The Roman Catholic Parishes of

St. Joseph
Box 9
Balgonie, SK S0G 0E0
Ph: (306) 771-2387
Fax: (306) 771-4260
Hall: (306) 771-4202
Pastoral Council:
Joe Maierhoffer
Ron Dielschneider
Cheryl Behrns
Rod Rieder
Building & Grounds
Parish Council Secretary
James Siebert
Laurier Donais
Ed Fetsch
Diane Fahlman
Bulletin Editor
Margaret Kiel
Adult & Youth Ministries
Judith Cayer / Vacant
Judith Cayer, President
Deanery Rep
Rod Rieder
Cheryl Behrns
Knights of Columbus
Blair Baller, Grand Knight
Prayer Group
Judith Cayer
School of Religion
Lori Donais
Social Justice
Ken Fahlman
Church Hall Bookings: Trevor & Nicole Dech (771-4632)
St. Agnes
Box 367
Pilot Butte, SK
S0G 3Z0
Ph: (306) 781-4499
Pastoral Council:
Kim Lang
February 22, 2015
From the Pastor’s Desk….
Our Lenten journey has begun. What is this season all about? On Ash Wednesday,
God calls us once again as his very own people, ‘Even now, return to me with all
your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; rend your hearts and
nor your clothing. Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful.’
Today, we remember the end of the story of Noah. God establishes a covenant with
Noah and his sons, a covenant in which God commits to protect life from then on
and to never again destroy all flesh.
St. Peter reminds us that Christ suffered once and for all in order to bring
us to God. Through baptism we are one with Christ and so we have hope to one
day be with God at the right hand of God. So lent is that time we open ourselves up
to everything that leads us to God. This is the time to repent and believe the Good
News. It is the time to put into practice, in our lives, the Good News that we have
received. That Good News is Jesus Christ.
In the Gospel of Mark, we are simply told that Jesus was driven by the
Spirit into the wilderness. There he spent forty days being tempted by Satan. At the
end of that time Jesus came forth and proclaimed, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the
kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe the good news.’ What did
Jesus mean by this? What does ‘repent’ and ‘believe’ actually mean? It certainly
meant more then just getting to know the things that Jesus came to teach. It
certainly means more than just knowing those truths today.
A spiritual writer Fr. Ed Hays has said, ‘The original followers of Jesus
imitated him long before they worshiped him.’ What he means by this is that
Jesus’ first disciples didn’t drastically change their life-styles and follow him from
town to town, synagogue to synagogue, because they believed he was God. They
followed him because they saw the value in imitating the way he thought and lived.
He focused on things and people they had never before noticed. He showed them
how to change the world in which they lived. He showed them how to integrate his
unique insights into the faith they already professed.
Imitating Jesus, the disciples began to realize that he was God. During this
Lenten Season, let us with renewed vigour to take up the work of imitating Jesus
and so come to recognize him as the Good News that changes the world in God’s
Pat Laturnas, President
Secretary Darlene Loucks
Deanery Marian Zsombor
Treasurer Fran Rieder
Knights of Columbus
Building & Grounds
Blair Baller
Norm Halipchak
Pastor: Fr. Ed Hengen
Dear Sisters and Brothers
Pastoral Care
Deanery Rep
Finance Council
The Roman Catholic Parishes of
St. Joseph and St. Agnes
In Christ, Fr. Ed
St. Joseph
St. Agnes
Saturday 7 p.m.
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Sunday 9 a.m.
Music Blair Baller
Liturgy Debbie Rieder
School of Religion
Pastoral Care
Jackie Peat
Cheryl Lachambre
Social Justice Ed Zsombor
For weekday Mass schedule
please see inside bulletin.
Please call St. Joseph’s Rectory at
771-2387 to arrange for a baptism,
wedding, or funeral.
Call as well for any requests for prayer
intentions, and if anyone is sick or
distressed so we can arrange for
visitation and communion for the sick.
They followed him because they saw the value in
imitating the way he thought and lived.
He showed them
how to change the world in which they lived!
