St. Paul’s United Methodist Church THE CLARION Published Monthly by St. Paul’s UMC, 1314 Foulk Road, Wilmington, Delaware 19803 Website: Office: (302) 478-3135 E-mail: February 2015 Inside this issue: From the Pastor 2 Prayer Shawl Ministry 2 UMW Soup Sale 2 Christian Education 3 Missions 3 Book Group 3 St. Paul’s Officiary 4, 5 Unhealthy Triangles 6 Ash Wednesday Worship February 18, 7:00 p.m. On Ash Wednesday we will have a combined worship service at St. Paul’s UMC with Mt. Joy UMC. Rev. H. Ward Greer, Rev. Dr. Tim Duchesne, and David M. Finch will present the dramatic reading, Standing Before the Gates. Pancake Supper Tuesday, February 17, 6:00 p.m. Start Lent by bringing the family to the Pancake Supper. Enjoy pancakes, sausage, fruit, & beverage. Please sign-up if you plan to attend. Cost: $10 per family or $3.00 per person. All are welcome. The Biblical Foundations for Small Groups Special points of interest: Altar Flower Donations 2 God’s Voice 2 Emergency Mission Fund 6 Next Issue Deadline: February 13 Issue date: February 26 In the words of Jesus found in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst.” These are very important words that lead to the conclusion that “church” is not limited to the customary large meetings, but also can be a legitimate function of small groups. Neal F. McBride in his book How to Lead Small Groups says, “Two or three hundred people aren’t required. The vertical relationship each Christian enjoys with Jesus is facilitated and expanded by the horizontal relationship among the required two or three”. The initial proposal for this small group ministry at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church is becoming a reality as our group leaders have drafted the groups after signups and are notifying participants about the dates, times, locations, and other pertinent information as we prepare to begin the Lenten study on February 28, 2015. The DVDThe Easter Experience- will be used in this five week Lenten study. There are multiple purposes for implementing this small group ministry program at St Paul’s. The following are a few that will help you grow and help to build the church. Small group Bibles studies are critical for spiritual growth! Small group Bible studies are built on the example of Jesus and his small group of twelve disciples! Small group Bible studies are built on John Wesley’s concept that small groups help people grow in grace! Small group Bible studies are critical for the health of the church! Small group Bible studies are a key success factor in growing churches! Your participation in a small group will allow you to meet new people and test drive small group life. Your comments, suggestions, and evaluations during and at the end will be appreciated. From the Pastor: Jesus was a master at transforming social constructions of reality. In his reinterpretation of the law in Matthew’s Gospel he says: “You have heard it said: ... but I say to you: ….” What Jesus is doing is eliciting one social construction and then replacing it with an alternative. Using parables was Jesus’ core teaching strategy. An understanding of social construction can help us understand some of the transformational dynamics of parables. Only on one occasion, and then only to the disciples, did Jesus interpret a parable. Jesus gave people the intellectual space and freedom to construct an understanding that would be healing and redemptive. Depending on who you are and your context there may be very different understandings of what Jesus meant by his parables. Take the parable of the talents for example, there are three different people with different responses to their context and what they are given. So the question for me is: Who did Jesus say that we should be like? In a New Testament studies class in seminary, we approached this parable with an exercise, by dividing people into three groups, one got five talents, another two talents, and another group one talent. The task for each group was to come up with a story of who they were and why Jesus is saying to the hearers “be like