DHANARA the weekly newsletter of the Australian International School Hong Kong Dhanara is the Aboriginal word for message stick 15 February 2012 (Term 1, week 3) Continually Striving for Excellence Our extensive Parent Survey for 2011 covered more than 300 factors related to your children’s educational experience at the school, with a total of 405 parents completing the questionnaire, an excellent participation rate of over 50%. This represents a significant increase over 2010, when 375 families took part. In both Primary and Secondary Divisions, parents were most satisfied with the caring, culturally diverse, inclusive and welcoming environment that exists at the school; the excellent, student-focused, teaching and the comprehensive Australian and IB curriculum, which ensures a seamless transition to tertiary studies in Australia upon graduation, as well as solid preparation for students intending to study at other overseas institutions. Parents of Primary Division students stated that the school’s outstanding qualities are its caring community, the open and equal opportunities available to all students and values such as honesty and integrity that are instilled in students as part of their overall education at the school. For parents of Secondary Division students, the most significant benefits stated were the well-rounded education students receive, the strong sense of Australian culture and community that exists and the positive, encouraging environment that instills a sense of self-belief in students. More comments from parents and a detailed breakdown of the results will be given in the 2011 Annual Review which will be distributed to AISHK families in the near future. We greatly value the views parents and students have about the school, that they then make known to us, as this information provides us with valuable feedback on our performance and serves as a guide for our operational and strategic planning as we move forward. While the results of our Survey were very pleasing, there is always room for improvement. A number of issues were raised by our responders which we will be addressing over the next 12 months. Key areas to be addressed include a request for further development of the school curriculum, continued staff development, more attention to be paid to our Chinese studies and Representative Sports programs, improved communication between the school and parents regarding their child's progress and enhanced, and further development in all aspects of, student welfare. As a leading International School in Hong Kong, AISHK is committed to a continual review and improvement in all aspects of its operations. With this year’s theme being the Year of Personal Discovery, we are determined to Exceed Expectations, one of this year’s maxims, and actively encourage our students to do the same in their own lives. Career News On Thursday, 15 March, from 4:00pm to 6:30pm, we are holding our annual Career Talks afternoon. Our Talks are designed to help students think about a variety of careers and encourage them to consider a range of post school options. For this event to happen we need volunteers from our community to share their career experiences with our students. If you or someone you know is able to volunteer time to speak to students about their occupation and/or career journey please let me know. Each presentation is for 30 minutes to a small group of interested students. Education UK, organised by the British Council, is holding its annual exhibition on 25 and 26 February, from 1:00pm to 7:00pm at the Hong Kong Convention Centre, Wan Chai. More details can be found at www.educationuk.org.hk/events. The Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School is holding a Career Seminar “Discover Accounting and Finance: Becoming a Successful Professional” on Saturday, 3 March, from 10:30 to 2:00pm. You need to register for the event