1st Sunday of Lent (B)
February 22, 2015
Welcome to all visitors and guests
Feb 23
Feb 24
No Mass
Parish Reconciliation Celebrations for Lent:
7:00 pm
For the intentions of the Parish Council
Wednesday Feb 25
St. Joseph @ 9:00 am
St. Agnes @ 10:30 am
This change is made because of the AGM at St. Agnes that day.
St. Joseph: Wednesday, March 4 @ 7:00 pm.
St. Agnes: Wednesday, March 11 @ 7:00 pm.
10:45 am Wm Albert
For the intentions of the residents.
Feb 26
8:00 am
For the repose of the soul of Diane Deibel requested by
Bill & Janette Rieger.
P Friday,
Feb 27
8:00 am
For the repose of the soul of Gabe Camirand requested
by Robert and Lynne Kardash.
NEXT Brunch MARCH 1st
Regina Deanery Pastoral Council is hosting a Lenten
Mission at Holy Trinity Parish (5020 Sherwood Dr.
March 9-12 : 7:00 to 9:00pm each evening.
Mission directed by Fr. Ben St. Croix
Donations or free will offering. Parishioners from all
parishes in the Deanery are invited to attend all or
some of the sessions.
Grades 1- 8
Dates for School of Religion
Feb 22
March 1,8,15,29
Schedule for Readers & Communion Ministers
Stations of the Cross
St. Joseph Friday’s at 7:00 pm.
through the rest of Lent
Feb 21
Feb 22
John & Sharon
Lauren & Gisele
Feb 28
Mar 1
Jacqueline & Kenny
Florence & Jodi
Diane, Terri, Russ, Angeline(Cathy)
Cecil, Lori, Monika, Vivian (Nick)
NOTE: If you are NOT available on the day assigned to you,
PLEASE find someone to replace you
Development & Peace
The Bishops of Canada endorse the Canadian Catholic
Organization for Development and Peace. Each Lent, in cooperation with other churches, they continue to bring the needs of
the Third World before the people of our country and encourage
all to respond to God’s generosity by supporting the works of
On the 5th Sunday of Lent, a collection is taken up for developing
countries. Christians are urged to share their goods with others
and thus express in a concrete way their desire to come closer to
God and all God’s children as a result of their Lenten efforts. The
offering should reflect the money saved through penitential
fasting and set aside for God’s people.
Are All The I’s Dotted & T’s Crossed?
This is a workshop for working with Children and Youth.
Some of the Topics to be Covered include:
Registration Forms – Medication - Abuse/Neglect - Parental
Who Should Come? Parish Workers - Parish Volunteers - Youth
Ministers If you are new to your position and/or have never
attended a Archdiocesan Protocol for Responsible Parish Ministry
Workshop, you should be there.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2015 from 7:00 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M. in
the Kinlin Room at St. Martin de Porres Parish, 4720 Castle Rd.,
To Register Contact: or call (306) 352-1651 Extension 239
Conducted by the Protocol Department Archdiocese of Regina
The waters of Baptism make us part of the new covenant in
Christ. But the bishops’ pastoral letter on stewardship reminds us
that “there is a fundamental obligation arising from the Sacrament
of Baptism . . . that people place their gifts, their resources – their
selves – at God’s service in and through the Church.”
Weekly Readings
Febs 23 Weekday
Leviticus 19.1-2 Ps 19 Matthew 25.31-46
Feb 24 Weekday
Isaiah 55.10-11 Ps 34 Matthew 6.7-15
Feb 25 Weekday
Jonah 3.1-10 Ps 51 Luke 11.29-32
Feb 26 Weekday
Estger 14.1 Ps 138 Matthew 7.7-12
Feb 27 Weekday
Ezekiel 18.21-28 Ps 130 Matthew 5.20-26
February 22 , 2015
The following saints are traditionally remembered in March in
Saint Casimir
Saints Perpetua and Felicity
Saint Joh of God
Saint Frances of Rome
Saint Patrick
Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
Saint Joseph, Principal Patron of Canada
Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo
We, the parishioners of St. Agnes,
strive to live by Gospel values.We support each other with mutual
respect and concern as we journey together, hope,
and love towards the Kingdom of God.
Coffee and donuts this Sunday after Mass.
