בס"ד תשע"ה, אדר- שבט February, 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 שבת יֹום ו יֹום ה יֹום ד יֹום ג יֹום ב יֹום א Of Woodmere Rabbi Shaya Richmond ‘א ‘ב ‘ג ‘ד ‘ז ‘ח ‘ט ‘י י"א י"ג י"ד ט"ו ט"ז י"ז י"ח ‘כ כ"א כ"ב כ"ג כ"ד כ"ה כ"ז כ"ח כ"ט ‘ל ‘א ‘ב ‘ה ‘ו י"ב י"ט כ"ו For the week of February 13 - 19, 2015 / תשע"ה, ל‘ שבט- כ״ד This Shabbat פרשת משפטים February 14, 2015 תשע"ה,כ״ה שבט פרשת שקלים- שבת מברכים Erev Shabbat: Candle Lighting ................... 5:09 pm Mincha................................. 5:14 pm Shabbat: Hashkama .............................7:10 am Shacharit ...............................9:00 am סֹוף זמן קריאת שמע...................9:29 am Daf Yomi ............................. 4:25 pm Mincha................................. 5:10 pm Followed by Seudah Shlishit Maariv ................................. 6:10 pm Shabbat Ends ....................... 6:10 pm Earliest Tallit ........................5:55 am Shacharit ................... 7:30 & 8:30 am Daf Yomi ..............................8:00 am Mincha/Maariv .................... 5:15 pm Tuesday - Friday Shacharit Tues, Wed ............... 6:20 & 7:15 am Thu, Fri ()ראש חדש... 6:10 & 7:05 am Daf Yomi: Tue, Wed ........................... 8:00 pm Thursday ............................ 7:00 pm Maariv ................................. 8:50 pm Welcome back from Israel to Lynda and Moshe Kadry and Molly and Dini Berkowitz. Shiurim Youth Department Groups Begin .........................9:15 am Groups End .......................... 11:30 am Teen Minyan ......................... 9:15 am Ice skating is scheduled for this Saturday night, February 14th. 7 - 9 pm. $18 per person. Erev Shabbat: Candle Lighting.................... 5:17 pm Mincha ................................. 5:22 pm Please contact Gordon to RSVP and then he can order a sufficient amount of Pizza. Also advise about any allergies. If you are unsure whether ice skating is on, contact Gordon at (516) 359-9995 Interested in snow tubing on March 1 st? Contact Gordon so we can book tickets. The next פרשת ויקרא youth Shabbos will be Sponsorships Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Hindy and Joey Schiff in honor of their new born grandson and by Chaya and Franklin Berke to commemorate the first Yarhrtzeit of Franklin’s mother, June Berke ע"ה Next Shabbat פרשת תרומה February 22, 2015 תשע"ה,ב׳ אדר Shabbat: Sisterhood Purim Project As in previous years, everyone should have received an email with instructions for ordering Mishloach Manot online. If you have any questions, you can contact Michelle Fuchs, Linda Keehn, or Mimi Srulovich. Rabbinic Search Commitee Rabbi Aaron Feigenbaum will be attending our shul for Shabbos as a candidate on March 7th If you want to be a sponsor for any oneg or Kiddush on that Shabbos, contact Steve Snyder or Jay Fuchs. Hashkama ............................ 7:10 am Shacharit .............................. 9:00 am סֹוף זמן קריאת שמע................... 9:24 am Daf Yomi ............................. 4:35 pm Mincha ................................. 5:15 pm Followed by Seudah Shlishit Maariv ................................. 6:15 pm Shabbat Ends........................ 6:19 pm Sunday Earliest Tallit........................ 5:46 am Shacharit ................... 7:30 & 8:30 am Daf Yomi ............................. 8:00 am Mincha/Maariv ..................... 5:20 pm Bais Tefilah's 27th Annual Dinner will take place on Sunday , March 22nd, 2015 at the White Shul. Mazal Tov to the awardees: Rhoda and Gil Shuter...................................... Guests of Honor Rabbi Dovid and Arlene Etengoff ......... Keter Shem Tov Award Alyssa Fuchs and Jack Ross................. Youth LeadershipAward בס"ד Of Woodmere Allan M. Page 2 Support For Israel As Purim approaches, why not support Israel by sending Mishloach Manot packages to IDF soldiers or to terror victims in Israel? Standing Together is working to pr ovide special, personal mishloach manot packages for chayalim as a celebration of Pur im and a gesture of hakarat hatov to the brave men and women who protect the land, borders, holy places and people of Israel. The most important item in each mishloach manot package will be a personal letter wishing the soldier a Purim sameach and best wishes