Yaesu FT-857D Quick Reference No Menu Item 001 EXT MENU 002 144MHz ARS 003 430MHz ARS 004 AM&FM DIAL Function Available Values Enables/Dis ables the extended Menu ON/OFF Mode. Activates/deactivates the Automatic ON/OFF Repeater Shift feature when operating on the 144 MHz band. Activates/deactivates the Automatic ON/OFF Repeater Shift feature when operating on the 430 MHz band. Enabling/disabling t he DIAL knob on t he AM ENABLE/DISABLE Default OFF No Menu Item 046 DSP HPF CUTOFF 1 047 DSP LPF CUTOFF 1 048 DSP MIC EQ DISABLE and FM m odes. 005 AM MIC GAIN Adjusts the microphone gain level for the AM m ode. 006 AM STEP Selects the t uning st eps for t he SELECT knob on the AM m ode. 007 APO TIME 008 ARTS BEEP Selects the Auto Power Off tim e (tim e before power goes off). Selects the ARTS beep mode. 009 ARTS ID Enables/dis ables the CW identifier during ARTS operation. Stores your calls ign into the CW identifier. 011 BEACON TEXT 1 Stores the message for the Beacon. 010 ARTS IDW 1 Volume 2 RF Gain 3 Select Knob (Push to tune Mhz) 4 Home 5 Clar / IF Shift 6 FunctionMenu / Hold for Menu 7 Menu Keys 8 Mode (LSB <> USB <> CW <> CWR <> AM <> FM <> DIG <> PKT <> LSB) 9 DSP Menu 10 Fast / Hold for Power 11 TX / Busy 12 Change Band 13 VFO / Memory 14 LOCK 15 Main Dial (select frequency or menu option) 16 Main Display Front Panel Menus MFa MFb MFc MFd MFe MFf MFg MFh MFi A/B MW STO RPT TON/ENC ARTS SCN SCOP MTR A=B SKIP RCL REV ----/DEC SRCH PRI WID SPL TAG PROC VOX TDCH PMS DW STEP DISP MFj MFk MFl MFm MFn MFo MFp MFq SPOT TUNE NB IPO CFIL PLY1 DNR UPRG1 BK DWN AGC ATT FIL-1 PLY2 DNF UPRG2 KEY UP AGC SPD NAR FIL-2 PLY3 DBF UPRG3 0 ~ 100 50 2.5/5/9/10/12.5/25 kHz OFF/1h ~ 6h OFF OFF/RANGE/ALL RANGE 1 ON/OFF OFF – YAESU – – OFF/1 sec ~ 255sec OFF 440/880/1760 Hz 880Hz 0 ~ 100 50 Setting of the degree of DSP Noise Reduction. 050 EMERGENCY Enables Tx/Rx operation on the Alaska Em ergency Channel, 5167.5 kHz. 051 FM MIC GAIN Adjusts the microphone gain level for the FM mode. 052 FM STEP Selects the tuning steps for the SELECT knob in the FM mode. 053 HOME-->VFO Enables/dis ables the moving of HOME channel data to the VFO. 054 LOCK MODE Selects the operation of the front panel’s LOCK key. 055 MEM GROUP Enables/dis ables the mem ory grouping feature. 056 MEM TAG Stores Alpha-Numeric “Tags” for the m emory channels. 057 MEM/VFO DIAL MODE Selects the function which is engaged when you press the SELECT knob. Selects the interval tim e (between message and message). 013 BEEP TONE Selects the beep frequency. 014 BEEP VOL Selects the beep volum e level. 015 CAR LSB R Sets the Rx Carrier Point for LSB. –300 ~ +300 Hz 0 Hz 060 MTR ARX SEL 016 CAR LSB T Sets the Tx Carrier Point for LSB –300 ~ +300 Hz 0 Hz 061 MTR ATX SEL 017 CAR USB R Sets the Rx Carrier Point for USB –300 ~ +300 Hz 0 Hz 062 MTR PEAK HOLD 018 CAR USB T Sets the Tx Carrier Point for USB –300 ~ +300 Hz 0 Hz 063 NB LEVEL 058 MIC SCAN 059 MIC SEL Sets the transceiver’s circuitry for the 4800 bps/9600 4800bps CAT baud rate to be used. bps/38400 bps 020 CAT/LIN/TUN Selects the device which is connected CAT/LINEAR/TUN CAT to the CAT/LINEAR jack on the rear ER panel. 