us.” During that class I heard three plausible reasons why each could be the one that Jesus is saying: “be like them.” I will confess that often in my ministry I have lifted up the person who was given five talents, who wasn’t afraid and took a risk as the hero and the one to be like. Success or failure is acceptable, not doing anything because you are afraid was unacceptable. Recently, I have come to see that there are serious limitations to that interpretation and that the parables and especially this one can have different levels of meaning. The first is the master: he is tyrannical, greedy, and vengeful. If I am seeing him as a god image is that the kind of God Jesus was inviting us into relationship with? I doubt it. So if the master is not a god image then is he an image of imperial Rome, a kingdom that harvests where it doesn’t plant, and terrorizes all through its might and vengeance? So perhaps the one who gets the two talents is the hero. Who is he or she and what is their virtue? Perhaps they are the solid middle class. They live without envy. They humbly receive what is given and faithfully go about their work without grumbling that others have been given more. And what about the person who gets one talent and is afraid (of what we are not exactly sure) and refuses to play the master’s game? If the master is imperial Rome and the “one talent” person is poor, perhaps he is afraid, not of the consequence of punishment, but of violating his own integrity and becoming a collaborator with an evil oppressor. The wealthy rulers of the day, or the multinational corporations who invade poorer nations today, often look at the poor and simply see a lazy people who are unwilling to work. And they also see financial success and the accumulation of property a sign that God is on their side. But is God on their side? This man, who got one talent, would rather be banished and die rather than violate his core values and acquiesce to Rome. There was another man like that, I think his name was Jesus. Prayer Shawl Ministry Needs Your Help Annual UMW Soup Sale The Parable of the Talents The Prayer Shawl Ministry is in need of prayer shawls. A few months ago we had 2 full bins of prayer shawls. At that point we made the decision to donate some prayer shawls to the Veterans Hospital with plans to continue to donate to area hospitals and nursing homes while keeping a supply on hand for our needs. As of a few weeks ago, we only had a total of 4 prayer shawls. Won’t you consider joining St. Paul’s Prayer Shawl Ministry? For directions on how to knit or crochet a prayer shawl or if you have any questions, contact Lin Moore at 302-478-3767. Your help is also needed in identifying individuals who might benefit from this ministry. This ministry is open to everyone. A person does not need to belong to St. Paul’s Church. Please contact Lin Moore if you know of someone who could benefit from a prayer shawl. 2 February 2015 Sunday, February 8 Offerings include the ever popular Hamburger Vegetable Beef, Pumpkin Mushroom, Broccoli Cheddar, and Chili. Still just $9 per quart. Honor Someone Special with a Donation You can donate Altar Flowers in honor of a special someone, or just for the pleasure of giving. To donate, please contact Barb Crawford at 302-999-0462. The success of love is in the loving; it is not in the result of loving. —Mother Teresa Time to Refocus With the refurbishment, renovation and restoration activities in the Sunday School wing complete, it’s time refocus on the basic elements of St. Paul’s Sunday School... providing the means for children and youth to get to know God and Jesus, and becoming thoughtful, caring Christians through Bible-based learning. The means come from fun curriculum and lessons, dedicated and thoughtful teachers, and supportive parents who encourage participation in Sunday School. Did you know that St. Paul’s has a Learning Curve for our Sunday School program? 