OKS State Short Course Championship Meet Date: February 27 – March 1, 2015 Location: OCCC Olympic Festival Pool 7777 South May Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73159 Sponsored by: Oklahoma Swimming, Inc. Hosted by: American Energy Swim Club Held Under the Sanction of USA-Swimming and Oklahoma Swimming. Meet Sanction OK15-021 Time Trial Sanction OK15-022 Oklahoma Swimming Inc. OKS Short Course State Championships Rules: 2014 USA Swimming and Oklahoma Swimming rules will govern the meet. Age: Age as of February 27, 2015 will determine eligibility for an age group. Eligibility: This meet is open to all USA Swimming athletes registered within the Oklahoma Swimming LSC who meet the qualifying standards. Oklahoma Swimming State Short Course Championship Qualifying Times will apply. All qualifying times must have been achieved since September 1, 2013 and must be provable thru the USA-Swimming SWIMS database. Age as of the 1st (First) day of the competition, February 27, 2015, will determine the eligibility for an age group. Deck Entries are not allowed at this meet. USA-S Rule 202.2.4 B Oklahoma Swimming welcomes athletes with disabilities. Please alert the Meet Director at the entry deadline to any accommodations that may be required. Host: American Energy Swim Club Location: Oklahoma City Community College Olympic Festival Pool 7777 South May Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73013 Meet Director: Tracey Garrett 1304 Woodview Lane, Edmond, OK 73013 (405)473-9872 swimmeets@att.net Meet Referee: Andrew Long andrew.long@reagan.com (405)306-3832 Format: This championship meet will be run as follows: Individual events are swum as prelims and finals. All individual events will be swum as 11-12 and 13-14, 15-19 age groups. The distance events for this meet are: the 400 IM, 500 Free, 1000 Free, and 1650 Free. These events are timed final events with the 13 -14 and 15 -19 year old fastest eight times after positive check in moving to finals in the 400 IM, 500 Free, and 1650 Free. The slower heats will swim in prelims and will alternate women then men swimming fastest to slowest All 1000 Free heats will swim in prelims as timed finals, fastest to slowest alternating women and men heats. All distance event athletes MUST positively check in according to each events specific schedule in order to be seeded. All 10-under events will be swum as timed finals in the finals sessions. All relays except the 10-under relays are swam in prelims. All qualifying times must have been achieved since September 1, 2013. All relays will be timed finals. Prelim/ finals events will be deck seeded with “championship seeding.” The Oklahoma Scratch Rule is in effect for this meet. 2015 OKS SC CHAMPS 2 Entry Limit: Individuals: Three individual events (3) per day with a MAXIMUM of 8 individual events for the meet plus relays. Relays are limited to an A and B relay women and men per team. All relays except for the 10-Under relays are swum during the prelim session. All 10-Under individual events are timed finals. All 10-Under events are swum in the finals sessions. Time Trials will be held following the conclusion of each day’s prelim session or at the conclusion of each of the timed finals sessions. Time Trials count against a swimmers daily event limit. Deck entries will not be accepted at this meet. Facility Certification: The course has been certified in accordance with 104.2.2C (4). The copy of such certification is on file with USA-Swimming. Facilities: Twenty-five yard course. Controlled temperatures. Eight lanes with non-turbulent lane lines. Electronic timing system. Large spectator area, swimmers rest area, noncompetitive lap pool and diving well available for continual warm-up and cool down. Facility Water Depth: Schedule: Prelims: The water depth of the competition pool when measured for a distance of 3’3 ½” (1.0 meter) to 16’5” (5.0 meters) from the start end wall is 10’1” to 10’6” and when measured for a distance of 3’3 ½” (1.0 meter) to 16’5” (5.0 meters) and is 8’0” from the bulkhead at the turn end wall as per USA-S Rule Friday/Saturday/ Sunday Warm –Up 7:30-8:10 AM Starts/Sprints 8:10-8:20 Finals Session: Warm-Up 3:30-4:00 10-U Starts/Sprints Clear Pool Meet Starts 4:00-4:40 11-19 4:40-4:50 pm 4:50 pm 5:00 pm 4:10-4:20 pm 4:20 pm 4:30 pm Friday/Saturday/ Sunday Special Time: Meet Starts 8:30 3:00-3:30 10-U 3:30-4:10 11-19 Warm-up Procedures: Clear Pool 8:20 OKS warm-up procedures will be enforced. Only swimmers entered in individual events or expected to swim relays in each session may participate in that session’s warm – up period. Warm-up lane assignments will be posted on the host team’s website https://www.teamunify.com/Home.jsp?