Multi-Family Land For Sale by Public Tender Sealed tenders addressed to the Sales Section, Saskatoon Land, 201 Third Avenue North, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2H7, and plainly marked on the envelope “Tender for Purchase of MultiFamily Property” will be received until 2:00 p.m. CST, on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, for the following properties: Group Townhouse Parcel: CIVIC ADDRESS: ZONING DISTRICT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: RESERVE BID: SITE AREA: address to be assigned RMTN Parcel KK, Plan 102137633 $ 3,049,500.00 1.30 ha (3.21 ac) +/- Stacked Group Townhouse Parcels: CIVIC ADDRESS: Baltzan Boulevard (address to be assigned) ZONING DISTRICT: RMTN1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel PP, Plan 102137633 RESERVE BID: $ 1,316,250.00 SITE AREA: 0.55 ha (1.35 ac) +/CIVIC ADDRESS: ZONING DISTRICT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: RESERVE BID: SITE AREA: address to be assigned RMTN1 Parcel NN, Plan 102137633 $ 3,422,250.00 1.42 ha (3.51 ac) +/- Apartment Style Parcels: CIVIC ADDRESS: ZONING DISTRICT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: RESERVE BID: SITE AREA: address to be assigned RM3 Parcel OO, Plan 102137633 $ 2,487,500.00 1.01 ha (2.50 ac) +/- CIVIC ADDRESS: ZONING DISTRICT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: RESERVE BID: SITE AREA: 130 Akhtar Bend RM3 Parcel LL, Plan 102137633 $2,318,350.00 0.94 ha (2.33 ac) +/- CIVIC ADDRESS: ZONING DISTRICT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: RESERVE BID: SITE AREA: 206 Akhtar Bend RM3 Parcel MM, Plan 102137633 $ 5,412,800.00 2.20 ha (5.44 ac) +/- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Bids must be accompanied by a certified cheque or bank draft payable to the City of Saskatoon for 10% of the tendered price, and must be submitted on the attached standard tender form. Subject to the information below, should the successful bidder not purchase the property, the deposit will be forfeited. The deposit cheques received from the unsuccessful bidders will be returned. Bids must be determined independently from any other bidder, or potential bidder. If in the opinion of the City there is any appearance that a bidder has consulted another bidder or potential bidder regarding: (a) prices; (b) methods, factors or formulas used to calculate prices; (c) the intention or decision to submit, or not submit, a bid; or (d) any other indication of collusion regarding bid prices, the City may, in its discretion, take any action it considers appropriate including rejecting any bid, or disqualifying any bidder from bidding on this tender or another tender. No multiple bids for a single property will be accepted. No bids less than the Reserve Bid will be accepted. No conditional bids will be accepted. The Individual name or Company submitting the bid package is who will be named on the Sale Agreement. No amendments to the original entered bid will be accepted. Architectural Evaluation for Multiple Unit Dwellings For Multiple Unit Dwellings, these sites are subject to architectural controls, a copy of which can be found on our website ( Bidders must gain approval of architectural plans for any site from Saskatoon Land through an architectural control review process. Prior to plan preparation, or at any stage during plan development, Saskatoon Land is available to meet to view draft plans and discuss the architectural requirements. Any questions should be directed to Tyson McShane at 306-975-3291. The successful bidder must enter into a Sale Agreement within 30 days of notification of the award of the tender. Failure to enter into the Sale Agreement within the prescribed time period will be deemed in default of the terms of the tender and the bid deposit will be forfeited. If the bidder is unwilling to comply with the architectural controls, the next highest bidder will be given an opportunity to resubmit their original bid and deposit cheque, and participate in the plan review process as above. After the highest qualified bidder has been notified, the bidder will have up to 18 weeks to gain final approval of architectural plans for the site from Saskatoon Land. The first submission of plans must be received by Saskatoon Land within 8 weeks of notification. Saskatoon Land will then analyze the plans for compliance with the architectural controls. Saskatoon Land reserves the right to take up to two weeks to review and comment on plans after any submission is made by the successful bidder. After plans have been reviewed, a meeting with the successful bidder will be arranged to discuss plan changes, if any, which may be required. The successful bidder will not be able to apply for a building permit until receiving final approval from Saskatoon Land. Once the Architectural Evaluation is completed, the successful bidder may apply for a Building Permit by providing the Building Standards Branch with a copy of the Sale Agreement and building plans. These plans will be cross checked to the plans which were submitted to and approved by Saskatoon Land. If the builder makes changes to its plans following approval from Saskatoon Land, a second approval will be required in order to ensure that the design still meets all architectural controls. There will be no appeal process for bidders who wish to challenge the decision of Saskatoon Land in its interpretation of the architectural controls. At the April 19, 2005 Saskatoon & Region Home Builders’ Association meeting, it was agreed that Saskatoon Land be given this mandate in order to be on a level playing field with other private developers who administer their own architectural controls. City Council endorsed this mandate at its May 16, 2005 meeting. In the event that no bids are received during the tender period and the parcels are available for sale over-the-counter, the plan review process will still apply prior to completion of the sales transaction and transfer of Title. It is encouraged to submit plans electronically in pdf format. The following information is required for the Architectural Evaluation: 1) A site plan, to scale showing buildings, roads, parking, loading, fences, and the landscaping concept; 2) Floor plans of all floors for each building to scale; 3) All exterior elevations of each building to scale indicating location of materials and colours; 4) Building section of each building to scale indicating building height, roof slopes, and features; and 5) Specifications and colours for all exterior building materials of each building and for site development. Environmental Building Incentives In the interest of promoting more energy efficient homes within Saskatoon Land developments, Saskatoon Land will extend the following incentives to all the townhouse developments (Parcels KK, NN, & PP): 1) Builders who are successful in receiving certification within the Energy Star Qualified Program would receive a rebate of the registration cost to a maximum of $500 per unit. This amount is currently the Energy Star Qualified registration cost. The Energy Star Qualified program requires training and certification for builders. 