10100 NE 192nd Street Bothell, Washington www.saintbrendan.org Rev. James Northrop, Pastor February 14th & 15th, 2015 Sunday Eucharist Schedule Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00 am Domingo: 12:00 Noon Misa en Español Weekday Schedule Mass Mon, Wed, Thurs., Fri, Sat: 8:30 am Thursday: 6:00 pm Misa en Español Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:00 pm or by appointment Mission Statement Misión We, the St. Brendan Catholic community, are called to: Nosotros, la comunidad católica de San Brendan estamos llamados a: • Celebrate through Word and Sacrament; • Be formed as disciples and go forth as apostles; • Reach out to all with love and respect In order to make visible the reign of God by transforming our world. • Celebrar a través de la Palabra y Sacramento; • Ser formados como discípulos y seguir adelante como apóstoles; • Llegar a todos con amor y respecto Todo esto para hacer visible el reino de Dios transformando nuestro mundo. ST. BRENDAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Pastor Rev. Jim Northrop | ext #2647 jimn@saintbrendan.org Parochial Vicar Rev. Ron Knudsen | ext. #2644 ronk@saintbrendan.org Important Announcements: Pancake breakfast after Sunday morning Masses today served by the Knights of Columbus in the School Gym. Monday, February 16 is Presidents’ Day. In observance of the holiday, the Parish Office will be closed. Ash Wednesday is February 18. We will celebrate with a 9:00 am Mass; 12:00 pm Liturgy of the Word w/Distribution of ashes and a 7:00 pm Bilingual Mass. Deacons José Blakeley Eamon Parsons Pastoral Associate/Adult Faith Linda Haptonstall | ext #2645 lindah@saintbrendan.org Administration John Phillips | ext #2641 johnp@saintbrendan.org Children & Family Ministry Andrea King [ ext. 2648 andreak@saintbrendan.org Youth & Young Adult Andrew Krieger | ext #2649 andrewk@saintbrendan.org School Principal Chris Lunn chrisl@school.saintbrendan.org Facilities Supervisor Frank Fewel | ext #2650 frankf@saintbrendan.org Bookkeeper/Secretary Kerri Foust | ext #2642 kerrif@saintbrendan.org Receptionist/Facilities Scheduler Lennie Treichel | ext #2640 lenniet@saintbrendan.org Pastoral Secretary Diane Moran | ext #2646 dianem@saintbrendan.org School Administrative Assistant Laurie Brown laurieb@school.saintbrendan.org School Secretary Charlotte Van Hollebeke secretary@school.saintbrendan.org PAGE 2 ST. BRENDAN PARISH Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-noon; 1:00-4:30 pm Phone: (425) 483-9400 Fax: (425) 486-9735 Address: 10051 NE 195th Street Bothell, WA 98011-2931 School Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00-4:00 pm Phone: (425) 483-8300 Fax: (425) 483-2839 Address: 10049 NE 195th Street Bothell, WA 98011-2931 Funeral Masses and Burial Rites To arrange for a funeral Mass or memorial service, please contact the Parish Office, or ask the funeral director to do so. Ministry to the Sick and Homebound To arrange for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick or to receive Holy Communion at home, please contact the Parish Office. Misas para Funerales y Ritos del Entierro Para hacer arreglos para Misa para funeral o servicio conmemorativo, por favor contacte la Oficina de la Parroquia, o pregunte al director de los servicios funerarios. Ministerio para los Enfermos Para hacer arreglos para el Sacramento de La Unción de Los Enfermos o para recibir la Santa Comunión en casa, por favor contacte la Oficina de la Parroquia. Week of February 15, 15’ Readings II Sunday, February 15 8:00 am/10:00 am Mass 12:00 pm La Misa Español SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Lv 13:1-2, 44-46 Cor 10:31—11:1 Mk 1:40-45 Monday, February 16 8:30 am Mass Parish Office Closed PRESIDENTS’ DAY Gn 4:1-15, 25 Mk 8:11-13 Tuesday, February 17 10:00 am LOW @ Chateau 6 OT Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10 Mk 8:14-21 