at http://www.cuhk.edu. hk/acy2/careerseminar/. For more information contact Feona Crawford – Careers Advisor / feona_crawford@aishk.edu.hk. Dhanara 15.02.2012 Page 1 Primary News It was a great pleasure to welcome new parents to the school at the Morning Tea and see so many parents at the two Parent Information Nights we held last week. We hope that you found the sessions informative and useful. I look forward to meeting other parents at our ‘Welcome Barbecue’ on Friday, 17 February. It was very pleasing to see that the children settled into their new classes so quickly. It is often a time of anxiety as they wonder what the new teacher will be like and whether there will be friends in the new class group. The first weeks are filled with so many new things; new structures, new classmates, new routines and ways of doing things. This is an important process for children to experience as we work together to assist them in becoming responsible and independent citizens of the world. As a school we have structures in place that we believe make our school a happier and a safer place. We also have procedures to foster team spirit and a sense of belonging and community. Getting a good night’s sleep often comes down to routines. When children stay up late, school performance and behaviour can be affected. The number of nightly sleep hours required by children varies by age. In general, five-year-olds should get eleven hours sleep, nine-year-olds need ten hours and fourteen-year-olds require at least 9 hours. For better sleep it is important to maintain a routine bedtime pattern to prepare the brain for sleep. Exciting, high energy, activities should be avoided within one hour before turning lights out. Pre-bedtime activities like taking a bath, teeth brushing and reading will signal to the brain that it is time for sleep. Exercise, caffeine and sugary foods should be avoided. The ideal sleeping atmosphere is a dark, quiet, cool room. Technology should be removed from the bedroom. Insufficient sleep and poor sleep habits have been linked to health problems, moodiness and irritability, reduced memory function and delayed reaction times. So as we all settle into a routine for the new school year, make sure you enforce regular bedtime with appropriate hours of sleep for your children and remember to remove technology from the bedroom. PRIMARY ASSEMBLIES Leonie Drew The Next Assembly: Week 3: Early Childhood Assembly (Prep - Year 2) 17 February at 11:10am Principal Primary, Co Head of School leonie_drew@aishk.edu.hk Upcoming Assemblies: Week 4 - 24 Feb (Year 3 - 6) Week 5 - 02 Mar (Prep - Year 2) Week 6 - 09 Mar (Year 4) Week 7 - 16 Mar (Prep - Year 2) Week 8 - 23 Mar (Year 5) Week 9 - 30 Mar (Prep - Year 6) Assemblies on odd weeks begin at 11:10am and even weeks at 11:20am Class Representatives Thank you to all our wonderful parents who have volunteered to be Class Representatives this year. If you would like to volunteer it is not too late. The list below shows the positions still vacant in red. Please email to Sharyn Kitchener: smkitchener@bigpond.com if you wish to sign up. First Name Family Name Year Group First Name Family Name Year Group First Name Family Name Clarke Reception AM Year 2T Reception AM Year Group Year 2T Sharyn Kitchener Year 5B Primary Tennille Brooke Moore Reception PM Denise Year 5W Qvist Year 3L Kate Phillip Year 5B Reception PM Preparatory G Juliana Davies Year 3L Year 3K Katrina Mel Longbottom Chomley Year 5O Year 5O McDonald Bristow Orgill Year 3K Year 3W Year 3W Amanda Tristan Margaret Taylor Stein Johnson Year 6D Year 6D Year 6S Ali Arancibia Preparatory G Fiona Preparatory N Donna Preparatory N Amanda Amanda Annabel Taylor Archer Preparatory H Preparatory H Year 3P Year 3P Juliet Jane Lawson Echaluce Year 6S Year 6N Nicole Phillips Preparatory H Year 1T Year 1T Year 1B Nicole Belinda Phillips Dungey Year 4R Year 4R Year 4F