The Lamplighter A Publication of Ardmore United Methodist Church. Connect to God, one another and the world. V O L U M E X X I I I , I S S U E 2 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 From the Pastor’s Study As you can probably tell from our January worship services, this is an emotional time for me. I am so blessed in my surgical recovery by expressions of faith, your love and the grace extended to Cheryl and me by this church family. My healing heart is full and I want to soak everything in, taking nothing for granted. But the calendar reminds me that the time moves ever so quickly and waits for no one. Can you believe that we are already a month into the year of our Lord 2015? In the midst of winter, we are experiencing some days, like day I write this, with a hint of spring and new life. In its time, the womb of the earth will burst forth according to God’s design. Some of us may be a bit impatient, but spring will arrive soon. In the mean time, do not miss the significance and the blessing of these days. As surely as spring will arrive in its season, we are moving into the sacred season of the cross, the season of Lent. This is a time when Christians reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice on Calvary’s cross and the reason for that sacrifice – our salvation from sin and death. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, February 18. As has been our custom, following our fellowship meal in the Bob Martin Hall, we will gather at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary for our Ash Wednesday Healing Service. We will experience the imposition of ashes with the sign of the cross mixed with the oil of wholeness and healing. We will share the laying on of hands as we bless and pray for one another and our church. Do not miss this sacred service for your participation is integral and essential as a member of this Body of Christ. Some of us will be blessed to be participating in this service from afar in the Holy Land. A small group of pilgrims will join our bishop and me as we walk where Jesus walked and watch the sacred texts of the Bible come alive February 9 through 19. This Lenten journey will take us from the spot of Jesus’ birth in the ancient Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem to Nazareth and the shores of Galilee to the streets of Jerusalem, the Via Dolorosa (Jesus’ Good Friday way of suffering) to Calvary’s cross as immortalized in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the empty tomb. This will be a journey of information and transformation. Pray for us, not only for traveling mercies, but that we might return renewed and inspired with that spark of the Holy Spirit that will help inform and transform our church. I know I look forward with great anticipation to sharing this inspirational pilgrimage with you upon our return. February includes another special event. On the eve of the season of Lent, February 17, our United Methodist Men will prepare and serve a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, beginning at 5:30 PM in the Bob Martin Hall. The price of the meal is a simple donation to help cover expenses. In conjunction with this meal, Nicole Stevens has planned a Lenten Fair for our children and their families. So, come, be fed physically and spiritually. The time and the season will come and go quickly. Soak it up as best you can and with great thanksgiving remember to be in an attitude of gratitude for the love and grace given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t be so busy and in such a hurry that you neglect to open your heart to God and the opportunities and occasions of His blessing. Grace upon grace, Jock Shrove Tuesday PAGE 2 PANCAKE DINNER Tuesday, February 17 5:30 PM Bob Martin Hall Bring the whole family for a delicious dinner sponsored and prepared by our United Methodist Men. Everyone is welcome! Children’s Lenten Fair immediately following dinner. INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY We welcome Michael and Marilyn Poirier into our church family at Ardmore UMC. Mike and Marilyn attend our EPIC contemporary service and joined on December 21st. Mike is a medically retired veteran and Marilyn is a stay at home mom and caregiver. They have four children. Haillie is in 6th grade and loves school. Dennis is 