual. This contains the appropriate direction, which must be complied with, to ensure that BFG’s DEL employees are afforded their legal SHEF protection and entitlements required by SA to SOFA. Questions from units about H&S matters relating to DEL employees should be referred to the German Health and Safety at Work Expert (GHSWE) in the first instance. 11029. It should be noted that Unit Works Councils have rights under Article 81 of the Federal Personnel Representation Law to consult and be consulted about workplace safety for DEL employees. In the first instance these are matters that are to be dealt with jointly with the UWC and Head of Agency concerned, with the engagement as necessary of the GHSWE. 11030. By observing the guidance and direction given in this manual commanders can be reasonably assured that they will meet the standards of SHEF governance required by the Secretary of State and the army. 8 BFG LA/ENV/06 dated 25 July 2007. Revision date 2 Apr 15 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 7 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 11031. It should be noted that military personnel, UKBCs and dependent employees (DEP) do not pay into the German State tax, social, health or pension scheme and they are not covered by the German H&S Workplace Insurance System. They are not included in that group of employees (DEL) to whom Article 56(1) of the SA to SOFA applies. All UK based personnel are covered under UK H&S arrangements. Health and Safety Executive intervention in UK 11032. The UK Health and Safety Executive do not have powers outside the UK and its territorial waters. However, when BFG based units are working or training in UK, they may be liable for HSE intervention as for any unit based in UK. In that event the facts are to be reported to CESO(A) through the OPCOM chain of command. Fees raised by HSE for intervention will be paid by CESO(A). ORGANISATION AND ARRANGEMENTS BFG SHEF organisation and arrangements 11033. An organisation and governance schematic of SHEF in BFG is at Annex E. 11034. The Mission Statement and Task Organisation of SHEF Branch HQ BFG is at Annex F. 11035. TOR for the BFG SHEF Committee are at Annex G. 11036. TOR for the 1 (UK) Div Force Protection Committee are at Annex H. 11037. TOR for the BFG Safety Experts Working Group are at Annex I Garrison SHEF management systems 11038. Garrisons are to define and publish a SHEF management system in the form of local instructions showing their SHEF policy, organisation and arrangements, planning and system review applicable to all units under their ADMINCON irrespective of their OPCOM status. As the BFG SHEF manual constitutes the BFG SHEF management system, it is recommended that garrisons draw on, replicate, hyperlink or otherwise refer to the BFG SHEF Manual when creating their own SHEF documents. The aim is to simplify the process, in so far as is reasonably practicable, whilst still ensuring that clear direction is given. 11039. The garrison HQ SHEF management system must contain at least the deputy commander’s statement, his SHEF and sustainable development plan, SHEF committee terms of reference and the SHEF organisation and arrangements. These must include specific and clear direction for lead units and SHEF parenting plots, plus any local direction or orders needed to expand on the direction given in the BFG SHEF manual. 11040. A serving military officer on the garrison HQ staff is to be appointed as Safety and Sustainable Development Champion and is to be the focal point for these matters. The appointee is a member of the BFG SHEF Focal Point committee, the terms of reference for which are at Annex I. 11041. Garrison SHEF management systems, SHEF committee documents, and any SHEF policy, instructions/orders are to be published on the Garrison SHEF website widely and made available for all staff. Only where unavoidable should hard copies be produced. Garrison SHEF committees 11042. Garrison SHEF committees are to be established and held at least twice in a 12 month period as a mandatory core element of their SHEF Management System. Garrison SHEF committees are to be chaired by the Deputy Garrison Commander. Minutes are to be published expeditiously, widely displayed, and copied to HQ BFG, SHEF normally using EWP. 11043. Garrison SHEF committees are to be attended by the brigade safety champion. Terms of Reference are to be based on those for units at Annex B – Generic Terms of Reference for a Unit SHEF Committee at Part 1 Chapter 3 of this manual. Meetings should follow the agenda with the TOR and must always table the following mandatory items as specific stand alone items: a. Matters arising from previous meetings. Revision date 2 Apr 15 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 8 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 Progress against the action required by: b. (1) The HQ BFG SHEF and SD Management Plan (SMP). (2) The unit SMP’s. c. Safety performance. This will normally be a factual review of all accident, incident and near misses and lessons learnt allowing the commander to give direction to improve safety performance. d. Fire Safety, including a review of relevant works services. Brigade SHEF management systems 11044. Brigades are, through their commanders SHEF statements, to direct units to comply with the BFG SHEF management system (the BFG SHEF Manual (SO BF(G) 4400)). Compliance is supplemented by further Firm Base direction in the garrison SHEF management system which is to include any brigade specific SHEF matters. Providing this has been done there is no requirement for a brigade to publish a separate SHEF management system. 11045. Brigade commanders are to nominate in their SHEF statement a serving officer on their HQ staff, by appointment, as safety champion. When the Bde is deployed this appointment is to be held by an officer on the rear operations group. There is no requirement to appoint a sustainable development champion; that is a Firm Base duty. 11046. There is no requirement for brigades to publish their own SHEF Management and Sustainable Development Plan (SMP). Brigades are to ensure that any OPCOM SHEF planning direction is published and that the brigade commander’s SHEF statement directs OPCOM units to comply with the BFG SMP. 11047. Unless otherwise required by the brigade commander, there is normally no need for a brigade SHEF committee providing the brigade safety champion sits on the garrison SHEF committee. As safety is an OPCOM duty brigades may establish SHEF committees as and when required. 11048. SHEF statements by brigade commanders are at the following links: a. Comd 7 Armd Bde. b. Comd 20 Armd Bde. c. Comd 102 Log Bde. European Support Group SHEF management system 11049. Comd European Support Group is to define and implement an ESG SHEF management system compliant with the BFG SHEF Manual in respect of units stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany and with MOD overseas SHEF policy for all other units. BFG Health Service SHEF management system 11050. Director BFG Health Service (HS) is to define and implement a BFG HS SHEF management system compliant with the BFG SHEF Manual. As the BFG SHEF manual and related SMP constitutes the BFG SHEF management system, it is recommended that BFG HS draws on, hyperlinks, replicates or otherwise refers to the BFG SHEF manual. The aim is to simplify the process, in so far as is reasonably practicable, whilst still ensuring that clear direction is given so that all persons know what is expected of them. 11051. The joint SHEF statement of Director BFG HS and the Managing Director SSAFA Guys and St Thomas’s Trust Limited Liability Partnership is at this LINK. Exceptionally, authority is given for this statement to be displayed on SHEF notice boards with that of Secretary of State and the local commander. Revision date 2 Apr 15 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 9 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 Unit SHEF management systems 11052. All units 9 in BFG are to define and publish their own SHEF management system in the form of local instructions in accordance with the detailed guidance given in part 1, chapter 3 of this manual in compliance with more detailed direction which may be given by their garrison or bde HQ. As the BFG SHEF manual constitutes the BFG SHEF management system, it is recommended that units to draw on, hyperlink, replicate or otherwise refer to the BFG SHEF manual when creating their own SHEF documents, whilst including direction in the gar/bde management system. The aim is to simplify the process, in so far as is reasonably practicable, whilst still ensuring that clear direction is given so that all