Land Code FAQ (Part 2) Pg. 2 MEMBERTOU NEWSLETTER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 . WWW.MEMBERTOU.CA Ceremonial First Weld For Membertou Sport and Wellness Centre On Monday, February 2 Chief Terry Paul made the ceremonial first weld marking the beginning of the metal fabrication portion of construction of the Membertou Sport and Wellness Centre. The centre will include two ice surfaces, 13 dressing rooms, walking track, fitness centre, and seating for approximately 1300 and is expected to be completed before the summer of 2016. Chief & Council - Pg 3 Community Awards - Pg 4 Membertou School - Pg 5 Community - Pg 6 - 9 Parents Against Drugs - Pg 10 Health - Pg 11 Notices - Pg 12 Employment - Pg 13 - 15 Photo Credit: Tanya Collier-MacDonald Classifieds - Pg 16 ...................................................... NEWSLETTER INFORMATION The next newsletter edition is Friday, February 27, 2015. The walk was completed by a group of about 20 individuals who tied purple ribbons to trees throughout Membertou as a symbol for domestic violence prevention awareness. On Sunday, February 8 the Membertou Native Women’s Group organized the second annual walk through the community to raise awareness for family violence prevention. INDEX Governance - Pg 2 2nd Annual Walk Raising Awareness for Family Violence Prevention Photo Credit: Carolyn Paul Parents Against Drugs- Alcohol and Alcoholism Pg. 10 Community Awards Information Pg. 4 The awareness walk is an important step in bringing an end to violence in our communities and is successful in making violence-prevention a discussion topic. The goal is to have more efforts to end violence and make services available to those in need. With more people becoming aware, everyone is hopeful this goal becomes reality. Deadline is Friday, February 20, 2015. All content must be sent to: Newsletter will be available to view online the Friday it is printed. INFORMATION ONLY Flyers cannot be published in the newsletter. .................................... MEMBERTOU BAND HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Lunch 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. NOTICE: The Band Office will be closed on Monday, February 16, 2015 for Nova Scotia Heritage Day. Will reopen Tuesday, February 17, 2015. GOVERNANCE. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Page 2 Membertou Governance Governance Committee Events, Activities and Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Membertou is one of many First Nations in Canada to sign onto the First Nations Land Management Framework Agreement. The Agreement transfers authority and management of reserve lands from the Federal government to our own control, and removes us from roughly 25% of the Indian Act. But what does this really mean? To provide a better understanding of the Act, we have a compiled of some of the most common questions our members might have. Over the next several issues of the Membertou Aknutmaqn newsletter, the Governance Committee will feature new FAQs on Land Code. Land Code Frequently Asked Questions (Part 2 of 4) Q: Who is liable for damages related to Membertou land? A: Canada will remain liable & will indemnify Membertou for losses suffered as a result of any act or omission BEFORE the Land Code comes into effect. Membertou is responsible for its own decisions AFTER the Land Code takes effect. Q: What other First Nations are involved? A: Matsqui, Tzeachten, Westbank, Tsawwassen, Seabird, Tsliel-Waututh… To name a few. There are 52 communities all across Canada. So far there are no operational communities in Atlantic Canada. However, Membertou is one of 3 communities in Atlantic Canada that is involved at the developmental level. Q: Are other First Nations interested in joining this initiative? A: Yes, there is a waiting list. Q: How does a First Nation take back control of its land? A: By creating a Land Code, entering into an Individual Agreement with Canada, drafting a community ratification process, and doing a community vote. Q: What is an Individual Agreement? A: This agreement is negotiated to deal with matters such as identifying land to be governed by the land code, specifics of the transfer, funding to be provided and a list of outstanding issues. Q: Is the Indian Act still relevant to Membertou after we adopt the Land Code? A: Yes, approximately 2/3 of the Indian Act will still apply. Only the provisions dealing with land matters will not. Q: Are Membertou members involved in developing a Land Code? A: Yes. The Governance Committee was formed and keeps the community involved. The current draft of the Land Code was developed over a period of 2 ½ years with community input and is available on the Membertou Governance website at The Governance Committee is always looking for feedback on the Land Code. Q: Does the Land Code need community approval? A: Yes! The Land Code & Individual Agreement MUST be ratified by Membertou Members. Don’t see your question here or wish to schedule a home visit with a Governance Committee member to learn more about the Membertou Land Code? Feel free to contact Cheryl Knockwood, Membertou Governance Coordinator, for more information at (902) 564-6466 (ext. 2520) or via email at CHIEF & COUNCIL. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Page 3 Chief and Council CHIEF AND COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE UPDATED - Membertou Chief and Council will be meeting Deadline for all letters to Chief and Council on the upcoming dates: is 12:00 p.m. noon on the Monday prior to the FEBRUARY council meeting. Tuesday, February 17 - Commercial (9:00 AM to 12:00 PM) Tuesday February 24 - Government MARCH Tuesday, March 3 - Commercial Tuesday, March 10- Government RE: ANNUAL DONATIONS - May Disbursement Council gives its members the opportunity to split their annual donation into two payments if individuals want. This means that if you fill out a Split Donation Application before the May deadline, you will receive half your donation in May and half in November. Council has approved changes to be made to the Donation Applications which will be available March 2nd. The application will be available at the Band Office, on Membertou’s website for download and we will be mailing out applications to those living off-reserve. The deadline for the May Split Donation will be May 4, 2015. If you have any questions regarding the Split Donation or wish to update your address for the mail outs please contact Candice or Johanna at 1-902-564-6466 ext 2220 or 2210. Toll free 1-800-617-6466. Membertou Youth Chief and Council The next Youth Chief and Council meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 27, 2015 at Sydney Academy during lunch hour. Any youth who would like to submit agenda items or ideas should contact one of the YCC members directly, they are: Youth Chief Boyd McEwan, Blake Christmas, Keegan Christmas, Stephanie Gould, Benedict Joe, Julian Marshall, Kennedy Marshall, and Salena Sylvester. COMMUNITY AWARDS BANQUET. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Page 4 MEMBERTOU SCHOOL, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Page 5 Maupeltuewey Kina’matno’kuom Kindergarten - Six School Hours 8:45 AM - First Bell Rings 9:05 AM - Morning Classes Begin Dismissal Schedule 2:00 PM (Grades Primary - Two) 3:00 PM (Grades Three - Six) Afterschool Program 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Recess Schedule 10:15 AM – 10:30 AM (K - 4) 10:30 AM – 10:45 AM (Grades Primary - Two) 10:45 AM– 11:00 AM (Grades Three - Six) Lunch 11:00 AM - 11:25 AM - (K - 4) 11:25 AM - 12:00 PM - (Grades Primary - Two) 12:00 PM - 12:25 PM - (Grades Three - Six) Breakfast Program The school provides a light breakfast for students Monday – Friday in the cafeteria. (8:30 AM - 8:45 AM) Lunch Program & Prices The price per lunch will be $3.00 if purchased daily or a ten-hole punch card for $25.00. School Menu We are currently working with the Nutritionist from the Union of Nova Scotia Indians to come up with healthy lunch ideas according to the Canada Food Guide. We are looking at lowering the sodium and sugar levels. Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Chicken Balls, Rice and Drink Shepard’s Pie, Salad, Roll and Drink Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Roll and Drink Hot Chicken, Fries, Vegetables, and Drink Tacos, Rice and Drink * Menu will change every four weeks We are a Peanut & Nut Free School and are reminding all staff, students, parents & guardians to refrain from bringing any products containing peanuts or peanut substances into the school. Announcements • There will be No School on Monday, February 16, 2015. (Family Day) • Parent Teacher – Thursday, February 26, 2015 (6:00 PM - 8:00 PM) • There will be No School on Friday, February 27, 2015. Staff Development in the morning & Parent Teacher in the afternoon (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM • 2015 Primary registrations will take place at the school at your earliest convenience or download the form on our school website Primary orientation will take place in Spring 2015. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the school at 902-562-2205. COMMUNITY. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Page 6 St. Ann’s Church and Religion Education Notice Saturday Masses at St. Ann’s Church in Membertou Grade 2 and 4 Religion Classes Mass: Saturday, Febraury 14, 2015 at 5:30 pm Lector : Louise Paul Eucharist Minister: Lawrence Paul Jr. Altar Server: Dean Christmas Religion Education classes for Grades 2, First Holy Communion and Grade 4, Reconciliation will be held on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Classes will be held at the Seniors Centre. Grade 9 Religion Classes for the Sacrament of Confirmation will be taking part in Mass for Shut Ins at the CBC Building on George Street in Sydney on Sunday, February 22, 2015. The students, parents and sponsor should be there by 10:30 AM. If school is cancelled due to inclement weather, religion classes will also be cancelled. Baptismal Course Will be offered in Membertou on Sunday, March 1, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the Seniors Centre. Please Pre-register with Edith at 902-564-6466 ext. 2350. St. Anne de Beaupre Trip More information will be in the next newsletter about the trip to St. Anne de Beaupre. We are finalizing bus and rooms before we start taking names. Ash Wednesday Mass Wednesday, February 18, at 7:00 pm Lector: Monica Paul Eucarist Ministers: Lance Paul and Edith Christmas Altar Server: Dean Christmas Mass: Saturday, February 21, 2015 at 5:30 pm Lector : Katy MacEwan Eucharist Ministers: Edith Christmas Alter Server: Dean Christmas A Retreat for all Ministries of the Church On Saturday February 21, 2015 there will be a retreat for St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Parish starting at 9:30 am. I am asking all those who are Eucharist Ministers, Lectors, Altar Servers, Choir Members, Catechicts and those who take up collection to please attend this retreat on behalf of St. Ann’s Church. Hoping for a good turn out from Membertou. For Membertou Band and Community Members: Six Week Weight-Loss Class Dates: April 17, April 24, April 28, May 1, May 8, May 15 Where: Membertou Senior’s Room Time: 12:00 to 1:00 PM Lunch Provided Sign-up sheet at the Membertou Wellness Home Notice to Community Members Please remember to watch your mail for T4 slips for OAS, Canada Pension and Child Tax Benefits. I called Revenue Canada and they will be mailing T4 slips during the months of January and February. Revenue Canada will be sending me “Income Tax Returns” for 2014 end of February so I will not be able to do income tax returns until the month of March. If you have not filled out your 2013 Income Tax returns, I have some left in the office. You need to file your income tax returns to get your OAS, Supplement, Family Allowance and your GST. The Nova Scotia Heat Rebate($200.00) can not be processed unless you have filled out your 2013 returns. If your heat rebate forms were mailed back to you, please come in and we can do another income tax return. You have until March 31, 2015 to qualify for the heat rebate. -Joan Denny, Director of Social COMMUNITY . FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Page 7 Sport and Physical Activity Database in the Works In the coming weeks I will be compiling a database of all trained coaches, volunteers, any kind of training that relates to sports and physical activity (sport specific, multisport, Aboriginal coaching modules, FMS, RJT, and refereeing etc.). Being part of the database will allow you to be part of an emailing community (or possibly a Facebook group) that will notify you of coaching or volunteer opportunities as well as the chance to take part in additional training. Please include the following information: • • • • • • Name Phone number Email address Best method of contact Areas trained-and whether you are certified or currently in training Are you interested in volunteering? If you are not currently trained you can still be part of the database by providing as much of the above information as possible. To have your name added to the list please call 902-564-6466 (ext. 2560) or email kristadevoe@ Community Gardening There will be a meeting on Wednesday, March 4, 2015 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM at the Seniors Centre for those who are interested in community gardening. We will have guest speakers and discuss how we can create sustainable gardens and nourish our community. Membertou Police Update Cape Breton Regional Police Services - Membertou Division has apprehended the suspect who was selling fraudulent gift cards in Membertou. This person has been served notice that he is not to return