_tabid_=0&team=okcs) by no later than noon CST Tuesday, February 24, 2015. American Energy Swim Club will at the same time electronically distribute to each club’s entry contact (as identified at the time of entry submission) the event warm-up document. All swimmers must be under the direct supervision of a USA Swimming registered coach. 2015 OKS SC CHAMPS 3 Any swimmer entered in the meet, unaccompanied by a USA Swimming member coach, must be certified by a USA Swimming member coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from within the water. It is the responsibility of the swimmer or swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement. Any swimmer in attendance without a coach present: USA Swimming athlete members must be under the direct supervision of a USA Swimming member coach during warm up, competition and warm down. The Meet Director or The Meet Referee shall assist the athlete in making arrangements for such supervision. PRE- MEET and GENERAL WARM –UP SESSIONS • • • • Warm up Guidelines: • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2015 OKS SC CHAMPS Control/Supervise: Key words for safe warm-ups. A designated supervisor shall be on deck during the entire warm-up period. Marshalls should be actively supervising the warm-ups to ensure proper procedures are followed. Swimmers shall enter the water feet first except for starts which are limited to specified lanes. In facilities that have a warm-up/warm down area different from the competition pool, meet management shall provide supervision pursuant to the rules at all times. General warm-up periods with assigned lanes for each team shall remain under the control of the assigned team’s coaches at all times. No paddles buoys or kick boards are allowed unless specified in the Meet Information document. No diving in lanes other than those designated for racing starts in an unassigned warm up session. Starting blocks should be marked to remind swimmers that they should not dive in lanes other than the designated lanes. The Meet Announcer may announce lane changes and /or warm- up changes as per general and specific. Coaches should understand that responsibility for supervision of their swimmers is the same at meets as when on deck at practice. Marshalls have the authority through the Meet Director over warm-up. A swimmer and/or coach may be removed from the deck for interfering with the Marshall. When the number of participants for a meet session cannot be safely accommodated during the same warm- up period, warm up- sessions should, be split to provide a safe and adequate warm- up time for all. The Meet Referee shall have the responsibility to establish and enforce rules for safe conduct within the competitive pool area during the duration of the swimming competition. There shall be at least one Marshall at each end of the warm up area to ensure the warm- up procedures will be followed. Warm-up procedures shall be enforced for any breaks scheduled during the competition For warm-up guidelines at meets with sessions that have UN-Assigned Lanes please refer to the OKS Warm-Up Guideline Document. 