1 The Robust Cold Standby Redundancy Allocation in Series-Parallel Systems with Budgeted Uncertainty Mohammad Javad Feizollahi, Student Member, IEEE, Roya Soltani, Hadi Feyzollahi February 17, 2015 Abstract—This paper studies a redundancy allocation problem (RAP) with cold standby strategy in non-repairable seriesparallel systems. We assume that the components’ reliabilities are uncertain values in a budgeted uncertainty set, with unknown probability distributions. Because the system reliability is a nonlinear function of the components’ reliabilities, classical robust optimization approaches cannot be directly applied to construct the robust counterpart of this problem. Therefore, this paper for the first time proposes linear MIP and binary equivalent models for the cold standby RAP; and by exploiting the problem structure, robust counterparts are developed to deal with budgeted uncertainty in this problem. Then, two exact solution methods are proposed: one of them solves a mixed integer programming (MIP) model iteratively in a Benders’ decomposition framework, and the other one solves a single binary linear model. The validity and the performance of the proposed approach are tested through a Monte Carlo simulation and computational results. Index Terms—Cold standby redundancy allocation, robust optimization, budgeted uncertainty, mixed integer nonlinear programming, series-parallel system. RAP CSRAP CROP MIP MINLP CSRAPMIP CSRAPBL MIPRB MIPRC BR n J I rj rej rˆj ACRONYMS AND A BBREVIATIONS Redundancy Allocation Problem Cold Standby RAP Constrained Redundancy Optimization Mixed Integer (Linear) Programming Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming MIP equivalent of CSRAP Binary Linear equivalent of CSRAP Basic Benders decomposition MIPRB with ‘Lazy Cut Callback’ Method of solving binary linear robust counterpart of uncertain CSRAPBL N OTATIONS number of subsystems in series set of subsystem set of constraints reliability of a component in subsystem j uncertain rj largest possible value of rej c 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. M. J. Feizollahi is with School of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA (e-mail:feizollahi@gatech.edu). R. Soltani is with Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran (e-mail: royasoltani@iust.ac.ir). H. Feyzollahi is with Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA (e-mail: hadifeyz@buffalo.edu). δj xj ξ UΓ largest possible difference of rej from rˆj number of components in subsystem j normalized perturbation vector budgeted uncertainty set with protection level Γ lj minimum value of xj uj maximum value of xj S set of integer solutions x, which satisfy Minimum, and maximum limits lj , and uj resp. P set of all feasible solutions x Rj (.) reliability function of subsystem j R(.) overall system reliability function gij (.) an increasing convex function of xj , which represents the effect of xj in ith constraint bi maximum available resource in ith constraint g¯ij (.) a piece-wise linear convex function of xj which coincides with gij (.) at integer xj aijk , bijk constants representing kth segment of g¯ij (.) P set of all feasible solutions x for CSRAP fj (.) logarithm of Rj (.) f (x) logarithm of R(x) f¯j (.) a piece-wise linear concave function of xj which coincides with fj (.) at integer xj a0jk , b0jk constants representing kth segment of f¯j (.) f (x, ξ) f (x) under scenario ξ f Rob (x) robust value of f (x, ξ) for a solution x RC(x) ξx S yj qij χjk wjk gijk robustness cost of a solution x worst-case scenario for solution x set of all worst case scenarios for x ∈ P a continuous variable ≤ f¯j (xj ) a continuous variable ≥ g¯ij (xj ) binary variable, which is 1 if xj = lj + k, and 0 otherwise coefficient of χjk in the log reliability function coefficient of χjk in the ith constraint I. I NTRODUCTION I N the design stage of systems, some methods are implemented to ensure reliability for a predetermined time period under specified circumstances. One way to enhance a system’s reliability is the allocation of redundant components in subsystems [1]. There