8 years old and a pillar of the community as a Cub Scout. Joseph is 5 and his heart burns bright for the Lord. Abigail is almost 2 and a second chance angel from God. Welcome to our family of Christian believers. GRACE Corner GOD AT CENTER ^ RADICAL HOSPITALITY ^ AUTHENTIC DISCIPLESHIP ^ COMPASSION ^ EXTRAVAGANT GENEROSITY ^ With radical hospitality, compassion and extravagant generosity, our United Methodist Men prepared and served the meal at Green Street Church. Our congregation continues its outreach to the overflow shelter at St. Timothy’s by preparing meals, essential supplies and staying overnight. Authentic discipleship: Fun and fellowship were had by all at the annual Chili Cook-Off. Do you have a G, R, A, C, or E to share for next month’s GRACE Corner? Contact Drew Blackwell at (336) 250-1298 or If and when we have inclement weather in the Piedmont-Triad area, please watch closely for closings and delays on local station WXII News Channel 12. We will ascertain driving conditions and determine safety for all involved prior to making any decisions regarding church services and activities. If school is closed for Winston Salem/ Forsyth County Schools, there will be no activities held at the church. When in doubt, stay home where you will remain warm and safe. No one should risk their health or wellbeing to venture out if it is not absolutely necessary. On Sunday, January 25, members and guests came together in the Bob Martin Hall for Ardmore's 4th Annual Chili Cook Off. Approximately 120 hungry people gathered to taste test 16 different pots of chili, ranging from traditional beef and bean recipes to spicier variations. On the side were Darlene Owens' famous collards and cornbread and a dessert table covered in sweets. Everyone voted with their money for the People's Choice winner, with all proceeds going to St. Timothy's Overflow Shelter. Clint and Carolyn Coram took home the honor this year for their "Texas Chili" and we raised over $340. It was a festive time of fellowship, with lots of hot chili to warm up with on a cold day! A special thank you to all of the contestants: Nicole Stevens, Claudia Woodruff and Barbara Martin, Bob Tomihiro, Les and Cynthia Hall, Debbie Williams, Susan Lawhead, Clint and Carolyn Corum, Rachel Orsborn, Carolyn Webster, Mitzie Kepley, Angie Ware, Gail Ward, Mike and Marilyn Poirier, Eric Strupe, Bethanye Carrigan, and Luke and Kerry Mitchell. A Year of Directed Prayer, February SCRIPTURE Words, phrases, verse or verses that stand out in the reading. OBSERVATION What thoughts or insights do these verses bring to mind? APPLICATION How might these observations be applied to life, family, work or church? PRAYER Praise God and ask Him to help you apply this truth as you live faith today. February 1 February 2 February 3 February 4 February 5 February 6 February 7 February 8 February 9 February 10 Matthew 5:1-12 Galatians 6:1-10 Isaiah 46:5-11 Psalm 52:8-9 Matthew 5:13-16 Ephesians 1:3-12 Isaiah 48:3-7 Psalm 53:1-5 Matthew 5:17-20 Ephesians 1:15-23 February 11 February 12 February 13 February 14 February 15 February 16 February 17 February 18 February 19 Isaiah 48:10-11, 17 Psalm 54:1-2, 4 Matthew 5:21-26 Ephesians 2:1-10 Isaiah 49:1-6 Psalm 55:4-8, 16-18, 22 Matthew 5:33-37 Ephesians 2:11-22 Isaiah 49:22-23 PAGE 3 The world’s greatest wireless connection. February 20 February 21 February 22 February 23 February 24 February 25 February 26 February 27 February 28 Psalm 56:4, 12-13 Matthew 5:38-48 Ephesians 3:7-13 Isaiah 50:4-9 Psalm 56:4, 8-13 Matthew 6:5-15 Ephesians 3:14-21 Isaiah 51:1-6 Psalm 57:1-5 From Assistant Pastor Lisa “Last year I gave up the snooze button on my alarm clock.” “I gave up buying new clothes without donating something I don’t wear any more. And now I usually just stick around at Goodwill and buy my clothes secondhand.” “I gave up ice cream two years ago, and I work at Coldstone Creamery.” “I gave up the radio in my car. I realized how much I’d been missing, just letting myself listen to God in the quiet time.” Given the impending season, you might recognize these statements as things people have sacrificed for Lent. After all, it’s coming soon, and we’ll be faced with the choice of how to observe this season of preparation for Easter. Whatever the practice, Lent involves our choice for self-denial, as we