Covering Kingston, Kingston Beach, Blackmans Bay, Howden and nearby areas 19 February 2015 Phone: 6295 1708 St Ayles skiffs fiesta The gathering of the clans for the St Ayles Skiff Regatta in Franklin made the four-day event, from Thursday 12th to Sunday 15th February, in the Huon Valley an occasion to celebrate. Two skiffs arrived from New Zealand, two from mainland Australia and with three already in southern Tasmania, the Huon River and foreshore became a bustle of activity. Thursday saw the first event begin with a magical Huon Valley day and three skiffs in the 10km Heritage Row to Shipwright’s Point. Crews were representing No 871 Franklin, Cygnet and Taroona – very appropriate considering these were the first communities in Tasmania to build their own skiffs. A royal reception by the Huon Yacht Club was a welcome sight and an appreciated sign of small communities supporting each other. The L & S Doyle return race of four back to Franklin saw the Living Boat Trust’s “Outside Chance” win in a record time that was just under an hour. Then followed the grand Opening Ceremony on the Rowing Ways, initiated by the atmospheric sound of the didgeridoo. This lead into the “Scottish connection” represented by kilts, bagpipes and music from the Derwent Pipe Band. St Ayles skiffs originated in Scotland and are based on the design of early fishing boats. The magical evening continued with a boat row-past, all skiffs on the water, a Huon River and Rowing Ways Oar Salute brought to attention by Captain Jess, followed by an “Intercontinental Sprint”. continued page 6 Off and (St Ayles skiff) racing at Franklin Police urge residents to secure belongings, vehicles and premises Over the past decade Tasmania Police has worked with the Tasmanian community to significantly reduce crime in the state. During this period the number of burglaries of homes, businesses and motor vehicles have reduced considerably. However, in recent months Tasmania Police has identified a worrying trend where houses, businesses and motor vehicles are being left unlocked and with attractive property not secured. This makes those properties and vehicles highly attractive to those people who would seek to steal your property or cars. In both the Kingborough and Huon Valley municipalities, premises and vehicles have been the target of offenders. A number of these burglaries have occurred in the mid to later afternoon, through unlocked doors, bathroom and kitchen windows. Find the classifieds inside the back page Some have even occurred whilst the owners are working in their garden. Tasmania Police regularly patrols high risk areas, but is not able to prevent every crime alone. Therefore, further reducing burglaries and the theft of motor vehicles requires a partnership approach with your cooperation to adequately protect your property. continued page 5 What’s on THE KINGSTON CLASSIFIEDS ISSN 1442-5092 Published Thursdays 14 Mary Street Cygnet Tasmania 7112 Phone: 6295 1708 Fax: 6295 1964 Web: Email: Deadlines Display ads 5pm Monday Line ads 4pm Tuesday Articles 5pm Monday No cancellations accepted after 4pm Tuesday. Rates - Kingston Classifieds Line ads $9.90 per 5 lines ($1.00 - each additional line) Add a photo for $9 Display ads $4.10 per column centimetre Full page $424 Half page $212 Quarter page $106 Positions of advertisements cannot be reserved. Web Links Rates per quarter $16.50 per line - limited lineage All prices include GST Payment required by cash, cheque, Visa or MasterCard prior to publication, except by arrangement. What’s on - Free for regular community non-profit activities only. Save on advertising costs Special rates apply for advertising concurrently in both the Kingston Classifieds and the Cygnet & Channel Classifieds. Regular advertisers can take advantage of our Contract Rates. Call for details. Opinions expressed in the Kingston Classifieds do not necessarily reflect the views of Southern Business Services Pty Ltd. Political advertisements published in this paper are accepted on a commercial basis and have no bearing on the views of this paper. Contributors of letters, editorial material, and advertisements, agree to indemnify Southern Business Services Pty Ltd and its employees for any liability arising out of claims in relation to such contributions. Any claims made in advertisements, or editorial, are the responsibility of the person(s) placing the advertisement. While every care is taken, the publisher cannot be held responsible for errors or their effect. We reserve the right to alter, omit, reclassify or abbreviate advertisements for any reason. Our full terms and conditions can be found at The Kingston Classifieds is independent, locally owned and published by Southern Business Services Pty Ltd. We have no association with any other company in Australia or overseas. 2 GENERAL Blackmans Bay Childrens Services 6wks-12yrs 7.30am-6pm, 177b Roslyn Avenue 6229 4914 Blackmans Bay Play Group 10am12pm, B/Bay Comm Hall, (Ocean Espl). Playgroup Association: 6228 0925 Bruny Island Quarantine Station Open Thurs to Mon 10am-4pm, 816 Killora Rd, North Bruny 0435 069 312 Colour Circle Art Group Adult classes/ workshops. Bernadette 6229 8938 Free Bread & Rolls Mon-Fri 9am3.30pm Maranoa Comm Ctre 6229 4066 Kingston Beach Educational Care 7.15am - 6.15pm. 46 Beach Rd. 6229 6070 Kingston Croquet Club Mons & Weds, 1.30-3.30pm. Learn to play golf croquet. 159 Summerleas Rd. 0402 091 840 Little Penguins Birth - 4yrs, Tues 1-3pm; Fri 9-11.30am, Bruny School. 6293 1147 Puddleducks Play Centre Tues-Fri Pre-kinder sessions for 3-5yrs Kingston Beach Kinder. Beach Rd 6229 2852 U3A Kingborough 0405 327 071 email or web MONDAYS AA Kingborough 8pm Christ the Priest Church, corner Roslyn Ave & Jindabyne Road. 6234 8711 Coffee, Chat & Craft 9am, Maranoa Heights Community Centre, 24 Hawthorn Drive 6229 4066 Craft & Play - drop in 10-11am, Kids Allowed Shop, Channel Ct, Kingston Friendship for Disabled, 6pm Uniting Church, 42 Jindabyne Rd, Kingston. 6229 6152 Kingborough Women’s Club Needlework 10-12n, 34 Ewing Ave Kingston Beach, in KB oval behind Community Hall. 6286 8206 Kingston District Garden Club 4th Mon 7.30pm (not Jun/Jul/Dec) Kingston LINC 6229 1606 Kingston Men’s Probus Club Last Mon/mth, Snr Citizen Centre, 35 Redwood Rd,10am-12pm.6229 3573 Limited food assistance Afternoons Maranoa Heights Comm. Ctre 6229 4066 Lions Club of Kingborough 1st & 3rd Mondays, 6.30pm, Kingston Beach Golf Club Rotary Club of Kingston 6.30pm Kingbrgh Bowls Club, Margate. David 0437 849 470 Zumba 12 noon, Maranoa Heights Community Centre, 6229 4066 TUESDAYS Anglicare Family Mental Health Services Every 2nd Tues LINC D block 6229 4066 At The Beach Playgroup 9.3011.30am, Blackmans Bay Hall, Ocean Espl. Emma 0420 903 284 Beehive Playcentre Margate 9-12n, 3-4 yr olds. 6267 1301 Bingo 7.30pm Twin Ovals Pavilion Kingston, Michelle 0418 548 611 Christian Men’s Fellowship 10am-12pm Christian Reformed Church of Kingston, Denison St. 6229 6927 or 6227 1930 Friends of Coningham NRA Working Bees - 3rd Tues/month, Feb- Nov, Jean 6267 4870 times and locations Friends of Snug Village Home 2nd Tues 1.30pm, Beverley 6267 9537 Heart Foundation Walking 9am. Join the Peter Murrell Walkers. All welcome. No cost. 6229 5391 Kingborough Carers Support Grp fortnightly, 1pm, Ph June 6229 6946 Kingborough Senior Citzs Indoor Bowls 1pm, 35 Redwood Rd Hall 6229 4487 Kingborough Spinners & Handweavers Uniting Church, Jindabyne Rd, 1st Tues 6264 1714 Kingborough Women’s Club Scrabble from 1.30pm, 34 Ewing Ave Kingston Beach, in KB oval behind Community Hall. 6286 8206 Kingston Cub Scouts 6.30-8pm, 6227 1313 behind sports centre Kingston Classifieds - 19 February 2015 Kingston Scrabble Club 7.30pm Kingston Library. 