for their health and safety. Donate at www.stogether.org/mishloach-manot-2015/ Bnei Akiva can help you let IDF soldiers know that you ar e thinking of them this Pur im, by deliver ing a Mishloach Manot package to a soldier on duty. To see a selection of baskets that you can send to soldiers, family or friends in Israel, go to http://baskets.bneiakiva.org/default.asp A Kosher Basket is wor king hand in hand with Connections Israel to help you send Mishloach Manot to IDF soldier s or to victims of terror. Go to http://connectionsisrael.com/donate or www.a-kosher-basket.com/Soldiers.php During the last twelve years PizzaIDF has delivered many thousands of pizza pies and other gifts to thousands of soldiers. It is impossible to describe how happy they are to receive these "special treats" -- it goes well beyond getting a hot pizza late at night at a lonely post. It is as tremendous an experience for us to distribute the pizzas on your behalf as it is for the soldiers to receive them. They love to know that people everywhere support and care for them. Send our soldiers Misloach Manot this Purim and let them know you appreciate everything they are doing for us and allowing us all to celebrate Purim with our families wherever we are. You can send mishloach manot or pizza at http://pizzaidf.org/order-form/ Tanach Shiur B’Nei Akiva Bnei Akiva will be meeting this Shabbos, February 14th, for third through eighth graders at Young Israel of Woodmere from 5:00 till the end of Shabbat. Dinner Journal Ads If you're interested in helping the shul get journal ads for our annual dinner, please contact Lisa Fishbein, Simone Greenbaum or Jay Fuchs. United with Israel is a global gr assr oots movement, founded by J ewish families deeply committed to the success and prosper ity of Israel. Through sharing biblical, historical and political perspectives, they seek to strengthen the deeply rooted connection between the People and the Land of Israel This Purim, your participation in the United With Israel Purim Campaign will provide Israel's victims of terror with much deserved comfort and joy. Unfortunately, there are thousands of terror victims who have suffered greatly and need our compassion and love. You can join United with Israel in distributing hundreds of festive food baskets at http://unitedwithisrael.net/purim/?c=hr Along with your gift, include a per sonal message of suppor t and encour agement - so greatly appreciated by the families. Purim gift baskets are processed by Partners with Israel and are not US tax deductible. Gili’s Goodies will send a gift package to your childr en in Isr ael and even has a special package for your child’s teacher /r ebbe. Go to http://www.gilisgoodies.com/purim-in-israel-c-11/ for mor e infor mation. We are looking for members to make small, senior friendly mishloach manot packages to be distributed on Purim Day to the residents of Long Island Hebrew Living Center. For more info, contact Nancy Schoenfeld at nes0314@aol.com or cell # 516-209-7773 Please let her know how many packages you will be making as soon as possible. We are also looking for children and adults alike to help with the distribution on Purim Day. Thank you! .............. Tzku L’Mitzvot! To reach the Rabbi for any questions or concerns: e-mail- rabbirichmond@gmail.com Home Phone- (516) 569-4809 Cell Phone- (516) 941-8222 To put items in this newsletter, contact Franklin Berke 569-9640 or fberke@panix.com To check the eruv, please call 295-4242 To sponsor Kiddush in shul please contact Jay Fuchs at 374-1268 (home), 313-6196 (cell) or JayFuchs1@MSN.com To sponsor Daf Yomi please contact Jay Fuchs, until further notice To sponsor Seudah Shlishit or to reserve the shul social hall for your next simcha please contact Marvin Wertentheil at 295-2593 or mweyemd2@msn.com To Layn in shul, contact Gary Weiss at (718) 551-8981) To sponsor the Sunday Morning Breakfast Shiur on Contemporary Issues in Halacha, contact Mel Grossman at mel.grossman@verizon.net or (516) 374-1376 To register your kids for the youth program, please contact Gordon Rich To be added to the Bais Tefilah e-mail list, send an email to Jeff Grunstein at jeffg@btwoodmere.org or contact Jay Fuchs
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