YESHIVA DERECH HATORAH FAMILY ALBUM VOLUME 9 NUMBER 18 FEBRUARY 20, 2015 ROSH CHODESH ADAR 5775 CANDLE LIGHTING 5:17 PM Dvar Torah — Terumah Tuesday, 2/24, 8:00 PM Magenu— Safety Kid Evening for parents **** Mark your calendar! G. O. Melava Malka “Mystery & Illusion”Show Laser-Tag Maze Motzei Shabbat Parshat Tetzaveh, 2/28 Super Raffle 2015 1st Prize— XBOX One 2nd Prize— Beats Headphones 3rd Prize— $50 Gift Card See flier attached **** Tuesday, 3/3 Science Expo 2015 (Grades 5-8) Parents invited **** Wednesday, 3/4 Taanit Esther FRIDAY SCHEDULE **** Thursday-Sunday, 3/5-3/8 Purim/Shushan Purim NO SCHOOL “And you shall make an Aron of cedar wood”(Shemos 25:10) The Midrash Rabba comments on this Pasuk “Why did the Torah use the singular form of the command: “and you shall make”- for the Aron - whereas for all the other vessels the Torah uses the plural form: “and they shall make”? R’Yehuda Bar Shalom answers, Hashem said “Let all the people come and be involved with the Aron so they will all merit to (have a share in) the Torah. The Ramban elaborates upon this Midrash: It is possible that the Torah is hinting that all of Israel should take part in the making of the Aron so that they will merit to share in the Torah, and the involvement would be that each person donate a gold vessel for the Ark, or help Betzalel a little, or have intention for this matter.” From the final words of the Ramban we can derive a significant concept in serving Hashem. The third type of involvement, having the intention to participate in constructing the Aron, seems to describe someone who neither has gold nor the ability to physically help Betzalel but rather wishes he could help. He does not intend to actually help since he lacks the necessary talents and resources, but he contemplates how much he would want to help, were he able to. The Ramban teaches us that one can have a share in mitzvot that are beyond his abilities, where there is no real possibility of performing them, merely by sincerely wishing he could do them. When facing a mitzvah that seems impossible, the natural tendency is to throw up our arms in despair, forget about it, and sometimes even rationalize that it’s not so necessary or important anyway. Chazal show us that this is not a proper reaction. Even if we don’t have the money to give tzedakah, the knowledge to learn a section of Torah, or the strength to help another Jew, we can, and should, feel an overwhelming desire to do so. This is the attitude we should be eager to develop. We should never disqualify ourselves from the performance of any mitzvah. Quite often, this burning desire will enable us to transcend our limitations to find a way to grab some form of the mitzvah. And even if we can’t find a way, our sincere yearning to serve Hashem will earn us the boundless reward of a share in the World-to-Come. PLEASE NOTE !! We turn our clocks ahead 1 hour to Daylight Savings Time on Sunday, March 8, 2015. Please be advised that the YDH Calendar, however, does not reflect this change until a few weeks later. Please adjust your calendars accordingly for Shabbat candle lighting and Havdalah. From YDH Varsity Basketball Coach, Mr. Isaac Miller What a great comeback year the YDH Varsity Basketball Team had. After starting the season with a record of 0 and 4, the team’s hard work ended the season with a 4 and 6 record, missing the playoffs by 1 game. The effort and hard work the team put into the season shows that these young men will go far in life. They developed an attitude of never giving up. More over they developed respect for one another and for the Coach is remarkable. Watching these young men mature before my eyes makes me proud to say I was blessed with this team, and I am happy to know them. I wish them all best of luck in the future and hope they can maintain this great attitude in the future. Thank you. Coach Miller “Talmid HaShavuah”- Mishpatim Grade 1 — Shaya Dov Genut, Yoni Hill Grade 2 — Meedor Berkovitch, Daniel Wicentowsky Grade 3 — Adam Cohen, Elie Husarsky, Aaron Manakhimov, Daniel Mosheh Tennnenbaum Grade 4 — Dovid Hill, Aviad Pando Grade 5 — Moshav Maxwell, Emanuel Saitskiy Grade 6 — Boruch Deutsch, Yosef Velenski Grade 7 — Yehoshua Blumkin Grade 8 — Yisroel Sendzischew “Student of the Week”- 2/9-2/13 Grade 1 — Morris Haibi Grade 2 — Ikey Zaga Grade 3 — Yaakov Bentsur Grade 4 — Dov Hochman Grade 5 — Natty Bitran Grade 6 — Rafi Rosenberg (Math), Netanel Sabo (ELA), Menachem Shtaynberger (Sci.) Grade 7 — Eitan Birnbaum (ELA), Tzvi Simchon (Math), Natanel Wolff (Sci.) Grade 8 — Abba Levy (ELA), Aron Youseflaleh (Math), Yitzchak Mavashev (Sci.) ETEL GOLDSTEIN CHESED FUND If you would like to acknowledge a simcha/honor, or convey your condolences to someone, the YDH Etel Goldstein Chesed Fund can do it for you. Please send in the information and a $5.00 donation to the YDHWO, c/o Shelley Babich Librarian). PLEASE SAVE THE DATE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH at 8PM A most informative evening for parents of both Elementary and High School students. MAGENU - SAFETY KID will be visiting our Yeshiva to educate our parent body on the topic of personal safety for our children. We cannot stress enough the importance of at least one parent per family being in attendance. "Being Educated Means Being Empowered" Grade 3-8 Students and Families are invited to: The Annual YDH G.O. Melaveh Malka Extravaganza (...Of the kids… For the kids…By the kids…) Motzei Shabbat, Parshat Tezaveh, February 28, 2015 8:15 PM in the Hoffman Auditorium Divrei Torah… Music: Our Very Own Mr. Solomon & Rabbi Warsawsky… Nosh...Sushi...Egg Rolls...Ice Cream!!! Entertainment: Sam Jacobs, Master Magician, Illusionist, & Mentalist will read your mind... Levitate you... and Cut you in Half!!! “COME CELEBRATE MYSTERY & ILLUSION!!!! LASER-TAG MAZE COMPETITION Admission: $20 “before” Thursday 2/26 (Free raffle ticket included) $25 “at the door”... (15% discount family of 3+) Super Raffle ‘15 Tickets: $1 buys 1 ticket, $5 buys 6, $10 buys 14, and $20 buys 32 !!! *Prizes: 1st Prize - XBOX One Game Console!!! 2nd Prize-Beats Headphones !!! 3rd Prize - $50 Visa Gift Card !!! *Sponsors are welcome!!! Yeshiva Derech HaTorah 2810 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11229 (718) 258-4441 fax (718) 692-2285 Chartered by the Regents of the University of the State of New York February , 2015 Dear Parents (Grades 3 - 8) Nearly 25 years ago, the Student Council (G.O.) President, then 13 year-old Josh Giniger, (our very own Mrs. Giniger’s son), made a motion that students should have the opportunity to plan, sponsor, and organize their own Melaveh Malka. He followed through on his plans and The Annual G.O. Melaveh Malka was born! Today, The Annual G.O. Melaveh Malka has become a permanent institution at YDH. Students, their families, Rebbeim, teachers, and Principals , all come together for an evening of Torah, fun, friendship, and celebration. Once again, the G.O., with adult supervision, has organized a Melaveh Malka. This year’s theme is, “Mystery & Illusion!!!” Mark your calendars for a truly memorable evening on Motzei Shabbat, (Parshat Tezaveh), February 28, 2015, at 8:15 PM, in the Hoffman Auditorium. Divrei Torah... Laser-Tag Maze Team Competition… Nosh...Sushi...Egg Rolls...Ice Cream!!! Entertainment: 1. Music : Our very own Mr. Solomon & Rabbi Warsawsky!!! 2. Sam Jacobs: Master Magician, Illusionist, and Mentalist will fascinate all ages!!! Our Annual SUPER-RAFFLE ‘ 15 prizes: 1st PRIZE - Xbox One Game Console !!! 2nd PRIZE - Beats Headphones! 3rd PRIZE - $25 Visa Gift Card Raffle Ticket Prices: $1 buys 1, $5 buys 6, $10 buys 14, $20 buys 32! Admission: $20 “ before” ... $25 “ at the door ”... Family of 3 or more - 15% admission discount. (Free Raffle Ticket is included with every admission ticket purchased by Thursday, Feb. 26.) The G.O. can use your help!!! If you would like to sponsor a full prize or any portion of a prize in someone’s honor or just to help the kids fund this project, please call or email. On behalf of our students - your children - thank you! Sincerely, Mr. Y. Goldstein Principal, G.S. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -— — February, 2015 I will need admission ticket(s) to the Annual G.O. Melaveh Malka @ $20 each (receive 1 free prize-raffle per admission ticket if purchased by February 26). Please find X $20 = $ enclosed. (15% discount for family of 3 or more.)__________# of tickets. Name(s)_________________________________________________Grade(s)_______________ Parent’s Signature____________________________________________ Continue to send in your box tops for education. Put them in an envelope with your grade listed on it and have it sent to the Library! You can find box tops on Kleenex tissues and cereal in addition to many other products. Thank you for supporting our school and thank you Morah Shelly for your help in coordinating this project. Lillian Eliezer and Malka Husarsky YDHWO Presidents YESHIVA DERECH HATORAH WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION Thank you for your interest in the YDHWO. The Executive Board members are happy to welcome new volunteers and we are interested in hearing your input. Please complete the following information. Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ What grades are your children in? _____________________________________________________ Are you interested in becoming a class mother? __________________________________________ Email address: ____________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ________________________________________________________________ When are you available to volunteer? __________________________________________________ Which projects are you interested in? (Circle all that apply.) Please note that some have daytime commitments while others have evening commitments. Chanukah Boutique Mishloach Manot Mother’ s Day Flowers Plant Sale Grade – Specific events BINGO End-of-the-year Event Father’ s Day gifts Supperette Would you be interested in sponsoring any program? ____________________________________ Do you have any goods or services you would be willing to donate? ______________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any suggestions for other programs? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ We are always interested in hearing your suggestions and we look forward to greeting you personally at our next event. YESHIVA DERECH HATORAH WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION Dear Parents: To facilitate the ordering of Chessed Dollars, we would appreciate your using this order form. It should be sent with your son or mailed back to Mrs. Sima Sabo (1st floor office), or you may email her at We will have your order for next-day pick-up. Special orders (over) may take up to a week. Listed below are the gift certificates which are always available. Please indicate the amounts you are ordering next to each one. Payments by check (made payable to YDHWO) must be enclosed. If you are paying by cash, you must pay at time of receipt. Thank you. DERECH HATORAH WOMEN’ S ORGANIZATION CHESSED $ _______ SHOPRITE _______ WALDBAUMS _______ PATHMARK _______ HOME DEPOT _______ OLD NAVY _______ BARNES & NOBLE _______ TOYS R US _______ MACYS _______ FOOD BASICS _______ STOP & SHOP _______ METRO CARDS _______ ($19.05 OR $38.10) STAMPS _______ (SHEET OF 20 FOR $9.20) SPECIAL ORDER: ___________________ _______ ___________________ _______ ___________________ _______ _______ TOTAL NAME _________________________________CLASS___ TEL. # ___________DATE _________ Special Order YESHIVA SHOP GIFT CERTIFICATES 5 Banana Republic Baskin Robbins Bloomingdale’s J C Penney Kay Bee Toys K-Mart Loehmann’s Marshall’s Payless Shoes Saks Fifth Avenue Sterns Syms T J Maxx 10 20 25
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