6229 5840 Kingston Tennis Club Social tennis 9am - 12 noon. 6229 1732 Rotary Club of D’Entrecasteaux Channel, Villa Howden 6.30pm. 6267 1161 Sandfly Playgroup 10-12pm, Sandfly Hall. 6239 6002 WEDNESDAYS Alcohol & Drug Service 1300 139 641 Kingston Comm Hlth Ctr, by appt. Australian Plants (APST) 1st Wed 2pm Centacare meeting room Kingston Beach. Fran 6229 9443 Blackmans Bay Salvation Army Playgroup 9.30-11am, 3 Opal Dve, BBay, $5 per family. 6229 8058 Christian Meditation 4.30pm, Meeting room, Church of Christ the Priest, Kingston. 6229 7529 Community Market Brookfield Margate, 10am Fortefied SATB vocal group Blackmans Bay 7.30pm 6229 1231 Grow Tas Mental Health Support Group 7-9pm, Kingston Community Health Ctre. 1800 558 268 / 6223 6284 / 6229 8170 Guides B’Bay Guide Hall, Burwood Dve. Rainbow 5-7yr 5-6pm, Bahloo 7-11yr 6.15-7.45pm 6231 0433 Kingborough Bridge Club 7.15pm Snr Citz Hall Redwood Rd. 6229 7234 Kingborough Prostate Cancer Support Group Meets 2nd Wed 2pm. Kingston LINC. Keith 6229 9479 or Cynthia 6233 2072 Kingborough Senior Citizen Bingo 1.30pm, 35 Redwood Rd Hall 6229 4487 Kingborough Women’s Club Mahjong 10.30am-3pm. 34 Ewing Ave Kingston Beach, in KB oval behind Community Hall. 6286 8206 Kingston Apex Club 2nd Wed, Mt Nelson Tavern, Kingston LINC - Rock & Rhyme 11 Hutchins St. 11-11.30am for babies 1-24 mnths. 6165 6208 Kingston School for Seniors 10am12pm Snr Ctzns Club Rooms during term time. Ph 6229 5495 MaJong 1.30-3.30pm Senior Cititzen Hall, 35 Redwood Rd, Kingston. Ph 6229 2453 Over 50s Exercise Class Kingston Beach Hall, 10-11am. Ph physio Janice Laud 6267 4936 Sing Australia Kingston 12-2pm Uniting Church, Jindabyne Road, Blackmans Bay 6229 3990 Songs for Life 6.30-7.30pm Parents & primary school-age children, Kingston Primary School. 0419 757 941 Yoga 9.45am Maranoa Heights Comm Centre 6229 4352 Yoga for Seniors and Beginners 11am Maranoa Heights Comm Centre 6229 4066 THURSDAYS Beehive Playcentre Margate 9-12, 3-4 yr olds. 6267 1301 Bellydancing 10am Kingston LINC D block 6229 4066 Craft with a Cause 10am-2pm school terms, Kingborough Family Church 6229 2196 Channel Painters 9.30am-12. West Winds. Beginners & exp. 6267 4903 Chess Club 4-6pm during school term. Kingston LINC 6211 8500 Coffee Club 3pm, The Beach, Blackmans Bay 0437 527 840 English Conversation Group 1011am. Kingston LINC. 6211 8500 Friends of Peter Murrell Res. 2nd Thu (Apr,Jun,Aug,Oct,Dec) 7.30pm Centacare Cottages, Kingston Beach 6267 2939 Guides Hall, Burwood Dve, B’Bay Forester 7-11yr 5.30-7pm, Storm Bay 10-15yr 7.15-9pm, Ranger 14+ 7.15pm 6231 0433 Kingborough Bowls Club Euchre 7.30pm, 0407 799 421 Kingston LINC Storytime 10.30 11am for pre-schoolers. 11 Hutchins St. 6165 6208 Mahjong 10-12pm Senior Citz Hall, 35 Redwood Rd, Kingston. 6229 4747 Playgroup 9.30-11am yspace Kingston 6229 4066 Praying for you 8-9.30pm, K’brgh Life Healing Rooms, 5 Mertonvale Circuit, Kingston. 6227 1488 Snug CWA 2nd Thursday of month,10am. Upper level, Brookfield, Margate. 6267 5060 The Southern Voices adult choir, Kingston Uniting Church, 7.15-9.30pm. Margot 6244 5344 Ukulele Group Maranoa Heights Cty Ctr, 5.30-7pm. Alan 0417 193 265 Unity in Diversity Discuss on spiritual themes. 7.30pm Kingston Beach 6229 4535 Yoga Kingston Beach Sailing Club. 5.30pm. 0429 504 995 Zumba Taroona Community Hall, 5.30pm, Carmen 0437 011 766 FRIDAYS Friends of the Kingston Library Book Sale 1st Fri, 10am - 12noon Kingston LINC Kingborough Bridge Club 1-5pm Senior Citz Hall Redwood Rd 6229 4747 Kingbrgh Senior Citz Line Dancing 10am, 35 Redwood Rd 6229 4487 Kingston LiNC - Rock & Rhyme 11 Hutchins St. 11-11.30am for babies 1-24 mnths. 6165 6208 Kingston Tennis Club Social tennis 9am - 12 noon Ph 6229 1732 Science Fun - drop in 10-11am, Kids Allowed Shop, Channel Ct, Kingston Zumba 9.30am & Zumba Gold 10.40am Maranoa Heights Community Centre, 6229 4066 SATURDAYS Catholic Parish Kingston / Channel Vigil 6pm Seventh Day Adventist Margate 11am Worship Service, 9.30am Sabbath School Theosophical Society last Sat, 2-4pm 13 Goulburn St, Hobart 6267 4868 SUNDAYS AA Kingston 7pm, Community Health Centre, John Street Anglican St Clements, 100 Beach Rd, Kingston 7:45am, 9:30am & 5pm; St Peters Roslyn Ave, B’Bay 8am 6229 7678 / 0407 880 384 Bay Christian Church 10am, 177 Roslyn Ave Blackmans Bay (Primary School) 6229 2268 Catholic Parish Kingston /Channel Church of Christ the Priest 10am; St Mary’s Snug 8.30am; Bruny 3pm 4th Sun Christian Reformed Church 17 Denison St, Kingston. 9.30am Citylight Church 150 Redwood Rd, Kingston. 10am Worship Svc, 6229 1944, 0417 541 883 Free Presbyterian Church 50 Channel Hwy, Kingston. Svcs 10am/4pm Kingborough Family Church 11 Glory Place, Huntingfield. 10am worship/children’s. Enquiries 6229 2196 Kingborough Life Church 10am, 5 Mertonvale Crt, Kingston 6227 1488 Kingborough Quakers 4th Sun 10.30am 6267 2571 for venue Kingborough Salvation Army 10am Family Service. 3 Opal Dve, Blackmans Bay 6229 8058 Kingston Beach Handmade Market 2nd Sun of mnth, Kingston Beach Hall Kingston Rotary Market 8am-1pm KingstonTown Shopping Centre, Annette 0419 543 287 Kingston Uniting Church Service 10am & Sunday School 42 Jindabyne Rd, Kingston 6229 8112 Margate Garden Club last Sun mth outings, Anne 6267 2152 One Way Christian Church 10am Endeavour Ave, Margate. 6229 2268 Summerleas Christian Church Meeting 9.30am Sea Scout Hall, Kingston View 6229 2268 Taroona Comm Market last Sun/ mth,10-3 Taroona Shops, 6227 9697 Taroona Uniting Church Service 9.30am 1 Taroona Cres 6227 9863 Vine Christian Church Service 4pm Kingston LINC, Hutchins St, Kingston Yoga 4pm Blackmans Bay Community Hall 6229 4352 Strange but true Long lived Great White sharks What is the life span of the Great White shark? A new method for determining their age suggests that the sharks can live into their seventies, far longer than previously thought. Until now, gauging a shark's age had been done by counting its growth band pairs – the alternating opaque and translucent bands on a shark's vertebrae somewhat similar to tree growth rings. By this method, it was estimated that great whites live into their twenties, but it was never felt to be a reliable method, because the bands become increasingly hard to distinguish as a shark ages. Li Ling Hamady and her colleagues at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in the USA have now developed a new technique which takes advantage of the fact that nuclear bomb testing from the mid-1950s to the 1960s released huge amounts of the radioactive isotope carbon 15 into the ocean. Taken up by marine animals at the time, the isotope can now be detected in their tissue. By testing for this radiocarbon spike, the researchers obtained a time stamp that has helped them to more accurately discern and calibrate the growth band pairs of the four shark specimens they have been examining. The oldest male turned out to be 73. Daughter's haul The daughter of the president of Uzbekistan has been accused of looting treasures and artworks from the country's national museum to furnish her palatial home on the shores of Lake Geneva. For many years, Gulnara Karimova, 41, combined careers as a pop star, fashion designer and diplomat. Until the summer of 2013, she was Uzbekistan's ambassador to the UN. Following a row within the family of President Karimov, Karimova endured a very public fall from