Newsletter 18th February - Nailsworth Primary School

No. 2
18th February
This year 2015, is one of national significance, being the Centenary of the Gallipoli
Campaign and Australian's involvement in World War 1. At Nailsworth Primary,
plans are underway to commemorate this milestone. This commemoration will
particularly recognise the many former Nailsworth students who fought for our
country in this ‘great’ war. We are fortunate that local historian Neil Rossiter
approached the school in 2014 with the idea of commissioning a display that
would honor the relevant NPS students. As a result Neil has gained funding,
researched the relevant names, and along the way given the leadership group, a
taste of the lives of these brave men and women. Throughout this year we hope
that all of our current students will learn more about the sacrifices made by former
students not that much older than our current Year 7’s. A very sobering thought.
In this newsletter we honour Lorna Fairweather who enrolled at Nailsworth Primary
on the 13th February 1915. 100 years ago, last Friday. When Lorna enrolled at NPS
she was living in Second Avenue, Sefton Park. After school she trained at the Royal
Adelaide Hospital receiving awards for her nursing studies. At the age of 28, she
enlisted in Australian Army Navy Services in 1940. Her last post was in Singapore
where on the evening of 12th February 1942, she was one of the last 65 Australian
nurses in Singapore to be evacuated. She boarded the ill-fated ship the Vyner
Brooke. On its travels, the ship was bombed by several Japanese aircraft.
Lorna was not to return home. A Nailsworth student lost at the age of 30 years old.
Staff appreciated the opportunity to be trained in a program called Play is the Way
by its founder Wilson McCaskill. Wilson has an evangelical approach aimed at
motivation and inspiring educators to focus on not only the basics but the social
competencies of our children. He certainly made us all sit up and listen and join in
the games aimed at building resilience under emotional stress. One thought
particularly resonated with me: you don’t have to be friends with everyone, but
you are expected to be friendly. Something we will be working on at NPS.
Diary Dates &
Crossing Monitor Training
Wednesday 18th February
Parent Volunteer Induction Session
Thursday 19th February
Special Uniform Orders to the
Finance Office
by Friday 20th February
Soccer Information Evening
Wednesday 25th February
7:00pm in the Staff Room
Adelaide Cup Public Holiday
Monday 9th March
Governing Council AGM
Monday 16th March
7:30pm in the Staff Room
Parents are invited to an information session about Jolly Phonics and how you
can help your child/ren at home. We are targeting this session particularly for
parents of students from Foundation to Year 3. The session will be presented
by SPELD tutor, Frances Scobie, who is the trainer we have been using for staff
training. We have limited spaces. If you are interested in attending please
submit your name to the Front Office ASAP, as spots will be filled by a first
come basis.
Date: Tuesday 24th February
Time: 6:45pm – 7:45pm
Location: NPS Library
If we have interest in a session for older students, or a repeat of this session,
this can be arranged. Please submit your interest via the school’s office.
Sharron Ward, Principal
Lorna Fairweather
Position Vacant
Nailsworth Primary School
Schools Ministry Group and
Prospect Enfield Adelphos ICC are
seeking applications for this 8 to 9
hour per week position,
commencing Term 2, 2015. The
position exists to offer support to
students, staff and the school
A Job and Person Specification
and details on ‘How to apply’ is
available from SMG on 8378 6800
Closing date: 4:00pm, Thursday
26th February, 2015
Nailsworth Primary School 2 Balfour Street Nailsworth SA 5083
Phone: 82694622 Fax: 82695330 Email: Web:
Thank you to the many parents who
have already paid their school fees.
Your support with prompt payment is
greatly appreciated. All families need
to finalise payments for 2015 fees by Friday 19th June.
Payments can be made at school each morning or via
the school website using Bizgate.
The School Card Scheme provides financial assistance
towards the cost of Materials and Services Charges for fulltime students of low income families. School Card needs
to be applied for each year. The next close off date for
applications is Friday 13th March. Please forward your
applications to the school prior to this date. Please
contact Mary Dunton in the Finance Office for more
information. Thank you.
Mary Dunton, Finance Officer
Have you returned your updated Personal Data Sheets to
your class teacher? It is imperative that we have up-todate contact information for your child should the need
arise to contact you in an emergency.
Please ensure that you have also signed the permissions
form in regards to what you give consent for your child to
participate in at school. Many thanks.
Julie & Anita, Front Desk
If you would like to receive the newsletter via email
please register ASAP. Please email:
Please include the names and year levels of your
children so that we can make sure future hard copies
are not sent home as well as the electronic version.
Many thanks.