4 Entry Fees: $ 5.00 for each individual event and time trial ($ 2.00 goes to Oklahoma Swimming) $10.00 for each Relay Team including Time Trial Relay Entry ($ 2.00 goes to Oklahoma Swimming) $20.00 Facility surcharge per swimmer including relay only swimmers. Make one team check payable to: American Energy Swim Club, Entry fee MUST accompany entries. Entry Deadline: Entries must be in the hands of the Meet Director, Tracey Garrett by Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 8:00 pm CST. Any entries received after this deadline will be considered a deck entry and will not be accepted. All entry times will be verified through the USA-S Swims data base. New AGC qualifying times accomplished at the D-II meet must be electronically submitted to the Meet Director, Tracey Garrett no later than 8:00 pm CST Tuesday, February 17, 2015. Entering Events: Team entries should be submitted via email to: Tracey Garrett swimmeets@att.net using a TeamUnify, Team Manager, or other appropriate sdif file. Any hand written or printed entries must indicate the swimmer’s full name ,sex, age, date of birth, USA-S registration #, the event #, and time for each event. All entry files must include the name of the Club entry chair, phone number, and email contact information. • The Meet Director will insure that a complete meet entry file will be sent to the OKS Registration Chair by no later than noon CST Friday, February 20, 2015 for verification of all athlete entry times. 2015 OKS SC CHAMPS • The Meet Director will ensure that an entry report with any exceptions shall be sent to each team’s entry or unattached athlete’s contact by no later than noon CST Sunday, February 22, 2015. • Upon receipt of the Entry report the team will have until no later than Monday, February 23, 2015 at 8:00 pm CST to return the corrected entry file otherwise the original entry file as created by the Host shall stand as the official entry file for the team. • The Meet Director will insure that an athlete registration re-con report is instituted by Thursday, February 19, 2015. The Meet Director shall notify each attending team of any registration errors within 2 days of the start of the meet. The Meet Director shall insure that all athlete entry registration errors are reconciled prior to the start of the first session of competition. Any athlete lacking complete registration verification will be prohibited from competition until such registration is corrected. • The Meet Director shall insure that a coach certification ending verification report has been instituted by no later than noon CST Monday, February 23, 2015. The Meet Director will notify each club no later than 2 days prior to the start of the competition of any certification errors. Coach access to the competition deck area will not be 5 permitted until all certification requirements required by USA-S are current. See USA Swimming Rule 202.3.3. Coaches who are verified as not certified will not be allowed on deck for the meet. The Meet Director has the responsibility for verifying certification of all coaches in attendance at the meet; the Meet Referee is to provide back up support to the Meet Director to ensure that the certification of all coaches is verified. The Meet Referee is the final authority for disputes arising from enforcement of this policy at an OKS sanctioned meet. The Meet Referee’s decision to deny deck access to a coach who does not either present proper credentials or properly complete the Coach Credential Attestation Form is final and may not be protested. The use of this form is to allow an OKS coach to attest that he/she has current credential and is a USA registered coach member. Copies of the Attestation Form will be available at the Clerk of Course desk at this meet. Upon receipt of the properly completed form (with photo identification) the Meet Director may admit the coach as if he/she has presented their credentials. Further follow up in submitting this form is outlined in the complete attestation document. • Each Club, by submitting entries is certifying that all swimmers entered in the entry documents are members of USA-Swimming and Oklahoma Swimming, or have applied for membership by sending the appropriate application to the club’s registration chair or the OKS Registration Chair before the entry deadline. Failure to follow the above information will result in the entire team being scratched from the meet. The Meet Director will submit a psych sheet to the entry contact for each team or unattached athlete by noon CST Tuesday, February 24, 2015. Once the event psych sheet is posted no further corrections to entries will be accepted until the start of the meet. All requests for review