February Parents’ Connection School Calendar of Events Date Events 6 Feb (Fri) P3 & P4 Math Parent Workshop 16 Feb (Mon) Total Defence Day 17 Feb (Tues) Sports Day Heats 18 Feb (Wed) CNY celebrations (whole school) & Ash Wednesday Mass (for Remarks For P3 & P4 parents only A letter has been issued P1 – P6 pupils School hours as per normal For selected P3 – P6 pupils only After school hours P1 – P6 pupils 7.45am to 10.30am February Parents’ Connection ST. ANTHONY’S CANOSSIAN PRIMARY SCHOOL 1602 Bedok North Ave 4 Singapore 469701 Tel : 6449 2239 Fax : 6449 2146 Email : sacps@moe.edu.sg Website: http://www.stanthonyscanossianpri.moe.edu.sg FEBRUARY 2015 Catholic pupils only) 19 and 20 Feb (Thurs and Fri) 23 and 24 Feb (Mon and Tues) 26 Feb (Thurs) 6 March (Fri) Chinese New Year School Holidays Mother Tongue Book fair Public Holidays Our School Mission To nurture and empower Canossians to be persons of integrity committed to serving God and others Our School Vision Canossian Saints’ Day & Prefects’ Investiture Sports Day P5 & P6 Mock Exams Date Subject 25 Feb (Wed) Higher Mother Tongue 2 March (Mon) English 3 March (Tues) Science 4 March (Wed) Mother Tongue 5 March (Thurs) Mathematics For P3 – P6 pupils only 7.45am – 10.30am School holiday for P1 and P2 pupils Please note that the canteen will be closed that day. All pupils must have their breakfast at home and water bottles with them. For P3 – P6 pupils only School holiday for P1 and P2 pupils A letter will be issued at a later date Remarks Please note that Mock Exam marks are NOT added into the Semestral Assessments. No supplementary classes for P5 & P6 pupils from 3 March to 6 March. Supplementary classes resume on 8 March. Higher Mother Tongue classes will be held as per normal P2 to P4 remedial classes will be held as per normal. CCAs for P3 & P4 pupils will be conducted as per normal. Please refer to the given schedule for each CCA. Leaders with a Heart for Others Our School Values Charity, Humility, Forgiveness TOTAL DEFENCE DAY Total Defence Day falls on 15th February and marks Singapore’s fall to the Japanese during World War 2. This annual event reminds us that nation-building is not easy and that we must all play our part towards preserving our present prosperity and stability. The theme for this year’s Total Defence Day is The Strength of Our Nation. 2015 marks 50 years of both Singapore’s independence and the formation of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF). The impact of the SAF is seen from the prosperity of the thriving economy, to the social harmony across the heartlands, forming the nation’s inner strength. We must always remember that the responsibility of defending Singapore lies with each and every Singaporean, because Singapore is our home, and worth defending. To commemorate this important day, our school has lined up a variety of activities for our pupils to enhance their understanding of the 5 aspects of Total Defence and how they can be a part of each aspect. We will be simulating the experience of food rationing, during the recesses on 13 th February, through the sale of food commonly consumed during the period of Japanese Occupation such as porridge and sweet potatoes. We hope to give our pupils a glimpse into how life was like for our pioneer generation during the war. More details will be given at a later date. February Parents’ Connection February Parents’ Connection Morning Mass Exercise Chinese New Year Celebrations Morning mass exercise for pupils has commenced on 25 January for P2 to P6 pupils and will commence for P1 pupils on 3 February. The schedule is as follows: The school will be celebrating Chinese New Year on 18 February (Wednesday). Curtailed school hours on the day will be from 7.45am to 10.30am. Pupils are encouraged to bring two Mandarin oranges for the exchange of oranges. Pupils can be attired in traditional Chinese ethnic costumes. Hair accessories and proper school shoes worn must be in accordance to what is approved by the school. Pupils should come in school uniform if they do not wish to wear the Chinese ethnic attire. Pupils are reminded to have a good breakfast at home as the canteen will be closed. Pupils should have their water bottles with them. Level P1 & P4 P2 & P5 P3 & P6 Days Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Level P1,2 & 3 P4,5 & 6 Venue (dry weather) Indoor Sports Hall Void Deck Venue (wet weather) Indoor Sports Hall Hall Pupils should proceed to the respective venues with their school bags when they reach school. The mass exercise will begin at 7.15am. If your child arrives at school after 7.15am, she is required to go straight to the respective venue immediately. Pupils must be in their PE attire on the stipulated days. In the event that your child is unable to participate in the mass exercise, do write a note in her student’s planner or ensure that she produces a valid medical certificate and informs the teacher incharge. Maintaining a Conducive Environment for Pupils and Staff Under the Environmental Protection and Management (Vehicular Emissions) Regulations, it is an offence to leave the engine of a motor vehicle running when it is stationary other than traffic conditions. A stationary motor vehicle with engine running wastes fuel and causes air pollution. Errant motorists can be fined up to a maximum of $5000. To achieve better air quality in and around the school as well as to safeguard public health, parents are reminded that they are to switch off their engines while waiting to pick up their children from school. Through collective efforts by schools and NEA, we hope that to work together in 2015 to ensure and maintain a conducive environment for your daughters, our pupils and our loved ones. Student Leadership Training During the March holidays, the Character and Citizenship Formation (CCF) Department will be conducting Student Leadership training for the following groups of pupils on 16 March (Monday): P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 – P6 Prefects – P6 Class Leaders – P6 Canossian Ambassadors – P6 Media Monitors – P6 School Librarians – P6 CCA Leaders 8.00 am – 8.00 am – 8.00 am – 8.00 am – 8.00 am – 8.00 am – 3.00 pm 12.30 pm 12.30 pm 12.30 pm 12.30 pm 12.30 pm If your child has been appointed for any of these roles, she is strongly encouraged to attend the training session as it will equip her skills which will help her in her leadership responsibilities. This training will take place in our school. A letter with more details will be issued at a later date. e-Learning Week for P4 and P5 pupils The e-Learning English and Mathematics activities for P4 and P5 pupils will be held on week 8 (Mon and Tues) and the e-Learning activities for Science and Mother Tongue will be held on week 10. School hours will proceed as per normal. Safety and Security Reminder Sports Day The school will be holding its annual Sports Day on 6 March (Friday) morning at Bedok Stadium. All P3 to P6 pupils are required to attend the event. It is a school holiday for P1 and P2 pupils. There is no CCA on 6 March for all pupils. More information will be made available at a later date. For the safety and security of our pupils, parents and caregivers are reminded not to peer through or hold on to the fencing at St Raphael gate, especially in the morning and at school dismissal. As the school cannot ascertain whether a person standing at the gate or fencing is a parent or stranger, do stand a safe distance away from the gate, as you wait for your child. Do arrive only at the time of school dismissal, to pick up your child. You are also reminded not to take any photographs or videos of the pupils at St Raphael Gate. If the school notices any suspicious individual or behaviour, we will not hesitate to call the police. 2 3
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