FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE OF HALIFAX-YARMOUTH On Friday, February 6th the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the sections of the Criminal Code dealing with assisting in suicide. People everywhere have responded in one way or another with this change. The weekend of the ruling, Archbishop Mancini shared his own thoughts and response in his homily for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time. “ Sing praises to the Lord who heals the broken-hearted.” Psalm 147. If you’d like to read the Archbishop’s message in full, you can find it posted on our bulletin board at the entrance of the churches. Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish Lenten Mission 2015 A study of the Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium of the Holy Father Francis. ( Joy of the Gospel) Speaker Fr. Jean Marc Laporte, S.J. Monday March 9th 7pm --The Liturgy of the Word Tuesday, March 10th 7pm—Penitential Service with individual confession and reflection Wednesday, March 11th—Mass with collection and reception IN THE LOOP St. Michael’s Muffin Breakfast: Come one, come all to our CWL annual muffin breakfast on Sunday, March 1st after the 8:00 and 10:00 am masses. Enjoy a time of fellowship while making a donation to help Development and Peace. Hot coffee, tea and juice will hit the spot after all this cold weather. From the Desk of Fr. Alfred: PRAY ABOUT SOMETHING LENT is a season of penance, reflection, prayer and fasting which prepares us for Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Lenten exercises are meant to help us attain redemption. We focus on Christ in His passion with the liturgical drama of the Stations of the Cross. The Church invites us to join with the faithful all over the world to practice this devotion every Friday until we do it in a grand style on Good Friday. Lent is a season of grace and our prayers and devotion will yield us great benefits. We should therefore take a sober reflection on the global situation as regards terrorism, global warming, etc., government policies and the environment, the youth, unemployment, health care, etc., and our personal-self in terms of our health, family and friends and employment issues and offer prayers for divine intervention and help. Have an intention to pray about. Our prayers and practice should be sincere and not merely an exterior form or a vague resolution. The Stations of the Cross are highly recommended during this season. As well, you may find some time to pray the Rosary and the Divine Mercy. Wishing you a fruitful and rewarding Lenten season, Fr. Alfred The Chair of St. Peter On this feast we celebrate the unity of the Church, founded upon Peter the Apostle and continuing to our present pope. “ You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church. The gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.” –Matt.16.18 As Roman Catholics we also renew our assent with the Magisterium (teaching authority/infallibility) of the Pontiff. Eventide This month’s Eventide will be Tuesday, February 24th at 7pm at St Paul’s Church location. Our guest speaker will be Greg Aikins from St Michael’s Church. Greg’s witness will be on “Learning to Trust”. All are welcome. Please bring a friend. Our personal prayer team will be available during the service. Bible Study at St. Peter’s begins today, Feb.22 at 10 am. We’re looking at the Gospel of St. Mark, as taught by Dr. Mary Healy and focussing on how the scriptures speak to the heart. Please join us at St. Peter’s Hall at 10am. KID’S MOVIE NIGHT Big Hero 6 Friday, February 27th at St Paul’s Hall 6:30-8:30pm. Admission $7.00 (includes I slice of pizza, I bottled water and popcorn) You MUST call Debbie Clark 902-477-4847 to PRE-PAY and reserve your spot! Please bring a non-perishable item for the food bank. Congratulations to Agnes MacLean, winner of the 50/50 draw last weekend. Aggie generously donated her winnings back to the parish. THANK YOU, Aggie!! Heads Up!! Our maintenance man, Terry Power, has spent some time these past two weeks doing a much needed cleaning of the oak woodwork in St Paul’s Church. He has also begun repairing and painting the ceiling tiles in the sanctuary area with a view to painting the entire ceiling. This project will take some time and require 10-12 gallons of paint. At the same time, the snow load on the sacristy roof caused some water damage to the ceiling and a portion will need replacement. Like all maintenance and repair, this comes with a cost. We are asking parishioners to help out by sponsoring a gallon of paint. There will be envelopes available at the back of the churches so that you can receive credit. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Fr. Henry will be away from the parish this week so please note the following mass time changes: Tuesday Feb 24th 7 pm- our Eventide program will take place as scheduled at St. Paul’s. Wednesday, Feb 25th No mass at St Peter’s; Thursday, Feb 26th 9am at St Paul’s; Friday Feb 27th mass at 9am preceded by Way of the Cross at 8:30am at St. Paul’s. The parish sends abundant blessings to Lynne and Kyle Dempsey and family as they bring their baby daughter, Frances, to St Peter’s Church for baptism on Sunday February 22nd at the 9 am mass. FINANCE: 35 Sunday Envelopes $930. Loose $20. Please note: there was no Sunday mass last weekend due to the snow/ice storm. This would account for the smaller numbers. Thank you for your generosity. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY St Peter and St Paul Parish Parish Office: 137 Hebridean Dr, Herring Cove, NS, B3V 1H4 Office Hours: Tues 9 am – 1 pm, Thurs / Fri 10 am – 2 pm Administrative Assistant: Margo Briggs (902) 431-5459 (Office) Email: Sisters of the Franciscans of Halifax: (902) 454-0441 1st Sunday of Lent February 22, 2015 “The Kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe the good news.” ST PETER AND ST PAUl PARISH *For baptisms or marriage please complete the online registration form found on our parish website St. Peter’s Church 1095 Ketch Harbour Rd, Ketch Harbour Sunday Liturgy – 9:00 am Weekday MassWednesday – 6:45 pm Reconciliation: Wednesday 6:30 pm Sunday 8:30 am St. Paul’s Church 151 Hebridean Dr, Herring Cove Sunday liturgy- Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 11:00 am Weekday Masses- for Lent Tuesday/Friday 7:00 pm Thursday 9:00 am Reconciliation: Saturday- 3:00 pm Tuesday- 6:30 pm Feast Days and Daily Readings Mon Feb 23 Tue Feb 24 Wed Feb 25 Thu Feb 26 Fri Feb 27 Sat Feb 28 Sun Mar 1 St. Polycarp Weekday Weekday Weekday Weekday Weekday 2nd Sunday of Lent Lev 19.1-2, 11-18 / Matt 25.31-46 Isaiah 55.10-11 / Matt 6.7-15 Jonah 3.1-10 / Luke 11.29-32 Esther 14.1, 3-5, 12-14 / Matt 7.7-12 Ezekiel 18.21-28 / Matt 5.20-26 Deut 26.16-19 / Matt 5.43-48 Gen.22.1-18/Rom8.31-35/Mark9.2-10 Father Alfred Eshun – Parish Administrator (902) 477-3530 Father Henry Ahorlu – Assistant Priest (902) 477-3530
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