A proud member of the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network February 2015 École Laura Secord 960 Wolseley Ave. 204-786-4796 www.winnipegsd.ca/ schools/laurasecord Rhona Churman, Principal Nelia Husack, Vice Principal École Laura Secord February 2015 Administrator’s Greeting January has just flown by! We relished a respite from bitterly cold temperatures, dealt with a couple of water issues, and families from 4 classes had a very enjoyable evening sharing a meal of soup and buns. Thank you for sending water with your children during the Boiled Water Advisory. It certainly helped make the supply we brought in go further. A huge thank you to the teachers and students of room 115, 213, 216 and 317, the “Empty Bowls” soup and art evening was a great success. It was a lovely evening of eating, sharing with friends and lively conversation, a great way to warm up! And so many delicious soups! Thank you to all the family members who donated soup, thank you also to Food Fair and Kub Bakery for donating buns, and Tec Voc High School for supplementing our soups. Thank you to the many staff members who volunteered their time, made soup and helped throughout the project in so many ways. All funds raised will be donated to Winnipeg Harvest. This UNESCO initiative was truly a way for learning to be meaningful and connected to real life for our students. Our primary students very much enjoyed their field trip to WSO. Thank you to Ms. Janzen for all her organization that certainly helped everything run so smoothly. Thank you also to PAC for funding the trip. Registration for families new to Laura Secord at all grade levels will begin on March 2, 2015. Registrations will be taken between 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. As always, we will register students who live within our catchment areas. Students who reside beyond our catchment areas will be placed on a wait list. All students presently enrolled do not need to re-register. Those families will be receiving an intention form for their children for the 2015 – 2016 school year. We will continue to adhere to the provincial directive by trying to ensure that Gr. N – 3 classes have twenty students or less. There will be an Information Evening on Wednesday, February 25th for parents of students who are new to Nursery, Kindergarten or Grade one. Report cards will be sent home on March 10, however if parents have concerns or questions prior to that, they should not hesitate to contact their child’s teacher. Teachers do meet with parents during February if they feel the need to share information before the report goes home in March. Parent-Teacher-Student (Tri-conferences) will be held on the evening of March 12th and during the day on March 13th. The school is closed on February 2nd for staff Professional Development and February 16th as we all celebrate Louis Riel Day. French week will take place that week from February 17th – 20th. Teachers are planning classroom-based activities to increase awareness of our wonderful French culture and “joie de vivre”. We will also be having our annual school-wide sing-along of traditional French songs and several French Immersion classes will be attending the Festival du Voyageur. Students are welcome to dress as a voyageur with a “chemise carée”, (plaid shirt), “ceinture flêché” (sash) and tuque rouge. As always, if you have any concerns please feel free to contact us at the school. Rhona Churman, Principal Nelia Husack, Vice Principal Looking ahead: • Monday, Feb. 2, NO SCHOOL • Monday, Mar. 2, Registration Day for all new students • Monday, Feb. 16, No School - Louis Riel Day • Feb. 17-20 - French Week • Wednesday, Feb. 25, Program Information Evening for new N/K and Gr. 1 families 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. • Friday, Feb. 27, Fun Food Day • Thursday, Mar. 12 - Tri-Conferences (3:45 p.m. - 8 p.m.) • Friday, Mar. 13 - NO SCHOOL - Tri-Conferences (9 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.) Laura Secord Parent Advisory Council Meeting Minutes January 20, 2015 In Attendance: Kyla Stewart (Chair, 204A), Laura Hilland (Vice-Chair, Fun Food Coordinator), Anita Mallatratt (Secretary), B.D. Cain (Member at Large), Cheryl Sluis (115), Rhona Churman (Principal), Leigh Nash (313), Tawny Brown (Volunteer Coordinator), Nelia Husack (Vice-Principal), Ken MacKinnon, Monica Wiest (304), Rob Altemeyer, Natalie Marchand (Gr.2 Teacher), Erin Keating (Member at Large), Vanessa Eidse, Melissa Tichborne (Member at Large), Jamie Hilland (203), Melissa Wilson (101), Lawrence Bird (301), Louise Waldman (105pm) Regrets: Robyn Andrews (Past-Chair, 117), Jennifer Sime (Lunch Program Coordinator), Garett Surcon (Treasurer), Erin Keating (Member at Large), Hank Venema, John Gunter (214), Ann Heinrichs (110) School Report • Email list is successfully up and running. All