Wednesday, February 18 9:00 am Mass 12:00 pm Liturgy of the Word w/Distribution 7:00 pm Bilingual Mass Ash Wednesday Jl 2:12-18 Cor 5:20—6:2 Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday, February 19 8:30 am Mass Thursday after Ash Wed. Dt 30:15-20 Lk 9:22-25 Friday, February 20 8:30 am Mass 5:30 pm Soup/Stations Friday after Ash Wed. Is 58:1-9a Mt 9:14-15 Saturday, February 21 8:30 am Mass 3:00 pm Penance 5:00 pm 25/50 Anniv. Mass Saturday after Ash Wed. Is 58:9b-14 Lk 5:27-32 Sunday, February 22 8:00 am/10:00 am Mass 12:00 pm La Misa Español FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Gn 9:8-15 Pt 3:18-22 Mk 1:12-15 LENTEN SOUP NIGHTS Join other parishioners for a dinner of Soup and then a time of reflection as we pray the Stations of the Cross every Friday night through Lent. A schedule of the group organizing the soup nights or leading the Stations of the Cross is below. If you would like to be a part of bringing soup for the soup dinner or assist in the leading of the Stations, email or call the contact name of the organization leading the event. *Please see Below Please pray for the sick: Annie Blackburn Lillian Blanks Ashley Gutierrez Christen Heye Allen & Joyce Kostelecky Maria Moore Joyce Novak Jim O’Boyle Deacon Eamon Parsons Peggy Ross Rita Sentenilla Frank Sweeney Victor Verola Teresa Walsh Ernie Williams And for those who have died: Gilberto Jimenec Gwen Lipetska Virginia Pricer LENTEN SOUP NIGHT Date Organization Contact Phone # Email Feb. 20 Feb. 27 March 6 March 13 March 20 March 27 Hispanic Community Life, Peace & Justice Malawi Committee Asian Pacific Group Stewardship Comm. Youth Group Luz Gutierrez Susan DeLaney Marie Hedden Elena Elliott Bill Nash Andrew Krieger Luzgutierrez2009@hotmail.com 425-481-1392 suedelaney@gmail.com 425-481-2484 mhedden40@hotmail.com 425-486-0451 elenelliott@yahoo.com.uk bdnash@frontier.com 425-483-9400 andrewk@saintbrendan.org Date Organization Contact Phone # Feb. 20 Feb. 27 March 6 March 13 March 20 March 27 Knights of Columbus Dan Treichel Hispanic Community Luz Gutierrez Cursillo Melinda Affronte Asian Pacific Group Elena Elliott 425-486-0451 Cursillo Ron Fernandes Living Stations (St. Stephen the Martyr) STATIONS OF THE CROSS Email trike72@aol.com Luzgutierrez2009@hotmail.com saffronte@aol.com elenelliott@yahoo.co.uk PAGE 3 DO YOU KNOW? Brave Women in the Bible Last week Andrea was sick, so this week we are combining the questions and the answers. 1. Who sang a great song about the horse and rider falling into the sea? (Miriam, Moses’ sister—Exodus 15: 21) 2. Who was a judge with her own palm tree where she sat and gave judgment? (Deborah the prophetess—Judges 4: 4 & 5) 3. Who went before a powerful king to ask for the safety of the Jewish people? (Esther—Esther chapter D—verses 1-5 or chapter 5 verses 1-2) 4. Who could give only two pennies at the temple while everyone else was putting in large coins? (The widow—Mark 12: 41-44) NEW TESTAMENT FRIENDS— ST. MATTHEW This is an interesting picture containing Jesus and Matthew. Everyone is wearing the kind of clothes they would have worn in the 1500’s in Europe. All of us are called to be disciples of Jesus, no matter where or when we are living. Jesus wanted Matthew for a disciple. We don’t know much about Matthew, except that he spent time with the tax collectors and money changers. Tax collectors were very unpopular in Jesus’ time because they would always take more money than they were supposed to. We read in Matthew 9: 9-13 that Jesus walked by the table of the money changers and simply said, “Follow me.” St. Matthew got up from the table and followed Jesus right away. Jesus also ate at St. Matthew’s house and met many of his friends. Children & Family Ministry Ministerio Para Niños y Familias Rite of Initiation Adapted for Children Rito de Iniciaciación Adaptado para Niños Baptism Preparation for Parents & Godparents Preparación Bautismal para Padres y Padrinos Children’s Liturgy of the Word Liturgia de la Palabra para Niños Little Disciples (age 3 to K) Pequeños Discipulos (3 a K) Nursery Guardería Moms to Moms Mamás a Mamás Family Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist Preparación de Familias para Primera Reconciliación y Primera Eucaristía Pathways Faith Formation grades 1-5 Veredas Formación de la Fe, grados 1-5 PAGE 4 Youth Minister Contact Andrew Krieger andrewk@saintbrendan.org 425–483-9400 ex2649 Follow us on Facebook /Saintbrendanlifeteen Twitter: @StBrendanLT Instagram: @stbrendanlt LIFETEEN — Join us 2/15 for Kickball in the School Gym @ 7:00 pm. Back in our regular meeting room in the church on 2/22. EDGE— NO EDGE 2/16, See you on 2/23. CONFIRMATION— Mandatory Life Night 2/22 7:00 to 8:30 pm. Bring your books. ST. BRENDAN LIBRARY CORNER Happy Valentine’s Day Weekend! So many of us have a love affair with books..and where’s the best place to find good Catholic books? Your St. Brendan Library of course. Check us out! Also...moms and dads, remember we have lots and lots of children’s books available to help your little ones through Mass. Children’s books are available to be checked out on the library cart in the Narthex every week and there’s lots more in the library itself. Your kids will love ‘em! RCIA PROCESS Are you or someone you know interested in finding out more about how to become a Catholic? Come join us for the RCIA, a process of discernment and initiation into the Catholic faith. The process is one in which you can ask your questions and explore the basic tenets of the Catholic Faith. For more information, call Linda Haptonstall at the Parish Office or email lindah@saintbrendan.org PAGE 5 ST. BRENDAN WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption by Katie Davis is the book we will be reading for the month of February. This true heartwarming story is of a youth gone good—in the most amazing miraculous way! Book Club will meet Monday, February 23 at 7:00 pm at the Alleluia Book Store on Bothell--Everett Hwy. Questions? Call Berni at 425-485-4893 or Anneliese at 425-486-4225. ST. BRENDAN SCRIPTURE STUDY Join us for the coming Scripture Study of the Book of James—Pearls for Wide Living (11 sessions) featuring Jess Cavins, Tuesday evenings 7:00—9:00 pm February 24 through May 5 in the Church Narthex. Fee $28. For more information, contact John Hurley at hurleyjd@comcast.net Cursillo Ultreya ST. BRENDAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL Looking for spiritual growth? Meet the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:00 pm in the library. Interested in Catholic education? St. Brendan Catholic School is a safe, faithfilled learning environment. Our students are well-prepared for high school and the world. We have strong academic programs and a Catholic valuesbased education which includes: preschool—8th grade, half or full-day kindergarten; before and after-school child care; technology, art, PE, library and music classes; catholic youth organization (CYO) sports; after school clubs for art, chess, science, Spanish, French, speech, orchestra, band and computer programming/robotics. We expect to have openings in most grades next year—our preschool, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classes fill up quickly. Call the school office at 425-483-8300 for information. Applications and tuition rates are available online at http://school.saintbrendan.org/ School Tours: Tours are offered for parents and students on Tuesday from 9:30—10:30 am on March 3. Parents can arrange a different tour date by calling 425-483-8300. During a tour, parents and students can: observe a class in session and see our teachers in action; meet with the principal or development director; tour the campus. Preschool Class: 3-year olds; Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday mornings 8:30—11:30 am. Pre-kindergarten Class: 4 year olds; Monday—Friday mornings; 8:30—11:30 am or Monday—Friday all day 8:30 am—3:00 pm Kindergarten through 8th Grade: Monday—Friday all day 8:20 am—3:00 pm; kindergarten morning-only 8:30 am—11:30 am. Before & After School Child Care: 7:00 am—6:00 pm Tuition Assistance: and Middle School Tuition Grants (grades 6, 7, 8) are available based on financial need. Contact: Sam or Melinda Affronte (425) 481-5296 Ron Fernandes (425) 821-3599 seattlecursillo.org Ultreya en Español 3er Sábado del mes de 2-3 pm en la Parróquia de San Brendan.Más información con el Sr. José Blakeley al (425) 868-3342. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! Our Parish Outreach Ministries request the following items: SOS Cans of sliced peaches, sliced pears, mixed fruit, cans of baked beans, salad dressings (i.e.. Ranch, Catalina, spicy Italian, blue cheese), bottles of chili sauce or seafood sauce, bottle of apple cider vinegar PALMS FOR ASH WEDNESDAY Please bring in your old, dried up palms and leave in the basket by the entrance to the church by the end of the day on Sunday, February 15. We will burn these to create ashes for Ash Wednesday. DIAPER BAG PROJECT outfits (0-6), booties/socks (0-3) ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Toilet paper, bar soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, canned chicken, canned tuna, canned fruit BROTHERS OF THE ROCK Men of St. Brendan! First & Third Saturdays of each month at 7:00 am in the Franciscan Room in Church PAGE 6 2015 GIFT CONFERENCE ST. STEPHEN THE MARTYR PARISH/RENTON “The Gift of Mercy—Finding Trust, Confidence & Delight in Jesus Saturday, February 21, 9:00 am—3:00 pm (optional Mass at 8:00 am) Join in and experience holy, dynamic speakers/celebrate Mass/participate in Eucharistic adoration/go to confession/and receive prayer for your individual needs. Family and group discounts are available. Please call 866 -267-4113 for pricing information and to register a family or a group. These discounts are not available online. Register at GiftConference.org Hosted by St. Stephen Catholic Church and sponsored by My Catholic Ministries, a non-profit charitable organization. SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME In today’s second reading, St. Paul urges the Corinthians to “do all for the glory of God.” If we follow that advice in everything we do, we cannot help but be good stewards! Bulletin Deadline 12 Noon Monday (Friday 4:30 when Monday is a Holiday) 25/50 ANNIVERSARY MASS We will be celebrating parishioners 25th, 50th or beyond wedding anniversaries that will be happening this year next Saturday, February 21 at the 5:00 pm Mass. Please contact Lennie Treichel at 425-483-9400 if you will be participating in this event. Cake reception immediately following. Treasure Summary Last Sunday’s Collection *Delayed a week due to illness. Honoring Memories. Celebrating Lives. 206-362-5525 www.acaciafuneralhome.com Steve Burkett, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Investment Advisor Representative of Palisade Investments, LLC INVESTMENTS, RETIREMENT PLANNING, SOCIAL SECURITY STRATEGIES, FINANCIAL PLANNING, FEE ONLY, SMALL BUSINESS 401 (k)s & MORE www.palisadeinvestments.com 425-489-7868 sburkett@palisadeinvestments.com Kathi Swarthout Family Mexican Restaurant (425) 483-6633 FREE LUNCH: Buy 1 Lunch & 2 Drinks Get 2nd Lunch of Equal or Lesser Value FREE--$10 Value 14450 Woodinville-Redmond Rd Woodinville Open 7 days a Week Limit one coupon per table. Dine In only. Cannot be combined with other offer. CatholicMatch Washington CatholicMatch.com/meetWA 425.643.2610 • www.dacels.com “serving your community for over 30 years” Integrated Special Education for high school students Join us and learn more! 