BLESSED TERESA OF CALCUTTA MISSION STATEMENT We are the welcoming community of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta living our faith by endeavoring to follow her example to see, share and be the light of Christ’s love & compassion February 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - February 15, 2015 BLESSED TERESA OF CALCUTTA PARISH Staff Rev. John Bohrer Rev. Francis Oranefo James Rocks Leo Howitz Sr. Claire Mc Nichol, S.S.J. Patricia Lipperini Kate Chmelko Cheryl Venafra Arlene Williams Anna Callaghan Don Bowker Dave Venella Sr. Bonnie McMenamin, S.S.J. Kate Slosar Tim Rooney ` Administrator In Residence Permanent Deacon Permanent Deacon Pastoral Associate Faith Formation Director Director of Music Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Bookkeeper Maintenance Maintenance Deaf Ministry Director 856-583-5111 Deaf Ministry, Co-Director 856-583-3962 Youth Minister Good Shepherd Regional School Donald Garecht Ellen Bowker Diane Gallagher School Principal School Secretary Advancement Director Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish Tithing Collection for February 8th: $13,907 Thank you for your continued generosity to our collection which covers our parish operating expenses. There were 70 Electronic Givers in December with contributions in the amount of $9,237 Children's Envelopes: We now have box sets of children’s envelopes available in the back of the churches. Each box is enough envelopes for the year. To make it easier for our collection counters, please make out separate checks for the different collections. Participate in Electronic Giving Through a partnership with Parish Giving, parishioners at BTC are able to make their offerings on line. There are many advantages to this contribution method – it’s simple, secure, convenient, and “green”! Its easy to enroll in Electronic Giving. Just go to our website & follow the Parish Giving Logo. By contributing electronically, the parish will have the benefit of stable monthly contributions and achieve a significant reduction in administrative costs. Keep in mind that you can always use your credit card to receive rewards. If you need assistance contact our bookkeeper, Anna Callaghan on Mondays or Weds. at 856-858-0298, Ext. 15. 1 Welcome to Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish! We are pleased to have you share in this celebration of the Eucharist. If you do not have a parish home we invite you to become part of our parish family and become fully involved in our life of prayer, education, service and community. Registration: We invite all parishioners to register with the Parish. Registration helps us to serve you when issuing letters in connection with sponsorship of Baptism, Confirmation or Matrimony, and also for letters of reference. Kindly notify the rectory if your address changes. Marriage: Couples contemplating marriage in the parish must contact the parish office to meet with a priest to begin the marriage preparation process. This is the first step in planning their wedding which needs to be done one year before the date of the wedding. Baptisms: celebrated every second and fourth weekends of the month at 12:30 PM in St. John’s Church. We also encourage parents to have their children baptized during the 11 AM Mass on Sunday. Contact the Parish Office at least two weeks before the desired date of Baptism to make arrangements. Parents are required to attend a preparation Class before the Baptism. Classes are on the last Thursday of every other month at 7:00 PM in the McLaughlin Hall. Anointing of the Sick: In case of serious illness or advanced age please call the priests. For hospital cases, contact the hospital Chaplain. Notify the office as well so a priest may visit. Pastoral Care: Please call the parish office to have Communion brought to an ill or homebound family member. Our Armed Forces Prayer List Please keep these loved ones currently serving in our Armed Forces in your prayers: Brian Colligon, John Flanagan, Col. Mark Migaleddi, Lucas Leadem, OSN/USN, Prv 1st Class Steven Hartnett, Jonathan Frazier USCG, Ryan Frazier, USCG, Sgt. Christopher Cafaro, US Army, Austin Hall, 1st Class, Air Force, Gregory Schaeffer, Jr. US Army, PVT Brandon Cates, Major John J. Billings, US Army, AOAA Joseph B. Shaw, Jr., USN, US Army, Sgt. Major Robert McConnell, LJG Sean Bakey, Alex Licorish, USMC, SPC Sean Hoban, US Army, Colin Bakey, Eric Bakey, Michael Newell PFC, Todd Sullivan, USAF, AA Salena Silvaria, Major Joel Daniel, Specialist, Joseph A. Fiore, US Army and 1st Lt. Francis Gargin, USA. Call the parish office if you have someone serving in the Armed Forces. 