FEBRUARY 2015 LAMPLIGHTER Church Website: www.stpaul

St. Paul Lutheran Church
Le Center, MN 56057
David A. Aaker, Pastor
Office #507/357-2212
Office e-mail: stpauluj@frontiernet.net
Our Stewardship
Worship Attendance:
Sun., Dec. 7
Sun., Dec. 14
Sun., Dec. 21
Sun., Dec. 28
February 18 - Ash Wednesday - That You May Have Life
11 A.M. & 7 P.M.
Christmas Eve Worship, Dec. 24 = 221 + 144 = 365
Christmas Day Worship, Dec. 25 = 39
Balance on hand as of 11/30/14
Income to General Acct.
Balance on hand as of 12/31/14
March 11
March 18
March 25
$ +
+ 745.40
Church Website: www.stpaul-lc.org
February 25 - Nicodemus Encounters Jesus - John 3 :1 - 21
11 A.M. & 7 P.M.
March 4
Pastor’s Devotional Line: 651-203-4195
Average attendance in December on Sunday morning = 154
Lent 2015
“That You May Have Life” is a liturgy about encountering Jesus in the Gospel of
John. Several years ago we did this liturgy and the response was very good. So I am inviting
you to participate once again in this liturgy on Wednesdays during Lent. The music of the
liturgy was written by Marty Haugen and the words were written by Susan Briehl. It is for
me, one of my favorite liturgies and I look forward to sharing it with you once again.
- (December 2014)
- The Woman of Samaria - John 4 :1 - 26
11 A.M. & 7 P.M.
Powerful Object Lesson – - The Man Born Blind - John 9 : 1 - 41
11 A.M. & 7 P.M.
she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they’d be asked the “half empty or half full” question. Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired: “How heavy is this glass of water?” - Mary, Martha and Lazarus - John 11 : 1 - 44
11 A.M. & 7 P.M.
- The Last Supper - John 13 -15
11 A.M. & 7 P.M.
A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience. As Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz. She replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it’s not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb & paralyzed. In each case, the weight of the glass doesn’t change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.” April 2
- Maundy Thursday
11 A.M. & 7 P.M.
April 3
- Good Friday
10 A.M. & 3 P.M. & 7 P.M.
April 5
- Easter - The Resurrection
8:30 A.M. & 10:30 A.M.
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Pastor Dave
She continued, “the stresses & worries in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while & nothing happens. Think about them a bit longer & they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralyzed – in capable of doing anything.” Remember to put the glass down. Page 2
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church
Council Meeting Minutes
Present: Gary Johnson, Michelle Liebhard, Tom Becker, Connie Harmeyer, Jim Reddemann,
Lori Collins, Gary Novotny, Pastor Dave Aaker, Dayna Burmeister, Treasurer Marilyn
Novotny, Larry Zinke
Opening devotions/prayer by Pastor Dave.
Approval of previous meeting minutes: Motion by Connie Harmeyer to approve the minutes
as printed; seconded by Jim Reddemann. Motion carried.
Treasurers Report: Balance of $2,043.38 prior to payroll. Motion by Jim Reddemann to
approve the Treasurer’s report; seconded by Dayna Thelemann. Motion carried.
Committee Reports:
• Evangelism & Worship: Exploring new hymnals and regrouping the committee.
2. Audit Books – has been completed.
3. Agenda for Annual Meeting – Agenda is set; will highlight the Property &
Management report. It’s important to share information with the congregation
throughout the year in an effort to be more transparent.
4. Roof Update – work will not be done until the weather warms up.
New Business:
1. Shirley Germscheid – has announced her resignation after 42 years effective June 30.
Executive Board will meet and make a plan to bring back to the Council.
2. New Copy Machine – copy machine needs to be replaced. Estimates for a Ricoh
2501SP (copier/scanner/fax) are approximately $4,000 with a $211 maintenance
agreement. Will consider using Edsel & Mary Janovsky memorial money.
Youth & Education: Committee didn’t meet.
Transfer out: Randy Knish to First English Lutheran Church, Faribault
Stewardship: Committee didn’t meet, however Photo Directory subcommittee met.
They are coordinating photos for shut-ins and will begin making calls to those not yet
signed up. In need of greeters for 4 hour slots during photo sessions.
Thank you to Lori Collins and Tom Becker for their service on the Church Council.