persons know what is expected of them. 11053. The unit SHEF management system is to be published on the units DII F website and made accessible to all ranks and staff. The website should contain updated local information and links to all relevant documents, including the BFG SHEF manual and any direction given by garrison or brigade. Compliance with other SHEF management systems 11054. Units and organisations within the BFG area which are not part of LAND Forces are to comply with any SHEF Management System requirements issued by their own TLB, agency or organisation as well as any plan and statements from their ADMINCON garrison HQ. 11055. Where a unit has a sub-unit remotely located from the parent unit, then that sub unit is additionally to comply with such local SHEF direction as may be given by the garrison commander or an appointed lead unit. 11056. In the event of a conflict of interests or difference in performance standards which creates a problem of compliance with the above, then the details are to be reported for resolution at HQ level between both issuing authorities. Personal accountability, the duty of care and responsibility for others 11057. It is the personal responsibility of commanders to encourage and promote, through effective leadership and the sensible application of risk assessment, SHEF arrangements and systems so that a positive safety culture permeates throughout their organisation. 11058. All personnel have a legal duty of care, both to themselves and others. Anyone may be liable to criminal or civil action if they wilfully, or recklessly, disregard health and safety requirements. Commanders must therefore take a demonstrable lead to ensure that all activities are undertaken in the safest possible manner, consistent with the requirements of the task and mission. Whilst tasks and the supervision of activities may be delegated, the legal responsibility always remains with the commander and may never be delegated to a safety advisor. Visitors and contractors 11059. All visitors or persons working temporarily within BFG, including contractors, consultants, or part time workers shall be made aware of any hazards that exist in the workplace/training areas, also of any practices which may result in damage to the environment. They must be made aware of the provisions of any risk assessments that might apply to their activities. Commanders shall ensure that suitable and sufficient management arrangements are put in place so that exchange of SHEF information is made with contractors, visitors, consultants and part time works or others who may come on to their sites or work within their areas of responsibility. Attention is drawn to the detailed arrangements for contractors and visitors in part 2 leaflet 4 of this manual. 11060. Where BFG personnel are working, training or visiting places or units away from their home base they shall make themselves familiar with local safety and environmental rules and work to those requirements. They shall not, by their activities on that site, endanger themselves or other people. 9 A unit is defined as any unit, organisation or establishment under ADMINCON of HQ BFG or a Garrison as detailed in the BFG Plan. Revision date 2 Apr 15 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 10 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 Co-operation and co-ordination - garrison HQ responsibilities 11061. Garrison commanders are to make and publish adequate arrangements, with responsibilities clearly defined by unit and appointment, for the co-ordination of SHEF matters within all their barracks and designated areas. These arrangements are to be complied with by all units under their administrative control irrespective of their TLB or budgetary status. 11062. To comply with MOD policy, garrison HQs are to set out in writing and keep under review, a document showing which unit has the lead for each site. In barracks shared by several major units it will be normal for one unit to be appointed as the lead unit in order to control both the perimeter fence and site access & egress. That lead unit is to be directed by garrison HQ to prepare and maintain the overall site hazard survey and corresponding risk assessments and to communicate these to all units on the site. 11063. Small organisations such as some medical centres, dental centres, libraries, AWS teams, AECs, kindergartens, crèches, HIVES etc and all those with 5 or less staff that would be best supported by drawing SHEF assistance from another unit are to be defined in the garrison parenting plot. They are to be included in specific instructions so that every parenting and parented unit and organisation knows who supports whom and to what degree. These arrangements must be agreed by all parties, recorded in writing, reviewed at least annually or on change of command or circumstances and made available for audit. Further direction is given in this manual at part 1 chapter 3. 11064. Arrangements are to be established to ensure suitable liaison and an exchange of SHEF information with contractors and visitors. Attention is drawn to the requirement to comply with the ‘4C’s’ principles of Cooperation, Communication, Co-ordination and Control shown in part 2, leaflet 4 of this manual. Co-operation and co-ordination – unit responsibilities 11065. All units in BFG, irrespective of their funding or owning service, TLB or agency, are to cooperate with any local SHEF direction given by garrison HQs or by units appointed by such in a lead, parenting or coordination role. Lead unit, lodger unit, parent and parented units - responsibilities 11066. Certain units may, under garrison arrangements, be allocated SHEF responsibilities, as a lead unit, a lodger unit, a parent or parented unit. Further direction is given in this manual at part 1 chapter 3 Official visits by German Government H&S officials to construction works on BFG installations 11067. The Gewerbeaufsichts-/Arbeitsschutzamt may visit BFG installations, without notice, in order to inspect construction works. In such cases the DIO Site Estate Team Leader (SETL) is to be informed as soon as the visitors have asked to be admitted to the barracks or installation. It is then the responsibility of SETL to host the visit and to inform others within the DIO and estate management areas as necessary. The Garrison HQ (the GHSWA and SHEF FP) are to be informed in order to determine who should be the accompanying staff, and how site briefs etc as necessary are to be provided. Attention is drawn to the 4Cs process at part 2 leaflet 4 of this manual. SHEF training 11068. Commanders are to ensure that: a. Personnel receive suitable and sufficient SHEF training for the tasks on which they are engaged, with refresher training provided as necessary. Regular updates to staff are to be given in order to ensure that they are aware of current and future SHEF issues. b. Training risk assessments have been carried out where appropriate and adequate measures made to reduce risk commensurate with the objectives of effective training. Care must be taken to ensure that we train hard for operations, with the right equipment, in realistic conditions or we will transfer risk from training to operations. By heeding the deductions from the risk assessment commanders at all levels are expected to supervise the control of risk closely. Revision date 2 Apr 15 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 11 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 c. Personnel responsible for the supervision and delivery of any training, especially that which may have an associated safety risk and including adventurous training have the necessary competence 10 , equipment and support. Where there is doubt about safety the training must be stopped until the issue is adequately resolved. d. All training risk assessments specify the circumstances under which the risk assessment is to be reviewed; especially when the circumstances change once the initial risk assessment has been completed. The officer authorised to make changes to exercise risk assessments is to be nominated in the exercise instruction. e. Records of all training, updates and briefings are to be maintained at unit level and provided for inspection or audit. 11069. Part 1, chapter 5 of this manual contains direction for SHEF training in BFG. The attention of commanders is drawn specifically to the following: a. Annex A - Safety In Military Training And Exercises. b. Annex B - Managing A Safe System Of Training c. Annex C – The Risk Assessment Process In Military Training An aide memoir for the risk assessment process for training is on the HQ BFG SHEF Website. 