Year 4F Lisa Kim Jenny Hunt Plumbridge Dev Year 6N Year 6N Year 6R Year 6R Year 1B Juliana Davies Year 4S Secondary Year 1V Year 1V Year 2M Year 2M Year 2R Year 2R Kate Maz Julie Martin Creagh Price Year 4S Year 4A Year 4A Year 5C Year 5C Year 5W Darelyn Julie Melinda Suzanne Annabel Phillis Price Connelly Atkin Archer Julie Peel Angela Katz Angela Katz Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Dhanara 15.02.2012 Page 2 Secondary Newss Last week I had the pleasure of meeting a number of our new parents at the Parents Association Morning Tea and this Friday I look forward to yet another opportunity to meet members of our parent community at our 2012 Welcome BBQ. To all those parents who are able to find the time to attend events such as these, please accept my personal thanks, as I do appreciate how difficult it can be to reorganise busy schedules to attend school functions, especially those that take place during the working day. It is very important that the school and the home work together to support the students in our care and by attending events such as these, opportunities arise for conversations, even if informally, between parents and teachers. It is conversations like these that help build a stronger network of understanding and support for students, both at school and in the home - a network that makes the task of enhancing student learning and helping them achieve their very best all the more effective. I look forward to working with all our parents once again this year to enrich, even further, each and every student’s educational experience at AISHK. As part of our school's preparations for the Year 12 external examinations, each year, we are required to appoint Test Supervisor(s) to oversee the Higher School Certificate and IB Diploma examinations. These examinations take place from around mid-October to the end of November. To help our students become more familiar with the format of these external examinations, our school employs interested parents and/or members of the community to act as examination supervisors, for both the formal external sessions themselves and for each of our senior examination sessions held throughout the year. Prior to October this year, this role will typically involve attendance at examinations held at the school between 8:00am and 4:00pm on specified days. This could potentially require a commitment of up to 6 school days, as indicated in the examination periods published in our school calendar for 2012. Parents and community members who are interested in supervising the actual external examinations in October and November would, by being involved in the internal examination sessions held throughout the year, become more familiar with all of the protocols involved in supervising the formal examinations. Therefore, in order to commence preparations for this activity, I am calling for expressions of interest from any parents or members of the community who may be willing to serve as supervisors during the examination periods indicated in our school calendar. Please note that the NSW Board of Studies does state that the following restrictions apply to potential applicants applying to supervise their examinations in October and November. These are: the successful nominee cannot be “any person who has a child or near relative sitting for the 2012 NSW Higher School Certificate nor hold the position of a clerical, casual, relief, part-time or permanent teaching staff at the school”. Undertaking these duties does entitle participants to a nominal remuneration. For further details and registration of an Expression of Interest, please contact our Secondary Office at the school at your earliest convenience. We welcome your participation in what is a very valuable part of the examination process. Phil Waugh Principal Secondary, Co Head of School phillip_waugh@aishk.edu.hk AISHK Rugby: Results Sport