must be reviewed by the Meet Referee prior to any seeding resolution. All changes must be supported with the proper documentation followed up with a computer change form. Send all electronic entry information to: Tracey Garrett swimmeets@att.net Make Entry Fee payment out to: American Energy Swim Club for all entry fees. NO individual checks will be accepted. Entry fees must be received prior to the start of the meet. NO mail requiring signature confirmation for delivery will be accepted. Send payment to: American Energy Swim Club C/O Tracey Garrett, Meet Director PO Box 20338 Oklahoma City, OK 73156 (405) 473-9872 swimmeets@att.net 2015 OKS SC CHAMPS 6 Awards: OKS Championship medals will be awarded as follows: Medals to be awarded in the following age groups: 10-Under, 11-12, 13-14, 15-19. Individual events 1-8 places. (Medals provided by OKS). Relays 1-3 places (Medals provided by OKS). Team awards will be given for 1st place Girls/Boys team in the following age groups: 10- Under, 11-12, 13-14, and 15-19. (Team Banners provided by OKS). Combined Team awards will be given for 1-4 places (Team Banners provided by OKS). OKS Long Course Distance High Point Award: In the following age groups 13-14, 15-16, and 17-19 a Female and Male Individual High Point award for highest standing from participating in the 400/500 Freestyle, 800/1000 Freestyle, the 1500/1650 Freestyle and 400 IM. (OKS provides these awards). OKS Short Course Individual High Point awards will be given in the following age groups: 9 & under, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15-16 and 17-19. The meet host organization shall provide these awards. All teams must make arrangements to collect their awards prior to leaving the building on Sunday night. OKS and the Host club will not provide storage or shipment of awards. Scoring: Individual events will be scored using the following age groups: 10 & under, 11-12, 1314 & 15-19. Scoring of individual events for 15 – 19 events will be: 20, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, and 11 for the A Finals. 9, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 for the Consolation or B Finals. Relay points will count double and scored through the top eight places. Scoring for 14 & under is the same as 15 – 19 A Finals. Relays: Relays will be swum in the following age groups: 10 & under, 11-12, 13- 14 & 15-19. Each club will be limited to a maximum of 2 relay teams per event (A team and B team). All 11 & over relays will be swum during the Prelims sessions. The 10-Under relays will be swum in the evening finals session. Names, ages and order of swimmers competing in relay events must be provided prior to the event. All swimmers must be entered in the meet in individual events or as a relay only swimmer. A swimmer may compete in only one relay of the same distance and type. “No – Times” for relay events are strongly discouraged. Please estimate or use a composite time. Seeding/ Scratches: For the Oklahoma Age Group Championships, swimmers may qualify by using scy, scm, or lcm time. Swimmers should enter with the appropriate time for the course in which they have qualified. Seeding for this OKS Championship meet will be done as follows: scy first seeding priority, scm second seeding priority, lcm third seeding priority. Positive check-in to swim is required for the distance events for this meet: the 400 IM, 500 Free, 1000 Free, and 1650 Free. These events are timed final events with the 13 -14 and 15 -19 year old fastest eight times after positive check in moving to finals in the 400 IM, 500 Free, and 1650 Free. The slower heats will swim in prelims and will alternate women then men swimming fastest to slowest . All 1000 Free heats will swim in prelims as timed finals, fastest to slowest alternating women and men heats. All distance event athletes MUST positively check in according to each events specific schedule in order to be seeded. Failure to check in will result in the athletes(s) being scratched from the event. The “Positive Check In Period” closes 30 minutes after the start of the last warm up session in which the event is swum. 2015 OKS SC CHAMPS 7 Championship Seeding will be used