11070. At HQ BFG level, the provision of collective and/or distributed SHEF training organised by SHEF branch is to be kept under constant review as a matter of business process. Reports are to be submitted to the BFG Command Group, copied to divisional HQs. 11071. The running programme of SHEF training organised by HQ BFG is on the HQ BFG SHEF Website. SHEF communication 11072. It is LAND Forces policy 11 that units should aim, at sub-unit level, to meet in the workplace (tank park, vehicle hangar, AFV garages) and discuss safety questions in barracks and in the field, where possible, preferably once per quarter. Meetings, which may be combined with tool box top talks, ECI briefs, WIPs or other training sessions, are to be recorded and presented for inspection by audit. This means that the nub of the discussion must be noted by tp/pl comds and records kept, with action being taken as required to address any issues raised. Furthermore, during debriefs and After Action Reviews following exercises, units are to consider safety questions which arose during training, and ways of discussing them. Those issues which cannot be dealt with at the local level are then to be brought to the attention of the unit chain of command to inform unit safety committee meetings. This is subject to audit. 11073. Further SHEF communication is to take place: a. Through regular command board/group meetings, including ‘O’ Groups. All COs are mandated always to include safety in all their command group meetings. This is subject to audit. b. Through passage of information both up and down the chain of command, via meetings, briefing and conferences, road shows and training sessions c. Through publicity including use of Sixth Sense, BFBS Television and Radio, newsletters and posters. d. Through use of the Intranet, with unit and garrison level SHEF websites being developed and made accessible to all. 11074. HQ BFG SHEF maintains a SHEF Website . This contains the BFG SHEF Manual and SMP and a useful and informative range of up-to-date SHEF advice, direction, information and links. Suggested amendments for the website should be submitted in accordance with page ii of this manual. 10 A competent person has the required Skills, Knowledge, Ability, Training and Experience required for the safe supervision and management of a task. See This manual Part 2 Leaflet 3 11 Reference B, Para 17 Revision date 2 Apr 15 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 12 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 11075. CESO (A) maintains the Army Safety website with links to useful information. 11076. CESO (A) also produces an army and environment matters newsletter; this is circulated to unit level and should be seen by all commanders. Readers are invited to contribute directly to the editor. Range safety – compliance with Defence Training Estate (Germany) (DTE(G)) direction 11077. Units, organisations and personnel present for any purpose, including training, live firing, exercising, support or any other reason on any ranges or training estate controlled, allocated or otherwise provided for their use by DTE(G) are required to comply with all safety instructions, safe systems of training or other direction for safety given by or on behalf of Comd DTE(G). SHEF arrangements for rear operations groups 11078. Commanders are to make arrangements to ensure that rear operations groups (ROG) are adequately manned with personnel who are sufficiently competent in all appropriate SHEF disciplines, including energy and utilities management. If they intend that an ROG should combine or otherwise cooperate on SHEF matters with other units, advice about the arrangements are to be sought in the first instance from the garrison SHEF focal point. 11079. ROG are to continue to hold SHEF meetings in the absence of the main unit, unless written dispensation has otherwise been given by garrison HQ, who by so doing is to make alternative arrangements to ensure that SHEF matters are still properly addressed at rear party level. PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION BFG annual SHEF and Sustainable Development Plan 11080. HQ BFG G3 Ops Sp SHEF will publish an annual BFG SHEF and Sustainable Development Plan (SMP). This will take direction from SHEF direction which may be issued by HQ LAND Forces. The SMP will reflect Comd BFG’s intent as an HQ BFG output. It is to be a standing item on the BFG SHEF FP committee and significant issues briefed to command groups as necessary. 11081. The SMP is a policy document and it is to be complied with by all action addressees. It is to be cascaded to unit level, with garrisons, brigades and units adding value though inclusion of local targets. All targets are to be reported on and progress against objectives is to be evaluated. 11082. The BFG SHEF SMP is maintained as a live document on the HQ BFG SHEF Website. Unit annual SHEF and Sustainable Development Plan 11083. Commanders of all units, organisations and establishments under ADMINCON of a garrison are to define and publish their own SMP, structured and based on the Garrison SMP. Units are to comply with the specific direction on unit level SHEF planning given in this manual at part 1 chapter 3. Resource management 11084. The S of S Policy Statement requires managers at every level to have adequate resources at their disposal to discharge their SHEF responsibilities. A significant lack of adequate resources must be reported to higher formation. This would include inadequate funding, gapped posts and/or inadequate manpower and equipment shortfalls any of which may impact on safety or environmental protection. Significant shortfalls should be taken as those with the potential to cause a breach of legislation, personal injury or damage to infrastructure or the environment. 11085. Such matters are to be placed into the unit or formations SHEF SMP in order for them to be monitored and managed at the correct level. Where appropriate a risk assessment and related risk management plan may be required. A risk and issue management plan format is at Annex J. 11086. Where necessary, shortfalls to meet the plan at unit or garrison level are to be reported through the garrison HQ to HQ BFG using the format at Annex M, consulting the brigade as necessary to ensure that any operational impacts are included. HQ BFG will consult as necessary and may refer unresolved matters to HQ Support Command. Revision date 2 Apr 15 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 13 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 Risk management 11087. The completion of environmental and safety 12 risk assessments for work places, processes and activities are both MOD and legal requirements 13 . Whilst the overall responsibility for the management of risk lies with the commander, the responsibility for completing risk assessments and implementing controls falls to line managers as part of their normal duties. The outcome shall be the suitable and sufficient 14 implementation of adequate control measures that minimise the risk of harm to people, property and the environment. 11088. BFGs approach to environmental protection and safety risk management complies with MOD Policy and is based on the principles of: a. Clear ownership of risk. b. Clear delegation of authority. c. Balanced risk management and adequate control measures. d. Appropriate monitoring, inspection and audit. e. Common policies and standards. f. Transparency of procedure. g. Auditable trail of decisions. 11089. To comply with the principles set out above commanders are required to ensure that the following 5 steps are applied to the risk management process: a. Hazard identification – There must be a clear description of activities and processes that may lead to harm and what that harm actually constitutes. b. Risk assessment – Risks shall be evaluated in terms of likelihood of them occurring and the associated impact against outputs. Consideration of risk shall include the population likely to be affected or the possible extent of environmental damage. This shall be used to enable consistent comparison and prioritisation of risk management measures. c. Risk management – For effective management of the risk, an owner, with the authority and competence to determine the control measures required to minimise the risk, shall be nominated and made responsible and accountable. Where required, additional control measures shall be considered and implemented by the owner and the degree of residual risk re-evaluated. When determining risk management measures for training care must be taken to strike a balance so that risk is not transferred from training to operations. d. Risk reporting – Where necessary risk is to be entered onto a SHEF risk management plan (RMP), tabled at the appropriate SHEF committee. If the risk cannot be contained then it is to be referred to higher authority. It must never be ignored just because local resources do not permit the risk to be managed. The format for reporting SHEF and SD risk or issues is at Annex J. e. Risk review – Control measures must remain effective; if they become degraded the likelihood of harm may increase. To prevent this, risk owners shall assure themselves periodically that control measures remain balanced and effective. An annual review of risk is to take place, or when the circumstances that gave rise to the assessment alter substantially. Where there is doubt then further advice is to be sought. 