EIT training programme for potential KIC applicants Topic: How to be successfully involved in a KIC Period: Thursday 12 March 2015 Organiser: Charlotte Geerdink (European Advisor for Innovation) and Florence Balthasar (European Advisor for Education) Place: KoWi meeting room, Rue du Trône 98 in 1050 BRUSSELS Delegation: interested Swiss HEI and enterprises, EEN contact point, Euresearch staff, SERI, CTI Goals: - to learn how to successfully participate in the KICs; to profit from hands-on experience of running KICs; to understand the role of the KICs in the knowledge triangle. - the participant’s organisation covers salary and all other real direct costs involved in this training. SwissCore covers support in getting accommodation in Brussels, a working place if necessary (including computer, telephone and other facilities), guidance and training. Resources: - DRAFT PROGRAMME WEDNESDAY 11 MARCH 2015 19:30 – 22:00 Informal welcome dinner with participants Restaurant tbc THURSDAY 12 MARCH 2015 9:00 – 09:15 Welcome and opening speech KoWi David Bohmert Head of Office, SwissCore 98, rue du Trône 09:15 – 10:15 Meeting 1 KoWi Topic: Introduction to the EIT and KICs Language: English Glória Nunes Rodrigues Policy Officer ‘Innovation in Higher education, entrepreneurship, EIT and synergies with Horizon 2020’ (DG EAC) 10:15 – 12:00 Meeting 2 KoWi Topic: Sharing experiences at project level from recently launched KICs EIT Health and EIT Raw Materials Language: English 12:00 – 13:00 18 February 2015 Olivier Küttel Involved in EIT Health, Head European Public Affairs , EPFL Maria Magdalena Holmgren Interim Co-Location RawMaterials Manager, EIT Lunch break and networking Rue du Trône 98 1050 BRUSSELS BELGIUM Phone +32 2 549 09 80 infodesk@swisscore.org www.swisscore.org 13:00 – 14:30 Meeting 3 KoWi Topic: Sharing experiences at management level from the first running KICs: running a consortium, project management and results Language: English Marianne da Silva Innovation Excellence Manager, EIT ICT Labs, Brussels Mary Ritter (tbc) Former CEO, Climate-KIC 14:45 – 16:15 Meeting 4A KoWi Topic: Prepare for Food4Future Language: English Thomas Hofmann (tbc) TU München 14:45 – 16:15 Meeting 4B KoWi Topic: Prepare for added-value manufacturing Language: English Dimitris Mavrikios 17:30 – 20:00 Member of the Industrial Research Advisory Group, European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA) SwissCore bi-annual Apéro (optional) Telephone numbers SwissCore front desk: +32 2 549 09 80 Mobile David Bohmert (Head of Office): +31 652 044 896 Mobile Charlotte Geerdink (European Advisor for Innovation): +32 485 652 045 Mobile Florence Balthasar (European Advisor for Education): +32 485 832 055 Mobile Anja Belaey (Office Manager): +32 499 211 722 Practical information - To find us, please have a look at our website at www.swisscore.org/contact For more information on Brussels, please have a look at our Brussels Guide on our Website behind login and password. For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. 18 February 2015 SwissCore | 2
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