for 11-19 events in prelims with the exception of timed final events. Those who complete the “positive check-in to swim” and do not swim will be penalized in accordance with OKS rules. Swimmers (or their coach) are the only ones who may scratch a swimmer from an event. Finals will consist of 1 heat of both women and men from the prelim sessions in the following age groups: 11-12, 13-14, and an A and B finals heat for the 15-19 age groups. For the 15-19 age group in finals the “B” Heat will swim first followed by the Championship “A” Heat. 10-Under Individual events will be swum as timed finals events during the 11-19 finals session. Please note that a medical scratch approved by the Meet Referee, counts as an event and is regarded as a DQ, with no penalty imposed. Events seeded on the deck shall be closed for seeding no earlier than thirty (30) minutes before the start of the session. The meet program is not the final determinant of seeding. Late entries, corrections or scratches may impact actual heat and lane assignment. Seeding will be posted as soon as possible after the scratch and or positive check in period closes. Swimmers who are not scratched and who fail to compete in preliminary heats will be barred from their next individual event. A swimmer qualifying for a championship final who fails to compete and who has not scratched, will be barred from further competition in the meet. A swimmer who fails to appear for a final heat on the last day of the meet shall be fined $100.00 for each event not swum. Fines must be paid to OKS no later than Monday, March 9, 2015. A swimmer shall not be permitted to participate in any further meets sanctioned by OKS until all fines are paid. No penalty shall apply for Failure to Compete in finals if: 1. The Meet Referee is notified in the event of injury or illness and accepts the proof. 2. A swimmer qualifying for a final heat based on the results of preliminaries notifies the Clerk of Course within 30 minutes after the announcement of qualifiers that he/she may not intend to compete and confirms his/her final intentions within 30 minutes following his/her last individual preliminary event. 3. The Meet Referee determines that failure to compete was caused by circumstances beyond the control of the swimmer. 4. A swimmer is scratched into finals Time Trials: 2015 OKS SC CHAMPS Time trials will be offered for swimmers entered in an individual event in the AG Championships (19-under), and for swimmers 20-over who will be attempting to make a qualifying time for any of the USA Swimming National Meets. Time Trials will be offered at the conclusion of each preliminary session and at the conclusion of each timed finals session. Time Trials count against the daily individual event limits. Swimmers 8 must provide their own timers. The event Facility surcharge fee must also be paid by anyone only swimming Time Trials. Timers and Officials: OKS through the Officials Chairperson has the responsibility of assigning the Meet Referee. All OKS certified Officials in attendance will be expected to assist at the meet. All teams in attendance will be expected to provide timers for all sessions both prelim and finals. All OKS teams in attendance will be required to provide timers for the meet, including the distance events. Timing assignments will be provided to each team’s representative at least two days prior to the start of the meet and posted on the host’s teams’ website. If a team has special limitations that would prevent it from providing timers as specified, then the Head Coach or designated team representative must contact the Meet Director at the event entry deadline. It is understood that a team may be required to provide timers for an event or session in which they do not have any athletes participating. The responsibility to provide timers extends through the session in which the team is assigned. Timing Representatives from each assigned team shall report to the volunteer staging area 30 minutes prior to the start of each session in which they are assigned lane timing responsibilities The Host will send to the teams in attendance by no later than noon CDT Wednesday, February 25, 2015 the lane timing assignment report. The report will list the lane assignments and report times for each session of the meet. This report will also be posted on the Host web site https://www.teamunify.com/Home.jsp?