Certificate of Contemporary Music 2015 For NZ citizens/permanent residents Qualification Certificate of Contemporary Music Performance Programme level: Level 4 Length: One year Start dates: February Study options: Full-time Fees: Year one $5535 (approx) These fees provide a guide only based on 2014 fees information. All costs quoted include GST. Fees apply to NZ Citizens and New Zealand Permanent Residents o nly. Additional costs: $300 approximately USB Data Drive (min 500GB), USB stick (Min 2GB) and blank CDs, DVDs) Total no of credits: 120 Class times: Classes are scheduled Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 3.00pm Individual study hours: 15 hours per week Location: Hawke's Bay Campus Programme Secretary: Tania Pattison Phone: 06 974 8000 ext 5019 Email: ideaschool@eit.ac.nz This 34-week programme studies popular music with an emphasis on live performance, and music technology. Students form bands performing and learning about a variety of different music styles throughout the year such as homegrown, blues, reggae, hip hop/R&B, rock and pop, produce their own portfolio of original contemporary works. This is a MAINZ qualification that is delivered at EIT. Graduates of this programme are able to: l Demonstrate proficiency on their specialist instrument. l Perform within an instrumental ensemble to an industry standard commensurate with paid performance work at small to medium-sized venues as are commonly found in the New Zealand music industry. l Develop skills in the use of music theory, analysis and technology to effectively communicate musical ideas. l Have knowledge of the music industry and the business of music. l Have the skills and knowledge to be able to participate successfully in the music industry as full-time or part-time professional performers and composers of original music and/or to move on to further training in the areas of audio engineering, music event management or other careers in the creative sector. You are welcome to make an appointment to discuss your study options with our staff and to view our facilities. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at ideaschool@eit.ac.nz or 06 974 8000 ext 5019. www.ideaschool.ac.nz ideaschool - arts & thinking Study pathways The Certificate in Contemporary Music Performance can lead onto further study in: Subject areas l Live sound l (MAINZ) Certificate in Audio Engineering - Level 4/5 (Auckland) l Recording techniques l (MAINZ) Diploma of Contemporary Music - Level 5/6 (Auckland and Christchurch) l Performance l (EIT) Diploma in Screen Production - Level 6 (Hawke's Bay) l Composition and arranging l Music theory Entry requirements l Listening analysis and music appreciation Music industry studies Selection process l l Music computer software l Commercial composition l Scoring for film Applicants must be able to play a musical instrument and/or sing confidently and competently in front of others. A short written questionnaire will determine computer literacy at the time of the audition. Standard entry Applicants must attend an audition. Preference is given to applicants who demonstrate musical ability and have NCEA Level 2 or equivalent, or a work history indicating reliability and motivation. Applicants should have studied music or have performance experience. Strictly limited places. Non-standard entry If you are over 20 and do not meet the criteria above, you may still apply but your acceptance on the programme will be at the discretion of the Programme Co-ordinator, who will be looking at evidence of ability to succeed, e.g. maturity, life and work experience, succeed in other study. Applicants Please complete the attached “Additional Information Sheet” and return this together with your enrolment form and a witnessed copy of your Passport or Birth Certificate (i.e. photocopies must be signed by a JP or an EIT Faculty/Registry administration staff member stating that the original Certified Birth Certificate / Passport has been sighted). Programme dates English language entry requirement Semester one Students are required to have attained an acceptable level of English language fluency. Programme starts 16 February 2015 Easter holidays 03 April - 07 April 2015 Term one holidays 03 April - 17 April 2015 Term two starts 20 April 2015 Queen’s Birthday 01 June 2015 Semester one ends 26 June 2015 Mid year holiday 29 June - 17 July 2015 This may be demonstrated in a variety of ways, including successful study in English, completion of a New Zealand Certificate in English Language (Level 3), approved scores on IELTS tests (5.5 Academic with no band score lower than 5.5), completion of accepted international equivalents, or completion of an EIT Hawke’s Bay assessment. Entry with credit For information and enquiries about Recognition of Prior