12 Safety includes Fire Safety. The Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 Regulation 3. 14 See BFG SHEF Manual Part 2 Leaflets 26 and 30 for further information on the specific management of risk in the workplace and site risk assessment. All leaflets contain further subject risk management advice. 13 Revision date 2 Apr 15 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 14 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 11091. Detailed guidance on risk assessment is given in this manual as follows: a. Part 1, chapter 5, annexes A, B and C; The risk assessment processes in military training. b. Part 2, leaflet 26; workplace risk assessment. c. Part 2, leaflet 30; site risk assessment. d. Part 2, Leaflet E6; pollution risk assessment. 11092. Further in year guidance on the management of specific SHEF risk may be given in the BFG SHEF SMP or through chain of command direction. Disaster and emergency planning 11093. All units are to ensure they have in place and rehearse as often as is appropriate, for their riskassessed circumstances, a suitably sufficiently detailed and organised disaster and emergency plan. These arrangements apply to a unit even if it has a part role in a wider barracks or garrison plan for which it is not the lead or author. It follows that unit plans may form part of a wider plan which may include security and business continuity. The arrangements are to be tested, monitored and reviewed as necessary, at least annually. 11094. This is a statutory requirement 15 and is subject to audit. 11095. Attention is drawn to further direction given part 2 leaflet 7 of this manual. Sustainable development 11096. Sustainable Development (SD) is described in LFSO 1125 as: The goal of sustainable development is to enable all people throughout the world to satisfy their basic needs and enjoy a better quality of life, without compromising the quality of life of future generations. ” 11097. SD is about preserving resources, saving money, reducing the Army’s impact on the environment, and recognising that changes in the climate will increasingly have an effect on current and future operations. It addresses the environmental, social, and economic impact of how the Army lives, works, and operates. 11098. This definition highlights the need to apply a long-term perspective to current activities and impacts, in order to safeguard the interests of future generations and promote environmental stability. 11099. BFG will conform, in so far as is reasonably practicable for an overseas command, with the SD direction given in LFSO 1125 and related LAND Forces SD policy, plans and directives whilst complying in full with the host nation SD requirements. The specific SHEF elements currently encompassed within SD are environmental protection and waste management; further direction on these SD subjects is given at Part 3 of this manual. MEASURING AND REVIEWING PERFORMANCE 11100. MOD has a legal duty 16 to review 17 their health and safety at work management system, including the elements of planning, organisation, control and monitoring in order to ensure that the whole system remains effective. 11101. Comd BFG is responsible to GOC support Command for ensuring that all units and formation HQs at 1* level and below are audited by the Firm Base functional chain. HQ BFG SHEF is the SHEF Audit authority for all military units stationed in Germany. Army HQ is responsible for auditing 2* HQS. 15 16 17 The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999; Regulations 8 and 9. Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974; Section 2. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999; Regulation 5. Revision date 2 Apr 15 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 15 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 11102. To provide assurance that these duties are being met, the army has a system of SHEF performance measurement which is compliant with MOD policy and legal requirements. Full details of the system to be applied throughout BFG are at part 1 chapter 2 of this manual. 11103. The BFG SHEF manual, as the BFG SHEF management system, is to be kept under standing review by SO1 SHEF HQ BFG. Consultation with formations and through them, their supported units, is to be carried out so that the review reflects those of a wide range of the workforce. Amendments are to be carried out on line as required and announced on the SHEF Website. Commanders, Safety and SD Champions and the BFG SHEF FP committee are to be kept informed of significant changes which require their attention or agreement. 11104. Management systems at lower levels of command are to be kept under similar review, always ensuring that such reviews, which are to take place at least annually or whenever there is sufficient reason to question their suitability, are subject to wide consultation with those to whom the systems applies. This is subject to audit. Revision date 2 Apr 15 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 16 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 ANNEXES Annex A - Secretary of State's SHEF Policy Statement (English Text) Annex B - Secretary of State's SHEF Policy Statement (German Text) Annex C - Comd BFG SHEF Statement (English Text) Annex D - Comd BFG SHEF Statement (German Text) Annex E - Organisation of SHEF in BFG Annex F- SHEF Branch HQ BFG Mission and Task Organisation Annex G - BFG SHEF Committee - Terms of Reference Annex H – 1 (UK) Div Force Protection Committee - Terms of Reference Annex I – BFG German Safety Expert Working Group - Terms of Reference Annex J – Generic SHEF Risk Management Plan Format Revision date 2 Apr 15 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 17 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 Annex A - Secretary of State's SHEF Policy Statement (English Text) SAFETY, HEALTH, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE A Policy Statement by the Secretary of State for Defence 18 1. I make the following Policy Statement for all health, safety and environmental protection (HS&EP) matters in Defence because, as Secretary of State. I am answerable to Parliament for such matters and to comply with a requirement of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act. In doing so, I emphasise the importance which I attach to the health and safety of those who deliver defence activities (including the Armed Forces and MOD civilians) and those who may be affected by the defence activities and to the protection of the environment. This Policy is to be applied throughout Defence. GENERAL DUTIES 2. I require that: 19 a. We minimise work-related fatalities injuries, ill-health and adverse effects on the environment, and we reduce health and safetry risks so that they are as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). b. Within the United Kingdom (UK) we comply with all applicable HS&EP legislation. c. Overseas we apply UK arrangements where reasonably practicable and, in addition, respond to host nations’ relevant HS&EP expectations. d. Where Defence has exemptions, derogations or dis-applications fro HS&EP legislation, we maintain Departmental arrangements that produce outcomes that are, so far as is reasonably practicable, at least as good as those required by UK legislation. e. Those of us in positions of management or command, from the Defence Board downwards, lead by example on HS&EP as part of normal business and maintain a just culture where everyone is empowered to contribute to HS&EP objectives. f. We take reasonable care of the health and safety of ourselves and others who may be affected by our acts or omissions at work, we protect the environment and we co-operate with the arrangements that are in place to enable us to discharge the duties placed upon us. GOVERNANCE 3. The Defence Board is to receive information on HS&EP matters at each meeting, is to discuss issues arising and is to review an Annual HS&EP Assurance Report submitted by the Permanent Under Secretary (PUS). 