_tabid_=0&team=okcsc Meet Committee: A meet committee will be composed of the following members; one athlete and one coach member from the east, one athlete and one coach member from the west, the OKS Age Group Chair, the Meet Referee, and the Meet Director. This committee will settle any technical or meet format questions that should occur during the meet. The Meet Referee shall appoint the athlete and coach representatives to the committee. The Committee will be in effect for the duration of the meet. Deck Access: Access to the pool / deck area will be limited to athletes, coaches, and officials, timers, and OKS representatives working the meet. Coaches and officials must wear their current USA Swimming registration cards in order to receive deck privileges. Parents and other non-swimmers not involved in the running of this meet are requested to remain in designated spectator areas. Non – Athlete Registration cards do NOT grant parents access to the pool deck at any time. See USA-S Rule 202.3.3 for further conditions regarding access to the pool deck. Heat Sheets: A Meet Program (if available) will be available for purchase at the meet for $6.00. Heat Sheets for Prelim Sessions will be available for $3.00 each. Daily Results /Final Results: A Finals Session Heat Sheet for Final Sessions will be available for $2.00 each. Results of each session shall be posted on the American Energy Swim Club website: https://www.teamunify.com/Home.jsp?_tabid_=0&teascm=okc. Results may also be available through the Mobile Meet app for iPhones, iPads, iTouch devices. American Energy Swim Club will post complete meet result files as prescribed in the appropriate formats within 24 hours of completion of the meet. American Energy Swim Club shall furnish results as requested for any National Meet with entry deadlines immediately following the conclusion of this LSC Championship. 2015 OKS SC CHAMPS 9 Complete Meet event results will be sent electronically to each team’s representative within 24 hours after the conclusion of the meet via email. The Meet Director will insure that a SWIMS report is submitted to the OKS Registration Chair within 24 hours of the completion of the meet or as necessary to meet the entry requirements for any OKS attended Zone or other National Championship Meet. Host will be advised by OKS prior to the start of the competition what and if there are any entry deadlines for those meets. Concessions: A concession area will be available. Athletes are permitted to drink while sitting on deck. Athletes are only permitted to EAT SNACKS in the athlete dining area, located at the score board end of the pool deck. The OCCC Aquatic Center no longer permits fruit snacks, gummy bears, gummy worms or any other “sticky” candy at the facility. Popcorn is also prohibited in the Aquatic Facility. Hospitality: There will be a hospitality area available for officials and coaches working the meet. General Rules: Repeated violations or activities that are considered to be sufficiently dangerous may result in the swimmer’s ejection from the meet by the Meet Referee. USA-S rule 202.3 .4.E states that no recording devices, including cell phones, can be used in the locker rooms, changing areas, or rest rooms. OKS prohibits the use of all devices capable of taking photographs (e.g. cameras, cell phones, PDA’s etc.) from behind the starting blocks during all meets sanctioned by Oklahoma Swimming. Use of these devices will not be permitted during warm-up or competition. It is possible that swimmers will be photographed at the meet. Any individual requiring deck access for photographic purposes must notify the Meet Director before gaining access to the deck. Children not participating in the meet must be supervised at all times by an adult and are not allowed on the pool deck for any reason. The Meet Director and Meet Referee reserve the right to limit deck access in the event of overcrowding, inappropriate behavior or for any reason