527 Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish Office 809 Park Avenue, Collingswood, NJ 08108 856-858-0298 Fax: 856-858-2796 Website: Faith Formation Office 856-858-0298, Ext. 17 Good Shepherd Regional Catholic School 856-858-1562 Churches: St. John: 809 Park Ave., Collingswood Holy Saviour: 50 Emerald Ave, Westmont MASS SCHEDULE Mon-Fri: 9AM St. John; Saturday 5PM Holy Saviour Sunday: 8AM Holy Saviour, Sunday: 9:30, 11AM & 6PM St. John 10AM Mass celebrated in American Sign Language Holy Saviour PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:45PM Closed between 12 - 1PM for lunch. RECONCILIATION Saturday 4-4:30 Holy Saviour Church Prayers Of The Parish Adoration at Holy Saviour Church is from10AM to 8PM every Monday. Please join fellow parishioners in praying for our families, the sick, our nation and our world. Rosary is prayed at the end of Adoration from 7PM to 8PM. The Rosary is also prayed Mon., Wed. & Fri. after 9:00 AM Mass at St. John’s. Morning Prayer: Tuesdays & Thursdays at St. John’s after the 9:00 AM Mass. Please consider being a part of this prayer community! Matthew 25 Project Continues Blessed Teresa Parish is continuing the Matthew 25 project by serving dinner to the homeless at the Joseph House on the third Friday of every month. Our next dates are February 20th and March 20th. We will meet in the St. John’s parking lot at 8:30 PM and car pool to the Joseph House. If you would like to participate, please register by calling Jim & Mickey at 856-8585484. You can participate for just one night or as many nights as your wish. We ask that all participants be adults or high school age. Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11; 1 Cor 10:31-11:1; Mk 1:40-45 Leprosy was a serious concern in the biblical world. To be declared a leper was to be condemned to a life apart form the community, living “outside the camp” in Moses’s day, later outside the towns and villages. It was the task of the priest to declare someone unclean as a leper and, in the case of remission, to declare them clean and allow them to rejoin the community. The description of leprosy, detailed in Leviticus 13, makes it clear that biblical leprosy was not the same thing as what we call leprosy today. It could be contacted not only by people but also by cloth and even building materials and was something to be avoided because it was thought to be contagious. Paul calls the Corinthians to “do everything for the glory of God”. Our task as disciples is to witness with out lives to God's goodness and mercy. We are called to work not just for our own salvation but “that they may be saved”. Finally, in words uncharacteristic of Paul, we are encouraged, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ”. The leper in today’s Gospel begs Jesus for help, “If you would, you can make me clean. Though Jesus risks contracting leprosy and ritual uncleanliness, “moved with pity, he stretched out his hand and touched him”. Mark tells us “the leprosy left him immediately”, again emphasizing Jesus’ power. Jesus then commands the man to fulfill the laws of Moses by showing himself “to the priest”, but instead the man “began to publicize the whole matter”, making it “impossible for Jesus to enter a town openly”. For reflection: Who are the lepers today, and how do I view them? Why are some good deeds better left unannounced? The Beautiful Gift of Light The Sanctuary Light burns seven days a week, every week of the year before the Blessed Sacrament. If you would like this candle to burn in memory of a loved one, e.g. a birthday, anniversary of death, wedding anniversary, or any special occasion, please call our parish office. The name of the person to be remembered and the donor will be published weekly in our bulletin. Suggested offering is $25.00. The Sanctuary Light at St. John’s for the week of Feb. 8th was burning in memory of Angelo Penza requested by His Wife. The Sanctuary Light at St. John’s for the week of Feb. 15th is in memory of Aunt Sophie & Family requested by Kass Lovett. The Sanctuary Light at Holy Saviour for the week of Feb. 15th is in memory of Phillip Attardi requested by His Wife Check out our new web site 2 527 To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven… Mass Intentions SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 