4. As the Department’s most senior official for HS&EP matters, PUS is to ensure that effective management arrangements are in place to achieve compliance with this Policy Statement, which may be amplified as appropriate, drawing on advice as necessary across the Department. PUS is to include HS&EP performance in the Department’s Holding-to-account process. 5. Each Top Level Budget (TLB) Holder or Chief Executive of Trading fund Agencies and Defence Infrastructure Organisation is to be the Senior Duty Holder (SDH) for the safety of defence activities conducted in his/her area of responsibility (AoR) in addition to his/her wider HS&EP responsibilities. If an SDH considers that a risk from defence activity cannot be mitigated so that it is ALARP, he/she is to refer it to me. Each SDH is to set down and implement HS&EP management arrangements for activities in his/her AoR and ensure that commanding officers and managers to whom he/she may delegate HS&EP authority are competent and have adequate resources at their disposal. 18 Note: HSE rules that the SoS Policy Statement is still valid even if not signed by the current SofS. I wish to be notified, in writing by the responsible Senior Duty holder, of any fatality which is potentially safety-related as soon as possible. 19 Revision date 9 Sep 14 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 18 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 6. Any commanding officer or manager who wishes to change organisational arrangements or resources is to ensure that, before being implemented, the proposed change is properly assessed and demonstrated not to be detrimental to HS&EP and that implementation is subsequently suitable managed. 7. There is to be organisational separation between those who conduct defence activities and those who provide regulation, so that the latter are independent whilst being part of the Department. The Director General Military Aviation Authority and the Director Defence Safety and environment Authority are to provide for the regulation of HS&EP in Defence where this is an MOD responsibility (for example as part of the arrangements identified at para 2d above). Defence regulators are to have appropriate powers to enforce their regulations. 8. The detailed organisation and arrangements that amplify this Policy Statement are to be set out in JSP 815 (Defence Health, Safety & Environmental Protection). Rt Hon Michael Fallon Secretary of State for Defence August 2014 Revision date 9 Sep 14 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 19 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 Annex B - Secretary of State's SHEF Policy Statement (German Text) SICHERHEIT, GESUNDHEIT, UMWELTSCHUTZ UND NACHHALTIGE ENTWICKLUNG IM BEREICH DES BRITISCHEN VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS Eine Grundsatzerklärung des britischen Verteidigungsministers 1. Ich gebe die folgende Grundsatzerklärung für alle Angelegenheiten des Gesundheits-, Sicherheitsund Umweltschutzes im Bereich des Verteidigungswesens ab, da ich als Staatsminister dem Parlament über diese Obliegenheiten Rechenschaft abzulegen habe und gleichfalls die Vorschriften des Arbeitsschutzgesetzes beachten muss. Dabei möchte ich die Bedeutung hervorheben, die ich der Gesundheit und Sicherheit all jener Personen beimesse, die im Verteidigungsbereich beschäftigt sind (einschließlich der Streitkräfte und Zivilangestellten). Dies betrifft gleichfalls sowohl alle diejenigen, die durch die Aktivitäten im Verteidigungsbereich betroffen sein könnten als auch den Umweltschutz. Diese Grundsätze sind auf den gesamten Verteidigungsbereich anzuwenden. ALLGEMEINE PFLICHTEN 2. Ich fordere, dass wir arbeitsbedingte Todesfälle 20 , Verletzungen, Gesundheitsprobleme und nachteilige Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt herabmindern, um sie nach Möglichkeit vernünftigerweise auf ein Mindestmaß zu bringen (das britische ALARP Prinzip). a. b. Innerhalb des Vereinigten Königreiches müssen wir alle anwendbaren Arbeits- und Umweltschutzgesetze einhalten. c. Soweit es nach vernünftigem Ermessen möglich ist, wenden wir unsere britischen Vorschriften auch im Ausland an, während wir gleichzeitig die entsprechenden Erwartungen des Gastlandes zu Arbeits- und Umweltschutz erfüllen wollen. d. Wo im Verteidigungswesen Ausnahmen, Abweichungen oder Erlassungen in Bezug auf das Arbeits- und Umweltschutzrecht zu finden sind, kommen ministerielle Maßnahmen zur Anwendung, die in ihrer Ausführung und nach vernünftigem Ermessen zumindest ebenso gut sind wie die der britischen Gesetzgebung. e. Diejenigen unter uns, die vom Verteidigungssauschuss abwärts Management- oder Befehlspositionen innehaben, sollen als Teil des normalen Geschäftsbetriebes im Gesundheitsund Umweltschutz mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen und eine sicherheitsorientierte Kultur pflegen, in welcher jedermann einen Beitrag zu den Zielen des Arbeits- und Umweltschutzes leisten kann. f. Wir tragen in angemessener Weise Sorge für unsere eigene Gesundheit und Sicherheit. Wir achten auch auf das Wohlbefinden derer, die durch unsere Handlungen oder Unterlassungen im Arbeitsbereich betroffen sein könnten. Wir schützen die Umwelt und wirken an bestehenden Vereinbarungen mit, um uns die Erfüllung unserer auferlegten Plichten zu ermöglichen. FÜHRUNG 3. Der Verteidigungsausschuss erhält bei jeder Sitzung Mitteilungen zu Angelegenheiten des Arbeitsund Umweltschutzes, erörtert sich ergebende Belange und überprüft den jährlichen vom Staatssekretär vorgelegten Umweltschutzbericht. 4. Der Staatssekretär hat in seiner Eigenschaft als leitender Beamter für Angelegenheiten des Arbeitsund Umweltschutzes zu gewährleisten, dass ein wirkungsvolles Verwaltungsverfahren zur Einhaltung dieser Grundsatzerklärung vorhanden ist. Dieses kann gegebenenfalls noch weiter ausgedehnt werden, bei Bedarf unter Hinzuziehung fachlicher Beratung aus dem Ministerium. Der Staatssekretär muss die Arbeits- und Umweltschutzleistung in den Rechenschaftsbericht des Ministeriums einbeziehen. 5. Jeder Budgetverantwortliche der höchsten Ebene oder Leiter einer Handelsfondsagentur oder 20 Ich möchte von dem leitenden Verantwortlichen schnellstmöglich über jeden Todesfall in Kenntnis gesetzt werden, der möglicherweise auf sicherheitsrelevante Umstände zurückzuführen ist. Revision date 9 Sep 14 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 20 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 Verteidigungs-Infrastrukturagentur ist zusätzlich und gleichzeitig zu seinen/ihren weitergehenden Arbeitsund Umweltschutzverantwortlichkeiten der/die Leiter(in) für die Sicherheit sämtlicher Aktivitäten aus dem Verteidigungsbereich, die in seinem / Ihrem Zuständigkeitsbereich ausgeführt werden. Falls ein verantwortlicher Leiter die Ansicht vertritt, eine Maßnahme aus dem Verteidigungsbereich könne nicht nach dem ALARP Prinzip gemäßigt werden, so soll er / sie diese Angelegenheit an mich verweisen. Jede verantwortliche Führungskraft muss die Verwaltungsmaßnahmen für Arbeits- und Umweltschutz seinem / ihrem Verantwortungsbereich festlegen und umsetzen. Er / sie muss weiterhin sicherstellen, dass die Kommandanten und Manager, denen er / sie die Vollmacht über Arbeits- und Umweltschutzangelegenheiten übertragen hat, die entsprechenden Qualifikationen besitzen und dass ihnen angemessene Ressourcen zur Verfügung stehen. 6. Jeder Kommandant oder Manger, der die organisatorischen Maßnahmen oder Ressourcen ändern möchte, sollte noch vor der Umsetzung dafür haften, dass diese vorgeschlagenen Änderungen vernünftig abgewogen und veranschaulicht wurden, sie dem Arbeits- und Umweltschutz nicht abträglich sind und dass die Umsetzung letztendlich angemessen bewerkstelligt wird. 7. Zwischen den Bereichen zur Ausführung militärischer Aktivitäten und Bestimmung von Richtlinien muss eine organisatorische Trennlinie gezogen werden; somit sind die Letzteren unabhängig, während sie trotzdem noch Teil des Ministeriums sind. Der Generaldirektor der militärischen Luftfahrtbehörde und der Direktor der Behörde für militärische Sicherheit & Umwelt müssen gemeinsam für die Regulierung von Arbeits -und Umweltschutz im Verteidigungsbereich Vorsorge treffen, sofern die Verantwortlichkeit des Verteidigungsministeriums betroffen ist (z.B. als Teil der in Abschnitt 2d) herausgestellten Maßnahmen). Regulierer im Verteidigungsbereich sind entsprechende Befugnisse zur Umsetzung ihrer Bestimmungen zu erteilen. 