concerning the safety or the efficient operation of the meet. USA-S Rules of Conduct will be strictly enforced. Liability: In granting this sanction, it is understood and agreed that USA Swimming, Oklahoma Swimming, Inc., all Officials, American Energy Swim Club and OCCC shall be free from any and all liabilities or claims for damages arising by reason of injuries to anyone during the conduct of the meet. Damage to the facility, when proven, will cause the offending swimmer or swimmers, if unattached, or the offending swimmer’s club if attached to be accountable for repairs. Oklahoma Swimming Mission Statement: To inspire the members of Oklahoma Swimming and others to achieve excellence in our sport and in life. Oklahoma Swimming Vision Statement: Oklahoma Swimming, as defined by USA-Swimming, is the Local Governing Body for the sport of swimming in Oklahoma. We administer competitive swimming in accordance with the guidelines set forth by USA-Swimming and the Ted Stevens Olympic & Amateur Sports Act. We provide programs and services for our members, supporters, affiliates and the interested public. We value our members of the swimming 2015 OKS SC CHAMPS 10 community, and the staff and volunteers who serve them. We are committed to excellence and the improvement of our sport. Athlete Outreach/ Diversity: OKS through its support of Athlete Outreach and Diversity initiatives provides assistance to qualified athletes. Please contact the OKS Diversity Chair and OKS Registration Chair for further information. Deck Changing: Oklahoma Swimming supports all facility policies that prohibit “deck changes” at this meet. Failure to comply with facility policy may result in the removal of the athlete(s) from the meet. The Meet Referee, Meet Director and Facility Representative shall work together should a violation occur. Except where venue facilities require otherwise, changing into or out of swimsuits other than in locker rooms or other designated areas is not appropriate and is prohibited. USA-S Rule 202.3.4(F). Lodging: 2015 OKS SC CHAMPS Please visit the following website for lodging information with partnering hotels: Contact the hotel or motels directly for rates and reservations. 11 2015 OKS State Championships (8 individual events Maximum per swimmer) Friday Prelims February 27, 2015 8:30 am start SCY CUT SCM CUT 2:58.39 13:08.29 12:55.49 3:18.01 11:30.75 11:19.32 LCM CUT 3:20.81 11:43.55 11:32.12 WOMEN Event # 3 5 7 11 13 15 19 21 23 27 29 31 35 37 39 41 43 11-12 400 Free Relay 13-14 400 Free Relay 15-19 400 Free Relay 11-12 100 IM 13-14 200 Breast 15-19 200 Breast 11-12 100 free 13-14 100 free 15-19 100 free 11-12 50 fly 13-14 200 fly 15-19 200 fly 11-12 50 back 13-14 100 back 15-19 100 back 11-12 200 fly – Timed Finals 13-19 1000 Free – Timed Finals MEN Event # 4 6 8 12 14 16 20 22 24 28 30 32 36 38 40 42 LCM CUT 3:16.82 11:13.29 10:49.91 44 SCM CUT SCY CUT 3:14.02 11:00.49 10:37.11 2:54.79 12:34.39 12:08.19 Friday Finals February 27, 2015 5:00 pm start SCY CUT 1:31.17 1:16.84 3:05.82 2:56.39 1:21.88 1:06.18 1:02.41 1:00.90 46.36 34.91 2:48.49 2:36.49 42.56 36.85 1:14.19 1:12.09 7:30.90 SCM CUT 1:41.20 1:25.29 3:26.26 3:15.79 1:30.89 1:13.46 1:09.28 1:07.60 51.46 38.75 3:07.02 2:53.70 47.24 40.90 1:22.35 1:20.22 6:36.03 2015 OKS SC CHAMPS LCM CUT 3:30.26 3:19.79 1:32.49 1:15.06 1:10.88 1:09.20 52.16 39.45 3:09.82 2:57.70 47.84 41.50 1:23.55 1:21.22 6:42.43 WOMEN Event # 1 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 45 10 & u 400 Free Relay 5 minute break 10 & under 100 IM 11-12 100 IM 13-14 200 Breast 15-19 200 Breast – 2 heats 10 & under 100 free 11-12 100 Free 13-14 100 Free 15-19 100 free – 2 heats 10 & under 50 fly 11-12 50 Fly 13-14 200 Fly 15-19 200 Fly – 2 heats 10 & under 50 back 11-12 50 Back 13-14 100 Back 15-19 100 Back – 2 heats 10 & under 500 free – timed finals MEN Event # 2 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 46 LCM CUT SCM CUT SCY CUT 3:12.02 3:04.47 1:32.78 1:18.66 1:07.63 59.73 53.46 43.51 3:03.27 2:44.38 49.27 42.81 1:18.44 1:12.38 7:08.16 1:45.55 1:28.66 3:08.02 3:00.47 1:31.18 1:17.06 1:06.03 58.13 52.76 42.81 3:00.47 2:40.38 48.67 42.21 1:17.24 1:11.18 6:56.64 1:35.09 1:19.87 