communication will be going through Jeannie Remillard now, including PAC Communication. Readopted the courier system with the hopes that the bugs have been worked out. Will still send paper copy for remainder of school year with the goal of going nearly paperless in September 2015. • One new staff member Carly Lewis filling in for Crystal’s mat leave in room 201 and Mme Trish will be away for a couple of months on sick leave – school working diligently to have a permanent French substitute in place by next week. • Sent home a safety letter regarding a stranger approaching a student today walking to school. Police are considering sending out a media alert. • • • Problems with brown water in the pipes today so restricted use of water fountains and provided classrooms with bottled water. Will continue to monitor. Babysitting workshop has been confirmed for April 24th. School will send out letter to grade 6 students to fill up to 30 openings. More details in school report. Teacher: Natalie Marchand (Grade 2 French Immersion) • Big thank you for all the efforts that went into the Book Room. The children love it, the teachers love it! It has made a HUGE difference. Thank you Kyla Stewart and Sandy McCullough for all their efforts. • Very excited about booking a presentation by Fort Whyte on Wetland Ecovan. Presentation has had great reviews. This will be presented to primary French students - Gr. 1, 2 and 3’s. Fun Food: Laura Hilland (Fun Food Coordinator) • Fun Food days have now been scheduled for last Friday of each month to accommodate the teacher’s request as it fits better with the school calendar going forward. Movie Night: Kara Nacci Still working on a date with administration. • FundScrip: Kyla Stewart • Presented another way to raise funds for school called FundScrip. Online, cost effective (free) and simple anonymous way to raise additional funds. FundScrip is an established, Canada-wide fundraising program in which your supporters pay for their shopping (groceries, gas, home & garden, entertainment, restaurants, and much more) with gift cards bought from FundScrip; thereby automatically generating contributions to our cause. There are over 170 participating retailers. • Will be setting up a campaign, and it will be available to those who are interested in using it. Sage Garden: • Tentative date of May 13, the week before the long weekend. Treasure’s Report: Garett Surcon • No update from Treasury for January with Garett’s absence. New Business • Update to Spanish/bilingual program. School Board has found enough numbers to support Gr 1-6, but still need support for Grade 7. Rhona will investigate and perhaps incorporate in the next newsletter. • Parents with children graduating from grade 6 are asking about possibility of school bus for Grade 7 immersion. School Board requests making a presentation before the board. Asking if anyone would be interested in going with Monica Weist to the next meeting February 23 @ 7pm. Suggest posting in the newsletter looking for those that may be interested in the bus service. Rhona will look into. • New Gym: Architects are working very hard with sub-contractors to have the design completed by the end of the week. Working with the Landscape Architects, they will be incorporating our wish list into the schematic design for the playground. We will probably know by March what will/will not be covered by the budget for the playground. If we want to subsidize and want to have all wish list items incorporated during the construction phase, we will likely have to have funds raised by September 2015. Still need to apply for grants. Raised question regarding the second elevator planned at the back of the school. Voiced concern that a lift should not even be a consideration for “universal accessibiltity”. This needs to be strongly emphasized with multiple people in the community and school that will benefit from this. Accessibility to have priority over bells and whistles. • They are trying to put out for Tender by September 2015. Believe it will be 2017 for the playground at the earliest. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 20, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Teacher’s lounge. 