2) Builders who are successful in receiving certification within the EnerGuide for New Homes 80 (EGNH80) program will also receive a rebate of the registration cost to a maximum of $500 per unit. 3) If a builder decides to choose LEED Canada, the same rebate amount of $500 per unit will apply. Zoning Bidders are advised to consult with the Planning and Development Branch at 306-975-2645 as to permissible uses and other details regarding the zoning. Services Tenders include the sum required to prepay services. These services include curb, sidewalk, boulevard, street paving, street lighting, street signing, water mains, sanitary sewer mains, trunk sewer levies and primary water main levies. Services are provided adjacent to the site and are typically located in adjacent rights of way. Any costs associated with service connections or private crossings are not included in the tendered price and are the responsibility of the successful bidder. Final site grading is the responsibility of the purchaser and must be approved by the City Transportation & Utilities Department. The purchaser is also responsible for the topsoiling, seeding, irrigating and maintenance of boulevards adjacent to their property to the edge of the sidewalk and between the sidewalk and the curb. Easements See attached map for easements. The successful bidder is required to agree to grant the utility agencies any further easements, which may be required, at no cost. Representations, Warranties and Environmental Condition The properties are being sold “as is”. A Phase 1 Environmental Assessment report will be supplied to the successful bidder. Any further subsurface environmental investigations to evaluate for soil conditions on the site will be at the bidders own expense. Possession Possession of the site will not be granted until completion of the Architectural Evaluation. The successful bidder will be granted possession of the property after payment in full has been received. Payment in full must be secured no later than 30 days after architectural plans have been approved. The following outlines the conditions of possession: On or before the possession date, the successful bidder will deliver to the City of Saskatoon, Saskatoon Land the following: a. A certified cheque, bank draft or solicitor’s trust cheque for the balance of the purchase price; b. A written statement acknowledging acceptance of the environmental condition of the property; and c. Properly executed and sealed copies of the Sale Agreement. Property taxes will be adjusted at the possession date. Purchaser is responsible for fees to transfer Title. The Purchaser must provide the name of their solicitor who will undertake to register the Transfer Authorization on their behalf. The City of Saskatoon will provide a Transfer Authorization to the purchaser’s solicitor upon receipt of the balance of the purchase price. Conditions There will be no exceptions as to the conditions of this tender. Please consult our office or the website prior to the tender closing date for any amendments to this package. Saskatoon Land 201 Third Avenue North Saskatoon, SK S7K 2H7 Phone: (306) 975-3278 Fax: (306) 975-3070 Website: E-mail: Multi-Family Land Tender Form I wish to submit the following tender: Parcel: ___ Plan: _ Civic Address(es): Amount Tendered: A certified cheque in the amount of $ $ (before GST).* is attached. ** *All bids are subject to Goods and Services Tax. The successful bidder will be required to pay the GST when forwarding the balance of the purchase price or provide a GST Registration Number. **This amount represents exactly 10% of the amount tendered and the cheque is made out to the City of Saskatoon. Company: GST Registration Number (if applicable): Contact Name: Address: (postal code) Telephone No: Fax No.: E-mail Address: The purchaser will be required to have a lawyer to transfer Title into the purchaser’s name. Lawyer’s Name Law Firm I have read and acknowledge the conditions as set out in the attached Instructions to Bidders. Signature Date 138KV Overhead Multi-Family Tender Map Link Parcels KK, LL, MM, NN, OO, & PP Legend: Civic Addresses Previous Development Multi-Family Parcels 1234 Medium/High Density Multi-Family Parcels Low/Medium Density Easement 3m Easement 5m 110 7 57 06 .25 224 Apartment Style Condos 88.68 5.80 rd A a v kh e l u ta r Bo Mail Boxes Fire Hydrant Temporary Water Circulator T Transformer(2.0m x 2.0m) Light Standard Catch Basin 138KV Overhead Power Line $3,422,250.00 133.45 14 2 .0 14 206 $2,487,500.00 5.80 21.64 Parcel NN 1.42 ha (3.51 ac) Existing Chain Link Fence 41.75 Proposed Bus Stop 41.57 97.16 Parcel OO 1.01 ha (2.50 ac) 102.86 Bend $1,316,250.00 67.23 Group Townhousing (Stacked) 225 60.00 63.0 Parcel PP 0.55 ha (1.35 ac) 5 209 6 722 Bend Group Townhousing (Stacked) T 170 6 .6 66 5. 6. 69.79 Municipal Buffer Strip MB16 Marlatte 05 106.86 Street Concrete Swale Municipal Buffer Strip MB13 City Water & Sewer 2 .0 79.3 0 .95 70 3 46 .56 Parcel KK 1.30 ha (3.21 ac) $3,049,500.00 130 39.04 18.00 Apartment Style Condos 100.68 100.38 Group Townhousing 46.72 Parcel LL 0.94 ha (2.33 ac) Parcel MM 2.20 ha (5.44 ac) $5,412,800.00 90.11 Bay 33.4 9 43.29 Apartment Style Condos 159.78 11 0 5. 66 61 $2,318,350.00 AF - Saskatoon Land - February 2015 110.99 101.97 142.42 Note: Saskatoon Land does not guarantee the accuracy of this plan. To ensure accuracy, please refer to the Registered Plan of Survey. This plan is not to scale. Distances are in metres unless shown otherwise. This is not a legal plan. Lot dimensions and the location of other features are compiled from available information and are subject to change without notice. For verification please check with the appropriate authority. 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