The Evangelist - St. Mark`s Episcopal Church

The Evangelist
The Episcopal Church of St. Mark the Evangelist
LENT 2015
Almost every week a student at St. Mark’s
School gets into trouble and is sent to my
office. I know that I can count on getting
the question, “Will this go on my permanent record?” There is a myth that goes
around schools that somewhere somebody has a copy of your records, and
these records not only show your grades,
but everything you have ever done
wrong. This permanent record will effect
where you go to high school, college,
graduate school and even your future job.
This myth is sort of like Big Foot; you
know Big Foot doesn’t exist, but when
you go camping you keep one eye open
just in case. I remember even way back
when I was in school, there was this fear
of something going on your permanent
record. By now we know that, at least
where schools are concerned, there is no
such monster as your permanent record
that follows you through your life.
Most Christians have transferred this
idea of a permanent record to God.
Somewhere God and God’s Holy Angels
are keeping score so that when we die, we
will have to answer to God for everything
that we have done that we should not
have done as well as everything we didn’t
do that we should have done.
Lent begins in a few weeks, and we enter
a time in the Church year and in our
liturgy when we are directed to repent,
asking God for forgiveness for things
done and left undone. Eventually we do
this in our own way; however, no matter
what we do, we still believe that God has
all of it on our permanent record in God’s
Book of Life.
Like our permanent record in school,
there is no such thing as a permanent
record in heaven. Here is one of the
hardest things to believe in our faith, that
when God forgives God forgets. That
is, it is as if our sin, horrible as it might
seem to us, is forgotten. Picture a classroom with the blackboard full of writing
on which are all the sins you have ever
committed. (Pretty big blackboard!) Then
the teacher be it God, Jesus, an Archangel
or your Guardian Angel takes an eraser
and cleans the blackboard. Those sins are
gone and not just gone, but forgotten as
far God is concerned. It is as if they never
happened. Imagine!
This is called “grace.” We may not think
we deserve to be forgiven, but that is the
way God forgives. Our conscience may
not let us forget. Another person may
not let us forget. But God forgets. This
is the true message of Lent. Psalm 51 is
used over and over in Lent and says to us,
“the sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit;
a broken and contrite heart, O God, you
will not despise.”
God loves you. God does not despise
you. You are a child of God; nothing can
ever change that. Every year my Lenten
discipline is to read Psalm 51 every day
until I realize that I have a harder time
forgiving myself than God has forgiving
me. The great Riverside Church preacher,
the Reverend William Sloane Coffin,
once said, “We are not punished for our
sins, we are broken by them.” The truth is
that we break ourselves because we hold
onto the past. God is our future and the
past over. Remember that you are forgiven no matter who you are or how bad
February 2015
you see yourself. God sees goodness, love
and hope in you for your future. Lent is a
time of forgiveness and letting go, Easter
is all about the future.
Fr. Bob Trache
Rector and Head of School
Last Party Before Lent
Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Supper
Fat Tuesday, February 17, 2015
at 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
In the Dining Hall
pancakes l bacon l sausage
eggs l fruit
Adult Cooked Pancake Flipping Contest
and Crafts for Children!
RSVP to:
Dafren Cadet-Guillet
954-334-0101 oror
February 18
Holy Eucharist and
The Imposition of Ashes
8:05 a.m. l 12:00 p.m. l 7:00 p.m.
St. Mark’s Church
Darren Adderley, III
LaTrese Adderley
Travarus Adderley
Arlene Amitirigala
Pam Anderson
Jack Arnst, Jr.
Riley Bauer
Delberta Brown
Heather Carroll
Lauren Carroll
Brad Carter
Bryan Carter
Victor Choy
Duane Clark
Tina Scott-Clark
David Cuthbertson
Tommie Dayton
Natasha Dobbins
Douglas Dorsett
Jordan Dorsett
Andre Dreyfuss
Alexander Fox
Grace Gabele
Joe Hall, IV
Brandon Hamm
Morgan Harris
Fr. Ron Hayde
Joyce Hill
John Hines
Lori Hirsch
Joyce Holmes
Blaine Holzer
Virginia Horn
George Horncastle
Sarah Jaksich
Alexandra Justice
John Justice
Denise Lambert
Gregg Lambert
Kaitlyn Lambert
John LaVault
Emily MacArthur
Joseph Majoros
Leesa Martin
Ronnie Martin
Zachary McAneny
Yvonne McKibbens
Grace McRoberts
Helen McRoberts
Sereno Merrill
Hunter Michko
Elaine Millspaugh
Jessica Mohom
Stacy Norcross
Dick Norton
Tim O’Loughlin
Timothy O’Loughlin
Reed Payne
Jenelle Penha
Blair Picchiarini
Brandy Pierre
Joshua Pointer
Chris Pollari
Karen Richardson
Fritz Richter
Shirley Richter
Kyle Rodgers
Samantha Sarji
Caroline Schuler
Bill Seibert
Dorothy Seibert
Mark Sherfield
John Shwed
Diane Simpson
Cameron Sobczak
Frank Sobczak
Nick VanVonno
Leah Wang
Joan Watson
Jimmy Weick
Julia Weitz
Joseph Ziade
Please join St. Mark’s Church in our annual Lenten Program. We enjoy a light
supper of soup, salad and bread. Come
and judge the soups from various St.