Jade Watson, ICT Coordinator
Register your details and year level(s) of your child/ren to
receive the fortnightly educational apps and websites
The Website of Wonder (WOW) for this newsletter is:
The Dinosaur Walk exhibition at Melbourne Museum
brings dinosaurs and other ancient animals to life.
This website allows students to take a look at a range of
amazing skeletons: dinosaurs, pterosaurs and
Combine them with ideas from science. Add a little of
your own imagination — and watch out!
The Parents' and Friends' Association Annual General
Meeting was held last week. It was fantastic to see both
old and new faces at the meeting. All committee positions
have been newly filled, including:
Chair - Carol Maher
Vice Chair - Linda Mills
Secretary - Amy Curnow
Treasurer - Angela Browne
Governing Council Co-reps - Angela Browne
and Cathy Chesson
Thank you to the outgoing committee members. In
particular, a big thank you to Cathy Chesson for all her
hard work as secretary over the past two years.
At the meeting we planned the calendar of events for
2015. It's set to be a busy year, with all the usual events
(sausage sizzles, cake stalls, Mothers' and Fathers' Day
stalls, family cinema day and more) plus a new on-line
auction in the second half of the year. This promises to be
a great way of showcasing all the skills and services of
families at Nailsworth Primary School and our local
community. Stay tuned for more details!
As always, families are encouraged to get involved with
the PFA, either by attending meetings or helping out on
the day of events. Thanks for your support!
Carol Maher, on behalf of the PFA
This fortnight’s LApp is:
The app, narrated by actor, writer and presenter
Stephen Fry, contains more than 60 fully animated,
interactive and photo-realistic dinosaurs to engage and
delight dinosaur fans of all ages.
Jade Watson, ICT Coordinator
Please be reminded that the
Uniform Shop is open
on Monday and Friday only.
Someone will be able to assist you with
your uniform purchases on this day.
Classes from Years 3-7 have completed the election of
students to represent their class for Terms 1 and 2. SRC
meetings began last week (Week 3) and will be held on
Fridays of odd weeks.
Congratulations to the following students:
Room 6:
Room 7:
Room 7A:
Room 8:
Room 9:
Room 13:
Room 14:
Room 15:
Room 16:
Room 19:
Room 20:
Room 21:
Samantha & Luke
Hayden & Kiara
William & Grace
Lachlan & Lilly
Bailey & Laura
Caitlin & Ryan
Isabella & Henry
Mia & Max
Madilyn & Logan
Scott & Hawa
Jianni & Anshu
James & Aastha
Our current new book display includes additions to the
‘Raven Lucas’, ‘Max Remy’ and ‘Dragonkeeper’ series for
those in the upper grades – all featuring strong girls as the
main characters! For gender balance we also introduce two
‘Percy Jackson’ titles – gripping reads with a mix of myth and
modern. There are two series for our middle primary readers,
three more of the ever popular ‘Go Girl’ series as well as four
‘Ruby Redfort’ titles – to follow on from the Clarice Bean
novels. I have been running a lucky-dip for the first students
to borrow the much-awaited ‘52-Story Treehouse’, with the
draw taking place on Wednesday 18th February.
Our ‘Browse and Reserve’ displays feature information,
traditional tales and modern stories about and from China,
as it will be Chinese/Lunar New Year from 18th – 24th February.
Classes will be able to read these in the Library and become
more understanding of this part of multicultural Australian
Each of these students introduced themselves clearly to
the council and explained the skills they will bring to the
SRC. Well done!
The Year 6 and 7 representatives will act as officials in
rotating roles as Chairperson and Secretary for the
meetings. Congratulations to Sammy, Luke, Bailey, Laura,
Hawa, Scott and Jianni.
Classes will now be discussing successful past events and
submitting to SRC ideas for new events and projects. We
are hoping to initiate creative ways to represent students
and Nailsworth Primary School as a whole, while
continuing to raise awareness of, and to support a few
selected community charity organisations.
SRC Co-ordinators, Nicole Le Mesurier & Toni Ballard
Thank you for helping your children find and return books
to the Library – it is never too late! I have sent home one
last overdue notice about books not returned from last
year. It would really be appreciated if one last search
could be made as they are worth at least $1000.00 to
The Readers’ Cups are now proudly on display on their
new shelf in the Library! Come in and have a look!
Congratulations to the Year 6 and 7 students who have
made a great start to the Premier’s Reading Challenge. I am
including here an excerpt from the PRC about ways that
students can make the most of the Challenge to broaden
and deepen their engagement with literature.
Challenge your students! Please encourage students to
challenge themselves and read a range of books rather than
reading extensively from one series.
Challenge your students to:
Read a book from each of the categories.
Cap their reading of a series at 2 books.