to Membertou. If this person is seen in the community again, residents are advised to contact Sgt. Scott Reeves and the CBRPS Notice from Membertou Public Works The Public Works Department has a new number. The new number is 902-562-6842 Also, please refrain from parking any vehicles on the street and keep them off the sidewalks during snow events so the Public Works Department can clear the roadways and sidewalks. Thank You. -Darrell Bernard Director, Membertou Public Works Prayers in Mi’kmaq The Seniors will be having Mi’kmaq prayers on Tuesdays from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Memberou Seniors Centre and every second Thursday from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Membertou Heritage Park. COMMUNITY. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Page 8 Free Fit Camp There will be no Fit Camp/Meal Prep this week due to the annual Valentine’s Tea Social for Elders. Don’t Starve Yourself Skinny Lose Weight Now! Ask Me How! MEMBERTOU PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Krista Devoe Mi’kmaw Physical Activity Leadership Coordinator Membertou Tel: (902)564-6466 ext. 2560 Membertou Boxing Club WHEN: Monday - Thursday TIME: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Candice Sappier Herbalife Independent Distributor (902) 577-8465 We are interested in young people born in 20012003 to start a Boxing Team for the 2019 Canada Winter Games, which we have had great success. Please let us know if you are interested. Boxing Coaching Clinic Membertou Boxing Club February 20 - 22, 2015 Cost is $150.00 If you are interested please contact Barry Bernard 902-574-2632 Ice Time at the Pier Rink Please respect the age groups’ ice time and stay with your own age group, please. I am asking this for the kids’ safety. Ice time schedule: Thursdays: Fridays: Saturdays: Sundays: Men’s Hockey 13-18 years old 12 years and under Men’s hockey 8:00-9:00 p.m. 9:30-10:30 p.m. 3:45-4:45 p.m. 7:30-8:30 p.m. Any coaches who want to organize some kind of hockey fun for the kids, here is your chance to learn and have fun as well. Dust off your old skates and participate. The kids need your guidance and can teach us all a good lesson at having fun. Thanks for the kids’ sake, Buster. COMMUNITY. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Page 9 Membertou Heritage Park Culture Series Throughout the year we will be building on our Aboriginal Protocols with a series of short write-ups on various topics related to culture. Our research is taken from the teachings of several elders with unique backgrounds. We acknowledge that different nations have different traditions and people have different perspectives than what we’ve encountered. We are not saying any are right or wrong, we value all information in our research and encourage respectful and engaging conversations surrounding the exhibits. These write-ups are intended as introductory pieces for anyone looking to learn more about culture and additional information is available at the Membertou Heritage Park. Pre-contact culture is a difficult subject to study, especially for Mi’kmaq people. Due to the lack of archaeological information in the late prehistoric period it is difficult to adequately describe Mi’kmaq culture before the arrival of European settlers. Much of the coastline in the Atlantic Provinces that were home to ancient Mi’kmaq communities is now under water because of development, land erosion and rising sea levels. It is also important to note that the earliest writings found about the Mi’kmaq were written when there had already been about 100 years of contact with Europeans. With this information in mind, it is important to consider that Mi’kmaq life may have been significantly altered from pre-contact culture when it was first recorded. Heritage Park Weekly Event Schedule Monday: Arts and Crafts 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Wednesday: Youth Drumming Senior Men Drumming 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Thursday: Elders Night Mi’kmaq Rosary will be every second Thursday 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Sunday:Movie Night5:00 p.m. Sponsored by Memberou Interagency Membertou Heritage Park HOURS: Daily 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 902.567.5333 902.539.6076 Petroglyphs Gift Shop Hours at the Membertou Heritage Park are from 9am-4:30pm daily. Monday till Friday and now open on weekends. New sage and sweetgrass products now available. Final Day of Valentine’s Day Sale today. Jewellery sale, 25% off bracelets, earrings, and rings. Children’s Mukluks