remember the greatest and most selfless act humankind has known: Christ’s death for us on the cross. This year we’ll begin Lent at Ardmore with our yearly service of ashes on Ash Wednesday (February 18 at 6:30 in the sanctuary), which helps us to remember our mortality, focus on the repentance of our sins, and seek forgiveness. And many of us will begin a period of sacrifice as we seek to prepare for a symbolic sojourn to the cross. Last year at Duke I took a class on the Eastern Orthodox Church where our professor, a priest named Father Edward, suggested that during “Great Lent, it is our repentance that God desires, not our remorse. We prepare for the resurrection during Lent, both Christ’s Resurrection and our own.” With this thinking we can approach the idea of a Lenten sacrifice not as a thing simply to be endured but a holy action that demonstrates to God our intent on turning from sin, with the desired outcome of a purified heart, encouraging us to rise up and share the Good News. It’s little wonder the Orthodox call Lent the season of “bright sadness,” because during that time we mourn our sins and the nature of our tragic world, and we are especially moved that our God would sacrifice his precious, sinless son to save us. But if we are willing to be faithful and repentant, if we are willing to fully understand the depth of God’s love and the call to faith it requires, beyond that sadness we will see the fire of salvation in the form of a bright and glorious Easter morning. As we enter the season of Lent, and as we ponder the meaning of the “bright sadness,” let’s renew our hearts and be willing to let God change us. No matter what practice we choose to observe, if closeness to God is our goal, God will provide the way. Let’s faithfully follow the path we’re given. Remember Psalm 51: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.” May this be our way to preparation. Pastor Lisa News from the Loft PAGE 4 February brings the secular world visions of hearts and roses and chocolates. But for those of us involved in the work of the church, particularly the music in the church, February often marks the beginning of a seasonal push towards the wonderful celebration of Easter. And so, this month we remember the miraculous experience of Jesus being transfigured on the mountain peak before his disciples (Transfiguration Sunday) and we become marked with the sign of ashes, ‘marking’ the beginning of the solemn season of Lent. You will see the transition in the music of the month, from Epiphany’s happy music about ‘light’ to Transfiguration Sunday’s triumphant sound to Lent’s more somber music about prayer and the need for repentance. Those of us involved in the music ministry of Ardmore hope that our music helps you experience the presence of God more fully, as we offer all that we do to the Glory of God alone (Soli Deo gloria). – Dreama Lovitt, Music Director THE SANCTUARY CHOIR After a month of uncertain rehearsals due to illness and weather, we are back at work with folders full of music new and old to sing! From February on, we will share a wide variety of music, from spirituals to Latin motets to modern music just published. As always, the Sanctuary Choir is a jolly, welcoming and hard-working group. If you want to sing in the choir, rehearsals are on Wednesday nights, from 7-8:30PM in the choir room (behind the Sanctuary) and Sunday mornings at 10AM. ARDMORE BELLS The bells have some triumphant music planned for Transfiguration Sunday. And they are continuing to expand their skill sets by adding chimes into the mix for music later in the Spring. Chimes are different from handbells– they are rectangular tubes made of aluminum and they have an almost eerie, haunting sound. So, you can expect to hear the chimes ring during the season of Lent. THE PRESCHOOL CHOIR We get to sing for church on the last Sunday in the season of Epiphany. Meanwhile, we are continuing to work on our musical abilities and are singing fun songs about our faith and season of light! CHILDREN’S CHOIRS We’ll soon help lead worship, on Sunday, February 8th, as we sing Set the Sun Dancing- which has a lovely text about the season of Epiphany. We’ve also been memorizing the first verse of another hymn: No. 188 “Christ is the World’s Light”. This modern hymn has a particularly lovely text fitting