2 2015/2016 Registration Nursery/Kindergarten Program Registration for Nursery/Kindergarten programs will be accepted beginning Monday, March 2, 2015 for the 2015/2016 school year. Parents/guardians are advised of the following: All students who reside in the École Laura Secord School catchment area will be registered on a first come, first served basis. Parents/Guardians will be asked for a preference of either morning or afternoon, however there is no guarantee that we will be able to accommodate all requests. Students must be 4 years of age by December 31, 2015 to be eligible for the Nursery program. Students who are enrolled in the Nursery program must reside within the Winnipeg School division boundaries for the duration of the year. Proof of age (e.g. Birth Certificate or Passport) and verification of address (Property Tax bill or lease/ rental agreement) are required at the time of registration for all programs. A copy of your child’s Manitoba Health Card is also mandatory. The Nursery Program is taught in English only. The Kindergarten program is taught in either French or English, depending on family preference. Gr. 1 – 6: There are three program options at these grade levels – English, Alternative and French Immersion. Each program has a different catchment area. These catchment areas can be accessed on the Winnipeg School Division main website. If you require assistance in determining your catchment area. Please call the school and we will assist you. English Program: The English program classes are either single grade, combined or multi-grade classes, depending on enrollment. French Immersion Program: Alternative Program: The entry point for Alternative classes is usually grade 1 or grade 4. The Alternative program consists of either grade 1,2,3 multi-grade classes or grade 4,5,6 Intermediate classes. Space considerations can limit entry into the Alternative program. Applications for these three programs will be accepted on a first come, first served basis, beginning on Monday, March 2, 2015. Note: Applications for students who reside outside of the École Laura Secord School catchment area will be put on a wait list until resident students are registered. The timing concerning when the wait list is addressed is at the discretion of the school. A note to current École Laura Secord School families: Students who are already registered and attending École Laura Secord School need not re-apply from year to year. Parents/Guardians will receive a form asking if their child will be remaining at the school in the same program. We ask that you return these forms promptly as they will be used to create the 2015/2016 classes. Le concours d'art oratoire 2015 Le Concours d’art oratoire is a public-speaking event, which has become a yearly event for many schools across the province, including École Laura Secord School. Classroom, school and then divisional level competitions lead to the provincial competition. Participating Grade 3-6 French Immersion students choose a subject of interest and compose and prepare an enthusiastic presentation. The speech may be designed to inform, to convince, or to amuse the audience. The presentation must be the student's original work and committed to memory. École Laura Secord School’s Concours d’art oratoire is taking place on Thursday, March 5th beginning at 9:15 a.m. in the school gymnasium for French Immersion students. The entry point for the French Immersion program is either Kindergarten, Grade 1 or Grade 7 (at another school). The French Immersion classes are either single grade or combined classes, depending on enrollment. 3 Bus and School Cancellation Traffic Safety Parents, please help keep your children safe. Please reinforce safety messages with your children. Children should be reminded that at this time of the year, vehicles often have a difficult time stopping suddenly on slippery streets. When walking to school or leaving school, children should cross at intersections with the school patrols. Parents are also asked to obey traffic regulations and be extra careful at all times when in school zones. Our school newsletter is posted to our website every month. www.winnipegsd.ca/schools/ laurasecord Click on ‘news’ Call-Back/Attendance Line 1. PLEASE NOTE: (204) 783-1780 is no longer active. 2. During the hours of 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., please call 204-786-4796, and a secretary will transfer your call to CALL-BACK’s voicemail. During the school year there may be times when school bus transportation is cancelled due to inclement weather or poor driving conditions, but schools will remain open. School bus transportation for all school divisions in the City of Winnipeg is cancelled when the wind chill reaches -45° C by 6:15 a.m. based on the Environment Canada readings at the Forks. The temperature readings can be found at the Environment Canada website: https://weather.gc.ca/city/pages/mb-36_metric_e.html When bus transportation is cancelled in the morning, it will not resume later in the day even if weather conditions improve. The following media outlets are contacted in the early morning to ask that they broadcast and/or post the information: CBC Radio 92 Citi FM 99.9 BOB FM 1290 CFRW QX 104FM CJOB 102.3 Clear FM CBC - French FAB 94.3 Virgin 103FM CTV News Global TV City TV CKJR Power 97 Energy 106 Winnipeg Free Press website The WSD website will carry this message @ www.winnipegsd.ca. 3. During the hours of 4:30 p.m. - 9 a.m., please call 204-786-4796 and our Message Manager will Did you know information regarding late busses, busprompt you to choose one of three extensions: sing routes, etc. is available from the Winnipeg CALL-BACK, Lunch Program or PAC. School Division’s Transportation Dept.? Please call 204-586-8800 from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday Thank you! through Friday. 