021 CLAR DIAL SEL Defines the “control” knob to be used SEL, MAIN SEL for setting of the clarifier offset frequency. 022 CW AUTO MODE Selects whether the KEY jack shall be ON/OFF OFF “Enabled” or “Disabled” while us ing the SSB/FM modes. 023 CW BFO Sets the CW carrier oscillator injection USB/LSB/AUTO USB side on the CW mode. 024 CW DELAY Sets the receiver recovery tim e during FULL/30 ~ 3000 250 m sec pseudo0VOX CW sem i-break-in m sec operation. 025 CW KEY REV Sets the keyer paddle’s wiring NORMAL/REVERS NORMAL configuration. E 026 CW PADDLE Enables/dis ables CW keying by the ELEKEY/MICKEY ELEKEY microphone’s [UP]/[DWN] keys. 027 CW PITCH Setting of the pitch of the CW 400 ~ 800 Hz 700 Hz sidetone, BFO offset, and CW filter center frequencies. 028 CW QSK Selects the tim e delay between when 10/15/20/25/30 10 ms the PTT is keyed and the carrier is ms transmitted during QSK operation when using the internal keyer. 029 CW SIDE TONE Setting of the CW sidetone volum e 0 ~ 100 50 level. 030 CW SPEED Sets the sending speed for the built-in 4 ~ 60 wpm 12 wpm (60 cpm ) Electronic keyer. (1wpm /step)/20 ~ 300 cpm (5cpm/step) 031 CW TRAINING Sends random Morse Code fiveN, A, AN N character groups via the sidetone. 032 CW WEIGHT Sets the Dot:Dash ratio for the built-in 1:2.5 ~ 1:4.5 01:03.00 electronic keyer. 033 DCS CODE Setting of the DCS code. 104 Standard 23 DCS codes 034 DCS INV Selects “Norm al” or “Inverted” DCS Tn-Rn/Tn-Riv/TivTn-Rn coding. Rn/Tiv-Riv 035 DIAL STEP Setting of the DIAL knob’s tuning FINE/COARSE FINE speed. 036 DIG DISP Defines the dis played frequency offset –3000 ~ +3000 Hz 0 Hz during DIG (USER-L or USER-U) mode operation. 037 DIG GAIN Adjusts the audio input level from 0 ~ 100 50 terminal equipment during DIG (Digital) m ode operation. 038 DIG MODE Selects the mode and sideband in the RTTY-L/RTTYRTTY-L U/PSK31-L/RTTYDIG (Dig ital) m ode. L/PSK31-U/USERL/USER-U 039 DIG SHIFT Defines the carrier frequency offset –3000 ~ +3000 Hz 0 Hz during DIG (USER-L or USER-U) mode operation. 040 DIG VOX Sets the gain of the VOX circuitry’s 0 ~ 100 0 input level for the DIG m ode. 064 OP FILTER 1 041 DISP COLOR Selects the illumination color for each operating status. 042 DISP CONTRAST Setting of the dis play contrast level. 043 DISP INTENSITY Setting of the dis play brightness level. 044 DISP MODE Sets up the LCD Lamp mode. 045 DSP BPF WIDTH Setting of the bandwidth for the DSP CW audio filter. Sets the DSP microphone equalization pattern. 049 DSP NR LEVEL 012 BEACON TIME 019 CAT RATE Function Adjusts the low-cut characteris tics of the DSP HPF filter. Adjusts the high-cut characteris tics of the DSP LPF filter. Enables/dis ables scanning access via the m icrophone’s [UP]/[DWN] keys. The choice of the equipment which connects to the MIC jack. Select the analog meter dis play configuration while the trans ceiver is receiving. Selects the analog meter display configuration while the trans ceiver is transm itting. Enabling/disabling of the “peak hold” function of the m eter. Setting of the blanking level for the IF Noise Blanker. Not available at this tim e. 065 PG A Program ming the [A] key (in the Operating Function Row “q” (MFq)) function. 