Everyone invited
AGM is on MARCH 8th
St. Joseph @ 9:00 am
St. Agnes @ 10:30 am
Nash Memorial Lecture: Dead Man Walking:
The Journey Continues
Education Auditorium, Main Campus
March 5, 2015 07:30 PM
Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ, will present the 35th annual Nash Memorial
Lecture entitled Dead Man Walking: The Journey Continues.
Book sales and signing to follow
. Parking is available in lots 13M & 14M.
Sister Helen Prejean has been instrumental in sparking national
dialogue in the United States on the death penalty and helping to shape
the Catholic Church’s newly vigorous opposition to state executions.
She travels around the world giving talks about her ministry. She
considers herself a southern storyteller.
Sister Helen is a member of the Congregation of St. Joseph. She spent
her first years with the Sisters teaching religion to junior high school
students. Realizing that being on the side of poor people is an essential
part of the Gospel she moved into the St. Thomas Housing Project in
New Orleans and began working at Hope House from 1981 – 1984.
During this time, she was asked to correspond with a death row inmate
Patrick Sonnier at Angola. She agreed and became his spiritual adviser.
After witnessing his execution, she wrote a book about the experience.
The result was Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account of the
Death Penalty in the United States. It became a movie, an opera and a
play for high schools and colleges.
Since 1984, Sister Helen has divided her time between educating
citizens about the death penalty and counseling individual death row
prisoners. She has accompanied six men to their deaths. In doing so,
she began to suspect that some of those executed were not guilty. This
realization inspired her second book, The Death of Innocents: An
Eyewitness Account of Wrongful Executions, which was released by
Random House in December of 2004.
Sr. Helen is presently at work on another book - RIVER OF FIRE: MY
Lent changes things
Alms change our spending habits from earth to
Fasting changes our eating habits from fleshy
indulgence to spiritual satisfaction.
Prayer changes our attitude from self-importance to
humility. So what we get from Lent is not simply a
change of liturgical cycles.
We get a change of heart, a change of attitude, a
change of life.
The Holy Childhood Association (HCA) is designed
for Catholic Children so they can help other children
around the world. The HCA helps children in Ghana,
India, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Sri Lanka.
children in our parishes and many schools! No one is too
little to care about others.
What can you do this week? Use the Lenten calendar
website: .
Help your family make a Lenten Chain!
Cut purple construction paper into one-inch horizontal
strips. Once a week, during Lent, invite everyone in your
family to write down their Lenten goal for the week: a
prayer they plan to say each day, a sacrifice they plan to
commit to, a work of mercy they plan to perform, etc.
Loop the strips around one another, taping them together
to form a chain. Display the Lenten Chain prominently
and watch it grow during Lent as the family strives to
grow closer to Jesus.
A silent PERSONAL DIRECTED RETREAT is being offered at St. Michael’s Retreat in Lumsden from Friday,
May 8 at 7:00 p.m. to Sunday, May 10 at 1:00 p.m.
This retreat is part of the practicum for those in the second year of their formation and training program to be
commissioned as spiritual directors in June.
The cost of the retreat is $256.00 and is to be paid by the person making the retreat. A non-refundable downpayment of $50.00 must be paid at the time of registration. The remainder can be paid at the start of the retreat.
Cheques are to be made out to Spiritual Directors Group as St. Michaels will bill this group for accommodations
and meals by those making the retreat.
To register, please send your registration form below along with your down-payment to Marlene Miller at 14
Scott St.,Regina S4S 4A2. We would appreciate if you could send this in by the end of February as we need a
sense of how many will be participating when we proceed with further plans for the retreat.
A silent directed retreat can be a grace-filled opportunity for you to spend some quality time with your loving God, and
God with you. We hope you are able to take this time away from the busy-ness of life, and come aside and rest awhile.
NAME _________________________________________________________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS__________________________________________________________
PHONE ____________________________________________________________________
Together, through our prayers and actions, let us build a culture that respects and
cares for the dignity and value of each person from their first moment to their last.
Spend time with someone who is lonely, suffering an illness or feeling alienated.
Share happy memories with your children, parents and grandparents.
Please complete this form and place in the collection basket.
Name(s) __________________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ Phone ____________________
 New
 Change of Address
 Wish to have Church Envelopes
 Wish Home Visit