8:00 AM Robert Mullins req His Wife, Eileen Mark Monti & Helen & William Ahern req Gerry Kozempel 9:30 AM Vincent Malone req George Britner Corinne Mendell req Jack & Michela McGuire 11:00 AM Charlotte M. Croce Corinne Mendell req Joseph Del Sole & Family 6:00 PM Bill Hoffman req The Bradley Family MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2015 9:00 AM Peter Miggliccio req Ed, Jay & Marti TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2015 9:00 AM Charlotte M. Croce ASH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2015 7:00 AM (HS) Mass with Ashes Gloria Faenza Malatesta req Robert Williams 9:00 AM (SJ) Mass with Ashes Ron Foley req Carol Flynn 12 Noon (HS) Mass for the Deaf with Ashes 12 Noon (SJ) Prayer Service with Ashes 5:00 PM (HS) Prayer Service with Ashes 7:00 PM (SJ) Mass with Ashes Parishioners of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2015 7:00 AM (HS) Parishioners of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta 9:00 AM Edward O’Boyle req His Sister FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2015 7:00 AM (HS) Parishioners of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta 9:00 AM Parishioners of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 5:00 PM John & Marian Mulllins req The Family Janet Dolores Towne Hunsinger req The Scharff Family Shannon E. Newell req The Newell Family SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 8:00 AM Denise Gentile req Edward & Marge Ward 9:30 AM Charlotte M. Croce Richard Pucci req Dominic Pucci 11:00 AM Ed & Josie Warne req Marge Carter & Family Karen McCloskey Roll req Don & Eileen McCloskey & Family Evelyn Guerrieri req The Scharff Famly 6:00 PM Parishioners of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta 2014 Tax Contribuon Statement This year’s tax contribuon statement can be picked up at the rectory or mailed to you if requested. Please allow one week for this to be completed. I would like a report of 2014 contribuons to Blessed Teresa of Calcua Parish. Name ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ 3 “…a time to be born…” Ryder James Schmal Andrew Bruce Vernon “…a time to be healed…” Vincenzo Angelucci, Michael Arizzi, Nancy Barone, Pearl Barry, Gregory Baselice, Isaiah Beck, David Bernardy, Charles Berstecher, Shana Best, Jace Ryan Bick, George Britner, Anita Carsillo, Rosemarie Celino, Baby Christopher, Katherine Cisneros, John Colangelo, Ashley Costelow, Susan Crist, Leslie Cunane, Mary (Malloy) Deeney, Nicholas DeLaurentis, Ray Desrocher, Dean Dickel, Helen Downs, Mary Duffy, Renee Ebert, Walt Eife, Peggy Field, Mary Louise Gates, Rose Gianetti, Dorothy Goldstein, Natalie Gorseginer, Mary Grande, John Green, Naomi Gross, Tina Guerriero, Deacon Tom Hafner, Pat Hafner, the Hamilton Family, Jake Hatigan, Patrick Hastings, Rev. Jerome Hickey, Dauton Hull, Sara Hutcher, Michael Jackson, Lance Jones, Catherine Joseph, Philip Kennerly, Bill Kinee, Mary & Sue Krein, Thomas Lamara, James Landsness, Tom Leonard, Michael Liss, Jackie Maddison, Mildred Maguire, Thomas Maier, Christine Marshall, John Martinez, James F. Matreale, Billy McAdams, Florie McHugh, Betty McKeown, Geraldine McNamara, Betsy McVeigh, Leah Michaud, Jessica Miller, Paulie Minimi, Mel Morrow, Bernadette Osman, Jaycee Park, Kathy Parry, Catherine Penacoli, John Perrina, Denise Peters, Dottie Plotts, Harry V. Prete, Jr., Christopher Pronio, Jim & Lillian Reader, Morgan Replogle, Joanne Robb, Vera Robinson, Antoinette Rodriguez, Eve Roth, Dean Russell, Mary Ann Sanders, Rebecca Sanders, Karen Scola, Mike Sharp, Ricci Sheridan, Anniyah Siner, Lisa Siner, Lillian Skabla, Charlotte Smith, Mauria Still, Dennis Storey, Brogan Patrick Strauss, Bill Pattison, Edward Subach, John (Jack) Tinney, James Trainor, Christine Tramontana, Michael Travis, Baby Jackson Troupe, Mary Ann & Andy Uricheck, Krystal Valianti, Alex Vance, Margaret Vasile, Dominick Venafra, Mary Verdeur, Ken Virtue, Patrick Weisgerber, Sr., Sal Wise, Kate Woods, Theresa Wood and all parishioners in nursing homes. “ …a time to die…” Marie N. Yeager Dolores, Latrella Joseph Lyons (father of Eileen McCloskey) Loretta Turbin and a time of peace…” Ecclesiastes 3:11 Ash Wednesday Schedule This Wednesday, February 18th is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. The services are: 7:00 AM (HS) Mass with Ashes 9:00 AM (SJ) Mass with Ashes 12 Noon (SJ) Prayer Service with Ashes 5:00 PM (HS) Prayer Service with Ashes 7:00 PM (SJ) Mass