INGLEBURN ALIVE STALLHOLDER APPLICATION KIT On Saturday 14 March 2015, Ingleburn will be alive with the sound and excitement of a day filled with free activities, performances and music for the whole community. APPLICATION PROCESS 1. All applicants must complete and sign the agreement at the end of this application form. By signing the agreement, you agree to the terms and conditions for stallholders at the 2015 Ingleburn Alive Festival as disclosed on the following pages. 2. All application forms must be completed and returned to Council by Thursday 12 February 2015. 3. Submitting an application form for the 2015 Ingleburn Alive Festival does not guarantee you a place as a stallholder. 4. All applications will be processed and reviewed across a range of criteria. 5. Applications will only be processed when all supporting documentation has been received. 6. All decisions by Council are final and negotiations will not be entered into. 7. All applications from stallholders selling food must also include the Food Stalls section of this application form. 8. No payment is to be made with this application. If you are successful, Council will request payment. 9. Acceptance of your application will be provided to you by email by Tuesday 17 February 2015. 10. Site information, including maps and bump in details will be provided to you before the event. STALLHOLDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Council will assess your application across a range of criteria, including: - timeliness of application - quality of goods sold - price of goods sold - presentation of stall (photos are required) - compliance with terms and conditions - space required - variety of products available - number of similar stall types 2. Council is unable to reserve sites, however, you may request a site on your application form. The decision by Council on site allocations is final and no negotiation will be entered into. 3. Stallholders occupy the site at their own risk. 4. Stallholders will not be guaranteed the same site as previous years. 5. Stall spaces will be marked out and numbered. Notification of your site number will be provided to you by email in the 2015 Ingleburn Alive Festival Stallholder Information Kit prior to the event. Communications and Marketing DocSet: 2500582 DATA AND DOCUMENT CONTROL Revised Date: 21/01/2015 Review Date: 30/03/2017 Version: 10 Page 1 6. Stalls must fit within the space provided. This information will be taken from your stallholder application form. If your stall is larger than the allocated site, you will be invoiced for the additional space used on completion of the event. 7. All sites are space only. Council does not provide any power, water, generators, tables or chairs. 8. Stallholders are responsible for providing their own power with a silenced generator. 9. All electrical equipment and leads must have been inspected and tagged by a licensed electrical contractor, with an expiry date clearly labeled and visible. Leads that have surpassed the expiry date are not to be used, and no electrical leads are to be placed on the ground, unless appropriate cable covers are being used. 10. If you are hiring equipment from an external provider, you must be onsite when your equipment arrives, unless arrangements have been made in advance with a member of Council’s events team. 11. All stallholders, at their cost, must hold current public liability insurance cover to the value of $10 million. For stallholders who are selling food and drinks, the policy must be extended to cover goods sold under the products liability section of the required public liability policy. A copy of your public liability certificate of currency must be attached with this application. It is the responsibility of all stallholders to arrange public liability insurance to cover any claim arising out of the activities of their stall. Stallholders agree to indemnify Council against any claim (of whatever nature) made in respect of the stallholders’ use of the site, except to the extent that any claim arises as a result of a negligent act or omission of Council. 12. All stallholders must provide Council with a list of items for sale and a list of prices. This assists in site allocations and to limit acceptance of “popular” categories to no more than two operators (subject to change at Council’s discretion). 13. If, on the day of the 2015 Ingleburn Alive Festival, an inspection finds that you have items that have not been disclosed and are similar to that of another application, we may ask you to remove these items for the remainder of trading. 14. Stallholders must not alter the goods being sold from what is listed on the application form. 15. All applications must include a recent photo of the set-up of your stall. This assists in ensuring a professional presence at the 2015 Ingleburn Alive Festival by all stallholders, and fairly assessing entries of duplicate stall/vendor types. 16. Stallholders must remove all material and rubbish from their site at the conclusion of the 2015 Ingleburn Alive Festival and undertake all other works necessary to reinstate the site to the condition it was in prior to the stallholders using the site. 17. All vehicles must be removed from the event area by 10am. Stallholders who do not comply by removing their vehicles at this time may incur penalties issued by Council rangers. 18. If stallholders do not comply or conform to all of these regulations, permission for stallholders to operate may be withdrawn by Council at its discretion. 