COMPETITION RULES MCDONALD’S MAY OPEN 18 HOLE STABLEFORD - TUESDAY 5TH MAY 2015 Competition Program Each competitor must be a financial member of a Veterans’ Association or group and hold a current AGU or WGA handicap. The B.V.G.A. committee reserves the right to alter or vary the program, or any event, if the number of competitors is deemed insufficient for a competition. The rules of golf in force at the time and the local rules of Bargara Golf Club shall be the rules of the day. Should there be a dispute or doubt on a rule, a second ball should be played for that hole and a ruling sought later. The competition will be divided into four handicap divisions for men and three for ladies. These divisions will be determined by the person’s GA Handicap and the numbers in each handicap group to ensure an even split within the divisions. Play is continuous and there is no lunch break. Should play be stopped for any reason by the committee, the completion of nine holes by ALL competitors (excluding retirees) is the criterion. If the criterion is met, only the first nine holes are counted. If not, the trophies are allocated by a draw. In the event of a tie the winner will be decided by count-back. Men and Ladies: for Tuesday 5 May 2015 18 Holes Stableford - Winner , 1ST Runner-Up and 2ND Runner-Up Men - 4 Divisions Ladies – 3 Divisions Entry Fee: $20.00 per person Hit-off times: 6.30 am to 8.00 am and 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. Check in 30 minutes prior to hit off time NO nominations will be accepted without payment. Send entries to: Ross Sturwohld Captain Bargara Veterans Golf Club 2 Marian Street, Coral Cove, Qld 4670 Phone: 0409278538 Email: Cheques to Bargara Veterans Golf Association OR by: Electronic Transfer (NAB) BSB: 083-088. Account Number: 560764818 Please use your Surname as reference Entries close on Friday - 24th April 2015 DRAW WILL BE POSTED ON THE CLUB’S WEBSITE MONDAY 27 APRIL The Bistro is open 5 days a week for lunch and dinner at the Clubhouse. Hire motorized buggies are available from the Club Professional (Phone: 4159 2257). This event is being held under the auspices of the Queensland Veteran Golf Union MAY OPEN DAY TUESDAY 5TH MAY 2015 ENTRY FORM $20.00 p/p (Includes Pro’s Pinshot) Player 1 Player 2 Name: …………………………………………………………………… Name: ………………………………………………………………………. Home Club: …………………………………………………………….. Home Club: …………………………………………………………………. Email: ………………………………….Phone: ………………………. Email: ……………………………………….Phone: …………………….. Golflink No: ……………………………………………………………... Golflink No: …………………………………………………………………. G.A ……………………….H/C ……………………M / F……….……… G.A …………..………………….H/C ……………M / F…………….. Each player must have his/her separate nomination form. Payment must accompany your entry. Please send completed forms to: Ross Sturwohld, Captain Bargara Veteran Golfers, 2 Marian Street, Coral Cove, Qld 4670. Phone: 0409278538 Email: Cheques to be made out to Bargara Veteran Golfers Association Payment can also be made by Electronic Transfer (NAB) BSB: 083-088. Account Number: 560764818. Please use your Surname as reference. If you wish to hire a motorised cart from the Bargara Pro Shop - Phone 4159-2257. Supply is limited and those players will play at times nominated by the Match Committee (early AM and early PM) to facilitate turn around of the carts. I wish to play with................................................................. From.........................................................Golf Club. Please tick your preferred playing time. We will try to arrange as best we can within the constraints of the big playing field. 06:30 – 07:30 Players hiring motorised carts from the Pro Shop ............ 07:30 – 08:00 Walkers and those with their own motorised carts ............ 10:30 – 12.00 Walkers and those with their own motorised carts ............ 12.00 – 12:30 Players hiring carts from the Bargara Pro Shop ............ I have my own motorised cart and I am willing to share ............ Entries close FRIDAY 24th APRIL 2015. DRAW WILL BE POSTED ON THE CLUB’S WEBSITE 27TH APRIL 2015. This event is being held under the auspices of the Queensland Veteran Golf Union. SPONSORED BY MACDONALDS.
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