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Talk GENERALthe 19515 North Creek Parkway #212, Bothell 486-7764 Freedom med Alert 425-771-3515 www.pearly-whites.com * * * Easy Installation * Waterproof Necklace * USA Made & Monitored * Maintain Your Independence & Peace-of-Mind (425) 485-7447 www.HaiderConstruction.com No Contract Free Equipment Distinctive Eyewear SPECIAL $19.95* PEr MonTH + frEE SHIPPIng Parishioner 486-7270 CALL ToLL frEE 10116 Main Bthl • 425 *fIrST 3 MonTHS onLy Aegis of Bothell is an intimate Inn style community nestled in ©CPI 185 - CPI, P.O. Box 81026, Seattle, WA 98108-1026 - For Advertising call John Hitt - 800-867-0660 www.catholicprintery.com Downtown Kirkland 486-5292 Bothell NORMANHelp BOLOSAN, is onDDS Push 6708 NE 181st St. Kenmore, Wash. WEDDING CAKES Call Leida Kaskes (425) 771-1234 405 5th Ave. S. Edmonds Caring Professional Family Owned KENMORE CAMERA Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, & Probate Everett 425.290.8800 Mill Creek 425.379.5100 HILLCREST BAKERY Aegishistoric of Bothell is an intimate community nestled the neighborhood of historic Bothell. With Inn ourstyle very own park and incozy setting Bothell. With our very own park andthe cozy settingfeeling our Innof hashome. the warm feeling of home. We Aegis of Bothell has warm provide 7 day a week-24 hour nursing care, Assisted Living, Transitional Memory Care, 7 day a week-24 hour nursing care. Memory Care and Hospice. Assisted Living, Transitional Memory Care and Hospice. Come by for a lunch and a tour. www.aegisofbothell.com Creating Award Winning Kitchens & Baths Family Owned for 30 years Kitchen Design Shoppe, Inc ABOGADO Marcos andres HaMMer Mon-Sat 6am-9pm Sun 7:00am-9:00pm 1-800-529-6275 22620 Bothell Everett Hwy at Canyon Park Accidentes de Automovil Si No Ganamos No Cobramos Habla Español Cathy Larsen-Jepson CKD,CBD George Muller (425) 483-5500 Susan Larsen CKD,CBD 17417 139th Ave. NE Woodinville, WA georgemuller@allstate.com 206-909-9258 206-909-1129 Great Specials Daily Happy Hour 3-6pm “Seattle’s solution to www.aegisofbothell.com all your plumbing needs.” 425-487-3245 425-486-7781 “The Plumber People Recommend” www.fischerplumbing.com Offices: (206) 783-4129Care Asset Preservation, Medicaid, Long Term (425) 455-1310 Planning, Disability, Wills &Congratulations Trusts, RN on Staff to Holy Rosary © 2014 Allstate Insurance Co. 88663 Parishioners Local Families Have Known For Years... 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Hwy Local Catholic boy sells new and used cars for less Greg Olson See how much you’ll save at Freedom med Alert * No Contract * Free Equipment * Easy Installation * Waterproof Necklace * USA Made & Monitored * Maintain Your Independence & Peace-of-Mind Chuckolsonkia.com Chuckolsonchev.com CALL ToLL frEE 1-877-489-8269 “A P L AC E T O F E E D T H E S O U L” SPECIAL $19.95* PEr MonTH + frEE SHIPPIng Local Family Owned Business *fIrST 3 MonTHS onLy Hours: Mon-Sat 10am to 6pm AlleluiaCatholicStore.com ...Give a Catholic Gift! Art, Baptism, Bibles, Books, Statues, Movies, Bracelets, Rosaries, Cross Communion, Confirmation, Medals SE HABLA John Augustavo Real Estate Agent Cell 206.251.6290 21 YEAR PARISHIONER 16564 Cleveland St. Suite H Redmond, WA 98052 johnaugustavo@johnlscott.com For every transaction, a donation will be made in your name to St. Brendan. ESPAÑOL With Three Locations! BOTHELL ~ KENT ~ TACOMA BothellFamilyDentistry (425)481-7790 DR.JOSEPHM.HANRAHAN,D.D.S. Parishioner Senior Discount/Extended Hours 18222 104th Ave. NE Ste. 106, Bothell Shop, Sell & Save with North America’s Leading Children’s & Maternity Consignment Sales Event!™ March 12-15 The Pickering Barn March 19-21 Gold Creek Church • Mill Creek April 16-19 Evergreen State Fairgrounds more info at jbfsale.com 425. 488. 8999 StarHairCuts Men, Women & Children $6.99 (reg $18 to $20) 18827 NE Bothell Way 425-482-6126 (by QFC)
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