066 PG B Program ming the [B] key (in the Operating Function Row “q” (MFq)) function. 067 PG C Program ming the [C] key (in the Operating Function Row “q” (MFq)) function. 068 PG ACC Program ming the optional MH-59A8J m icrophone’s [ACC] button assignm ent. Program ming the optional MH-59A8J m icrophone’s [P1] button as signment. 069 PG P1 070 PG P2 071 PKT 1200 072 PKT 9600 Program ming the optional MH-59A8J m icrophone’s [P2] button as signment. Adjusts the audio input level from the TNC during 1200 bps Packet operation. Adjusts the audio input level from the TNC during 9600 bps Packet operation. 073 PKT RATE Sets the transceiver’s circui try for the Packet baud rate to be used. 074 PROC LEVEL Sets the compression level for the AF speech proces sor in the SSB/AM m odes. Setting of the m axim um power level for the current band. 075 RF POWER SET Available Values 100 ~ 1000 Hz Default 100 Hz 1000 ~ 6000 Hz 6000 Hz OFF/LPF/HPF/BOT H OFF 1 ~ 16 8 ON/OFF OFF 0 ~ 100 50 5/6.25/10/12.5/15/ 20/25/50 kHz ON/OFF ON DIAL/FREQ/PANE L/ALL ON/OFF 2 DIAL OFF – – CW SIDETONE,CW SPEED,MHz/MEM GRP,MIC GAIN, NB LEVEL,RF POWER, STEP ON/OFF MHz/MEM GRP NOR/RMT/CAT NOR ON SIG, CTR, VLT, N/A, FS,OFF SIG PWR, ALC, MOD, SWR,VLT, N/A, OFF ON/OFF PWR 0 ~ 100 50 ON – – All Multi Function, All Menu Item , MONI, Q.SPL, TCALL, ATC and USER. MONI Q. SPL ATC MONI Q. SPL TCALL 0 ~ 100 50 0 ~ 100 50 1200/9600 (bps) 1200 bps 0 ~ 100 50 5 ~ 100 2 ~ 100 (UHF) 2 076 RPT SHIFT Sets the magnitude of the repeater shift. 0.00 ~ 99.99 (MHz) 2 077 SCAN MODE Selects the desired Scan-Resume mode. TIME/BUSY/STOP TIME 078 SCAN RESUME Sets the delay tim e for scanning resumption. Enables/dis ables split CTCSS/DCS cording. Selects the configuration of the front panel’s SQL/RF knob. Adjusts the microphone gain level for the SSB mode. 1 ~ 10 (s ec) 5 sec ON/OFF OFF 079 SPLIT TONE 080 SQL/RF GAIN 081 SSB MIC GAIN 082 SSB STEP Selects the tuning steps for the SELECT knob on the SSB m ode. 083 TONE FREQ Setting of the CTCSS Tone Frequency. 084 TOT TIME 085 TUNER/ATAS – FIX: 26 086 TX IF FILTER 1 ~ 13 1 (Dim) ~ 3 (Bright) OFF/AUTO1/AUTO 2/ON 60/120/240 Hz 5 3 087 VOX DELAY 088 VOX GAIN AUTO2 089 XVTR A FREQ 240 Hz 090 XVTR B FREQ 091 XVTR SEL RF-GAIN/SQL 1 0 ~ 100 50 1kHz/2.5kHz/5kHz 2.5kHz 50 Standard CTCSS tones 88.5 Hz Select the Tim e-Out Tim er tim e. OFF/1 ~ 20 (min) OFF Selects the device (FC-30 or ATAS-100/120) to be controlled via the front panel’s [A](TUNE) key. Selects the Trans m it IF filter. OFF/ATAS(HF)/AT AS(HF&50)/ATAS( ALL)/TUNER CFIL/FIL1/FIL2 OFF CFIL Sets the “hang tim e” for the VOX circuitry. Sets the gain of the VOX circuitry’s input audio detector. Allows an arbitrary frequency to be set on the dis play, to allow direct frequency readout during transverter operation. 