are two main redundancy strategies: active, and standby. In the case of active strategy, all components work simultaneously; while in the standby strategy, one of the redundant components begins to work only when the operating 2 the above assumptions, the system reliability is " xj # Y X (− ln(rj ))l−1 , R(x) = rj (l − 1)! j∈J (1) l=1 and the classical CSRAP can be formulated as (2)-(3). max R(x) (2) x∈S s.t. Fig. 1. Series-parallel configuration of components with cold standby strategy in a reliability system. X gij (xj ) ≤ bi , ∀ i ∈ I, (3) j∈J where one fails (see Fig. 1). For more study on redundancy allocation problem (RAP) with an active strategy, readers are referred to the works [2]–[4], to name a few. Research articles related to the standby strategy in RAP are reviewed in [5]. The standby strategy in turn is classified into hot, warm, and cold [5]. Cold standby redundancy is an effective system design strategy in which the redundant component has no probability of failure prior to being put into operation. Many systems, such as space exploration and satellite systems [6], textile manufacturing systems [7], and carbon recovery systems in fertilizer plants [8], use the cold standby redundancy allocation problem (CSRAP) as an effective strategy to achieve high reliability. For standby systems, different time to failure distributions such as normal, lognormal, exponential, Erlang, and Weibull can be considered. In case of the cold standby strategy for nonrepairable systems, [9] studied systems designed with components that have phase-type time-to-failure distributions. In [10], the author studied the problem of determining optimal design configurations for CSRAP with an Erlang time to failure distribution. The choice of redundancy strategy and imperfect switching of cold standby redundant components with an Erlang distribution in CSRAP are studied in [11]. Binary programming formulations to deal with these problems are proposed in [10], and [11]. In the recent literature, [12] and [13] proposed a multi-objective model, and an entropy based redundancy allocation with choices of the redundancy strategy where the times to failures of the cold standby part follow Erlang distributions. In this paper, we consider a series-parallel CSRAP presented in Fig. 1 with the following assumptions. • • • • • • • All the components in one subsystem have same type. Components’ times to failure follow exponential distributions, which is most suitable for electronic components (e.g., transistors, capacitors, resistors, and integrated circuits) used in control systems, power generators, etc. The standby strategy is the cold type. The switch reliability to a cold standby component is perfect. The components are in one of two states: functioning, or nonfunctioning (i.e. binary state). There is no repair or preventive maintenance. The replacement time is negligible. According to [10] and [14], for a CSRAP in Fig. 1 under S = x ∈ Zn+ : lj ≤ xj ≤ uj , ∀j ∈ J . (4) Let P = {x ∈ S : (3) is satisfied} be the set of all feasible solutions. Without loss of generality, we can assume that R(x) > 0 for all x ∈ P . Then, by taking the logarithm of R(x), we obtain X ln R(x) = f (x) = fj (xj ), (5) j∈J where, " fj (xj ) = ln rj xj X (− ln(rj ))l−1 l=1 (l − 1)! # , ∀j ∈ J. (6) In the remainder of this paper, we consider the below reformulation of CSRAP. " xj # X X (− ln(rj ))l−1 CSRAP: max f (x) = ln rj x∈S (l − 1)! j∈J l=1 (7) X s.t. gij (xj ) ≤ bi , ∀ i ∈ I. j∈J Linear MIP, and binary equivalent models of CSRAP, which we denote by CSRAPMIP , and CSRAPBL , respectively, are presented in the Appendix. One of the important factors that needs to be taken into consideration in system designs is the intrinsic uncertainty that exists in components’ reliabilities [15]. The uncertainty can stem from human errors, measuring errors, production technology, improper storage, and the like. Different approaches such as stochastic programming, fuzzy programming, interval programming, and robust optimization have been proposed by researchers in the literature to deal with uncertainty. [16] carried