19. A request for site fees will be forwarded to you upon acceptance of your application. Fees must be paid to Council in full prior to the 2015 Ingleburn Alive Festival commencing. If your fees are not paid, you will not be permitted to trade on the day from the site. 20. In the event of inclement weather, the event will continue if safe to do so, however no fees will be refunded by Council. 21. Applicants who wish to withdraw their application after Tuesday 24 February 2015 will not be eligible for a refund. 22. Applicants acknowledge that applications and acceptances are not transferable and no other applicants or businesses are permitted to take the space originally allocated. Communications and Marketing DocSet: 2500582 DATA AND DOCUMENT CONTROL Revised Date: 21/01/2015 Review Date: 30/03/2017 Version: 10 Page 2 GUIDELINES FOR THE OPERATION OF A TEMPORARY FOOD STALL 1. GENERAL Stallholders must comply with the Food Act 2003 (NSW) and any other applicable Laws. All applications from stallholders selling food must also complete the enclosed Food Stalls section of this application form. A temporary food stall must have a roof and three sides designed to maintain adequate ventilation and protection to food. The open side of the stall should not face prevailing winds so to reduce odour, dust and insect problems. If the stall is completely open, it may only sell certain foods. Please read the section on "Open Food Stalls" for more details. If a temporary food stall is erected on unsealed ground, a durable dust and moisture resistant cover must be laid over the entire floor area of the stall. The stall, its associated fixtures, fittings, equipment and those parts of vehicles used to transport food, must be kept clean, in good state of repair and working order, free from dirt, fumes, smoke, foul odours and other contaminants. 2. PROTECTION OF FOOD FROM CONTAMINATION People who are sick or suffering from a cold or food borne illness must not work in a food stall. People suffering from diarrhea, vomiting, sore throat/fever, jaundice or infectious skin conditions are not permitted to work in a food stall. People preparing, cooking and serving food must have clean hands. Also, any cuts, sores and abrasions must be covered with a clean waterproof dressing. Please read the section on "Hand and Equipment Washing Facilities" for more details. Smoking is not permitted inside a food stall. The food preparation area must be kept free of dust borne contamination and droplet infection from the public coughing and sneezing. All food must be stored inside the stall at 300mm above the ground. Food must be kept suitably wrapped, packaged or in closed impervious containers, and protected from damage and direct sunlight. All food on display must be wrapped or packaged in appropriate material or completely enclosed in a suitable food display cabinet. Adequate measures must be taken to prevent cross contamination from raw foods to cooked foods by: o using separate utensils for cooked and raw meats, poultry and seafood. o covering all food. o keeping cooked meat and salads separate from raw meats, poultry and seafood. o washing hands after handling raw meats, poultry, seafood or vegetables. All condiments such as sauce and mustard must be kept in squeeze type dispensers or in individual sealed packs. Disposable eating and drinking utensils may be used. If reusable drinking and eating ware and tableware are used, they must be washed and sanitised in separate facilities (used only for that purpose) between uses. All eating utensils must be pre-wrapped in a paper napkin, cellophane bag or similar material before they are given to the public. Communications and Marketing DocSet: 2500582 DATA AND DOCUMENT CONTROL Revised Date: 21/01/2015 Review Date: 30/03/2017 Version: 10 Page 3 GUIDELINES FOR THE OPERATION OF A TEMPORARY FOOD STALL continued Drinking straws, paper cups and spoons must be kept in an enclosed dispenser or other suitable container. Tea, coffee, cordial and other drinks must be served from an enclosed or lidded container with a tap or spout. 3. FOOD TEMPERATURE CONTROL All takeaway food prepared at the food stall must be sold immediately, unless there is a suitable food warmer or food display cabinet which will keep the food either hot or cold and at the correct temperature (see note below). Pre-prepared food products or pre-cooked foods which contain fresh cream, custard, trifle or any similar food that promotes bacterial growth, must not be sold from a food stall unless they are stored or displayed in a refrigerated unit at the correct temperature. All raw and perishable food such as steaks, hamburger patties, frankfurts and seafood, must be kept in a refrigerated unit at the correct temperature. Small amounts of these foods can be stored in a portable cooler, together with an adequate supply of ice or a cooling medium. Note: 4. Correct temperature means that: o Hot food must be kept above 60°C o Cold food must be kept below 5°C. COOKING Heating and cooking equipment should be located within the food stall and beneath its roof. Open flame barbecue cooking plates, gas barbeque plates, char grills and cookers that use hot coals are able to be placed along an open side of the stall but must be adequately screened or barricaded to protect public safety and prevent food from becoming contaminated. The food stall must be of suitable size and height to provide a safe and comfortable work area. Appliances that produce heat and flame must be located away from the walls and lower roof area. A fire extinguisher of suitable size and type and a fire blanket must be provided in a convenient and accessible position in every food stall or vehicle, where cooking or heating processes are undertaken. 