INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN CAPITAL AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (ICHCKM 2015) BANDUNG, INDONESIA 11-‐13 FEBRUARI 2015 Relationships of learning in Occupational safety and health training and Occupational related injuries Nurshamshida Md Shamsudin Nik Hasnaa Nik Mahmood (PhD) Razak school of engineering and advanced technology Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Abstract Tremendous development of industrialization in Malaysia contribute to higher rate of occupational injuries.. Enactment of OSH act 1994 enforces Occupational Safety Health training as one of vital elements in every industry. This study attempt to highlight current issues in Occupational related injuries (ORI) and Occupational Safety and Health training (OSHT). Elements of ORI are differences of age, young workforce, aging workforce, multigenerations, working experience, cognitive abilities and occupations identified in literature while elements of OSHT which indicate the elements of learning effectiveness in safety training are training instructional, training method, adult’s learner, and training design. Previous research signified that there are positive relationships between elements of Occupational related injuries and Elements of Occupational safety and health training, To summarize research model is proposed. Keywords: Safety, Training, Occupational related injuries Introduction Occupational Safety and Health in Malaysia Occupational safety and health (OSH), which is the discipline concerned with preserving and protecting human and facility resources in the workplace, is an important aspect in reducing risk at workplace. OSH is a basically standard which are set in legislation with the aim to eliminate and reduce hazards at workplace. (Amirah, Asma, Muda, & Wan Mohd Amin, 2013). In Malaysia, the role of occupational safety and health has existed since 130 years ago. According to the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH, 2010), the development of safety and health at workplace can be categorized into five eras. It started with the first era, named Steam Boiler Safety Era, which took place prior to 1914. Subsequently, the Machinery Safety Era took place from 1914 until 1952. During this era, the Machinery Enactment 1913 replaced the various steam boiler enactments of Allied Malay States on 1st January 1914. The development of safety and health at workplace expanded in the following era of the Industrial Safety Era that took place from 1953 until 1969. In 1953, the Machinery Ordinance 1953 was enacted to replace all previous legislations. Subsequently, in 1967, the Parliament had approved the Factory and Machineries Act (FMA 1967). Between the years 1970 until 1994, the era was called the Industrial Safety and Hygiene Era. In this era, few modifications were made. Starting in 1970, the Factory and Machineries Act 1967 and eight of its regulations were enforced replacing the Machinery Ordinance 1953. In 1980, the application of the Factory and Machineries Act 1967 was extended to Sabah and Sarawak. Since the year 1994, it is the Occupational Safety and Health Era where the Parliament passed a new legislation known as the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994 which was gazetted on February 1994. History of OSH in Malaysia is lengthy and winding however the implementation of OSH act 1994 is considered as one of the biggest move made by the country. Yet vast of work, exercise, practices, research and training seems to be one of the pillar of ensuring the successful of the osh program OSH Act 1994 One such control measure is highlighted in OSHA 1994 part IV section 15 (1),which states that: ‘It shall be the duty of every employer and every self-employed person to ensure, so far as is practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of all his employees’. The enactment of OSH 1994 covers 9 industries in Malaysia involving; a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. construction manufacturing mining and quarying agriculture, forestry and fishing utilities-gas, electric, water and sanitary services transport, storage and communication wholesale and retail traders hotels and restaurant finance, insurance, real estate, business service Fakrul (2003) claimed that for any safety related at workplace, training is uncompromised to every single aspect. Previous research conducted were also agree and highlight that training is an essential component for a successful OSH program in any organization.(Bahn & Barratt-Pugh, 2012, Burke et al., 2011) Occupational Safety and Health training (OSHT) (Kordecka, 2009) suggested that training of OSH is considered as important prevention tool and a key factor towards strengthening of preventions and high awareness on hazards exposure. The purpose of any safety training is to modify and shape specifics bahaviors and to transfer knowledge and skills that should be applied at any level of task that the employee should apply. It is wise to take note that for every formal training programme, five important rules should be implemented for effective outcome of training. The five steps involve are ; 1. Performance analysis 2. Instructionaldesign 3. Materilas acquisition 4. Delivery of training 5. Course evaluation (Yates, p 303-307, 2011) Occupational Safety and Health Training (OSHT) In Malaysia Regardless of all industries, every workplace evolves dynamically in every stage of process. Hence this contributes to increase number of new hazards in workplace and expose the workers to the high risk of accidents. To manage these hazards the government through it’s various ministries and agencies, universities, safety and health professionals has developed various regulations and trainings supported by NIOSH. As national institution that promotes and cultivate each of OSH training in Malaysia, NIOSH stand remain as the main source of all types of training involving safety and health in Malaysia for every organizations for all industries covered under