grace. She was removed from her UN job last July, then her business empire was shut down in October. Now an exiled Uzbek dissident has published photos of what he found when he broke into her abandoned Geneva mansion - jewellery, precious rugs, an 18th century Koran encrusted with jewels, and 60 artworks missing from Tashkent, Uzbekistan's capital. Pretty, please Hard headed investors would never be swayed by something as shallow as good looks. Think again! The University of Wisconsin has published research suggesting that comely bosses not only earn more, but that they prettify their companies' share prices too. Using a facial attractiveness index to rate the CEOs of S&P 500 firms, the study found share prices improved on days when attractive executives appeared on TV, and that the good looking achieved better returns in mergers and acquisitions too. The study stopped short of advising that bosses should be hired primarily for their looks, but, clearly, beauty is in the eye of the shareholder. Bon mots “Done is better than perfect” - Sheryl Sandberg, CEO of Facebook Feeling sheepish? What’s in a name? A gentle argument as to whether 2015 is the Chinese Year of the Goat or the Sheep resulted in a google search – and not very clear guidelines. What is clear is that, apparently, either will do. The goat, or sheep, or even ram in some instances, appears to be interchangeable. What is even clearer is that none of this semi-academic argument over terminology is going to deter the Chinese from celebrating the Spring Festival and the Chinese Lunar New Year, the most important festival of the year and the time for family reunions. China’s population of 1.3 billion people will be either on the move, returning to the family, or preparing for the return of family members. Those whose year of birth falls in a Goat/Sheep year won’t feel too uncomfortable as they crowd onto planes, boats and trains to make the journey home for they, like their animal counterparts, are secure being part of a crowd. China’s transport system, however, will be stretched to its limits as everything fills to capacity. Those who come by car, bus or truck take their chances on crammed highways and may see accidents close these arteries for hours, even days, at a time. Chinese outside their own country will be celebrating wherever they are. Anyone who would like to be part of local celebrations will find the Lunar New Year being celebrated on the Parliament Lawns on Sunday 22nd February between 10am and 4pm. Born in the Year of the Goat As with the signs of the better known – in our part of the world – zodiac, anyone born in a Chinese zodiac year is supposedly born with certain for HIRE personality traits. Those born in a Year of the Goat will be blessed, according to tradition, with a calm, gentle, kind-hearted and imaginative personality. They may be shy. They will have a strong sense of justice. And although they may appear mild-mannered they will be strong in their convictions, resilient and persevering. They are not risk-takers. They prefer to work in teams and their intimate friends are few. On the negative side, they are sometimes unrealistic in their expectations, pessimistic in outlook, and slow to get things done. An outdated but strong superstition in Chinese society is that only one in ten babies born in the Year of the Goat will find happiness, and parents fear their offspring will be followers, not leaders. Some plan their family to avoid a Year of the Goat. As babies born this year are supposedly best suited to work as paediatricians, actors, teachers and musicians, it could be an interesting research project for some future student to discover if, in 20-30 years, these professionals are in short supply! Meanwhile, in China Fam ilie s in C hina will be gathering as you are reading this. Houses are being thoroughly cleaned, signifying the end of the old and the beginning of the new. Debts are being settled; everyone wants to start the New Year debt free. The family reunion dinner takes place on New Year’s Eve, with fish and dumplings given high priority as these dishes signify prosperity. Fireworks will be launched on the stroke of midnight, celebrating the New Year and driving away any lurking evil spirits, which are reputed to be fearful of fire and noise as well as the colour THE NBN IS HERE! red. Needless to say, red will be the predominant colour of celebration. Red lanterns abound. Children are given Red Packets – red envelopes containing money. Closer to home The Australia China Friendship Society was founded in 1 9 5 2 , w i t h a Ta s m a n i a n branch established in 1964, its members having interests in many diverse aspects of life in China and relations between our two countries. Tasmania has long had a sisterstate relationship with Fujian Province on the southeast coast of mainland China. This fosters aspects of education, trade, adoption, tourism, food, language, medicine, music and art, and ACFS offers many interesting, informative and pleasant opportunities to interact in these areas. The recent visit to Tasmania by President Xi and his wife Madam Pen Liyuan attracted global attention, and has resulted in recent high numbers of Chinese visitors to the state. Many have returned taking Tasmanian branded products, boxes of our cherries for instance, both for themselves and as gifts for others. A growing awareness of what Tasmania has to offer in our fresh food and clean air can only be good for our economy. For any who are interested in the activities of the ACFS, their website is au/tasmania And for a really interesting and fun day, and a chance to build awareness of the contributions of Chinese migration to our state, come along to the Lunar New Year celebrations on February 22nd. Enjoy delicious food, see the spectacle of the Dragon Dance, and say kung hei fat choi to your friends. Judy Redeker Phon e 62 95 1 708 Cygnet Town Hall & Supper Room Events | Meetings | Classes | Exhibitions | Private functions Get connected to the NBN, for hassle free, high speed internet and phone solutions through MORETELECOM Call your local NBN representative Mike Langridge on 0407 504 949 Farm Gate Sales Open 7 days Herb plants, Seedlings Nursery Supplies Composting Worms Biochar, COF Fresh Organic Produce Blueberries, Honey, Jam 6239 6318 1690 Huon Rd, Longley Technology Assistance A Helping Hand with all your Technology & Electronic Devices 0418 807 589 . Computers . ipads . Smartphones . TVs etc... KINGSTON ROTARY CAR BOOT MARKET 9am-1pm Sundays Kingston Town Car Park (Woolworths) Support local projects SMS 0419 543 287 Fresh Strawberries Farm gate sales 122 Slab Rd, Cygnet Turn off at RSL Club Look out for DM Jennings & Sons sign Buy direct from the grower 19 February 2015 - Kingston Classifieds 3 Eat local Tassievore Month is fast approaching Food and grocery shopping is always a challenge – making the budget stretch, while providing good wholesome food, especially while trying to keep the concept of food miles and local produce at the front of your mind. Eating locally produced food and drink and supporting locally owned businesses has an added incentive, if you are a keen shopper and read the labels. Why buy produce that comes from halfway around the world, at huge expense, when local produce is available? Last year Tassievore introduced an Eat Local Challenge, and it’s on again. March is Tassievore month. Get chomping on Tasmanian food and share your comments and information with others. Given the range of produce available, that’s not a chore but an adventure. Once