out a comprehensive review about reliability optimization problems, especially redundancy allocation problems under uncertainty, and discussed about the pros and cons of different approaches. Here, we mention some of the prominent works; and for more study, the readers are referred to the survey provided in [16]. In stochastic programming approaches, it is assumed that the probability distribution or at least mean and variance of the uncertain parameters are precisely known. Regarding random lifetimes, some stochastic programming models for active and standby RAP have been provided in [17]. Also, [18] did stochastic comparisons for systems with active and cold standby strategies considering random lifetimes. In the case of random reliabilities with known means and standard 3 deviations, multi-criteria approaches have been proposed (e.g. [19]–[21]). The interval programming approaches assume that the uncertain data are within intervals with known lower and upper bounds (e.g. see [22]–[27]). The fuzzy programming approaches assume fuzzy lifetimes (e.g. [28] and [29] ), fuzzy reliability (e.g. [30] and [31]), and fuzzy goals and constraints (e.g. [32]–[34]). Assuming random fuzzy lifetimes for components, various fuzzy methods for CSRAP have been developed in [35], [36], and [28]. In [15], the reliability of cold standby systems under partial information about probabilities of times to failure of components was analyzed, and imprecise reliability models were proposed. In the case of robust optimization, two main approaches are considered for problems with discrete variables. Some robustness measures are based on regret (e.g. see [14], [37]– [40]), and some are based on the actual performance of the realized values for uncertain parameters (e.g. see [41]–[46]) and try to make a trade off between the optimality robustness and the feasibility robustness. To the best of our knowledge, just a few works exist in the literature of robust reliability optimization problems. The former approach in the form of minmax regret method and with respect to interval uncertainty, was implemented to the RAP with active, cold standby and mix of strategies in [38], [14], and [39], respectively. Concerning the latter approach, [43] developed robust models for RAP with an active strategy under fuzzy uncertainty. In another work, [42] considered an uncertainty set, and developed robust counterparts for the RAP with an active strategy. In that paper, authors described motivations behind using a robust optimization approach with budgeted uncertainty to deal with uncertain RAPs, and compared solutions of their robust method with conventional stochastic approaches. Because in most cases a cold standby strategy is desirable, and it yields higher system reliability, in this paper, we propose a robust optimization for uncertain CSRAP, and develop exact solution methods to solve the resulting models. Similar to [42], in this paper we consider robust optimization under a budgeted uncertainty approach. We refer the readers to [42] for a detailed discussion about the motivation and advantages of using these approaches in system reliability problems. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we introduce mathematical formulation of the uncertain and robust CSRAP. Then, various formulations and solution methods for robust counterparts of uncertain CSRAP are proposed in Section III. In Section IV, we present experimental results of running the proposed robust methods on different test cases. In Section V, we summarize with the main conclusions, and plans for future research. II. U NCERTAIN AND ROBUST CSRAP In reality, the reliabilities of components are not exactly known, and are estimated within an uncertainty set. Next, we introduce budgeted uncertainty for components’ reliabilities, and describe uncertain CSRAP. A. CSRAP with budgeted uncertainty In this paper, it is assumed that rej , the uncertain component reliability in subsystem j, is not known exactly, and it takes a random value in [ˆ rj − δj , rˆj ]. To normalize the uncertainty set, suppose that rej = rˆj − δj ξj , where ξ is a perturbation vector including n s-independent random variables between 0 and 1. For a given protection level Γ ∈ [0, n], the set X UΓ = ξ ∈ R n : ξj ≤ Γ, 0 ≤ ξj ≤ 1, ∀j ∈ J (8) j∈J is called a budgeted uncertainty set. This type of uncertainty which has adjustable conservativeness was proposed by Bertsimas and Sim [41]. While Γ = 0 gives the most optimistic solution (deterministic problem with nominal data), Γ = n generates the most pessimistic one. In the presence of uncertain component reliabilities, it is assumed that f (.) and fj (.) are functions of both xj and ξj as # " xj X (− ln(ˆ rj − δj ξj ))l−1 , (9) fj (xj , ξj ) = ln (ˆ rj − δj ξj ) (l − 1)! l=1 and f (x, ξ) = X fj (xj , ξj ). (10) j∈J For a given scenario ξ ∈ UΓ , the classic models CSRAP (7) can be represented as Problem CSRAP(ξ) : max {f (x, ξ) : x ∈ P } . (11) Note that uncertainty in component reliabilities affects the optimality of the solutions for the problem CSRAP(ξ). Moreover, any x ∈ P is a feasible solution of CSRAP(ξ), for all possible realizations of ξ ∈ UΓ . B. Robust CSRAP under budgeted uncertainty Similar to [42], for any given solution x ∈ P , its robust reliability, which is denoted by RRob (x) (or its substitute as f Rob (x)), is defined as the worst possible reliability of x over all possible scenarios ξ ∈ UΓ , i.e. f Rob (x) = min f (x, ξ). (12) ξ∈UΓ Let ξ x be the scenario which minimizes f (x, ξ) in (12). We call it the worst case scenario for the solution x. In the robust optimization approach, it is assumed that uncertain parameters take their worst possible cases. Therefore, the robust CSRAP model can be formulated as Robust CSRAP : max f Rob (x) = max min f (x, ξ). (13) x∈P x∈P ξ∈UΓ Model (13) cannot be solved directly by commercial optimization packages such as CPLEX [47]. Therefore, some tractable counterparts need to be developed. Prior to developing robust counterparts of the proposed model (13), for a given x ∈ P , it is required to find a worst case scenario in the defined uncertainty set. For this purpose, first let us present the following propositions. Proposition 1. f (x, ξ) is a decreasing concave function of ξ. Proof. Because f (x, ξ) is the summation of fj (xj , ξj ) for all j ∈ J, it is enough to show that fj (xj , ξj ) is a decreasing 4 concave function of ξj , for each j ∈ J. For the sake of simplicity, let 0 > ηj : = ln r˜j = ln(ˆ rj − δj ξj ); (−ηj )xj −1 if xj ≥ 1, 0 < αj = , else αj = 0; (xj − 1)! (−ηj )xj −2 , else βj = 0; if xj ≥ 2, 0 < βj = (xj − 2)! xj X (−ηj )xj −3 if xj ≥ 3, 0 < γj = , else γj = 0. (xj − 3)! x=3 e e b0e jk = fj (k + 1, ξj ) − fj (k, ξj ) (− ln(ˆ rj −δj ξje ))k l=1 , (− ln(ˆ rj −δj ξje ))l−1 k! (17) (l−1)! and e 0e a0e jk = fj (k, ξj ) − bjk k " # k X (− ln(ˆ rj − δj ξje ))l−1 e = ln (ˆ rj − δj ξj ) − b0e jk k. (l − 1)! l=1 (18) ∂(γj + βj ) ∂αj = −βj , and = −γj . ∂ηj ∂ηj By using this notation, for any j ∈ J, and xj ≥ 1, it holds that fj (xj , ξj ) = ηj + ln (γj + βj + αj ). Then, (15) Then, we can develop a robust counterpart of uncertain CSRAPMIP according to (19). max R x∈S y,q,R s.t. R ≤ and −δj2 (αj2 + βj2 + αj βj + βj γj ) ∂ 2 fj (xj , ξj ) = < 0, ∂ξj2 [(ˆ rj − δj ξj )(γj + βj + αj )]2 = ln 1 + k P (14) Note that ∂fj (xj , ξj ) −δj αj < 0, = ∂ξj (ˆ rj − δj ξj )(γj + βj + αj ) 1) Robust Counterpart of uncertain CSRAPMIP : Let ξ e ∈ UΓ be the realization of the perturbation vector for the scenario e. For each j ∈ J and lj ≤ k < uj , and scenario e, let (16) which prove fj (xj , ξj ) is a decreasing concave function of ξj . Proposition 2. For any given solution x ∈ P , the corresponding worst case scenario ξ x ∈ UΓ has the following properties. P x 1) j∈J ξj = Γ. 2) At most one ξjx can be in (0, 1), and the others should be equal either to 0 or 1. 3) If Γ is an integer in [0, n], then Γ of ξjx are equal to 1, and the others are equal to 0. 4) If Γ is not an integer, exactly one ξjx is equal to Γ−bΓc, and the bΓc of ξjx are equal to 1 while the others are equal to 0. Proof. For a decreasing concave function f (x, ξ) over ξ, [42] showed that the worst case scenario ξ x has properties 1-4. By Proposition 1, f (x, ξ) is a decreasing concave function of ξ, which completes the proof. III. ROBUST C OUNTERPARTS AND S OLUTION M ETHODS In this section, the robust counterparts and the corresponding solution methods are developed for both cases of linear MIP and Binary equivalent models (see the Appendix) for uncertain CSRAP. A. The case of MIP equivalent for CSRAP A MIP equivalent of the CSRAP is presented in the Appendix as model (30)-(33). In this subsection, we propose a robust counterpart for this MIP model under uncertainty. Then, two solution approaches will be developed. X j∈J e yj ≤ a0e jk yje , ∀e ∈ S, (19) + b0e jk xj , ∀j ∈ J, lj ≤ k < uj , e ∈ S, (31) and (33), where S ⊂ UΓ is the set of all worst case scenarios. Model (19) has (|S| + m) × n + 1 continuous variables, ninteger P variables, and 2n + (m + |S|) × 1 + j∈J (uj − lj ) linear constraints. Note that |S| ≤ |P | < ∞, because there is a corresponding worst-case scenario for any x ∈ P . 2) Solution method for the proposed robust counterpart of CSRAPMIP : Model (19) has o(|P |) robustness constraints, where |P | represents the cardinality of the finite set P . Moreover, the set of worst case scenarios is not known in advance. Therefore, it is difficult to deal with the problem. Taking this problem’s characteristics into account, we inevitably resort to a well-known decomposition technique called Benders decomposition [48]. In this technique, we relax the complicated (robustness) constraints. After solving the relaxed model, we add the violated constraints in an iterative manner. In the basic version of the Benders technique, the relaxed problem is solved to optimality in each iteration. An alternative approach is using the lazy constraint callback in CPLEX [47]. In the latter approach, the violated constraints are added within a branch-and-bound method whenever an incumbent solution is found. Two variants of the Benders decomposition method with, and without considering lazy constraint callback, respectively called MIPRC , and MIPRB , are implemented to solve the robust counterpart of CSRAPMIP . Procedure 1 shows the steps of the proposed MIPRB . Procedure 1. (MIPRB ) Basic Benders decomposition. Step 0 (Initial setting). Pick an arbitrary scenario ξ 0 ∈ UΓ . Set S = {ξ 0 }. Step 1 (Master problem). Solve the relaxed model (19) with S, and let (x∗ , R∗ ) be its optimal solution. ∗ Step 2 (Sub-problem). Find the worst case scenario ξ x using 5 model (25) for integer Γ, and model (24) for non integer Γ. ∗ Step 3 (Stopping criterion). If f (x∗ , ξ x ) = R∗ , STOP; x∗ is robust-optimal. Otherwise go to Step 4. S ∗ Step 4 (Add Benders cut). Set S ← S ξ x , and add the corresponding new constraint (Benders cut) to the master problem. Go to Step 1. In the Benders decomposition approach presented in Procedure 1, the complicating constraints are relaxed, the algorithm starts with a small subset of constraints, and progressively new constraints (Benders cuts) are taken into account. The corresponding relaxed formulation is called the master problem; it is defined by using a subset S ⊂ S in (19). After solving the master problem, a sub-problem is solved that seeks the constraint (cut) that is most violated by the obtained solution. After incorporating this constraint, the master problem is resolved, and so on. When the optimal solution to the master problem does not violate any constraints of the original formulation, it must be an optimal solution to the original problem. Solving a master problem provides a lower bound, and solving a sub-problem provides an upper bound for the optimal robust reliability of the system. In procedure MIPRB , the master problem (relaxed model (19) with S) is solved to optimality at each iteration. Then, the violated cuts are added at the end of the iteration. In contrast, in procedure MIPRC , the violated cuts are added within a branch-and-bound method whenever an incumbent solution is found for solving (19). The idea behind using this variant is to prevent the algorithm from solving the master problem to optimality at each iteration. As presented, at each P iteration of Procedure 1, n continuous variables and L = j∈J (uj − lj ) linear inequalities are added to the master problem. B. Binary linear equivalent for CSRAP For a given solution x ∈ P , the difference between its nominal and robust reliabilities is called the robustness cost of x, RC(x), that is RC(x) = f (x, 0) − f Rob (x) = f (x, 0) − f (x, ξ x ). (20) Note that dj > 0 and d0j ≥ 0 are constants for any given x. Moreover, for all integer values of Γ, we have d0j = 0, ∀j ∈ J. Therefore, in the case of integer Γ, RC(x) = max ξ∈UΓ dj ξj . (25) j∈j In the Appendix, the binary linear equivalent model (36)(39) which is denoted by CSRAPBL is presented for deterministic CSRAP. Next, we consider two cases of having integer and non-integer values for the protection level Γ, and develop a robust counterpart of uncertain CSRAPBL for each case. 1) Robust Counterpart of uncertain CSRAPBL in the case of integer Γ : In this case, RC(x) can be computed through (25). Consider the dual variables zj and t for constraints ξj ≤ 1 P and j∈J ξj ≤ Γ, respectively, in (8). Then, the dual model of (25) is as follows. min Γt + X zj j∈J s.t. t + zj ≥ dj , t ≥ 0, (26) ∀j ∈ J, zj ≥ 0 ∀j ∈ J For all j ∈ J and 0 ≤ k ≤ uj −lj , let w ˆjk = fj (lj +k, 0), and djk = fj (lj + k, 0) − fj (lj + k, 1). Similar to the CSRAPBL model (36)-(39), in binary robust models, instead of integer variable xj , we use binary variables χjk , 0 ≤ k ≤ uj − lj , which are 1 iff xj = lj + k. This relation can be imposed by constraints (38) and (39). By incorporating the P dual model (26) uj −lj into the problem (21), and the fact that dj = k=0 djk χjk , the robust counterpart of uncertain CSRAPBL , for integer Γ, is as follows. max χ,t,z Then, the Robust CSRAP can be rewritten as follows. X j −lj X uX X w ˆjk χjk − Γt − j∈J k=0 zj j∈J uj −lj max f Rob x∈P (x) = max {f (x, 0) − RC(x)} . x∈P (21) s.t. t + zj ≥ X t ≥ 0, zj ≥ 0 djk χjk , ∀j ∈ J, (27) k=0 For any j ∈ J, let dj = f (xj , 0) − f (xj , 1), (22) and ∀j ∈ J, (37), (38), and (39). (23) P Model (27) has n + j∈J (uj − lj ) binary variables, n + 1 continuous variables, and 2n + m linear constraints. Some useful properties of the worst case scenario ξ x are presented in Proposition 2. Based on these properties, and (22)-(23), RC(x) can be computed as X RC(x) = max d0v + max dj ξj . (24) v∈J ξ∈UΓ 2) Robust Counterpart of uncertain CSRAPBL in the case of non-integer Γ: In this case, because Γ−bΓc > 0, d0j is strictly greater than zero, for all j ∈ J. Moreover, we should use (24) instead of (25) to compute RC(x). For all j ∈ J, and 0 ≤ k ≤ uj − lj , let d0jk = fj (k, 0) − fj (k, Γ − bΓc). After writing the dual model of (24), and incorporating it into the problem (21), the robust counterpart of the uncertain CSRAPBL for a d0j = f (xj , 0) − f (xj , Γ − bΓc). ξv =Γ−bΓc j∈J\{v} 6 non-integer Γ is obtained according to (28). max χ,t,z,θ s.t. j −lj X uX w ˆjk χjk − θ j∈J k=0 θ≥ uX v −lv d0vk χvk + bΓctv + k=0 X zvj , ∀v ∈ J, j∈J\{v} uj −lj tv + zvj ≥ X djk χjk , ∀v ∈ J, j ∈ J\{v}, TABLE I AVERAGE CPU TIME ( IN SECONDS ) FOR LCn AND N Cn INSTANCES OF THE ROBUST CSRAP √ √ Integer Γ = b nc Non Integer Γ = n group MIPRB MIPRC BR MIPRB MIPRC BR LC10 0.11 0.08 0.02 0.27 0.40 0.04 LC20 1.07 0.50 0.03 1.97 1.77 0.13 LC30 3.49 1.30 0.04 5.10 4.15 0.28 N C10 0.09 0.08 0.02 0.22 0.37 0.03 N C20 0.48 0.33 0.03 1.24 1.67 0.13 N C30 2.86 1.85 0.04 5.40 5.48 0.26 k=0 θ ≥ 0, tv ≥ 0, zvj ≥ 0, ∀v ∈ J, j ∈ J\{v}, (37), (38), and (39). (28) Model (28) has n + j∈J (uj − lj ) binary variables, n2 + n + 1 continuous variables, and n2 + n + m linear constraints. P TABLE II AVERAGE CPU TIME ( IN SECONDS ) FOR M Cm INSTANCES OF THE CSRAP SOLVED BY BR √ √ group Integer Γ = b nc Non Integer Γ = n M C5 0.41 57.87 M C10 0.71 52.47 M C30 0.97 52.02 M C50 1.09 63.13 IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS In [42], the authors discussed the motivation and advantages of using robust optimization approaches in system reliability problems. The same approaches have been implemented for this paper, and the quality of the robust solutions has been proved. However, for