2 and 3 year olds - The Golden Rule Pre-K and Kindergarten - The 10 Commandments 1st and 2nd Grade - The Lord’s Prayer 2nd and 3rd Grades - Knowledge of Old & New Testament and How to Use Your Bible 4th and 5th Grades - The Apostle’s Creed 6th and 7th Grades - The Old Testament (year 1) and The Parables of Jesus (year 2), Biblical Geography 8th Grade - Confirmation Class 9th to 12th Grade - Applying Christian Beliefs to Everyday Life This Learning Curve provides a year-to-year guide and structure as children advance through Sunday School, onward to Confirmation and later to applying Christian beliefs to their everyday life. It also provides a yearly goal for the teachers as they teach the weekly lessons. We will focus on this Learning Curve over the Winter and Spring. There are always opportunities to be involved in Christian Education at St. Paul’s. With the recent blessing of a baby boom, volunteers are needed in the Nursery and Children’s Church (contact Julie Seefeldt). We anticipate the need for co-teachers in some Sunday School classes in Fall 2015; please contact Nicole Macturk. Vacation Bible School will be July 13 to 17; the theme will be “Camp Discovery: Jesus at Work Through Us.” Leadership opportunities and volunteers are needed for VBS; contact Nicole Macturk or Susan Spartz. St. Paul’s will be hosting two weeks of Christian Summer Day camp this year: July 20 to 24, and July 27 to 31. To volunteer and provide support for Christian Summer Day camp, please contact Beverly Dennett. We welcome enthusiastic volunteers! God’s Voice Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. I Corinthians 2:12 Stop Hunger Now! Saturday, March 14 at 9:30 am, Fellowship Hall Plan on joining St. Paul’s and our friends to STOP HUNGER NOW! This is an event that organizes volunteers to pack meals (rice and other nutrients into sealed bags) that are sent around the world to meet emergency food needs. All persons will have something to do whether age 4 or 94. For those who cannot stand for a period of time, there are jobs that are done from a chair. For those who cannot sit still, there is much leg work to be accomplished. It is a fun and unifying event that helps those whom Christ loved and calls us to serve. On this day we will pack a minimum of 10,000 meals paid for through St. Paul’s mission committee budget. All volunteers must register online at http:// Should you need help with this, give your name to Rev. Connie Hastings, 302-745-1042. The website includes the opportunity to make additional donations which are not necessary for this event at our church but would be appreciated by those in need if you feel called to give. The House Girl by Tara Conklin Sunday, February 8 12:30 p.m., Lounge On Sunday, February 8, we will discuss this unforgettable story of love, history, and a search for justice, set in modern-day New York and 1852 Virginia. Weaving together the story of an escaped slave in the pre–Civil War South and a determined junior lawyer, The House Girl follows Lina Sparrow as she looks for an appropriate lead plaintiff in a lawsuit seeking compensation for families of slaves. In her research, she learns about Lu Anne Bell, a renowned pre-war artist whose famous works might have actually been painted by her slave, Josephine. Featuring two remarkable, unforgettable heroines, Tara Conklin’s The House Girl is riveting, powerful, literary fiction at its very best. As always, all are welcome at our Book Club discussions. If you have any questions, contact Sherry Clark at 302-3776647, or at February 2015 3 St. Paul’s United Methodist Church 2015 Officiary THE CHURCH COUNCIL Chairperson Tom Fort (15) Vice Chair Secretary 2015 2016 2017 Christine Wesley Brian Venuto (Harrison Dennett) Katie Macturk Darby Dill Carol Apanowitz Tom Fort (Todd Hartsock) EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH COUNCIL Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Timothy Duchesne Minister of Congregational Care Rev. David Finch United Methodist Deacon Rev. Constance Hastings Director of Music Rob Kennan Youth & Family Ministries Kathleen Kennan SPRC David McClure Finance Chair Ken Macturk Church Treasurer Giff Scarborough Assistant Treasurer John Molter Sound System Roger Scorziello