VISTA GRILLE OPENING - Ladies Executive Golf Club

 Silverstone Golf Club Ladies’
Golf Tournament
Wednesday, May 6, 2015 WHERE
Silverstone Golf Club, 8600 Cupp Drive, Las Vegas, 89131
2 Lady Best Ball plus individual skills pr izes, 10 stroke handicap differential, flighted,
38 max handicap. May 1st Index will determine handicap. Limited to first 72 teams.
$85 per person includes: Continental Breakfast, G reen Fees, One (1) Pro Drive, two
magic putts, Awards Lunch and a chance to win an Acura ILX, courtesy of Acura o f Las
Vegas. 1/3 of field will be paid. $5.00 of the entry will be donated to th e “Dress for
Success” charity. TIMES
Breakfast and registration: 6:30 a.m. – 7:30 a.m.
Shotgun at 8:00 a.m.
April 21, 2015 - No Refunds after April 28 th
For additional information call Cindy Koerner at 702- 595-4193 or email her at
Don’t forget your address labels fo r the raffle tickets
Detach and mail with your check made pa yable to Silverstone Golf Clu b to:
Cindy Koerner, 7870 Dancing Leaf St., Las Vegas, NV 89131
Player #1 Name ________________________________
Player #2 Name ________________________________
Phone# __________________ Ghin # ______________
Phone# __________________ Ghin #______________
Email Address _________________________________
Email Address ________________________________
Club Affiliation ________________________________
Club Affiliation _______________________________
Signature ______________________________________
Signature _____________________________________
Both players must sign form. By signing, players assume all risks incidental to participation in this event and
release Silverstone Golf Club and those involved in the running of this tournament from all liabilities
A confirmation will be emailed to you; if you do not receive one, please call