Read 12 different authors.
Read one book from the next reading age.
Share a read with friends, like a reading group and
discuss it.
Post a review on the ‘Rate a Read’ section of the
‘Kidspace’ page of the website to win prizes.
Write blogs for the website about their reading in
‘Kidspeak’ or ‘Teenspeak’.
Recommend a book to the booklist panel, who
meet once a term.
We really hope that this supports more of our senior students
to complete the Challenge successfully.
PRC (Continued…)
Tips from the Experts
I would like to include some great tips from some fabulous
Australian authors for children on encouraging children to
‘Don’t be overly judgmental or too concerned if the books
that your child chooses are not the sort of books you think
they should be reading. Anything that excites and interests
them will help to persuade them that the world of reading
is a cool place to hang out’. Andy Griffiths
Books for babies and toddlers should be very short, and as
rhythmic and repetitive as possible. Ask friends and
librarians which books little kids love, because babies are
able to fall in love with books at a very early age – they
can be riveted by picture books at two months’. Mem Fox
Happy reading!
Nicole Le Mesurier, Teacher/Librarian
Nominations for the forthcoming Winter 2015 season are
now being taken and will be submitted to EDNA by last
mail on Friday 20th February. Could current coaches
please approach their players to see if they will be
continuing on next season and pop a note in my pigeon
hole. Players with outstanding fees will not be eligible to
nominate for next season.
If your child is turning 8 this year and is interested in playing
netball for the school, could you please indicate your
interest to the Front Office or to me personally in the
Library this week! There must be a minimum of 8 players to
submit a new team and someone available to coach and
manage them. Games are played on Saturdays at either
Phillis Street (Maylands), Emery Road (Campbelltown) or
Lothian Avenue (Holden Hill) netball courts. Fees for the
Winter Season will be $50.00 and $40.00 for subsequent
children and can be paid to Mary Dunton in the Finance
Cheryle Woolford, Netball Coordinator
METRO NORTHERN Lightning Carnival
Wednesday 11th March (Week 7)
9:00am – 3:00pm
North Adelaide Lacrosse Club
Terama Street, Gepps Cross
5 players per team, no goalie!
Any student in Year 4, 5, 6 and 7 is welcome to come and
try out for a team 
Mrs Russell and Mr Blunt will be selecting Year 4/5 teams
and Year 6/7 teams. Due to a high interest this year, not all
students that try out can be selected.
Week 4
Tuesday 17th Feb – 8.10am
Thursday 19th Feb – 8.10am
Week 5
Thursday 26th Feb – 8.10am
Week 6
Thursday 5th March – 8.10am
*Teams will be selected from the students who attend these
Term 1 & 4 (various dates & venues)
Maximum 25 overs per team
11 players (plus twelfth man)
Knock-Out competition – only winning teams will progress
to the next round
Any boy in Year 6/7 that is interested in representing NPS in
Knock-Out cricket is welcome to come and try out 
Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough interest to form a girls’
team 
Mr Blunt and Mr Ballard will be selecting the team. Due to a
high interest this year, not all students that try out can be
Players are needed to fill a Year 2/3 basketball team. We
also require a parent volunteer who is willing to coordinate
the team (no basketball experience needed). Without a
parent helper, the team cannot be nominated. Games
are played at Mars Stadium at Marden, usually on
Thursday nights 4:00pm, 4:40pm or 5:20pm. Please advise
Anita or Julie at the front desk if you are able to assist us
with this matter. Many thanks.
Julie Martin, Front Office
Week 4
Thursday 19th Feb – 3.15pm
Week 5
Thursday 26th Feb – 3.15pm
Week 6
Thursday 5th March – 3.15pm
*Teams will be selected from the students who attend these
 Does your child wish to play soccer for Nailsworth?
 Have you thought about volunteering your time to be a soccer coach or
team manager?
If you answered YES to any of the above
Please attend the
Wednesday 25th February at 7:00pm
in the Staff Room
Registration forms will be available on the night
Topics that will be covered:
o Registrations
o Expectations
o Uniform
o Training
o Game day
o Volunteering
A reminder to those people wishing to submit articles
for the school newsletter that they need to be handed
in to the Front Office or emailed to no later than 3.30pm
on Monday of the week of publication (even weeks of
the school term). This ensures that the newsletter can
be typed, printed and distributed by the Wednesday
of that week. Your assistance with this matter would
be greatly appreciated.
See Sports Notice Board for more information on:
Metro Northern Lacrosse Lightning Carnival
Knock-Out Cricket
See Parent Notice Boards for more information on:
Roma Mitchell Secondary College Girls’ Campus Open Day
Roma Mitchell Secondary College Open Day