Information Technology David McIlvaine Congregational Care Dawn Sobocinski Lay Leader Lynn Simpson (15) Lay Members to Annual Conference Mike Rominger (15), Brent Burdge (15) Alt. Member to Annual Conference Roger Scorziello (15) United Methodist Women Debbie Demeter Christian Education. Nicole Macturk, Karen Pollack LAY LEADERS Lynn Simpson, Fran Smart, Victor Ferzetti NOMINATIONS AND LAY LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Chairperson *Rev. Dr. Timothy Duchesne 2015 Ginger Morley, Teresa Powell 2016 Candy McCafferty, Debbie Demeter 2017 Tom Gorman, Tom Fort STAFF-PARISH RELATIONS COMMITTEE Chairperson David McClure* (15) Lay Leader Lynn Simpson 2015 David McClure, Roger Scorziello, 2016 Lynn Jacoby, Richard Stout, Doris Ferzetti 2017 Karen Muller, Carl Bitner, Ginny Bacon 4 February 2015 Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary 2015 2016 2017 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Libby Hines Dwayne Powell Suzanne Utke Dwayne Powell, Suzanne Utke, Dave Dennett Teresa Powell, Libby Hines, Jan Dill Rick Gamble, Frank Pollack, Doug Hill Chairperson 2015 2016 2017 FINANCE COMMITTEE *Ken Macturk (2016) John Croney, Bob Lengel, Susie Raffauf Lisa Hutchinson, Pat Guidish, Scott Simpson Mike Rominger, Beverly Dennett, Jen Scorziello Ex-Officio Members to the Finance Team: Senior Pastor Tim Duchesne Lay Member to Annual Conference Brent Burge Church Council Chair Tom Fort SPRC Chair David McClure Trustee Chairperson Nancy Gorman Lay Leader Lynn Simpson Finance Secretary Sarah McIlvaine Associate Treasurer John Molter Treasurer Gif Scarborough MISSION TEAM/OUTREACH Missions Team Chairperson *Doris Morris INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE *David McIlvaine (Chair) A/V: Tom Brown, Timothy Duchesne, Doris Ferzetti, Jan Hill, Doug Hill, Chet Thayer, Paul Thompson, Glenn Seefeldt, Alex McClure, Roger Scorziello, Brian Smith I.T.: Tom Brown, Chet Thayer, Glen Seefeldt WORSHIP COMMITTEE Committee Chair Senior Pastor Altar Guild *Jan Hill & Anne Murphy Head Usher 8:30 a.m. *Ken Morley Head Usher 11:00 a.m. *Scott Simpson Communion Steward, Chairperson Bonnie Gamble Communion Assistant Chairperson (8:30 am) Fran Smart Communion Assistant Chairperson (11:00 am) Roberta Burns Greeters Chairperson (8:30 am) Fran Smart Greeters Chairperson (11:00 am) Barbara Crawford Bringing Forth Elements (8:30 & 11:00 am) Fran Smart Altar Flower Coordinator Barbara Crawford Ex-officio: Joe Pennington, David Finch, Rob Kennan, Roger Scorziello, David Mcllvaine YOUTH COUNCIL TEAM Chair: Kathleen Kennan Ginger Morley, Teresa Powell, Glenn Seetfeldt, David McClure, Laura Gibison, Harrison Dennett, Max Ferzetti, Heather McClure BUILDING COMMUNITY/SMALL GROUPS Leaders United Methodist Women *Debbie Demeter Representative to Scout Program *Victor Ferzetti Every Generation Group Coordinator Kathleen Kennan CONGREGATIONAL CARE TEAM Chair: *Dawn Sobocinski CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COMMITTEE Chairperson *Karen Pollack Children’s Sunday School Superintendent *Nicole Macturk Members At Large: Roger Domenick, Agnes Barkley, Bobbie Fort Vacation Bible School Nicole Macturk Adult Sunday School David McIlvaine Nursery & Children’s Church Coordinator Julie Seefeldt Chairperson GREEN TEAM *Mike Rominger MEDITATION GARDEN AND MEMORIAL GIFTS COMMITTEE Chair: Bob Rickards Bonnie Gamble, Lisa Hutchinson, Carolyn Molter, (Ex-Officio) Giff Scarborough *Denotes Church Council Member ENDOWMENT INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Bob Rickards, Giff Scarborough, Rick Gamble, Linda Champagne February 2015 5 Unhealthy Triangles by Rev. Constance Hastings, MSCC,NCC Daybreak Counseling Services, Inc. Everyone likely has found herself or himself in the situation. A friend, spouse, co-worker, or church member is having issues or conflicts with another person. Rather than addressing the problem with that person, he or she will express their negative feelings to another person who in some way relates to the offending person as well. Initially, it may seem to be a viable way of