again the team at Tassievore, supported by Sustainable HUON HEARING CENTRE 51 Main St, Huonville 7109 TAS. Ph 03 6264 2750 Hearing Tests, Hearing Aids, Advice & Ongoing Support for Private Clients, Pensioners & Veterans. • Tinnitus counselling. • Hearing assessments for children age 3 & up. • Wide range of digital hearing devices. We are an independent clinic but also contracted with The Government Office of Hearing Services Scheme. KINGSTON BEACH HEALTH CENTRE 2 Recreation Street, Kingston Beach / Ph 6229 9844 Kingston Beach Health Centre provides the following Allied Health Services • Podiatry • Remedial Massage Therapy • Musculoskeletal Therapy • Osteopathy • Acupuncture • Speech Pathology • Audiology • Psychology For details or to arrange an appointment Phone 6229 9844 Consulting space available for lease AUDIOLOGIST - HEARING Our services • • • • FREE hearing aids for eligible Pensioners Hearing tests for Adults & Children Central Auditory Processing Assessments Specialist Audiologist for complex Hearing Aid issues Your local audiologist We are the only private clinic in Kingborough to employ qualified Audiologists Regular HUONVILLE, CYGNET & GEEVESTON visits 4 Call us today 6239 3676 11 Beach Road, KINGSTON BEACH Kingston Classifieds - 19 February 2015 Living Tasmania, Produce to the People and Urban Farming Ta s m a n i a , h a v e i s s u e d a challenge to eat, grow and buy Tasmanian produce and products and celebrate the fantastic produce we have available on our doorstep. Visit their website: tassievore, where you will find the 2015 Tassievore Challenge, and some of the fun activities. There are weekly challenges for March, ways to get involved, who is on the Tassievore Team and fun activities. This year Eat Well Tasmania, The Tasmanian School Canteen, The Heart Foundation, The University of Tasmania and Move Well Eat Well are also involved. Also, Eat Well Tasmania Kids Coalition is a partner, with Tassievore, on a schools challenge, ensuring that children are involved in the fun at school. A note to teachers, or to those with children at primary school - don’t forget to keep an eye out for the Tassievore schools challenge – brought to you by the Tassievore partners. Your school can go in the running for a celebrity visit, a Tassievore cooking class and, for MoveWellEatWell schools only, a CD from the fabulous Vegetable plot, Winners of the Fringe Kids Award at the 2014 Sydney Fringe. This CD is guaranteed to get you singing about vegetables, and hey, it’s a great inducement for parents to get their children to eat fresh food, especially of the vegetable kind. Membership Sustainable Living Tasmania is starting the month with a fun event, for members, as the launch to the Eat Local Challenge kick-off. The event will be at the Waterworks on the 1 st March. Membership is $5, and members can be signed up on the day, but it may be a good idea to contact to find out the details, including what kind of “local food plate” is welcome. The Tassievore website is fun, and is useful if you are interested in eating “seasonally”. How many times do we try to follow a recipe, and then find that an ingredient is not available? Sharing is part of the ethos of the Tassievore website. Recipes, locating good sources of food, and so on, can be made fun, and can help to solve the problem of loneliness. This is especially helpful for parents of young children, and for those at the other end of the age spectrum, the empty nesters, those of us with knowledge and experience and time on our hands. They have many suggestions which don’t seem too difficult, but could be good for you. Why not try something new (a new Tasmanian product or growing a new vegetable or fruit or even visiting your local farmers market for the first time - it’s up to you). If you don’t already, why not try supporting local businesses (shop at Tasmanian owned businesses for the week) and try eating only Tasmanian grown fruit and vegetables. Back to the 2015 program Of course you don’t have to join a group to eat well, but some of the fun of being part of the challenge is sharing information, and setting challenges for yourself. In week one, you can become a local food forager, and find out where you can buy Tasmanian produce or find it where you shop already. In week two, discover extra incentives to grow your own fresh fruit and vegetables. Week three could be fun, as you support local businesses, and find a local eatery or shop that offers Tasmanian produce. Week four is the social week: you can host a Tassievore Feast, with your friends and family – feast on great Tassie produce, and share the adventure, or learn more, at #tassievorefeast. Happy, healthy, eating! Merlene Abbott Ph 6295 1708 TO ADVERTISE Police advice cont’d Inspector Matt Osborn, Kingston Divisional Inspector, urges you to consider your approach to securing your home, business or vehicles and to review your security arrangements. Offenders look for easy and often opportunistic targets and you can take a few very simple steps to make your property less appealing to them, such as: • Securely lock all doors and windows for both cars and premises; • Do not visibly display attractive property or money; • Don’t give offenders the opportunity to hide in your garden! Reduce vegetation that obscures views of your premises or vehicles; • Use motion sensor lights outside your premises; • Install a security alarm and/or CCTV; • Secure car keys at home, some burglaries are now simply to access car keys to steal your vehicle; • When going away for a few days, have the mail box cleared, cancel papers and don’t advertise From front page your absence on social media (photographs from Queensland are great but tell would-be offenders you’re not home!); and • G e t t o k n o w y o u r neighbours – they are your best eyes and ears should your premises or car be targeted. These are just a few simple yet cost effective ways to reduce the chances that you will become a victim of a burglary or have your car stolen. If you would like additional information on security m e as u re s y o u c an adopt, please visit the Tasmania Police website or the Neighbourhood Watch website at P l e a s e r e m e m b e r, i f y o u observe something suspicious or can help solve a crime, please contact Tasmania Police on 131 444 or call the Crimes Stoppers number on 1800 333 000. Please only use the 000 number in an emergency. Inspector Matthew Osborn Kingston Division, Tasmania Police Bureau now tweeting the weather The Bureau of Meteorology is now active on Twitter in all states and territories, with staff tweeting daily to enhance the community ’s awareness of forecast information, particularly during severe weather events. Bureau meteorologists in Tasmania are now trained and ready to tweet, with these tweets pointing back to the most up-todate, comprehensive and official source of information – the Bureau’s comprhensive website at Using Twitter will help the Bureau to let people know what the weather looks like in Tasmania, and forecasters will also keep the public informed about significant weather such as storms, destructive winds, floods, tsunami and heatwaves. The Bureau’s Twitter handles are: • @BOM_Tas • @BOM_au • @BOM_Vic • @BOM_ACT • @BOM_NSW • @BOM_SA • @BOM_Qld • @BOM_WA • @BOM_NT The Bureau’s Twitter accounts will mostly be used one way. Additional information regarding the Bureau's social media presence is available at: media. Bureau Of Meteorology Media Release COUNSELLING • Individual Counselling • Relationship Issues • Anxiety and/or