for the season of Epiphany. After this, we begin to learn music for Lent and Easter. Music for the Month and More… Sunday, February 1, Communion: The Sanctuary Choir will sing two anthems during Communion: Gracious Spirit, Dwell With Me– set by K. Lee Scott– and Living Bread, by Gilbert Martin. Sunday, February 8: The children will sing! Children’s Choirs will share Set the Sun Dancing, by Helen Kemp. The Sanctuary Choir will also sing Benediction by Mack Wilberg Sunday, February 15, Transfiguration Sunday: The Ardmore Bells will ring! Pieces include a setting of Hymn of Joy, the familiar tune Hyfrydol, and a short ‘transfiguration’ bell benediction. Ash Wednesday, February 18 The Sanctuary Choir sings Terre Johnson’s beautiful setting of Jesus, Lover of My Soul. Sunday, February 22, Lent 1 The Sanctuary Choir sings the classic anthem by Richard Farrant Call to Remembrance and a new benediction by D. Lovitt. Sunday, March 1, Lent 2 The Sanctuary Choir will share another new anthem- Even Here, by Mark Miller– and another new benediction by D. Lovitt. Children and Family Ministries PAGE 5 Epiphany Celebration Ardmore’s children and their families celebrated Epiphany on Sunday, January 4th after services with lunch and yummy King cake. Our children, and Through the Week School children enjoyed making Epiphany creations. Children made a beautiful wooden star craft to place on next year’s Christmas tree and a glow in the dark bead Shine Bracelet. Story time with Miss Nicole. Craft time. Members enjoyed a bagged lunch from home followed by craft time and then a delightful story about a camel on his way to meet Jesus. Children learned that we can offer Jesus our very best especially when we offer ourselves and our love. After the story we celebrated our love for Christ Jesus by enjoying King cake, made by our very own Darlene Owens. King cake takes its name from the biblical three kings in Catholic liturgical tradition. The Solemnity of Epiphany, commemorated on January 6th, celebrates the visit of the Magi to the Christ child. The season of king cake extends from the Twelfth Night through Shrove Tuesday or “Fat Tuesday” of Mardi Gras. (See info below on Shrove Tuesday and our upcoming Lenten Fair). Pictured right: Lunch time and our beautiful bracelets! Lenten Fair On Tuesday, February 17th, join us for our annual SHROVE PANCAKE DINNER at 5:30 PM, sponsored by the United Methodist Men and stick around for craft time with your little ones. We’ll have several craft stations set up for them to craft and create meaningful Lent artwork. Several volunteers are needed to help children at each station/table, please see Nicole if you are available. Crafts begin at 6:00 PM and run through 7:00 PM. An idea of some of our crafts are pictured here as well as some of last years participants and guests. Hope you will join us for an evening of food, fun and fellowship! He is Risen print , Mrs. Perkins, granddaughter and TTWS friends . Childcare Changes In an effort to better utilize our childcare funds, INFANT AND TODDLER CARE WILL NO LONGER BE AVAILABLE DURING THE 8:20 AM EARLY SERVICE EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST. The need has dwindled and parents have weighed in with their thoughts. Crib and nursery workers will arrive no later than 9:00 AM for your continued use during Sunday school and will remain available until after both of our later services conclude. Thank you Claudia Woodruff, Becky Cleveland, Jennifer Gerry and Donna Basham for your continued service to the smallest of our believers and their families. Your love of Ardmore’s children is most evident. Youth Ministries Upcoming Activities 2/01 SUPER BOWL PARTY (at the home of the Ware’s, 5461 Kingsbridge Rd. 27103), 6:00-9:00 PM or longer with parental permission and if permissible by host family. All youth with last names A-L bring a savory snack to share and M-Z please bring a sweet treat to share. 2/08 No scheduled youth meeting; returning from winter retreat approx. 4:00 PM 2/15 Program on 1st Corinthians 13 and 1st John 4:19 WHAT IS LOVE? Snack provider: _OPEN _. 2/22 Program: PREPARING A MEAL for the Overflow Shelter at ST. Timothy’s. Snack provider: Fosters 2/24 SERVE DINNER at St. Timothy’s 7:00 PM – youth must be 18 yrs. old or have a parent present. 