4 Budget Feedback The Board of Trustees is inviting feedback from parents, residents and stakeholders regarding the 2015/2016 budget. A budget feedback meeting will be held on: Date: Monday, February 23, 7:00 p.m. Place: Admin. Building No.1, 1577 Wall St. East Please pre-register to speak at the February 23 meeting by emailing board@wsd1.org or calling (204) 789-0469. Deadline for registration is noon February 19. Or share your ideas with us by writing: The Winnipeg School Division Attn: Board Office 1577 Wall St. East Winnipeg, MB. R3E-2S5 Or via email: board@wsd1.org Or fill out the online survey at www.winnipegsd.ca Deadline for submissions is noon February 27, 2014. Information about the budget is available on the website: www.winnipegsd.ca Central District Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Isaac Brock School Spanish Bilingual Program: A group of parents in the Winnipeg School Division have expressed interest in establishing a Spanish Bilingual Program. For further information, please email Laura Secord PAC at laurasecordpac@gmail.com. Bussing for Gr. 7 Students: A representative from Laura Secord PAC plans to attend the next WSD Board meeting to bring forward, for consideration, the possibility of bussing for students entering grade 7. For further information, please email PAC at laurasecordpac@gmail.com. Friendly Reminder to Dog Owners It has been brought to the attention of the school and PAC that our field is frequently used in the evenings and weekends as an off leash dog park. Please note that dogs are not permitted on The Winnipeg School Division property at any time. It is understandable that family walks may include the family dog and perhaps a stop at the play structure and we greatly appreciate that families usually keep their dogs very close and under complete control. Thank you. We have ordered additional signage for the field. In order to keep the field safe and clean for the children in our community we respectfully ask that dog owners clean up after their dogs and perhaps carry an extra bag that could be offered to a dog owner who may have forgotten their bag. Speed Skating Races The 96th Annual Speed Skating Races will be held at the MTS Centre on Thursday, March 5, 2015. Our students will be skating from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. More information to follow. Festival du Voyageur & French Week Activities Festival du Voyageur at École Laura Secord and French Week begin on Tuesday, February 17th through to Friday, February 20th. Voyageurs were known for their colorful sashes, bright red tuques, checkered shirts and moccasins. Students are encouraged to dress like a voyageur all week long. During the week, the classes will buddy up to do some indoor and outdoor “voyageur” activities. Hé Ho et bon festival! 5 News From the Music Room Intermediate WSO Field Trip Intermediate Spring Musical: Gonna Have an Earth Day! The Grades 4-6 Students will be presenting Gonna Have The Grades 4-6 students will be attending the an Earth Day, a fun-filled musical about saving the planWinnipeg Symphony Orchestra Adventures in Mu- et, on April 22nd and 23rd, 2015. Stay tuned for more info! sic concert on February 18th at 10:30am. Thanks to the PAC and the WSD, there is no cost for this event! A letter and permission slip has been sent home and is required with a parent/guardian signature in order to attend. WSO Bach to School Assembly In connection with our Primary and Intermediate WSO field trips, our school was chosen to receive a special concert from members of the WSO String Section! There will be two identical 35minute concerts for our N/K-Grade 6 students on February 11th in the morning in the school gym. Intermediate Choir at Winnipeg Music Festival Competition The Grades 1-3 students had the opportunity to go to the WSO on January 20th to see the production of Many Tuba Goes to the Circus – Thanks again to your support of our PAC initiatives; this is just one of the school wishes granted by PAC…money well spent as the children had an outstanding time! Looking forward to seeing the reviews the grades 4-6 students have when it is their turn to experience the WSO! Want to keep up to date on upcoming PAC events and volunteer opportunities in the school? Please email laurasecordvolunteer@gmail.comto put your name on the volunteer list to receive the monthly email newsletter volunteers receive with information on upcoming events. Questions or concerns? We are here to help! Just let us The Grades 4-6 Choir will be performing at