the OSH act 1994. Other than that there are also training provider recognized either by DOSH (Department of Occupational Safety and Health) as well as by international board. To conclude employer could provide both approach of safety and training to the workers as stipulated under the Act either by having in house training and any safety and health training institutional. The main challenge towards the implementation of the OSH program is on the part of how knowledge and skills can be transferred accordingly. Analsysis from national OSH masterplan indicates that there are three stages of National OSH Master plan, started with self regulation continued with producing safety culture and improved with preventive culture. It seems that training is the essential component. Knowledge, skills and related information can only be transferred via safety and health training.. On top of this training is considered as a tool of accidents preventive in occupational safety and health. Along with this effort, besides DOSH (Department of occupational safety and health) and Ministry of Human Resource, NIOSH is cooperating with all agencies and department as safety and training hub. NIOSH offers two types of training provided are the competency and non competency training. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Niosh) chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye (Borneopost, 2011) highlight the setting up of industries to serve various development corridors according to the government transformation programme had pushed up the demand for qualified SHO. from 1997 to 2010, a total of 5,681 had passed the SHO examination but only 2,352 registered with the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH). From 1997 to 2010, Niosh trained 15,000 SHO but not everyone sat for the exam as some such as human resource managers, procurement officers and so forth joined to gain knowledge on safety. Occupational Safety and Health (Safety and Health Officer) Regulations, 1997 ‘The Occupational Safety and Health (Safety and Health Officer) Regulations 1997 which came into force on 22 August 1997 requires certain industries to employ a competent safety and health officer to resolve matters pertaining to the safety and health at their workplace” (Niosh, 2013). Section 29 – Safety and Health Officer Section 29 compels companies exceeding 100 or 500 employees (depending on the nature of business) to appoint a Safety and Health Officer where non-compliance of this provision may also be relevant to this problem. As suggested previously by Xavier (1996), appointment of a safety and health officer should not be severely restricted according to the number of workers. He further reiterates that the question of danger does not lie in numbers but in the nature of the work carried out at the workplace. Since this is a provision which ensures that compliance with the safety and health provisions of the Act is monitored, he suggests that this compulsion should not be restricted to certain categories of occupation only. Safety and Health officer training programme (SHO) This programme is designed to train and produce safety and health officer. Basically the participants of this programme need to fulfill certain requirements and they have o sit fro 22 days training in Niosh involving of 4 training modules. Basically the training sessions aims to expose the trainee are; safety, health, management and legislations. After that they have to sit for examinations and pass all 4 types of assessments conducted in Niosh under the instrcutions of DOSH. After they pass, the trainee need to work on safety related job for three years before they can register themselves as safety and health officer. DOSH considered SHO as their ambassador in all industries that play major role to ensure low rates of incident at workplace. Niosh trained almost 15000 participants in this programme however there are still reports from industries lack of competent and registered SHO. According to Lee(2011) chairman of Niosh currently there are only 3000-4000 active SHO compared to high volume of SHO demand from the industry. There are around eight branches of Niosh in other state and there also almost 19 training provider. Indeed the demand are still high. Training for OSH especially in SHO programme are challenging due to alarming numbers of occupational related injuries. The screening process for SHO participants and competent SHO has been implemented rigidly by NIOSH and DOSH to ensure that the quality of officer produced may not jeopardize the safety performance in the industries. Due to shortage numbers of SHO in Malaysian industries as stipulated in OSH act 1994, the crucial part of this programme is about training any of individual who came from various background and education level without any safety and health knowledge and credentials. To add, the participants are diverse, multicultural, multigenerations and differences of age. Yet this study attempt to review the current issues of OSHT and occupational related injuries (ORI) in Malaysian industries. On the other hand, findings of this study will be applied to strengthen the design of safety and health training specifically in SHO programme. Literature review Occupational related injuries (ORI) This section will discuss in detail elements emerge from literature review in occupational related injuries. There are seven elements identified which are differences of age, young workforce, aging workforce, multigenerations, working experience, multicultural and occupations and cognitive abilities Age Differences The evidence about the association of age with the frequency, severity and characteristics of occupational accidents has been highly contradictory. For instance, it has been shown that employ- ees who were injured in an occupational accident were more likely to be under 30 at manufacturing (Swaen et al., 2004) and construction industries (Chau et al., 2002), and that older workers displayed fewer residual symptoms on recovery from an occupational acci- dent than younger workers (Pransky et al., 2005). Besides, higher accident ratios have been found for younger workers in assembly, mining and food service.