5. HAND AND EQUIPMENT WASHING FACILITIES The following equipment is required at each food stall: Hand washing A dedicated hand basin serviced with hot and cold running water through a single outlet. Disposable paper hand towels and soap. Equipment washing Two large plastic bowls for washing food preparation and service equipment (one bowl for washing and one for sanitising). An adequate supply of hot and cold running water and detergent. A suitable sanitising agent must be available for sanitising food handling implements and food contact surfaces. Where utensils are stored in a sanitising solution between uses the solution shall be changed regularly to keep it clean. Communications and Marketing DocSet: 2500582 DATA AND DOCUMENT CONTROL Revised Date: 21/01/2015 Review Date: 30/03/2017 Version: 10 Page 4 GUIDELINES FOR THE OPERATION OF A TEMPORARY FOOD STALL continued Waste water must be disposed into the sewer. Small amounts of water can be spread over a grassed area, and allowed to absorb or evaporate. Disposing of waste water into a watercourse, rainwater drain or the street gutter is not permitted. 6. RUBBISH DISPOSAL Suitable garbage bins must be provided near the food stall for the public to dispose of used take away food containers. Adequate arrangements must be made to store and remove any garbage generated inside and outside the food stall. Incorporate recycling especially for aluminium cans, cardboard, paper, glass and P.E.T. plastic bottles. This will reduce waste, reduce disposal costs and help our environment. 7. OPEN FOOD STALLS Open food stalls consisting of tables or tables and trestles, can only be used to sell food that is sealed in airtight containers, packages or cans. Open food stalls must not sell perishable food except for packaged milk, packaged milk products and prewrapped ice cream. These must be kept in a refrigerator or freezer unit at the correct temperature. Open food stalls must be screened or shielded to protect perishable food from direct sunlight. All pre-packaged food must have a label that shows the name and address of the organisation that packed the food; what food is commonly called; the ingredients in the food; and the date the food was packed. For further information on conditions for operation of one day food stalls, please contact the Planning and Environment Division on 4645 4604. Communications and Marketing DocSet: 2500582 DATA AND DOCUMENT CONTROL Revised Date: 21/01/2015 Review Date: 30/03/2017 Version: 10 Page 5 Communications and Marketing DocSet: 2500582 DATA AND DOCUMENT CONTROL Revised Date: 21/01/2015 Review Date: 30/03/2017 Version: 10 Page 6 Communications and Marketing DocSet: 2500582 DATA AND DOCUMENT CONTROL Revised Date: 21/01/2015 Review Date: 30/03/2017 Version: 10 Page 7 ON THE DAY: SATURDAY 14 MARCH 1. The event operating hours are 11.00am – 8.30pm 2. Stallholders must follow instructions and directions of Council staff. Council staff have the authority to withdraw a stallholder’s right to operate if they do not follow the terms and conditions as agreed to in this stallholder application. 3. Tables, chairs, stalls and power are not provided. You will need to make your own arrangements for this equipment. Council can suggest a range of local organisations that you can hire this equipment from. 4. All loose items must be secured in a safe manner. This includes tents, gazebos, gas bottles and tables, which must be secured with weights so they cannot be blown away in wind. 5. All sites must be set up between 7am and 10am. All vehicles must be removed from the area by 10am. 6. Stallholders who do not comply with the removal of vehicles may incur penalties issued by Council’s rangers. 7. All stallholders must depart between 9pm and 10.30pm in a safe manner. 8. No refunds will be provided should you breach any of the terms and conditions for stallholders. 9. Council encourages an ecologically sustainable environment. Stallholders must ensure that they remove any waste associated with their stall at the completion of the 2015 Ingleburn Alive Festival and dispose of it appropriately. 10. Food vendors are encouraged to use recyclable packaging and biodegradable containers where possible. No glass bottles are permitted at the 2015 Ingleburn Alive Festival. 11. All food operators must ensure that there is appropriate fire safety equipment including fire extinguishers and blankets within their site for the duration of the 2015 Ingleburn Alive Festival, including set up and pack down. BANNED ITEMS Council staff reserve the right to order the removal of any item from a stall which is considered comparable to any of the following banned items. Stallholders selling these items may be asked to leave the event: 1. weapons of any kind, including but not limited to: 2. - replica guns or shooting projectile toy (including plastic or pellet guns, water pistols, cap guns, bow and arrow) - ornamental copies (eg Ninja swords) - knives, swords or martial art supplies (including pen knives and nunchucks) explicit and hardcore t-shirts 3. fake cigarettes 4. fuel type fire lighters (eg Zippo) 5. horns and trumpets 6. nude or lurid playing cards 7. drug related goods (including paraphernalia of