relieving tension, and the third person may feel affirmed in the trust that has been placed in him or her by this confidence. Often, the third person is asked not to discuss the situation the other person. However, the third person also is at the least being caught in the middle and often put in the position of taking sides. The results are more strained relationships and no resolution to the real problem. Even more problematic, this can become a negative learned coping skill for any children within the dynamic and thus perpetuated for generations. This lack of assertive communication and honesty in relationships is called triangulation. Within all forms of dynamics, family, work, friends, congregations, etc., it is destructive because it destroys trust among the group. It also allows the situation to remain in dysfunction and deny or hide whatever the underlying issues are in the dynamic. Still, “You can’t heal a wound by saying it’s not there!” (Jeremiah 6:14, TLB) Jesus said, “So if you are standing before the altar in the Temple, offering a sacrifice to God, and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there beside the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God.” (Matthew 5:23-24, TLT, italics added) Avoid triangulation by learning and practicing assertive communication. It can help set boundaries with the offending person such that at least in this relationship conflicts are addressed. If this is a skill you have yet to accomplish, a suggested reading is the classic, Boundaries by John Townsend and Henry Cloud. If the issues are very deep and prolonged, professional counseling would be in order. When approached by another to participate in triangulation, encourage the person to learn how to address the problem but do not become a player in the situation. Finally, often in times of conflict, The Serenity Prayer is the best offering to God. “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Daybreak Counseling Services is a nonprofit clinical pastoral counseling agency that not only addresses the presenting issue or problem but also allows for the inclusion of spirituality within sessions. It is supported through payments determined on a sliding scale basis, private grants, and individual donations. 6 February 2015 The St. Paul’s Family Dear friends, Just a short note to say thank you for inviting us to be a part of your 50 Years Celebration. We enjoyed the Saturday night dinner and program, and the worship experience and reception on Sunday. It was great to see some folks that I had not seen for a few years. I was sorry I didn’t get around to see everyone. Thanks again. Ron and Mary Lew Bergman Rev. Dr. Timothy Duchesne Rev. David M. Finch Rev. Constance Hastings We would like to thank you for praying for Denny Venuto. We would also like to thank you for the Altar flowers you sent home with our son, Brian. They were beautiful and we certainly enjoyed them. It means a lot to us to know that others are helping us in our time of need. Sincerely, Denny & Carol Venuto Our condolences to Rod Crawford and family on the death of his mother, Henrietta Crawford, who passed away on December 9. Emergency Mission Fund Thank you. During the EMF campaign the congregation donated a total of $36,746.94. Out of those funds $35,025.24 are directly in the hands of those in need. The remaining balance to be allocated in the next few weeks. Thank You. Alternative Christmas Gift giving results for 2014 were a total of $2,580.00. Thank You. The special Code Purple offering collected $1,897.00 to aid the homeless during the brutal winter nights. Thank You. To all of those who volunteered to make soup and to serve during Code Purple nights. Thank You. To our music director, Rob Kennan for holding the benefit concerts for the EMF. February 2015 7 2 5 pm Wilm. Handbell 7 pm Missions, Lounge 9 5 pm Wilm. Handbell 7 pm Finance, Embury Room 7 pm CEC, Library 16 5 pm Wilm. Handbell 7 pm Ad Council, Heck Room 23 5 pm Wilm. Handbell 7 pm SPRC, Lounge 7 pm Trustees, Embury Room 8 UMW Soup Sale 8:30 am Worship 9:30 am Coffee