(Blanch, Torrelles, Aluja, & Salinas, 2009) Young Workforce Young workers, defined as workers aged 15–24 years of age, typically work temporary, part-time, low wage, non-unionized jobs in the service sector and in terms of safety are at a greater risk of workplace injury than older workers understanding(Tucker & Turner, 2011). F C Breslin, Smith, Mustard, & Zhao, (2006) indicate that young workers as those under 18 years old because child labor laws only apply to this age group. An alternative definition includes young adults up to 24 years old. This broad definition recognizes that many young adults are also just entering the labor market and are more likely than older adults to have a work injury. Consequently, the actual activities that young populations are doing in these settings and their work environments need to be better understood modified accordingly.(Bangdiwala, Runyan, & Roge, 2012) Aging Workforce As Malaysia citizen born between 1946 to 1964 reach retirement age, the demographic profile of the Malaysia population will undergo a profound change. According to the Department of Statistic Malaysia, the proportion of the Malaysia population age 60 and older have increased from 5.2 per cent in 1970 to 6.3 per cent in 2000 and has been projected to 9.9 per cent in 2020. Based on United Nation medium projection, the proportion of the Malaysia population age 60 and older will climb up to fourteen percent by 2028. Multigenerations safety training practices and challenges for organizations with employees from different generations, including the Baby Boomer Generation, Generation X, and Generation Y (Millennials). The attitudes and abilities of the generations are compared in various areas including technology, communication styles, and leadership. Suggestions are provided for training approaches for different age groups, such as structured classes, workshops, and using multimedia and mobile devices. Work, skills, and experience Young male and female workers are overrepresented in statistics concerning negative outcomes of poor work environment and risky work. Young workers often have a low awareness of risk, a lack of safety training, and inadequate introductions to the work(Andersson, Gunnarsson, Rosèn, & Moström åberg, 2014) Cognitive abilities Salthouse (2011) indicate that age differences in cognitive abilities under the age of 50 could have important implications for job performance because cognitive ability has been found to be related to job and unlike older ages a very high proportion of people within this age range are in the labor force.(Schroeder & Salthouse, 2004) Table 1: Summaries of elements in Occupational Related Injuries (ORI) Elements of ORI Young workforce, Types of job and workplace Outcomes of the study Research job/workplace factors that are potentially F Curtis modifiable: hazard exposure and work pace Breslin et al., pressure. (2007) Younger employees had an elevated risk of injury while workers >55 years had an elevated risk for fatality. A large majority of incidents involve workers with <5 years experience The injury rates found among adolescent workers demonstrates that continued safety interventions and increased training are needed. Because of high claim rate and injury severity, particular attention should be focused on adolescents in food service, manufacturing, and agricultural occupations. Understanding the differences of adolescent circadian rhythm patterns in establishing work schedules and supervisory practices could also prove valuable for decreasing injury risk. Multigenerations The results of the data indicated that there was a relationship between age and days lost as well as workforce total mining experience and days lost following an injury. Furthermore, the data indicated an increased risk of overexertion injuries as age increases. These are important findings for the coal mining industry as many miners are more experienced and older. Risks for a fatal result of occupational injuries, Occupations adjusted by individual and occupational factors Age older age at injury was related to higher injury costs but not to number of injuries. The higher injury costs associated with worker age are likely due in part to the severity of the injuries sustained by older workers. Aging well-‐being of older workers if such individuals workforce are more likely to suffer work-‐related health problems Working exoerience Groves, Kecojevic, & Komljenovic, 2007 McCall, Horwitz, & Carr, 2007 Margolis (2010) Villanueva & Garcia, (2011) Schwatka, Butler, & Rosecrance, (2012) Jones, M. K., Latreille, P. L., Sloane, P. J., & Staneva, A. V. (2013). Occupations injury risk among young workers, nature of Holte, Kjestveit, & and young work and associated exposures, Lipscomb, workforce (2014) Occupational safety and health training (OSHT) Adult’s learner, instructional design, training approach, training method The increasing trend of deaths and injuries in industries has led their authorities to develop accident investigation plans. One of the underlying aspects of such plans is hazard identification and incidents reporting which can be met by an appropriate employees’ participation. So far, several studies have confirmed the effect of training in participation improvement. Hence , effective training in OSH related Learning and Training Learning is defined as permanent change in behavior, cognition and affect that occurs as a result of one interaction. Gagne suggested training can be improve relying on three learning principles; Task analysis Component task achievements Task sequencing Shaping learning in training Developing and understanding of learning process in OSH training , this study used to adapt on maximizing learning concept, based on Baldwin and Ford model 1988, three primary areas emphasize on maximizing learning which are; trainee characteristics, training