Depression • Low Self Esteem • Grief, Loss and Bereavement (including loss of job, empty nest, and retirement) • Life after childhood or domestic abuse • Difficulty coping with personal crisis Private and confidential counselling by a Professional Accredited Counsellor in the Kingborough and Huon areas. Phone 0408 425 770 for appointment Frances Pardoe Dip. Prof.Couns. (Grief & Loss, Abuse) MACA MAIPC Classifieds online Sexual and Reproductive Health Clinic at Cygnet FRIDAYS at SETAC FPT DoCToR AnD nuRSE EvERY SEConD FRIDAY FORTNIGHTLY Huon/Channel SCHOOL OUTREACH CLINICS - FPT Nurse SERvICES AvAILABLE InCLuDE: • STI Screening including Chlamydia and Blood Tests • Pap Smears • Contraceptive Advice and Options • IUD and Implanon Insertion/Removal • Pregnancy Testing and Counselling • Menopause and Fertility Counselling • Men’s and Women’s Sexual Health Issues FREE Condoms Available For further information please contact SETAC on (03) 6295 1125 SETAC Primary Health Care & Well-being Centre 7393 Channel Highway, Cygnet Phone: (03) 6295 1125 Fax: (03) 6295 0752 The South East Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation (SETAC) receive funding from the Australian Government 19 February 2015 - Kingston Classifieds 5 St Ayles Skiffs fiesta cont’d Formalities at the Palais included speeches, presentations, refreshments and entertainment from the wonderful duo, Tiffany Eckhardt and Dave Steel. The Franklin Quilt is now part of the story of Franklin and will hang in the Palais for public viewing. Friday saw the 2km events hotly contested by 14 teams. Evening activities included Egg Island Canal tours on the Nancy, bowls, pizzas and cider at Frank’s, local art at the White Church and black and white movies at the Palais – all part of the heritage of the town. Saturday kicked off with 1km events, the Tierney Law Community and Corporate 250m challenge and more entertainment with Steve and Marjorie Gadd’s Tasmanian tunes on the Cartela and foreshore jazz. The Tasmanian Light Horses found their jazz rhythm and danced under their rider’s direction, which was yet another highlight. Finals day on Sunday meant New Zealand took out the honours in an exciting finish for one of the key events – the 2km Men’s Open, sponsored by Huon Aquaculture. The “French Connection” team from Castle Forbes Bay rowed brilliantly in their red berets to win six of their events. Other medal winners included Huon Five-O, Cygnet, Mariners & Mermaids, Taroona and new teams, Aquabats and Bitterns. Franklin Working Waterfront took out the award for the overall medal and pointswinner over the whole Regatta. From front page The event wound up at the Living Boat Trust with Huon Vibe Jazz, team skiffie songs, some wonderful memories and the general camaraderie of involvement with community rowing. Stay tuned for news on the next International Regatta to be held in New Zealand. Finally, a big thankyou to all sponsors, volunteers, organisers, participants and supporters for helping to make the event a success for all. Jane Johnson Organising Committee International St Ayles Skiff Regatta Entertainment from Steve & Marjorie Gadd aboard the Cartela. St Ayle skiff ready at the race starting line. Start line-up 6 Kingston Classifieds - 19 February 2015 Steam, thumping pistons and spinning flywheels The sights, smells and sounds of yesteryear at the National Vintage Machinery Rally at Carrick’s Quercus Park is yet another major event bringing national entrants and tourists to Tasmania. Vintage steam engines, with rare makes and models, unusual petrol and diesel engines … hit and miss, put putts … the engines that mechanised Australia are coming from all states. The three day event will be backed by outstanding entertainment making it a great family event. Tania Kernaghan of the very well known family of country singers will be singing every day with support from Rino and Jade, the popular father and son duo well known in Tasmania. Then a master of the modern day chainsaw, Eddie Freeman, will show why he is Australia’s champion chainsaw carver. Last year he was runner-up to Japanese world champion Hikaru Kodama and plans to sculpture a surprise rally theme at the Vintage Machinery days. In contrast to Eddie’s skills will be the beautiful 1882 wooden horses on the Gallopers Carousel. Painted in showmans’ colours, with a wisp of steam drifting up from the chimney it is a natural addition to the diverse range of engines also working at the site. Rally spokesman Ted Domeney says the planning was always to create interest for all members of the family. “From kids riding the carousel to country and western fans loving Tania Kernaghan and wonderful old machinery that is workinghistory on display, we have something for everyone.” Ted said there are a lot of firsts for Tasmania. “There will be the biggest collection of vintage Caterpillar crawler tractors seen in Tasmania as well as the oldest tractor in the world. It is still running and will be in the grand parade.” The list of machinery is too long to detail but includes vintage tractors, and a variety of restored transporters including a magnificent display of Tasmanian Fire Service vintage vehicles, lovingly restored by retired firemen. Add in motor bikes and cars and then there are the homestead displays, collections of vintage household appliances along with all the heritage crafts, knitting, quilting, doll collections - it will all be there! And of course there will be the basic early engines that drove industry in the old days. See it all at Quercus Park, Carrick from Friday 27th February to Sunday 1st March 2015. (Quercus Park is the home of the Rural Youth Field Days.) CONSTRUCTION & JOINERY 6267 1896 0439 610 640 1686 Channel Highway, Margate Renovations & Extensions New Homes New Kitchens Kitchen Upgrades Laundries, Vanities, Bathrooms Free Consultation Available Now! Julie’s Nursery SUMMER SALE Roses 1/2 price 2273 Huon Highway, Grove Closed Tuesdays Ph 6264 2900 All Weed Solutions Chemical Spraying Specialists Boom Spray~Spot Spray~Cut & Paste Certified, Licensed & Experienced Fully Insured ANY WEED, ANYWHERE!!! For a free quote, phone Maurice 0438 081 473 E: To advertise in the next Classifieds Garden Guide Ph 6295 1708 by 5pm on Monday 2nd March NHMA 2015 Rally Committee Media Release a mate o t lk a T Above is a photograph of Harry Diers’ Marshall engine, ‘Royal George’ at the Royal Hobart Show. It has a belt driving a very large chaff cutter (out of sight) and supplying steam to the Weir pump in the foreground. Harry, who is from Leslie Vale, is at the controls. Suicide prevention & mental health rural support 1300 HELP MATE (1300 4357 6283) 19 February 2015 - Kingston Classifieds 7 Utopian Tasmania Wholefood Teahouse in a country garden Devonshire teas ~ Breakfast ~ Light Lunches OPEN: Sun 12.30pm - 5pm Mon - Thurs 9am - 5pm (Cash only) Group bookings welcome 6km south of Dover, Esperance River Rd Ph 6298 1442 M AR K E T THE t @ FRANKLIN r ke a M 10am 2pm y r ED a ru ELL Feb A N C C Sunday Last of each month Natalie 0459 026 428 NEED FIREWOOD? CLEAR YOUR BLOCK/PROPERTY! Utilise unwanted trees/fallen limbs cut, split & stacked to your needs Also: FIREWOOD SALES GARDENING ARBORIST TREE SERVICES ALL ASPECTS Phone for obligation-free quote 0407 886 481 or 6266 4157 J & B Prehn – Grove (most areas) A friend and I were chatting over a glass of chardy about our views on what we would imagine a Utopian world would be and amazed to find that our thoughts were similar. I have grand dreams of a specially built community on about 100 