details - BurtonDassett

Response to the Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath new settlement
settlement Flyer
You may have received a flyer
er from Beattie Communications
Commun cations referring to the proposed
development at
Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath (GLH). This is the Public Relations company employed by the developer
Commercial Estates Group/The Bird Group to make this development look as attractive as possible.
This is premature. The Examination In Public
of the Stratford District Council Draft Core Strategy was held in
January. NO decision has been reached in regard to the GLH proposal.
proposal The Inspector
nspector intends to make an
interim report in late March. His final report is due after the General Election.
lection. Nothing has been decided.
No Outline Planning Application
pplication has been submitted. The developers are getting ahead of themselves.
You have been invited to comment and answer questions on the last page of the fly
flyer. The view of FORSE
is that the five specific questions are misleading and may result in misrepresenting your views about the
new “village” proposal. Our suggestion is that you do not answer any of these
these specific questions.
However if you do wish to respond, here are some suggested COMMENTS that you may wish to use in the
space provided under question 5:
There is NO attempt at integration of the new village with Lighthorne Heath.
The site is next to a busy motorway and is NOISY.. The proposed noise barrier will be largely
ineffective due to the slope of the land.
The picture gives the impression of a Garden Village NOT a town of 2000 houses.
Scale of the Village Centre – are FOUR storey buildings appropriate?
URBANISATION of the B4100 is not appropriate in this rural setting.
The Indicative Master Plan shows an enlarged Aston
ston Martin Lagonda factory on fields
between Lighthorne Heath and Lighthorne - this proposal is NOT in the Draft Core Strategy.
No details have been released of a suitable DESIGN GUIDE for the proposed new village,
which currently takes on all the appearance
of a large urban sprawl.
Finally, the Consultation Feedback on pages 2 and 3 of the flyer is MISLEADING.. There is no indication of
WHEN, WHERE and even IF any of this will happen.
FORSE is the action group established by residents of Lighthorne, Lighthorne Heath, Gaydon and Chesterton concerned about these
proposals. We believe this development is neither appropriate nor sustainable and would have a negative impact on life locally.
locall For
information see the website or contact us. email phone 01926 651916