BHARAT COKING COAL LIMITED (A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited) BHULI TOWN ADMN. BHULI NAGAR DHANBAD-828104 Ref.No.BCCL/BTA/Chief Manager(C)/Quotation /2015 / 220 Dated:18 /02/2015 QUOTATION NOTICE Sealed percentage rate quotations on above/ below basis are invited from reputed and experienced contractors for the following works:- SL.NO 1. NAME OF WORK Repairing and Maint , White Washing colour washing distempering and painting of Shiv Mandir in sector I in between Sec.VI (N) & V and IXA D Block,Bhuli. EST.AMOUNT Rs.39,133.82 E.M.D. RS. 400/- COMP.TIME 03 days 2. Rep. & Maint. of A Block Qtr.No.79 on the eve of marriage ceremony at Bhuli Township. Rep. & Maint. of C Type QtrNo.17 under shifting case at Bhuli Town Ship. Rep. & Maint. of New B Type Qtr.No.11 on the eve of marriage ceremony at Bhuli Township. Rs.18,885.10 200/- 5 days Rs.13,529.13 150/- 5 days Rs.33,147.60 350/- 5 days 3. 4. B.O.Q. may be obtained, free of cost, from the office of the undersigned during working hours from21.02.2015 to 23.02.2015. ELIGI BILITY CRITERIA. 1.(a) The intending tenderer must have in its name as a prime contractor,experience of having successfully completed similar work (full value of completed works will be considered whether or not date of commencement is within the said seven years period ) during last 7(seven) years ending last day of the month previous to the one in which bid applications are invited (i.e. eligibility period)should be either of the following:Three completed similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated cost. Or Two completed similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the estimated cost. Or One completed similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost. (b) Average annual financial turnover of civil works during the last 3(three) years ending 31st March of the previous financial year, should be at least 30% of the estimated cost. N.B. SIMILAR WORKS MEANS :SL.NO.1 To SL .No. 4 Construction / Maintenance of Building. 2. Quotations are to be submitted in single sealed cover super scribing reference of the NIT with date of containing (i) earnest Money ii) credential relating to eligibility criteria iii) PAN & TIN including latest sales tax clearance certificate, iv) B.O.Q. duly filled with rates v) Affidavit as per format and vi) declaration that they have not been banned or delisted by any Govt./Quassi Govt. agencies /PSUs’ 3. The earnest money shall be deposited in the form of Bank Draft of any Nationalised Bank , prepared on or after the date of issue of quotation notice , in favour of Bharat Coking Coal Limited payable at Dhanbad . Quotation without above Earnest Money will be out rightly rejected. 4. Quotation will be received on 25.02.2015 from 10.00 A.M. to 2.30 P.M. (1) at CISF post at Koyla Bhawan gate (under BTA Box) and 2) at the office of the Chief Manager(Civil) BTA , Bhuli and will be opened at 3.30 P.M. on 25.02.2015 in presence of intending quotationers or their authorised representatives in the office of the Chief Manager (Civil) BTA. 5. The rate quoted by the Agency will be valid forf 120 days from the date of opening of the quotation . 6. No quotation will be issued of submitted by the Postal Means. 7. The Management of BCCL reserves the right to reject any or all quotations without assigning any reason thereof. CHIEF MANAGER©BTA Distribution :1.CVO, BCCL, Koyla Bhawan 2.Dy.GM(Admn.), Koyla Bhawan 3.GM(Civil), C.E.Deptt., Koyla Nagar.. 4.All CGMs/GM’s of AREA 5.Asst. Manager (F) B.T.A. 6.Gate I/c, CISF, Koyla Bhawan 7.Notice board ,Board, BTA. BILL OF QUANTITY FOR THE WORK OF REPAIRING AND MAINT. WHITE WASHING ,COLOUR WASHING DISTEMPERING AND PAINTING OF SHIV MANDIR IN SECTOR I IN BETWEEN VI(N)& V AND IXA,D BLOCK BHULI TOWNSHIP. SL.NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. ITEM White washing with lime to give an even shade old work (two or more coats). Colour washing two or more coats over old work . Distempering with oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade old work (one or more coats). Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of required shade:old work ( one or more coats @ 2.20kg/10 sqm) complete. Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade one or more coats on old work. Painting of Kalash including cleaning and supply of materials as per required at site. Demolishing RCC work manually be mechanical means including stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable materials within 50 mtr. Lead as per direction of E/I. Demolishing brick work manually be mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 mtr. Lead as per direction of E/I/ in cement mortar. Reinforced cement concrete work in beams , suspended floors roof having slope up to 15 degree landings , balconies shelves , chajja lintels, bands , plain windows sills , staircases and spiral stair cases up to floor five level , excluding the cost of centering shuttering finishing and reinforcement with 1:2:4 (1 cement:2 coarse sand :4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size . Steel reinforcement of RCC work including straingething cutting ,bending ,placing in position and binding al l complete above plinth level Hot rolled deformed bars. Centering and shuttering including stacking probing for suspended floors , roof ..comp. job. Half brick masonary with common burnt clay F.PS. (non modular) bricks of class designation 50 in S/S cement mortar above plinth up to floor V level Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand). 12mm cement plaster of mix 1:4(1 cement : 4 fine sand). QTY/UNIT 408.90 SQM. RATE RS. 7.05/SQM AMOUNT RS. 3517.25 345.39sqm 90.25 sqm. 8.56/SQM 23.40/sqm. 2956.54 2,111.85 292.62 Sqm 28.40/sqm 8,310.41 71.89 sqm 35.20/sqm 2,530.53 2 jobs 200.00/eac h 400.00 0.60 cum 587.37 978.95/cum 0.36 cum 566.60/cum 203.98 0.61 cum 5494.55/cu m 3351.68 51.85 Kg. 62.25/Kg. 3227.66 5.74 sqm. 311.20/sqm 1786.29 15.44 sqm. 410.32 sqm. 6335.34 30.89 sqm. 123.50/sqm . 3814.92 TOTAL RS. 39,133.82 BILL OF QUANTITY FOR THE WORK OF REPAIRING AND MAINT. OF A BLOCK QTR.NO.79 ON THE EVE OF MARRIAGE CEREMONY AT BHULI TOWNSHIP. SL.NO.2 . SL.NO ITEM QTY/UNIT RATE RS. 1. Dismentling doors windows and clerestory windows (steel or wood ) shutter including chowkhats architrate , holdfast etc. complete and stacking within 50 mtr. Lead of area 3 sqm. and below. Providing wood work in frames of doors windows clerestory windows and other frames wrought framed and fixed in position with holdfast lugs or with dash fastners of required dia and length (holdcast lugs or dash fastners shall be paid for separately ) Sal wood. Providing and fixing 25mm thick mango wood braced and pattened doors shutter . Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade . two or more coats on new work. Fixing chowkhats in existing opening including embedding chowkhats in floor or walls cutting mashonary for holdfast embedding holdfast in cement concrete block of size 15X10X10cm with cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand :6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size ) painting two coats of approved wood preservative to sides of chowkhats and making good the damaged to walls and floors as required complete including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50 mtrs. Lead. Door chowkhats. Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidised MS sliding doors boards with nuts and screws etc . complete .250X16mm White washing with lime to give an even shade old work (two or more coats ) Colour washing two or more coats over old work . Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade one or more coats on old work. 3 Nos./each 101.70 AMOUNT RS. 305.10 0.099 cum 68,648.90 6796.24 3.50 sqm. 1665.50/sqm. 5829.25 11.13 sqm. 53.85/sqm. 599.35 3 Nos. 600.10/each 1800.30 6 Nos. 129.85/each 779.10 148.97 sqm. 7.05/sqm. 1050.24 90.96 sqm. 24.86 sqm. 9.36/sqm. 35.20/ sqm. 850.45 875.07 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. TOTAL RS. 18,885.10 BILL OF QUANTITY FOR THE WORK OF REPAIRING AND MAINT. OF C TYPE QTR. NO.17 UNDER SHIFTING CASE AT BHULI TOWNSHIP. SL.NO.3 Sl.No. ITEM QTY/UNIT RATE RS. AMOUNT RS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (Non Modular) bricks of class designation 50 in S/S above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and size in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 12mm thick cement plaster of mix (1:6) (1 cement : 6 fine sand) . 