100 ~ 3000 (ms) 1 ~ 100 500 m s 50 0,000,00 ~ 9999,999,00 (kHz) – OFF/X VTR A/X VTR B OFF Enables/dis ables/selects the antenna port to be used for Transverter operation. – Yaesu FT-857D Quick Reference No Menu Item 001 EXT MENU 002 144MHz ARS 003 430MHz ARS 004 AM&FM DIAL Function Available Values Enables/Dis ables the extended Menu ON/OFF Mode. ON/OFF Activates/deactivates the Automatic Repeater Shift feature when operating on the 144 MHz band. Activates/deactivates the Automatic ON/OFF Repeater Shift feature when operating on the 430 MHz band. Enab ling /disabl ing t he DIAL knob on t he A M ENABLE/DISABLE Default OFF No Menu Item 046 DSP HPF CUTOFF 1 047 DSP LPF CUTOFF 1 048 DSP MIC EQ DISABLE and FM m odes. 005 AM MIC GAIN Adjusts the microphone gain level for the AM m ode. 006 AM STEP Sel ects the t un ing st ep s for t he SELECT knob on the AM m ode. 007 APO TIME 008 ARTS BEEP Selects the Auto Power Off time (tim e before power goes off). Selects the ARTS beep mode. 009 ARTS ID Enables/dis ables the CW identifier during ARTS operation. Stores your calls ign into the CW identifier. 011 BEACON TEXT 1 Stores the message for the Beacon. 010 ARTS IDW 0 ~ 100 50 2.5/5/9/10/12.5/25 kHz OFF/1h ~ 6h OFF OFF/RANGE/ALL RANGE 1 ON/OFF OFF – YAESU – – OFF/1 sec ~ 255sec OFF 440/880/1760 Hz 880Hz 0 ~ 100 50 1 Volume 2 RF Gain 3 Select Knob (Push to tune Mhz) 4 Home 5 Clar / IF Shift 6 FunctionMenu / Hold for Menu 7 Menu Keys 8 Mode (LSB <> USB <> CW <> CWR <> AM <> FM <> DIG <> PKT <> LSB) 9 DSP Menu 10 Fast / Hold for Power 11 TX / Busy 12 Change Band 13 VFO / Memory 14 LOCK 15 Main Dial (select frequency or menu option) 16 Main Display Front Panel Menus MFa MFb MFc MFd MFe MFf MFg MFh MFi A/B MW STO RPT TON/ENC ARTS SCN SCOP MTR A=B SKIP RCL REV ----/DEC SRCH PRI WID SPL TAG PROC VOX TDCH PMS DW STEP DISP MFj MFk MFl MFm MFn MFo MFp MFq SPOT TUNE NB IPO CFIL PLY1 DNR UPRG1 BK DWN AGC ATT FIL-1 PLY2 DNF UPRG2 KEY UP AGC SPD NAR FIL-2 PLY3 DBF UPRG3 Setting of the degree of DSP Noise Reduction. Enables Tx/Rx operation on the Alaska 050 EMERGENCY Em ergency Channel, 5167.5 kHz. 051 FM MIC GAIN Adjusts the m icrophone gain level for the FM mode. 052 FM STEP Selects the tuning steps for the SELECT knob in the FM mode. Enables/dis ables the moving of HOME 053 HOME-->VFO channel data to the VFO. 054 LOCK MODE Selects the operation of the front panel’s LOCK key. Enables/dis ables the mem ory grouping 055 MEM GROUP feature. 056 MEM TAG Stores Alpha-Numeric “Tags” for the m emory channels . 057 MEM/VFO DIAL MODE Selects the function which is engaged when you press the SELECT knob. Selects the interval tim e (between message and message). 013 BEEP TONE Selects the beep frequency. 014 BEEP VOL Selects the beep volum e level. 015 CAR LSB R Sets the Rx Carrier Point for LSB. –300 ~ +300 Hz 0 Hz 060 MTR ARX SEL 016 CAR LSB T Sets the Tx Carrier Point for LSB –300 ~ +300 Hz 0 Hz 061 MTR ATX SEL 017 CAR USB R Sets the Rx Carrier Point for USB –300 ~ +300 Hz 0 Hz 062 MTR PEAK HOLD 018 CAR USB T Sets the Tx Carrier Point for USB –300 ~ +300 Hz 0 Hz 063 NB LEVEL 058 MIC SCAN 059 MIC SEL Sets the transceiver’s circuitry for the 4800 bps/9600 4800bps CAT baud rate to be used. bps/38400 bps 020 CAT/LIN/TUN CAT Selects the device which is connected CAT/LINEAR/TUN to the CAT/LINEAR jack on the rear ER panel. 