will be going on sale starting Monday,February 16, 2015. Mukluks that were $200.00 now going for $125.00! PARENTS AGAINST DRUGS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Page 10 Alcohol and Alcoholism Alcoholism has little to do with what kind of alcohol one drinks, how long one has been drinking, or even exactly how much alcohol one consumes. But it has a great deal to do with a person’s uncontrollable need for alcohol. Most alcoholics can’t just “use a little willpower” to stop drinking. The alcoholic is frequently in the grip of a powerful craving for alcohol, a need that can feel as strong as the need for food or water. While some people are able to recover without help, the majority of alcoholics need outside assistance to recover from their disease. With support and treatment, many are able to stop drinking and reclaim their lives. Alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in the United States- 17.6 million people, or one in every 12 adults, suffer from alcohol abuse or dependence along with several million more who engage in risky, binge drinking patterns that could lead to alcohol problems. More than half of all adults have a family history of alcoholism or problem drinking, and more than 7 million children live in a household where at least one parent is dependent on or has abused alcohol. Yet, for many people, the Facts About Alcohol and Alcoholism are not clear. Frequently Asked Questions About Alcohol: Question: How does alcohol affect a person? Answer: As a central nervous system depressant drug, alcohol is rapidly absorbed by the stomach and small intestine into the bloodstream, and then circulated to every organ in the body (including the brain). Question: How does alcohol leave the body? Answer: Once absorbed into the bloodstream, the Kidneys eliminate 5% of alcohol in the urine, the Lungs exhale 5% of alcohol (detectable by breathalyzer) and the Liver breaks down the remaining 90% of alcohol. Alcohol is broken down (metabolized) by the liver at the average rate of one standard drink per hour and nothing can speed this up, including drinking coffee. Question: Why do people react differently to alcohol? Answer: A variety of factors effect how people react to alcohol: • Age, Gender, Race or Ethnicity. • Physical condition (weight, fitness level, etc). • Amount of food eaten before drinking alcohol. • How quickly they drink the alcohol. • Use of other drugs, legal (prescription medicines) or illegal (marijuana etc.) • Family history of alcohol problems. For help with addictions, please contact Blair Paul or Lawrence Wells at the Membertou Wellness home at 902564-6466 ext 2680 and 2780. HEALTH. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Membertou Wellness Home Plaza/Dynasty Only | 902-539-8770 For local medical trips please contact Dynasty/Plaza and allow them enough time to get you to your appointment on time. Please note that we will not accept receipts from any other taxi company. Dynasty/ Plaza is the only cab company that we deal with. Important Notice: Needles And Sharps Containers Sharps containers are available at the Membertou Wellness Home free of charge. These containers are disposed of in the proper manner so not to infect anyone. If you need a sharps container, please come to the Wellness Home and pick one up. Please do not throw needles and lancets in your garbage. This is very dangerous to childen who may be playing in your area as well as our garbage collectors. Page 11 Clinic Hours Dr. Jeff Power is available five days a week. Please contact Maggie, medical secretary, for an appointment. She can be reached at 564-6466 ext. 2440 ........................................ Evening Clnic Dr. Power will be continuing his evening clinics on Thursdays beginning at 1:00 PM. Please note that due to appointment bookings that walk-ins are not always a guarantee. If you make an appointment and are unable to keep it please call to cancel or re-schedule. ..................................................................... Vaccinations Notice: Wellness Home will be Closed for One-Day Training The Wellness Home will be closed on Friday February 20, 2015 due to mandatory staff training. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you, Membertou Wellness staff. If your child requires vaccinations, please do not call Dynasty (Plaza) Taxi to bring you to the Health Center. These trips are not reimbursed by First Nations & Inuit Health. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to provide their own means of transportation. ......................................... Diabetes Foot Care Well Baby Clinic Diabetic foot care is done by appointment only. Please call 564-6466 Madelaine ext. 2840, Tanya ext. 2750, Jenny ext. 2830, Natalie ext. 2760. Prenatal Information Session Floyd Prosper, Dental Therapist has been relocated from the Wellness Home to the new Membertou School. If you have any questions for him, please call 564-6466 ext. 2790. Carol Sylvester is the COHI Aid. She can be reached at 564-6466 ext. 2799. ......................................... Screening Clinic Blood Collection The next Well Baby Clinic will be February 17, 2015 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM at the Membertou Wellness Home. Services include: update child’s/children’s immunizations, Nippissing Developmental Screening, height/weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check, etctera. No appointment necessary. Dental For prenatals, mothers of newborns and toddlers the next class is on Monday, February 23, 2015 at 1:15 PM at the Membertou Seniors centre. The Prenatal Classes are for Membertou community and band members. Snacks and door prizes available at both classes for those who attend. For blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol will be taking place on Wednesday, March 26, 2015 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM at the Wellness Home. Door prizes and refreshments provided. Diabetes Information Session The next Diabetes Information session is scheduled for Thursday, February 26, 2015, at 1:15 PM at the Membertou Seniors Centre. For Membertou community and band members who are diabetics only. Snacks, refreshments and door prizes available. Wednesdays 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM at the Wellness Home. Please make sure you have your health card with you. ......................................... Medical Transportation Contact Louise Paul at 564-6466 ext. 2710 if you require medical transportation. Please contact her ASAP in order for her to receive approval from Health Canada for medical trips outside of Cape Breton NOTICES. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Mi’kmaq Family and Children Services All Family & Children’s Services in NS are currently experiencing a shortage of foster homes. To help please contact: Indian Brook - 1-800-263-8686 Eskasoni - 1-800-263-8300 Federation of Foster Families 1-800-565-1884 .......................................................................... The Mi’kmaq Crisis Line Available to First Nation communities across Nova Scotia, 24 hours a day, in their own language, by calling 1-855-379-2099 ............................................................................ Page 12 Time of Day Rate Houses built in Membertou in 2009 to current date that us electric heat as their main source of heat qualify for the Time of Day Rate offered by Nova Scotia Power. If you are not set up for this rate, please see Deanna Joe, Tenant Relations Officer for an application. This will save you money on your N.S power bill. Membertou Housing and Facilities New After-Hours Phone Service For Housing Repair Emergencies After-hours telephone service for Membertou residents experiencing housing repair emergencies. The telephone service will operate between Notice to Clients of Oil Delivery 4:30 pm to 8:00 am on weekdays and 24 Social clients who run out of fuel can contact hours during weekends and holidays. Joan Denny at 578-6040 cell or 567-3071 Membertou residents are asked to call the Housing Department’s main telephone home. ........................................................................... line at (902) 564-2111 and the call will be directed to a call answering service. All Safety Training Certificates non-emergency calls will be forwarded to the Housing Department on the following All employees and contractors for the regular business day. Membertou Band will have to bring in their certificates on any safety training needed for the job. To be put on file at the OH&S Job Line office. If these training certificates are not on file your jobs will be held off until they are The job line will provide a recording of brought in. If you have any questions please any current job opportunities and how an applicant can apply for a position with drop in or give Connie Osborne a call. ........................................................................... Membertou. If you are currently seeking employment opportunities, please call Housing Applications 902 563-4501 or view the Membertou Housing applications are now available at website, Facebook, newsletter, band office the Band Office. If you would like