Rugby Team / Age Division B Grade Opponents RCHK Score 19-46 Top Scorers Ben Schats Date Venue & Time 16.02.2012 Kings Park 4:30pm AISHK Rugby: Upcoming Matches Sport Team / Age Division Opponents Rugby B Grade Girls KGV SIS YMCA 17.02.2012 Kings Park 4:30pm Rugby C Grade Girls STC 17.02.2012 Kings Park 4:30pm Rugby B Grade STC 19.02.2012 Kings Park 4:30pm Rugby D Grade Position Vacant: Classroom Assistant / French Immersion Program AISHK is looking for a Classroom Assistant for our French Immersion Program. The successful applicant will be supporting teachers in the development of French oral skills, literacy and numeracy in students and supporting student learning by providing appropriate models of language under the direct supervision of teaching staff. He or she will also be required to peform remedial duties and work with students with particular needs as required. Work Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 3:30pm. Term time only. Conditions: Dependent Visa holder or Hong Kong Permanent Resident only Commencement Date: End of February 2012 Dhanara 15.02.2012 Page 3 School Wide News Parents wishing to enrol siblings of AISHK students at the School Siblings of students already enrolled at AISHK are given priority on our waiting list with regards to entering the school. However, in order to receive a priority classification, parents wishing to enrol an additional child will need to submit their child's application to enter the school on or before 31 March of the year prior to the year they would like their child to commence school. Whilst the 31 March deadline is applicable, we strongly recommend that applications are made as early as possible, preferably two years ahead of the intended year of entry. This is particularly important for parents wishing to enter their child into Reception Year. Please also note that the application date may also determine whether a child will be able to attend morning or afternoon Reception, as allocation of places will be determined by the date of the application. Please note that having a sibling already attending the school does not grant parents an automatic right to enter their child in their preferred class. Applicants who lodge their application earlier are usually offered their choice of class first. We are now accepting applications for 2014, while applications for 2015 will commence in January 2013. If you have any further questions regarding applying to enrol a sibling at the school please contact Lynette Wong in our Admissions Office at lynette_wong@aishk.edu.hk. She will be happy to assist. Year 12 IB Extended Essay Presentations The Extended Essay is a core component of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program and provides students with an opportunity to explore an area of interest indepth. This month, Year 12 IB students will be presenting feedback on their progress so far towards completion of their Extended Essays. The presentations will take place on Thursday, 23 February. The topics they have chosen are varied in nature, thought-provoking and, in some cases, controversial. All members of the school community are invited to attend these presentations which will take place from 5:00pm til 6:00pm in Rooms 615, 616, 617 and 618. Parents of students in Years 9 to 12 are cordially invited to join us in the Auditorium at the end of these presentations for the Seniors cocktail evening. PDHPE Over the past two weeks students in Years 3 - 6 have enjoyed skipping activities during their afternoon sport sessions. It was encouraging to see their skills develop in such a short time. Skipping improves fitness, flexibility, coordination, balance, rhythm and symmetry. Unfortunately, with the space restrictions in Hong Kong, skipping is fast becoming a lost art. A small group of our Year 5 and 6 students have been selected to take part in the first Hong Kong Primary Schools