3/01 Program TBA; Snack provider: Ware. 3/15 Steve Krommes and Aric Clinkscales leading program. Snack provider: Fodels We love because He first loved us… 1 John 4:19 PAGE 6 Winter Retreat: February 6-8 Make plans to join fellow youth for the annual winter retreat; we’ll travel to Camp TVR in Plumtree, NC where we’ll enjoy great faith sessions, fun and games and an afternoon of tubing Saturday. Cost of $150 includes students transportation, study materials, tubing, meals and all lodging. Register now with Nicole. Deposit of $75 is non refundable. SAMPLE SCHEDULE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 6:00 Arrive, eat dinner, unpack. 8:00 Session 1 9:30 FREE TIME * 11:30 Lights out SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 8:00 Breakfast 9:00 Session 2 10:00 Pack up for Tubing 12:00 Lunch, then depart 4:00 Return to camp; FREE TIME * 6:00 Dinner 8:00 Session 3 9:30 FREE TIME * 11:30 Lights out SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 8:00 Breakfast 9:00 Closing session * FREE TIME = games, coffee shop open, dodgeball etc. Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture… 1 Timothy 4:13 GENTLY USED CHILDREN’S CLOTHING (SIZE NEWBORN TO 14), FOOTWEAR, TOYS, BOOKS, BABY EQUIPMENT/FURNITURE (NO CAR SEATS OR ELECTRICAL ITEMS) Receiving Dates: Monday, February 23, 9:15 AM—12:30 PM and 5:00—7:00 PM Tuesday, February 24, 9:15 AM—12:30 PM Sales Dates: Wednesday and Thursday, February 25 and 26, 9:15 AM—12:45PM Half Price Sale: Thursday, February 26, 5:00—7:00 PM Half Price Sale: Friday, February 27, 9:15—10:30 AM Pick-up information sheet at Ardmore TTWS or on our website at preschool or by calling the preschool office at 722-8430 or email with questions or to volunteer.. PAGE 7 2/2 Rhodena Cromer Marjorie Harris Diann Boyette Cheryl Ollis Charles Fodel Katie Murray 2/3 Lucia Smithdeal Faye Fenegan 2/4 Sarah Austin Chris Correll 2/5 Beth Buresh 2/6 Charlie Simmons Cheryl Schum 2/7 David Brewer Connie Roy 2/8 Will Olsen 2/9 Darcy Steele 2/10 Peggy Heacock 2/11 Ernestine Jackson 2/11 2/12 2/13 2/14 2/15 2/16 2/17 2/21 2/22 2/23 2/25 2/28 Belinda Beard Zachary Nixon Susan Jones Owen Burey Megan McSwain Isabelle Pagett Page Hartsell Stephen Folwell Colleen Hinton Tara Swinson Ian Tomihiro Elizabeth Martin Charles Lawrence Jan Williams Florence Curtis Cathy Amos Boyd Creasy Shirley Pfaff Ashley Griffin PINE NEEDLE SALE THROUGH END OF FEBRUARY Pick-Up Saturday, March 7 and 14, 8:00 AM—3:00 PM Church Parking Lot Delivery Available Order forms available on website, church office or any UMM member! Ardmore TTWS Registration Registration for Ardmore Methodist Through the Week School will begin soon. TTWS is a half day, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, preschool for children crib through 5 years. Registration for church members and families currently enrolled will be February 23—27. Registration will be open to the public March 2. Registration forms are available online, in the TTWS office or the church office. If you have any questions please call the TTWS office at 722-8430. Reading Tutor Needed WANTED: SPECIAL PEOPLE TO WORK WITH SPECIAL KIDS Sherwood Forest Elementary School is in need of reading tutors. If you are available to help a first or second grade student with their reading, please contact Ronda Nixon at 336-978-3890. You may also contact Katherine Church in the school office at 336-774-4646. Presently, Ronda has a sweet little girl who needs the help of a tutor. 20—30 minutes once or twice a week is all that is needed. Could that person be you? It is always nice to see our graduates come home during their breaks. Pictured here is Will Olsen on leave from the Naval Academy over Christmas. Memorials & Gifts PAGE 8 IN MEMORY OF RACHEL MARTIN by Mary Jo Brewer IN HONOR OF MARTHA PERKINS by Eva Jane Felts, Dr. and Mrs. Bill Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith, Noelle Hembree, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Esposito, Marilyn Parker IN HONOR OF MARGUERITE WILSON by Mary Tatum IN HONOR OF MR. AND MRS. TOM PERKINS by Mr. and Mrs. Mark Scheerer IN HONOR OF GIRL SCOUT TROOP 17 by Rev. and Mrs. Jim Smith IN HONOR OF BETTY MC BRIDE by Lucy Doud IN HONOR OF MARY JO BREWER by Lucy Doud IN HONOR OF PAGE HARTSELL by Lucy Doud Our Congregational Concerns Thank You For friends and family in need of healing: Peggy