to request or HRDC. new housing or temporary housing please Thank you, see the Tenant Relations Officer, Deanna Joe. Human Resources ........................................................................... Monthly Housing Payments To ensure there are no missed housing payments, we are asking home owners/ renters with a monthly housing payment to ensure that their rent/mortgage is up to date and being paid either by payroll, social, or by coming in to the band office to make payments. If you have any questions regarding your account please feel free to contact the Tenant Relations Officer, Deanna Joe at 564-6466 ext 2310 or by email ........................................................................ Birthday Greetings Special Birthday Greetings going out to my one and only son, Griffin Benjamin Stevens-Christmas who is celebrating his 13th birthday on Saturday, February 21st. We hope you have a wonderful day!! Lots of love from Mom and Chia Happy Birthday to our Aunt Mary Anne Gallagher who celebrates her birthday on February 18. Have a great day! Love Donna and the kiddies. Happy Birthday Wishes to our son/brother/ uncle Arnold Rheal, who celebrates his Garbage & Recycling Collection birthday on February 16th. Hope you have an awesome day, one as awesome as you are! NOTICE TO MEMBERTOU RESIDENTS. Love you lots: Mom, Dad, James, Luke, Rita, Gaby, Preston and baby Sean. Garbage & Green Bin Birthday greetings going out to #1 Grandson/Nephew, Preston, in Hamilton, Every Tuesday - 12 p.m. Ontario who celebrates his birthday on February 17th. Love you and miss you lots. Wishes from Mom, Clay, and your Auntie Recycling Collection Saturday, February 14, 2015 - 12 p.m. Sookie and Uncles James, Luke and Arn. ......................................................................... Membertou Services Garbage & Recycling Collection ......................................... Garbage & Green Bin Collection Tuesday, Febrruary 17, 2015 - 12p.m. Tuesday, February 24, 2015 - 12. p.m. ......................................... Recycling Collection Saturday, February 14, 2015 - 12 p.m. ........................................ Alcoholics Anonymous AA meetings in Membertou: Sunday 8 p.m. (HOW Group) Wednesday 8 p.m. (HOW Group) Thursday 8:30 p.m.(Membertou Group) ......................................... Austin Christmas Plumbing and Heating 24 hour plumbing and heating emergency service. New construction, renovation, service work. Mechanical ventilation installation. Call for a second opinion at 902-304-1090 ......................................... Cape Breton Regional Police Services Emergency 911 Non-Emergency 563-5151 (24 hrs) ......................................... E&R Plumbing and Heating Emergency response to all your plumbing and heating needs. 24 Hour emergency service, 7 days a week. Edwin LaPorte: 549-5244 Rodney Christmas: 561-5345 ......................................... Gamblers Anonymous GA meeting in Membertou: 3 Kateri Street Mondays 7:00-8:30 p.m. ......................................... Sir Jarrod Jig Paul Construction - 24 Hour Emergency Service- Heating, Plumbing, Roofing, Siding, Electrical and Drywall. Call 322-8307 (C) or 564-2266 today! EMPLOYMENT. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Page 13 Employment Employment Opportunity Job Title: Bingo Supervisor Department: Membertou Entertainment Centre Reports To: Membertou Entertainment Centre Manager Reporting to the Membertou Entertainment Centre Manager the Bingo Supervisor will be responsible for supervising employees and ensuring that all customers receive excellent customer service. Duties and Responsibilities Ensures that business is conducted in strict adherence to industry and provincial regulations. Provide direction and coach employees on a continuous basis. Create and maintain a positive work environment for employees, vendors and charities through timely, honest, clear and respectful communication. Promote team morale by providing clear job expectations, recognizing accomplishments, and giving regular feedback. Ensures customer service standards are established and maintained. Demonstrates professionalism and maintains positive business relationships at all times in dealing with internal and external customers. Ensure that opening and closing procedures are completed on Bingo nights. Assist employees when required. Qualifications: A minimum of 2 years experience in a leadership role. Experience working in Bingo is an asset. Ability to deal with difficult situations. Strong organizational and communication skills. Cover letters and resumes can be submitted to: Membertou Human Resources Department Attention: Darlene Collins 111 Membertou Street Membertou, N.S. B1S 2M9 Or via e-mail to: Deadline for applications: February 25, 2015. EMPLOYMENT. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Page 14 Employment Membertou Job Title: Department: Reports To: Term Position: Job Posting Snow Crab Captain Fisheries Director of Fisheries April 2015 to September 2015 (or until allocated quota is caught) Position Scope: Under the authority of the Director of Fisheries, the snow crab captain will be required to carry out all duties as required to ensure that the safety of the crew and vessel are maintained at all times. They will be responsible for daily maintenance of the vessel, ensure the safety of the crew at all times and maintain the quality of the catch while the vessel is under their command. They will be responsible for following policies and procedures as laid out by Membertou, DFO, CCG, and the Nova Scotia Occupational Health and Safety Act. The captain will be expected to catch and retain snow crab in as short as time as possible by following the policies and procedures as laid out in the fisheries handbook and captain’s contract. This position requires the individual to have knowledge of the CFA 23 fishing area, knowledge of vessel and gear maintenance, be able to lead a team, have knowledge of hydraulic, electronic and engine maintenance and repair and be a problem solver. Safety of the crew and vessel are of the utmost importance but the captain will be required to catch the allocated quota as fast as possible to reduce costs to the captain, crew and band. The captain will also be responsible to have the gear properly stored and ready for the following year. Duties and Responsibilities: • Ensure the safety of the crew is of outmost importance. • Ensure the safety and cleanliness of the vessel at all times • Catch allocated quota as fast and safe as possible. • Report to On-Shore Captain or Director any issues that may arise immediately. • Fill out log book daily as required by DFO • Ensure that proper hail in and hail out requirements are met • Ensure that proper training occurs with crew on a daily basis • Lead by example in regards to safety on board the vessel • Ensure that procedures are followed, reported on and done as required by the On-Shore Captain and or Director. • Will be responsible to maintain gear and ensure that it is properly stored and ready for the following year as instructed by the On-Shore Captain and or Director. • Implement policies and procedures as directed by the On-Shore Captain and or Director. Qualifications: • FM-4 or greater • Marine Advanced First Aid • Must have experience in running a vessel and experience in the snow crab fishery • Preference given to Aboriginal peoples in accordance with the Aboriginal Employment Preferences Policy of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. EMPLOYMENT, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Page 15 Employment Resumes can be submitted to: (Please include a copy of qualifications) Membertou Human Resources Department Attention: Darlene Collins 111 Membertou St. Membertou, NS B1S 2M9 Or via email to: DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: February 27, 2015 Qualified Individuals will be contacted for an interview DFO Conservation and Protection Fishery Officer Recruitment and Training Process The deadline for applying for this career opportunity has not yet been determined, however please visit the folling link for more information on position requirements: To begin your application process for the position of ‘Fishery Officer Trainee’ please visit the following link: Mode=1&noBackBtn=true Office Space for Rent at Membertou Entrepreneur Centre Membertou Entrepreneur Centre Membertou Business Plaza 201 Churchhill Drive Membertou, NS The office space comes with office desk and chair, share reception area and boardroom (seats 12-15), access to kitchen facilities, restroom, telephone, photocopier and internet. For further information contact Eileen Paul at 902-564-6466 ext. 3302 or email CLASSIFIEDS . FRIDAY, FEBRUARY13, 2015 Page 16 Serving the financing needs of Aboriginal businesses for over 25 years Variable and fixed interest rates starting at prime plus 3% (6% and up) Non-repayable contributions available on eligible projects *rates and non-repayable contributions are based on project eligibility and certain criteria To find out more about our products & services call: 1-888-766-2376 or visit our website:
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