West- know laurasecordpac@gmail.com. minster United Church on Wednesday, March 4th, Kyla Stewart and Laura Hilland 2015 at 12:30 p.m. They are the first choir partici- (PAC Chair and Vice-Chair) pating in the afternoon class assuring their performance time. They will be singing V’là l’bon vent (Go, Good Wind) by Lois Brownsey & Marti Lunn Lantz and Child of the Universe by Craig Cassils. Parents/Guardians and friends are welcome to attend these performances, which are held at Westminster United Church (Maryland and Westminster). Admission is $4 per session, with free admission for children 12 and under. An information letter and permission slip will be sent home later this month. Please watch for the letter and return it February PAC Meeting promptly. Tuesday, February 17 @ 7:00 pm Staff Lounge Come join us…together we can make great things happen! Free babysitting available! Email laurasecordpac@gmail.com to reserve your spot 6 Mme Côté’s Students from Room 118 Talk About Children’s Rights We think everyone needs to know that all kids everywhere have Rights. Rights are important things that everyone needs. Rights are like rules that everyone should be able to have. These rules, or guidelines, help meet everyone’s basic human needs to have a happy and healthy life. Billie, Lucas and Emma believe that their right to have a family is extremely important because without family or friends they would not be here right now. With no family, you might be at an orphanage. Eyobiel feels that without family, he could not grow up. The right to be loved is a strong belief for Jericho, Theo and Fiona. Fiona states, “If I wasn’t loved, I wouldn’t get anything.” Rosa agrees with Fiona, “If I wasn’t cared for; I would not have any of my other rights met.” Maddie feels that part of her life would be missing without the love from her baby brother, Hudson. The right to an education means that Aleksé and Jackson can learn new words and math. They can also make cool projects like a volcano for Science Fair. Clover and Jericho recognize that going to school means they can get a job and earn money when they are grown up. This will allow them to buy things they need like food, water, clothing and shelter. Emily believes that everyone has the right to be themselves. Otherwise, everyone would be the same. Sheldon also agrees that all cultures are to be respected, if not, things would be unfair and end up a mess. Raven, Billie and Amira feel that children have the right to play, explore and have freedom. This way, they can learn how to climb and swim. Madeleine believes in the right to an imagination and Billie adds as well as your own ideas. Eli and Averi believe that children have the right to have access to the medicines they need. Otherwise, we would be sick. Grayson believes that food, water and shelter allows you to survive. Without socks, you wouldn’t be comfortable. Max and Mason agree. The fresh air that nature produces is important to Julian. Therefore, we conclude that these Children’s Rights are most important to us. We feel that all children around the world should be able to have these important rights. 7 Knitting Club The Knitting Club was very excited to meet Amanda Furst on January 15. Her organization, Growing Opportunities International, is building a community center in Tanzania. Amanda brought one of our tiny knitted tuques with her when she returned to Tanzania. News from the Lunch Room Lunch program does not automatically issue Tax Receipts. Families must request a receipt if needed. Please send a note with your child or phone 204-7864796 ask for the Lunch Program line and leave your name, your child's/children's name and phone number. All families that are currently sending their children to the lunch program must ensure their children are regThe Knitting Club is working in red yarn this month istered and paid for. The Lunch Program is a Parent to prepare for Festival du Voyageur. During French Council run program and is not free. Please ensure Week, from Feb.17-20 red tuques will be for sale dur- that your registration forms are all up to date with curing recesses in room 216. Students have made red rent phone numbers. Please do not send nut or fish tuques for children ($5.00) and have knitted sashes products to school as we have many children with which look like a ceinture fleche ($7.00). They have also made mini-tuques which can be worn as a brooch LIFE THREATENING allergies to nuts and fish. We are striving to ensure our school is safe for everyone. during Festival. The mini-tuques are only $1.00. We strive to be a NUT AND FISH FREE environment. UNESCO Empty Bowls Supper Rooms 115, 213, 216 and 317 have wrapped up their UNESCO project with an Empty Bowls Soup Supper. They have also collected money for Winnipeg Harvest, covering a piggy bank with polka dots representing donations. The students learned many important lessons during this time, and they wish to thank you for your support in this important project. Traffic Concern Please help us to keep all of our students safe! DO NOT drop off students from your vehicle in front of the school, on Lenore St. or Ruby St. at any time! People who do this are creating traffic congestion and are putting student safety at risk! Please park your car and walk your students to the school. Ensure that children walk to the corners where the patrols can assist them to cross the street safely. Many thanks for your co-operation. 