Holy Spirit College, Cairns & Cooktown Chef / Cook - Cooktown Campus Full Time Permanent Position Commencing 30 March 2015 Applications Close: 15 March 2015 Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced candidates for this position. Intending applicants must: o o Be fully supportive of the ethos of Catholic Education; Be eligible for or hold a Working with Children Blue Card. APPLICATION FORM Non-Teacher Employment in Cairns Diocese Schools and Colleges HOW TO APPLY APPLICATION FORM 1. APPLICATION FORM Complete the attached Application for Employment Form. Include referees. A referee from your current or most recent line manager must be included. 2. DOCUMENTATION Are you a current employee of Catholic Education Cairns? Yes No If Yes I authorise Catholic Education to provide current copies of required documentation from my personnel file to the Principal receiving this application. If No Attach Certified copies of required documentation as listed on page 3 of the application form. 3. COVERING LETTER Provide a covering letter outlining your experience and reason for applying for this position. 4. RESUME Provide a Resume which includes: • • • • Education (Tertiary studies and Qualifications) Professional Development (any other courses you have completed or are currently enrolled in) Professional memberships Employment history (position, school/organisation, dates) 5. SUBMIT APPLICATION Submit your application comprising of: • • • • To: Application for Employment Form Applicable certified copies of documentation Covering letter CV/Resume The Principal Ms Erica Prosser Holy Spirit College PO Box 591 MANUNDA QLD 4870 Ph: (07) 4053 4550 Email: principal.holyspirit@cns.catholic.edu.au YOU WILL RECEIVE CONFIRMATION OF RECEIPT OF YOUR APPLICATION. APPLICATION FORM Non-Teacher Employment in Cairns Diocese Schools and Colleges APPLICATION FORM POSITION APPLIED FOR: CHEF/COOK – COOKTOWN CAMPUS | HOLY SPIRIT COLLEGE, CAIRNS & COOKTOWN PERSONAL DETAILS PLEASE COMPLETE FORM IN BLOCK LETTERS WITH BLACK OR BLUE BIRO New Title: Current Employee Mr Mrs Miss ID Number__________________________________________________ Ms Other ___________________________________________ Surname:________________________________________________________________________________________ Given Names:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred Name:___________________________________________________________________________________ Residential Address:____________________________________________________________Post Code:___________ Postal Address: As Above ____________________________________________________Post Code:___________ Home Phone:______________________________________ Mobile:______________________________________ Email:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Religion:_________________________________________________________________________________________ RESIDENCY DETAILS Australian Citizen DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE REQUIRED Australian Permanent Resident New Zealand Citizen Non-Australian/New Zealand Citizen holding a valid visa with work entitlements. Visa Class:_________________________ Visa Sub-class:_______________________ Visa Expiry Date:_____________ If born overseas, date of arrival in Australia _____________________________________________________________ REFEREES In order to make an informed decision on your suitability for the position, Catholic Education will require to speak to referees that you nominate. A referee is a person that can provide us with detail in respect to your work ethic, experience and competency. Please list three referees, including a line manager in your most recent education position, e.g. Principal. A Church representative/ Religious or Clergy reference is defined as a Parish Priest, Bishop or member of a religious order. We reserve the right to request an additional referee if we believe a person has not been fully forthcoming. Referee 1 (Line Manager) Referee 2 (Employer) Name:__________________________________________ Name:_________________________________________ Position:________________________________________ Position:________________________________________ Organisation:____________________________________ Organisation:____________________________________ Phone Number:__________________________________ Phone Number:__________________________________ Mobile:_________________________________________ Mobile:________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________ Referee 3 (Church Representative) Name:__________________________________________ Position:________________________________________ PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR REFEREES THAT YOU ARE APPLYING FOR THIS POSITION AND ENSURE YOU HAVE THEIR CONSENT TO NOMINATE THEM. Organisation:____________________________________ Phone Number:__________________________________ Mobile:_________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________ IT IS THE APPLICANT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE ALL REFEREE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS ACCURATE AND CONTACT DETAILS ARE CORRECT. APPLICATION FORM Non-Teacher Employment in Cairns Diocese Schools and Colleges MEDICAL INFORMATION APPLICATION FORM Do you have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions (including any WorkCover claims) which Catholic Education Services should be aware of that could be aggravated by performing the inherent requirements of the position applied for or in assessing workplace adjustments that would be required for your employment? Yes No Prefer not to answer If Yes, please complete table below: DATE OF INJURY/CONDITION NATURE OF INJURY/CONDITION STATUS OF INJURY/CONDITION PLEASE ATTACH EXTRA PAGES TO APPLICATION IF NEEDED. WORKING IN THE DIOCESE OF CAIRNS The Catholic school system