021 CLAR DIAL SEL Defines the “control” knob to be used SEL, MAIN SEL for setting of the clarifier offset frequency. 022 CW AUTO MODE Selects whether the KEY jack shall be ON/OFF OFF “Enabled” or “Disabled” while us ing the SSB/FM modes. Sets the CW carrier oscillator injection USB/LSB/AUTO 023 CW BFO USB side on the CW mode. 024 CW DELAY Sets the receiver recovery tim e during FULL/30 ~ 3000 250 m sec pseudo0VOX CW sem i-break-in m sec operation. 025 CW KEY REV NORMAL Sets the keyer paddle’s wiring NORMAL/REVERS configuration. E Enables/dis ables CW keying by the 026 CW PADDLE ELEKEY/MICKEY ELEKEY microphone’s [UP]/[DWN] keys. 027 CW PITCH 400 ~ 800 Hz 700 Hz Setting of the pitch of the CW sidetone, BFO offset, and CW filter center frequencies. Selects the tim e delay between when 028 CW QSK 10/15/20/25/30 10 ms the PTT is keyed and the carrier is ms transmitted during QSK operation when using the internal keyer. 029 CW SIDE TONE Setting of the CW sidetone volum e 0 ~ 100 50 level. 4 ~ 60 wpm 030 CW SPEED Sets the sending speed for the built-in 12 wpm (60 cpm ) (1wpm /step)/20 ~ Electronic keyer. 300 cpm (5cpm/step) 031 CW TRAINING N, A, AN N Sends random Morse Code fivecharacter groups via the sidetone. 032 CW WEIGHT Sets the Dot:Dash ratio for the built-in 1:2.5 ~ 1:4.5 01:03.00 electronic keyer. 033 DCS CODE Setting of the DCS code. 104 Standard 23 DCS codes 034 DCS INV Tn-Rn Selects “Norm al” or “Inverted” DCS Tn-Rn/Tn-Riv/Tivcoding. Rn/Tiv-Riv Setting of the DIAL knob’s tuning 035 DIAL STEP FINE/COARSE FINE speed. 036 DIG DISP 0 Hz Defines the dis played frequency offset –3000 ~ +3000 Hz during DIG (USER-L or USER-U) mode operation. Adjusts the audio input level from 037 DIG GAIN 0 ~ 100 50 terminal equipment during DIG (Digital) m ode operation. 038 DIG MODE Selects the mode and sideband in the RTTY-L/RTTYRTTY-L DIG (Digital) m ode. U/PSK31-L/RTTYL/PSK31-U/USERL/USER-U 064 OP FILTER 1 039 DIG SHIFT 040 DIG VOX Defines the carrier frequency offset during DIG (USER-L or USER-U) mode operation. Sets the gain of the VOX circuitry’s input level for the DIG m ode. 041 DISP COLOR Selects the illumination color for each operating status. 042 DISP CONTRAST Setting of the dis play contrast level. 043 DISP INTENSITY Setting of the dis play brightness level. 044 DISP MODE Sets up the LCD Lamp mode. 045 DSP BPF WIDTH Setting of the bandwidth for the DSP CW audio filter. –3000 ~ +3000 Hz 0 Hz Sets the DSP microphone equalization pattern. 049 DSP NR LEVEL 012 BEACON TIME 019 CAT RATE Function Adjusts the low-cut characteris tics of the DSP HPF filter. Adjusts the high-cut characteris tics of the DSP LPF filter. Enables/dis ables scanning access via the m icrophone’s [UP]/[DWN] keys. The choice of the equipment which connects to the MIC jack. Select the analog meter dis play configuration while the transceiver is receiving. Selects the analog meter dis play configuration while the transceiver is transm itting. Enabling/disabling of the “peak hold” function of the m eter. Setting of the blanking level for the IF Noise Blanker. Not available at this tim e. 065 PG A Program ming the [A] key (in the Operating Function Row “q” (MFq)) function. 