Andrews, Alice Arveson, Kevin Beauchamp, Polly Blackburn, Johnnie Bryant, Stephani Byerly, Jan Carter, John Corum, Ron Creasy, Lucy Doud, Willard Fenegan, Fred Foster, Margaret Foster, Betty Frazier, Nell Hamilton, Louise Hartley, Cliff and Nancy Harvel, Sarah Martin Haynor, Ruby Houlden, Amelia Johnson, Virginia Kennedy, Bill Knott, Jud Lamphear, Harold Lawing, Barb Martin, Ruth Martin, Gertrude Maynard, Betty McBride, Cecille Owens, CP Pate, Abigail Poirier, Sylvia Powell, Bruce Richardson, Charlie and Billie Simmons, Hank Spainhour, Virginia Steadman, Carl Stevens, Betsy Stokes, Jerry Wall, Pat Weaver, John Weddle, Evelyn Williams, Bob Wishon, Marc Woodruff, Sophie Zualaga Dear Folks of Ardmore UMC, On behalf of the students and Board of the Winston-Salem Wesley Foundation, I want to express our deepest appreciation for your extremely generous donation. This gift is a bedrock of our annual budget; it is a lynchpin of our fundraising efforts. Your generosity helps us to provide a Wesleyan fellowship on both the Salem and Wake Forest campuses where students can find support and encouragement and a place to deepen their faith. Thank you for all that you do to support this Wesley Foundation ministry. Blessings in Christ, Larry Jones For those who grieve: Larry and Elizabeth Martin and family in the loss of his mother. For those who come to Our Father’s Table Food Pantry and Clothing Closet. Our Gifts, Our Time in January OUR GIFTS: Tithes, Offerings and Gifts Received Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 $50,279 $9,489 $8,838 SS Offering 21 39 48 Other Gifts 25 220 375 $9,748 $9,261 0 $330 Rec’d to Budget TOTAL Cont. Legacy $50,325 $20 OUR TIME: Attendance Jan. 25 $4,603 8:20 AM Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 39 39 30 36 162 167 152 190 74 76 86 68 $5,003 WORSHIP TOTAL 275 282 268 294 $375 SUNDAY SCHOOL 134 142 143 153 33 10:30 AM 367 EPIC Senior Moments PAGE 9 Is it really wintertime? Some days it feels like winter and some days it feels like spring. I’ll settle for either kind of weather, warm and sunny or cold and snowy. Where is that snow? Will the groundhog see his shadow? Let’s all enjoy whatever we have, weatherwise and otherwise. Ardmore’s seniors are strong. Please continue to pray for all of our seniors, as well as others at church who need our prayers. Please let me know if someone in our fold is sick. I have sent lots of cards and made lots of phone calls to check on our seniors. I have visited some, but couldn’t visit several places because of flu warnings. It is good to see Jock back at the pulpit...and many thanks to Lisa and Luke for doing such a good job in Jock’s absence. As I visited people in the last few months, many have asked about Jock. They missed him even if they couldn’t be at church…he was definitely in their thoughts and prayers. Young at Heart has started in 2015 “with a bang”…and “a song.” Josh Gardner returned in January, singing songs from his winter program. We had a good turn-out for him and a good lunch. This month a Winston-Salem favorite will be here. Attorney Michael Wells will share with us his wisdom on life and the law…informative and entertaining. Young at Heart will meet Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 11:45 in Bob Martin Hall. Lunch will be served…Mr. Wells says that he will speak if we give him lunch. The cost of the lunch is $ 5.00. Call me (723-5566) or e-mail me ( by Sunday, February 22 to make your reservation. Invite your friends and remember, you don’t have to be a “member” and you don’t have to be old to attend. We have young, active seniors at Ardmore UMC...age is just a number to our seniors. My quote this month is from Bob Phillips’ book Over The Hill & On A Roll: “It’s wonderful to grow old, if you can remember to stay young while you’re doing it.” Happy Valentine’s Day to all…it’s all about love…make someone feel special and loved this month and every month. Love and blessings to all, Mary Jo Remember our Homebound Do you know of a church member who has difficulties making it to worship on Sunday mornings? We provide copies of our weekly sermons on CD as well as our church bulletin. If you know of a shut-in that would like to receive either or both of these, please contact the church office and we will add them to our mailing list. Each month, The Upper