Produced by the HIVE Support Team DISCLAIMER NOTICE The content of any brochure or advertisements displayed in the HIVE does not necessarily reflect the policies or the opinions of HM Government, The Ministry of Defence or Tri Service HIVE. The accuracy of brochures displayed is not guaranteed. 2 CONTENTS PAGE HIVE Europe locations 4 Farewell 5 On the move 5 Preparing to move 5 Travel/accommodation 5-6 Telephone, internet & mail 6 Moving Within BFG 7 Pets 7 Who to inform 7-8 Benefits 9 Car 9 - 10 Settling in Germany 10 Privately owned firearms 10 Once in the UK 10 - 11 Financial Matters 11 Assignment order checklist 13 - 15 3 HIVE EUROPE Keeping in touch with the HIVE has never been easier. HIVE (Location) Email address Tel No. Civ./Mil. Bielefeld 0521 92543122/ 81 3122 Brunssum 003145 5262891/ 80100 2891 Fallingbostel 05162 9712204/76 2204 Gütersloh-Mansergh Bks 05241 842220/73 2220 Gütersloh-Princess Royal Bks 05241 842692/73 2692 Herford 05221 9953127/82 3127 Hohne 05051 962303/77 2303 Paderborn 05251 57191 Sennelager 05254 9822771/79 2771 Shape 003265 443984/92054233984 Last updated: Apr. 2015 4 FAREWELL This guide has been designed by HIVE, to help make your move go as smoothly as possible. The guide is by no means exhaustive, so please let us know if you think any additional information should be added. ON THE MOVE On receipt of your Assignment Order, you can start planning your move. The check list at the back of this guide can help ensure everything is covered. PREPARING TO MOVE Entitled service personnel and other MOD staff will receive a Movement Order outlining the process of moving through DIO (Defence Infrastructure Organisation). Apply for SFA (Service Families Accommodation) using the online e-1132 form. Internet: Intranet: 0701-MOD%20Form%201132%20Application%20to%20Occupy%20SFAU.pdf TRAVEL/ACCOMMODATION Passports If you need to apply or renew your passport, please allow plenty of time before your move date. For advice on UK Passport applications process, please contact your Unit Admin. or Welfare Office (UWO). UK Entry Visas and SOFA Certificates If you do not hold a British passport and are a citizen of a non EEA country, your first point of contact for any information or advice on UK Entry visas and SOFA status requirements is your Unit Welfare Office. You are advised not to submit any application for a UK Entry Visa until you have sought advice as the process of applying for a UK Entry Visa is subject to frequent changes. Useful links are: European Health Insurance Cards (EHIC) The BFG Health Service covers serving personnel and families whilst in Germany, but for travel elsewhere or to your new posting you should take your EHIC with you. EHIC is free of charge and valid for up to 5 years. It can be renewed up to 6 months before expiry. Check that your EHIC is still valid before you travel. Official website: NB. Avoid unofficial websites, which charge to issue EHICs. 5 Transit Accommodation If you require accommodation once your furniture has been packed, please check with your Unit Admin Office for the correct procedure. You must have a completed JPA F008 – Non-Availability Certificate of Service Accommodation / Messing in order to claim Day and Night Subsistence Allowance. Forms_Allowances_JPAF008.doc Service Family Accommodation in the UK Moving back to your own property in the UK If you need to give notice to tenants, allow plenty of time. If you find yourself without accommodation, you may be able to take advantage of the temporary housing available at the Services Cotswold Centre. Renting or buying in the UK If you are thinking of renting or buying in the UK, Moneyforce and Forces Property Direct provide advice. Useful links: TELEPHONE, INTERNET & MAIL Contract based: - Give appropriate notice of your departure. Contracts must be cancelled in writing, giving details such as name, address, contract number, etc. - If cancelling ‘prematurely’, before the end of your contract, you will need to pay the outstanding amount owed. - Deutsche Telekom customers, who can prove they are posted by attaching a copy of a posting order to their cancellation notice, will receive a reduction to the amount payable. - The final payment will normally equate to 3 months. Customers can pay this upfront by obtaining the company bank account details from Deutsche Telekom, and making a payment via their German bank account. - Please note, cancellation policies will vary according to supplier. - Examples of cancellation letters in English and German are available from the HIVE and can be found on the HIVE website: (under the downloads tab) Tip: Make note of your end-of-contract date plus the last date for termination without paying for any unused months, so it is to hand when you get your Assignment Order. Alternatively check online or by telephone to get those details. 6 MOVING WITHIN BFG If you are moving within BFG, whilst you are waiting for your new address, contact your bank and telephone/internet provider to ask about transferring your accounts/closing your accounts. Book removals with Agility ME House Contents Insurance Inform your insurance company that you are due to move, providing dates and new address. Check that your belongings are covered in transit. Re-direction of Mail Let your Unit Post Room know of your move and new address. A re-direction service (Nachsendeservice) is available at the German Post Office for your civilian address. For further information, please visit: NB: This website is in German. PETS Pets can enter or re-enter the UK without quarantine provided they meet the rules of the Pet Travel scheme, which will be different depending on the country or territory the pet is coming from. Personnel should be warned that although vaccinations have been completed, they have to wait 21 days from injection before travelling. Regulations may change so you are advised to check the latest information on the Defra website for the latest and comprehensive information on the rules for pet travel into the UK. Useful link: or pop into your local HIVE for a copy of ‘Guide to Pets.’ WHO TO INFORM Medical & Dental Centre If you are on the move, please remember to de-register at your local medical and dental centre. In the UK, dependant’s medical and dental care is provided by NHS practices. To register at another GP or dental surgery, patients will be asked to complete a form stating their name and address, date of birth and NHS number. Your medical centre can provide this before you leave. Details of all GP practices and dental surgeries in the area can be found at 7 Kindergeld (German Child Benefit) If you are moving out of Germany, you must cancel your Kindergeld in accordance with SI BFG 3231. This website has an English language page. Alternatively, pick up a ‘Notification of Cessation of Entitlement’ form, from your Regimental Admin Office (RAO) or Welfare Office. UK Child Benefit You may be in receipt of Child Benefit. You can report a number of changes online such as change of address. You need to report each change separately. Address: Child Benefit Centre (Washington) PO Box 1 Newcastle Upon Tyne NE88 1AA Child Benefit Helpline: 0300 200 3100 Bank Close accounts where necessary. Transfer the balance to new accounts. Bills Finalise bills such as mess, nursery, clubs etc. while your German account is still active. Cancel any direct debits or standing orders informing the relevant organisations. Insurance Companies Notify change of address and bank details where necessary. These may include: household contents, kit, car, pets, travel and medical insurance. Subscriptions Notify change of address and any bank details where necessary. JPA Update via JPA Self Service; your new Resident Work Address (RWA);your EC/NOK Address/Telephone/Mobile Numbers and your bank details. School Inform schools you are moving and provide a forwarding address for the new school. Service Children’s Education (SCE) offer a handy Mobility Toolkit on their website: The school will prepare a transfer pack to take the new school. When researching new schools in the area you are moving to, please refer to the CEAS website. Let the new school know that you are in the Armed Forces as they can then access the Service Pupil Premium. This enables State schools in England to provide extra support for Service children. Children continue to qualify even after the parents have left the Armed Forces, for up to a maximum of six years. 8 Boarding School If you have children at boarding school, call CEAS to request a new certificate of eligibility to claim the Continuity of Education Allowance: Playgroup Inform playgroups/nurseries that you are moving. To find out about preschool education in your area contact the Children’s Information Service in your Local Authority. Clubs Inform clubs such as Swimming, Cubs, Brownies etc. that you are moving. Pay any outstanding bills. BENEFITS Jobseekers Allowance: Jobseeker’s Allowance is the main benefit you can get if you are unemployed and looking for work. This benefit is taxable. For more information please visit: If you are employed in BFG, the LSU will issue you with a BFG Form 126. This confirms your period of employment with the British Forces and reason for leaving work. This document will be useful when visiting local Benefits Offices in the UK. You should register as a Jobseeker at your new location within a few days and submit your claim. Tax Credits: Tax credits are payments from the Government. If you are responsible for at least one child or young person, you may qualify for Child Tax Credit. If you work, but are on a low income, you may qualify for Working Tax Credit. Tax Credits can help families with children who need help paying for childcare. Tax Credit Helpline: 0345 300 3900 If you're calling from abroad please telephone: +44 2890 538 192 Please have your National Insurance number to hand. CAR De-Registration Of BFG Vehicles On Permanent Move Out Of BFG On departure from BFG individuals must de-register from the BFG system and re-register their vehicles through DVLA. You should seek advice through your local BFG Vehicle Licensing Office. The VLO helpline is: 05254 982 2638. The required forms for de-registration can also be downloaded from. HMRC Personal Transport Unit - Special Enquiry Team: PTU in Dover has issued a new telephone number: 03000 582 688 for their Special Enquiry Team. This team is dedicated to handling enquiries from the Forces and Diplomats. 9 Car Insurance Check that your car insurance is valid for residency in the UK (this is a legal requirement to register your car with DVLA). If changing providers, remember to get your certificate of No Claims. Shopping around for car insurance can save money. After the first year, some insurers often increase prices. It is therefore important to keep up to date with offers and negotiate a better deal from your current provider, or switch. PRIVATELY OWNED FIREARMS If you possess any Privately Owned Firearms (POF) in BFG, before exporting to UK, you should seek advice from either the British Forces Germany Shooting Association (BFGSA) or Provost Branch HQ British Forces Germany. This will avoid the risk of contravening UK Firearms laws. Contact details are: BFGSA (General Secretary) – Mil: 94882 3913 | Civ: 05221 995 3913 | E-mail: BFG-HQ-CGp-DComd-DLLOHerford or Provost Branch – Mil: 94881-2503/2 | Civ: 0521-9254-2503/2 (civil) | E-mail: BFG-HQ-G1-Pro-0GpMailbox or SETTLING IN GERMANY? If you are currently a member of British Forces Germany as military, UKBC or dependent, you might be intending to stay in Germany, after leaving the Force. This is formally known as a Transfer of Residence. Tax and welfare matters vary depending on your Stadt. The Career Transition Partnership (CTP) assists with advice on settlement in Germany, such as employment. They have produced a guide on living in Germany which