design and transfer of training. Trainee characteristics • Trainability and Personality and Attitudes Training design It is defined as adapting learning environment to maximize learning • Conditions of Practice and Retention Transfer of Training • • • • Identical elements General Principles Stimulus variability Support in the work environment Instructional strategies Instructional strategies are an essential part of any training project. Some authors use the term to include everything in the training plan, from developing the course materials to choosing the assessment method. Others refer to instructional strategies as the modalities in which content is delivered and trainees are engaged in activities. (Strategies, n.d.) Table 2: Summaries of elements in Occupational Safety and Health Training (OSHT) Elements OSHT Training method of Outcomes of the study Research The objectives of this study were to characterize the (Neal, 2013) performance of new employees receiving four types of training delivery methods operating a meat slicer. Safety training delivery methods included; no instruction, written instruction, demonstrations and written instruction with demonstra- tions. Written instruction and demonstrations was used as a delivery method, temporal performance increased, ATP-B readings were lower and participants perceived it as an effective training method. ? Adult’s learner Training approach Training approach Instrcutional strategies Training design Richard A. Pollock, CSP The “engage- ment hypothesis” claims that (Brahm & traditional classrooms are rather Results: Singer, 2013) Accordingly, based on panel data from 2003 to 2009 for a representative sample of 2,787 Chilean firms, the engagement hypothesis initially appears to be supported; however, after correcting for selfselection bias, it loses most of its significance. the main objective of the present study was to (Fam, compare two training approaches, classic and Nikoomaram, creative, in improving health, safety and envi- & Soltanian, ronment (HSE) supervisors’ participation. Classic 2012) and creative training approaches were applied to increase supervisors’ participation. To conclude, the creative approach emphasizing on the participatory training could be an effective approach in improving the safety and consequently the health of supervisors in industries. Safety training is an important part of every safety (Withers, professional’s daily practice. Chemical safety Freeman, & training course that is offered both in the classroom Kim, 2012) and on the computer. The effectiveness of safety training given different delivery methodologies, but the techniques used are relatively simple and can facilitate reductions in overall costs associated with training. Safety training plays an impor- tant role in reducing (Stuart, 2014) accidents A construc- tivist approach was taken and the module design was underpinned by Kolb’s model of experiential learn- ing, placing more responsibility on the learners for their own learning and encouraging them to reflect upon their experiences. The findings of this study suggest that students with prior industry machining experience required a change in their attitude to machining which was achieved within the practical labs, while students with no machining experiences were intimidated by the learning environment in the practical labs Research hypotheses Based on the literature review, to understand the relationship between OSH practices (SC, AT, EI, LD, EC and ST) and OSH performances (SP and FP), the following hypotheses were develop to be tested. These hypotheses will be tested based on numbering system H1.This style of hypotheses statement is chosen due to the nature of answering hypotheses using structural equation 9odeling (SEM) methods. H1: H1: There is a positive and direct significant relationship between Occupational related injuries and OSH training in Malaysian industries A proposed research model This study aims to investigate the structural relationship between occupational related injuries and OSH training. A Proposed Research Model Based on the literature review in section 2, there are many researchers explored about ORI and OSHT. The research aims at investigate the structural relationship between ORI and OSHT in Malaysian safety and health officer training. Figure 1 presented a structural OSHA practices and OSHA performances model \ LEARNING PROCESS LEARNING PERFORMANCE (GAGNE, 1960) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH TRAINING, (OSHT) TRAINEE CHARACTERISTICS TRAINING DESIGN TRANSFER OF TRAINING (BALDWIN&FORD 1988) OCCUPATIONAL RELATED INJURIES, (ORI) TRAINING ENGAGEMENT Figure 2: Proposed research model AGE DIFFERENCES YOUNG WORKFORCE AGING WORKFORCE MULTIGENARATIONS COGNITIVE ABILITIES HIGH RISK WORK TYPE OF JOB WORKING EXPERIENCE Methodology of study In this study, sampling method by using structured questionnaire. The population of this study comprised in Malaysian automotive industry. Questionnaires will distribute to respondents from participants of safety and health officer programme conducted by Niosh Malaysia. To analyze the data, two statistical techniques will be adopted. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) techniques will be apply to perform the require statistical analysis of the data from the survey. Exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis and confirmatory factor analysis to test for construct validity, reliability, and measurements loading weill be performed.. The statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17 will be used to analyze the preliminary data and provide descriptive analyses about thesis sample such as means, standard deviations, and frequencies. SEM using AMOS 6.0 will use to test the measurement model. Conclusions References Amirah, N. A., Asma, W. I., Muda, M. S., & Wan Mohd Amin, W. A. A. (2013). Safety Culture in Combating Occupational Safety and Health Problems in the Malaysian Manufacturing Sectors. 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