acres, maybe down the Channel way, somewhere. Some would say it sounds like a hippy commune but in reality it would be a hard working community of likeminded people. It would consist of those who can contribute to the wellbeing of others. Within its area there would be doctors, teachers, gardeners, builders etc. and they would all work in together to form the estate. Children would be educated properly by the teachers on campus, all houses would be built by the builders but with the help of the other members. Market gardens would abound, as well as sheep, cattle and a lake stocked with fish. The self sufficiency of the property is what would make it a place to live in comfort and ease for all involved. Bartering between families wanting work done would be encouraged and any member would also be able to hold down an outside job as long as they traded off the hours to help others. An informal meeting would occur once a month just to allow others to discuss their needs. A huge meeting hall would be provided on the Advertising Deadlines Display ads 5pm Mondays Line ads 4pm Tuesdays CYGNET MOTORCYCLE REPAIRS 4 Mary St | Cygnet Ph 6295 1275 M 0428 88 99 72 • Service, repairs & upgrades to all types of bikes & jet skis property to house sufficient hobby venues such as craft classes, yoga, exercise, health and wellbeing. There would probably need to be a small council of people to manage the workings of the entire place but they would be chosen for their fairness and willingness to provide a welcoming team. So as we sat and sipped our wine we wondered if the idea would be possible and looked at the negatives of such a community. Where would the money come from? How would people be accepted to join up? Would there be special preferences? Was it an idea that reflected too much on the ideals of a perfect world? Man is a natural hunter and with that comes the possibility of hostilities. What would happen if anyone on the estate were to cause friction with others, would they simply be removed? After that thought we realised that there would be a policing problem and inequality. In the old cowboy days there was always a sheriff to keep peace in the town but even then, there were still lynch mobs, gun shooting, pub brawls and the like. No matter where we live there is always going to be a governing factor. The only way we saw this wonderful idea taking shape is to build the community on a hundred acres and make it a working farm for tourists to come along Looking for a • Pick-up & delivery available All work guaranteed 8 Kingston Classifieds - 19 February 2015 Jasmine Smith-Browne local tradie? Check out the classified listings on the inside back page Cheaper Hot Water • Heated by the sun or a wood heater • Link solar and wet-back systems • Proven effective in saving dollars and energy • Practical, efficient, reliable installation • Free informed, impartial advice based on 30 years experience Colin Atkins • Road, trail, dirt, quad, farm 4-wheelers, mini bikes • Qualified mechanic & licensed rider and pay an entry fee to see how the possibilities of a Utopian world might be. In that way it becomes its own money making industry and the people still get to share in a different way of life. Tourism would be boosted and everybody benefits. In conclusion to our discussion we realised that as crazy as our world gets, the truth is that all societies need to live together in harmony whether they are on a hundred acres or not. Our governing bodies are there to guide us and hopefully lead us into the future where equality is sought. Here in Tasmania we possibility already live a Utopian life. We have everything we need and beauty abounds. Our friendliness is well known and we have so much arable land. All we need to do now is to share what we have amongst the poorer individuals to make sure they are well taken care of with food and accommodation and we would then have the nearest possible Utopian world. That was just our opinion, and after draining our bottle of chardonnay we realised that no matter what, we were somehow happy in our little corner of the world. Utopia is therefore just a word because it can never really happen but at least we can dream. If anyone has those 100 acres, keep me in the loop. You never know, it just might lead to something great! SOLAR HOT WATER SPECIALIST 0419 799 503 Classifieds online More doings at Downton downunder Last week, we left the story of New Zealand’s Larnach Castle with William Larnach committing suicide in Parliament House. And as William died without a signed will there were family disputes about inheritance. In 1900 an auction was held to sell off the once beautiful furniture and chattels. For a while it was used as a holiday retreat for nuns. Then in 1906 the NZ Government bought the castle for 3,000 pounds and used it as a lunatic asylum. During WW1 shell shocked soldiers and conscientious objectors were housed there. During WW2 soldiers were billeted there. All the time there were rumours that the castle was haunted by William’s first wife (he had three) and his daughter, who died aged 26. In 1967 Barry and Margaret Barker were travelling around, saw it, and bought it on a whim. “It was huge, empty, derelict and oh so cold.” Margaret remembers the dreadful state of the buildings and grounds. "The Ballroom had been used to pen sheep, the castle was empty of furniture, leaking like a sieve, in a terrible state of disrepair and the grounds were overgrown." When the Barkers bought the Castle many people thought (and told them!) that they were crazy to take on such a mammoth and apparently impossible task. "Larnach Castle and its unkempt 14ha, meant love at first sight. My decision was intuitive,” admits Margaret in the prologue to her book The Garden at Larnach Castle. “At 24, you don’t think things through and I felt empowered by the challenge.” Over the years the castle has been refurnished, room by room, with period furniture. While a significant amount of time, effort, and research has been undertaken to restore the castle to the original exacting standards of Larnach's time, the garden and grounds have been Margaret Barker's creation. A magnificent home of this grandeur needed to be set in an equally impressive garden and grounds. Often visitors stop to chat to the 'gardener' not realising that it is Margaret herself working away. The gardens are spectacular, as is the view from the whole place. I climbed right up into the tower to see the broader view and photograph it. We had two hours there on a tour from the cruise ship but we could easily have spent double or triple that time as there was so much of interest to see. The work done by the Barkers has ensured that now Larnach Castle is once again Dunedin's premier landmark, hosting guests from all over the world. From a run-down building the family have created a diversified business, saved a major part of Dunedin's heritage and made a significant contribution to the local tourism industry. Over the years the Barker’s had two children and now there are grandchildren. Now a widow Margaret says “The castle is an ongoing restoration project. There are usually one or two major projects a year as money allows.” We were really impressed that Larnach Castle is open every day of the year – including Christmas Day. They were even offering Christmas Lunch at just NZ$35 a head in the Ballroom - surely a bargain on Christmas Day. The locals use the castle for many events. It is a wonderful backdrop for the many weddings which are held there every year. A special event is the Mid