R.C. Parish of the Sacred Heart, Parish Priest: - Father Jim Dunne. Address: - Sacred Heart Presbytery, Great North Road, North Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 5EB Telephone: (0191) 236 3182 Deacon: John Hawthorne: 243 2379 E-mail: bulletin@sacredheartng.org.uk Web site: www.sacredheartng.org.uk Primary School: (0191) 285 2437; www.stoswalds.newcastle.sch.uk Hall Bookings: Joan Donnelly: 236 5588. North Gosforth. Bulletin 22nd February 2015 This Weekend: 1st Sunday of Lent Next Weekend: 2nd Sunday of Lent Saturday 6:30 pm Elizabeth Soulsby Saturday 6.30 pm Mary & Hugh Beldon Sunday 10:00 am Beatrice Chilton Sunday 10:00 am Parishioners 6:30 pm Parishioners Sunday 6.30 pm Duncan Todd (S.V.P.) Feasts & Mass Intentions during the Week Monday Feb 23 St Polycarp 10:00 am Billy Hume Tuesday Feb 24 Weekday of Lent 8:00 am Helen Tanner (West Monkseaton) Wednesday Feb 25 Weekday of Lent 10.00 am Holy Souls Thursday Feb 26 Weekday of Lent 10:00 am Holy Souls Friday Feb 27 Weekday of Lent 10:00 am Tommy Brewis (Sick Person) Saturday Feb 28 Weekday of Lent 10:00 am Holy Souls Spiritual Programme (These events take place in the day chapel.) Monday-Friday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday 11:00 - 2:00 pm 7:30 - 9:00 pm 8:00 - 9:00 pm 12 noon - 1:00 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament - for specific times, see rota in porch. Bible Discussion Group, 2nd Tues each month. Next meeting - March 10th Prayer Group: Prayer & Praise ’True Life in God’ Prayer group, with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 5:45 - 6:25 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation / Confession READERS ROTAS EUCH MIN 10am CHILDREN’S LIT Sonia & Natalie 10am SERVERS’ TEAM B: Anya, Zara, Erin, Iris THIS WEEK 1st READING 2nd READING PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL 6:30pm D White J Turley M Weston 1 CHURCH CLEANING J Curry / M Whitehead 10:00 am F Nilsson E Posner A Pritchard 5 COUNT S Cunningham / J Turnbull 6:30 pm A Hawthorne K Hawthorne P McCalliog 7 GREETERS M Ramsay / M Jones TEA ROTA S Watson / P Lowery COMPOSER OF THE PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL: Fr. Jim 10am CHILDREN’S LIT EUCH MIN Andrea & Angela 10am SERVERS’ TEAM C: Jessica, Rosie, Henry, Maisie READERS ROTAS NEXT WEEK 1st READING 2nd READING PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL 6:30pm C Brewis D Lynn A McKeown 1 CHURCH CLEANING 10:00 am G Pritchard C Weddell G Box 6 COUNT D Lynn / J Atherton 6:30 pm W Miller C McGrady A Morley 7 GREETERS A McKeown / H Dixon TEA ROTA D Dowden / R Hall COMPOSER OF THE PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL: O.Donnelly-Wood Recently Deceased Patrick Stanley (70), Halton Dr. Wideopen. Funeral Service here, Wed. 1.30pm. Edna Cassidy (94) Weetslade Court, 5-Mile Park. Funeral here, date & time t.b.a. Anniversaries Elizabeth Soulsby Jimmy English Thomas Durkin Andrew Patterson Craig Fletcher Hugh Beldon Becky Kenny Tom Collins Mary Wilde Helen Mills Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them May they rest in peace. Amen. Please pray for those who are ill, and their carers: Doreen Duffy Julie Bowland Joyce Bolam Ray Carroll G Borgonuovo Tony Murtagh Brian Nolan Laura Tokell Irene Farnel Kathleen Larsen Susan Hope Steve Antcliff Julie Yoeart Pina Bell Pat White Eileen Pratt Margaret Custis Michelle Wilkinson Richard Frank Earl Baby Dominic Norman Anderson Tom Brewis Fr Richard Harriott Florence Darby John Lant Don Thomas Joseph Higgins John Harkness Jack Steele Congratulations! This weekend, we baptize into the Catholic Church: Blake Smith, and Eve Warne, both of the Great Park, Last Weekend’s Collection = £ 351.23 Many thanks for your continuing support. This bulletin is also on the parish website. If you do NOT wish someone’s name to appear on the internet, please tell us as soon as possible. ‘FORWARD