Property & Maintenance: Committee didn’t meet.
Meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Pastor Dave’s Report: Pastor is healing nicely after his surgery and received an
excellent pathology report; follow up again in April. 38 are registered for National
Youth Gathering in Detroit and still room on our bus. Pastor’s Conference is on
01/20/15 in Le Sueur. Working on Lent. Looking for members interested in
attending Southeastern MN Synod “Councils as Leaders 2015” on Sunday, Feb 22.
Pastor will be taking some time off in February and will be gone Feb 8. Annual
insurance audit forms will be completed. St. Paul members served approximately 50
students at Lutheran Campus Ministry’s “Meal for a Buck” on 01/13/15. Received a
thank you letter from Lutheran Social Service for our annual contribution.
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Larry Zinke to approve the agenda with additions
noted; seconded by Lori Collins. Motion carried.
Old Business:
1. Nominating Committee Report – we have nominations for 3 Council opening;
Melanie Vollmer, Barb Krohn and Connie Harmeyer. Still in need of SE MN Synod
Delegates. Gary Johnson will check his schedule.
Page 3
Motion to adjourn made by Lori Collins; seconded by Tom Becker. Motion carried. Next
Council meeting - Wednesday, February 11, 2015.
Respectfully Submitted by Dayna Thelemann
Some of the property needs have been addressed. There are many more that will need to be
addressed in this coming year. At our annual meeting some of these needs will be discussed.
1. The church building will need to be tuck pointed. We have temporarily, we hope,
stopped some of the leaking with some caulk filling at the corner of the church on the
pulpit side.
2. The roof over the office area and elevator area will be completed as soon as the
weather warms up.
3. Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors have been installed throughout the
4. Issues regarding the elevator have been addressed, for example, signage, removing
rust, painting, and a fire extinguisher in the elevator room.
Please look for information and updates regarding our property needs.
Page 4
Families of St. Paul Lutheran,
Spring Salad & Hot Dish Luncheon is set for Thurs., April 16, 2015
(11:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.) Please take a few minutes now to fill out this slip & drop it in the
offering plate/office/mail/or call. We hope you will fill out this sheet soon, so we do not have to call
you as to what you can bring or do. We hope you will bring food or give cash and help at this
luncheon. Thank you for helping in whatever way you can.
Chairpersons, Bonnie Hartwig (357-6284) & Lori Stoering (357-2396)
Cash $________
Take Outs (9 am)________
Hot Dish________
Drivers/take outs(10:45 am)________
Cold Meat Salad________
Dishes (11:15 am)________
Cold Veg. Salad________
(cabbage salad) ________
(three-bean salad)______
Kitchen preparation
Kitchen(making & watching
the coffee-9:15 am)_______
Potato Salad___________
Scalloped Potatoes______
German Potato Salad________
Kitchen (watching hot dishes,
9 am)_________
Salad Greens Type Salad_____
Clean Up (12:30 - ?)______
Deviled Eggs________doz.
(1 doz. – 24 halves)
Fruit Salad________
Creamy Fruit Salad______
Fresh Fruit________
Jello Salad_____________
St. Paul Lutheran
Le Center
Salad & Hot Dish
Serving Table (10:30 am)_______
Set tables night before(6:30 pm)________
Waitress (10:30 am)___________
Thursday, April 16, 2015
11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
$7.00 adults
$2.00 children 10 & under
Bars_____(13”x9”pan or more)
Your Name____________________________________________
(all dishes should be at least 2 quarts, please)
Phone #___________________________
Page 5
Takeout’s & in-town deliveries
Page 6
Let us pray for each other . . .
We pray for those in our church, members
& *non-members that have been sick,
hospitalized, having surgeries, or are now
home recovering. Prayer Concerns - Roger
& Marilyn Boettcher
Anna Pope is now at Central Health Care,
444 N. Cordova Ave., Le Center.
Memorial Gifts:
$100 was given to the St. Paul
Lutheran “Leaky Roof Fund” in memory
of Emil Knish.
$50 was given to the St. Paul Lutheran
General Memorial Fund in memory of
LeAnder May.
$100 as given to the St. Paul Lutheran
General Memorial Fund in memory of
Lyle Whipps.
Our Christian Sympathy & Prayers to:
Vivian Ugland & Family upon the death of
daughter-in-law Julie Ugland (Mrs.Jay), age
57, of Faribault. Her funeral was held on Dec.
29, 2014 at First English Lutheran Church in
The Family of Grace Kendall, age 89. She
died on Jan.6, 2015 at Central Health Care.
She & her husband “Jiggs” were the
custodians here at St. Paul Lutheran for 22
years. Jiggs died in April, 2003. A Burial for
Grace will take place in the Spring.
Charles Vavra & Family upon the death of
Charles’ sister, Geraldine Forbes, age 77. Her
funeral was held in Mendota Heights on Jan.
BIBLE CAMP: The dates for Bible Camp
for students in 6th & 7th grade are June 1419. Letters were sent to each student &
their parents. Please send or bring in your
son/daughter’s camp registration & health
forms to the church office & $90 (payable
to St. Paul Lutheran) soon.
May God bless their memories, these gifts
and those who gave them.
Worship Assistants
in February
Altar Guild:
Kathy Erkel, Sue Knish,
Shirley Germscheid
Bulletin Sponsors: (cost: $20.00)
Feb. 1 – Dr. Dawn Stavish
Feb. 8 – Larry & Diane Zinke
Feb. 15 – Arnie & Linda Kolander Family
Feb. 22– Aaron,Michelle & Emilynn Liebhard
Wed., Feb. 18 at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Worship with Holy Communion; and
continue each Wed. with a worship service
at these times during Lent.
Feb. 1 – Dorothy Simonsen
Feb. 8 – Ruth Schley
Feb. 15 – Michelle Liebhard
Feb. 22 - Youth
Random Thoughts
as we age together….
The biggest lie I tell myself is..”I don’t need
to write that down, I’ll remember it!!”
Last year I joined a support group for
procrastinators. We haven’t met yet!!
Old age is coming at a really bad time! I
don’t have gray hair.
I have “wisdom
highlights”. I’m just wise!!”
If God wanted me to touch my toes, he
would’ve put them on my knees!!!
I’m going to retire & live off of my
savings. Not sure what I’ll do that 2nd week!!
Feb. 1 – Dave & Debbie Struckman
Feb. 8 – Chad & Kit Schley & Family
Feb. 15 – Larry & Susan Schmidt
Feb. 22 - Youth
Coffee Hour:
Feb. 1 – The Pfarr Family
Feb. 8 – Harold & Terry Sladek
Feb. 15 – Lyle & Barb Braun
Feb. 22 – Wes & Helen Bednar
Count Money:
Feb. 1 – Travis Christensen & Marilyn
Prepare For Worship
in February
Read the texts for Sunday before you come to
Readings for Feb. 1 – Fourth Sunday after
Psalm 111
Lessons: Deuteronomy 18:15-20 and
1 Corinthians 8:1-13
Gospel: Mark 1:21-28
Readings for Feb. 8 – Fifth Sunday after
Psalm 147:1-11, 20c
Lessons: Isaiah 40:21-31 and
1 Corinthians 9:16-23
Gospel: Mark 1:29-39
Readings for Feb. 15 – Transfiguration of Our
Psalm 50:1-6
Lessons: 2 Kings 2:1-12 and
2 Corinthians 4:3-6
Gospel: Mark 9:2-9
Readings for Feb. 22 – First Sunday in Lent
Psalm 25:1-10
Lessons: Genesis 9:8-17 and
1 Peter 3:18-22
Gospel: Mark 1:9-15
1 Mark Kubat, Nadia Lewis
2 Dylan Cesafsky, Tom Oak, Wendy
Claffey, Jill Steinborn
3 Terry Overn, Dominic Holicky
4 Emma Mason
5 Savannah Squires, Kiersten Holicky
6 Paul Schley, William R. Novosad
8 Lorraine Veen, Erin Buss, Dave Blaschko
9 Evelyn Lukes, Bruce Welckle, Gabriel
10 Colton Tousley, Julie Novotny
11 Charolette Traxler, David Farm, Carey
12 Keeley Oak, Cooper O’Brien, Tammy
13 Emma Olson
14 Lyle Braun, Tyler Sladek
16 Mary Ann Braun, Jake Peterson, Anna
17 Harriet Loney, Mamie Knish
18 Marilyn Lawrence
19 Verna Ziegenhagen, Bo Johnson, Fahtima
20 Emilynn Liebhard, Sue Hrdlicka
21 Molly Ehlers, Madeline Kempenich,
Jackson Kempenich
22 Dayna Thelemann
23 Bob Bohlen
24 Vanessa Holicky, Kim Sapp, Chloe
25 Curt Kuethe, Cody Bunting
26 Susan Soulek, Katie Engel, Emily Onken,
Helen Tiede
27 Patti Simonette, Kathy Eager, Shane
28 Carter Simon
29 Brennon Holicky
Grades 7 & 8 will meet at 6 p.m. for class
on Wed., Feb. 4, 11 & 25th . A light meal
is served from 5:15-5:45 p.m.