Learning and Cross Credit please contact Trent Mabbett, telephone (06) 974 8000, ext 5004. This qualification has been approved by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. Semester two Programme starts 20 July 2015 This programme leads to the award of a nationally approved qualification. This Term three holidays 28 Sept- 09 Oct 2015 qualification may be delivered at a number of other tertiary institutes around New Term four starts 12 October 2015 Zealand. If you were to transfer to one of those other institutes you may be granted HB Anniversary Day 23 October 2015 academic credit for some of the papers completed but this is at the discretion of the Labour Day 26 October 2015 other institute. Programme ends 27 November 2015 www.ideaschool.ac.nz ideaschool - arts & thinking Please note: Fees are not transferable between institutes. Facilities EIT’s music department offers two band sized rehearsal rooms which can be converted into live recording studios, along with an isolated vocal recording Job opportunities booth. Recorded projects can then be mixed and edited in the main Apple l Music Performer Macintosh suite using state of the art software (Pro Tool, Ableton Live, l Music Producer l Session Musician l Specialist Instrument Tutor l Assistant Recording Engineer l Assistant Performance Engineer Garageband) with professional monitoring systems and hardware. Sound insulated rooms mean students can rehearse and practice under full performance conditions without fear of disturbing other classes on campus. Assessments Theory components will be assessed by written/multiple choice assessments. Practical assessments will be given throughout the year and on-going assessments are done during practical exercises. Academic staff ideaschool is headed by Chris Verburg. Chris has a background in sound engineering, and brings over 20 years experience in the New Zealand film industry to Name Qualifications Tom Pierard BMus (Performance) Tom’s career as a professional percussionist has seen him perform and tour extensively both nationally and internationally. He has given master classes and run workshops throughout the world, and has twice participated and performed at the We value our partnership with students and aim to prestigious Taiwan International Percussion provide quality education in a supportive environment, Convention invitational. development. Students will be encouraged to assist in Primarily a drumset specialist, the last few years have seen him local music productions as opportunities arise. work as a session player in Wellington - you can hear his work with such names as Rhian Sheehan, Strike Percussion, The Family Cactus and many more. his role. The Programme Coordinator is Tom Pierard. encouraging personal growth and professional Matiu Whiting Matiu Whiting studied Jazz and Classical at the New Zealand School of Music where he attained an honours degree in Music Performance. He has spent time playing with various Orchestras around the country as well as various theatre productions and with numerous smaller groups playing genres and styles as disparate as Latin america, Rock, Gipsy, Jazz and Hip Hop to name a few. Sarah Wiig BMus (Sonic Arts) After studying at the Nelson school of Music, Sarah completed a degree in Sonic Arts with Victoria University. Since then she has produced two studio albums, and performs regularly around NZ as a versatile singer/songwriter. Part Time Lecturers Winston Pitt, Anton Wuts, Nick Blow and Karyn Briggs. Guest lecturers from the music industry will also make presentations (2-3 per year). www.ideaschool.ac.nz ideaschool - arts & thinking Student finance StudyLink - StudyLink is a service of the Ministry of Social Development, it administers Student Allowances and Student Loans as well as other forms of financial assistance for students. The StudyLink website provides tools, calculators and information to help students who are thinking about study to plan their finances and only borrow what they need. Use StudyLink’s What You Can Get eligibility test to find out what you may be eligible for. STUDYLINK on 0800 88 99 00 or online at www.studylink.govt.nz Application Enrolment process YOU ENQUIRE Disclaimer YOU APPLY/ENROL DOCUMENTATION TO INCLUDE: Enrolment form (signed) Additional information sheet Birth certificate/Passport/Marriage certificate (if applicable)CV (if not-standard) You will be invited to attend an audition You will be encouraged to enrol into You are accepted into the programme YES You will receive a letter of acceptance NO another programme Information contained in this publication is correct at the time of printing, but may be subject to change. While all reasonable efforts will be made to ensure listed programmes/courses are offered and regulations are current, the