Mark’s Episcopal Church ministries.
Experts will share their thoughts on
different topics with us to provide fascinating discussions. This year our topic
is “Who Is Jesus?” Our Lenten series
brochure is available in the church and
on our church website. Here’s a list of
our guest speakers:
February 24
The Rt. Reverend Leo Frade
Bishop of the Diocese of
Southeast Florida
Soup Chefs: Vestry
March 3
Dr. Erik Larson
Professor of Religion and Archaelogy
at Florida Internation University
Soup Chefs: 8:00 a.m. Parishioners
March 10
The Reverend Geoffrey St. John Hoare
Rector of All Saints Church
in Atlanta, Georgia
Soup Chefs: Episcopal Church Women
March 17
Monsignor Vincent Kelly
Catholic Archdiocese
of Miami, Florida
Soup Chefs: Choir
March 24
The Reverend Fawn Mikel
Christ Methodist Church
in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Soup Chefs:
9:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Parishioners
On Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m., during our
Lenten Series, each volunteering team
will have Soup Chef competition in
our School Dining Hall. We thank our
volunteers for supporting this event’s
St. Mark’s Community is planning
a gleaning field trip on February 21,
2015, from around 8:45 a.m. –12:00
p.m. This will be a family-friendly outreach project, with adults and children
encouraged to help collect together.
The gleaning program uses volunteers
to pick produce that would otherwise
go to waste and donates it to feed
those in the community suffering
from hunger. We will meet at St. Mark’s
no later than 8:00 a.m. and travel by
carpool. To participate or learn more,
please contact Mr. Rick Bauer,
our Director of EYG, at 305-333-0117
February 26, 2015
Our Book Club will be discussing A Land Remembered
by Patrick D. Smith. We will
gather at the home of Dianne Garvin,
PhD., from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Please
RSVP to Dr. Garvin at: 954-258-1834 or
954-561-3046. The 2014-15 schedule and
book list can be found in the June-July
2014 Evangelist, on our website at www., or by
calling Mother Liza at 954-563-5155 for
additional information.
We had so much fun as a community
at our Fall Yard Sale that we’re having
one in the Spring! We will gather at
6:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 14, 2015,
for set up and then open for business
at 7:00 a.m. until noon. To volunteer,
please contact Mother Liza Ragsdale at
(954) 334-0120. Please contact Dafney
Cadet-Guillet at (954) 334-0101 or to arrange
drop off of household donations on
Thursday, Friday, or Sunday. Please
bring items washed, boxed, and neatly
sorted for display.
welcoming Mrs. Laura Young to St.
Mark’s Episcopal Church and School.
Mrs. Young was at the Bishop Walk
About Reception table, so many of you
have had the pleasure of meeting her.
For more information about making
a reservation for your child at MMO,
please contact Mrs. Young.
The forty days of Lent are upon us. It
is a time that the church bids farewell
to the “Alleluia” – a word that will not
be used in prayers and hymns until
Easter. The green will be put away, and
the flowers removed, as we spend forty
days in purple: in prayer, in fasting, and
Mother Liza Ragsdale in works of charity – as we get ourselves ready, together with the whole
Church – for the celebration of Easter.
Lent is a season, but it is also an opWELCOME NEW
portunity. We are asked to linger in the
tension between certainty and nothingMOMMY’S MORNING
ness – to allow ourselves to dwell in
that place that requires faith. We don’t
have all the answers. We simply trust
Please join with us in giving a warm St.
that grace is sufficient to carry us.
Mark’s Episcopal Church and School
During Lent, we are asked to focus
25 Annual
Walk for the
25 Annual
welcome to the newest member of our
on changing our lives through prayer,
28, 2015
community. Mrs. Laura Brown Young
for the
fasting, and works of charity. The
Ms. Kelly Bray, one of the Third Grade teachers at St. Mark’s.
has accepted the position as St. Mark’s
is organizing
Saturday, February 28, 2015
scriptures suggest generosity (giving
Director of Mommy’s Morning Out
You may
Ms. Bray,
alms), prayer, and self-denial (fasting).
(MMO). Mrs. Young is a native Florid- or click on the link below to register for the walk,
Jesus doesn’t tell us what to do or even
ian. She and her husband of 23 years,
or to make a donation to help our
why, but simply how – how to give
St. Mark’s team reach it’s goal!