18mm cement plaster in two coats under layer 12mm thick cement plaster 1:5(1 cement: 5 coarse sand and a top layer 6mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand).finished rough with sponge. Providing and fixing ISI mark oxidised MS pressed but hinge with necessary screws etc. complete. 100X58 X1.90 mm 75X47X1.70 mm Providing and fixing flat pressed 3 layer particle board medium density exterior grade (grade I ) or graded wood particles board IS 3087 marked to frame backing or studying with screws etc. complete (frames backing or studying to be paid separately) 18mm thick Providing and fixing fly proof galvanized M.S. wire guage to windows and clerestory windows using wire guage with average width of aperture 1.4mm in both direction with wire of dia 0.63mm all nd complete with 2 class teak wood beading 62X19mm . Providing and fixing chlorinated Polyviny chloride (CPVC) pipes having thermal stability for hot and cold water supply including al CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings including fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00m spacing .This includes jointing of pipes and fitting with one step CPVC solvents cement and testing of joints complete as per direction of E/I 20mm nominal outer dia pipes . Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of approved quality (screwed end).25mm nominal bore Providing and fixing brass stop cock of approved quality 20mm nominal bore . Distempering with oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade old work (one or more coats). Painting with synthetic enamel paint. Of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade one or more coats on old work . White washing with lime to give an even shade old work (two or more coats ) 0.14 cum. 3293.76/cum 461.12 2.85 sqm. 112.50/sqm. 320.62 4.89 sqm 198.25/sqm. 964.44 3 Nos. 4 Nos. 1.35 sqm. 21.45/each 16.85/each 568.95/sqm. 64.35 67.40 768.08 1.01 sqm. 758.20/sqm. 765.78 1.80 mtr. 197.90/mtr. 356.22 1 No. 372.95/each 372.95 1 No. 266.15/each 266.15 146.43 sqm. 23.40/sqm. 3426.46 133.48 sqm. 35.20/sqm. 4698.49 140.72sqm 7.05/sqm. 992.07 TOTAL RS. 13,529.13 BILL OF QUANTITY FOR THE WORK OF R & M OF NEW B TYPE QTR.NO.11 ON THE EVE OF MARRIAGE CEREMONY AT BHULI TOWNSHIP. SL.NO. 4 Sl.No. ITEM QTY/UNIT RATE RS. AMOUNT RS. 1. Taking out doors, windows and clerestory window shutters (steel or wood ) including stacking within 50 mtr. Lead. Of area 3 sqm.metres and below. Providing and fixing ISI marked flush door shutters conforming to IS:2202 (Part I) non decorative type, core of block board construction with frame of 1st class hard wood and well matched commercial 3 ply veneering with vertical grains or cross bands and face veneers on both faces of shutters. 30mm thick including ISI marked Sainless Steel butt hinges with necessary screws. Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade Two or more coats on new work over an under coat of suitable shade with ordinary paint of approved brand and manufacture. Providing and fixing aluminium siding door bolts, ISI marked anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS:1868), transparent or dyed to required colour or shade, with nuts and screws etc. complete. 250X16mm Providing and fixing water closet squatting pna (Indian type WC Pan) with 10m sand cast iron P or S trap, 10 ltr. Low level white PVC flushing cistern, , including flush pipe with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS;7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required. White vitreous chne Orissa pattern W.C. pand of size 580X440 mm with integrat type foot rests. Providing and fixing white vitrous china wash basin including all connections but excluding the cost of fittings flat back wash basin of sides 450X300mm 12mm cement plaster finished with a floating coat of neat cement of mix 1:3(1 cement : 3 fine sand). 12mm cement plaster of mix 1:4(1 cement: 4 fine sand). Dismentling old plaster or skirting raking out 5 Nos. 39.70/Each 198.50 7.84 sqm. 1404.05/sqm 11,007.75 18.81 sqm. 78.80/sqm. 1482.23 10 Nos. 168.95/each 1689.50 1 No. 2964.10/each 2964.10 1 No. 603.20/each 603.20 14.58 sqm. 164.50/sqm 2398.41 6.28 sqm. 123.50/sqm. 775.58 20.86 sqm. 15.00/sqm. 312.90 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. joints and cleaning the surface for plaster including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50 mtrs. Lead. Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4(1 cement:2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone aggregate ) finished with a floating of neat cement including cement slurry but excluding the cost of noising of steps etc complete. 40mm thick with 20mm nominal size stone aggregate. Extra for providing and mixing water proofing material in cement concrete work in dosses by weight of cement as per manufacturer specification per 50 Kg. cement. Painting top of roofs with bitumen of approved quality @ 17Kg. per 10 sqm.impregnated with a coat of coarse sand at 60 cudm per 10 sqm.including cleaning the slab surface with brushes and finally with a piece of cloth lightly soaked in kerosene oil complete with residua type petroleum bitumen of grade VG-10 Distempering with dry distemper of approved brand and manufacture (one or more coats) and of required shade on old work to give an even shade . White washing with lime to give an even shade old work (two or more coats) Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade . Providing and fixing aluminium tower bolt ISI marked anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC-10 as per IS 1868) transparent of dyed to required colour or shade with necessary screws etc. complete. 200X10 mm Providing and fixing aluminium handles ISI marked anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC-10 as per IS 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour or shade with necessary screws etc. complete 125 mm . 14.60 sqm. 280.05 /sqm. 4088.73 4.25 Kg. 35.35/Kg.. 150.24 20.14 sqm. 105.50/sqm. 2124.77 121.60 sqm. 21.25/sqm. 2584.00 34.10 sqm. 7.05/sqm. 240.40 43.95 sqm. 35.20 sqm. 1547.04 5 Nos. 71.05/each 355.25 10 Nos. 62.50/each 625.00 TOTAL Rs.33,147.60 BHARAT COKING COAL LIMITED (A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited) Regd. Office Bhuli Township BHULI DHANBAD PART – I ( TO BE SUBMITTED IN SEPARATE ENVELOP ALONG WITH NIT) 1. Name of work : 2. Name of Tenderer 3. 4. : Address (with Pin Code) : Contact No. (Tel / Mob.) : 5. N.I.T. Reference : date :- 6. Date of Receipt of tender : From to 7. Date of open of Tender on 8. Details of E.M.D. 9 : At :Rs. Details of Cost of Tender Paper : No P.M. on No. Date Date 10. Documents issued to : (Tender documents + NIT + B O Q) SIGNATURE OF ISSUING OFFICER FOR PAYMENT TO CONTRACTORS (Note: To be submitted in Triplicate)PROFORMA FOR COLLECTING PAYMENT THROUGH ELECTRONIC MODE INCLUDING ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFER (EFT) & ELECTRONIC CLEARING SYSTEM (ECS) 1 Vendor/ supplier/ contractor/ customer’s name & address (with telephone number & Fax number) 2 Particulars of Bank Account a) Bank Name b) Branch Name (Including RTGS Code) Address Telephone No. & Fax No. c) 9 – Digit Code Number of the Bank & Branch (Appearing on the MICR Cheque issued on the bank) or 5 digit code number of SBI d) Account Type (S.B. Account/ Current Account or Cash Credit with code 10/11/13) e) Ledger No./ Ledger Folio No. f) Account Number (Core Banking) & Style of Account (As appearing on the cheque Book) 3.DATE OF EFFECT: I hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct & complete. If the transaction is delayed or not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I would not hold the user institution responsible. I have read the option invitation letter and agree to discharge responsibility expected of me as a participant under the scheme. Any bank charges levied by the bank of such e-transfer shall be borne by us. Date:( _______________________ ) Signature of customer/ vendor/ supplier/ contractor Certified that the particulars furnished above are correct as per our records. (_______________________ ) Signature of the authorized officials from the Bank CHECK LIST TO BE ATTACHED WITH THE TENDER Important Notice : An incomplete offer/ bid may be rejected. To aid the bidders in submitting the offer, a checklist is included in the Bid Document. The bidders must fill this and submit along with their offer in their own interest. date :- NIT Ref. No. : Name of the Work : Tender due for Opening : Sl. No. 1. 