8. Die detaillierte Organisation und Maßnahmen zur Untermauerung dieser Grundsätze sollen in JSP 815 (Gesundheit, Sicherheit und Umweltschutz im Verteidigungsbereich) dargelegt werden. Rt Hon Michael FallonVerteidigungsminister August 2014 Revision date 9 Sep 14 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 21 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 Annex C - GOC BFG SHEF Statement (English Text) The Management of Safety, Health, Environmental Protection, Fire and Sustainable Development in British Forces Germany A Statement by Major General J McN R Henderson General Officer Commanding British Forces Germany Intent 1. As General Officer Commanding British Forces Germany (BFG), I am personally responsible for the Safety, Health, Environmental Protection and Fire (SHEF) and the Sustainable Development (SD) of all formations, units and agencies under my Operational Command. As a Firm Base commander I also provide SHEF and SD support to all those under my administrative control. 2. This statement emphasises my personal intent and commitment to the provision of measures to prevent harm, injury, loss and ill health through the systematic identification of significant health, safety, fire and environmental hazards and the assessment and control of risks in order to protect the environment and all military and civilian employees in BFG and all other persons who may be affected by BFG’s activities. 3. BFG is to comply with the sole MOD SHEF and SD Policy Statement which is that of the Secretary of State for Defence. This states that ‘overseas we apply UK arrangements where reasonably practicable and, in addition, respond to host nations’ relevant HS&EP expectations’. Delegation and Commitment 4. I delegate the task of implementing and applying my SHEF and SD arrangements to Commanders, Commanding Officers (COs) and Heads of Establishment (HofE) of all garrisons, units and organisations within BFG. It is their responsibility to issue their own SHEF and SD statements. Only the immediate local commander’s statement shall be displayed on notice boards, alongside that of the Secretary of State for Defence. 5. I expect all Commanders, COs and HofEs to demonstrate their commitment by taking a close, personal and proactive interest to ensure that arrangements for safety, fire, environmental protection and SD are applied effectively and to foster a positive safety, environmental protection and SD culture amongst all their staff. I require them to ensure that good SHEF and SD performance is rewarded whilst poor performance is to be censured. Organisation and Arrangements 6. LFSO 3216 directs HQ British Forces Germany to agree and publish a single cohesive command level SHEF Management system, drawing together all UK and host nation requirements for compliance by all employees of the command irrespective of their TLB and budgetary status. In British Forces Germany this direction is published in the BFG SHEF Manual under the authority of SO BF (G) 4400. The Manual sets out how environmental, SD and safety assurance is to be achieved, including how risks are to be identified and the mechanisms for developing any relevant objectives and targets defined in my SHEF and SD Management Plan. All Commanders, COs, HofEs and personnel within BFG are required to comply with the Manual and with any further SHEF and SD direction that may be published. 7. I appoint AD Log HQ BFG as the BFG safety and SD champion. His terms of reference are published in the BFG SHEF Manual. SO1 SHEF HQ BFG is responsible to me, through AD Log, for the provision of SHEF support, advice, audit, training and assurance to all forces under my administrative control as defined in the BFG SHEF Manual. Their role is strictly advisory; responsibility for implementation is a matter for commanders. Statement Review 8. This statement will be reviewed at least annually to ensure that it remains timely and relevant. Original signed and held on file J McN R Henderson Major General General Officer Commanding British Forces Germany Revision date 9 Sep 14 Part 1- Chapter 1 21 May 2014 Page 22 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 Annex D - GOC BFG SHEF Statement (German Text) Die Verwaltung von Sicherheit, Gesundheit, Umwelt- und Brandschutz sowie nachhaltiger Entwicklung bei den Britischen Streitkräften Deutschland Erklärung von Generalmajor J McN R Henderson Befehlshaber Britische Streitkräfte Deutschland Absicht 1. Als Befehlshaber der Britischen Streitkräfte Deutschland (BFG) trage ich die persönliche Verantwortung für die Sicherheit, Gesundheit, den Umwelt- und Brandschutz (SHEF) sowie nachhaltige Entwicklung (SD) in allen Großverbänden, Einheiten und Dienststellen unter meiner operativen Führung. Als Befehlshaber einer Festen Basis stelle ich außerdem SHEF- und SD-Unterstützung für alle bereit, die sich unter meiner administrativen Kontrolle befinden. 2. Diese SHEF-Erklärung unterstreicht mein persönliches Engagement für die Bereitstellung von Maßnahmen zur Verhütung von Schäden, Verletzungen, Verlust und Krankheit durch die systematische Feststellung gravierender Gesundheits-, Sicherheits-, Brand- und Umweltrisiken sowie die Beurteilung und Kontrolle der Risiken, um die Umwelt und alle Militärangehörigen und Zivilbeschäftigten in BFG sowie alle anderen Personen zu schützen, die durch Aktivitäten von BFG betroffen sein könnten. 3. BFG hat einzig und allein die vom britischen Verteidigungsminister herausgegebene SHEF- und SDGrundsatzerklärung zu befolgen, wonach im Ausland wenden wir im Rahmen des Durchführbaren britische Regelungen an und reagieren außerdem auf die Arbeits- und Umweltschutzerwartungen des Gastgeberstaates. Delegation und Verpflichtung 4. Ich delegiere die Aufgabe zur Umsetzung und Anwendung meiner SHEF- und SD-Maßnahmen an Kommandeure, Chefs der Einheiten und Abteilungsleiter in allen Garnisonen, Einheiten und Organisationen innerhalb von BFG. Sie sind für die Herausgabe ihrer eigenen SHEF- und SD-Erklärungen verantwortlich. Neben der Grundsatzerklärung des britischen Verteidigungsministers darf nur die Erklärung des direkten örtlichen Kommandanten ausgehängt werden. 5. Ich erwarte, dass alle Kommandeure, Chefs der Einheiten und Abteilungsleiter ihr Engagement unter Beweis stellen, indem sie ein großes persönliches und eigenverantwortliches Interesse an der wirksamen Anwendung von Vorkehrungen für die Sicherheit und den Brand- und Umweltschutz sowie nachhaltige Entwicklung bekunden und bei allen Mitarbeitern eine positive Haltung gegenüber Sicherheit und Umweltschutz sowie nachhaltiger Entwicklung fördern. Ich fordere von ihnen, dass sie für die Belohnung guter SHEF- und SD-Leistungen sorgen und schlechte Leistungen kritisieren. Organisation und Vorkehrungen 6. Der Befehlshaber der Landstreitkräfte weist die Kommandeure im Ausland an, ein einziges, in sich geschlossenes SHEF-Managementsystem auf Führungsebene zu vereinbaren und zu veröffentlichen, in dem alle britischen Anforderungen und die des Gastgeberstaates vereint sind und das von allen Mitarbeitern des Kommandobereichs unabhängig von ihrem TLB- und Budgetstatus zu befolgen ist. Bei den Britischen Streitkräften Deutschland wird dieses Managementsystem als BFG SHEF-Handbuch veröffentlicht, das sich auf SO BF(G) 4400 stützt. In diesem Handbuch wird erklärt, wie die Umwelt-, SD- und Sicherheitsgarantie zu erreichen ist und wie Risiken festzustellen sind. Darüber hinaus werden hier die Mechanismen für die Entwicklung relevanter Zielsetzungen dargelegt, die in meinem SHEF- und SD-Managementplan festgelegt sind. Ich erwarte von allen Kommandeuren, Chefs der Einheiten, Abteilungsleitern und dem Personal bei BFG, dass sie das Handbuch und alle weiteren SHEF- und SD-Anweisungen, die veröffentlicht werden, befolgen. 