with Ashes 527 Parish Ministries Liturgical Ministers Schedule Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time February 21-22, 2015 5:00 8:00 9:30 Lectors Whalen Whitman Gilligan Franck Kopp Eucharistic Ministers Houghkirk, Sandone, Pauciello, Truran, Moran Fearon, Mehmet, Schafer, Kurkian Cipolla, BHensler, KMcLaughlin G&KKlein, Wolfram O’Connor, KAEsposito, Wiener, 11:00 Evangelista Lamberto 6:00 Campbell Hardeski Wackerlie, Volunteer, Vol. Salgado, Bruce Marino, Volunteer Altar Servers 5:00 PM Branco, Franciosa 8AM Volunteer 9:30 AM Coutinho, Yankanich 11:00 AM Chard, Lenkowski 6PM Volunteer St. Vincent DePaul Sandwich Making Takes place February 16th (3rd Monday every month) at 7PM in Good Shepherd Cafeteria. Bring your own bread, meat and cheese and join us! We supply sandwich bags and gloves. Due to a nice turn out of families for Dr. King service day we were able to make 1170 sandwiches this week. Thank you to all who helped out! Our Discussion Meeting takes place on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month, February 17th at 7PM in the conference room of the Faith Formation Center. JETSETTERS There will be a meeting of the Jetsetters this Monday, February 16th at 12 noon in McDaid Hall. A light lunch will be served. All are welcome! Welcome the stranger: Action Alert In an effort to overturn President Obama’s Immigration reforms, the House of Representatives recently passed a funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) which specifically defunds that part of the budget used to allow “Dreamers” (those children brought to US illegally by their parents) to apply for legal status. The Senate did not pass this version of the budget on Feb. 4, 2015. The different bills now go to conference. Take some time this week to call ( House operator(202) 224 -3121 and ask for your representative) or email your members of Congress. Tell them you demand justice for the Dreamers and reinstatement of funding for that purpose in the current Homeland Security Budget. If a compromise is not reached by Feb. 28, there will be no funding of DHS. 4 FOOD PANTRY UPDATE We have become a much more important source of food for the community now that the food pantry at Grace Baptist Church in Haddon Township has shut down! However, our resources are limited as we are not government funded and operate strictly on donations. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, which operates the food pantry, is ever grateful for your generous donations which help us to put food on the table for many families. As always, we try to provide main meal items that might not be available at the area’s remaining food pantries. We always need donations of canned fruit, chunky soups, stews, canned meat and fish, pasta and sauce, and small jars of jelly, crackers, cereal (hot and cold) and other main meal items. We cannot accept perishables, expired items, meal supplements or items which have been previously opened. Again, thank you for living the gospels by helping us to feed the hungry! Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Men’s Club The Men’s Club is an organization that provides an atmosphere for fostering Christian fellowship and a sense of community aimed at strengthening family and parish life. We support the parish and the communities in which we live as we assist with various religious celebrations, parish, school and community service projects, social events and enrichment projects. Upcoming activities include: x Night with John Coltraine – 2/22/15 7:00pm x Phillies Game at McLaughlin Hall Men’s Club Golf Outing – 5/22/15 Our next meeting is Monday March 9th at 8:00pm in McLaughlin Hall. Please consider joining us – all are welcome. Questions can be directed to Ed Charlton (856-854-1683) or Bob McHugh (856-375-5634) or email Blood Pressure Screening Members of the Health Ministry will be doing blood pressure screenings inside Holy Saviour Church on Saturday, Feb., 14 after the 5:00 PM Mass and on Sunday, Feb. 15 after the 8:00 AM and 10 AM Masses. Encourage your loved one, this Valentinus's Day Weekend to have his or her blood pressure checked this weekend. 