Fellowship 10 am Sunday School 11 am Sunday Worship 12:30 pm Book Group, Lounge 12:30 pm Wesley Choir 5:30 pm Youth Choir 15 8:30 am Worship 9:30 am Coffee Fellowship 10 am Sunday School 11 am Sunday Worship 12:15 pm Lydia Circle, Lounge 12:30 pm Wesley Choir 5:30 pm Youth Choir 22 8:30 am Worship 9:30 am Coffee Fellowship 10 am Sunday School 11 am Sunday Worship 12:30 pm Wesley Choir 5:30 pm Youth Choir Mon 1 8:30 am Worship 9:30 am Coffee Fellowship 10 am Sunday School 11 am Sunday Worship 12:30 pm Wesley Choir 1:30 pm Batting Practice, FH 5:30 pm Youth Choir Sun 24 9:30 am S&S @ J. Ashbaugh’s 6:30 pm Jubellation 8 pm AA, Coke Room 17 9:30 am S&S @ J. Ashbaughs 6 pm Pancake Supper, FH 6:30 pm Jubellation 8 pm AA, Coke Room 10 9:30 am S&S @ J. Ashbaugh’s 6:30 pm Jubellation 8 pm AA, Coke Room 3 9:30 am S&S @ J. Ashbaugh’s 4 pm MS Society, Coke Rm. 6:30 pm Jubellation 8 pm AA, Timothy Lg. Tue 25 9 am Day Break Counseling 9 am Ugly Quilts, Garrettson 12 pm Grief Group, Lounge 7 pm Bible Study, Embury Rm 7 pm Al-Anon, Heck Room 18 9 am Day Break Counseling 9 am Ugly Quilts, Garrettson 11 am EGGs, Lounge 12 pm Grief Group, Lounge 7 pm Bible Study, Embury Rm 7 pm Al-Anon, Heck Room 11 9 am Day Break Counseling 9 am Ugly Quilts, Garrettson 12 pm Grief Group, Lounge 6 pm Fellowship Hall in use 7 pm Al-Anon, Heck Room 7 pm Bible Study, Embury Rm. 4 9 am Day Break Counseling 9 am Ugly Quilts, Garrettson 10 am Naomi Circle, Lounge 12 pm Grief Group, Lounge 5 pm Deb II Circle, Kitchen 6 pm Fellowship Hall in use 7 pm Bible Study, Embury Rm 7 pm Al-Anon, Heck Room Wed 26 8 am TMWC 10 am Bible Study, Embury Rm 6:30 pm Worship Band 6:30 pm Cub Scouts, Heck, Embury, Garrettson Rms. 7 pm Sisters in Christ, Lounge 7 pm Volleyball for All, F.H. 7:30 pm Adult Choir 19 8 am TMWC 9:15 am Eliz. Circle, Lounge 10 am Bible Study, Embury Rm 6:30 pm Cub Scouts, Heck, Embury, Garrettson Rms. 7 pm Sisters in Christ, Lounge 7 pm Adult Choirs 7 pm Volleyball for All, F.H. 12 8 am TMWC 10 am Bible Study, Embury Rm 6:30 pm Cub Scouts, Heck, Embury, Garrettson Rms. 7 pm Sisters in Christ, Lounge 7 pm Adult Choirs 7 pm Volleyball for All, F.H. 5 8 am TMWC 10 am Bible Study, Embury Rm 5 pm Deb II Circle, Kitchen 6:30 pm Cub Scouts, Heck, Embury, Garrettson Rms. 7 pm Sisters in Christ, Lounge 7 pm Adult Choirs 7 pm Volleyball for All, F.H. Thu Lydia Circle, Kitchen Elizabeth Circle, Kitchen St. Paul’s Volleyball, FH AA, Coke Room 27 6 pm St. Paul’s Volleyball, FH 7 pm AA, Coke Room 20 6:30 pm Cub Scouts, FH 6:30 pm Friday Night Christ Lounge, Children S.S. Rooms 7 pm AA, Coke Room 13 8 am EDR Cooking, Kitchen 6 pm St. Paul’s Volleyball, FH 7 pm AA, Coke Room 6 8 am 6 pm 6 pm 7 pm Fri February 2015 28 21 14 8 am Lydia Circle, Kitchen 7 Sat BEGINS February Birthdays Bill Gorman Samantha Satcher James Satcher, III 3 Maggie Collier Robert Harra Rebecca Snyder 4 Danielle Lopez Hadley Rickards 5 Eric Kerr 6 Alison Dwyer Janet Jacoby 7 Eleanor Laganosky 8 Roberta Burns Linda Fisher Kristin Siegfried 9 Rebecca Hill 10 Brooke Bolling Ray Clowesley Dwayne Powell 11 Mark Apanowicz 12 Susan Austin 2 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 Byron Smith James Beall Mary Browne John Kessler Robert Wolfe Matthew Hindmarch Keith Lagonosky Ryan Wilson Betty Troupe Kyle Kaley Thompson Richard Casalvera Dan Harvey Anne Murphy Bonnie Gamble Doris Morris Timothy Bolling Laura Firlein Vernalee Frey Robert Reed Sarah Andrews Jessica Bachovin 22 23 26 27 28 Campbell Ebling Andrea Rosenkranz Christopher Walther Amy Malick Kevin Wharton Frederick Wynegar Jana Gindhart Shelley Goudy Malcolm Hayes Kathryn Reynolds Roger Domenick Shawn Miner C. Creadick Powell, Jr. Linda Rhodes 1314 Foulk Road, Wilmington, DE 19803 (302) 478-3135 Moments of Meditation - 334-3101 E-Mail: Website: St. Paul's United Methodist Church February 2015 Rev. Dr. Tim Duchesne, Pastor Rev. David Finch, Congregational Care Rob Kennan, Music Director Kathleen Kennan, Youth & Family Barbara Barto, Office Administrator Glenda Howell, Administrative Assistant 8
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