2 3. Particulars of Completed Tender Document Has the bid Document been issued to you? Have you downloaded it from BCCL website? Application Fee/ Cost of tender document & Declaration if tender document downloaded from BCCL website (i) Have you submitted the application fee/ tender document cost in the form of DD? (DD should be prepared before the scheduled closure of sale of Tender Documents.) (ii) Have you submitted the “undertaking” that you will accept the tender document as available in the website and your tender shall be rejected if any tampering is there in the tender document thus submitted? 4 5 Earnest Money (i) Earnest Money in the form of Cash deposit/ DD (ii) Earnest Money in the form of BG as per the format provided on the tender document with validity as per NIT requirement. Eligibility Criteria (i) Work Experience/ Completion Certificate/ Certificates of similar works as per NIT requirement. 6 (ii) Financial Turnover certificates as per NIT requirement. Other Documents to be submitted along with Tender (i) Copy of PAN Card (ii) Copy of Sales Tax/ VAT Clearance Certificate (Sales Tax clearance certificate should be valid on date of receipt of Tender & shall be attested by Gazetted Officer) (iii) Affidavit on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper or on Non Judicial Adhesive Stamp as per the Proforma provided in the Tender Document (iv) Declaration as per Proforma provided in the tender document (v) Copy of registered partnership deed/ Joint Venture Agreement as the case may be. (vi) Original “Power of Attorney” in case person other than the tenderer has signed the tender documents. (vii) Form of EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer)/ ECS (Electronic Clearing System) as per Tender Document. Status of Submission (Indicate Yes/ No) Ref. Page No. of Bid 7 Whether all the documentary evidences are duly attested by Gazetted Officer or self attested 8 Whether all the pages of tender document are duly filled, signed and sealed? Whether Price Bid is properly filled as per Tender Document stipulation? 9 10 (i) Whether DD towards Application Fee/ Cost of Tender Document, if Tender Document downloaded from BCCL website, kept in a separate envelope and duly sealed? (ii) whether Technical Bid (Part – I), duly sealed as required? (ii) Whether Price Bid (Part – II), duly sealed as required? (iv) Whether all above envelopes kept inside one envelope? Date: Signature of Bidder Name: Full Address: Telephone No.: e-mail address: BHARAT COKING COAL LIMITED (A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited) Regd. Office: Bhuli Township (To be submitted in Part-II ) 1. Name of work : 2. Estimated amount of the Tender: 3. A) In Figures Above or below the estimated cost as per B.O.Q. B) In words. Signature of the Tenderer With full name and address. ANNEXURE.VI PERFORMA FOR AFFIDAVIT TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE TENDERER Non- Judicial Stamp Paper AFFIDAVIT I ..........................................................................S/O.............................................................of, .............................................................Proprietor/Partner/Legal Attorney/Accredited Representative of M/S ..........................................................................................................solemnly declare that :1.we are submitting Tender for the Work:..................................................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................against Tender Notice No............................................................................................dated..................................................... 2.None of the Partner of our firm is relative of employee of BCCL. 3..All the information furnished by us in all respect of fulfillment of eligibility criteria and qualification information of this Tender is complete, correct and true. 4.All documents/ credentials submitted along with this Tender are genuine, Authentic, true and valid. 5. If any information and document submitted is found to be false/ incorrect, any time department may cancel my Tender and action as deemed fit may be taken against us, including termination of the contract, forfeiture of all dues including Earnest money and banning/ delisting of our firm and all Partners of the firm etc. Signature of Tenderer Date:Seal of Notary.
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