the sake of shortening the paper, we refer the readers to that work. In this section, some test instances for CSRAP are generated to test the performance of the proposed robust methods. Similar to [42] and [38], two classes of linear and nonlinear constraints are considered as follows. • Linear constraints: g(x) = Ax, where A = [aij ]m×n , aij ∈ [0, 50], ∀i ∈ I, ∀j ∈ J. • Nonlinear constraints: X g1 (x) = a1j x2j ≤ b1 , j∈J g2 (x) = X a2j (xj + eµj xj ) ≤ b2 , (29) j∈J g3 (x) = X a3j xj eτj xj ≤ b3 , j∈J where µj , τj ∈ [0, 0.01]. In all instances, rˆj , and δj are chosen from [0.80, 0.98], and [0, rˆj − 0.80], respectively. These coefficients in all of the instances follow uniform distributions. We set the values of lj , and uj equal to 1, and 5, respectively. To assure feasibility, we set b = g(l) + θ(g(u) − g(l)), where θ = 0.7 for linear constraints, and θ = 0.3 for nonlinear constraints. We used a PC with an Intel Core i5-2400S CPU 2.50 GHz processor with 8 GB of RAM, and CPLEX 12.5.1 ( [47], default parameters), interfaced with C++ to conduct proposed methods. The average CPU times in Tables I and II, and the average number of cuts in Table III, are obtained by running the methods 20 times. To carry out the experiments, 3 classes of instances for CSRAP are considered as follows. • LCn : instances with m = 5 linear constraints, and n subsystems. 3 groups of this class were generated for n ∈ {10, 20, 30}. N Cn : instances with m = 3 nonlinear constraints, and n subsystems. 3 groups of this class were generated for n ∈ {10, 20, 30}. • M Cm : instances with m linear constraints, and 90 subsystems. This class is considered in 4 groups for m ∈ {5, 10, 30, 50}. Table I shows the computational performance of three proposed methods to obtain the robust solution of LCn and N Cn instances of CSRAP. These three methods are as follows. • BR: using CPLEX to solve robust counterparts of uncertain CSRAPBL , which are the models (27), and (28) for integer, and non-integer values of Γ, respectively. • MIPRB : classical Benders method to find the robust counterpart of uncertain CSRAPMIP . • MIPRC : Modified MIPRB with Lazy Cut Callback in CPLEX. From Table I, we see that MIPRC slightly outperforms MIPRB for cases with integer Γ, while for non-integer Γ their performance is very similar. BR obviously outperforms both MIPRC and MIPRB . Therefore, for large instances, we ran only the BR method, and report the results in Table II. In addition, CPU times for BR are affected considerably when it solves a model with non-integer Γ, while for MIPRC and MIPRB the CPU times increase moderately. Table III shows the average number of cuts generated in MIPRB and MIPRC to solve LC and NC instances. As illustrated in this table, the number of cuts increases by increasing the number of • TABLE III AVERAGE NUMBER OF CUTS FOR LCn AND N Cn INSTANCES OF THE ROBUST CSRAP IN B ENDERS METHODS √ √ Integer Γ = b nc Non Integer Γ = n group MIPRB MIPRC MIPRB MIPRC LC10 5.5 6.1 5.3 6.2 LC20 11.8 14.5 11.7 13.1 LC30 15.9 17.1 14.9 16.9 N C10 3.9 4.7 4.3 5.1 N C20 7.5 8.6 8.1 10.0 N C30 12.1 14.5 13.3 16.3 7 subsystems. Moreover, MIPRC needs more cuts than MIPRB . According to Tables I and II, the size of the robust CSRAP, i.e. the number of subsystems, has a significant impact on the complexity of the problem. More subsystems results in more CPU time. Moreover, CPU time depends on the value of Γ, specifically its fractionality or integrality. Another factor that influences the CPU time is the maximum number of redundant components that are allowed in each subsystem. The more redundant components allowed, the more binary variables needed, and the more CPU time elapses. Also, the right hand side values of the constraints may affect the solution time. In this paper, we do not consider component mixing; but we expect, when the component mixing is allowed in the model, the complexity of the problem is also increased, which in turn affects the CPU time of the solution algorithm. yj ≤ a0jk + b0jk xj , qij ≥ aijk + bijk xj , ∀j ∈ J, lj ≤ k < uj , ∀j ∈ J, i ∈ I lj ≤ k < uj , (32) (33) where yj , and qij are continuous variables. Moreover, for all i ∈ I ∪ {0}, j ∈ J, and lj ≤ k < uj , both bijk , and aijk are constant parameters given by b0jk = fj (k + 1) − fj (k), a0jk = fj (k) − b0jk k; (34) aijk = gij (k) − bijk k. (35) and for all i ∈ I, bijk = gij (k + 1) − gij (k), CSRAPMIP has n + mn continuous variables, n integer variP ables, and m+2n+(m+1)× j∈J (uj −lj ) linear constraints. B. Binary Linear Equivalent of CSRAP V. C ONCLUSIONS , AND F UTURE R ESEARCH This paper has investigated a redundancy allocation problem with cold standby strategy whose components’ lifetimes follow exponential distributions. In reality, the estimation of components’ reliabilities is accompanied by uncertainty due to some factors such as human errors, manufacturing technology, temperature, pressure, etc. Therefore, in this paper, the uncertainty in components’ reliabilities has been taken into consideration, and a robust optimization framework with budgeted uncertainty has been developed to deal with this problem. By exploiting problem structure, a robust optimization approach and two exact solution methods were proposed for this problem. The performance of the robust solutions has been examined via simulation experiments, and the results have shown that the robust solutions can be found in a reasonable amount of time. For future study, the model can be extended to other system structures such as parallel-series, complex, or bridge. The proposed model formulation needs to be adapted for each system configuration. Another potential research direction is considering switch cost and imperfect switching in the model. Furthermore, the case of multi-state and multichoice components can be considered for the proposed model. Moreover, the choice of redundancy strategy from active and standby strategies can be considered to extend the proposed model. This research has proposed a cold standby system with an exponential time to failure distribution. Other time to failure distributions such as Erlang, Gamma, and Lognormal can be considered for the components. Using heuristic and meta-heuristic approaches can also be considered as potential future work . A PPENDIX A. MIP Equivalent of CSRAP The MIP equivalent of CSRAP, which is called CSRAPMIP , is formulated as X max yj (30) x∈S, y,q s.t. X j∈J j∈J qij ≤ bi , ∀i ∈ I, (31) The binary linear equivalent of CSRAP, which is called CSRAPBL , can be formulated as follows. max j −lj X uX wjk χjk (36) j∈J k=0 uj −lj s.t. X χjk = 1, ∀j ∈ J, (37) k=0 j −lj X uX gijk χjk ≤ bi , ∀i ∈ I, (38) j∈J k=0 χjk ∈ {0, 1}, ∀j ∈ J, 0 ≤ k ≤ uj − lj , (39) where, wjk = fj (k), ∀j ∈ J, 0 ≤ k ≤ uj − lj , (40) and gijk = gij (lj + k), ∀i ∈ I, j ∈ J, 0 ≤ k ≤ uj − lj . (41) P CSRAPBL has n + j∈J (uj − lj ) binary variables, and m + n linear constraints. R EFERENCES [1] F. A. Tillman, C.-L. Hwang, and W. Kuo, “Optimization techniques for system reliability with redundancy: A review,” Reliability, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 148–155, 1977. [2] S. J. Sadjadi and R. Soltani, “An efficient heuristic versus a robust hybrid meta-heuristic for general framework of serial–parallel redundancy problem,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, vol. 94, no. 11, pp. 1703– 1710, 2009. [3] S. J. Sadjadi and R. 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She obtained her B.S., and M.S. degrees in the field of Industrial Engineering in 2006, and 2008, respectively. Her research interests mainly include operations research, optimization under uncertainty, reliability engineering, scheduling, transportation planning, reverse logistic and supply chain management, and heuristic and meta-heuristic applications. Hadi Feyzollahi is a Ph.D. student at University of Buffalo, New York. He received his MSc, and BSc in Industrial Engineering from Koc¸ University, Istanbul, Turkey, and Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2014, and 2012, respectively. His research interest includes operations research, integer programming, disaster management, and robust optimization.
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