is an integral part of the Church. The Catholic Diocese of Cairns extends from Cardwell in the south, west to the Northern Territory border including the Atherton Tablelands, and north to gulf country, Cape York Peninsula and the Torres Strait Islands. With the exception of Catholic Education’s Thursday Island school, all schools and colleges are within two hours driving time from Cairns. Catholic Education Services is the Diocesan education office. Leadership and strategic management of the system of schools is the responsibility of the Executive Director of Catholic Education Services, who is the employer of all Catholic Education staff in the Diocese. Conditions of employment, including Salary, Leave Entitlements, and Notice, are in accordance with the Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools 2012 - 2015. Salary level will be in accordance with Schedule 1, including calculations from statements of service provided. Employment is conditional upon the acceptance of the Statement of Principles for Employment in Catholic Education and the Code of Conduct for Employees of Catholic Education, Diocese of Cairns, and attainment of Accreditation to Teach Religion in a Catholic School. All employees have a responsibility for promoting and safeguarding the wellbeing of children and young persons that they are responsible for or come into contact with. Further information about Catholic Education in the Diocese of Cairns is available from the website: www.cns.catholic.edu.au. EMPLOYMENT COLLECTION NOTICE In applying for this position and submitting your application for employment you will be providing Catholic Education Services – Diocese of Cairns with personal information, for example your name, address and information contained in your resume. We will collect and record this information in order to assess your application. If you believe that any of your personal information held by us is incomplete or inaccurate you have the right, in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Legislation, to notify us and make any updates or corrections. If you knowingly supply false or misleading information, you will not be entitled to compensation or damages under the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (the Act), for any event that aggravates the non-disclosed pre-existing injury or medical condition. Where you have provided us with the name and address of a person in connection with your application (e.g. referee) you should inform the person that you have done so and the reason for it. You should also inform them that the information is to be used solely in connection with your application for employment. In submitting this application for employment you agree that you will not seek access to references provided by third parties or to confidential notes or reports made by us relating to your application for employment. We seek your agreement in this regard to ensure that referees are not inhibited from providing complete and accurate references as to your suitability for the position. Access to feedback on the selection process is available. Any appointment to a teaching position with Catholic Education in the Diocese of Cairns is subject to the appointee demonstrating appropriate qualifications and registration with the Queensland College of Teachers Registration. Your records will be kept on file for a twelve month period only pending your employment within the Diocese. APPLICATION FORM Non-Teacher Employment in Cairns Diocese Schools and Colleges APPLICATION FORM PRIVACY POLICY To view Catholic Education’s Privacy Policy, visit www.cns.catholic.edu.au and click on About/Privacy. DECLARATION If submitting electronically, selecting Yes denotes supplying your signature. I agree to the conditions of the Employment Collection Notice. I understand that I have a duty to disclose sufficient information to enable a prospective employer to make a properly informed decision about my employment. Yes Date ______/______/______ I declare that the information I have provided in this application is true and correct at the time of submission. Yes Date ______/______/______ I have read, understood and accept that the Code of Conduct and Statement of Principles referred to above are contractual obligations underpinning employment with Catholic Education - Diocese of Cairns. Yes Date ______/______/______ Signed (IF NOT SUBMITTING ELECTRONICALLY) _________________________________________________ Date ______/______/______ DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE CHECKLIST CERTIFIED COPIES OF ALL DOCUMENTS TO ACCOMPANY APPLICATION Cover Letter Current Resume / Curriculum Vitae Qualifications & Academic Transcripts (Where Applicable) Professional Membership OR ALL APPLICANTS ARE REQUIRED TO HOLD OR HAVE THE ABILITY TO OBTAIN AT LEAST ONE OF THESE REGISTRATIONS. Working with Children Blue Card (SEE IMPORTANT INFORMATION BELOW) Current Queensland College of Teacher’s Registration OR Eligibility of Working Rights in Australia (one of the following): • Australian or New Zealand Passport; or • Passport issued by the government of another country; or • Photo ID issued by another Australian Government agency and: o Australian or New Zealand birth certificate; or o Australian or New Zealand citizenship certificate; or o Confirmation of enrolment to vote in an Australian state or federal election. IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING WORKING WITH CHILDREN BLUE CARDS YOU DO NOT REQUIRE A BLUE CARD OR AN EXEMPTION CARD IF YOU ARE: A Registered Health Practitioner Performing within your professional area. A Registered Teacher Even if you are working outside of your professional capacity at the school. YOU DO REQUIRE A BLUE CARD OR AN EXEMPTION CARD IF YOU ARE: Working in a School Environment And are not a Registered Teacher or a Registered Health