19 February 2015 CABRA DOMINICAN COLLEGE SPORTS AND ATHLETICS DAY 2015 Dear Parents/Guardians and Students We are looking forward to our College Sports Day. The students are preparing for a great day of full participation with opportunities to display fantastic team spirit. These days provide another avenue to celebrate our rich heritage and aim to foster community. Our four College Houses are; AQUINAS (Yellow/gold), CALERUEGA (Green), NOTRE DAME (Red/Maroon) and SIENA (Blue). WHEN: Friday 6 March, 8.40am-3.00pm FOR: All students in Years 6 - 13. WHAT TO WEAR: Cabra PE shorts/track pants/plain shorts/plain track pants. T-shirt in their House colour (free of slogans, writing, graphics and motifs) All competitors must clearly wear House colours. WHAT TO BRING: A water bottle, hat and sunscreen, recess and lunch (essential items) OTHER ITEMS: Face paint, coloured hair spray, coloured ribbons (Students to carry own asthma puffers if needed) OTHER: Valuable items are best kept at home or in lockers. Students are not able to leave the College grounds at any time during the day. Lockers will only be accessible before 9.00am and after 3.00pm (until dismissal time). Air horns/noisemakers etc are not acceptable for this event. Please note the Tuckshop will be open from 10.00am – 1.30pm as well as a ‘fundraising’ Sausage Sizzle organised by Student Leaders. Successful individuals may be invited to train and compete for the College at the upcoming Catholic Schools Carnival at Santos Stadium. A hot weather/inclement weather decision will be made on Wednesday 4 March, students will be informed of possible changes on Thursday 5 March. We encourage and welcome parents/caregivers to attend for the whole or part of the day. A program of events and times is attached. All parents, guardians, grandparents and family are invited to attend. An adult’s retreat area will be available for tea and coffee. Any parents wishing to assist on the day with recording, measuring, timing etc are invited to contact Mike Whinnen with preferred duties, time available by Wednesday 25 February. (See form below). This event is an important day in the school year and we look forward to full attendance. Yours sincerely Jason Thur Middle School Deputy Principal John Cameron Senior School Deputy Principal 225 Cross Road Cumberland Park SA 5041 Postal Address: P O Box 57 Melrose Park SA 5039 Phone: 08 8179 2400 Facsimile: 08 8272 9810 CRICOS Provider No. 00560A Mike Whinnen Sports Day Coordinator CABRA DOMINICAN COLLEGE-SPORTS AND ATHLETICS DAY FRIDAY 6 MARCH 2015 Outline of the day 800m, 1500m, U12 Vortex held prior to the day 8.40 Relay G/B By 9.00 9.10 Morning admin/roll in Home Class as normal, move to House area promptly-previous winners assemble on Small Oval All students moved to oval- seated in house areas Opening remarks and welcome 100 200 400 Long Trip Shot Dis Jav Net Ind Bask Team 30min 30min 30min 45min 45min G/B G/B G/B Ball Socc Ball Relays 9.30 9.45 10.00 U12 U13 U14 10.15 StM U15 U16 Op 10.30 10.45 11.00 11.15 11.30 11.45 12.00 12.15 12.30 12.45 1.00 1.15 1.30 U12/ U13 U14 U15 U16 Op U12 U13 U14 U15 U16 Op PentAthlon 2pits 2pits 2circle 1circle 1area 45min 45min 45min 45min 45min Op B/G U16 B/G U14 B/G U15 B/G U15 B/G U14 B/G U13 B/G U16 B/G U13 Open U16 U14 U12 StM U12 B/G Open B/G U14 U12 Open U15 U13 U14 B/G U15 B/G U15 U14 U13 U16 Open U16 B/G U14 B/G U12 U15 U14 U13 U16 U15 B/G U13 B/G Open U16 U15 U12 U14 U16 U13 U12 Open U15 U12 B/G U13 B/G StM U15 B/G U14 B/G U12 B/G U13 B/G Op B/G U16 B/G U16 B/G Op B/G U12 B/G U13 B/G StM Open B/G 1.45 All to oval- seated in houses Relay competitors report when called. 2.00 StM StM students,Yr12s and staff making up house teams approx 50m ‘legs’ on the 100m track. U12 All relays are 4 x 100m, GIRLS followed by BOYS. U13 U14 U15 U16 Op Gather in House areas Presentations and final words Dismiss 2.15 2.30 2.45 3.00 CABRA DOMINICAN COLLEGE SPORTS AND ATHLETICS DAY FRIDAY 6 MARCH 2015 OFFER TO ASSIST FORM Please return to Mike Whinnen, PE office, or email mwhinnen@cabra.catholic.edu.au by Wednesday 25 February Parent/Guardian Name: _________________________________________________________ Students at Cabra: _________________________________________________________ Availability (please complete as appropriate) Time: from _______________________________ to _________________________________ Event(s): _______________________________ __________________________________ ________________________________ __________________________________ Age group(s): __________________________________________________________________ Other details: __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Contact details Phone: ___________________________________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________________________ 225 Cross Road Cumberland Park SA 5041 Postal Address: P O Box 57 Melrose Park SA 5039 Phone: 08 8179 2400 Facsimile: 08 8272 9810 CRICOS Provider No. 00560A
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