8 New Parent E-Mail List Why Reading is We have compiled a comprehensive email that can be used to send calendars, updates, information from Parent Important to Kids… Council (including fundraiser information), and other school information to families. ∗ Reading teaches children about the world around them. Through reading, they learn about people, The initial goal is to improve communication, sharing places and events outside their own experience. information, in a timely manner. A further goal for the They are exposed to ways of life, ideas and beliefs 2015-2016 year would be to reduce the amount of paper about the world which may be different from those notes being sent home. which surround them. This learning is important for its own sake however it also builds a store of backThank you to all the parents and guardians who have already provided their e-mail address. Your response ground knowledge which helps younger children and comments have been very positive. learn to read confidently and well. If you would like to have your e-mail added to our list, please e-mail our secretary, Jeannie at jremillard@wsd1.org or call 204-786-4796. A permission form will be e-mailed to you. ∗ Thank you! Reading improves a child’s vocabulary, leads to more highly-developed language skills and improves the child's ability to write well. This is because children learn new words as they read but also because they unconsciously absorb information as they read about things like how to structure sentences and how to use words and language effectively. Stay tuned for more reasons why reading is important… From: http://everydayadventure11.blogspot.ca/2011/11/10reasons-why-reading-is-important-for.html Gordon Bell High School Open House Thursday, February 12, 2015 from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Greeting and Information at 5:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria Guided School Tours available to follow 5:15 - 7:00 p.m. High School Science Dept. presentation in Room 210 at 6:00 p.m. High School Humanities Dept. presentation in Room 204 at 6:15 p.m. Peaceful Village/EA Literacy Program presentation in Room 204 at 6:15 p.m. Other Highlights include: Performances by our Choir, Band, and Dance Students. Sports & Phys. Ed. Science Display in Room 210 A Light Supper Will Be Available See you on Feb. 12th! 9 EARL GREY SCHOOL Parents and Students are invited to attend an OPEN HOUSE · Program Information · Student Registration · Tours Academic Program Overview and Tour Thursday, February 5, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. Library – 3rd Floor 340 Cockburn Street North Call: 204-474-1441 10 February 2015 Mon Tue 2 Day 2 3 Wed Day 3 Non Instructional Day 4 Thu Day 4 5 Fri Day 5 6 Day 6 13 Day 5 Collège Churchill Earl Grey Open Open House 6:30 p.m. House 7 p.m. NO CLASSES 9 Day 1 10 Day 2 11 Day 3 12 Day 4 Gordon Bell Open House 5 - 7 p.m. Rms. 104, 115, 116 Children’s Museum Rms. 303, 304, 314 & 317 - MTYP (p.m.) River Heights Open House 7 - 8:30 p.m. 16 17 Louis Riel Day P.A.C. Meeting 7 p.m. Staffroom Day 6 NO SCHOOL Rms. 110, 117, 216, 301 & 313 - Festival du Voyageur (a.m.) 18 Day 1 Gr. 4, 5, 6 Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra a.m. FRENCH 23 Day 4 24 Day 5 25 Day 6 Program Information Evening for new N/K and Gr. 1 families 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. 19 Day 2 Grant Park Open House 6 - 8:30 p.m. 20 Day 3 Fun Food Orders Due WEEK 26 Day 1 27 Day 2 Fun Food 11 March 2015 Mon 2 Tue Day 3 3 Wed Day 4 Registration day for all new students (N-6) 8:30 a.m. 4 Thu Day 5 5 Fri Day 6 6 Day 1 13 Day 6 4, 5, 6 Choir @ Festival Concours d’art oratoire Gr. 3-6 at 9:15 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Annual Speed Skating Races 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. at MTS Centre 9 Day 2 10 Day 3 11 Day 4 Reports Home 12 Day 5 Tri-Conferences 3:45 - 8:00 p.m. Tri-Conferences 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Non Instructional Day NO CLASSES 16 Day 1 17 Day 2 18 Day 3 19 Day 4 Divisional concours d’art oratoire @ École Riverview 23 Day 6 24 Day 1 PAC Mtg. 7 p.m. Staffroom 30 Winter Break Begins 20 Day 5 Fun Food Orders Due 25 Day 2 26 Day 3 27 Day 4 Fun Food 31 12
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