527 FAITH FORMATION Scripture Sharing Group One of the most important New Year’s resolutions we can make is to pay more attention to our spiritual life. A great way to experience the ongoing direction of the Lord is to acquaint ourselves with sacred scripture. Blessed Teresa has a weekly scripture sharing group that reads and discusses the Sunday readings. They meet on Thursday mornings 10-11AM in the Faith Formation Center. Please consider stopping by when you can! We will be using the Lenten Longings Material during Lent. Back by Popular Demand: Ken Bossong Presents UPCOMING SCHEDULE Sundays, 9:30-10:45AM: Grades K-8 Feb 22, March 1, 8 Tuesdays, 3:30-4:45: Grades K-6 Feb 17, 24, March 3 Tuesdays, 7-8:15: Grades 7-8 Feb 17, 24, March 3 First Eucharist Workshop Thursday February 26 6:30-8PM Good Shepherd Cafeteria John Coltrane’s This is the first of two “retreats” for children preparing to receive their First Communion in the spring. One parent/guardian should accompany child Sunday February 22, 7PM McLaughlin Hall Confirmation Prep Evening A Love Supreme This year marks the 50th anniversary of the release of John Coltrane’s “A Love Supreme.” It is widely regarded as the greatest album of the most celebrated quartet ever assembled. Both musically and spiritually, its impact was immediate, far-reaching, and long-lasting, resonating to this day. The presentation will comprise of brief introductions to Jazz, to his classic Quartet, followed by the album itself. No previous knowledge or exposure to the music will be assumed or required to enjoy and learn about this remarkable music. 5 Elementary & Jr High Faith Formation For 8th grade candidates and parent or sponsor Sunday March 1 from 6:30-8:30 PM Good Shepherd Cafeteria Working Discussion on Family Life Sunday, February 22 from Noon to 1:30 PM In preparation for the Bishop’s Synod on the family in October 2016, Bishop Sullivan has invited parishes to participate in round table discussions about various aspects of family life. This will provide needed context for the Bishops as they seek to relate church teachings to the reality of family life. Blessed Teresa will hold the first session on Sunday, February 22 from Noon to 1:30 PM in Mclaughlin Hall. This is a wonderful opportunity to give voice to the insights you have gained through your family experiences. Who should come? ALL OUR WELCOME. We are all members of families and have much wisdom to contribute to our church. Please contact Sr. Claire McNichol or Pat Lipperini for further information 856-858-0298. 527 GSS Preschool “Story Book Hour” Wednesday, February 25 1pm - 2pm Come and meet our preschool teacher and tour the classroom. All children entering preschool in September 2015 are invited to join Mrs. Agnew, our preschool teacher, for a storybook reading and craft. RSVP Diane Gallagher 869-4592 GSS Honor Roll Students Honor Roll Students: All A's in major areas: Grade 8: Katelyn Colamesta, Char lie Wigginton Grade 7: Camille Chomiczewski, Emma McIntyr e, Olivia Branco Grade 6: Leilani Franklin & Vicky Liu Grade 5: J ameson Gor man & Michael Mor r ell Grade 4: Maxwell Fedak & Collin Montenegr o Grade 3: Fr ancine Fer nandes Honor Roll Students: A,B+,B's in major areas: Grade 8: J ames Br unker , J ohn Fr anklin, Emma Rutkowski, Dan Walton Grade 7: Alexis Fitzpatr ick, Victor Liu, J uliet Schlump, Olivia Locantore Grade 6: Dynasty Birriel, Cheyenne Bruce, Dominic Coutinho, Erin Danker, Satine Elzey, Brett Phillips, Kellan Quinn & Javonce Roman Grade 5: Kacie Agnew, Philip Br own, Anthony Cavone, Emily Clapper, Amanda Donnelly, Skylar Hoff, Taylor Jentsch, Anna Kain, Owen Ruliva, Erin Walton Grade 4: A.J . Collar in, Dominic Cor setti, J oseph Gar gin, Nate Griffin, Robert Halpern, Spencer Hoban, Sophia Mancinelli, Mia McConnell, Andrew O’Hara, Jacob Quaranta, Nicholas Rothamel, Joseph Wigginton Grade 3: Matthew Danker , Delaney Dougher ty, Nick Liu, Sophia Mas, Collin Morrell, Lauren Potter, Calvin Rutkowski, Tatumn Vaughn, Hope Yankanich Most Improved Students Grade 8: Nick Cavone Grade 7: J uliet Schlump Grade 6: J avonce Roman Grade 5: Anthony Cavone Grade 4: Mia McConnell Grade 3: Er ica Gr aham Grade 2: Callie O’Connor, Aurora Ortiz & Brennan Boldurian Kindergarten: Sophia Br assil 6 Grandparents Visit Good Shepherd School A long standing Catholic Schools Week tradition at GSS, Grandparents are invited to the cafeteria for coffee & desserts and join their GSS grandchildren in their classrooms. Annual 8th Grade Spaghetti Dinner & Basket Auction Good Shepherd Regional Catholic School will be holding their annual Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, February 15 4pm & 6:30pm seating. This event sells out every year!! Extra tickets, if available, will be sold at door! The price is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 12 and under. Contact: Valerie Wigginton 456-8114 Congratulations to our Graduates! Merion Mercy Academy Distinguished Honors (4.0 or higher) Jillian A. Zupito’14 Honors (3.5 or higher) Lara E. Garrity ‘13 527 From the Office of Ministry With the Deaf and Persons with Disabilities “...whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10: 31 “Let no one glory in their success but refer all to God in deepest thankfulness...” Mother Teresa Glory...what a great “God word”! And a commission for us at the end of Mass...“Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” How do you glorify God in your life? Blessings, Sister Bonnie “When we claim and constantly reclaim the truth of being, the chosen ones, we soon discover within ourselves a deep desire to reveal to others their own chosen-ness. Instead of making us feel that we are better, more precious or valuable than others, our awareness of being chosen opens our eyes to the chosen-ness of others. That is the great job of being chosen: the discovery that others are chosen as well.” Henri Nouwen Masses of Welcome & Inclusion: Regularly scheduled Masses that are adapted to meet the spiritual needs of individuals and families of children with special needs. All are welcome! Saturday, February 21st: 4:30 Mass at Church of the Holy Family, Sewell Saturday, March 7th: Our Light, Cherry Hill. Separate Masses of Welcome & Inclusion: Children are involved as much as possible. Join us! Sunday, March 8th: 1:00 p.m. Mass at Church of the Holy Eucharist, Cherry Hill. Sunday, February 22nd: 12:15 Mass at St. Joachim, Bellmawr. Please remember to pray for Gracemarie Newman who went home to God, Sunday, Feb. 8th… Gracemarie was a wonderful example of giving glory to God with the gift of her life. She loved her family dearly and ministered with the Deaf Community for many years. She will be missed by all who loved her. Rest in Peace...good and faithful servant of God and God’s people. Sunday, March 8th: GIFTS, Prayer, Social and Service for adults with disabilities. McDaid Hall, 1 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 14th: Deaf Community Gingo, 6:30 to 10:30 McDaid Hall. Join us! St. Joachim Welcome & Inclusion Mass...these families have been chosen and they chose to glorify God with their lives! Glory, Glory, Glory... Sign Language Classes: “Lift up Holy Hands” and learn to sign...Classes are free and held on Tuesday a.m. and various evenings. Help to bridge the communication gap between the Deaf and hearing worlds. Take the risk! All are welcome! Join us! Monday & Thursday evenings. Beginner/Intermediate Classes: Tuesday a.m. 10 to 11:30. For more info, contact Kate at 7 Tuesday, February 17th: Mardi Gras Party McDaid Hall 12 to 2:00. Sister Kathleen Schipani and Bill Griffin from Philly will share info on Pope’s Visit to Philly Wednesday, February 18th: Ash Wednesday: People of Praise (POP) prayer and social with persons with disabilities, their family and friends. 5:15 to 7:00 p.m. St. John of God Community Services, Building A. 1145 Delsea Drive, Westville Grove, NJ. All are welcome! Friday, February 20th Deaf Community Craft Class. Join us for a fun morning sharing your creative juices. 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. McDaid. Hall. For info: Contact Kate 0527—BTC Diocesan & Community News Diocesan Youth Congress Teens in grades 8-12 are invited to the Diocesan Youth Congress on Sunday, March 22, 2015, at The Church of St. Charles Borromeo in Sicklerville. The day-long event provides teens with a chance to make new friends, explore their faith through service and connect more deeply with God. The schedule includes dynamic service events, inspiring prayer and a national speaker. Contact Tim Rooney, youth minister, for more information at or visit the BTCY youth ministry page on the parish website. Begin Holy Week and Easter by discovering how to bring faith alive! Our students just helped prepare many exciting opportunities coming up in Youth Ministry for Lent and beyond, including Ignite, an open social for all teens from 8th grade through high school! Come meet our current students, hang out, play games, and enjoy snacks and refreshments on Sunday, March 8th at 7 in McLaughlin Hall! A schedule for youth ministry events for the spring is available on the parish website, so go check out what we're up to! And keep checking this space for updates. Thank you again to all parishioners for your amazing generosity helping youth ministry to raise $592 for Cathedral Kitchen to help provide food and supplies to the people experiencing homelessness inCamden. LIFE LINE SCREENING Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish at McDaid Hall is pleased to offer a preventive health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will host their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on 3/13/2015. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to : Blocked arteries which is a leading cause of stroke, abdominal aortic aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat which is closely tied to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. In order to register for this event and receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit 8 HOUSE OF CHARITY 2015 Dear Friends: Grace and Peace! Within the next few weeks you should receive a letter and brochure form Bishop Sullivan regarding the 2015 House of Charity - Bishop’s Annual Appeal. The theme this year is We Are Called. I hope you will take a few minutes to review those materials and the wonderful opportunity that a donation to this vital program will provide. By your gift to the House of Charity, you show the many who are in great need of pastoral, charitable, educational and social ministry in our Diocese that you treasure them in Jesus’ name. When you make a sacrificial gift to the House or Charity, you offer the treasure of hope. You offer the treasure of God's love. Please know that I am most grateful to you for your continued generosity to our parish, and for your willingness to consider the needs of those less fortunate in our community. I ask you to pray for me and our community as we seek to live the Gospel and serve each other in Jesus’ name. We have already collected $11,360 towards our goal from 25 families. This is 8 1/2% of our goal of $134.137.25. Peace and every Blessing! Fr. John Bohrer Victorian Tea Party Victorian Tea Party to be hosted by Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Sunday, Feb. 16th from 1PM-3PM at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 605 Monmouth St. Gloucester City. Catholic Women 18 yrs. and older are cordially invited to be our guest, Enjoy Hot Tea, Scones, Tea Sandwiches and Desserts while we share our story. call Dawn at 609-828-8232 or Alice at 856-456-4576. 0527—BTC 527 SCHOOL OF LITURGY FORMATION SESSIONS - WINTER - SPRING 2015 School of Liturgy sessions required for diocesan certification Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Lectors Spirituality and Ministry History of the Liturgy& a review of the Liturgical Documents Pastoral Care of the Sick Practical Experience Spirituality and Ministry History of the Liturgy & a review of the Liturgical Documents Use of the Lectionary Practical Experience Cantors Spirituality of Music Ministers Practical Training Liturgical “Best Practices” Breathing Vocalization Diction Projection Ritual Music Hymnody Psalmody FEE $35 A MINIMUM OF 20 REGISTRATIONS FOR EACH MINISTRY IS REQUIRED FOR SESSIONS TO BE HELD Millville Cherry Hill Turnersville PARISH OF ALL SAINTS CHURCH OF ST. MARY STS. PETER & PAUL 621 Dock Street Millville, NJ 08332 2001 Springdale Rd. Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 362 Ganttown Rd. Turnersville, NJ 08012 856-825-0021 856-424-1454 856-589-3366 SATURDAY FEBRUARY 28, 2015 SATURDAY MARCH 14, 2015 SATURDAY MAY 16, 2015 8:30 - 9:00 AM Registration 8:30 - 9:00 AM Registration 8:30 - 9:00 AM Registration 9:00 - 3:00 PM TRAINING SESSIONS 9:00 - 3:00 PM TRAINING SESSIONS 9:00 - 3:00 PM TRAINING SESSIONS REGISTER BY: FEBRUARY 24, 2015 REGISTER BY: MARCH 10, 2015 REGISTER BY: MAY 12, 2015 Light morning refreshments will be provided by the school of Liturgy Please bring a brown bag lunch. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR PARISH FOR APPLICATIONS AND MORE INFORMATION 9 527 Fanelle's Auto Repair & Towing WESTMONT General Auto Repair NJ State Inspection Tires • Alignments • Brakes 100 West Crescent Blvd. Collingswood 856-854-0785 15% OFF Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning $75 OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) 20% OFF Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning 25% OFF Carpet Stretching & Repair CLEANING SOLUTION INC. ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding GUTTER CLEANING Collingswood, NJ 856-854-5454 Barb's Harley-Davidson Owner-Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 2957 W. Collingswood Hts. Director, N.J. Lic. No. 4551 Plumbing • Electrical Paints • Keys Floor Care Rentals Lawn Products 127 Haddon Ave. Westmont Joseph B. Predpelski Erica H. Predpelski 856-854-3416 Since 1932 Licensed & Insured 1.866.264.8444 S ENIOR C ITIZEN D ISCOUNT Funeral Home 456-4141 Predpelski 983 Haddon Ave. C HURCH M EMBER D ISCOUNT MARK WILLIAMS CARPENTRY 609-472-9087 Mark Williams, Diocese Member Home Repairs and Remodeling No Job Too Small NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 609-586-2300 GUTTER DOCTORX Lic. & Ins. NJ #13VH07195600 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 856-317-1111 ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: 527 - Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish, Westmont, NJ (I) Rt. NJ Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • BLAKE-DOYLE FUNERAL HOME FUNERALS, CREMATIONS, PRE PLANNING 226 Collings Ave. Collingswood, NJ 08108 • (856) 854-2570 Eric G. Vanderslice - Manager - NJ Lic. No. 4308 • James F. Doyle - President - NJ Lic. No. 2860 We Support The Precious Lives of Our Community AKLLSTAR K A IDS ARATE Robert Hensler LLC Specializing in Designing Custom Jewelry AT T O R N E Y AT L A W CADEMY 30 Haddon Ave, Westmont $5 Any Battery or $5 off Any Repair over $25 Parish Member 601 Haddon Ave. Collingswood 856•240•7567 Diamonds with this ad Watches • Jewelry 1106 White Horse Pk. • Oaklyn All Work Done on Premises 856-858-1170 5 Weeks Just 00 $49. Uniform Included AUTHENTIC SOUTHERN BBQ John D. Pojawis, Jr., MST, CPA, PFS FREEDOM FINANCIAL 2321 ROUTE 70 W. CHERRY HILL FOX & ROACH, REALTORS® Fast, Friendly Service Affordable & Family Friendly G. "Janie" Pullella 856-910-8060 (856) 854-2440 / Fax: (856) 854-4044 Parishioner Open 7 Days at 11:00 am Behr Building Services LLC Residential & Commercial Roofing Ristorante Haddonfield, NJ 08033 A taste of Italy 693-695 HADDON AVE. • COLLINGSWOOD, NJ 08108 856-833-0808 FOSTER-WARNE FUNERAL HOME Haddon & Lees Aves. Collingswood, NJ 250 White Horse Pike Audubon, NJ (856) 854-0152 (856) 547-1195 Est. 1910 Plumbing & Drain Cleaning In Collingswood Since 1919 856-858-1965 10% OFF Labor up to $50.00 w/ad FUNERAL HOME 571-224-7960 Cell • 856-616-7056 Direct 609-868-2844 NJ HIC# 13VH07016900 Lic. #6204 CKSON JA 856-858-4463 41 S. Haddon Ave. Haddonfield, NJ Start a New Sunday Tradition! RIBS • CHICKEN • PULLED PORK Certified Public Accountant, Lic. NJ, PA. DE Tax Preparation, Accounting & Financial Services 4th Degree Member Knights of Columbus 153 Cuthbert Boulevard, Haddon Township IL Fiore Expert Watch & Jewelry Repair Guaranteed 308 Haddon Avenue Haddon Township, NJ 08108 (856) 854-0670 INDEPENDENT FAMILY OWNED Over 100 Years of Dignified Service 856-745-3051 ~ Parishioners ~ John E. Warne, III John E. Warne, Jr. JAMES LAFFERTY PUT OVER 40 YEARS OF REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE TO WORK FOR YOU! Director NJ Lic. No. 4541 Owner/Manager NJ Lic. No. 3100 HANDYMAN CARPENTRY 609-472-9087 Mark Williams Home Repairs and Remodeling No Job Too Small "Serving Haddon Township and surrounding communities for over 80 years" Please visit our website at: Traditional Funerals Cremation & Memorial Service Options Complimentary Video Tributes Pre-Need Counseling Available 856.854.4500 557 Haddon Ave. Collingswood, NJ Franklin P. Jackson, 5th, CFSP Kristin D. DeEugenio, D.C. Owner/Manager N.J. Lic. No. 3794 Parishioner 29 Haddon Ave. Westmont, NJ 08108 856-869-8500 After Sunday Mass... Enjoy Sunday Dinner (Served 1-9) Jim Duffy Owner/Designer Collingswood, NJ That’s Amore Restaurant 690 Haddon Ave., Collingswood 856-869-5683 Traditional - Contemporary and Cremation services Preneed Specialists Certified Preneed Counselors Serving All Faiths Manager, Funeral Director ~ Howard W. Creran, Jr., NJ Lic. No. 3359 400 White Horse Pike, Oaklyn • T: 856-854-2846 • F: 856-854-9468 1984 VOTED “BEST BYOB” Lunch • Dinner Catering • Parties Try to pay attention to the sermon and not to think about our Home-Made Spaghetti and Meatballs! (10% OFF Sunday Dinner w/ this ad) Celebrating our 30th Year in Business! 2014 PLUMBING • DRAIN CLEANING • HOT WATER HEATERS BATHROOM & KITCHEN REMODELING • HEATING & A/C PARISHIONER OF HOLY SAVIOUR FOR 43 YEARS 527 - Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish, Westmont, NJ (B) Rt. NJ 854-6373 NJ State Contractor Lic. #13VH05546800 NJ Master Plumber Lic. #6991 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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