בס"ד Dear Friends, This summer, we all focused our hearts and prayers on the young men and women of the Israeli Defense Forces, who again were forced to answer the call of defending Eretz Yisrael against a barrage of terror. The Hebrew Academy community feels a tremendous sense of pride in, and gratitude to, our alumni who have volunteered to serve in the IDF and the United States Armed Forces in order to protect both Israel as well as the United States of America. The famous quote from the first perek of Yehoshua - “( חזק ואמץBe strong and have courage”) - exemplifies their praiseworthiness. By risking their lives in the armed forces, this year’s Alumni Spotlight Award recipients personify the “Warriors” that students of Hebrew Academy strive to be. The Alumni Honorees will include: Dana Adler (daughter of Edie and Leon Adler); Dr. Michael Benhamu (son of Evelyn and Rabbi Yehuda Benhamu); Annael Fleischer Brown (daughter of Yaffa and Moti Fleischer); Sandy Cohen (son of Kathy and Salim Cohen); Samuel Falic (son of Jana and Simon Falic); Davide Fox (son of Virginia and Dr. Gregory Fox); Michael Freund (son of Jane and Eli Freund); Ezra Goldberg (son of Susan Goldberg); Sam Grundwerg (son of Betty Lustig and Moshe Grundwerg z”l); Ari Nahon (son of Suzanne and Isaac Nahon); David Lee Raskind (son of Susan and Moshe Raskind); and all other alumni who have served. Please join us at Hebrew Academy’s Annual Event, which will be celebrated on December 14, 2014, where we will salute and honor our alumni who have committed their lives to defending our community. We will also be excited to honor a truly incredible group of women whose endless hours of work make the operation of our school possible. Our school community feels a deep sense of gratitude to the people who enable our institution to flourish. Without these people operating at the highest level, Hebrew Academy would not be enjoying the successes we witness today: Leah Klein, Keter Tzedakah Award Donna Janof, Commitment to Excellence Award Andrea Lucero, Excellence in Education Award Judy Neufeld, Excellence in Education Award Since the founding of Hebrew Academy 67 years ago, our students have been, and continue to be, inspired by a tremendous love of Torah, the State of Israel, and the Jewish people. Hebrew Academy continues to create a learning environment that equips our students with the tools necessary to meet their greatest potential in both Judaic and General Studies, academic and spiritually. We are excited once again to be placing our ad journal as a supplement in the Jewish Journal Publication (a newspaper that reaches over 40,000 readers); this has proven to be highly successful in raising the much needed funds for tuition scholarship. Your donation will help fund the education of Jewish children. An ad of $10,000 or more includes 1 VIP table at the Annual Event, an ad of $5,000 or more includes 1 table at the Annual Event, and an ad of $3,600 or more includes 2 VIP tickets to the event. We look to you, our friends and supporters, to recognize and celebrate our honorees and to make this year’s Annual Event a success. Wishing you a happy, healthy, and sweet New Year. Thank you, Mrs. Emily Ebner Journal Chair Mrs. Miriam Hoffman Journal Chair Mrs. Erica Kahn Journal Chair 2400 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33140 | t. 305-532-6421 | f. 305-672-6191 | www.rasg.org An agency of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation 2014 Ad Journal Sheet:Layout 1 9/23/14 12:47 PM Page 1 Hebrew Academy 67th Annual Event Honoring ALUMNI SOLDIERS SPOTLIGHT AWARD Leah Klein KETER TZEDAKAH AWARD Andrea Lucero Dana Adler Davide Fox (daughter of Edie and Leon Adler) (son of Virginia and Dr. Gregory Fox) Dr. Michael Benhamu Michael Freund EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION AWARD (son of Evelyn and Rabbi Yehuda Benhamu) (son of Jane and Eli Freund) Annael Fleischer Brown Ezra Goldberg Judy Neufeld (daughter of Yaffa and Moti Fleischer) (son of Susan Goldberg) EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION AWARD Sandy Cohen Sam Grundwerg (son of Kathy and Salim Cohen) (son of Betty Lustig and Moshe Grundwerg z”l) Donna Janof Samuel Falic Ari Nahon (son of Jana and Simon Falic) (son of Suzanne and Isaac Nahon) David Lee Raskind COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE (son of Susan and Moshe Raskind) December 14, 2014 • 22 Kislev 5775 Journal Chairs: Emily & Steven Ebner, Miriam & Daniel Hoffman, Erica & Sonny Kahn Event Committee Chairs: Jeannette & Alberto Kamhazi, Tila & Moshe Levi, Rachel & Dr. Jay Reinberg Name: ______________________________________________Company Name: ______________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________________________Email: ____________________________________________ Solicited by: __________________________________________ Advertising Categories: Legacy (double page and plaque) .............$100,000 Israel (double page)....................................$72,000 Blue Sapphire (10-1/2 x10-1/2 fullpage).............$54,000 Diamond (full page)....................................$36,000 Sapphire (full page) ....................................$25,000 Back Cover ..................................................$18,000 Inside Front Cover ......................................$15,000 Inside Back Cover ........................................$12,000 Blue Diamond (full page) ...........................$10,000 Warriors (half page)......................................$5,000 Royal Blue (1/4 page).....................................$3,600 Gold (1/6 page)..............................................$1,800 Silver (1/6 page) ............................................$1,000 Bronze (1/8 page) .............................................$500 White (1/8 page) ..............................................$360 Business Card...................................................$180 Name Listing....................................................$136 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE YOUR AD COPY HERE Blue Diamond and above includes 1 VIP table at the Annual Event. Warriors and above includes 1 table at the Annual Event. Royal Blue and above includes 2 VIP tickets to the Annual Event For further information contact the Development Office at 305-532-6421 x110 Fax: 305-674-6895 Developmentoffice@rasg.org Thank you for your support. Camera ready copy is welcome. • Email: journal@rasg.org Deadline: November 7, 2014 (Due to the printing being placed in a special insert in the Jewish Journal, our deadline is firm.) Please make checks payable to Greater Miami Hebrew Academy and mail or fax with completed ad blank to: 2400 Pine Tree Drive • Miami Beach, Florida 33140 To use a credit card, please complete the following and mail or fax back: Name on Card Billing Address Signature Card # Exp. Date
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