any kind) 8. stink bombs 9. water bombs 10. silly string 11. fireworks / crackers 12. laser pointers 13. pop downs / throw downs 14. eight shot caps, strip caps or roll caps 15. voodoo dolls. Communications and Marketing DocSet: 2500582 DATA AND DOCUMENT CONTROL Revised Date: 21/01/2015 Review Date: 30/03/2017 Version: 10 Page 8 2015 INGLEBURN ALIVE FESTIVAL STALLHOLDER APPLICATION FORM This is an APPLICATION ONLY for the 2015 Ingleburn Alive Festival to be held on Saturday 14 March 2015 in Oxford Road, Ingleburn. APPLICATION FORMS MUST BE RECEIVED BY COUNCIL NO LATER THAN THURSDAY 12 FEBRUARY 2015. NO PAYMENT IS TO BE MADE WITH THIS FORM. Application forms will not be processed until all supporting documentation has been received and the terms and conditions set out in the Stallholder Application Form have been read and agreed to. Please ensure you write clearly. OFFICE USE ONLY: Date received: ___ / ___ / ___ Date entered: ___ / ___ / ___ Staff initials: ____________ Public Liability Certificate PRIVACY STATEMENT Temporary food form The information requested by Council on this form may constitute personal information under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Council is allowed to collect the information from you to consider this matter. Supplying this information is voluntary. However, if you cannot or do not wish to provide the information, we may not be able to consider the matter. If you need further details, please contact the Privacy Officer, Campbelltown City Council, cnr Queen and Broughton Streets, Campbelltown. Temporary food number Photos of site setup (Commercial sites only) STALLHOLDER CONTACT DETAILS Contact name: Company, organisation or trading name of stall (if applicable): Address: Suburb: Postcode: Email: Phone (H): Phone (M): Phone (W): Fax: ABN or ACN (mandatory for all food vendors): Website or Facebook URL: PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE Public liability policy number: Expiry date: NOTE: A copy of your Public Liability certificate of currency must be attached to this form. Applications will not be processed until this certificate has been received. A minimum of $10m public liability cover is required by ALL stallholders. Communications and Marketing DocSet: 2500582 DATA AND DOCUMENT CONTROL Revised Date: 21/01/2015 Review Date: 30/03/2017 Version: 10 Page 9 STALL CATEGORY Please select one stall category. If you are unsure of your category, please contact a member of Council’s events team on 4645 4515. Commercial stall Other (please provide details): __________________________________________________ STALL COSTS Non-profit / community / charity stall Food stall No payment is to be made with this form. If you are successful, Council will request payment. Commercial stalls For sites larger than indicated below, you will need to contact a member of Council’s events team to further discuss your site plans. 3m x 3m $100 3m x 6m $200 3m x 9m $300 Non-profit / community / charity stalls These stalls are charged $30 for the first 3m x 3m stall. Any additional stalls will be charged at the regular rate of $100. 3m x 3m $30 3m x 6m $130 3m x 9m $230 Food stalls For sites larger than indicated below, you will need to contact a member of Council’s events team to further discuss your site plans. Food stalls are also charged a food inspection fee which is payable by anyone selling food. 3m x 3m $100 3m x 6m $200 3m x 9m $300 Low risk food inspection fee $50* High risk food inspection fee $90** * A low risk food stall is a stall that sells only pre-packaged and non-perishable food items. ** A high risk food stall is a stall that sells perishable food and conducts food preparation. All sites are space only. Council does not provide any power, water, generators, tables or chairs. If your stall is larger than the stall sites outlined above, please contact a member of Council's events team on 4645 4515 to discuss. Communications and Marketing DocSet: 2500582 DATA AND DOCUMENT CONTROL Revised Date: 21/01/2015 Review Date: 30/03/2017 Version: 10 Page 10 YOUR STALL Please provide a brief description of your stall (ie. Gozleme, merchandise, information stall etc.) STALL LAYOUT Estimated height of your stall: Marquee / stall size: If you would like to request a specific site at the 2015 Ingleburn Alive Festival, please list the details below. Sites cannot be guaranteed and preferred sites will be allocated if possible. This is a request only and not all requests can be provided for. The decision on site allocations is final and no negotiation will be entered into. ATTACHMENT NEEDED: If you are a commercial vendor, you are required to submit photos of your stall / marquee set up in operation. Information based stalls, such as sporting groups seeking registrations, charity groups handing out information, etc are not required to provide photos. Your application will not be processed without receipt of these photos. Links to websites or Facebook pages will be accepted if photos of your stall setup can be seen. Photos can be provided electronically via email, to: I have submitted photos of my stall setup to I have previously submitted photos of my stall setup as part of a recent Campbelltown City Council stallholder application. Please note: you will only need to submit photos once. We will retain copies of your stall for assessment of future applications. If your setup has changed, you will need to submit updated photos. Hard copies of photos will not be returned. Communications