Practitioner. For more information please visit: http://www.bluecard.qld.gov.au/employees/SchoolsEmployeesotherthanteachersandparents.html POSITION DESCRIPTION POSITION TITLE: Chef/Cook SECTION: Holy Spirit College - Cooktown REPORTS TO: Principal CLASSIFICATION: AUTHORISATION: Executive Director 1. CATHOLIC EDUCATION SERVICES Catholic Education Services Cairns consists of twenty-seven schools including nineteen primary schools, One prep to Year 12 school and seven secondary colleges which includes a Special Assistance School with campuses in Cairns and Cooktown. There are also plans for two more schools opening in 2016 including a primary school in Weipa and a Prep to Year 12 school in the Mount Peter region of southern Cairns. CES is committed to building communities of learning that provide a safe, nurturing and academically challenging environment for all students. Leadership and strategic management of the system of schools is the responsibility of the Executive Director of Catholic Education. Through a team of professionals the Executive Director manages and facilitates a number of significant and particular delegations which include: • Support of the mission of the Church as delivered through Catholic education; • Support of schools by providing services that strengthen school capacity; • Provision of leadership and forward planning to develop organisational capability; • Distribution to schools of government allocated funds and their accountability; • Monitoring of quality of schools and compliance/accountability with requirements of governments, Church and parents; • Within limits, provision of some centralised, specialised student services, where this is the most effective and efficient approach. 2. PURPOSE OF ROLE The Chef/cook performs all tasks involved in preparation, cooking, and serving of meals. The Chef/cook must be knowledgeable in different cooking equipment and techniques and have a willingness to learn. The Chef/cook must be able to work in a fast paced environment, and be able to communicate effectively. The Chef/cook needs to be able to follow recipes, be familiar with the menu, and how things are prepared. 3. PRIMARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Typical duties performed may include, but are not limited to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Plans menus in liaison with the Head of Campus and Head of Boarding Organises and purchases kitchen stores for the college Prepares all food items in a sanitary and timely manner. Follows recipes, portion controls, and presentation specifications. Cleans and maintains cooking areas in practicing good safety, sanitation, and organizational skills. Has understanding and knowledge to properly use and maintain all equipment. Assists with the cleaning, sanitation, and organization of kitchen, walk-in coolers, and all storage areas. Ensure quality and safety of food by performing standard and any additional sanitary measures including sweeping of the floors, cleaning of surfaces, as well as proper covering and storage of food items according to standards and procedures. Stay productive at all times and prepare for future needs as time allows. Follow proper reporting procedures for accidents and incidents to ensure follow-up and prevention. Adhere to all regulations including blood borne pathogens, infection control, use of hazardous materials and fire safety. Attends all scheduled employee meetings and brings suggestions for improvement. Supervise the Kitchen Hand Perform other related duties as required. 4. MANDATORY QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS • Current Working With Children Suitability Card or eligibility • Appropriate qualifications or demonstrated capabilities and experience. 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The incumbent will need: • An in-depth understanding of and commitment to the mission and objectives of Catholic Education in the Diocese of Cairns • A sound working knowledge of the Catholic education context and an appreciation for Catholic Education issues • The Working with Children (Risk Management & Screening) Act 2000 requires the preferred applicant to be subject to “working with children check” as part of the employment screening process. Further details regarding this check may be obtained by accessing the web site of the Public Safety Business Agency at the following internet address: www.bluecard.qld.gov.au Please Note: It is an offence for a disqualified person to sign a blue card application. Penalties of up to five years imprisonment or a fine of up to $50,000 may apply • Confirmation of employment is conditional upon the preferred applicant being issued with a suitability card from the Public Safety Business Agency. • A non-smoking Policy is effective in Catholic Education Services buildings, offices, and motor vehicles • This is a full-time position • There is no accommodation allowance with the position. 6. SELECTION CRITERIA ESSENTIAL SKILLS • Completed an apprenticeship or trade qualification and experience • Leadership skills and team player • Have a working understanding of HACCP and its application to the workplace • Excellent communication skills • Work well in a team or singularly • Training & development skills • Ability to develop menus, checklists, standard procedures, purchasing and stock control • Strong customer service ethic and skills • Ability to work under pressure with multiple tasks • Capable use of Microsoft Excel and Word • Current Driver’s Licence DESIRABLE SKILLS • Skills in working with young people in a dynamic and changing environment • Experience is managing catering budgets and reporting on these. • Experience with managing and supervising Apprentices and kitchen staff. • LR or MR Driver’s Licence • First Aid qualifications
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