Winter Ball – often with snow on the ground. In 1994, a play about the Larnach family tragedies, titled "Larnach - Castle of Lies", was performed by Dunedin's Fortune Theatre before 100 invited guests in the castle ballroom. "It was a night to remember" says Margaret. "As the guests arrived a terrible storm blew up from nowhere. The smoke from the fires blew back down the chimneys so that you couldn't see - and your eyes hurt. Hail crashed on the iron roof so that you couldn't hear. “Doors mysteriously opened by themselves and it got very cold. In the play - just as Larnach shot himself there was a blinding white light. “Afterwards at supper, people were talking about the lightning strike as Larnach held the gun to his head. I said `Oh no that was stage effects.' “We asked the stage manager. He said ‘It was none of our doing, it was lightning.' I think that Larnach was present that night. He didn't like the play." Marian Hearn The impressive Larnach Castle and gardens ~ photograph from the website *Hot Water Specialist *General Plumbing *Electric *Gas *Solar *Blocked Drains *Wet Back Systems *Repairs & Maintenance * Central Heating and Heat Transfer Systems Ring Peter & Mark ~ 0427 776 456 E: Fax: 6266 4787 19 February 2015 - Kingston Classifieds 9 ADVANCED ROOFING OPINION cont’d from back page Experienced professional local service A pox on both parties! Gutter Guard Installation Replacement Gutters COLORBOND® Fascia Covers Re-Roofing Servicing all southern Tasmania areas COMPETITIVE PRICING For a NO OBLIGATION FREE QUOTE Ph 6239 6615 / 0428 293 619 That was all. There was no pressure to vote for any particular candidate. The sole objective was to ensure that as many constituents as possible were aware of the profiles of each candidate. From time to time, questions were addressed to the candidates as well as the sitting member. The distribution of preferences did the rest. This is one way to reinvigorate the political process. It can only happen at the grassroots, and anyone can play. Organise it as you would a Tupperware party. Make a list of interested individuals, call a meeting and bake the muffins. Steer clear of apparatchiks and rusted-on voters, or if you must include them, make it clear that the process is solely for the purpose of examining and reviewing the credentials of all those who might seek your votes. Meet on the same day each month at the same time: say ‘second Monday at 7.30pm. Meet for a specified period. Two hours is more than enough. You don’t need officeholders; work by consensus. The current federal member for Franklin is Julie Collins. Your twelve State senators are: Abetz, Bilyk, Brown, Bushby, Colbeck, Lambie, Milne, Parry, Polley, Singh, Urquhart, WhishWilson. Don’t know all of them? Don’t know any of them? I rest my case. John Fleming II HMB Endeavour to arrive in Hobart this Friday a t a p p r o x i m a t e l y m i d d a y, where it will fire its cannon. On arrival, the ship will be met by representatives from the Australian Wooden Boat Fe s t i v a l w h o w i l l p r e s e n t Captain John Dikkenberg with an honorary festival plaque and flag. When in port, the ship is presented as a floating museum with all the evidence of an 18th century crew going about their tasks during Cook's epic 1768-71 world voyage, when Having turned back on its way to the Australian Wooden Boat Festival due to extremely challenging conditions, the Australian National Maritime M u s e u m’ s m a g n i f i c e n t Endeavour replica’s subsequent voyage to Tasmania has been a success. The ship is now in Tasmanian waters and will arrive in Hobart on Friday 20th February. The 44-metre square-rigged ship will tie up at Elizabeth Street Pier, Sullivans Cove SUDOKU 9x9 19 February 2015 th This week’s puzzle 7 4 2 6 9 5 1 10 9 8 3 5 4 9 1 5 8 6 7 3 7 4 6 6 2 5 8 8 7 4 Kingston Classifieds - 19 February 2015 The numbers 1 to 9 must appear in every row, column & 3 x 3 box. Use logic to define the answer, which will appear in next week’s Classifieds. Last issue’s solution 5 9 7 1 4 2 8 6 3 3 8 4 9 6 7 2 5 1 2 6 1 3 8 5 9 4 7 8 7 5 2 3 4 6 1 9 1 2 9 6 7 8 4 3 5 4 3 6 5 1 9 7 8 2 9 4 8 7 5 1 3 2 6 6 5 2 4 9 3 1 7 8 7 1 3 8 2 6 5 9 4 he became the first to chart the members who have signed on to learn about 18th century east coast of Australia. seamanship and life as a sailor Come aboard in Cook’s day. Limited spaces Endeavour will be open for are still available for adventure inspection from 10am - 5pm on seekers to sail on Endeavour Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd on its return journey to Sydney February (last entry 4.30pm). from 25th February to 6th March. Tickets are $10 adults, $8 children/concessions or $25 For more information on sailing families (2 adults + 3 children). on Endeavour including the full The next two days are sold out 2014/2015 voyage program with visits from local schools. visit www.endeavourvoyages. or freecall 1800 720 The ship sails with a complement 577. of 16 professional crew and Medianet Release up to 40 paying voyage crew Local Weather Forecast Thursday Partly cloudy 13/24° Friday Shower developing 15/25° Saturday Mostly sunny 14/26° Sunday Mostly sunny 16/28° Monday Showers developing 19/27° Weather forecast for Kingston from on Wednesday morning TRADES FLUE CLEANS NEW WOOD HEATER SALES ANGEL CLEAN PAINTER Cleaning ~ Gardening Carpet Cleaning Lawns / Pruning / Gutters Regular/Spring/Bond cleans Reno/Builders. Police check. Call Carolyn 0448 779 981 CARPET / UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Iron and tile roof restoration. Free quotes. The Flu Pro. Ph 0407 040 641 Repairs and installations. Call the Flue Pro 0407 040 641 No job too small. Call Peter 0417 302 739 $30 / room. $30 / seat. Insured / all areas. Please call Henk, Detail Clean 0448 695 429 ROOF PAINTING CV’s HANDYMAN SERVICE All home maintenance & repairs. Plastering, painting, doors, ALL HOME RENOVATIONS & windows, re-grouting tiles. Fences, gates, mowing & MAINTENANCE general yard work. All renovations - indoor & out. No job too small. Call for Carpentry, heritage restorations, painting, tiling, quote Chris 0407 248 450. Fully insured. plastering. Bespoke timber furniture made to order. ELECTRICIAN Decking, fencing & timber Switchboards, lights, gates made to your design. safety checks, etc. Quality workmanship, SeaSpark Contracting, cost-effective. Free quotes. Jon Ph 0429 926 516. Fully qualified & insured. 25 years’ experience. Lic 1222249 Ph Michael Van Heel. CONCRETE AND 0412 823 925 SHEDS EXCAVATIONS Available for shed & house Local supplier of quality slabs, driveways, etc. garages, farm sheds and Experienced with exposed industrial buildings. aggregate & colour finishes. Accredited builder. Phone Andrew on 0419 309 146 / 6295 1301 0407 873 009 RENDER & TEXTURE COATINGS By Trowel Art 27 years experience. Free quotes. Call 0418 983 659 PLUMBER General plumbing, emergency repairs and maintenance. Hot water cylinders and blocked drains. Phone 0427 776 456 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR AAA Electrical. For all your electrical needs large or small. Lic 1373166. Ph Anthony 0432 019 914 DIGITAL TV ANTENNAS V.A.S.T. free to air satellite TV. TV Channel Restack Retuning Homeright Electrical 0419 566 341 6267 9698 GORDON ASPHALTING and SPRAY SEALING Car parks, driveways, footpaths repaired. No obligation free quote. Ph 0428 554 439 TRADE OR SERVICE? Ph 6295 1708 to advertise FOR SALE CLASSES ELECTRIC STOVE GUITAR TUITION the guitar school Upright, 5yo. VGO Ph 6295 1770 or 0404 351 770 SERVICES GARDENING All levels and styles taught at studios in City and Kingston areas. Ph Roger Southey 6229 4453 AUTO/MARINE TAX RETURNS TO YOUR DOOR! A home delivery service for tax returns. We pick up your papers, compile your return and deliver the papers back for lodgement. If you have a refund due, then we take our fee from your refund and transfer the balance to you. Bloomfield & Associates tax for busy people! Call and book your pickup now! 6231 6886 ADVANCED MOORING SERVICES 25’ MOTOR BOAT HOLIDAY ACCOM. 