Daniel, have lived in Fort Lauderdale
alms, how to pray, and how to fast. In
You may contact Ms. Bray at
since 2006. They have three daughters:
this way we avoid the motivation of,
Madeline (14), Gracie Li (8), and Lydia
the hypocrite and discover the deeper
Zeber (954) 771-8997, or Dr. Denese
Rose (5). Laura earned both her BA
meaning of these spiritual practices.
Edsall (954) 242-1015 to register for
in Music and Master’s Degree in Early
We are to practice something until it
the walk, or to make a donation to help
Childhood Education from Florida
becomes part of us.
State University.
In doing these, we try to become more
Laura met Mrs. Kathy Rodgers, and
like Christ in his love for God and
later Mrs. Tracy Hamm, thru Amanda’s
others by his dying and rising to new
Place in 2007. Laura was actively
life. Lent is a journey to our baptism: a
involved in the creation of St. Mark’s
journey back, with the whole Church,
Episcopal Church’s MMO ministry
to the faithful living of our baptismal
with Kathy Rodgers in 2008. Two of
promises. In the past year, there have
Laura’s three daughters participated in
been compromises with those sacred
the MMO Program, so she knows firstpromises; we have made accommodahand what a blessing it is to have such
tions – and we have moved away, in
a nurturing and educational environsome place farther than others, from
ment for little ones to visit, while they
those promises. And so for forty days
make fabulous connections with both
we are in the business of returning
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church and School
home to our baptismal dignity. And
so, in the words of the Prayerbook,
Mrs. Young is on our campus Thursyou are invited, in the name of the
day and Friday, before MMO begins at
whole Church to the observance of a
9:00 a.m., and she departs at 1:30 p.m.
The Very Reverend Peter Eaton, Dean
holy Lent. Our Lenten Journey reading
Mrs. Young’s email address is: Lyoung@
of St. John’s Cathedral, in Denver, ColGood Lord, Deliver Us, by Leonard and, and her Thursday and
orado was elected as Bishop Coadjutor
Lindsay Freeman, is available in the
Friday direct phone number is: 954at a special convention of the Diocese
334-0117. Her office is located beside
of Southeast Florida, on Saturday,
the Ward Room and Lower School
Fr. Ron Hayde
January 31 at the Cathedral in Miami,
Faculty work room.
Florida. To read more about Reverend
Please introduce yourself and join me
Eaton please go to
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church and School Lenten
Community Service Project
“Don’t judge a person until you have walked a mile
in his or her shoes.”
St. Mark’s is collecting gently used shoes for adults and
children in Haiti. Black and brown school shoes for
children are especially needed.
February 4 – February 24, 2015
The South Florida Haiti Project
Look for the collection boxes in the Narthex of the Church,
Administration and Main School Offices
Mr. Rick Bauer: or 305-333-1575
for more details.
and UTO
Episcopal Church Women (ECW) –
who are they? Every woman who is a
member of an Episcopal parish is actually a member of ECW. The history of
the ECW in any parish dates from 1872
to the present.
Mary Emery, in 1872, talked her way
into being appointed General Secretary
of the Woman’ Association, Auxiliary
to the Board of Missions. She had the
vision that women had a role to fulfill
in the work of the church through individual piety and communal love and
concern according to Christ’s teachings and to spread the Word; however,
1872 was also the year that Susan B.
Anthony was first arrested for trying to
vote. Mary Emery’s methods of quiet
infiltration instead of confrontation
helped her win the day, for Episcopal
Church Women. By 1874, five dioceses
had women’s auxiliary groups actively
working on missions and personal
growth. In 1876, Mary retired and mar-
ried. Her sister Julia, became General
Secretary and kept that job for 40 years.
It was during Julia’s tutelage that United
Thank Offering (UTO) began (1889),
contributing $1.5 million by 1916 to
the National Church. By then also, all
92 dioceses and mission districts had
Women’s Auxiliary branches.
And, today, we are witnesses of how
far women’s roles in church life have
progressed. Mary Emery Twing and
Julia Emery would be pleased to see
that women’s participation has grown
to include lay readers and ministers
(1960’s) to deacons and priests (1970’s).
St. Mark’s newly re-organized ECW is
beginning to identify the opportunities
in this parish for ECW ministry, and
we need you! St. Mark’s ECW’s UTO
Campaign is in place for this Spring.
THE ECW has volunteered for receptions, will serve a soup supper during
the 2015 Lenten Series, on March 10,
and will lead the fundraiser for the
Island Dinner Dance on May 16, 2015.
If you are interested in becoming
actively engaged in the ECW at St.
Mark’s, please contact Debbie Ferguson, President at debbie.ferguson007@ Meeting dates and times
are posted weekly in the church bulletins.
We want to hear from you. Please contact
Dafney Cadet-Guillet at 954-334-0101 to have your
information updated in our church
8:00 a.m. - Rite I
9:15 a.m. - Rite II - Family Service
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School/Adult Ed.
11:00 a.m. - Rite II
Church and School Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday