02/22 - St. Matthias Catholic Church

PARMA, OHIO 440-888-8220
FEBRUARY 22, 2015
STEWARDSHIP … Your Gift to God
Feb. 22
The First Sunday of Lent
9:00 a.m.
+Jessie Tepper
11:00 a.m.
+Philip & Carmela Sciara
Feb. 23
8:30 a.m.
Lenten Weekday
+Tugaoen Family
Feb. 24
8:30 a.m.
Lenten Weekday
+St. Matthias Parish Family
Feb. 26
Lenten Weekday
8:30 a.m.
St. Matthias Parish Family
Lenten Weekday
+Helen Saborski
Feb. 28
Vigil of the 2nd Sunday of Lent
4:00 p.m.
+Mario & Mary Mattie
Mar. 1
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Weekly Total 2015
YTD Total 2015
Same Week 2014
Same Week 2014
If you are giving electronically, and do not wish to receive
envelopes, please call the rectory, 440-888-8220, and we
will stop sending them. Thank you.
Feb. 25
Lenten Weekday
8:30 a.m.
Liturgy of the Word
Feb. 27
8:30 a.m.
Collection totals for Feb 15, 2015
The 2nd Sunday of Lent
+Irene Sammon
+Joe, Paul & Kathleen Mudry
Family Perspective
The gospel on this first Sunday of Lent tells us that
Jesus returns from His forty days in the desert proclaiming “The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent
and believe the Gospel!” Prayer, fasting, almsgiving
and the sacrament of Penance are the Church’s traditional practices that have proven effective in helping
people repent and live the Gospel. Don’t miss this lifechanging opportunity! Schedule time and make the
effort to focus on Jesus and His Gospel this Lent.
Lenten Regulations
As Jesus fasted 40 days in the desert, the Church tradition-ally
fasts during Lent as a gesture of repentance and a reminder of
our dependence on the love of God.
Fasting: Ages 18-59 fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday,
one full meal and two smaller meals, no snacking between
Abstinence: Ages 14 and older, no meat on Ash Wednesday
and all Fridays of Lent.
Mon. Feb. 23
PSR 6:00-7:15PM
First Reading: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18
Second Reading: Rom 8:31b-34
Gospel Reading: Mk 9:2-10(26)
Please pray for The Sick In Our Parish
Holly Conzelman
Sue Dantin
Sarah Stoker
Pete Maisano
Jean Kula
Robert Williams
Jack McNulty
Sue Foley
Joseph Governale
Lutgarda Tolentino
Elsie Killian
Mary Saunders
Janice Treer
Teresa Szeluga
Virginia Kovach
Virginia Sadosky
Tues. Feb. 24
Women’s Bible Study 9:00AM
Wed. Feb 25
Fr. Pete Coletti presents “Joy of the Gospel” 7:00PM
Thur. Feb. 26
Music Ministry Rehearsal 7:00PM
Fri. Feb 27
Stations 7:00PM
Sun. Mar. 1
Youth Renewal Meeting 6-8:00PM
February 23
St. Polycarp
Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna (modern Izmir, Turkey), disciple of
St. John the Apostle and friend of St. Ignatius of Antioch was a
revered Christian leader during the first half of the second century.
St. Ignatius, on his way to Rome to be martyred, visited Polycarp at Smyrna, and later at Troas wrote him a personal letter.
The Asia Minor Churches recognized Polycarp’s leadership by
choosing him as a representative to discuss with Pope Anicetus
the date of the Easter celebration in Rome—a major controversy
in the early Church.
Only one of the many letters written by Polycarp has been preserved, the one he wrote to the Church of Philippi
in Macedonia.
At 86, Polycarp was led into the crowded Smyrna stadium to be
burned alive. The flames did not harm him and he was finally
killed by a dagger. The centurion ordered the saint’s body
burned. The “Acts” of Polycarp’s martyrdom are the earliest
preserved, fully reliable account of a Christian martyr’s death.
He died in 156.
Rite of Election
This Sunday we celebrate the Rite of Election
with Dominic Catanese. Based on the testimony
given by the sponsors and our support of their
readiness for the sacraments, we declare Dominic
to be elect, chosen by God for the sacraments at
St. Matthias Library Corner
In First Comes Love, Scott Hahn reveals the
connection between families we create on earth
and the Holy Trinity. He shows that words like
father, mother, brother, sister, and home illuminate the central ideas of Christianity. Hahn helps
us understand the sacraments and how to make
our family life reflect the Trinity. No matter what
sort of dysfunction we have experienced, we can
find a family in the Church.
Tech Talk
Looking for a comprehensive catholic app to help you with
mass readings, prayers, the catechism, meditations. Download
Laudate for free available for Apple and Android devices.
The most comprehensive Catholic App .Daily Mass Readings,
Order of Mass, Liturgy of Hours, New American Bible, Latin
Mass and Latin Liturgy of Hours, Rosary and Latin Rosary,
Chaplet of Divine Mercy (on Rosary screen), Seven Sorrows
Rosary, Chaplet of St. Michael, Holy Wounds Chaplet, St Jude
Chaplet, Franciscan Crown Rosary, Stations of the Cross, Saint
of the Day, Catechism of Catholic Church, Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), Daily Examination of Conscience, various
prayers and prayers in Latin with English translation. Podcast
for Rosary and Stations. Daily Meditations. Podcasts of Daily
Readings with read-along text and meditations. Ability to
bookmark prayers and create own categorized prayers. Export/Import for prayers. Edit prayers on your Mac or PC and
Import into Laudate. Douay-Rheims Bible for offline use. Second Vatican documents, Code of Canon Law and papal encyclical letters.
St. Matthias Youth Renewal
“Ignite Your Faith”
It’s that time again!
Get Ready for a weekend that
can change your life!!!
Bring a Friend! And an open mind!!!
March 13th thru March 15th
Open to High Schoolers
Reserve Your Spot!
Fill out form and return to Rectory with payment by
March 8th!!!
Cost is only $35 per person.
Make checks payable to: St. Matthias Youth Ministry
If you have any questions
Please call
Randy Kula @ (216) 409-2639
Forms are available in the kiosk in the Gathering Area.
What’s Your Catholic I.Q. ?
Last Week’s Answer
Holy water found at the doors of the Church is considered a:
A) Sacramental
This Week’s Question
The _____is the source and summit of the Christian life.
A) holy water
B) Eucharist;
C) family
D) confessional
Sunday, February 22nd Youth Renewal Meeting 6-8:00PM
Sunday, March 1st Youth Renewal Meeting 6-8:00PM
Sunday, March 8th Youth Renewal Meeting 6-8:00PM
Friday, March 13th—Sunday, March 15—Youth Renewal
PARMA, OHIO 440-888-8220
FEBRUARY 22, 2015
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion, Readers & Altar Servers Schedule for Next Week
Feb 28/Mar 1
4:00 PM (Sunday Vigil)
Fr. Ray Sutter
Fr. Ray Sutter
Mary Ann Pokorny - Host 1
JoAnn Medwetz - Host 2
Judy Lapchynski - Host 3
Terry Mattie - Cup 1
Pamela Ziss - Cup 2
Janet Rymut - Cup 3
Joe Medwetz - Cup 4
Tom Litwinowicz - Host 1
Gary Beohmerle - Host 2
Gloria Litwinowicz - Host 3
Marlene Beohmerle - Cup 1
Mary Lou Mallinak - Cup 2
Stacie Muniak - Cup 3
Paul Soska - Cup 4
Carol Duke - Host 1
Terry Duke - Host 2
Randy Lamb - Host 3
Patti Bertschler - Cup 1
Michael Byrne - Cup 2
Kathleen Byrne - Cup 3
John Bertschler - Cup 4
Rose Rohal - Reader 1 & 2
Bob Sammon - Reader 1
John Veres - Reader 2
Kathy Payne - Reader 1
Joyce Kavaras - Reader 2
Ann Kolosionek - Senior Server
Bob Arbuckle - Server
John Kolosionek - Server
NOT FILLED - Senior Server
Brianne Litwinowicz - Server
Carmella Russ - Server
Antonio Lonero - Senior Server
Leah Griesmer - Server
Pete Luber - Server
Mark Luber - Server
Adult Choir
Donna Ross
Adult Choir
Carmella Rosati
Catechist (Children Liturgy)
Laura Zydiak
11:00 AM
Fr. Ted Haag
Altar Server
9:00 AM
Jim Rohal - Greeter 1
Eileen Fahey - Greeter 2
North Royalton Community Meal
There is a North Royalton Community Meal held each
month. This monthly meal is hosted the last Sunday of every
month. It is open to all residents and is meant to build a sense of
community spirit, and most importantly, to feed those in need in
our community. This monthly community meal is sponsored by
the following community churches in our area: St. Albert, Royal
Redeemer Lutheran Church, Abundant Life Community
Church, North Royalton United Methodist Church, St. Matthew
the Evangelist Antiochian Orthodox Church, St. Paul Greek
Orthodox and SRC Church of the Nazarene. To check which
church is hosting call 440-237-6761
This bulletin is furnished to the Parish without charge. The advertisements that appear completely defray all publishing costs with
which the church would otherwise be burdened.
This week’s “Sponsor of the Week” is…
Adelmo’s Electric Sewer Cleaning, Inc.
Marie Shiban - Greeter 1
Carol Malloy - Greeter 2
NOT FILLED - Greeter 1
Sue Braun - Greeter 2
St. Joseph Church
(Brecksville) will be holding
a Fish Fry each of the Fridays of
Lent. Walleye, baked scrod,
fried shrimp, "krab" cakes, fried
clams and pirohies are the featured entrees. Serving at lunch
($7.50) is from 11:30-1:00. Dinnertime serving is 4:00-7:00
and the cost is $9.00. Carryout's are available. For more information call 440-526-1818 or 440-526-0016. (The address is
8111 Brecksville Rd. just south of Wallings Rd.)
St Andrew Ukrainian Catholic Church
Annual Lenten Fish Fry
Every Friday during Lent, address: 7700 Hoertz Rd / Parma,
(Back Hall). Event Hours: 5:00pm to 7:30pm. Menu includes:
Baked fish, fried fish, shrimp, our famous pierogi's, home made
cabbage & noodles and potato pancakes, plus more!. Dinner
prices range from $8.00 to $10.50. All meals include: coffee or
soft drink, bread, bakery and your choice of coleslaw or applesauce. For more information go to our website
www.standrewucc.org or call 440/843-9149.
Lenten Collection for Brookside
Womankind 40th Anniversary
To celebrate this special year, our parish Lenten campaign will
raise funds to purchase 5 needs that Womankind staff named:
$1,000 for an additional workstation and printer
$500 for miscellaneous furnishings to create a ‘healing
room’ for counseling sessions, etc. Items to be purchased include lamps, a slipcover for the couch, and
other items to make the room warm, inviting and comfortable.
$1,896 for (4) exam room cabinets to replace the old, mismatched ones we are currently using
$476 to purchase a new Blood Draw Chair for our lab
$304 to purchase (4) new physician antimicrobial utilistools for the exam rooms
Funds from sources like our Baby Bottles (being skipped this
year), are used for client services only and cannot be touched
for other essentials. So our Lenten donations will be a special
When you write a check (payable to Womankind) or donate
what you can, please also include a prayer for the safe delivery
of all babies born that day.
Laundry Soap
Dish Soap
Body Soap
Toilet Paper
Other Home and Personal Needs
Brookside no longer has their resale shop and cannot use the
Easter baskets and candy as in the past. Nicole from Brookside
told me that the Food Bank no longer funds the above products
and the people are sorely in
need of these things.
This Lenten season we would
like to fill this need by collecting from Feb 21- Mar 22.
Lenten Activities at St. Matthias
If you wish to receive a Fact Sheet listing more details about
Womankind Maternal and Prenatal Care Center, please email
Patti Bertschler at pbertschler@ncsmediation.com
March 4th ~ Diocesan-wide Celebration of
the Sacrament of Penance; Fr. Ray will be
hearing confessions from 5-8 p.m.
March 23rd ~ Pizza & Penance: Pizza,
salad, and refreshments will be served in the classrooms at 6:00
p.m. At 6:45 p.m. we will gather in the church for a short video
on the sacrament of penance, and from 7-8:00 p.m. we will
provide an opportunity for those in attendance to celebrate the
sacrament individually.
The Little Black Book is the a favorite daily devotional for the Lenten season. A good Lenten
resolution would be to spend 6 minutes a day in
prayer with the Little Black Book. It is available
in the Gathering Area for a free will offering.
Stations of the Cross
On the following Fridays:
February 20th ~ 7:00 p.m. Traditional
February 27th ~ 7:00 p.m. Traditional
Please pray for our military and their families,
especially Christopher Dominick, Tim Ryan,
Joshua Haugh, Sean Sirl, Teran Chapman,
David Schmidt, Timothy Schmidt, and Patrick
For young adults with choices, decisions; thinking about the
next step:
Join us for the Spirit@Work Retreat, March 21-22 at Bethany
Retreat Center in Chardon. $40 covers overnight accommodations and meals. Register at www.charisministries.org . Contact
Sr. Kate Hine, SND 440-476-6094 or khine@ndec.org. Spaces
fill up quickly!
March 6th ~ 7 p.m. Marian Stations of the Cross If you would
like to read a station, please e-mail Karen Kolosionek
at karenmkolosionek@aol.com.
March 20th ~ 7:00 p.m. Traditional
Spiritual Talks
February 25th ~ 7:00 p.m. Fr. Pete Coletti will talk of the “Joy
of the Gospel”
March 27th ~ 7:00 p.m. Rose Austin talk about “Interacting
with Angels”
PARMA, OHIO 440-888-8220
FEBRUARY 22, 2015
Spiritual Life Commission is sponsoring 2 Lenten talks
Changes are coming to St. Matthias.....
Talks will be held in the classrooms at St. Matthias at 7:00 pm.
There will be some significant changes in the St. Matthias staffing coming April 1, 2015, both to the support and pastoral staff.
The first will be held on February 25th;
Fr. Pete Colletti will be talking about the
“Joy of the Gospel” God wants You and has
gifted you for his purpose.
The second talk will be held on March 27th;
Rose Austin will be talking about “Angels”
How to Interact with Angels.
Cross of Petitions
There will be a cross erected in the chapel
this Lent. You are welcome to pin your
prayer request to the cross so the whole
community of St.Matthias can intercede for you
and support you. You are also invited to pray for
all those petitions that have been posted.
Two inspiring opportunities for men of St. Matthias
The “Early Birds Men’s Group” would like to invite all the
men of St. Matthias to join us Saturday, February 28th at
the “Walk Worthy Men’s Conference” sponsored by
Moody Radio, held at Grace Church in Middleburg Hts.
The conference will encourage and motivate you to continue walking as a man of God. The morning and afternoon
will be filled with both worship and powerful messages
from nationally renowned speakers on how to stay true to
the disciplines of a Godly man. This is a one-day event
starting at 8 am lasting until 3pm. A continental breakfast,
lunch and refreshments are included in the $50 admission
price. Seating is limited, and we are looking to purchase all
tickets in the upcoming week. Please contact Rob Saunders at 440-785-3495 by phone or text for any questions
and to make reservations for this event.
Deacon Ken would like to invite all the men of the parish to
the Catholic Men’s Conference taking place on Saturday
March 21 at Villa Angela St. Joseph High School in Cleveland. The conference will have outstanding speakers insightfully addressing men’s issues. This is a great opportunity to re-energize your spiritual life, jump-start your relationship with Our Brother, Jesus Christ, and bond and share
with other Christian men. Speakers include Joe McClane,
Lawrence W. Vuillemin, J.D. and Fr. Norm Douglas. The
conference begins with registration, donuts and coffee and
8:00am; start of conference 9:00am; Lunch and confession
12:00 noon; closing Mass will be celebrated by Father
Norm Douglas at 4:00pm. Registration deadline is
March 14th. Cost for single registration is $35/$15 for
students. Groups of 8 men or more:$30. To register go
online to www.cmfneo.com or call 1-877-208-5585. Fathers be sure to invite your teenage and older sons! Sons
ask your father to come with you!
First of all, as many of you are aware, Randy Kula, who has
been our parish Youth Minister for almost 15 years, has accepted a full time ministry at two parishes in the Lorain area. As
a result he will be resigning from St. Matthias's Youth Ministry
at the end of the March Youth Renewal. We are grateful for all
the dedicated time and talent Randy gave to bringing so many
of our youth to a closer relationship with the Lord and with the
Church over the years. Being a small parish with not a great
number of youth, he has continuously been able to engage a
significant number of youth in renewal, spiritual and social activity. He will be missed and we wish him the best of luck in his
new ministry.
Beginning April 1, 2015, Mrs. Gloria Litwinowitz will take
over the Youth Ministry for the Parish. Gloria along with her
husband and two children are members of the parish. Gloria’s
educational background is in Pastoral Ministry especially with
youth. A fuller presentation of Gloria and her hopes for the
ministry will be shared with us in the next Newsletter.
Also as of April 1, Ann Marie Rymarczyk, the parish financial
secretary for almost a decade will be retiring. In this age of financial transparency and increased accountability to the diocese
and tri-annual audits by the diocese, Ann Marie has been an
extremely important member of our financial team working
closely with our Business Manager, parish accountant and Finance Council. She has been a great asset to the parish staff and
a great friend.
Chris Walter, our parish secretary and receptionist, has for
many years been the "face of St. Matthias" being the first person to meet and greet folks calling or coming to the Rectory.
She has also taken on the onerous duty of keeping my calendar
and trying to keep me organized :-)
She will be changing her role on the staff and taking on new
and additional duties. Effective, April 1, Chris will become Administrative Assistant and Office Manager continuing to be my
secretary and taking over much of the financial secretarial duties. Chris will continue as Parish Council Secretary. Under her
direction will be hired a part time receptionist and parish secretary to work a couple days a week keeping parish records, sacramental records, scheduling Masses, Baptisms, etc.
Once again, my grateful thanks and the thanks of all the parish
to the ministries of Randy and Ann Marie. Welcome to Gloria.
And continued thanks and appreciation to Chris for all she does.
We have been and continue to be blessed with dedicated and
loving members of the parish staff. I am pleased to count them
and all the members of the staff past and present as my friends
and co-workers in the vineyard of the Lord.
In God's Love,
Fr. Ray
March 2015
Youth Renewal
Meeting 12-2:00PM
in Classrooms
Women’s Bible
Study 9:00AM
Men’s Bible
Study 9:00AM
Membership Meeting 5:30PM
PSR 6-7:15PM
Sacrament of
Penance 5:008:00PM
Music Ministry
Rehearsal 7PM
Marian Stations of
the Cross 7:00PM
Youth Renewal
Youth Renewal
Social Action Meeting 7:00PM
Sacramental Prep 67:15PM
Youth Renewal
Women’s Bible
Study 9:00AM
Men’s Bible
Study 9:00AM
Drop off cookies
for the military
Liturgical Minister Recommitment Meeting
Stations of the
Cross 7:00PM
Women’s Bible
Study 9:00AM
Pizza & Penance
No Sacramental Prep
Rose Austin presentation on
“Angels” 7:00PM
Sacramental Prep 67:15PM
PSR 6-7:15PM
Music Ministry
Rehearsal 7PM
PSR 6-7:15PM
Bowling 6-9:00PM
Music Ministry
Rehearsal 7PM
Sacramental Prep 67:15PM
Parish Council
Meeting 7:00PM
PSR 6-7:15PM
Women’s Bible
Study 9:00AM
Youth Renewal
Meeting 6-8:00PM
in Classrooms