Room Daily Devotional Guides are available in the Narthex. Please take one for daily devotional use. To help offset the expense of the guides, please place a $1.00 in the box near the guides, ask an usher to put it in the box or use an offering envelope from the pew, mark it for “Upper Room” and leave it in the offering plate. Guest Speaker Attorney Mike Wells Tuesday, February 24 11:45 AM, Bob Martin Hall Join us for food, fellowship and fun. For reservations, please call Mary Jo Brewer at 723-5566 or email by Sunday, February 22nd. Missions and Outreach... PAGE 10 St. Timothy’s Overflow Shelter URGENT CALL FOR VOLU VOLUNTEERS NTEERS TO SERVE at the St. Timothy's Episcopal Church overflow shelter on Tuesdays throughout the winter until the end of March. As of right now all Tuesdays are open. Chris Reynolds serves every Tuesday and plans to continue throughout the rest of our commitment. The volunteer would need to arrive at St. Timothy's around 6:45 PM and would stay until 7:00 AM the following morning. For more information about this call to serve please contact Chris Reynolds at 720-9799 or 9719379. You may also reach Jonathan Amos at 336-473-5029. Thank you in advance for helping us meet our commitment to St. Timothy's. In addition to volunteering, there is an immediate need for supplies. Below is a list of items that are greatly needed by the guests of the shelter as they combat the cold days of winter. XXL-XXXL White T-Shirts XL-XXL boxers and briefs Thermals L/XL/XXL Men's waterproof winter boots (all sizes) Women's waterproof boots (size 9) Ladies underwear 7-10 Large size can of Lysol and Antibacterial wipes Small baby powder Travel size antibacterial gel Toilet Paper Nail clippers Lip balm There is also a need for backpacks and small suitcases with wheels if you have any to share. • • • • • • • • • • • • A bin has been created in the "Missions Closet" labeled "St. Timothy's". All donations should be placed in this bin to be sent to the shelter. Draughon/Warden II Enrichment Fund Applications Grant money is available to help Ardmore UMC enrich the lives of others through programs and missions that are not currently funded by the general budget. Applications are being accepted during the month of February for funds available through the Draughon/Warden grant. Applications will be available on our website or through the church office. Forms must be completed and returned by Friday, February 27th to either Steve Felts or Suzanne Lynch in the church office. The Draughon/Warden Committee will meet and make their decisions as to the distribution of funds before the end of March. For more information, please refer to the application or contact Steve Felts at 945-5928. Concert to Benefit The Shalom Project Saturday, February 7th, 7:00 PM “Unbroken Circle”, Wake Forest’s multigenerational string band will be live in concert Saturday, February 7th at 7:00 PM at the Byrum Welcome Center on the campus of Wake Forest University. The blue grass group is composed of Wake Forest University Faculty, Staff and Students who simply love to come together for the fun of making wonderful and entertaining music. PAGE 11 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 8:20 AM Early Worship 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:20 AM EPIC Worship 10:30 AM Children's Church/ Learning Time 10:30 AM Traditional Worship 5:00 PM Disciple Fast Track 6:00 PM BS Troop 749 6:00 PM Handbells Rehearsal 6:00 PM UMYF Super Bowl party 2 9:00 AM Preschool 6:30 PM BR 40261 6:30 PM D 02321 6:30 PM GS 02323 6:30 PM GS 02811 6:30 PM GS 40017 6:30 PM GS 40109 6:30 PM GS 40576 7:00 PM Miriam Circle 3 9:00 AM Preschool 4 5 9:00 AM Preschool 9:00 AM Preschool 4:30 PM KidSpace 5:30 PM Food Pantry and Preschool/ Children's Choirs 5:30 PM Fellowship Meal 6:30 PM Bible Study 6:30 PM Covenant Bible Study 6:30 PM GS 40109 7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir 6 7 UMYF Winter Retreat UMYF Winter Retreat 9:00 AM Preschool 12:00 PM CHURCH OFFICE CLOSES 8 Boy Scout Sunday UMYF Winter Retreat 8:20 AM Early Worship 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:20 AM EPIC Worship 10:30 AM Children's Church/ Learning Time 10:30 AM Traditional Worship 4:30 PM UMYF: NO MEETING 5:00 PM Disciple Fast Track 6:00 PM BS Troop 749 6:00 PM Handbells Rehearsal 9 9:00 AM Preschool 