CLENT PARISH COUNCIL CLERK TO THE COUNCIL: RUTH MULLETT, 167 BROMSGROVE ROAD, HUNNINGTON, WEST MIDLANDS, B62 0JU TEL: 01562 710255, email __________________________________________________________________________________ TO MEMBERS OF CLENT PARISH COUNCIL You are duly summoned to attend the Meeting of Clent Parish Council to be held on Monday, 16th February 2015 at Hagley Free Church, Hagley, Clent commencing at 7.00p.m. Democratic half-hour/Public Question Time: Electors are invited to give their views and question the Parish Council on issues on this Agenda, or raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of the Chairman. A Councillor with a prejudicial interest in a particular issue may address the Council on the issue during public question time subject to the Councillor leaving the room in the event of an exchange of the issue between the public and the Council during public question time. The time of the democratic half-hour is at the discretion of the Chairman. PLEASE NOTE THE NEW START TIME OF 7.00PM BUSINESS OF THE AGENDA 1. 1.1 APOLOGIES/ATTENDANCE REGISTER To receive apologies and to approve reasons for absence. 2. 2.1 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Register of Interests – Councillors are reminded of the need to update their Register of Interests. To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on the Agenda and their nature. To declare any Other Disclosable Interests in items on the Agenda and their nature. Councillors who have declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, or an Other Disclosable Interest which falls within the terms of paragraph 12(4) of the Code of Conduct, must leave the room for the relevant items. Failure to register or declare a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest may result in the commission of criminal offence. To consider written requests from Councillors for the council to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) – written requests to be with the Clerk at least four clear days, prior to a meeting. 2.2 2.3 2.4 3. 3.1 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS To approve the Minutes of meeting held on Monday 19th January 2015 (Attached). 4. 4.1 YOUTH COUNCIL To receive update 5. 5.1 PLAYING FIELD/RECREATION AREA To receive update 6. 6.1 FINANCE Cash Flow and Bank Reconciliation Report (Copy Attached). 1 CLENT PARISH COUNCIL CLERK TO THE COUNCIL: RUTH MULLETT, 167 BROMSGROVE ROAD, HUNNINGTON, WEST MIDLANDS, B62 0JU TEL: 01562 710255, email __________________________________________________________________________________ 6.2 Accounts for payment HMRC Payroll taxes due 330.31 Phil Dunkley Lengthsman 515.95 JRB Enterprise Ltd Dog bag dispenser 102.60 Worcestershire CC Street Light replacements 4446.76 Nick Sugden Mileage 20.70 Ruth Mullett Laptop – taken from Council tax 837.09 support grant ARUP Professional Fees – 50% 1400.00 contribution Steve Tromans Underpayment of standing order 234.00 Cyan Bench 329.99 7. 7.1 7.2 TO RECEIVE CLERK’S REPORT To receive update on sign for commemoration of The First World War To discuss/RESOLVE whether or not to instruct a company to survey the War Memorial 8. 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 TO RECEIVE UPDATES/REPORTS Police Report/Neighbourhood Watch/Community Speedwatch District Councillors County Councillors New Homes Bonus Community Governance Review for Proposed Boundary Changes to Clent and Hagley Parish Council Areas 9. 9.1 PLANNING MATTERS 14/0629 – Land at Kidderminster Road/Western Road, Hagley – Full planning application for the erection of 83 dwellings, a link road and associated infrastructure (an amendment to the approved planning permissions 12/0593 and 13/0398 to increase the number of dwellings by 17 with associated changes to house types and positioning of dwellings) on land off Kidderminster Road, Hagley – to receive update District Council Decisions 14/0744 – The Squash Court, Thicknall Lane – demolition of squash court building and erection of a detached dwelling – Granted 14/0963 – Holy Cross, Stourbridge – Single Storey Rear Extension – Granted 14/0791 – Norwich Cottage, Walton Pool – Erection of replacement conservatory Refused Planning Applications for Parish Council Comments 14/1017 – Listed Building Consent – Clent House, Bromsgrove Road – demolition of redundant greenhouses and construction of outdoor swimming pool and single storey plant room within walled garden area 15/0060 – Listed Building Consent – repair/refurbishment works to dovecote. Repair works to brick walling within walled garden, including area of replacement infill walling. 15/0069 – The Old Vicarage, St Leonards Square – alterations to ground floor layout of house – removal of wall between garden room and small anti-hall to incorporate this 9.2 9.3 2 CLENT PARISH COUNCIL CLERK TO THE COUNCIL: RUTH MULLETT, 167 BROMSGROVE ROAD, HUNNINGTON, WEST MIDLANDS, B62 0JU TEL: 01562 710255, email __________________________________________________________________________________ unused space into the enlarged kitchen area approved under previous listed building application reference : 14/0434 14/1022 – Clent House, Bromsgrove Road – Proposed construction of hard paved tennis court. Change of use of paddock area to garden area 15/0054 – Strathearn, Western Road, Hagley – demolition of existing house and provision of 7 family dwellings including parking, landscaping, materials and associated infrastructure 9.4 Planning Appeals None 9.5 Planning Appeal Decisions None 10. 10.1 CENTENARY FIELD/GRASS CUTTING/HEDGE MANAGEMENT To receive update 11. HIGHWAYS/FOOTPATHS 11.1 To receive update 12. 12.1 STREET LIGHTING/SIGNS To receive update 13. 13.1 PARISH MAINTENANCE/LENGTHSMAN To receive update 14. 14.1 OUTSIDE MEETINGS/COUNCILLORS REPRESENTING OUTSIDE BODIES To receive update 15. CLERK’S REPORT ON URGENT DECISIONS SINCE THE LAST MEETING 15.1 Nothing to report 16. NEW ISSUES AND ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING TO BE HELD ON MONDAY 16th MARCH 2015, 7.00PM AT CLENT PARISH HALL 17. CHEQUES SIGNING AS APPROVED UNDER ITEM 6.2 Ruth Mullett Clerk to the Council 3
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