066 PG B Program ming the [B] key (in the Operating Function Row “q” (MFq)) function. 067 PG C Program ming the [C] key (in the Operating Function Row “q” (MFq)) function. 068 PG ACC Program ming the optional MH-59A8J m icrophone’s [ACC] button assignm ent. Program ming the optional MH-59A8J m icrophone’s [P1] button as signment. 069 PG P1 070 PG P2 071 PKT 1200 072 PKT 9600 Program ming the optional MH-59A8J m icrophone’s [P2] button assignment. Adjusts the audio input level from the TNC during 1200 bps Packet operation. Adjusts the audio input level from the TNC during 9600 bps Packet operation. 073 PKT RATE Sets the transceiver’s circuitry for the Packet baud rate to be used. 074 PROC LEVEL Sets the compression level for the AF speech processor in the SSB/AM m odes. Setting of the m axim um power level for the current band. 075 RF POWER SET Available Values 100 ~ 1000 Hz Default 100 Hz 1000 ~ 6000 Hz 6000 Hz OFF/LPF/HPF/BOT H OFF 1 ~ 16 8 ON/OFF OFF 0 ~ 100 50 5/6.25/10/12.5/15/ 20/25/50 kHz ON/OFF ON DIAL/FREQ/PANE L/ALL ON/OFF 2 DIAL OFF – – CW SIDETONE,CW SPEED,MHz/MEM GRP,MIC GAIN, NB LEVEL,RF POWER, STEP ON/OFF MHz/MEM GRP NOR/RMT/CAT NOR ON SIG, CTR, VLT, N/A, FS,OFF SIG PWR, ALC, MOD, SWR,VLT, N/A, OFF ON/OFF PWR 0 ~ 100 50 ON – – All Multi Function, All Menu Item , MONI, Q.SPL, TCALL, ATC and USER. MONI Q. SPL ATC MONI Q. SPL TCALL 0 ~ 100 50 0 ~ 100 50 1200/9600 (bps) 1200 bps 0 ~ 100 50 5 ~ 100 2 ~ 100 (UHF) 2 076 RPT SHIFT Sets the magnitude of the repeater shift. 0.00 ~ 99.99 (MHz) 2 077 SCAN MODE Selects the desired Scan-Resume mode. TIME/BUSY/STOP TIME 078 SCAN RESUME Sets the delay tim e for scanning resumption. Enables/dis ables split CTCSS/DCS cording. Selects the configuration of the front panel’s SQL/RF knob. Adjusts the microphone gain level for the SSB mode. 1 ~ 10 (s ec) 5 sec ON/OFF OFF 079 SPLIT TONE 080 SQL/RF GAIN 081 SSB MIC GAIN 082 SSB STEP Selects the tuning steps for the SELECT knob on the SSB m ode. 083 TONE FREQ Setting of the CTCSS Tone Frequency. 084 TOT TIME 0 ~ 100 0 085 TUNER/ATAS – FIX: 26 086 TX IF FILTER 1 ~ 13 1 (Dim ) ~ 3 (Bright) OFF/AUTO1/AUTO 2/ON 60/120/240 Hz 5 3 087 VOX DELAY 088 VOX GAIN AUTO2 089 XVTR A FREQ 240 Hz 090 XVTR B FREQ 091 XVTR SEL RF-GAIN/SQL 1 0 ~ 100 50 1kHz/2.5kHz/5kHz 2.5kHz 50 Standard CTCSS tones 88.5 Hz Select the Tim e-Out Tim er tim e. OFF/1 ~ 20 (min) OFF Selects the device (FC-30 or ATAS-100/120) to be controlled via the front panel’s [A](TUNE) key. Selects the Transm it IF filter. OFF/ATAS(HF)/AT AS(HF&50)/ATAS( ALL)/TUNER CFIL/FIL1/FIL2 CFIL Sets the “hang tim e” for the VOX circuitry. Sets the gain of the VOX circuitry’s input audio detector. Allows an arbitrary frequency to be set on the dis play, to allow direct frequency readout during transverter operation. 100 ~ 3000 (ms) 1 ~ 100 500 m s 50 0,000,00 ~ 9999,999,00 (kHz) – OFF/X VTR A/X VTR B OFF Enables/dis ables/selects the antenna port to be used for Transverter operation. OFF –
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