Athletics Meet today at Tai Po Stadium. We wish these students all the best and look forward to publishing their results in next week’s Dhanara. Australian International School Hong Kong Parent Association SessionÊ2:Ê22ÊFebruaryÊ-ÊSupportingÊourÊchildrenÊthroughÊtheÊtransitioningÊprocessÊ (IsobelÊCouttsÊWeakley,ÊSchoolÊCounsellor) SessionÊ3:Ê29ÊFebruaryÊ-ÊAboutÊtheÊschoolÊ(MrsÊLeonieÊDrewÊ-ÊPrincipalÊofÊPrimaryÊandÊCo-HeadÊofÊSchool) SessionÊ4:Ê7ÊMarchÊ-ÊChineseÊcultureÊ/ÊTipsÊfromÊsomeÊexperiencedÊhands TIME:Ê8:30-10:00AMÊ(FINALÊSESSIONÊRUNSÊTOÊ10:30AM) LOCATION:Ê9THÊFLOORÊSTAFFÊROOM WeÊareÊproudÊtoÊpresentÊaÊseriesÊofÊfourÊworkshopsÊforÊparentsÊwhoÊareÊrelativelyÊnewÊtoÊAISHKÊandÊtoÊHongÊKong.Ê TheÊsessionsÊwillÊprovideÊanÊopportunityÊtoÊlearnÊaboutÊtheÊstagesÊofÊtransitionÊweÊallÊgoÊthroughÊasÊweÊmoveÊawayÊ fromÊourÊfamiliarÊhomeÊcultureÊandÊadjustÊtoÊaÊnewÊplaceÊandÊnewÊexperiences.Ê ThereÊwillÊbeÊtimeÊtoÊshareÊinsightsÊintoÊtheÊhighsÊandÊlowsÊofÊmovingÊfromÊyourÊcomfortÊzoneÊintoÊ aÊnewÊlife.ÊThereÊwillÊbeÊaÊparticularÊfocusÊonÊhowÊweÊsupportÊourÊchildrenÊinÊdealingÊwithÊtheseÊ transitionsÊandÊhelpingÊthemÊtoÊfeelÊpositiveÊaboutÊmanagingÊchange. TheÊworkshopsÊwillÊbeÊfacilitatedÊbyÊIsobelÊCouttsÊWeakley,ÊSchoolÊCounsellor. SomeÊexperiencedÊhandsÊfromÊtheÊParentÊAssociationÊwillÊalsoÊbeÊonÊhandÊtoÊ offerÊpracticalÊadvice. ToÊattendÊpleaseÊRSVPÊtoÊAndreaÊRaperÊat:Êaishkpa@aishk.edu.hk Dhanara 15.02.2012 Page 4 Parent Association Australian International School Hong Kong Parent Association Welcome to A.I.S.H.K. FromÊtheÊPresidentÊofÊtheÊAISHKÊParentÊAssociation,ÊMrs.ÊJoÊSanger TheÊ AISHKÊ ParentÊ AssociationÊ warmlyÊ welcomesÊ youÊ toÊ ourÊ SchoolÊ and,Ê ifÊ youÊ areÊ newÊ toÊ HongÊ Kong,ÊtoÊthisÊvibrantÊcity.ÊWeÊhopeÊyourÊtimeÊhereÊ willÊbeÊaÊhappyÊone,ÊandÊweÊinviteÊyouÊtoÊjoinÊusÊinÊ ourÊactivitiesÊthroughoutÊtheÊcomingÊyear. 2012: The Year Ahead TheÊprimaryÊobjectiveÊofÊtheÊParentÊAssociationÊisÊtoÊpromoteÊ closeÊ co-operationÊ andÊ contactÊ betweenÊ parentsÊ andÊ theÊ School,ÊandÊtoÊsupportÊtheÊschoolÊinÊtheÊgeneralÊwelfareÊofÊallÊ students.ÊTheÊAssociationÊalsoÊorganisesÊfundÊraisingÊactivitiesÊ soÊthatÊweÊcanÊhelpÊtoÊenhanceÊtheÊworkingÊandÊrecreationalÊ environmentÊofÊtheÊstudents.ÊFundsÊraisedÊduringÊtheÊyearÊareÊ donatedÊ toÊ theÊ SchoolÊ toÊ supportÊ programsÊ forÊ theÊ studentÊ body. AllÊ parents/guardiansÊ andÊ permanentÊ staffÊ ofÊ theÊ SchoolÊ areÊ automaticallyÊentitledÊtoÊbecomeÊmembers.ÊParentÊAssociationÊ meetingsÊareÊheldÊonceÊaÊmonthÊduringÊtermÊtimeÊandÊparentsÊ areÊencouragedÊtoÊattendÊtheÊmeetingsÊandÊtakeÊanÊactiveÊroleÊ inÊtheÊrunningÊofÊtheÊAssociation.ÊDetailsÊofÊParentÊAssociationÊ meetingsÊareÊpublishedÊinÊtheÊschoolÊnewsletterÊÒDhanaraÓ. IfÊ youÊ wouldÊ likeÊ furtherÊ information,Ê orÊ ifÊ youÊ wouldÊ likeÊ toÊ volunteerÊ yourÊ helpÊ inÊ anyÊ way,Ê pleaseÊ contactÊ usÊ atÊ aishkpa@aishk.edu.hkÊ FridayÊ17ÊFebruaryÊ:ÊOfficialÊAISHKÊAnnualÊWelcomeÊBarbecue 2011 Executive Committee President:ÊJoÊSangerÊ•ÊViceÊPresidentÊ&ÊSecretary:ÊJennyÊDevÊÊ &ÊIanÊCarrollÊ•ÊTreasurer:ÊKarenÊHeeneyÊ TermÊOne TuesdayÊ7ÊFebruary:ÊWelcomeÊMorningÊTeaÊinÊtheÊAuditorium AlsoÊduringÊTermÊ1:Ê NewÊParentsÕÊForums.Ê Ê Ê Ê HostedÊbyAndreaÊRaper. Ê Ê Ê 15-22ÊFebÊandÊ7-13ÊMarch TermÊTwo FridayÊ11ÊMay:ÊMothersÕÊDayÊLunch ThursdayÊ14ÊJune:ÊFathersÕÊDayÊBreakfast TermÊThree DuringÊTermÊ3:ÊNewÊParentsÕÊForum TermÊFour SaturdayÊ3ÊNovember:ÊAISHKÊSchoolÊFair MondayÊ10ÊDecember:ÊCarolsÊNight 2011 General Committee ClassÊRepresentativeÊCoordinator:ÊSharynÊKitchenerÊ WelcomeÊCommittee:ÊLindaÊRogersÊ&ÊNatalieÊMcDonaldÊ NewÊParentsÊWelcomeÊCoffee:ÊLizÊRedfern ParentÊForums:ÊAndreaÊRaper GraphicÊDesign:ÊAngelaÊKatz GeneralÊCommittee:ÊJaneÊEchaluce ATTENTION! IfÊyouÊwouldÊlikeÊtoÊattendÊoneÊofÊour TermÊ1ÊNewÊParentsÕÊForums, pleaseÊemailÊAndreaÊRaperÊat: aishkpa@aishk.edu.hk Dhanara 15.02.2012 Page 5
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