you can find on their website. NB. There are processes that you must follow in order to keep any tax and duty relief that you received when buying high value goods or vehicles. Please contact your local Customs and Immigration Officer for more information. ONCE IN UK Car Tax . Click on drop down menu ‘Driving’. NB. No tax disc required from 1 Oct 14. MOT Once your car is over 3 years old (or 1 year in some cases), an annual MOT test is required. You need to use an approved MOT test centre to get your vehicle inspected: 10 TV Apply for a TV licence. This can be done online at . There are different options available on how to pay for the licence. These are yearly, quarterly, monthly or weekly. You could be fined up to £1,000 for not having a licence. A TV licence is required if you watch or record programmes as these are broadcast, whether it's on a TV, a computer screen, phone, tablet or games console. Service Family Accommodation (UK) Details can be found at: Electoral Register In order to vote in UK elections, you need to apply to have your name on the electoral register. Getting on the Electoral Register also helps if you need to get a mortgage or credit card. Lenders often use the Register when considering applications. NB. You will need your National Insurance Number when registering. Council Tax/CILOCT While in SFA, families pay CILOCT (Contribution in lieu of Council Tax), to entitle you to the full range of facilities and support normally provided by the Local Authority. If you live in your own or rented property, you will have to pay Council Tax. If you have a second property you may be eligible for a 50% reduction in council tax. For more information: Discounted Rail Travel Discounted rail travel is available to Service personnel, their spouses and dependent children by applying for an HM Forces Railcard which gives 1/3 off the price of most rail fares: FINANCIAL MATTERS Debt If you are moving back to the UK with debts or outstanding liabilities, they will follow you. It is relatively easy for a company (or debt collection agency acting on their behalf) to obtain a judgement against you and have that judgement transferred to a British court. It will ruin your credit rating. Moving can be a stressful time. If you are struggling with debts, or feel that your impending move may raise financial worries, there is help and advice available. Please be aware of and never use companies with misleading names that sound like debt charities but are commercial businesses. 11 Where To Get Help The Royal British Legion - Provides practical care, advice and support to serving members of the Armed Forces, veterans of all ages and their families. Citizens Advice Bureau - Provides free, independent and confidential advice. The Step Change Debt Charity - A registered charity that provides free and anonymous advice over the phone and online. National Debtline - Provides a free, confidential and independent helpline for people with debt problems. They give expert advice over the telephone and via email and will send you a free self-help information pack. Debt Advice Foundation - A registered national debt advice charity offering free, confidential support and advice to anyone worried about loans, credit and debt. Army Welfare Service - Army Welfare Workers are trained to support and advice on a variety of issues including debt. Resolve (UK) - Provides personal debt advice and corporate debt advice. Resolve (UK) work closely with SSAFA (Kent Branch) and the MoD. MoneyForce - Online support for Service personnel and families, to help inform financial decisions and planning, both while in Service and once they leave the armed forces. The Money Advice Service – This is an independent organisation providing financial advice for UK consumers. 12 ASSIGNMENT ORDER CHECKLIST Travel & Accommodation Ensure you and your family have valid passports and visas if required Ensure you and your family have European Health Insurance Cards (EHIC) Book transit accommodation if required Book travel at least 12 weeks before move and keep receipts for claims Telephone, Internet & Mail Transfer/arrange to disconnect (at least 3 months before you leave) Cancel all insurance/service contracts Cancel cable/satellite TV Contract Check arrangements for handing over BFBS Set Top Box Re-direct your mail Car De-register any vehicles permanently returning to the UK. Please refer to Notes: 13 Financial Arrangements Cancel Kindergeld payments (if applicable) Apply for Disturbance Expenses Cancel telephone contract & pay final bill Close German bank account Pay mess and nursery bills Apply / inform benefits e.g. Tax Credits, Job Seekers Allowance Apply for National Insurance Credits Schools/Nurseries Inform children’s schools/nurseries of your move Contact schools/nurseries in new location to ensure places If you have children at Boarding School call CEAS to request a new certificate of eligibility to claim the Continuity of Education Allowance Check SCE Mobility Toolkit on Notes: Pets 14 Ensure Rabies vaccination is up to date Pet Passport (Pet Travel Scheme) Check import/export arrangements for pets Quarantine arrangements (if required) Final tick/tapeworm treatment at your vet De-register dogs at Housing and Community Support Office Inform Obtain clearance chit if applicable Children’s schools/nurseries/playgroups Medical Centre (De-register & Re-register in new location) Dental Centre (De-register & Re-register in new location) Insurance companies, bank subscriptions, UK Child Benefit Inform Mess/Admin Office new address Notes: 15 We make every effort to ensure that our information is current and correct. Your help is invaluable in keeping our records up to date by informing us of any changes to our handouts, by sharing any additional information, which may be of interest to others. This guide has been produced by The HIVE Support Team 16
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