7. Ich ernenne den AD Log HQ BFG zum Sachwalter der Sicherheit und nachhaltigen Entwicklung bei BFG. Sein Aufgabenbereich wird im BFG SHEF-Handbuch veröffentlicht. SO1 SHEF HQ BFG ist mir gegenüber durch den AD Log für die Bereitstellung der SHEF-Unterstützung, -Beratung, -Prüfung, -Schulung und Garantie für alle Truppen unter meiner administrativen Kontrolle nach Maßgabe des BFG SHEF-Handbuchs verantwortlich. Ihrer/Seine Rolle ist rein beratender Art; die Verantwortung für die Umsetzung ist Sache der Kommandeure. Revision date 9 Sep 14 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 23 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 Überprüfung der Erklärung 8. Diese Erklärung wird mindestens einmal jährlich überprüft um sicherzustellen, dass sie aktuell und relevant bleibt. J McN R Henderson Generalmajor Befehlshaber Britische Streitkräfte Deutschland Revision date 9 Sep 14 Part 1- Chapter 1 21 May 2014 Page 24 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 Chapter 1 Annex E - Organisation and governance schematic of SHEF in BFG ORGANISATION AND GOVERNANCE SCHEMATIC OF SHEF IN BFG Comd LF Comd Gp GOC BFG GOC 1 (UK)) Div 1 (UK) Div FP Advisory Committee Governance through BFG CG AD Log BFG SHEF Safety Champion BFG 1* Comds Comd BH Gar Comd Westfalen Gar Dir BFG HS OF 5 Comd Comd ESG ARMY HQ CESO(A) COMMITTEES BFG SHEF Committee Garrison SHEF Committees BFG SHEF H&S WG Unit SHEF Committees G3 Ops Sp SHEF HQ FTC HQ JHC G3 Ops Sp DFRMO DFRMO GARRISONS SHEF FPs Specialist Staffs: H&S Env FP En Man Fire Units SHEF course trained staff, wardens and advisors Host Nation FMOD UKBund BAIUDBw KompZ BauMgmt WIS/WIWEB Agencies DE&S -DLO DE&S - ISS(G) SCE NAAFI DIO DTE(G) Note: Lines show passage of information and relationships but may not infer command. Back to contents Revision date 9 Sep 14 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 25 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 Annex F – HQ BFG SHEF Mission and Task Organisation SHEF BRANCH MISSION SHEF Branch is to provide commanders, units and organisations throughout BFG with policy, advice, audit, support and assurance to assist their governance and compliance with SHEF legislation and Army plans. TASK ORGANISATION SO1 SHEF (C1(MSF)) Tel 94881 2585. Mobile +49(0) 1722048389 Head SHEF Branch; reports to HQ BFG Safety & SD champion. Directs S,H&E Work. BFG SHEF FP (JSP375). Germany SHEF strategy lead with Army HQ and F MoD/ HN SHEF regulators. Define BFG SHEF strategy & plans; author BFG SHEF Manual. Lead SHEF Auditor. BFG Member Army HQ Committees & WGs. Lead S, H& E risk analyst. Advise comds at all levels on SH&E governance, risk management, safety performance, HN and UK standards compliance. SO2 Environment (C2) Tel 9481 2307 Formulate and promulgate BFG environmental and waste management strategy. Provide advice on BFG environmental and waste management matters. Liaise with the Host Nation and other Sending States Forces on environmental and waste management issues. Control and monitor BFG environmental and waste management training activities Env Member BFG SHEF Audit Team.. BFG Leading H&S Expert DEL C8 Tel 94881 2308 Lead BFG DEL H&S Expert i.a.w. German Law (ASiG). Arrange/coord H&S Trg. Provide accident stats analysis and performance improvement advice. Desk level H&S liaison with CESO(A), Gars and external agencies on H&S issues. Focal point for BAIUDBw KompZ BauMgt and UKBund matters. Investigate UK Bund insurance claims. Accompany all HN regulator SHEF audits H&S Member BFG SHEF Audit Team. Garrison EFPs DFRMO Area Man (AM) Tel 9481 2306 Independent DFRMO Branch, collocated for synergy with SHEF Branch. Reports to CFO DFRMO. Functional Commander of all DF&RS assets in Germany. Senior DF&RS Adviser to GOC BFG on all Fire Policy matters. Provide fire advice and approval of Projects and minor new works. Fire governance. 3x GM Garrison DFRS Fire Stns Fallingbostel Sennelager Gütersloh Elmpt German H&S Experts/Advisers Gp Man (GM) Tel 94881 2305 Deputise for AM 2 X Intrs Fire Trg School Host Nation SHEF Regulatory Authorities. LAND: - CESO(A), Note: 1. Lines show functional or passage of information relationship and does not necessarily infer command. HQ 1(UK) Div. HQ FTC Garrison SHEF Focal Points BFG Agencies: DE&S; SCE; DIO; DTE(G); NAAFI. Note: Fire shown for synergy. DF&RS officers and assets are embedded in BFG but are directly owned, funded and commanded by DFRMO. SO1 SHEF’s Fire responsibility is limited to auditing unit fire compliance with the audit question set shown at Part 1 Chapter 2 of the BFG SHEF Manual and for CoC behavioural aspects. See also Part 4 of the BFG SHEF Manual for Chain of Command Fire policy and direction. Back to contents Revision date 9 Sep 14 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 26 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 Annex G - BFG SHEF Committee - Terms of Reference TERMS OF REFERENCE BRITISH FORCES GERMANY SHEF COMMITTEE Introduction 1. The appointment holders detailed below form the British Forces Germany (BFG) SHEF where appropriate, are to represent the views of their SHEF Champion to whom they are to report. Aim 2. The aim of the BFG SHEF Committee is to provide an informed, agile, forward thinking forum to assist commanders compliance with mandatory and statutory SHEF requirements set out in the BFG SHEF Manual and so contribute to improved force protection and resilience. Membership 3. Chairman: BFG Safety Champion Full Members: SO1 SHEF HQ BFG st SO2 G4 Ops, HQ 1 (UK) Armd Div DFRMO Area Man, HQ BFG EHO HQ BFG BFG LHSWE Master Driver HQ BFG SHEF and SD Focal Point Officer: BH Gar Westfalen Garrison BFG HS EJSU HQ SCE DIO SD Trg Ger DES LCS LS-Ops-DUL-SHEQ Mgr DIO HSW Adv NAAFI HS&E and Food Safety Manager GHSWE PB GT BH In attendance as required: SO1 FP FTC – by VTC WOIC Petroleum Inspectorate Other SHEF personnel Secretary: SO2 Env HQ BFG Agenda 4. The standing Agenda is at Appendix 1. The calling notice will request members to table other items. AOB is not to be tabled by exception at the discretion of the chairman. Revision date 9 Sep 14 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 27 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 Role of the BFG SHEF Committee 5. The role of the BFG SHEF Committee is to: a. Review the BFG SHEF Management System (SO BF (G) 4400) and recommend or endorse changes. b. Monitor progress and performance against SHEF Management Plans and recommend or endorse changes. When appropriate approve the forthcoming SHEF & SD Plan. c. Evaluate accident and incident information in order to identify safety performance trends and recommend measures to reduce root causes of incidents in order to prevent reoccurrence. d. Identify trends and opportunities for SHEF performance improvement arising from SHEF Audits. e. Review the BFG SHEF audit programme. f. Discuss fire safety matters in order to foster a better understanding of DFRMO work and their recommendations. g. Consider SHEF training requirements and the BFG SHEF training programme and indentify areas for improvement. h. Evaluate SHEF risk mitigating action. 21 and SHEF issues 22 in order to recommend, where possible, further i. Suggest value-adding initiatives that should foster a wider and improved understanding of SHEF awareness in order to promote and sustain a positive SHEF culture across BFG. Receive reports of best practice for wider consideration. j. To take reports from committee members focussing on areas of concern. k. Consider any other matters of SHEF interest tabled on the agenda. l. Agree recommendations made concerning any of the above to amend the BFG SHEF management system or plan. m. Agree recommendations for decisions or output to be briefed to, or sought from, appropriate command boards. Committee process map 6. The committee process map is at Appendix 2. Record of meetings 7. The Secretary will publish a record of decisions on the HQ BFG SHEF Website with emailed copy to those not able to access DIIF. Frequency of meetings 8. The aim is to hold meetings quarterly, as a minimum twice yearly at a suitable venue. 21 Risk is something that might happen. It normally requires preventative control measures. Issues are matters which have happened and are being managed. Revision date 9 Sep 14 Part 1- Chapter 1 22 Page 28 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 Appendix 1 – BFG SHEF Committee-Standing Agenda BFG SHEF COMMITTEE - STANDING AGENDA Item No 1 Subject Leads Admin arrangements Welcome, introduction. Sec Chairman 2 Minutes of last meeting Sec 3 Committee Terms of Reference (TOR) Chairman 4 BFG SHEF Manual review Chairman 5 SHEF & SD Management Plans Chairman Gar FPs 6 Safety Performance 7 Sustainable Development (SD). 