Institute reserves the right to change content or method of delivery, to withdraw any programme or course of study, or to impose limitations on enrolment, should circumstances require this. Some programmes/courses mentioned in EIT publications are offered subject to final approval and accreditation or to efficient enrolments being received. For the latest information visit our website. For more information phone EIT Info Line 0800 22 55 348 www.ideaschool.ac.nz ideaschool - arts & thinking Course descriptions Course No. Brief Description CCM4.01 Music Knowledge 1 No. of Credits NZQA Level 214 Aim: To provide students with an understanding of music concepts including written musical notation, pitch, rhythm and harmony. l Demonstrate an understanding of standard forms of written musical notation l Demonstrate an understanding of pitch in music l Demonstrate an understanding of rhythm in music l Demonstrate an understanding of harmony in music CCM4.02 Music Knowledge 2 154 Aim: To build on the skills and knowledge from Music Knowledge 1 so that the students will have the skills and knowledge to analyse music styles and to compose music in a range of styles. l Analyse popular music styles l Compose music in a range of popular styles l Produce an Extended Play CCM4.03 Music Performance 1 204 Aim: To provide students with the skills to perform before a live audience on a chosen instrument. l Prepare a personal learning plan for developing musical skills and technique on a selected instrument l Implement a personal learning plan for developing musical skills and technique on a selected instrument l Perform two prepared musical pieces on a selected instrument before a live audience CCM4.04 Music Performance 2 Aim: To build on the performance skills from Music Performance 1 so that students are able to perform a variety of songs as part of a band, in a variety of musical styles. l Perform a series of mini concerts in a range of styles and genres as part of a band before a live audience l Range: at least four songs (including one original) in at least eight musical styles, totalling 32 songs. www.ideaschool.ac.nz ideaschool - arts & thinking 244 Course No. Brief Description CCM4.05 No. of Credits NZQA Level Music Technology 244 Aim: To provide students with knowledge related to the technological aspects of sound. l Describe the nature of sound and its movement through air and other media l Describe the harmonic series l Describe the envelope of a sound l Demonstrate an understanding of human hearing l Demonstrate an understanding of live sound equipment l Use multi-track recording equipment to record a live band performance l Describe the music recording and production process l Record live music in a studio setting l Compose music for a specified genre or application using MIDI hardware and software CCM4.06 Working in Music 104 Aim: To provide students with skills and knowledge required to work in the music industry. Demonstrate an understanding of the music industry and key approaches for the dissemination and distribution of music l Develop a media package for promoting a music artist or group l Develop a written touring plan for a music artist or group l Demonstrate an understanding of Music Copyright l Demonstrate an understanding of managing the finances of a small business in a music context l Develop a simple plan for running a small business in a music context l Register with music royalties distributor APRA l Build an Artist presence using social media and other online tools CCM4.07 Communications 64 Aim: To provide students with skills in effective communication including oral, written, electronic and multicultural. l Communicate effectively in speech l Communicate effectively in writing l Demonstrate effective use of information and communication technology l Demonstrate an understanding of communication in New Zealand’s multicultural society l Develop a personal learning plan for successful study and self management Total120 www.ideaschool.ac.nz ideaschool - arts & thinking Need help? Contact 9748000 x5019 or ideaschool@eit.ac.nz Certificate of Contemporary Music Performance 2015 Additional Information Applicant Name: _____________________________________________________________ Please list any relevant interests, hobbies, experience: 1. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________ Please give a statement (3-5 sentences) outlining why you have chosen this particular programme. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________ Thank you for providing these extra details NB. This is not an enrolment form but a form to provide us with additional information. Please complete this page in your own handwriting and include it with your enrolment form
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