YESHIVA DERECH HATORAH FAMILY ALBUM VOLUME 9 NUMBER 14 JANUARY 9, 2015 CANDLE LIGHTING 4:27 PM 18 TEVES 5775 Dvar Torah — Shemot Thursday-Sunday, 1/15-1/25 Mid-Winter Vacation NO SCHOOL **** Wednesday, 2/25 Science Expo 2015 (Grades 5-8) **** Mark your calendar! G. O. Melava Malka “Mystery & Illusion” Motzei Shabbat Parshat Tetzaveh 2/28 Look for upcoming details M oshe witnessed an Egyptian beating a fellow Jew. Before Moshe took action to stop this Egyptian from possibly killing the Jew, the pasuk relates, Moshe looked around and saw that there “was no man”. The Midrash Rabbah (Shmos 1:29), quoting R. Yehudah, explains this to mean that there was no one else present possessing zeal to rise up and kill the Egyptian. The Mahrzu points out that, according to this explanation, other Jews were indeed present and witnessing the assault, yet they were not willing to take the necessary action. Why does the Torah take pains to describe the passivity of the bystanders, and that Moshe noticed it? What difference does it make that the onlookers did nothing? The simplest explanation would be that Moshe only stepped forward to kill the Egyptian because there was no one else willing to do so. Indeed, the Mahrzu quotes the Mishna in Pirkei Avot (2:5), “In a place where there are no men, try to be a man” applies here in the sense that Moshe acted (“tried to be a man”) only because no one else was “a man”. However, this explanation is vulnerable to a serious question: Wouldn’t Moshe have rushed to fulfill this great mitzvah of saving a fellow Jew even if other people were available? The Gemara teaches us that one should always try to be the first one to do a mitzvah (Bava Kama 38b). Surely Moshe, who possessed a highly developed middah of z’rizus –zeal, would not have hesitated to grab this opportunity to perform the incredible mitzvah of saving a Jewish life; how is it conceivable that Moshe would have passed it up? We must conclude that Moshe really would have seized the chance to do this mitzvah even if there were others who were ready and able to kill the Egyptian. The lack of response by other Jews did not determine whether Moshe would react, but rather how he would react. Moshe would not have acted with the same intensity had he known that other people were available. The Midrash is explaining that Moshe surveyed the scene and saw no one else ready to act. This knowledge did not make him hesitant, feeling alone and unsure. Instead, seeing this state of affairs filled him with courage and strength. He focused on the fact that he was the only one willing to save his Jewish brother. This knowledge only caused Moshe to increase his zealous fervor. How often do we find ourselves in situations that call for action, that require us to stand up and do the right thing, and we look around to see if anyone else is thinking the same way? If others don’t seem motivated to act, it sometimes makes us afraid to play the “righteous” or “religious” person, and we back off. Even if we have the backbone to step forward and take the initiative, it’s with reluctance and hesitation. “After all”, we think to ourselves, “no one else is doing it...”, so we feel embarrassed and insecure. From Moshe’s example we learn that not only shouldn’t we hesitate to do what’s right, despite the ambivalence or apathy of the spectators, but to the contrary –we should increase our zeal and energy level, magnify our courage and our fortitude. Precisely because they are uncaring and unmotivated, we should be galvanized to act with greater decisiveness and more strength, because “there is no one else but me to do the will of Hashem!”May we merit to be Hashem’s messengers as we carry out His will with zeal, with confidence and with simcha. From the Desk of Mr. Yehuda Goldstein, General Studies Principal Shortly, students and parents will be receiving a survey to determine the level of interest for after-school extra-curricular programming. At present, we are planning on introducing the following after-school clubs after mid-winter vacation: Aerodynamics & Aircraft Design; Mastering the Art of Illusion; Tricks of Photography, Keyboard & Guitar Training; as well as Chess and Drama Clubs. (continued) From the Desk of Mr. Yehuda Goldstein (cont’d.) These activities will be made available to students at all grade levels, but will be implemented based on interest and sustainable numbers. More information will follow. Enjoy your vacation! From Rabbi Rosenblatt, Jr. H. S. Social Studies As the year progresses, all classes in the Jr. High have made great strides in their studies. In 6th Grade Social Studies, we have learned history. We have covered the civilizations of Babylonia, Assyria, and Phoenicia. In addition, ing Jewish timeline. We have learned about the We have reviewed the lives of many of the Jewtinues, I look forward to studying other imporByzantium. In addition, many important eras and the Renaissance will be studied. about civilizations and how they affect world ancient Mesopotamia such as Sumer, Akad, we have spent much time studying the coincidAges of the Shoftim and the Ages of the Kings. ish people’s greatest leaders. As the year contant civilizations such as Greece, Rome and such as the Hellenistic Age, the Middle Ages, In 7th Grade, we learned about our country’s origins from colonization through revolution. We have discussed not only the early history of America, but the beliefs that are at the core of our country: liberty; democracy; and self rule. We are now beginning our civics curriculum which explains how our country’s government works. In order to fully appreciate all that America is, we must understand its Constitution. In 8th Grade, we are learning about American History after the revolution. We started with the Civil War and are about to begin learning about World War I, or the “Great War”. We look forward to covering major topics by year’s end, including the Depression, World War II, Korean War, the Civil Rights Movement, and Vietnam. Of course, we will spend a lot of time reviewing the history of the Holocaust as well. “Talmid HaShavuah”- Vayechi Grade 1 — Ami Mizrahi, Avraham Steinmetz Grade 2 — Abie Steiner, Daniel Wicentowsky Grade 3 — Moshe Ben-Hamou, Yakov Bentsur, Moshe Katash, Binyamin Silber Grade 4 — Noach Birnbaum, Liran Malkoukian Grade 5 — Zelig Kaplan, Emanuel Saitskiy Grade 6 — Moshe Adonolem, Zev Levy Grade 7 — Eitan Birnbaum, Daniel Twizer Grade 8 — Yosef Ginsberg, Binyamin Zylberberg “Student of the Month” - December Grade 1 — Grade 2 — Grade 3 — Grade 4 — Grade 5 — Grade 6 — Grade 7 — Grade 8 — Shimon Abitbol Ziv Vayner Jeremy Greenberg Aviad Pando Sruli Langer Moshe Adonolem Oren Harar Elimelech Stevens “Student of the Week”- 12/29-1/2 Grade 1 — Natanel Kohen Grade 2 — Abie Steiner Grade 3 — Aaron Manakhimov Grade 4 — Yehuda Gelfand Grade 5 — Hillel Goldstein Grade 6 — Jacob Ginsberg (Math), Menachem Shtaynberger (ELA), Ezra Masri (SS) Grade 7 — Moshe Yusupov (ELA), Noam Abrahams (Math), Adir Kahn (SS) Grade 8 — Daniel Ben-Hamou (ELA), Joe Slater (Math), Natanel Salman (SS) YDH G.O. News for Students! Your Class Representatives are busily at work planning events and sponsoring projects on behalf of their schoolmates. The Student Council has designed a beautiful hooded sweatshirt, proudly bearing the YDH logo on the back and a new student-designed logo at the breast pocket in the front. We thank Mrs. Susan Stevens, mother of Elimelech in Grade 8, for her professional help with the graphic design. Your name and other options will be available on the soon-to-be-distributed order form. Mark your calendars for Motzei Shabbat, Parshat Tetzaveh, February 28th. The G.O. will present a Melava Malka Extravaganza. This year’ s theme is “ Mystery & Illusion” . Mentalism, Escape Artistry, Illusion, Hypnotism, and Levitation will B” EH be part of the venue when renowned illusionist and Shomer Torah, Sam Jacobs, presents his unusual skills. Delicious food, music, and major raffle prizes will again complement the evening, as always. Look for complete details to follow in the coming weeks! ETEL GOLDSTEIN CHESED FUND If you would like to acknowledge a simcha/honor, or convey your condolences to someone, the YDH Etel Goldstein Chesed Fund can do it for you. Please send in the information and a $5.00 donation to the YDHWO, c/o Shelley Babich Librarian). Mountain ranges, lakes, national landmarks, and so many other geographical details became the day’s challenge for 10 Geography Bee Finalists from grades 4— 8. This year’s annual National Geographic Society Bee was held at YDH on Tuesday, January 6. Mazel Tov to the following students for achieving class finalist status in the preliminary class geography contests. Grade 4 - Noach Birnbaum and Abie Rose Grade 5 - Menashe Abitbol and Zelig Kaplan Grade 6 - Jacob Ginsberg and Gavriel Silberman Grade 7 - Joshua Blumkin and Natanel Wolff Grade 8 - Jacob Schlamowitz and Elimelech Stevens… After a fierce battle between the top three finalists, these are the results: Gavriel Silverman –Grade 6 (3rd place), Josh Blumkin - Grade 7 (2nd place), and Natanel Wolff - Grade 7, is our School Champion. Natanel will be taking the National Geographic “Qualifying Test”in the near future. If he qualifies - (only the top 100 scores in the entire State of New York will qualify) - he will be off to Albany for the Regional Competition. Mazel Tov and Good Luck!!! This week we begin . The calls -“ ”The Book of Redemption. Even though Klal Yisroel was physically redeemed towards the beginning of the , the redemption was incomplete because they weren't spiritually redeemed until they came to , got the and built the for the to dwell. The purpose of a Jew is not just to be physically free, but to also be free to serve Hashem to the best of his ability. The calls - the Second Book. The explains, describes the creation of the world. However, the purpose of the world is that there should be a nation with a special connection to Hashem. That didn't happen until after which led into the giving of the Torah. In it says “ “. “ explains the extra “ “that Hashem made the creation of the world conditional to Klal Yisroel accepting the Torah. Meaning until the Torah, was given the creation of the world was incomplete. That’s why is called , it’s a continuation of the actual creation of the world. The message for us is, we are ambassadors chosen by Hashem to spread his honor throughout the world. We therefore, have to act as princes do, whether in the way we dress, speak or interact with others. Most importantly, Torah needs to be the main focus of our lives, to fulfill the purpose of creation. Gut Shabbos! ! ! ! ! Congratulations to the basketball team for their valiant effort throughout the year. The odds were clearly stacked against us. A very special thanks to our very own Coach Mitch Hill. in your last game. We were surprised on Monday with an early taste of Shabbos with some piping hot overnight potato kugel. A special thanks to the “cook.” VACATION 8:00 9:30 -10:45 Gemorah Review 11:15 – Gemorah Final 1:25 1:45 9-Biology Final 10-English Final 11-US History Final 12-Jewish History Final 10th Grade In class Zionism Final CLASSES RESUME 26 25 12 19 STUDY DAY STUDY DAY Grade In class 9th MONDAY Jewish Philosophy Final 5 18 11 4 SUNDAY 8:00 – 9:30 -10;45 L.K. LEARNING 11th & 12th In class Sociology Final 9th & 10th grade In class Spanish final 27 20 VACATION 1:25 1:45 9-Global I Final 10-Geometry Final 11-English Final 12-English Final 11:15 – Halacha Final 13 6 28 21 VACATION 10- Earth Science Final 11-Chemistry Final 8:00 9:30 -10:45 L.K. LEARNING 11:15 – Ivrit Final 1:25 – 1:45 9-Algebra Final Study Day after Limudei Kodesh Sessions 14 7 29 22 15 8 YESHIVA DERECH HATORAH HIGH SCHOOL FINAL EXAMS SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY 2015 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 VACATION ENJOY!!! VACATION 8:00 9:30 -10:45 L.K. LEARNING 11:15 Navi Final 1:25 – 1:45 9-English Final 10-Global II Final 11-Alg. II/Trig Final 12-Economics Final THURSDAY 30 23 16 9 2 VACATION VACATION 9:30 Chumash Final 8:00 - FRIDAY 31 24 17 10 3 SHABBAT Continue to send in your box tops for education. Put them in an envelope with your grade listed on it and have it sent to the Library! You can find box tops on Kleenex tissues and cereal in addition to many other products. Thank you for supporting our school and thank you Morah Shelly for your help in coordinating this project. Lillian Eliezer and Malka Husarsky YDHWO Presidents YESHIVA DERECH HATORAH WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION Thank you for your interest in the YDHWO. The Executive Board members are happy to welcome new volunteers and we are interested in hearing your input. Please complete the following information. Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ What grades are your children in? _____________________________________________________ Are you interested in becoming a class mother? __________________________________________ Email address: ____________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ________________________________________________________________ When are you available to volunteer? __________________________________________________ Which projects are you interested in? (Circle all that apply.) Please note that some have daytime commitments while others have evening commitments. Chanukah Boutique Mishloach Manot Mother’ s Day Flowers Plant Sale Grade – Specific events BINGO End-of-the-year Event Father’ s Day gifts Supperette Would you be interested in sponsoring any program? ____________________________________ Do you have any goods or services you would be willing to donate? ______________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any suggestions for other programs? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ We are always interested in hearing your suggestions and we look forward to greeting you personally at our next event. YESHIVA DERECH HATORAH WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION Dear Parents: To facilitate the ordering of Chessed Dollars, we would appreciate your using this order form. It should be sent with your son or mailed back to Mrs. Sima Sabo (1st floor office), or you may email her at We will have your order for next-day pick-up. Special orders (over) may take up to a week. Listed below are the gift certificates which are always available. Please indicate the amounts you are ordering next to each one. Payments by check (made payable to YDHWO) must be enclosed. If you are paying by cash, you must pay at time of receipt. Thank you. DERECH HATORAH WOMEN’ S ORGANIZATION CHESSED $ _______ SHOPRITE _______ WALDBAUMS _______ PATHMARK _______ HOME DEPOT _______ OLD NAVY _______ BARNES & NOBLE _______ TOYS R US _______ MACYS _______ FOOD BASICS _______ STOP & SHOP _______ METRO CARDS _______ ($19.05 OR $38.10) STAMPS _______ (SHEET OF 20 FOR $9.20) SPECIAL ORDER: ___________________ _______ ___________________ _______ ___________________ _______ _______ TOTAL NAME _________________________________CLASS___ TEL. # ___________DATE _________ Special Order YESHIVA SHOP GIFT CERTIFICATES 5 Banana Republic Baskin Robbins Bloomingdale’s J C Penney Kay Bee Toys K-Mart Loehmann’s Marshall’s Payless Shoes Saks Fifth Avenue Sterns Syms T J Maxx 10 20 25
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