8 Fire Safety 9 Training 10 Reports from members Chairman SO2 Env BFG LHSWE Div FP Gar FPs SO2 Env Gar FPs Comd Fire Officer Chairman SO2 Env BFG LHSWE Gar FPs All members 11 Road Safety Master Driver 12 Safety and SD Risks and Issues 13 Initiatives, recognition and reward, censures Chairman Gar FPs All 14 Date of next meeting Revision date 9 Sep 14 All Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 29 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 Appendix 2 – SHEF Committee Meeting - Process Map SHEF COMMITTEE MEETING PROCESS MAP PRINCIPAL FOCUS - RESPONSIBILITIES Liable to be called to account STAFF COORDINATION SHEF COMMITTEE - Membership To GOC through AD Log. For the effectiveness, efficiency and compliance of the BFG SHEF management System. Full Members: To Host Nation For safety and EP compliance according to SA to SOFA and HN Law. To Army HQ For compliance with army and MOD safety and SD policy, orders and instrs. HQ BFG SHEF Champion (Chairman) SO1 SHEF HQ BFG SO2 G4 Ops, HQ 1st (UK) Armd Div DFRMO AM HQ BFG EHO HQ BFG BFG LHSWE SO2 Env HQ BFG (Secretary) Master Driver HQ BFG SHEF and SD Focal Point: o Westfalen Gar o BFG HS o HQ DIO Ops Eur Int o HQ SCE o EJSU o DES LCS LS-Ops-DUL-SHEQ Mgr o DIO SD Trg Ger o NAAFI HS&E and Food Safety Manager GHSWE o PB o GT o BH In attendance as required: o o o o INPUT BATTLE RHYTHM Receive information and advice from / provide direction to in order to help towards a common purpose of force protection and resilience. BFG Comd Gp 1 (UK) DivFP Committee Garrison SHEF Committees BFG Safety experts WG Risk Management Board (COS) COS Coord Audit reports CESO(A) direction AINC. LAIT, ALIMS, DLIMS and DASA statistics and reports. AES decisions. Host Nation regulators. Revision date 9 Sep 14 SO1 FP FTC WOIC Petroleum Inspectorate NAAFI Risk Manager Other SHEF personnel OUTPUT BATTLE RHYTHM Provide information and advice to / receive direction from in order to help towards a common purpose and aid SHEF governance and force protection ASEWG CESO(A) BFG Comd Gp to CLF Comd Gp D Gar Comds (with Comd GG awareness as required) 1 (UK) Div FP Committee Th Tps Supported agencies Garrison SHEF Committees BFG Safety experts WG SHEF and SD Risk/Issues requiring =>2* engagement COS Coord; GOCs internal CG. Revision of BFG & SD SHEF management system and plan. Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 30 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 Chapter 1 Annex H – 1 (UK) Div Force Protection Committee - Terms of Reference TERMS OF REFERENCE– 1 (UK) Div FORCE PROTECTION ADVISORY COMMITTEE INTRODUCTION 1. In today’s environment, threats and hazards can appear unexpectedly whether deployed on operations, conducting training or partaking in routine in barracks activity. To meet these, a wide and continuous range of Force Protection (FP) measures must be applied. 2. Force Protection encompasses those measures taken to preserve freedom of action and operational effectiveness through the management of risk and by minimizing vulnerabilities to personnel, information, materiel, facilities and activities. Whilst the capabilities needed to provide effective force protection exist within 1 (UK) Armd Div, the majority of these functions are performed in a loosely coordinated and disparate manner by a number of branches and by various staffs. 3. The Divisional FP Advisory Committee will ensure that there us a unified approach to FP within the Division by ensuring that these functions are coordinated and their outputs integrated. Additionally, as SHEF is delivered by the Firm Base, it will provide assurance to BFG SHEF policy and activity within the Divisional area or responsibility. ROLE OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE 4. The role of the 1(UK) Armd Div FP Advisory Committee is to inform and to provide advice the 23 Divisional Chain of Command with regard to FP issues . This includes identifying risks to personnel, activities and facilities and establishing the appropriate protective measures. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE 5. The responsibilities of the 1 (UK) DivFP Advisory Committee include: a. Monitor safety and security trends with a view to providing direction to OPCOM units 24 . b. Monitor the proper implementation of MOD FP and SHEF Policy. As necessary, provide direction to subordinate units on FP and SHEF issues when deployed from Germany. c. Where appropriate advise HQ BFG on those SHEF issues as they affect divisional units. MEMBERSHIP 6. Membership of the 1 (UK) Div FP Advisory Committee meeting is: Chairman: DCOS Members: SO2 G1 Pers SO2 G3 IM SO2 G7 SO1 G4/8 (Firm Base) SO2 Med Int/FP SO2 Pro Master Driver HQ BFG – G3 Ops Sp, SO1 SHEF Other Members: SMEs as required Secretary: SO2 G4 Ops 23 The 1UKXX FP Advisory Committee will address in barracks activity and training events. FP during deployed operations is to be addressed separately by the in theatre OPCOM CoC. 24 In conjunction with HQ BFG. Revision date 9 Sep 14 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 31 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 7. SO2 G4 Ops will represent the Division on the BFG SHEF & SD Committee . FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS 8. Meetings will be held every six months. RECORD OF MEETINGS 9. Revision date 9 Sep 14 The Secretary will produce a record of decisions Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 32 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 Chapter 1 Appendix 1 (Annex H) - 1 (UK) DivForce Protection Committee - Organisation DCOS BFG SHEF Focal Point Committee SO2 G1 Pers/Ops SO2 Pro SO2 Force Protection SO2 EH Master Driver SMEs as required Back to contents Revision date 9 Sep 14 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 33 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 Chapter 1 Annex I – BFG German Safety Expert Working Group - Terms of Reference TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR BFG GERMAN SAFETY EXPERT (FACHKRAFT FÜR ARBEITSSICHERHEIT (FASi)) WORKING GROUP INTRODUCTION 1. The BFG German Safety Experts Working Group (WG) is a subordinate working group to the BFG SHEF Focal Point Committee. It operates in a purely advisory capacity and has no executive powers. MEMBERSHIP 2. The WG is to be formed from the following: Chairman: BFG LHSWE Members: HQ Hohne Garrison-GHSWE HQ Paderborn Garrison-GHSWE HQ Gütersloh Garrison-GHSWE DSDA (E) -GHSWE DIO HSWA UK-Bund-Technical Advisor for BFG In attendance: FASi Qualified and recognised HSWA’s, DGHSWA, Station HSWA’s and other Safety Experts/Advisors at the discretion of the LHSWE and their respective GHSWE. may attend Secretary: nominated GHSWE 3. Attendance by the WG members is Mandatory. OBJECTIVES 4. The objectives of the BFG German Safety Experts WG are to: a. Monitor current, in particular newly implemented German legislation and measure its impact on units. Where necessary, the findings should be brought to the attention of the chain of command. b. Identify common ground solutions to problems that arise within individual garrisons. c. Identify training requirements for GHSWE’s and individual Garrison DEL employing units. d. Discuss and consider issues and value adding initiatives to foster a wider and improved understanding of SHEF awareness in order to promote a positive SHEF culture. e. Receive direction on SHEF issues commensurate with extant policy and plans. f. Discuss results of recent seminars, audits and management plans and look, where necessary, for areas of improvement. g. Produce the annual BAIUDBw KompZ BauMgt & UK Bund visit programme and discuss any deficiencies identified during previous visits. h. Safety performance- lessons learnt - Discuss DEL accident stats in order to identify trends and areas for improvement and make appropriate recommendations. i. Consider any other HSW matters tabled on the agenda. Revision date 9 Sep 14 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 34 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 RECORD OF MEETINGS 4. The Secretary is to produce a record of the meeting, which, is to be disseminated to all full and in attendance members. FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS 5. The WG will normally meet on a quarterly basis. The location of each meeting will be rotational. Revision date 9 Sep 14 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 35 of 36 BFG SHEF MANUAL – PART 1 Chapter 1 Annex J – SHEF Risk and Issue Proforma SHEF RISK/ISSUE 25 PROFORMA 26 From: (Unit and appt) To: Copy to: HQ ……. . Garrison HQ ……. Bde NOMINATION/TRANSFER OF SHEF RISK 27 – [Insert title of risk] 1. Summary of Risk. One paragraph synopsis of the risk and its cause. 2. Summary of Impact. One paragraph synopsis of the impact of the risk. 3. Assessment of Impact: (Delete as Appropriate) Low 4. Assessment of Probability: Low Medium High (Delete as Appropriate) Medium High 5. Summary of existing control measures to mitigate risk. One paragraph. 6. Recommended solution. One paragraph. 7. Lead. The lead or SRO within 1 WINNERS for this risk is: [insert name/appt] 8. Placed on unit SHEF and SD Management Plan at srl: (Paras 9-12 to be completed by Gar HQ). 9. Gar HQ Staff Response(s): 10. Potential Mitigation Strategy: 11. Recommendation: 12. Referred to HQ BFG: Yes/No 13. HQ BFG Action: Back to contents 25 A Risk is a future uncertain event or set of events which, should it occur, will have an effect on delivery of outputs. An issue is an event, or set of events, which has occurred and will have an effect on the delivery of outputs. 26 Delete as appropriate. 27 A risk is something which may occur. If it has already occurred then it is an issue and is referred in the same way, with suitable changes to the format above Revision date 9 Sep 14 Part 1- Chapter 1 Page 36 of 36
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