TOGETHER IN HOPE’ Fr Jim writes: Fr Jim O’Keefe and Mr Tony Sacco lead this project - a noholds-barred analysis of our diocese - so that serious plans can be made for the future. They will soon ask each parish to share in a profile of what goes on in its area - both positive & negative. The increasing shortage of priests, plus the financial problems of some parishes mean that the survey must be practical & honest, leading to amalgamations at the end of it. (The questions: where? and with whom?) Ged Downey, from our parish pastoral council, has kindly volunteered to be our link with Fr Jim O’Keefe & Tony Sacco. There will soon be a meeting between them and the various parish reps. __________________________ TWO PILGRIMAGES TO MEDJUGORJE (1) Departing with Jet 2, May 3rd from Leeds: 7 nights’ Half Board accommodation, guide & transfers for £499. OR: (2) Join 50,000 young people for the Youth Festival there, departing 30th July. Contact Jonathan on 02032-892627 __________________________ COMMUNICATIONS PERSON Fr Jim writes: Many thanks to Penny Wright, our Sunday 10am organist, who has agreed to take on the role of the official link for communications from the diocese to the parish. Margaret Young is retiring from this role, after doing it for many years. I wish to thank her for such sterling service to the parish. The diocese wants the person to be a member of the laity. I wonder if they don’t trust the priests??! __________________________ FOOD, etc FOR ASYLUM SEEKERS Please try to continue offering tinned food, etc, in the large plastic bins in the sacristy. There are many who get little (or no) help from anyone for food & clothes. In addition, if you could offer some gent’s shoes (used, but in good condition, and wrapped in plastic bags) that would be much appreciated. Many thanks. __________________________ STATIONS OF LOVE An evening of music and dance led by “Beyond the Barricades” at St Joseph’s, Fellgate, Jarrow. Saturday 21 March beginning at 7.00 pm. Tickets £2, pay at the door or contact 07711 736 599. Allow God to lead you in contemplation of the love he has for each of us. _____________________ LENT WATCHING BEFORE THE BLESSED SACRAMENT More people are needed for this very worthwhile and rewarding time with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Please consider taking a slot in the rota (at the back of the church) Thank you. LENT SPECIAL SERVICES The Parish “GIFT” (Growing In Faith Together) group runs each Thursday at 7pm in the day chapel. In Lent, we have a more ’devotional’ style, and this year we are using a diocesan programme. The aim is to prepare the readings of the following Sunday and get a spiritual message from them. Thus, we hope to be ready to meet the readings in a good frame of mind, when we reach the Sunday Mass. The ecumenical Lent services & lunches Traditionally start here at Sacred Heart, and that is the case this Wednesday, at 12.30pm. Each successive Wednesday in Lent, we go round the Christian churches in the area, with the service at 12.30, followed by a light lunch at 1pm. This year’s theme: “The Kingdom of God”. Feb 25th: ‘Is the Kingdom in us or out?’: March 4th: St Aidan’s, Brunton Park: ‘The Kingdom is Justice and Joy’. March 11th: St Columba’s, Wideopen: ’The Kingdom and the Battlefield’; March 18th: St John’s, Wideopen: ’The Kingdom and the Bread of Life’; March 25th: St John’s , Wideopen: ‘The Kingdom of God and the Blessing’. (St John’s is used by 2 different groups.) Please try to support these meetings. Stations of the Cross in Sacred Heart. These occur each Friday, 10.30am, led by the laity after Mass; and each Sunday, at 5pm, with Adoration & Benediction, led by the clergy. After the Sunday session, all welcome to refreshments in the house. _________________________ ‘WALK WITH ME’: LENT EDITION We’ll be giving these out at Mass this week -end. The cover price is just £1; the booklet has a quote, thought & prayer for each day. It makes Lent easy...or easier! ___________________ 2015 1st COMMUNION PROGRAMME Fr Jim writes: The next Saturday morning session is on April 25th, followed by the liturgy at the 10am Sunday Mass on 26th. 1st Confessions: Thursday, March 5, 7pm. 1st Communions: Sat., June 13, 10am. ___________________ SVP RAFFLE Annual National SVP Raffle. Tickets 50p available at back of Church; first prize £3,000. Ticket stubs and money to be returned by 21 March 15. Please support . __________________________ FORTHCOMING EVENTS Wed. Feb.25: Ecumenical Lent Service & lunch. Here at Sacred Heart, 12.30pm. Thu. March 5: 1st Confessions, 7pm. Fri. March 6 : Women’s World Day of Prayer. Here at Sacred Heart, 2.30pm. Sat. March 28: Mass for the Sick, 11am in church, then lunch in the hall afterwards Tue. March 31: Penance Service, 7pm. Wed. April 1: St Oswald’s Easter Production, (by Years 4+5); in church, 7pm Thu. April 2: Last Supper Mass, 7pm. ___________________________ NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS Next Sunday = 2nd of Lent (B):Genesis 22:2-13+15-18; Romans 8:31b-34; Mark 9:2-10. __________________________ POPE FRANCIS SPEAKS TO US An authentic faith - which is never comfortable, nor completely personal always involves a deep desire to change the world, to transmit values, to leave this earth somehow better than when we found it. We love this magnificent planet on which God has put us. We also love the human family which dwells here, with all its tragedies and struggles, its hopes and its aspirations, its strengths and its weaknesses. The earth is our common home, and we are all brothers and sisters. __________________________ LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR You may know we fund-raise for the Little Sisters. We collect old military medals (any conflict, date, or country), currency (foreign/old holiday cash), old broken gold & silver (ear-ring backs, broken chains or watches) & used stamps from any country. We really need YOUR help to continue. To date we have raised about £3000 but more is needed. What do you get in return? A share in the prayers & Masses of the sisters. We can’t carry on alone so ask your friends & family to help too, PLEASE!! David & Theresa O'Neill; 0191 264 5771 _____________________________________ WHITE RABBIT - RISE Theatre UK Tour 2015 This professional theatre company will perform their brand-new original play at the Cathedral on Thursday 26 March. It’s a powerful story about two people and their journey to faith - an imaginative and moving tale of love, loss and self-discovery with an original score by singer/songwriter Charley Pinfold. Tickets £5 from the Cathedral Bookshop or Café, or contact YMT on 01207 592244 or admin@ymt.org FR JIM’S NOTES CHURCH SOUND. If you wear a hearing aid, use the “T” setting for our loop system. TAILPIECE: (1) A private plane was flying across the desert, with 4 passengers: an Englishman, a Frenchman, a Texan and a Mexican. The pilot announced that they had been losing fuel, and could reach an airport only if 3 passengers jumped out. The Englishmen stood up, said: “God save the Queen” and jumped. The Frenchman said: “Vive la France” and jumped. The Texan said: “Remember the Alamo” and pushed the Mexican out. (2) A humanist family had a son who was top in everything - but maths. Against all their ideals, they sent him to a high-ranked RC school for the GCSE course. He did his homework, joined a maths club, etc. Two years later, he got A* for everything, including maths. His dad asked him what had done the trick: the maths club, peer - group pressure, a specialist teacher, what? He said, “No dad. It was the first day I went into the maths class-room. I saw a guy nailed to a ‘plus’ sign, and I knew that this lot really meant business.”
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