10:45 AM Preschool Chapel 6:30 PM GS 40017 10 9:00 AM Preschool 10:00 AM Esther Circle 10:00 AM Martha Circle 10:45 AM Preschool Chapel 3:00 PM Deborah Circle 11 9:00 AM Preschool 11:45 AM Retired Ministers' Luncheon 4:30 PM KidSpace and Preschool/ Children's Choirs 5:30 PM Fellowship Meal 6:30 PM Bible Study 6:30 PM Covenant Bible Study 7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir 12 9:00 AM Preschool 7:00 PM Boy Scouts Roundtable 13 9:00 AM Preschool 12:00 PM CHURCH OFFICE CLOSES 15 8:20 AM Early Worship 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:20 AM EPIC Worship 10:30 AM Children's Church/ Learning Time 10:30 AM Traditional Worship 4:30 PM UMYF: program 1 John 4:19 5:00 PM Disciple Fast Track 6:00 PM BS Troop 749 6:00 PM Handbells Rehearsal 16 President's Day 6:30 PM BR 40261 6:30 PM D 02321 6:30 PM GS 02323 6:30 PM GS 02811 6:30 PM GS 40017 6:30 PM GS 40576 6:30 PM Missions and Outreach 17 9:00 AM Preschool 9:30 AM UMW Prayer & Self Denial Service 5:30 PM UMM Pancake Supper 6:00 PM Children's Lenten Fair 6:00 PM Teachers' Sorority 18 9:00 AM Preschool 4:30 PM KidSpace and Preschool/ Children's Choirs 5:30 PM Fellowship Meal 6:30 PM Ash Wednesday Service 6:30 PM Covenant Bible Study 6:30 PM GS 40109 7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir 19 20 9:00 AM Preschool 9:00 AM Preschool 5:30 PM Food Pantry 12:00 PM CHURCH OFFICE CLOSES 21 9:00 AM Vietnamese Adoption Group 22 8:20 AM Early Worship 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:20 AM EPIC Worship 10:30 AM Children's Church/ Learning Time 10:30 AM Traditional Worship 4:30 PM UMYF: Cooking for the Overflow Shelter 5:00 PM Disciple Fast Track 6:00 PM BS Troop 749 6:00 PM Handbells Rehearsal 23 SPRING CLOTHING AND TOY SALE 9:00 AM Preschool 6:30 PM GS 40017 6:30 PM GS Council/ Service Unit Meeting 24 SPRING CLOTHING AND TOY SALE 9:00 AM Preschool 11:45 AM Young at Heart 25 SPRING CLOTHING AND TOY SALE 9:00 AM Preschool 4:30 PM KidSpace and Preschool/ Children's Choirs 5:30 PM Fellowship Meal 6:30 PM Bible Study 6:30 PM Covenant Bible Study 7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir 26 SPRING CLOTHING AND TOY SALE 9:00 AM Preschool 6:00 PM Ardmore Community Club Dinner 28 Cub Scout Pinewood Derby 1 8:20 AM Early Worship 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:20 AM EPIC Worship 10:30 AM Children's Church/ Learning Time 10:30 AM Traditional Worship 4:30 PM UMYF Program 5:00 PM Disciple Fast Track 6:00 PM BS Troop 749 6:00 PM Handbells Rehearsal 27 SPRING CLOTHING AND TOY SALE 9:00 AM Preschool 12:00 PM CHURCH OFFICE CLOSES 5:00 PM Cub Scout Pinewood Derby 14 HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY 630 South Hawthorne Road Winston Salem, NC 27103 Periodicals Postage Paid Winston-Salem, NC 27102 USPS #343130 The Lamplighter (USPS No. 343130) is published monthly by Ardmore United Methodist Church, 630 South Hawthorne Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27103. Phone: 336.723.3695. E-mail:; website: All information herein is the property of AUMC and their friends and family. Please do not use without express consent from the publisher. February Food for Share February Scripture Readers February 1 Matthew 5:3 Ronda Ely, Carolyn Coram February 8 Matthew 5:4 Joe White, Connor Tomihiro February 15 Pam Myers, Carolyn Webster February 22 Matthew 5:7, 9 J. R. Snider, Cathy Amos Ash Wednesday Healing Service, February 18, 6:30 PM NEEDS THIS MONTH: Canned Meats (tuna, salmon, chicken, beef stew, etc.), Cereal ADDITIONAL NEEDS: Laundry Detergent, Bath Soap, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Diapers We encourage you to BRING ONE item TO AT LEAST TWO Sunday services or church activity during the month, more if you are able. If everyone participates, it will help keep the Missions Closets at Ardmore and Green Street from being low on food and better able to serve our community. This list serves as a guideline in making donations that meet specific needs for the month. Grocery bags are available in the Narthex, the lobby near the elevator and beside the Missions Closet near the entrance to the Education Building. Please take one, fill it up on your next grocery shopping trip and return to the missions closet. Thank you for your EXTRAVAGENT GENEROSITY!
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