Acolytes who signed up for February:
Feb. 1: Kailey Mach & Grace Vollmer
Feb. 8: Brett Nichols
Feb. 15: Ashley Roemhildt & Jacob Peterson
Feb. 22: Kailey Mach
Remember the ‘Picture Directory’ – If you
haven’t signed up, we still can get you in
the picture book and we’d love to have
you in it.
Dates left are Feb. 6th & 7th.
Go on line to our website: www.stpaullc.org and click on ‘LifeTouch’ and
register or call Vicki Mach at 357-4563 to
make your appointment.
Mark your Calendar for our ELCW
Salad & Hot Dish Luncheon which will
be held here on Thurs., April 16th, 11 a.m.
– 1 p.m.
“Soup-­‐er Bowl Sunday” is Feb. 1. Help give your support to ELCA World Hunger Fund and our local Le Center Food Shelf by donating money into the bowls that will be placed in the entryways of our church on Feb. 1st. Thank You Note to our Sympathy Committee
from the Lyle Whipps family –
Thank you all for serving and your lunch
First State Bank of Le Center ‘OPEN
HOUSE’ on Fri., Feb. 13, 9:00 a.m. –
5:00 p.m. “Stop in & see their New
Look!” Sign up for the bank to donate $2
per person to the church of your choice &
also a chance to win one of two “Sharing
the Bounty”, prints by Jim Hansel created
for the Sheriff’s Youth Project of Le Sueur
A Little Holy Humor!!!
GOOD SAMARITAN - A Sunday school
teacher was telling her class the story of the
Good Samaritan. She asked the class, “If you
saw a person lying on the roadside, all
wounded & bleeding, what would you do?” A
thoughtful little girl broke the hushed silence,
“I think I’d throw up.”!!
DID NOAH FISH? - A Sunday school
teacher asked, “Johnny, do you think Noah did
a lot of fishing when he was on the Ark?”
“No,” replied Johnny. “How could he, with
just 2 worms.”!!
The Le Center Food Shelf Board would
like to thank you for your donations of
food and money throughout 2014. We
also thank all of you who volunteer at the
Food Shelf. Everybody’s help, whether
you volunteer or donate, is very much
appreciated. God’s blessings to each of
2014 AARP Free Tax Help: Joan & LeRoy
May, Bob Hansen, Ricki Anderson, Dick
Smith & Dottie May are volunteers through
the AARP Tax Aide program. They will be
available to prepare & e-file your 2014 tax
returns on Mon., March 9 at St. Mary’s
Church, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Bring your tax records
& forms. Also, bring your 2013 tax return.
These tax returns must be simple – no
businesses or farm taxes. Open to older adults
& people with low incomes. Volunteers are
NOT liable for errors. Appointments must be
made to have your tax returns completed.
Please call the Community Center of le Sueur
507-665-4620 to make your appointment.
school teacher decided to have her young class
memorize one of the most quoted passages in
the Bible – Psalm 23. She gave the
youngster’s a month to learn the chapter.
Little Rick was excited about the task – but he
just couldn’t remember the Psalm. After
much practice, he could barely get past the
first line. On the day that the kids were
scheduled to recite Psalm 23 in front of the
congregation, Ricky was so nervous. When it
as his turn, he stepped up to the microphone &
said proudly, “The Lord is my shepherd, &
that’s all I need to know.”!!
SAY A PRAYER – Little Johnny & his family
were having Sunday dinner at his
Grandmother’s house. Everyone was seated
around the table as the food was being served.
When Little Johnny received his plate, he
started eating right away. “Johnny! Please
wait until we say our prayer”, said his mother.
“IO don’t need to,” the boy replied. “Of
course, you do” his mother insisted. “We
always say a prayer before eating at our
house.” “That’s at our house,” Johnny
explained. “But this is Grandma’s house &
she knows how to cook.”!!