שבועון למשפחות A Newsletter for Hebrew School Families Week of September 30, 2012 Carpool Curriculum by Michael Raileanu Oh, that crazy Jewish calendar! This Shabbat we will be reading the special parasha for Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot, Exodus 33:12-34:26. (The maftir is Numbers 29:23-28.) The parasha opens with Moshe confronting God and then moves on to talk about the three pilgrimage holidays. 1. This parasha opens with Moshe saying, "Look - You said to me..." Look? Really? Look? Isn't that a strange word for Moshe to use with God? Can't God see everything? Have you ever used "look" in this way? "Look, mom, I want...." What does "look" mean to you in that case? Do you think that is the same use for Moshe here? 2. After the sin of the Golden Calf, where this parasha is actually found, God told Moshe that an angel was going to accompany the people. Moshe does not like that. Why? Why can't God send an angel? Doesn't God have other things to do? Why do you think Moshe would get so upset about this? 3. Do you think that the change from God to an angel means God is going to be less involved with the Jewish people? How would we know if God is more or less involved? Do you think Moshe would know? Moshe says that if God is not going to come along personally then Moshe would not lead the people. Wow! What do you think about that? Did Moshe mean it? Could Moshe bluff God? 4. Moshe asks to see God. Why do you think Moshe needed to see God? Do you think there is a connection between this request and the Golden Calf business that came just before? What is the connection? All Moshe is allowed to see is the back of God as God goes by. Why is that? What do you imagine Moshe saw? This Torah reading hops around between laws of the three Pilgrimage Festivals (Pesach, Sukkot and Shavuot) and regular laws ("don't boil a calf in it's mothers milk..." etc). Why is that? Why mix them up? Why not just go holiday, holiday, holiday and then law, law, law? What do you think is the advantage of hopping around? What is the disadvantage? Does the Torah follow the same kind of logic as a storybook? Does it have to? Why or why not? MoadIm LsiMcha! Honorable Mensch-ens (and how to earn one) The PSJC Hebrew School strives to create a learning environment where everyone feels welcome, safe and happy. One of the ways in which we can all help to make this happen is by acting like a MENSCH. Over the year, when someone is “caught being a MENSCH” they can be nominated by a member of the faculty or by a fellow student to receive an Honorable Menschen in the Shavuon L’Mishpachot. Students who receive honorable Menschens may also have the honor of holding the candle during Havdallah (a very coveted responsibility!) **The year’s first honorable menschen goes out to Elliot Horn in Kitah Gimel. His behavior yesterday was so impressive: not only was he on his best behavior during class, but he encouraged other students to be respectful and to engage in our activity. He was Mature, Enthusiastic, AND Helpful! 14 Tishri 5773 Upcoming Important Dates 10/3 HS (3-7) 10/7 NO HS (3-7)-Columbus Day 10/8 NO HS (K-2)-Simchat Torah 10/10 HS (3-7) 10/14 HS (3-7) 10/16 HS (K-2) + Shorashim resumes!!!!! 10/17 HS (3-7) 10/21 HS (3-7) 10/23 HS (K-2) 10/24 HS (3-7)/Back 2 School Nite 10/26 Kitah Gan Shabbat Dinner 10/28 HS (3-7)/Gimel Parent Student Study Session/Kitah Vav field trip to the Soup Kitchen Happy Birthdaya The PSJC Hebrew School wishes the following birthdays this week a “Yom Huledet Sameach!” Theo C. (Kitah Aleph) 10/1 Jackson P. (Kitah Vav) 10/4 Anna H. (Kitah Gimel Madricha) 10/5 Laura H. (Kitah Dalet Madricha) 10/5 Upcoming Bnai Mitzvah Join us at PSJC as we celebrate the following students (both Hebrew School alumni) become Bar/ Bat Mitzvah: 10/13 Martin Drob 11/3 Zoe Fruchter 6:30 PM October 8th —Simchat Torah! Dance with the Torah! ALL are welcome in the main sanctuary as we celebrate the start of the Torah anew. Park Slope Jewish Center Elisabeth Albert Carie Carter 1320 8th Avenue Director of Family Education Rabbi Brooklyn, NY 11215 718.832.5863/principal@psjc.org 718.768.1285/rabbicarie@psjc.org 718.678.1453/www.psjc.org What should I bring to Hebrew School each week? Committee corner Each student should bring their 1) class books, 2) pencil, 3) Tzedakah 4) a head covering and 5) anything your teacher has specifically requested. Get to know the members of our Hebrew School Committee a bit better! When you see one of them at dismissal, say hi and find out how you can get more involved in the Hebrew School community! This week, we’ll get to know Catherine Drogin! E-MAIL Please make sure we have your correct e-mail address. This will be our primary source of communication. If you have not received anything via e-mail from Elisabeth check with her at principal@psjc.org to make sure we didn’t make a mistake! Who are the members of your family? My husband Peter and son Alexander. What Hebrew School classes are your children in? Kitah Dalet (4th grade) When did you join PSJC? Four years ago. When did you join the Hebrew School? Four years ago when Alexander was in Kitah Gan (K). When did you join the Hebrew School Committee? This is my second year on the committee. Have you been involved in other committees, special projects or areas of the shul? I was in charge of the annual Passover candy sale this past year. Where are you from? Originally from South Africa but grew up in Port Washington, NY. Back 2 School Nite Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, October 24th at 7:15 PM. Parents are invited to shmooze with one another, hear from the principal, rabbi and committee members about what is going on in the school, and have a chance to talk to your child’s teacher(s) in a casual “science fair-style” event. Have you joined the PSJC Hebrew School Facebook group? This is a closed group for current PSJC Hebrew School parents, students and teachers. We'll post class updates, pictures, reminders and more here! Just another fun way (in addition to emails, the website, and the Shavuon L'Mishpachot) to stay in touch with all of the amazing things happening in Hebrew School this year. What do you do when you aren’t on the Hebrew School Committee? I spend my work time helping to develop and market new products, and my free time with friends and family! Is there anything else you’d like to share with the Hebrew School community? I am very excited to be on the HSC this year and look forward to a fantastic year. If anyone wants to learn more about the committee or the Hebrew School in general, feel free to contact me! Tzedakah This year we have one ALL-SCHOOL Tzedakah box which will be out during T’fillah/Havdallah each school day. We encourage all students to participate in the act of giving Tzedakah each day. There is no requirement as to how much a person should give. No one should feel pressured to give Tzedakah. If anyone is nervous or uncomfortable giving Tzedakah during T’fillah, they can always come to my office to donate. Later on in the year we will be talking more about where our collected Tzedakah will be donated. In the meantime, it sure is inspiring to see our big Tzedakah box filling up! Kitah Vav learns about the different calls of the shofar. Fun for them (not as fun for the class that meets next door ;) Page 2
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