26 Jacaranda Drive, Margate Gates open 9am. Three households. Furn, BBQ, plants, clothes, bric-a-brac. SUNDAY 22 FEB PET FRIENDLY ACCOMMODATION What’s On on page 2 is no longer valid please advise us as we have other organisations wishing to list their activity and we only have a certain amount of space available. Please call the Classifieds on 6295 1708 or email Many in flower, ornamental trees & weeping maples. This Saturday, Huonville Market in car park. GARAGE SALE COMPUTER REPAIRS If your listing in Qualified arborist, fully insured, ethical tree care. Modern Arbor 0449 150 471 In need of TLC. Make an offer. Ph 0429 428 212 WHAT’S ON PROFESSIONAL TREE SERVICES POTTED ROSES Now servicing all lower Channel areas. Ph 0477 165 583 COMPUTING Daniels IT would like to remind you that Paul is available to repair your home or work machines. He has 15 years professional experience in Networks, Windows and Linux solutions. He can come to you, or just drop your machine in. All results and explanations in PLAIN ENGLISH! 0428 388 165 GARDEN SERVICES Pruning, hedging and lawns. General maintenance. Ph 6239 3894 or 0456 190 830 Eco & Pet friendly 6297 8290 / 0438 411 916 Bruny Island, two bedroom, fully fenced, opposite dog-friendly beach, all Foxtel channels supplied. Rates (per couple, excl school hols / long weekends) $115 p/n couple (min 2 nights) $100 p/n couple (min 4 nights) $85 p/n couple (min 7 nights) These rates apply for: •Sharing the one room, extra for 2nd bedroom opened. •Supplying own linen. Ph 0428 568 852 HOLIDAY HOME TO LET? LOST CAMERA 550 CANON I n b l a c k c a m e r a b a g. Possibly lost at Cygnet Folk Festival. Reward. Please contact Jackie on 6267 2371 / 0433 926 381 DEADLINES FOR DISPLAY ADS 5pm Mondays FOR LINE ADS 4pm Tuesdays MAKE THE CLASSIFIEDS WORK FOR YOU Phone 6295 1708 to advertise or lodge your ad online at by 4pm Tuesdays Advertising here and in the Cygnet & Channel Classifieds attracts a discount. Ph 6295 1708 by 4pm Tuesdays to place your advertisement SOMETHING TO SELL? Advertise in the Classifieds Phone, or lodge your ad online BEFORE 4pm on Tuesdays Ph 6295 1708 web.links U3A Kingborough Learning in retirement for pleasure. A d v ertise your website here! Kingston Classifieds Cygnet & Channel Classifieds Rates / quarter $16.50 per line Phone 6295 1708 19 February 2015 - Kingston Classifieds 11 OPINION A pox on both parties! In the train wreck which is contemporary politics in Australia, many of us are losing interest or experiencing a sense of despair and alienation at the endless squabbling and pointscoring. Debate between the two major parties, the Coles and Woolworths of Australian politics has descended into price-cutting and races to the bottom conducted in a tone and with a shrillness which would see them suspended from any child care centre in the country and sent home. Neither Labor nor the Coalition offers any sense of purpose or intent for the government of this great country. The leadership spill that wasn't, reflected no credit on the Government, none whatsoever. The internecine squabbles of a once great and truly Liberal Party have reduced Parliament to the level of a playground in a seriously disadvantaged area, in a school which is so near derelict as to have fallen off the edge of the Naplan. The Prime Minister is haunted by his own ghost as he struggles to shake off the mores and mantras of the boxing ring. I cannot recall a more challenging time and such a crying need for good government, including a robustly functioning and positive 12 Event Diary March opposition, in my lifetime. All the ills of two-party government are on show across the country, from the sheltered workshop which is the National Capital to almost every state. The recent pantomime in the Northern Territory is symptomatic, as are the apocalyptic onet e r m e x e c u t i o n o f p o l i c ybarren, ideologically-driven governments in Victoria and Queensland. Statements of policy are absent in a conflict in which all parties are firing from cover, never showing a policy above the parapet lest it be shot down. ‘Small targets’ indeed. The people are fed up and disillusioned. Business is at a near standstill; education at all levels is in a perpetual state of flux and confusion as amateur politicians juggle with the levers like infants in the cockpit. A crash is inevitable. There is little intelligent debate, merely the articulation of thought bubbles which are blown away in gales of verbal flatulence. These are dangerous times for any country, Italy, Greece, Australia. There are great global forces in play which would see this country destroyed and its citizens executed in the name of religion. At a time when all should be united in a common defence of the privileges and responsibilities of citizenship, Kingston Classifieds - 19 February 2015 6 HAEG Watermark Exhibition Opening – 6.30pm, Cygnet Town Hall 7-22HAEG Watermark Exhibition – 10am-4pm, Cygnet Town Hall 8 Taste of the Huon – 10am-5.30pm, Ranelagh Showground 9 Taste of the Huon – 10am-4.30pm, Ranelagh Showground February 21 21 22 22 22 28 Market Diary Huonville Market – 10am-2pm, Huonville Town Hall and surrounds Geeveston Farmers Market – 9am-1pm, 20 Church Street, Geeveston Snug Market – 10am-2pm, Snug Community Hall Woodbridge Village Market – 10am - 3pm, Woodbridge Hall Kingston Rotary Car Boot Market – 9am-1pm, Kingston Town Car Park Geeveston Farmers Market – 9am-1pm, 20 Church Street, Geeveston many of us are abdicating. We cry out for leadership and vision and all we get is name calling and three-word mantras. Who is to blame? We are. We have descended to dangerous levels of indifference. We claim the government isn't listening. How can it when we are largely mute, passive and resigned and are apparently happy to be treated like idiots? Those who pretend to governm are content with this. But such a vacuum creates space for rule by unelected, unaccountable corporations with immense budgets and political talents which they unhesitatingly deploy in the interest of profit and power. In this winter of our discontent, the possibility for significant change is emerging with the possibility of a real dialogue. There are some independent MPs who are driven only by their conscience and intelligence, and are not bound to surrender their better judgement to the Moloch of party rule. The recent election for the Victorian seat of Indi saw a sitting LNP member who had held the seat over two terms and with a comfortable margin and a contemptuous attitude to her constituents defeated by an Independent. To get the feel of the electorate of Indi, look at the website. Then ditto for three Tasmanian members: it doesn’t matter for which party or which House. Spot the difference. Constituents had met in a series of ‘kitchen cabinets’ during the year or so prior to the election. They were, literally, meetings around kitchen tables. The kitchen cabinets met and reviewed the performances and platforms of all candidates. continued page 10
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