PRAYER REQUESTS Carl Turner – Urgent unspoken need Sonja Guimaraes – please continue to pray for her complete healing. Pray that they can get her immigration/visa paperwork settled. Also, pray that insurance covers her cranoplasty SCC/Shepherd’s Hand Thrift Store Tax Issue – Please pray for us. Yolo County has taken back our tax exemption for the Thrift Store property and wants the back taxes from when they gave it to us 3 years ago. Melody – classmate of Lilliana Gutierrez with juvenile diabetes that is in the hospital Elisabeth Gutierrez – Prayer for unity in the home as well as continued prayers for her health issues Scott Wagner – Please pray for a resolution to his health issues Issac Mello – son of Erick Mellow, coworker of Paul Cosenza. Issac has a tumor and is undergoing chemotherapy Denise – coworker of Rosalie Weddington with breast cancer. Pray for her while in treatment and for her young child The Family of Kay Giguire – She went to be with the Lord Monday morning. The Families of Linda Ekis and Pat Grady – They passed away within hours of each other on Sunday Chelsea Bisson – Pray for continued comfort at the loss of her mother Ethan – 7-year old classmate of Blake Arias with an eating disease. He’s in great pain. Pray for him and his family. Mike – Nephew of Ken and Carol McCallum – diagnosed with primary pulmonary hypertension and will be on medication the rest of his life. Pray for his comfort. Elva Galindo – Is home rehabilitating after surgery on her hip she broke in a recent fall. Linda Curtis – Friend of Ken and Carol – having surgery to clean out an artery. Dustin Rodriguez – Asks for continued prayer as the family is going through a lot right now. Also pray for comfort at the loss of Tom’s brother, Joe. Jason Severs – asked to be uplifted in prayer for hope Pastor Bruce’s Mom – she had a stroke the day after Thanksgiving. Pray for continued recovery. Will & Rebekah Porter – College roommate of Carl Turner – Will has asked Rebekah for a divorce. Kate – Daughter of a coworker of Dan Schwartz. Having growth hormone issues. Pray for healing. Dennis – Friend of Pat Whitfield unable to have surgery for colon cancer. He is going through chemo. Pray for his health. Tim Arias –Pray as he recovers from surgery on his shoulder that the pain will be relieved. Alex Sarsfield – Son of David and Rebecca Sarsfield. Pray for his mental health and family interaction Christians Suffering in Northern Iraq – Pray for their protection from ISIS and other extremist groups. Drew Wood – 5-year old with leukemia. Pray for his parents, Jon and Mandi Wood as well. PRAISES Tim Weddington – Bill Weddington’s brother – diagnosed with spinal stenosis. Surgery was successful and he is up and walking around. Christine Crouch – coworker of Rosalie Weddington surgery for hyper-parathyrodism went great! Walter Turner – Carl Turner’s father suffering with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s is home again and doing better. Please continue to pray for him and his wife, Rowena as well during this time. Tafoya Family – God is always good to us. Elisabeth Gutierrez – praise God she does not have MS NAZARENE DISTRICT LEADERSHIP & NAZARENE MISSIONS INTERNATIONAL Steve Scott – Nazarene District Superintendent, Sacramento, and his wife Debbie Dan & Melody Anderson – Uganda, East Africa Daniel & Brenda Hopkins – Commonwealth of Dominica, Caribbean Cosmos & Andronica Mutowa – Johannesburg, South Africa OTHER NEEDS ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ VISITOR REQUESTS PASTOR AND MINISTRY LEADERS Pastor Bruce Maier Church Administrator Ministry Teams Coordinator Carl Turner Community Caring: Community Connection– Life Events– Compassionate Ministries Remi Bisson Pat Whitfield Mary Leland Gary Viss Hospitality Remi Bisson Intercessory Prayer Carl Turner Kidland Superintendent Barbara Bisson Life Group Director Carl Turner Men’s Ministry Remi Bisson Nazarene Missions International Chris Dewar Point Loma Nazarene University Representative Mary Leland Shepherd’s Hand Thrift Store Beckie Maier Signs & Wonders Brenda Dela Rosa Ushers Bob Halvorson Women’s Ministry Terry Halvorson Worship Team Nickie Jordan Youth Ministry Paul DeHerrera Southport Community Church Rish Burkholder – Pray that her family that lives here will attend church regularly Jessica Sanchez – Please pray for her son Lorenzo, daughters Lorena & Nene, and other children, Pricilla, David, and Jesse Mark DeLanney – Pray for his mom with COPD. MILITARY PERSONNEL Trevor Bissegger (USA) – In Army basic training Bobby De Anda (USA) – Stationed in North Carolina as part of the 13 Bravo Company Jonathan Johnson (USAF) – Newly married in November, stationed in Georgia – pray for him and his new wife Rachel Nick Jones (USN) – Please pray as he continues his military career in San Diego. LOOKING FOR EMPLOYMENT Josh Singh Carl Turner Tom Rodriquez Linda Gray A.C.T.S ONGOING NEEDS Shepherd’s Hand Thrift Store Revival in the USA! Church finances Reconfiguration changes here at SCC Our local, state, and national political leaders The Nation of Israel during tumultuous times. Mexico Mission Trip during Spring Break Those with struggling marriages ADORATION: Spend time praising the Lord and We want to pray with and for you! CONFESSION: Tell Jesus what you have done wrong Facebook: Southport Community Church Prayer Page Email: Phone: Call the church office (916) 372-7818 or Carl Turner (916) 955-0300 Website: THANKSGIVING: Express your gratitude to Jesus for all he does. “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered...” II Chronicles 7:14-15 adoring Him. and why. PRAYER FOLDER FEBRUARY 18, 2015 SUPPLICATION: others have. Pray for specific needs you or
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