Volume 44, Number 2 Friday 20 February 2015 111 Jasper Road, BENTLEIGH 3204 Ph (03) 8520 9200 Fax (03) 8520 9299 Absence Line (03) 8520 9250 Email: office@olsh.vic.edu.au website: www.olsh.vic.edu.au NEWSLETTER On Tuesday 10 February, we celebrated the achievements of the Class of 2014. Students from Year 11 and Year 12 who achieved study scores of 40 and above, and/or ATARs of 90 and above were presented with awards. Our Dux of College, Martha O'Hagan was also acknowledged and presented with her award. Further pictures are on page 3. Anne O’Loughlin Principal ! Above all be very kind and considerate to each other. Mother Marie Louise Hartzer Sophie Savage, Year 7, on reaching the Junior Grand Final of the Fast Track Singing Showcases Competition to be held later this year. OLSH Newsletter Faith & Mission On Wednesday we celebrated the beginning of Lent – forty days that take us on a special journey towards Easter. As a College community we gathered in the hall to reflect on our lives and the ways in which we are called to become more like the person of Jesus. Once we had written down the area of our lives we felt called to change, we burned our papers in the fire, symbolic of our prayers rising to God. We each then received the ashes on our foreheads with the accompanying words, “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.” This coming Monday we will remember the anniversary of the death of Marie Louise Hartzer. Having been a wife, mother and widowed far too long, Marie Louise knew too well the struggles of life. Like Marie Louise, we do our very best in these weeks of Lent to raise awareness and monies for those in greatest need in our world. This year all monies raised will go directly to the work of Caritas Australia (Project Compassion Appeal). Sr Megan Donohue fdnsc Assistant Principal Faith and Mission OLSH Newsletter Page | 2 Curriculum Matters C Ms Lynn Egan Assistant Principal Learning and Teaching OLSH Newsletter Page | 3 Student Wellbeing News On Friday 6 February, all of the school leaders participated in a Ylead leadership program; this was a fun and rewarding program. We played lots of games to help us work better as a group and learnt how to communicate together as a team. I learnt about recognising other people’s talents and using my voice to communicate my ideas clearly. I felt that this program helped me gain confidence and enabled me to get to know everyone on the leadership team. Maddie Crockett The Ylead workshop was a great opportunity for the leadership team of 2015 to meet other students in different year levels and to understand the importance of leadership. Lara Confeggi A letter from the National Breast Cancer Foundation Dear Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, On behalf of the National Breast Cancer Foundation, we sincerely thank you for supporting us through your community. Your support ensures we can fund the best breast cancer research in Australia. With thanks Parents are to note that all students aged 17 years and over, or those requiring a half yearly or yearly Student Pass (regardless of age) are required to obtain a 2015 Victorian Public Transport (VPT) Student Concession Card as proof of their concession entitlement. The 2015 VPT Student Concession Card and Student Pass Application Form can be obtained from: Metropolitan premium train stations PTV Hubs (Southern Cross Station and 750 Collins St, Docklands) V/Line staffed stations and ticket agents PTV Call centre by calling 1800 800 007 Online at ptv.vic.gov.au It is strongly recommended that students holding a student pass register their myki online at ptv.vic.gov.au or by calling 1800 800 007. Benefits of registering a myki include: The balance on the myki is protected it is reported lost or stolen Option to manage a myki with an online account Option to auto top up for “set and forget” convenience A reminder to parents that Immunisations for students in Years 7 and 10 will take place on 27 February. Parents are reminded that the Glen Eira Council’s immunisation service may contact you about the secondary school vaccine program. Schools have been authorised to provide parent contact details to local councils for this purpose. If you do not wish for your details to be provided to the local council, please put this in writing to Ms O’Loughlin by 28 February 2015 OLSH Newsletter Page | 4 College News The Issoudun year finishes with three day Community Service Programme and last year students volunteered to assist a number of organisations who appreciated OLSH girls helping them out in early December. Support in the local community included: Working in Sacred Heart Mission Shops, St. Vinnie’s and Brotherhood Op Shops located locally. Assisting in Aged Care Residences. Working on projects organised by Conservation Volunteers Victoria. Performing - a group of Issoudun singers and musicians toured and performed for the elderly in Residences. Baking and parcelling Christmas fare which was distributed on Christmas Day by the Mission in St Kilda. If OLSH parents have connections with an organisation who would value the assistance of students at the end of the year, please email lnaylor@olsh.vic.edu.au Pictured are Catherine Chea and Mika Saito who were ‘flat out’ in the very large and very busy Sacred Heart Mission Shop in St Kilda. Feedback from letters received: Thank you for the very kind donation of handmade cakes and slices which will be used in the Dining Hall. Support such as this means so much…and with it we are able to help some of the most disadvantaged people in our community. It is with your support we are able to make a meaningful difference in their lives. The girls showed a generosity of spirit…great courage and sensitivity. They were supportive of each other and friendly to staff. They should be proud of their attitude and endeavour. Their efforts we well appreciated by all. OLSH Newsletter Page | 5 College News OLSH Newsletter College News Many thanks to all of the parents who attended the first Parents & Friends meeting last week. It was great to see familiar faces and some new faces at the meeting. The Parents and Friends is a group of parents and carers of current and past students, providing social activities as well as being a huge support for fundraising events and College functions. At OLSH we understand that families are busy and some parents may feel hesitant about being involved as they are unable to attend regular meetings. Any assistance that you can provide no matter how big or small is greatly appreciated. For those of you who are unable to attend the meetings but wish to stay informed about what is happening on the P&F, can do so by requesting to be on an email distribution list. This will mean that you will be informed about when meetings are happening and receive minutes of all P&F meetings. If you would like to be on the P&F email distribution list, please contact David Formosa on 85209270 or at dformosa@olsh.vic.edu.au Mr David Formosa Director of Development Any help with making costumes for the upcoming production of Grease would be most appreciated. Please contact Michelle Fenton mfenton@olsh.vic.edu.au if you are able to assist. OLSH Newsletter Page | 7 College News Please be aware that Pastoral Care, including home visits and ongoing support, is available to the OLSH Community. Please contact Sister Elizabeth Taylor at the College on 8520 9200 if you would like any further information. OLSH Newsletter Page | 8
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