and Marketing DocSet: 2500582 DATA AND DOCUMENT CONTROL Revised Date: 21/01/2015 Review Date: 30/03/2017 Version: 10 Page 11 STALL DETAILS Please list all the products (including any food items) that you will be selling on the day and include prices. Council requires this information in order to process your application. Your application will not be processed until this information is received. A list of all banned items has been included in the terms and conditions for stallholders. Should you require further space, please attach a seperate listing to your application form. Item Price If you are not selling anything at your stall, please tell us briefly what you will be doing or promoting at your stall (ie handing out information on services, free face painting, running a competition etc) Communications and Marketing DocSet: 2500582 DATA AND DOCUMENT CONTROL Revised Date: 21/01/2015 Review Date: 30/03/2017 Version: 10 Page 12 THE FOLLOWING PAGES ARE ONLY TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANTS WHO WILL BE SELLING FOOD FROM THEIR STALL. The current Food Safety Standards require food businesses involved in temporary events to notify the NSW Food Authority of their business details, nature of food business and location of temporary premises. You must provide your NSW Food Authority temporary food event notification reference number below. If you have not notified the NSW Food Authority, you can do so online at or contact the help desk at the NSW Food Authority on 1300 650 124. NSW Food Authority temporary event notification reference number: If you are operating from a van, please indicate which side your shutter or counter opens, and indicate if your vehicle needs to be left running for power: Driver side Requires motor running for power Passenger side Does not require motor running for power If you need to use a generator at your site, it must be a silenced generator. Please complete the following details about your generator, so it can be provided to the relevant Council team member for verification that it meets noise standards: Generator brand: Amps: Year of manufacture: Please tick the option which best explains your stall setup: Marquee or tent Mobile food vending vehicle Other (please specify) Nominated food safety supervisors details (if applicable): Name: Phone: Certificate number: Issued date: Communications and Marketing DocSet: 2500582 DATA AND DOCUMENT CONTROL Revised Date: 21/01/2015 Review Date: 30/03/2017 Version: 10 Page 13 Food stall details Include floor plan below, indicating stall construction (walls, floor and roof construction), location of food preparation, serving and storage/display equipment, hand washing and utensil cleaning facilities and fire safety provisions. Food transport arrangements (provide details where potentially hazardous food is prepared off site and how it will be transported to the stall location): Food storage arrangements (provide details of measures to keep potentially hazardous food at correct holding temperatures and free from contamination and how temperatures will be measured): Food handling equipment (provide details of equipment, utensils and appliances utilised to ensure hygienic food handling and preparation): Communications and Marketing DocSet: 2500582 DATA AND DOCUMENT CONTROL Revised Date: 21/01/2015 Review Date: 30/03/2017 Version: 10 Page 14 Hygiene management (provide details on hand washing, utensil cleaning and sanitising facilities to be provided, how hot and cold water will be provided, how food handling utensils will be washed and sanitised): SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION Applications are to be submitted to Council via the following methods. You must include pages 9 to 15, as well as any additional attachments and forms as requested. No payment is to be made with this application. If you are successful, Council will request payment. Payment will be required within five business days, upon notification that your application is successful. Should your payment not be received as requested, your application will be withdrawn. Hand delivery Campbelltown City Council Civic Centre Cnr Queen and Broughton Streets Campbelltown 8.30am – 4.30pm, Monday to Friday Mail Communications and Marketing Campbelltown City Council PO Box 57 CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560 Email Complete applications can be emailed to Telephone Interpreter Service For a free interpreting service, please bring this letter to Council or ring the Telephone Interpreter Service on 131 450 and ask that they contact Campbelltown City Council. For further information on the 2015 Ingleburn Alive Festival, please contact Communications and Marketing on 4645 4515. APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY COUNCIL NO LATER THAN THURSDAY 12 FEBRUARY 2015. I have read and agree to all the terms and conditions set out for stallholders in submitting my application for the 2015 Ingleburn Alive Festival to be held on Saturday 14 March 2015. I certify that the provided information regarding this application, to the best of my knowledge, is true and correct. Full name: __________________________________________________________________________ Signed: ___________________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________ Communications and Marketing DocSet: 2500582 DATA AND DOCUMENT CONTROL Revised Date: 21/01/2015 Review Date: 30/03/2017 Version: 10 Page 15
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