2:49.39 2:42.59 1:22.14 1:09.42 59.49 52.37 47.53 38.57 2:42.59 2:24.49 43.85 38.03 1:09.59 1:04.13 8:00.39 12 Saturday Prelims February 28, 2015 8:30 am start SCY CUT SCM CUT LCM CUT WOMEN Event # 47 49 51 55 61 63 65 69 71 73 77 79 81 85 87 15 -19 400 Medley Relay 13-14 400 Medley Relay 11-12 200 Medley Relay 13 -19 500 Free-Timed Finals 11-12 100 fly 13-14 100 fly 15-19 100 fly 11-12 200 Free 13-14 200 free 15-19 200 free 11-12 50 breast 13-14 100 breast 15-19 100 breast 11-12 100 back 13-19 400 IM – Timed Finals MEN Event # 48 50 52 56 62 64 66 70 72 74 78 80 82 86 88 LCM CUT SCM CUT SCY CUT MEN Event # 54 56 56 58 LCM CUT SCM CUT SCY CUT 5:24.15 5:02.28 3:39.88 5:17.75 4:55.88 3:35.88 6:03.19 5:38.69 3:14.49 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 88 2:07.15 1:37.51 1:16.98 1:06.53 3:25.86 2:56.10 2:29.11 2:13.25 58.51 48.89 1:28.68 1:18.62 1:48.39 1:35.79 6:07.69 5:52.49 2:05.75 1:36.11 1:15.58 1:05.13 3:22.66 2:52.90 2:25.91 2:10.05 57.51 47.89 1:26.68 1:16.62 1:47.19 1:34.59 6:01.29 5:46.09 1:53.29 1:26.59 1:08.09 58.68 3:02.58 2:35.77 2:11.45 1:57.16 51.81 43.14 1:18.09 1:09.03 1:36.57 1:25.22 5:25.49 5:11.79 Saturday Finals February 28, 2015 5:00 pm start SCY CUT SCM CUT LCM CUT 6:22.39 6:16.29 3:19.09 5:34.88 5:29.44 3:40.99 5:41.28 5:35.84 3:44.99 WOMEN Event # 53 55 55 57 1:52.54 1:22.45 1:13.49 1:11.79 2:58.09 2:26.54 2:13.53 2:13.50 49.35 41.79 1:24.09 1:21.99 1:31.27 1:16.43 5:44.29 5:35.69 2:04.92 1:31.52 1:21.57 1:19.69 3:17.68 2:42.66 2:28.22 2:28.18 54.78 46.39 1:33.34 1:31.01 1:41.31 1:24.84 6:22.16 6:12.62 2:06.32 1:32.92 1:22.97 1:21.09 3:20.88 2:45.86 2:31.42 2:31.38 55.78 47.39 1:35.34 1:33.01 1:42.51 1:26.04 6:28.56 6:19.02 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 87 2015 OKS SC CHAMPS 10 & u 200 Medley Relay 13 -14 500 Free – Top 8 15-19 500 Free – Top 8 11-12 200 Breast – TF 5 minute break 10 & under 100 fly 11-12 100 fly 13-14 100 fly 15-19 100 fly – 2 heats 10 & under 200 free 11-12 200 free 13-14 200 free 15-19 200 free – 2 heats 10 & under 50 breast 11-12 50 breast 13-14 100 breast 15-19 100 breast – 2 heats 10 & under 100 back 11-12 100 back 13-14 400 IM – Top 8 15-19 400 IM – Top 8 13 Sunday Prelims March 1, 2015 8:30 am start SCY CUT 6:30.90 21:53.19 21:38.89 SCM CUT 5:42.48 21:55.45 21:40.87 LCM CUT 5:48.88 22:19.45 22:04.87 WOMEN Event # 91 93 95 97 99 101 105 107 109 113 115 117 123 125 125 11-12 200 Free Relay 13-14 200 Free Relay 15-19 200 Free Relay 11-12 50 free 13-14 50 free 15-19 50 free 11-12 200 IM 13-14 200 IM 15-19 200 IM 11-12 100 breast 13-14 200 back 15-19 200 back 11- 12 500 free – Timed finals 13-14 1650 free – Timed finals 15-19 1650 free – Timed finals MEN Event # 92 94 96 98 100 102 106 108 110 114 116 118 124 126 126 LCM CUT SCM CUT SCY CUT 6:15.20 21:17.03 20:46.33 6:08.80 20:53.03 20:22.33 7:00.39 20:51.99 20:21.89 LCM CUT SCM CUT SCY CUT 34.94 31.18 27.37 40.65 3:27.52 2:51.91 2:29.65 2:10.30 1:48.77 2:48.67 2:41.56 4:11.54 3:16.97 21:17.03 20:46.33 34.14 30.38 26.57 39.85 3:24.32 2:48.71 2:26.45 2:08.30 1:46.77 2:46.27 2:39.16 4:08.34 3:14.57 20:53.03 20:22.33 30.76 27.37 23.94 35.90 3:04.07 2:31.99 2:11.94 1:55.59 1:36.19 2:29.79 2:23.39 3:43.73 2:55.29 20:51.99 20:21.89 Sunday Finals March 1, 2015 4:30 pm start SCY CUT 30.38 28.86 27.95 35.13 2:47.81 2:41.43 2:39.29 1:44.37 1:29.73 2:38.29 2:35.89 3:36.34 2:54.39 21:53.19 21:38.89 SCM CUT 33.72 32.03 31.02 38.99 3:06.27 2:59.19 2:56.81 1:55.85 1:39.60 2:55.70 2:53.04 4:00.14 3:13.57 21:55.45 21:40.87 2015 OKS SC CHAMPS LCM CUT 34.52 32.83 31.82 39.79 3:09.47 3:02.39 3:00.01 1:57.85 1:41.60 2:58.10 2:55.44 4:03.34 3:15.97 22:19.45 22:04.87 WOMEN Event # 89 97 99 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 117 119 121 125 125 10 & under 200 free Relay 11-12 50 free 13-14 50 free 15-19 50 free – 2 heats 10 & under 50 free 11-12 200 IM 13-14 200 IM 15-19 200 IM – 2 heats 10 & under 100 breast 11-12 100 breast 13-14 200 back 15-19 200 back – 2 heats 10 & under 200 IM 11-12 200 back – Timed finals 13-14 1650 free – Top 8 15-19 1650 free – Top 8 MEN Event # 90 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 126 126 14
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